The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, October 13, 1887, Image 4

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ida tad MAIL WAY. & of this w mad are ran by , M BfFEOT MAT 15, 188T. oa this rend wlU ran daily A ■ Fi^t IMI. r*a» w. Br ... Ar UM pit a a*:: "Lr *215 Lf .......ftsips. * .*.» Lv 804pm Fls»t Sfumshlp Um«' j* ;JSS£ iv...ta ra pa...Ar Ar..Ity Wo.»..Lv Vj* At.. Havana..|w Iiottst Oars to and from' Mvw fork ^Nn<J Tampa. sss ^-^satT.±vta ••*»?* &» •■* is . Ar.f^ Bt llPWi am n s Ili h i .o.^v 1M1 pai 13 7(W.MLf....Jaeh*Bi|ft3fc.*Jkr noon ir 196 pm »C 3 g!^ar f*! 7 96 pm «■» j J ..Vai'loeia...... jSt i c-r«-Hi ()i pm Lr..... flMpm * 33 M pm pm Ar.. bv... ...TB^Bmsv .e^tt uitmn.. lUe..^..l .... .1* a 3 148 M pm pm 3 W PH» Ar...;lk«Dbooobre4;Lr Arr.TTTidnkrifcBgr.,.Lv 11 25 am 4 04 pm 11 80 am Pullman buffet o*rs to and'from Jackson vtlbaodNsw York, Pensasola. to and from Wayoross and Nsw Orleans via East Florida Eiprass. 1 30 pm Lv......Savannah.......Ar 13 06 pm tfXO 3 20 pm Ar Lv........lamp........Lv ......Wayero—.......Lv 10 8 23 83 am pm am Yto pm Ar.“... Jaaltaonviii*.... .Lv 7 OuTin 4 15 pm Lv 7 20 pm Lv... *•»«<-......»'«“*» 8 31 i in Ar.......Dup ont,,,. Lv 6 80 am '8 25 pm Lv Lake Chty Ar 10 45 »m 3 46 pm Lv.....draui'-NVillt......Ar 10 80 am 6 55 pm Lv......Lit. Osk......Ar 7 10 am 8 40 pm Lv ... .Dupont........Ar *25 am 10 55 pm Ar .. TbomaavilW.....Lv 8 25 ant 1 22 am .............AUny........Lv Ar 1 35 »m Pullm tan bnffet cars to and from Jaokson villa nn d St. Louis via Thomuvtlla and Albany, Montgomery, Nashville Lv.......Savannah......Ar Albany Exprm. 7 35 pm 0 10 am 10 05 pm Ar.Wxrcro..._Lv Lv........Jonup........Lv 18 8 20MU 10 40am am ilnn Wn f r ......J»«kwavtUs. ".Lv 9 00 pm J 01 11 m *' T ......Jackaonvitle.....Ar 6 80aia 380am 1 05 am Lv.......Waycross......Af Ar........Dupont........Lv 1180 »5 pm 10 pm .s 11J0 2 sfc''- , w Ar - : 2 < ^ Bra& ln,,y| l 1 *- ; • .....irfss • • , L v _j j5j;m l Pi 4.1 araAr.......Lake Oity......Lv 325pm 2 55 am Lv “*DnSwu--Ar ThnmLvtii*..... U 35 nni 0 30 am Ar. ah?r. ..... I 7 mil!! m nm II 40amAr. ...Albany......^Lv t. 4 00pu Htops at all regnlar stations. Pullman buf fet sh-Hpingesrs to and from Jacksonville and Tknmasullla I nomlavllla C. CXpiBoS. nrlc . 0 05 a m Lv ...Waycrosg......Ar 700 pm 10 20 a m Ar...... 'lhomiiivii|o....Lv 2 15 p m Htops at all rogul irand flog stations. Jasup Express. :i 45 pm Lv ... Hi van nah Ar 8 SO m 10 pin Ar........J«.up........Lv 6 25 am Htops at all regular and flag stations. CONNECTIONS. At SAVANNAH for Onarleston at B.45 a m oi ir* Align ta v a Y< lnisteo at 12.40 p m. 12.28 p m nnd 8.23 p in, for Ani'UiCa all I At liuita a 1 7a m, 0 16 j> m and 8.20 p in; with ntesmihips for New Y o k Hunday/Taraday and Friday; for day. Button Timrsday; .or Baliimo.c . Very flf di At JEHU1’ f r Rninuviek at 1.45 am an I 3 35 p in; (or t M ii lu.30 a m nnd 10 p m. At WAY* POSH foi Brunswick at 10 a in and • fit p in At CALLAHAN for Fernandinx at 2.47 p in foi Waldo, Cedal K< y, Ocala, etc., at 11 27 a in At 1,1VK OAK for Aladison, Tallalmaa etc. al 10,58 a in nn l 7 80 p m. At. tiA INEHV1LLE for Ocala, Tavares. liroiiksiill e and Tunpi at 10.65 a m At AM1VNY for A'lanta, Macon, Montgom¬ ery, Mobil*, L'llA lTAIIOOOIIEB N'ot O leans. Nashville, eta. At for Pensacola, Mo¬ l'd . New Oil atis, 4.14 p m. lie,,,ta »old and >1 pm; Oar Bertha secured nt Blil.N’B Ticket Office, and at tho J’aas n . i Hint ,,n. WM, P. nARDEM, Oen’l, I'hhh. A t U. 0. FLEMING, iipeHntendeni East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railway. GEORGIA DIVISION. nn: • 'MID IN End'd T .U’l.Y 24, 1887 I, I U! I am l ou j m I E i in yin I I 1 5 piil \ n l" n ii l im . copm I 1 III.el'M - No. 15. i.N >. I I I ............ linSam 110 7 05 pm A ............ 'J [in am 15pm I ......... '.':15 am 10 30pm A ......... 3 15 pin 3 13 am I I........... aanpm 4 jim 3 4 20 20 am mv.' \V ,,,, ..... 40 am r jit............! ......... Ii .V) pm 6 30 am Air J#k 7 45 pm 7 25 am 4\ 1 7 *•»« 1 ,-av ..... I 5 , ID 24 Arr-y- i i . pm till 3 20 |>m it 30 am Ai I U'r I H ,... 5 35pm 6 00am 1 .1 ........... i....... 6 7 58pm lfl pm! 8 ti 10#m 15 am A' r i ir> 12 An ni ...... um i m (ini:.\r h NNI 8\\V HOU I E 'E AST. l.cAV, ( •j :V) am in oo | m Arnv K II 1 50 pm 2 tin am 7 lo pm 6 .0 am 1 30 am 12 Natural lll'hlg H 54 am 2 02 pm I ti.A........ 7 50 am 6 nS pm 1 ! .t"\sn II 55 pm 10 lu pm 1 * ii 3 30 pill 12 50 am ll hiu, 6 50 pm 4 25aiu N w Y i 3 35 pm * 10 * m Ip ft' n U ! 1 36 am 13 u i. urg | 3 45 am 2 40pm i«hm •U 10 45 am 9 40pm J..It in 12 nOu'n "K 1 Inlt.h'lplli*, | | fTnpm 4 50 6 N< w Y.I k ... pui 1 I.vil'l 1 6 55 am 8 00 ;m An ix 3 1 am 4 17 pm l ( 1130 aui 7 on | m N ,| l I 2 25 pm D 55 pm 1 II,. a n l » 01 n’n 2 30 pm Arnv I 1 6 24 pm 8 20 pm N .w \ .....110 34 pm......j_. VI \ Ml'.Mi II \\ 1 > I II MU F. r«N n. ll. I t ,i.....i .........I 1 ) 25 a mi 7 10 pin Am 016pm C 10 am Arrive Ln I 11 55 pm VIA lv. t', I A 0. It. 1L l 1 - 110 30am A r v.' Kaca t 7 40 am VIA t INt’INN VTl miI ’1 IIEKN K'Y I 0 > a in | 7 l > pm I.uti I 15pm 6t'5am ('ut i 6 era un (1 40atn rive Chi .ig > . t', im 6 40 pm tiro tj . l,i*u t, mil 6 50 pm VIA N. C. H. L. It Y l.< ave ( 1 1: rtone i 1 10 pm H 50 pm Arrive Nits! v 7 on p m 6 25 am Arriv, Lull rv.ll 2 20 m i 2 20 pm Arrive Chi.' Arnv S 1 ni f! IV) um I'nllium > I 1 I < Obn a K I o> n. in., 4 fa 1 *> I0:0 h p s in f.l; .S, W 4 1 v lattano >g,t at i» ;i a. I: S . fur Washington via 1 >' hl Ul'g = ■ •“gs st 7:10 It. in., for M i mphta. Fallman ll ill i 8 e pi t t «. leave Atlanta Iml.v t«,r Jui'koinwil «t 7 05 ’■VI n IwiHlitou Hi.. ; tug t:.irs av Atlanta at in 20 <4 n'l m l«i:y ter lt un W. \\N. U ,» . nl 1 eki'i art. Ivn xu le, Tt nn D J RI.LI8 X I' 4 VDots. tit. SUBSCRIBE To your Home I'aper THE BEST FATE - in rm; n*i nty AmrussIAdenise! ' It will pay you to adverti-c in This Paoer! ^PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ' THE PITICI OF ” . 2 8M>ifc l ilil Iiliilii ill II I r ’ '* l!.D!.ffl lGE. - - INVS suit Sr* #* Up and Dawn \kd- u m W ~ ShHLll jJ.7' s<*d, a plumb lt»f? ' - _«oHd maaonry of ... the world .. nas tomea fi3lt2i?2£ “®* a 01 ■■ «2chtau»rtan^ SSSHlSSrtS t M r th?' , trowd n and f iiTte“ met it over thereof't amlas^he^fuS^ »“ naturally seeks the centre of “ES2S trravitv SJr i„ £ it bulges out. an 1 jnst what, is the perpendieu lar. «'«r textir.*pi went* (Soillas standing oa the wail c f ..hniacter, which tho Israo.itoa ^An.Vtiw Cd tr'LTnHhd se-st thou' and I said, A plumb What the world wants is a straight up and down religion. Mu.-h of tin so-called pWjr tll^. e/ 'u.h!'nndc“ S " wav and that, ollU^- to irajfc Of Wehare jHiilduia '"K'y i "!P, a wail r' w ' t of cli iractor, needs reconstruction. and it is gla* J'ow sh.ull 1 it ls> brought 1 into the piroendkn^ rJiril aki i ' - Al> ^ Tl,. wh..l- i. r.t Ih. timM Uto nwh* ys net by tha stud ad of wliat otheretokf i r they p a v cards wo p ay cards. If they of Cki°w.Moad1 ct’ y ^ M fflS of other JJT «- llvs r chnr.i nnd 'P'r r-ret the = iho ngW infallible trek which Aims saw. The finest ion for me should^ ivi*Vn?