The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, October 20, 1887, Image 2

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JOURNAL. . . Editor. Official Organ of Dndge C’nnntj. OH rial Organ of Telfair CMaty. THURSDAY. OCT. 20. I3»7. -i I'Rttn Norm cabolina. lluvrtha Ballot Bov Is Conducted In That Htatc*.-Other Nates of Interest. % From our traveling eorrvqiondeut. Lakiifoud, R. C., Oct. 15. Kniton Joins *t. Your readers no doubt arc aware that for several years 'iwmth'l.'arolinA lias been voting Dem¬ ocratic hv handsome majorities, hut ‘few, jK.rhaps, have aur idea of how the voting is carried on. ’ slunilv alter tlie tirat Democratic Governor for Mils Slate was seated, a bill was introduced and passed in the D-gi-l t'ure providing that t ballot hi >x for each of I lie State and county • Iliccr- he prepared, and the ticket cast for soi'h ofllri r be deposited in that l*ox Every candidate was lo be bal luted for separately The boxes were it* l*c labeled as, ‘-For Ordinary,” “For t.'lerk,' etc and arranged in a row, ami the ballot cast for such oflit cr tnu* t he put iu the box thus labeled, or it was thrown out and lost.' The same act provided thateaeh voter should go 'one to the )*c)D of his own accord, cuter at door, depo-ui his ticket for the va vlous officers iu the proper boxea, as) er ’label, and pass out at the opposite door alone, N’o ticket* were numbered, l>ut a sheet vya* kept showing the names of those who voted, and the number ol votes east could easily be ascertained hr referring tollieli«tof names. If any ticket was in the wrong box it was bo!, and if tho nftany ticket* Were found in any box all were put hack, and one of the sworn managers was to draw at random the number of ticket* thus found, and make the ballots and sheet correspond. ' Well, what about it ? Nothing could \>n fairer, for both parties arc under the *81110 law, a ml the Democrat is just ui liable lo deposit the right ticket in tlie wrong box as the Republican, and when too niatiV tickets an* found iu a box, ami arc drawn ut random, one I. hi apt to he drawn a* the other. It often occurred that several hundred tickets found their way iutb these hox-i without the signature of (he voUt, aud, as the law proscribed, must ■* ■*».««!,. u <i ti,. s X ton, loo, were I lie tickets tor “Re .......... »-1»» '.i»w -et. i tot or Vice versa, auu were like w -I < Mher act* provbled that every voter e reqiitretl to register in tlie district, r, ns it is culled here, the “township,'' e dtlcs in, and was not allowed to unless his name appeared upon _ it tor said township. Every time iiovt d or changed lioii-e*, even on ,i c (at in, it w .-.s necessary that tin register after «ttch change; n one knowing ol ami prey vote. I i roiiiplicub (I for (lie ', w In* hud previously I polls 1>> tlie caudidiitra vn the place lo "poke her iu.” i lucd lair anti legsoiiahle, hut happened In unit the Democrat lit id the Reptll fitn out every 1 1 me.— n< little strange to the ml nHer a few \ ear* they de hit iii cnl* - adc wax better than it l(i»t : > r lionduvs. -i while llitl* tto u elected r.mgre«Miien T cr in Mi»' * * . siayi'il i at ii m • . in and c|io 1*1 cd wood, tit worked on, and r a "ltd eh otpMis a .1 . • ,1 i 5 hen muiiiei|ial util „ to I. 1 * 11 , nr e 'id amt I Die ii] 1 < >11 •t o l.t.xes .ed I and tl.ev u make it - II v \\. I This law '•till in efleet n t . and evetwhtidy seem ill tied « it Ii - The “Pal met to State' A * De E ii 'ratic by -I7,(K8) to 53, I, and get. L rniiger evory year. SomeloiiiletiMt