™ ■'•jW-'k is right, but what CMgi th *. '^f wj,lo :is th > wo. M. Tliore are lo.OJO plnmb : iines in use, but only on'* is true and exact, ThJreU*‘ “ffi,A n u?i »«•"/f»*rnal t ten .'il* 1 »« ,n K n»de right., to „'^5?? J K , Si°'Ttomw^ T I’isa lennsover about Uilrtwm fret rrom ths pi-nK-ndiculsr, l.s an I i> oplo inclination, co th msanto of >» to sw its irracefnl and b/ *. } ft riol V nrvlwUs tural con hl^ '<MMiiet ‘K’ , littlo w. asl.mtf Why havo the lillar of a not truth n leaning towerf Wbe u l N M >l a, j.’h’l"':;oo.l aS n '* straight ? ri , * ar «L 1 down? as up w> , Nr Men Is. we must havea stand ird; • hah it be ;<>-l s or nuns? The ditiuc pbnub liu • n.ssis te bo throws overall nn rehandise. Thnusauf T of years rtotnr ers to depre i licgtnR :^ , r , N I 'ir lie t, saw ’ n,e r Ing down nn nrin-le loner nnl lower, and say mg it was not worth tho price asked, and when he lud purchased nt, tho lowest poinAfcf told everyImly wh it a sharp bargain thonK he struck, and howl.. Ini outwittSl nrrM 1 'Titb 1 'i th* 'i ^veVS Vi iVnh J' na .1 h { “ . in • , 111 utu , Ml i8H : 1 11 Tv n s. I gviot^Mu, ■. ■ l Vcr UaiWpS . i I 11 1 es I & that he will hav^” jj l| aKX's It ■f “fc’&e is II li I the bn vcr. H’ • t x i m Is ispo,.r; I can get'J w n 1 . tie, •'•I* at a smaller price;!, it, i tl non; il r 'Ininago.i; it will fade; 4 It will •a wc:|, After a while tha in II ov T p. rsiiftsio i or from de sir 1-1 of that jparticular atock of 1 poods, -iivs; ‘ 'We: I t l£EZ wJX tirire." and th i|'» purchaser If 1 1 . Td c l» 1, ™ 1 V J.Kiu 1 <’• n'li iii f,.; 4 .n,is nn/i ii, .li 1 III .III a uonls, he lies and !S proud of tt. r«>tlimg w o.i ,1 make times ns goo l. and tho sul adaption 'ngiit. h 1 Susj'.icion of the law Of ni Puiviiascrs'"*Iinow *not pet. the money willlv! «e««5 whether till! (he goods siiimie I l in * Ini to .aim, I. . , *i,o niskii'g'false ih i entrlS i munbi-r of elerks who are Lrs Kin li/inc "r tt & 'I'M nl fa:r»r f r !” 'a** ,d ° f f ♦" m,L ^ u-ing » mid in. m ^starnls »> aerompUshlS un amhllu the pressure dora right is pithy for ihe laboring elassMS who toil with i^.t^w*! 3SSK conduit s^jsiWjraasJTiarat business a while prices nrv fallimr, Snl k 11 1 f '^' r j " h on ^xmple If tell n im»at wliat a rum mnly low price , rnov imn lmso'l an nriit lft it iWvo« mnrA linn nay tlmn satisfaction, tho bankruptcy and defat X nianv d< pnrtinriifs I’ll men who toil with the 1 ^ rain i n 1 full as mil 'll those who toil with the hands. ah tiuunre* life is struck through with suspicion, anti (lull! panics are only the result of want of coaft* The pr a^uro to > r. nc all the stronger'’ from the fih’t th it ii our «li the' largo burf. riBcra* The val lilllofWl »win^ up ft ud " nunnowa iJL large hmi-es nnders. II th .h.-vcn,i sill .11 ..nun i cause nothing they chii .ifl'ord it afford to make ("ally lose, on sonic style* of g "Is, IlSilll,. 1 | y <'an make : title rs So u great dry gixxls house g atrokj sal of its regular line and sells honks or Sellers less than .................„ and that swamps thebudp^ ..Mid ill ™thV tirte ttl lowest figures I isame dealer in hi ■a hr i An thinir i goes on in "u her -t\ of merchandise along’ aWdl the -Oils. mce is that all business -iic is of all our cities therew are In aU)ve territ| m Uln KU , ic'g!e" Ih'. , to kV-oiV^theT^heSS water. ('murders run down the Newfoundland fishing smacks. Till* is nothing ngiirut tho mm who has the Mf ** o e**’ "‘mi >' w* hrgi>a store fXlRl.runi'd'! rf-ht in,Vr Vl'thisl^wu^ require* martyr griv,., i.. . niii-e* Yfa) iH>rt, ri»|wir*>« i rcinf('r* oment. thort* nn* tons of th rnsnii U of such meu aK* vhey k**ep their WS m l :.h i J,s' gS/SSSrSW: their laticnci' atvl ail I tli.-ir Chi s iun cons*.t njcy, nnl after a wh in their turn of s iceesi will coins. Tha own -re of the big h..sines will die an l their 1 ..vs will get possession of the business, and a cigar in tin. month, and full to the chin with tho tiest liquor, nml behind a of spanking the turnpike t.ays road they tom[K>ral will pass andetorniB everything ..ii to perdition. Thai tho business will break up, and tho smaller dealers will have fair oppor tunlty. Or tho spirit of contentment and right largo foaling firm, will recently tako possession in of th* as tha care of A. A. Low & to., and tho firm say: “Wo havo enough money for all our nissts and tho busing noeds of and our children; now, let us diMolvt make wny for other tnon in tho name lino.” Intfoad cf being stArtloii at a solitary instanee of magnMiim» tty. at in tha caaa just mentioned, it wUI to cornea common thing. I know of scores'W jwJFtnnity of lav,ss vast accumulation, that have had thntr an.1 who T ought to quit. But, perhaps, for nil the day* nroserveyour equilibrium, and v.m»hamia and vour faith, and throw over all ami^eottonl«lre.’and t re and shtdvre, and barrels, ear an.l rice ths ing lm* of divine right. " And tho Lord said unto mo Amra what seed thm. I an. * U«i, III Jlrvnfe ^nr,. iUai' l.v^ravT/.fWquPii'tVVaste'w'niM^hft^th* by toe U ’Jp!are , "foo b t y 'and^rolicioaf 10 ^ .h . ton-all of them devices of th* devil that w il.l take th • heart away from the only re> fc t f > *2ftass.sasfjrii ivh^ion written in the book, w|aich bo w hi neighUir as .re -If.” All religions but one Is gin at the wrong end and in th* wrong 11 • tiret’ n Bi nghr , ^to h.T’^t ^ Mm* get < Riu at top and measures down, white tlie other reliciona b W > >clu at the bottorakuHt attC try to mmauro up dliev rtxii.l of the wall up to then- kne<>« in th* mud of I'.hmui'ie^Mef u'etriu^tt^YtoA to'lt.^Jjirf and' I oth^.V^VT,ra\W^MS2r*^S they throw the pliqnniet t bt< way break | then they throw it tfnU up. and It down m«n' own ,«to Fools: Why Wm you s and at tho foot of the wall uwvwr Z I t$ in the tow tXer £ was country, thirsty m ^ U»v roUsd out Xml ot |Im cup.bhw. bibwSa sm|to ^5 III In Bff'l" BSfirr- 7* . wwO(pir, tna b so mail a apaos I noveraiw more splendor often and concentrated. all But she blew onoetoo the glory vanfabed into _____i 5S» «and i Water thirst Then and I turned was rsfroahe-L and took And m glass «o far all of is concerned, I put against tha glowing, glittering soap bubbles of draught worldly reform from and human speculation one the fountain from under the of 0o _ 4ic . , __ rysta l Glory to - rekl, SS n A ^ plumb am ’A line. ”"!thonl ” au dI . t want you to notice this fact, that when a g ives tipjfre rtraight up and down re !Sl StirtSSJ***’ st. ESHmSH 0 »•!“"« "ome one if he will darkness, ks broad m. hell. They y?** reilglqnthat will allow them to keep 1 ^ ft Th ere i 2., Hero ? 1 ^ n*i, '? massacred. . There is fe and Jim^Fisk. ’is'i and Itobes £ , 5 ” h S 2 to n’lPthA S 5 toters pickwx'kets and liiiertines of anT ocntune.s. Th-y have all got crowns, , ftrones, and harps, and “Thanksgiving, scepters, and when I chant-th-v sing: and i £t°n “uK*v™^without re- : I fcasof peotanoe and faith In those disgraceful doz- ** ! ^y e'clesiastical old fo-visne'’ text gives me a grand opportunity of #lkat to fondnrh^!^ , }! ( r y a'‘li?, 'i,ne "of use a atonemason or a lu-icklavcr is a n'umb lino? Why not build the wall bv the 1 eye and bandl Bacause they are In- , because if there be a detlwtion in 1 SK™ in Z.k, S '”i “ vm.XtrM 4M wfe. A young man is in' danger d fitting BLflTveld^lTM a defect in his wall of character that i','”- ° f “ d h^ Tn Hneo *1 of ag^-U*fore hough 4 which ilvn rears he 1-id fit 1 intoxicating liquor until particular carousal that took him off. well in a street on n hot summer , SS make^hiin fcM^ifcttffr" rtor*. to«t « ° y.«a . ' SLre of something was* to D.l * d^‘ And 'and! Kt alcohol arouij in old’ and one be entered drop the appe- | the first liquor star*, and ajEifaic, oftZ. his^wife daughters fl.^ing and from his prreenc., until he was taken to the cit v oarly hospital habit to die. had lain The quiet combustible nearly forty material of i tsaa«sas»% sfira years, , high, and yet n deflection one foot the foundation affects tlio entire struct And If you live KX) years, and do right j I ’Wtomethlng eighty years, you may, nevertheless, wili at twenty years of age that damage all liuilt your houses earthly for existeuee. All you have vous»lves or for nm I not right in sayitv» to these as of its to foundations? lie independent A before of tho thirty character nun years of*go Ufetima may commit enough sin to t lust him a A cat that has killed <n> pigeon lie cured. Ku-p j it from killing " thu pMMrl Wiliiam! No _ ohn Alexander, or nror or* or drew, sa, or Henry, whatever or be Chris or or your and name or surname, say here now: wild oats for me, no cigars or cigarettre t!a am going to start right and keep on right. Dodhelp mo, for Iain very weak. From tho In building everything by*wS^an from foundation bo g'uid^ to capstone. Lord God, by tho wounded hand Of ChrM, throw me a plumb line!*’ .Lord Nelson’s general direction when going r !!i!!L 7,“ t !io! frL.lTyou S ',.!;ll''!!!.!'l‘!, wW l l ne^ .' > .V..?f!.7 Wroiw if you ? keep ty your life cloee alongside tho do Ten Cotniniunl nients. I >o nglit, nml you can she four corners of the earth. “But,” you say, “you shut us voting folks Jto'f un' ^'Siavo^h iTi its'^f ^'in * mv jS of 1 an extraordinary ^ x< ?. < ’ rc *l‘ t 40 parental mo, but example tsvaus-j an<1 l«»fluence I was kept from -CTumitowVTth-S sS.'lv’^ek.'si^I V i^ver Z imd swore «»1 never gambled for so much as feSLnbssioner ! a lueof a ‘ ,u ' 0,1,1 n ‘'V nsaw Ui " a - . t of 1111 ee and lexplo're.,these JTtoZ ami twoelders of my eluireli, gWrahy midnight, not out of curiosity, but SEi^^^isrs: s»»t y x-2ts?ra-™ I ot have had so much fun . rlB-l.t Kin * mav lia > 8iMn seem attractive nt ; , rirtlvt » l,ut h 11 deatiful, i and like tl»o man< a true masyjteia.ASas'fgt: life. y genuine The his (t^w&’cair!.!^^ wanting to l*ol, blackens DMCK j II he 'lean SIvGM best when I take my hit or and Id the mnshina blase in mv lie face, an I after arm sqaa blebroi k fa.-t. isnotutioiof blaek OJJtAtm, starvation, but of It.-ht anFl'” lt j* midnfs'h? brothers. conijilinvt The lo'ie There go—two one was convert year ago in church.ona Sunday monting, JSrthimlus-‘"‘X, "otlltog'buUn Dial 1 ^wk®* bran’s wul this process went on: I nin. a young Ilian amid the |»mp tstions of cry h.e, and I am afraid to 4BHreMB9uone; «Mp; come and making be my pardon and ^Skooma •avonu- from the mistake of tny eoiuradt s are making, and now.” An.l quicker than a Hash Ood Into his soul. Ho is just ns used before to was* ;u .'•oaveit’.iL . as ijrilliant ‘ as h • he VVith ««n or fishing skdlful rod ini this licforo. summer■ llm va-ati-m world as as to him than ever. He appro sBSsffui h ilor'.oiw ,L lu fun. m.ruing lint Ids bis brother lea i '. the th« ^ chwnpagne d tUyeent. <U 4 ha u **h H ; liut Kvory* r *P cares vSZ3-«X health, cast down inspirits, tho fever stnkre him in the smallest ’fBiom jKding on the fourth story of a fifth rate hop.* ctireing (i,,l and calling for mother, and figliti.ig l»a>’k demons iioin dying pillow, whi. h u I. •s.v. utol an.l to rags, he plunges out of tho world “■JiAneshrtok that kind kind of of of fun! funl a destroyed It It i*remorse. is remorse. spirit spirit. It It isile- is.I..- Alas ; rftalr. It It 1* is Waeknem Wacknesx of of blackneax. blackness. It Itisx^,., is woo and long reverla-rating, and S crush a» though all tho mountains c£ a ah eoutinauta roll on him in one avalanche. hi ^ *wl, man, atan there i back is from no fun such in ship- fun. :KSngyour jBSeUBg your fathers character, nane. no There fuu in is d»- no breikinff your mother’s ho irt There is i* iu no tlie fun m the pan^-i protli^atostleath-lH^I. of the di^^olutf*. Ke to no fun in an undone.eternity. wtof tho ashes of a burnt.rose. alebemu undertaking, ana ns nt~ no burawl down in sin can never again bo iiroO ckureh^ to allow wheth-r they are Useful work or are standing instances Mlencss ami pretense. He will throw that line over; mil imt ous to demonstrate their livesnre just or ‘hS SS'ii^ tKZ h'"r'T4' sss t V ’he u":; JkiH*» and w ng* l.roke , thing pless into j^Smlrami*, ^ Pti i; A ^; inn . |‘KSS^oeftire and i nr I uivnhis, and of’d'h-eiue a’kurolTng'to > A*acepter. and all tbe world blanched in the ckH*i h.w «f h«*r w»Mu‘ry slain by tho ^ajyato’ggj't.'^agtt* toat plu.ub tine over this American KfcMfcTkhd it XthTr Is a solemn nghu^ac,*^ tim^with orVm wh ‘‘ tl ‘,’“ r 0 ar<? Ch r ,l,t i aa jEpt^STwlwtlier 8T tatM.- whether we falfill , H n our m'sswn or wa are for Goi or against Jjyh de«’ide whether we shall Sbyton?anl ns a nt Tneb Krave 1 -s, an Assyria are you, •• if there be nothing but a pfemb lin* what can any of as do, for there lum old prm-erj. which truthfully decl^: St?’“wSitaftidK ’UShabaWmatoa fault* wer* w^l^Unfi wriltou on bu iaftotobk »*-l sliaU lay judgment to the line Mrk>wV Al^WIIWIM *> make «p (qr <mr deficits. And while I ese hanging an the wall a plumb line, t aee also hanging there a And while the one condemns ns the other saves ns, if only we will hold to it And here and now you may be set free with a jgy glorious liberty than Hampton, Invalid proprietress of a wealthy estate in Scotland visited the continent of Europe to toc£h,b£?tnJfiriLdttaaw.£k, J wa 8 te" e “ind tnd went instead went to of Homburg getting an.l better triel she tho» watere.and and in despair said physician: got worss, “What she to a ajs* .rs z.&j Ljsspr.Aff* those waters are on my own estate: ’ She rty £S ££?