this «y»tem ol voting unfail, nnd hitik it should tie ro¬ uted, while z. •rs «av ther.t is no i a r ill it that fraud can he t I hv ns well ns aimtle’i', I pi'ti'lut uf ttiis section are t th tune as ours, except cane. M gliuui is raised here Instead, u ml, when well cultivated, is verv timid It yields from 80 to gallons per Here, which ran lie sold at finitt Ut to 50 cents per gallon, ami lilt 1 lop* rut from the wlalksare fur stuck as Indian corn. The cotton crop, it is thought, will be Hell,iv an averagi Corn, on up IstiiU, is giHut, hut on hottouts it U a total failure. Gt'I'I i* heitin dug In nearly all tlie -dunties in this (the seel ion of tho State, and lain! owner* it fit so to sell at atiV price. In Spar¬ tanburg county, near Wo»t ►evi'i ul rich mines of gold ami iron luiv e rtenntly lieen (ll«coverctl, and ‘sverai lintulreii hands put to dig¬ ging. I wa« presented a piece of worth, |*erhnps, six or eight xvIiieh 1 will show you wlicu 1 reach home. Wlii-key is sold ill every county I hsie i invtisseil in this Slate, except 'I M'ketis. Ily ! tlie way, thus speaking, A*ii*keiis eoiinli f is the home of blond, the North < arolina oti'law, ili history wa« (mbli-hed in liotik l"i . in ami extciisivelv sold throughout , the south six or eight vents ngo. lie mi'pardoned four or five tear* " n ae<'oiint. of Ins poor hetdih, aud i» no iv viug near the line of North Car ol i II4 in I’it kens county (this State) V t*joy * tlie confidence of the cu t IT set | loll. I will not retteli Georgia by loth , .is t Imped, w hen I left. Decern ■r I‘t is the lime l now have set for 'in.'s aching Reedy Springs and other 1 west of there. I erythinj i» passing off quietly I never | i utti dreamed enjoy ing of miiiio , tew , affair j t s lull ............. W (Mild mu mi "! 0 PMblio ii ... solicit *d lo make the “Old l s iitle” my home; Imi t.—but. I'm i raDDIin £ k to Georgia M 'in v is 1 I'nI hero no s and *ld” he man gathers more ot .r: into I than your i ildiee lm V Uoping you w ill A aide tn meet me t t utti Kxposition. I am, Very tnilv. )!. ft. T. lliti sicy SI it n he I in lie largest aud elienpcst line ol T II aiidqnrciDtvare, lamps, mch lmntin liaw kiusville. tul Id" low tiigii ever known 2t I LJ* 1* True S v*\i i tiotoic m ,, liawkiusville ,, ... has »ui'h a largo - stock K of Dn > Viooua, Goods .Nor- No*, cltie iu Dn»i Good*, Velvet*, • ng. f tc , hern o|H>ti«d tor winter trade ,i 4; guod* andyiHt Will lx >» !*F *• and quality. ^ "'i -liotthi fig youiscif out in one of lie nobby suit* at John A. Bur tvtt’s Lumber City, • •• I am now fully prepared lo pay a reward lo all wlio want cheap My stock of Dry Good*, Shoe*, and Domestic* is full and com Also a full lincof Family Gro of which I will sell at as¬ low prices for Cash. Give me a trial, and be convinced I mean just what I saw Those who i*ouchi guano from roe respectfully requested to make an settlement by Oct 15th, iu to get the benefit of cotton op¬ ; otlicrw is e I will he compelled to exact currency at face value. With many thank* to all my friends and customers for their past liberal patronage, I hope to merit a eoutiitu arcs of the same. Respectfully, it. J. sapp. Eastman, Gn., Oct. 5,1887 lm Iluraey Nlawhcins Controls the low prioesjon blankets, bod covers, quills, sheetings, and eve¬ rything el*« lor ihe housekeeper. Go t»tec him. 2t DODGE SHERIFF'S SALES. Fer Find Tuesday in November, 1887. Will las *old tK'fnre the court house door in the town of Kastman, Dodge COUII tv. (•a., during the legal hours of sate, on the