&~-xx counted^sprfrit veryff-et, and when™^^by, snd^t heart/aye, vow at the door of your sJstafj&atsFteiii2 t*>at against over the plumb line that Amos saw is the cross. through the emancipating powerofwhich Fi you and I may live aiidlivo ' ,er '__ ----------— CLIl’I’lN'US FOB U TIIE CUR10CH. U1ULS. ; Cun r.on were first used in the first half of the fourteenth fourteenth century. cent : urv A French a,lthro l' oIo o'i’t l enumerates 21 characteristic forms of the human nose California fruit is very nice, but |400 tl.c But ’ The best lecturing sections are said to »’e in the West-Ohio, Kansas, Wiscon sin and Michigan. There are over 300,000 children in the United Ptates between one and twelve years old . , whose . lives are insured. , Closed carriages began to be used by perons of the hi-dicst :' quality l in the fourteenth p and n u fifteenth f;r nt v centuries. f Elijah Youngblood,* a farmer of Coffee County, G i., has killed 900 deer, 240 u " iMc 1, ,cals iis and a ' ia thirtv ,nlrl y-° one DC mnthers rnntticrs h* be tween his crops. a.^ «.ho d.*, e «. cv ] ’ near Pichmer.t ’ be-uPone ” dav J in May, , 1810, to float, and moved a dis t ,,nrC mee of 01 ciirbt u ^ IU miles ,nlle9 ' The first warlike aruse kins King of oi whom wnom there mere is any record was C^pareedlntoAdSd Osymandyas of Egypt who m2100B. 1 coiHjucrcd , H.ictrii. ,, ( ... hancillor, an T English - o i. captain, . . r first . sailed into “ the "White Sea in 1553 ’, and Hi* 1 * to the building of , Archangel , and , the commerce of Russia. The bunk of England was established in 1<i9 »’ a " d i9 the govern meat, receiving all taxes, and paying al divi dcnds and outgoings ° for public ' of flees. Russia is . endeavoring . energetically t promote ' the manufacture of steel with ln mr territory. . Heavy orders , for , navy small arms and armor plates have recently been issued by the Alar I) ( >ivirttnent ' tverj body lives over a shop, , if the house , be two stories, or uscs tlic lowir floor for stabling the horses, quartering tho servants, etc. Even millionaires often rent the ground floor of tlnir swell res dunces r for busi- , ■ ,lCSS There h a lady ^ in Panoh Oa who is * <>“' , «»-’ther . of . twelve living children, the cM, ' ht of " hom is ^ ^ .' ears of age ««1 the youngest seventeen, and she never lias seen them together all at once .................. '™ bi » guinea lien that wanted to sit. Her nest «“ l,r " k ‘'" "!’ “ vml 1 rt>,lie dejection, she walked to the well, llew . the curbing, nnd, with up on a water. .......... When she taken ^ out «■*> she was ”■« There was a shower of stones near Dc , . thei volcanic , . of .... the Argen oris, in region tine Republic, a few weeksago, that lasted for more than a minute. The stones fell ns thick as hail and varied in size from a P l ‘ bh ‘‘ ,H ;i v, ' r v respectable boulder. - ,la niage was done to trees, while barns aud outhouses were demolished, nianv domestic animals killed, and large nuinm rs oi f unu , geese anu d i naw k ks on „ n tho t c„ win c „ ' - .. .......... . t,ieat . i.ana . „ Jserpent. !\ lion the oil fever struck the town of Otto in Cattaraugus county, there was a plot 1 of several acres far up 1 a ravino which was practically unexplored. It was swampy and overgrown with briars , tnd underbrush. The oil scouts located j well in these wilds * and an enternris- 1 ing i:\nkce followed with ix hotel, “round which he kept a numher of sheep and swine. Hccently he missed a pig, and a dav or two later two sheen mvste r.ously disappeared. . 1 he day following *, - . Landlord Sprague ‘ heard his ms doo making maKin 0 a , fuss, and going to th': door, huge saw a black ...... snake, which he savs was 20 feet long long and and nearly nearly as as largo large around as a stovepipe ' 1 crccnin" i through turou„h the th, grass «rass in in the direction of the surrounding under i, rus , h lie gave chase with two men ’ but the reptile got under cover and .. . f , s - that time the flt v * ©mcc „ snake bee n seen by several persons. . • lo •. i . i nc inane i. ennui as j.t uiacic, with a head fmall in proportion toils body. Old inhabitants remember that over 20 years ago a sunnc escaped from recaptured, inc tneory is mat tms huge reptile got into tho swamp and worked , , its .. way back . , through the morass a distance of 20 miles, where it has dwelt in the seclusion offered by the Uu, .re looking for the snake and a.................. The s,cnmfi,li l> Aocliom of tho An. clior line, recently met a tornado 180 miles from Sandy Hook. The wind came on from the northeast, and in a Ycr V 8bort ,imP tlu>rc was a tremendous - sea running. The rain . cam down in .......... ■>■*>«- -»• **«*«««•» able to stand on deck. The lightning f ’7 ">"»,*“»•«»« P lobcs of blue flame P la y e<1 U P and dow “ the rigging and danced along the yards, <">‘1 «eapcd from the masts incessantly, passengers and seamen alike. I For _ about ... two hours , the , wind • , blew at | go m iles an hour. Neither lookout not pilot could sec beyond the ship's rail, because of the solid sheets of raia and fly ing clouds of spray in which the ship seemed to ° be 06 walled " aUea “f ud as “ bv “- V a tt tor l0 *' The engines . were run dead slow, and the * hi P U v to heod t0 the ^ lo ' At - end of two hours the gale broke, weather followed/Nqdamaga wM dpao b J »ilber wia^r FARM AND GARDEN. Tbe Cure of Hoy. Barns or “barracks” are much better for the observation of hay than the cir we >l as in the green state, matter that is soluble in water. For this reason all uf> the exterior of stacks is * ^ \° h*y ng the soluble matter washed from it In round stacks the amount of hay thus exposed is much larger than is usually supposed. The packed sun closely. Thus it will all keep in is the better. If hay has not been well cured in the field, ventilation should be '■ thc Cows and Green Apples. Whether apples 1 will ... injure . • milch , cows and ?T° . something d * sp'h also »p“ on h »r the > b character is ,re M of ; tbe A cow usually has no more discretion as to the kind of apples she shou , d pat Qr the amount gmul , school-boy. When cows break into an orchard or a sudden wind stoim brings down a great number of apples prema turdy, so that cows can get them, then serious injury is sure to result. Th crow ha9 t “ e cramps as evidently as a boy could ,. have them. Often the first sign the owner has is a sudden falling off of the milk vield, and though they mav be of the .tom«h i. .„ch tk.t the ,ldU will not again be as great during that season as it . was before. The worst effects are fron > unri P« ^it. It takes only a few S?« The r acid, g^a bitter apple, to derange the stomach. juices, with which they are filled are more or less poisonous, and even one or two will do more harm than good. U When apples are fully Advantage ripe a very Vo daily may be given with milch cows, though sour apples should be avoided, as even in small quantities they are of little value for milk produc t j on> if R i VP „ u t all they should be fed in measured should should Awi t$>ws quantities,'and on on no no account account be be turned turned in in to to help ,a ‘lp themselves; themselves; they thev will will tat cat a a groat great ma many ny in in a a short short time, time, and and if if hurried hurried may may choke choke in in trying trvimr to to eat cat too too rapidly.— runidlv p 7 -1 ' Cultivator. <»**-*. - The Parsnip 1 When , well the . . sidered be giown. parsnip is con to one of our most valuable and desirable r ‘e garuen garden vegetaiMcs, vegetables and and it it 18 t0 be regret*cd that so little care and our"il our amateur n t^ cultivators, l 1r 1 ^ t T for d it l v ,p0n well ,i t de- ! >y serves a place in all gardens ’ no mutter how small i. It prefers a deep, moderately enriched , . sandy loain, one that has been well worked for a previous crop, although any other will answer if thoroughly aud deeply ij,;,,. plowed as early in the season on as as It is best to give a liberal dressing of decayed manure, and this should be well “nd deeply incorporated plol. with the soil by mean, of the A good harrow ing should then be given, sous to level it oil nicely, when it should be marked oll into drt ^ s “bout two feet apart and an inch and a half in depth. In these drills the seed should be sown rather thinlv, and covered to the depth of about half an m<-h l he seed should he sown early in tho Ih properly prepared. As soon a, the young tbe j? plants are H»«ne^out. strongenough to handle ^ fe ould b< ‘ so that they d * alfthe After thi- attention thev g' " will ill require require is is to i, keep „ them well , cultivate«I nod free ff ll\V 0 ? "T**'^* e;,rth bt ‘ f drawa e " ch «P booing «ound let a the lit P n they A As « are best alter being . touched W™ S^^l 9 *!.' 1 ,S CUS '° mHr - V !° F r ™ i ‘ at >«* 9t and used The M^Xn coition of the eron »■' the student e o„ m n, is in my opinion, a much to'Sfffiilhir “I'tl.rm K ° ll ” r " S and fifty J feet of drill — I Vi’., Javga-on*. Miiaa-ous ___ Tuberculosis in rattle is the same dis ease as writer consumption in in men. Neither, ? a ya “ the AV.r En<jl«„d Former, > 9 understood to be curable, thoturh quack doctors mav sometimes otter remedies to cure consumption. It is not tuberculosis produced by lung worms. The word is derived from a latin word meaning ous°size. small tuber. Tubercles are of vari from that of a millet reed to that of large grapes, and sometimes an weighing aggregation of tubercles form a mass large a pound or more. They are to ° to be found in milk or but ter. t „ r /.i C hcmical 1 „„,j,. 0 i analysis „_„i,..:„ • is unnecessary for ease determining it is usually the quite presence apparent of the dis- the ; to naked eye, but doubted cases may need the microscope to determine their trim nat " re Animals sometimes fatten well atrerlc; ‘ l b v ,hl8 d> s in its - earlier stages, l but emaciation is one of the common symptoms. Tuberculosis i* a disease that is not confined to the 1 '. ,n K s - th °ugh it more commonly affects ,ll0 " u organs. It may locate itself in al most undoubtedly any organ is or frequent part of tlie body. It a cause of uber lion and of barrenness when the generative organs aie the scat of the dis ° ase ‘. vows that appear to be almost constantly disease. in heat arc often affected with If is transmissible from parent to ro offspring ouspring bv oy heredity nc reitiry and auu from Horn eitlier uttier male or temale parent, but infected P* r ems may produce ^ offspring that will not hare the disease, though ft predisno sition to tho disease is jmnitlv ^he increased bv Oy havino li.ivin„ diseased (list a ed iwremte parent The disease is tar more common in adults than in the J°ung of animals It prevails more in warm than m cold countries, and in hot than K in cold L, stables which f.i!:, a vmunk " In "1 part lor its atcr pn \ .jlcn< v in - acnK of faney cattle kept hi tsirnt warm hams It is far more common in liUtiiets where the st oek is chiefly piireliaM**] than where itisraised. The l/uver h mere or less it at the merer of the seller. f..r the latter j. is ine nrst to uiscoxer ___ ; indications • of dc- , jocioes or dealers m stocks. Ine disease is most dangerous to man kind when bad v diseased meat or milk j, catfn , vithout thoronglRy cookbff tulicScs The disease Sre is most broking contproons when ih^ t <(tT »-«>' the -» „to tnlo tln!t 'hrf-r'" oinwoe. n °There wan small should be greater protection to the pub lie, and there will be when the people K^y^^^^.^buArlnilk i^ht aniX the ‘ nan '' r - a r to know that the pro ducing said food ure in good health and <or - respondents \*ho ha\ e facts to commu rJ.i““r medium of p the . u hc«Sr new spaper. 5 ’{T'lVl" \\ e shall !>e glad to give all a hearing on the subject. Farin an< T<^dr„ Notes. As as a a breeder Dreeuer of ot disease msease few lew thinoa tilings *» ex cel a neglected farm-house cellar. Always water vour horses before feed ing them grain, and not soon after. Air-slaked lime is recommended for the cabba SC, onion and turnip maggots, Coal “b” P°sse» or n <> nmnurial value, but serve to lighten up a stiff soil evJry T . <w - » te^hey . . nnmrm mooing are watered. fruit such as cranea. neetar bw^etc., in poU and unter gUto in by Um Engliab. M mi .in—. 11 . ffcfflma cares aw reported of fresh apple pomace having satisfactory been preserved results. in the silo with very An expression of developed opinion at the a recent fact meeting of farmers that most of them inclined to cut hay when in full bloom. Dr. Warder says that the strawberry affords one of the best illustrations of the benefits of shortening-in fruit-bear ing plants to increase fruitfulness. It is better to havea crop of some kind in the ground permitted at all times, provided but such crops be not to mature, to be turned under as manure. Fallowing is not always best. , Prof. „ . Goessman, a. of , v New „ Aork, , . has Sea, profited by cultivating the Southern cow Cut producing a large amount of forage not seeds. As a green manure and as a fodder the cow pea 1 is invaluable. Corn, _ clover , and , other .. crops should , ,, , be allowed to pass the succulent stage and come neariy to maturity before putting them in the silo. Thus they contain the most nutriment and the smallest per cent, of water. Every horse, no matter of what breed or for what purpose, is tho better for en joying at least a should few weeks of pasture subjected in summer. Horses not be to sudden changes from stable to hot sun, and tier raw. SSriSc ■SssSSS ing the milk too long, until it gets very sour; keeping the cream too long; churn ing too slowly, or in an unclean churn ; not taking all the buttermilk out of the butter; keeping the butter in a warm, badly aired or mouldly place; these all cause the butter to become strong, which is the effect of decomposition in it. The food or water of the cow will also cause the trouble. ■ M Those who have plowed corn under for green manuring have been surprised that no benefit from it was observed in after tillage. Even after the lapse of two . four and six months tho corn was l?i“g ancf green good in the bottom of the furrow, as ensilage. Clover, however, thus turned under will rot and omit a powerful odor in a week after bem be ' n g o covered, covered, in in warm warm weather. weather. Green Green the manuring tbe manuring land, land, with with clover clover seems seems to to benefit beuclit while while that that with with corn corn usually usually docs does not. not. Green manurim? with rve ha's >«• *«-«> tato crop if plowed under in the spring The rye for this purpose should be sowed in the autumn. After heading out and irrowinfr It S !