first lowing Tuesday In to-wlt: November, 18*7, the fol¬ Alar* will property lie sold at the same time and place to the highest bidder for cash, lot <• land No.tiH in thc‘jnth district Dodge conn tv, Levied containing acres more or les*. on ns Hie property ot Susan A. Sapp superior to satisty an execution (lodge issued from the court of county in ln vorof It. W. Auderson against said Susan A. Also Sapp. will Is sold 1 at the same time and place one (I) 20 horse |siwer Kr||p«< « n glue on sills with sawyers valves, imns for No. 2 saw milt, three (31 inilependeut amt simultaneous ratchet head Mocks com plele to carriage saw, ami wood work for saw frame, ami ways and eight feet tif 11-ineli 4-ply gum licit. Lev under and hv virtue of an execution issued from the superior court of Dodge count v in favor of Frick k Co. vs J . C. Powell ArCo. et al Levied on as the property of K. 1*. Griffin, sun iving co-part in r uf the tiriii .t, V. Powell ,t t o. a|ho w(|| ^ M Nnm c time and place lotnof hiiul \o»<. 4 .s am! 4 ! i in iIn- Kith i (.(strict of I lodge county as the property of Elisha Kviins to satisfy u tnnrtgure ti fa is¬ sued from sutierior eniirt of said county in favor of M. II, Edwards* Itro. vs Klisliu Evuiin. Proper!i p limed out in ti fa. This Sept. '.Si, IK-7 J. T. Rawlins, 8hcrilf. I). i •. Citation for Administra¬ tion. gkoroia — I lodgeCounty, u^.'V'tn.lX “S'admhlUntor of! sunt count v, lm* in due tiirm applied to the assas tts-sk iiurch, latent said gniiniv, deceased, and '...v.L'L veintirr, iss;, at = t tlicc, at die court Ii 7 in Ku*tiimn. (i i ii under mj JZ. u ■ad ofti(.daily this 20th day of September, is (S* John .). Bozin. 8ept. T2- It. Ordinary D. C Jt. It. • allioun, atty Letters of Administration. Grom .ia Dodge County: To all whom it limy concern. C. H. 1‘cacock lias in du<* form applied o the iiiiili'i-sigiK'd for permanent letter* nf a ministnition upon the estate of Har¬ riet Callahan, I will late of said county, dr a hi - , and iiums iinon said a; npli catio = on tho lirst Monduv in November ilier. I sec; Given nuder my hand amt offieial *igna turn this tirst (l*y of October, 1HH7. JOHN .1, Uo/.AR. Oct. 0, IfWT-tt Ordinary D. C. Fresh Fish and Oysters. FRUITS and VEGETABLES. Iihvim V -= s are CountV hereby Road notit - that 1 on = vt door *“ z * Peacock's mill and ginnerv, arid " l " ri '»» «'» times IVesli tisli njiisfialty irmt* nnd vu^«*tu!»!<*•. 1 a Irovi’iDHt of mv ami dr r I only-in tin* mid !»rst, and inrnt i>v tfit* ntetliods of business to retain eonfi deuce unit patronage of the trailing publk M v stock will al wills he tunulu to thede mands Ri T •tlnllv, octd-tlni .1 llullANXON DR. H. H. JOHNSON', 3DEJSTTIST, IIAWKINSVILLE GA tlTofflce over Arnold's jewelry store Oct. IS, IHH7. ly A. II. IIKUOUM, FASHIONABLE BARBER, EASTMAN. GA. OFFICR Hotel DcLicttli oetti tf. DR. W. M. RYALS ’ - OFFICE and DRUG STORE, LUMBER CITY, GA. I ITValls promptly attended day or night A full line of Drags, Medicines, Palais, Oils, BOOKS, STATIONERY, I'uncy Uoiiils and Twllet Articles always on liuud. Oct. 12,1887, tf Mail and Hack Line, (NrmMVeekly) Between Lumber City ami Jacksonville. j I. H. COPELAND, Prop'r. Leaves Lumber City Tuesdays and Fri days at 0 a. m arrives Jacksonville It a. ti>. Returning, leaves Jacksonville same day at 12 M., and arrives at Luinlier Citv i at 7 a. in. '"hi l"artios Hml desiring to visit Jiu ksonville it tn'heir interest to inquire at l.uinlier City for ocM2 2ui J II. COPELAND. ft 17.),<)<)<)( )<)<). INSURANCE CAPITAL Parties desirous of in-uriug their pro ^ •rtv or life will do well to correspond ith me us 1 hid recording agent of the lol lowing Insurance Companies; v ' “ r k; XORTIIEii.V.ol London. 1 am prepared to give insurance in the oldest and strongest companies in the world on nil classes of property. Cotton Gins, saw Mills, Merchandise, etc. I am also agent for the Mutual Lite Insurance Comp’y, of New York, which is the oldest and strongest company in the world, its card tnl and assets amounting to the enormous I sum of Ml8 5.000.000. " rite or apply to R. D. GENTRY. Kastman.Ga J. If. i*ort€r, EASTMAN, GA. Practical House Painter mining, I’lipcr hanging, also gilding, tin* graining, kalso- j the etc., done in ts-st stile in llSie art. forro*|>niKb'nce solicited, and «•«. jarTernis "* “ H turnisbed on app ira lion low and work guaranteed, May tl.’ier-dm HUZtRAM IIKST IN THE VVURt.u. V* it $ *-m« rmtam •V ■ % App Herrjimn, ^ '■ crir S. HERRMAN & ROTHER » Have Just Heoeived I3VC3VEE3STSE STOCK OF GrOOIDS Fresh. From City Ma.rls.ets, NOW IS YOUR TIME TO SAVE MONEY BY FURGHASIN6 000D GOODS AT BED-ROCK FRIGES. DRENS UOOUN. NOTION DEPARTMENT. JEWEI.UV DEPARTMENT. ( LOTHINU ! tT.OTIIINU ! BROCERIEN. FINE MHOEM. Cashmeres 3G inches wide, all wool Our notion department Is awfully Our jewelry department will be We find it impossible to do business Everything wanted in tho Family We have a fine aasortmeut of ahoea and a|l desirable color* Diagonal attractive just now. filled to overflow¬ found to be complete to the minutect without clothing, so wc are prepared and Fancy Grocery line can always be for ladles, gents and children. Aiso Cash me ret. Dre*« Flannels, stripes ing as it is with almost anything that particular. Anything desired in this to offer you a new line of handsome found upon application. We propose furniture, trunks, valises, wood, wil¬ and plaids. Checked suitings, entire¬ heart can wish or imagination devise. line has only to be asked lor. While and stylish clothing at low prices. furnishing Be¬ to supply the trade, and to this cud low, hard and tinware, etc. In short ly new and perfectly lovelv. Black sides a complete line of keep iu stock life freshest and purest everything wanted in the mercantile Cashmeres and Henrietta Cloths in You have only to call and examine to visiting the store do not fail to see goods for gentlemen. We have some immense quantities. he convinced. this choice line of goods. ot the nobbiest hats in existence. only. line. Come and see aud price godds. S HERUMAIT Sz> BRO j E^srr]VE.AJsr, cka. J. F. DkLacy J. Bishop, Jk DeLacy & Bishop. Attorney* at Law. EASTMAN, 11 A. W'B raetiee in all the courts of the , Attention given to Convey aiming, Ex animation ot Titles to Land. Furnishing Abstracts of Title. Executors, Administrators, Guardians, and other Trustees, Partnerships Collections, t'on tracts, t riniinul Law amt all other branch oh of practici Ofiee at the Court House. T- LEE, DEALER IN Wines, Cigars, Tobaccos, Groceries, Etc., RAILROAD AYE. KASTMAN, GA. ONLY TOOL ANI) BILLIARD BOOM IN THE CITY. l’atronage of the public solicited. octl2 till Terms dec I nsli. * 2L. E=ea.cocl^:, E.INTM IN, UEORUIA. — DKAI.KR IN — General Merchandise. I have instore the largest and most com pietc stiu'k of goods ever hrougllt to this market, and I pro|*o»e to sell at rock-hot tom prices. All I ask U an examination of <».v stock and prices. Thanking the soiicit ptibiie for past patronage, I respectfully a contitiuiuwe of the same. octlUSin L. M. PEACOCK. JOE. B. KING, THE iTEWEXjEEc Offick—A t store of John T. Wall, cor tier of Ituilroud and Third avenues. East man. Ga. Repairing of watches anti clocks done on short notice, at moderate tales, and infliction guaranteed. 