“ to a heiirht W of three time or or four four fee r i’ 11 ; , ,in , be P* owed , umler for corn an d potatoes. —— _____ SC’IENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL 1 A . . at Helten. Mo., contains spring over 682 grains to the gallon of mineral mat , r R™" £rr ..i Ils 18 0 of f " which hkh -ire ar< free sul mil * P , ; ““ . „ a< l ; ‘ ' j steam omnibus .... Dresden. is in use in 1,u ' motive power is applied to the hind whw> , su , ftn ■ ht [.oiler the and streets eompouml for cavrying engine. It is used and m passengers, will seat twenty. human Scarlet. beings fever from may the be milk contracted of sul by cows fering from an allied disease. Cow s so afflicted do not present any acute symptoms, and the condition might be easily overlooked unless carefully w.ub hed It is suggested that milk about "hull there is any doubt, should he Ixiiled, in o>der to destroy <lisea^e verms Though it is claimed as one of the ad vantages The of electrieit v that it dues nut raise H^.for temperature' lighting of the ncvcr.liUss, atmosphere i, is " ' /,r ' ^ a l M ’' p - under cei tain conditions, of evolving he; z. . Tins prop erty i. about to be turne — to profitab'e account by lierlin.whohaveannouncedthat the Societe des Usines Elec t in ri(J future, «esof in addition to light, they will be prepared to furnish a supply of electric ity heating ' for purposes. T '* ^ f-. leans were represent,, „ * ,vps of the stone age in most cases, a. rr«rrss'i.iwi were practised, such as cotton and wool >pim™S Colon 8 two species oj goats wire acenmat j ze( j j to Peru for the sake ot their wool. the ordinary mining safety lamp lie 8 *. A portable electric lam,, can now made possessing the following features Weight, about three ttounds ; illumin ating power, live candles; size and shape similar to j resent lamps : duration of light, ten hours ; cost of repairs, charges ‘*f battery and materials, two cents for t pn lmurs ; these facts showing that there nothing to prevent its adoption as a substitute for the present lamps, and even for candles in many mines where they are still in use The } purity of til” mid Atlantic air has • been . demonstrated . . , by . Professor ,, l. ,, ^ V Dennis, of New York, by means of cap sides of sterilized gelatine, which were exposed to it on the promenade deck. where there was free circulation of the atmosphere. infection In developed. ten clays a few When points of were ex posed points in of one infection of the state rooms over within 500 eighteen hours, Hut were developed when a capsule was exposed found over be entirely the bow of the ship it was to uutouched. The ex nerimcntM show how pure was the mid ocean air outside the inclosed spaces of the vessel. The new French incombustible lnco it q„it e a novelty, and the composition by which this result is achieved is coiiallv !u !er a «lanted *1 it seems ’ to re, derinir ” ‘ and 1 wool uninflammable. * a . > It , is . a mix- . ( ure 0 f eighty parts pure sulphate ofnm nloU ; 8i twciitv-five pirts carbonate of "mmonm, . mln onix thirtv tlurty parts partsbora, bora, ie i< ari.l, icid seven sex on tcf n P arf ^^ pure borax, twenty parts gtarc h .and one thousand parts distilled or pure water. These ingredients arc most thoroughly comhined. The mate f r ; u i s nr( . dipped ,U in this solution 1,u while hot, . so as to be completely dried , , , impregnated, . . , after which they are and ironed as ordinnrv starcli fabrics. Hull T- Bicycle J T1: " P ar .‘' '"stances on record where , men t lives have been saved by lv horses but nossihtv the first in w ]{ j> t . nnv „f that place, is a 'Jr'ea* .•] Kentuckian i.iu< aian, over uui six six feet m ci tall iuu, nn< ln,llt ,n l‘r°portion. I he Doctor makes a specialty of pulling teeth, and JW. ^ K^lw^andTatle^atllXu l™ark ; ssssis w to«e a miwl bull, wi.hhernl ,,0 "' n a '‘ l1 ,al1 er i; (,t < charging at him 'Tbo'uli^’.ira it.’ and he had determined to annihilate J' h( : re v ;'j ,s 00 ti ! ne t .° ,bink ^T! n * h, anU,e8 |' nnl *“* , octor . Dent mm ®“ J r viM ”.trz licht ni tehine but closer came (he fais bloodthirgtv ‘ and sil,lv pur uer .,^j lH)S heade'r A a i or a meant death, and he knew it. l!ut strong .egs and as. out machine gained the x ire tory. 3 and the hill top * was reached with the bull not over thirty feet behind. But the Doctor knew he could quickly coast away from him, his aud enemy ou the tired declivity before throwing his legs over the handle bars, he rapidly drew away and left his pursuer. The race was only three-quarters of a mile, and did not last much more than two minutes, but if ■eemed miles and hours long to the ma» on tbe wheel.— Courier-Journal, ^ i# The 39 8 ifl®W grgn elevator bushels. c Of Chicago , Stuilig His Company. A tremendous scare, so says the Paris correspondent prevailed for a of short the time London in the Standard, fronting the Mairie of the Qobelins space ter. About 11 o’clock, quar taking advan ta 8 e °f the feet that a careless keep er had »«* the cage open, one of the lions of Bi del’s menagerie quietly escaped, and with noble and measured tread made its way through were the a maze good of many booths people to the about, open a ° d the sudden appar.tion of the formid ab,e animal caused, great excitement, wo m .°“ and children flying in all directions with screams of terror. The news of its P 6 had , d T nrf>m ^ i ed the ii on ^ h , en ,t ,. rcacbed . , the , neighborhood . , , , of ... the Oob > ® ,ina .. ’ and a BU “** r of men armcd " ,th “Watered up courage and drove it into the yard of a house. Bidel came up Vnd j ust t j )en w j t ), i,j s a 8 S i s tants and a cage £j the Btray J lion was 8afely J 8 e cur( A Heavy Subject. ~ i** Medical Journal gives . the following « interesting particulars of the belght, weight, and dimensions of Thomas Longlcy, of Dover, who is saul to be the heaviest British subicct in the |f|;Sk£k bs.»'S:SSts “ waist 80in size of leg 25m. lie finds considerable difficulty ill walking, and docs not trust himself in a carriage for fear of breaking the springs. IIo is said ,0 ,,u very temperate botli In eating nml ^‘“g, an y'd health and ot has a serious never nature. suffered from --- English Sham Battle. The British autumn manoeuvres nt Al bershot are considered the best that have been known there. They were carried on during . . six . weeks, . and . the f . regunenta . .. marching ,he ndvantage was especially which good, suggo,t ha? “S over simple route expeditions. the “battle The Finc.pul bettlcsbury sham contest fought was of bam Hill, near hren * , when Gen. Smith s field column had arrived within fifteen miles of Al dershot and was there attacked by troops <■»“««*** “The Blood is Life.*’ fountain Thoroughly of health, cleanse by usln the blood Pierce’s which is the g Dr. Ciol dtn Medical Discovery, aim go. digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital strength and soundne.-wof constitution will lit i >tn Inishod. Uolden MedUul Discovery cures a a I 1 humors erupti Kspccial- n, ]y ha t curing IHilson. salt rheum i proven Kev a. y in or uloussoreasm Tetter, •r-sores, 1 swellings, IDp-loiut enlarged .license, glands scrof- and s an eating ulcers cons^ffnip i'olden Medical Discovery cures Uou (whic b »s scrofula of the lungs), by us nut'rUive properties, shortness 'to'r'weak'lmffl breutli, bronehliis, oral n at' uid mg of tiiood, of se vero coughs, asthma, andI it kindred affectlons.l tb pn.mpHy cures * 1 liver, liiliou ness or “li\ el¬ coin y»p 1 jeiisia ly. and iudige st ion, it ls a n n n equaled r elm Sold by un iggists. A N. C. farmer cleared fouu fr hid nn acre of land plauled in wax beaus. i.nnc Trouble*and Wasting Diseases can be cured if properly treated in shown by the following statement from D. c. Fiibbman, Sidney: “Having been a great „ff„ 0 r ,| s „ie pleasure t„ testify that Scott’s KMUiMONof Oxi Liver Oil with iJme ami Soda pleasant myssU. In addition, take.” 1 would say that it is very to known bishop 1’otter, Archbishop” of New Potter. York, will roou be as “ Sick and bilious headache and nil derange ment of stoma h and bowels cured by Dr. Pierce’s “Pellets”-or antl-bllious icrunules. 25 '"ity ^ " aBtP ° f vbtues the Many Irish Englishmen National I.and of prominence are job ling League. Sak|U mmen. nd complete are the made cures dehil- by ral ity, liuhltuul constipation, liver ana I kidney nil I snawia’s-jw ..... T l»itao^oOU,5 ... , . may bowel do for some trim rente -ry, Dr. lllggl best . rs . huckleberry Keep it. Cordial Is the sue e9t and curt*. _ is Co., KSKSS ot Richmond, in which thev niuke’f c to rom Farmc rs should dig the sweet potato cro; t ho first wet k in November. * * * * Delicate (liRsInst s of eith ■rsex radically cured. Send in ci ■nts in :* tamps for lx ink. Ad aross.World’s Dis ponsar> Medical Association Buffalo. N. Y. Tho alliance bet ws en Hu ssla, (termnny and Austria Is at an end and w ill not be renewed. Dniisbtere. Wive* null HoOirri. Send for Pamphlet on Female Diseases, free, securely sealed. Dr. J. Ii. Murcliisi, L'ticu, N.Y. S months' treatment for 50c. Pisu's Remedy for Catarrh. Sold by druggists. flobida, “it Advaaf»K.-»«ndi)r»wt>»cks." Kur iii&nuO.'M! Srosbv.'b'Ij’i.sS:. JLw'yoA.' ’ ' What Is the Use Of your dragging your-clf Around, day after day. without any life or activity, feeling all tired out and mlsftrablo, when you might bo am quick aud lively and strong a* *vor ? Take earo of yourself at once, or In the depleted condition of your system, a com plAlnt otherwise trivial may fasten upon you with serloujor fatal rejults. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is Just the luodlclue you need to build up your entire sys tem, to purify and quicken your blood, and to give you appetite aud btreugth. equal. “Hysd’g Itt**ea Sarsaparilla tbo system, a * a strengthens blool purifier And has lnvlg no oral**, giving now life. I havo taken It for kidney complaint, Pearl with Clucinnatl, tho best results.”—-D. O. H. Sauvobe*. B1 Street, Sold Hood’s by all druggists, Sarsaparilla gl; rU for $5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD * CO., Apothecaries, Lowell Mass. IQO Posea On 8 Do llar KIDDER’S p illHMillKI INDIGESTION ind* DYSPKPSI A. niliESTVI.IN, Over f.,onu I'lij.lcl iB. that ha.r »en< th* u* brut th»lr preparation approval ol .ayliig It la for !n<11ge»Uoii that they hava ever uaed. We hare n»ver heard of a eaaa of Drspepata whar. DIUXSTVI.IM war takea that wan not cured. FOS CHOLERA INFANTUM. tT WILL cube the most aooravatkdcases it will stop vomiting in pkeonancy For s ™u,edire« 'J P reiiuiw V W M C i, iw.prrfect digMtion. ot ^ you, express Our prepaid, bous* is money. N.V -Y” SgF.trr. ^ ureal BorlOwarJlhaZb^n sufferer from 9th m a Aug. «*ta' TEVtR ?JSP.,!?,»M *..* ■ BAA* 03 A MONTH emba to the business, spare momont^ Skse g be ftroflui^ may PATbhts "• <• ,ur amy&WBifc oor ”’’" k ”»‘««reet(on.. FIl.I.INt: BEKC'HKK’S PLACR. Rev. Dr. Parker, of the City Temple, London, was selected to pronounce the eulogy on Henry Ward Beecher in Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., in the ilpit where his friend had stood for forty years. His subject was, “Not here, de’ but risen.’’ The sermon, which was livered without manuscript, was lately a memorial discourse, several sympathetic references being nfiade to tbe deaapsstor. Telegrams while he were in receivod the by Dr. Parker pto in London, was pulpit from his peo sending their jfood wishes. The boose wsJ never more Uoh oi 90* I • . B an byaajr •f tie liver, Udseya, aaiMewsik Di s psy ela, Mek Heaiacbs, BlUoas OMsplatats and Malaria ef aD ktois yield readily to the cf ;ia)l msm It la pleasant to the taste, tones «y the system, restores and preserves health. It Is purely Vegetable, aad cannot toll to prove beneficial, both to old and young. , s a Blood Purifier it Is superior to all others. Bold everywhere at tl.00 a hottlo. " FLORIDA «BWb - jo Orange drove Tradfn of AO acres, o q orange Grove Tracts of SO acres. 40 orange Grove Tracts of 10 acres, Grove Tracts of 5 acres, 400 0rang e Grove Tracts ofS* acres. 100 # CUy Building uuthUna Lots. Lots _ w* are gMng away a portion of our land, that the remainder ^jSSSiS? may be greatly Increased In value. Ad ;iS? i£S seat NUMBERED Land qJJRTIFICATE | LL Which certificate will enable yon to ae-ure one of the above divisions of v^u»J>le Florida property, v' u 0 ;..i:a thXf^merii u de VOU » II... HE A T.t AITOH to rour own * Send vour application not later than two weeks from the dat e of tkit pa per. __-■ _— .._••« WELLS’ ,v KlUS^ HEALTH IULARIA ’ i BEN EWER '• mm ■ : / /If .1 t yTSra /( /■/■ If Do^tSow / \ yooroelf to break.' KMp'-P goini Youth, Health Vl-or. At first sign* of back, becln uao of Wrlijs' Health Rbncwxr. Weakness.Nervon.s and talce, Genercl Debility. Fever 8^ an<! Aieie^Nl.s' t<> pye merit, un EAT to leanness, Nervous Dost, rat Ion, ® o^^lUch^I’i^S 1 ’Dn''gilts 1 *? for nff Pre*. B. 8. U '.lls. Jersej City.N. J. ii U.f. r A. a 90 mm mm. ~ ,vs I * rnrr L U LL I I rnrr 11 I I By „ Special / r ili imaMud fire to make fvnry one of our l idy lotttlorH i ha ii’tldoinp prohont BKZ\\ Cut out th B blip nnd i.u-1 mo it be- b* fore Dec. hit .(with a two-cent m.ii I’tiuMutEt W. .IeiminK K") V) lifin rcM, 16 i’.H?4t ‘1 lltli Hire, t. New York, nnd yon will rccivo «il by ill u-turn a f hir.i put in, wit ii full dost riptum nnd il biMtntt 1 m, of thit J ticket (worth 2» cer.ts.) ‘ r H out with pencil et. the Ui»t84,as, BiJ.o de M : 7i::, l , „d s«b.erd ) . i nne f' rthR^S* • befor* tidiiitf for tliia MW n n d mo ni e pat t rii. It h deboriy- will II e envelope full in contain ft rm tloQ oil *boii». I> 1 ; VI KBT'rt Monthly. One Agent ( Merchant t n i‘ led in every town for <a JMSSOi Our tru k* i n you** “TantUr* ruach*’ la utoadliy In cc, h'iiiUJe as.c u taking i «M>JJ hist m »nth \ s a bai»l», We hop* to r: ait MuuUKf m r mouth. A l E - rtc Cfw, Drug* 1st*. Suit Lako city, Utah. «I It. W. TANSIl.L At CO., Cblcafo. JONES xt in W.s.' tr*n Hirtl Hesrlaft, Brass Tart Beta a nd B eam Bsi tit inentb.s KvsrTsJ^a^^SmrspFiwtllfl this p«p«r u4 addicts iisssiirttv ' ~ ~—— TACK, HANDS, FLLT, ^ ttSMfe Br.i.S.W««^,tTK.IH*rlEt.*IU»y , 7:r..»*VSl»% t A8ENTS "ANTED vBPrvsssm&s —-— » New <lrlenw* 8 |,«t. Djlla Great English Gout and Dlall 9 rillSi Rhcumatlo Kamsdy. Oral flax, ;fl i round, ; 1 rill*. OPIUM 1 _ ft & _ T _ F __ N T . n ® Q Invrntora’ K*n.1 OuMe atnini. I.. Dim, f->, • r iu*. Patent AtUirney, VVoahhiKtnn. U. C. GSASVlSSTM ... ... ff It' -r l *A This reprevcnM healthy v -« t*'A* Throughout Its vanous a life. h l*e8mlth'a , 3lfo n fieans. acenes. Whonao Dmm^o^amll^mhuZml2SoSt^ l e0mhlam ufkldl panel 1 ^ ,lt0| f , »P h . ^i }. ton ‘ h *‘ font roov/pt t h <.!f foe.' 1 on In Stampa. BILK A'ldre.l, fit. IIKANI, Louie. Mo. _______ M IP l/F P Vatenimf lie Best Cost, THE XVEHTKIIN MODK. A mail carrier on the road to the At jhi-oti, Tojreka 6s Santa Fe Railroad was stopped by four armed and masked men in a lonely spot about fifteen miles from rifled Fort Apache, Ariz. The robbers at once the pouches and curried off money orders, a remittance iu the form of a check on the bank of Californio, payable to William J. Bryan, postmaster at San Francisco. Nothing else was taken, and the robbers compelled the carrier to wait fifteen minutes t|»ey escaped to |h« * . * ‘i , 1M BBtrARB OB XJSlTAttOtn, JXWAT0 ASK BOB DM. FIBBCKM KUttKtS, OB LITTLE SVOAK-COATKD PILLS. eiScidfimut “laiaitos.iatwailvs.wr dlptrtu^ ^^ y^st ^y * ^ these little Pellet* yivo thfl must yunrutty*. perfect satisfaction SM HUB. is. i k* sotei-xi Bilious Hstdaehe, % v deranennenta ach and bowels, of are tb* prompt- atom- J|« ^ 1 - V — tuurao upon assure & «. Chemical MxnicAt Laboratory Association, of WoHi-D's Buffalo, N. piSPXaiAUY Y. 0Cflll . ^ ^ nruiinn RrWflnlf a liklLjiliM . '4 Vw to offered ? T -&° nurolenb’ bliSdv'and 1 ''"putVilD r’" 0 srr ™' weak, watery, and inflamed; tberd J# iff In the ears, deafness, hacking or cufig to togetherVitff'iJrahe' L fn.'m°ulrerti V* matter, the voice is changed and has a nasal twang; S^there'S'^irnMtlon^f mental hacking cough dtoS'n^wito and debUify. depression, a few of the aWnjmed geo Only a cwiThousandsof rases annually, wMhout manifesting hslf Of the nbOVO symptoBW, Skfeffia rc ofAsrsissst^ja, “'ro'lJ HeitV|rlirt‘ lit Jit. hr.a'.X Coryza, and 4’atarrhol 8ol<1 bf druggists everywhere; to 'WwU. \ “f’Otold Agony from Catarrh.” ^ nt p Ithaca, ro f. w. N. llAi'S.VRft, F„ wettesr the " famous 8 ten mesmerist,- ago; oine years t;. &££££ 5“ n SS" n i raog t strangle me. By the use of Dr. SogA** Catarrh Kctnedy, in three months, I was a well man, and the cure has been permanent.” "Constantly Hawking and Spitting^ Thomas J. Rushing, Esq.. fSM Pine Street, St. Louie, Afo., writes: “I was a great sufferer from catarrh for three years. At time* I could hardly breathe, and was constantly eight NVwklng and spitting, and for the last i!?«M.he> could not oreatho through don# tho nostrils, Lucfc; s thought nothing could be for me. ily, 1 was advised to try Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, and I an now a well man. I believe it to bo the only sure remedy only for catarrh to give now it manufactured, and one has a fair trial to experience astounding results aud a permanent cure.” *4*1 Three Bottles Cnro Catarrh. Eli Robbins, Itunj/nn P. O.. Columbia Co.. Pa., says: “My daughter had catarrh when she was five years old, very badly. 1 saw Dr. Ha ge’s Cutarrh Remedy advertised, :ll4 pro cured a bottle for her, nnd goon saw that It helped her) a third bottle effected a jHirnm nent cure, the Is now eighteen years old an<3 sound and hearty. EXHAUSTED VITALITY A Qr*at Madioi! Work for Tponf and Middla-A^oJ Moitr r*c\ mn OF, un > KNOW THYSELF. Cousuttlng Vhyaleian. More than one mllllan Debtpty. eoaM* •old. It treats up*B Herroui and Pbreteal \ rre:n»turft Igor, ami Ioipurltifl* Decline, Ixbauttod ot Ulood, Vitality, ind Ui6 Impair^ titol I I vnU^riM const (jiifot there on. full Oyo t<Einf 900 P NP®«# led autatiotlal ern. ow d binding, silt Warras tlis belt popular m* Heal treatise by pubtMhM m*fl, iwntpeld, ln tb* IE II .*’dil» language, Filoe (Slain only |1 JIHiHrmtlc. and coneea ed Ida. wrapper. Jiirsif aboVS, sample free if jon uenil ItUlk. A 41 \’a*nr this pfip*r. • ___ BOYS! • MEN AND lio ) «U wll vvbiiE nboui ! • Irani n llornr f llovf’ t o Pii’li Onl n (JoodOftwf I Blow In Know inner f>4‘fi«»nii R nil ed (•uurd Rualn«i Fraud? flow If Dflfrt |)i»enN« nndrlTerf n o»ir when ranio II |»o*»ible ? How pj 10 Tell (ho I Trnli he Age t </Z hr cull (he whirl to Fario VffiFlVIJWI ^/ w Different Animal ? 7 tmWSr • ot the Horse Wupirl) r l All lllffr Ilowto8h«e Valiinhle a Inf«r«»utl t rclailnf hiiiI other be obtOlBeid 011 hJf to tho Kouliir Swede* -FA<»Il rnn 1< 1,1 !^TK ATKw readin* our 100 which 1 "ill rorwnrA. HOUSE BOOK, CTS. v*.' IU STAUPS. er*»r**r' oxTy 25 *ird Hu*Jf.Jf. BiO K CO., 134 l eo 0^7" •v-v GUNS SALT HAMMERUSS. DAlt THRfE RAI8U. MANHATTAN HAMMERLESS mi>rR tSEtCII 10AIEIS. Bend for Cataloguo rf fpaolaltiea. srimvKitnxo, r>.ih' AS OAI.ES, q.-e->. Mm - Tqrlc. J.P. STEVENS &BR0. JEWELERS. Ga. Atlanta, l Nml for Cntitlngiii’. OPIUM an.I VV111 St 14 K Y IIA IllTiA I curod st liosu > without pain. i I B Hik of portioulsrs s*ut PUKK. B. M. Woolley, M.D., w itln mn, Un. or vie* ttt, itt di all Strw’f. Mnnl ion this i usi»**r. BUSINESS Sn/v'kU srf V* a A.b. Oo“ sJumMS «s huul *[" mvo-uxtry, a.,m i.,rU.rcalam ___ AAI n|r D C all s*l i'r..l»l, If MdlM* free ssiatfaffiaa Pen»ions w3SS || lirowster Safety Keln Holder Oo.. Holly, Mlcb. nPIIIM *»■ <»WI m. j. a. Curedun.v s*iitox.».ii o-amao. w.rd Piso’s Remedy for Catarrh Is tho Beet. Fastest to Use, and Chc*i«*t. CATARRH H ^Wsssr. , a , 'iK L 0 , Forty,*** DI8T18UD18BKD LAWYER DEAD. rrn — -- Columbus, Ga., was shocked by tho announcement of the death of Hon. Jas. M. Russell, on Rose hill, of heart disease. He was 59 years of age. and leaves a wile and two daughters, Ho was one of the ablest lawyers in that section, He had represented islature, Muscogee county in the leg¬ ttr.d was prominent in political circles. He was lor a long time part¬ ner of ex-Govcrnor Smith, and so of Hob. Henry W. H illiard. A touho man went into at. Centre Uia * .refit «kw drugstore th* other day and tokij w