1 liaiejust received a large lot of the celebrated seth Thomas clocks, which 1 am offering cheap for cash. oct 12 2m .JOE. It KING. Jeweler. EASTMAN W. W. IIAItRIll.L, I'rnp'r. Handsome tui-iioiit* lurnishcd at tnoder erate rates. Horses and mules for sale at low prices, aud stis-k taken care of in tirst. class style. The patronage of the public is solicited. oct 13 EASTMAN lacbmith d % A. M. SKELTON, Prop’r. Ail work done in tirstcloss style and on easy public terms t soli cit a continuance of the patronage no liberally extended in the past. oct 12 3m ROBERT GARY, lUkUli Best ui Shn—itei E/. STM AN, G-A All work guaranteed, nnd satisfaction giveu in every iustanei oetl2 3m Eastman Meat Market! W. B. DANIEL, Prop’r. Keeps constantly on hand n full supply of FRESH BEEF, FORK, MUTTON --AND— SJATTSAlO-jEL I iT Orders from a distance promptly oetti •died.___ i-. lm LL'llBEU CITY, 0A, —DEAt ER IN— General Merchandise, The largest and most complete stock of Goods in Lumber City! I am offering OOTHECBDEKTED BARGAINS TO ALL PURCHASERS. ! j convinced Come and that examine i selling my stock, good* and be) than anybody am cheaper j Lumber City, Oct. 19, iswu* 1 ’ STORE. NEW GOODS. xttittt JN lb W rAiliTib TvnTrenci , I J W CALLA HAN & CO., | ! . | I XiYIl.LE. I'.ORbl l, I ! -heirekh in— I j General Merchandise. I j j ' I Our stock consists of everything usually j j i found iu a strictly i j General Store, 1 First-Class ; our prices are as low as the lowest, i i When and'examine you come to McVilJe be sure to j j our stock and prices.— j bv doing so. I hi HARRELL # SMITH Ask the public lo call and sec their immense stock of GeneraL MerchandisE. They keep at all times a full supply, and all they ask you to do is lo call anil sec their stock and hear their PRICES FOR CASH. In sejling goods on time they arc willing lo live and let live. Thanking the public lor past pa t ion age, §J*T t hey respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. We pay Savannah prices for cotton on account. EASTMAN. Us., Oct. 13, ’87.-3m S. T. ROGERS , Third Avenue, Eastman, Ga. -DEALERS IN Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Tobacco and Cigars, Canned goods of every description. FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS RECEIVED EVERY SATURDAY. In prices and quality of goods I defy competition I have only been in business a short time, and my goods are pure and fresh \ liberal share of the public patronage solicited. Oct 13-3m. i|©if DEALER IN Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Dress Goods, Xo tions, Clothing, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. II. IE Avciuio, Eastman, Ga. My stork in overv line is full and complete, and my prices are lower than ever before Call on mo when you come to town and I will save yon money. Oct. 13 'Em. A. B. Small. Joe E. Mallory. Small & Mallory, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants. No j. Ill and 113 Third t MACON. GA. The mcreliants of W iregra-s Georgia, whoso trade we » ■hilly solicit, are assured that no bouse is liettcr iirepared to supply conferred. their wants, To off tlicm Is'iter of induceiuents, or return heartier thanks for p.i rotntgc cu r ince you our business sincerity we only ask a trial. i itespcctfuil a‘mallory. v. oct20-;iiii s.m all D. McEACHIN, HEM.Fit IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Tobaccos, CIGARS, ETC., LUMBER CITY, GA., ed Regs a to complete inform the aud public well assorted that lie lias stock open¬ of General Merchandise at Lumber City, and respectfully solk •its My a lilx-ral sha re of she ic pntri>nag( motto is to ‘•Liveand I et Live.” Give me a call when you come to the city oetl'im CUK11Y & CALDER, Chau nee y, Georgia , Are now ready to furnish you fresh meal at inx prices unprecedented that will astonish Macon in buying 11 ur¬ udvi anta ges their corn, they can sell you fresh and meal in any quantity to save you money, guar¬ antee satisfaection. Seud in yo ir orders, and they will receive prompt attention. Also iti connection they have one of the BEST IMPROVED GINS in the south, with Cotton Elevator, unload¬ ing your eotten from wagon, thereby sav¬ is ing you the time and trouble. Your seed then loaded by machinery for * you. Give them trial ’ 3m a o.'t!2 RESTAURANT! J. H. HANNAH, Proprietor. LUMBER CITY, GA The public is notified F. Mcltue that I have bouse, fitted up iu the Daniel store west side of railroad, a First-class Restaurant, w here I am prepared at all hours to furnish | meals and lodging. Meals, 2>T cents; l-odging, 2.*i cents. Luinlier City, Get. 12, 1887 3tn .. *“' i gozeman, ... R. A. Ragan. i BOZEMAN &> RAG AIT, A New Firm Made out of marSH S Hid Ulfl H^ Ulie. Wc have gone together. It M. Bozeman and It. A. 1 ta trail in tlie mereantile I list nese amt wc w ill tell vou vybat we d id th tirst day. We made a liran new firm out of Marsh's old one, and we called it Bozc man * Ragan—old Uncle Bob Ragan and Marsh Bozeman. The next day I’ll tell you what we did. Well, It’s liest not to talk much for I've heard it said that a still tongue makes a wise head.tint vre did make our ilatform the next day, which in ! this: Wc agreed to deal nquarely and fair- • ly with all poopj it we m*Ii vou a vard. ! pound or bushel you shall surely litir get it in full weight and measure, scales, yard stick and measures are free to tie tested by anyone w ho said w islies to do so, and as Dave McCormick about his ware house business, we wilt not have anv “big l and little you” in our busine-s. but will sell to all at the same price as near as we ran Whether we make or break w-e have adopted blow ataiiu honesty selling for our policy. We make j no you goods ebea|«er than any house in town. We invite all to come and see us and we will try to suit you In goods autl prices. Yours resn'f. j wtlWm. BOZEMAN & RAGAN, i liawkiusville, Ua. j S. /./1 •/.««. DK.U.EIt IX JHcat,FD)iir,Lard SU(; Alt, COFFEE. TOP. At 'CO. Staple Dry Goods. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ktc. aud a general and well selected stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, All fresh and offered to the public at tli pleased very lowest have prices call for csisli 1 would b< to a from all those who desire to buy goods in my lim mil will liete take occasion to state that they can¬ not get belter bargains elsewhere in this market Collie ale ng and see for your selves. Ites, eetful tv. K. S. TAYI.OR, (s-tt.3-3111 Hawkiiisiillc. Ga Making Preparations —FOR— Taking into consideration the immense crowds that will attend the State Fair, the Kennesaw Restaurant has increased i‘s capacity, so as to be able to feed an unlimited number of guests. Kverytliing that the market affords either to eat or drills, tail lie found at this perfect establishment Don't for, get the pla •e, the Old Reliable KEN NFS A ffl» I OI RTII STREET. Opon DAY and N'ltiHT. Best Cooks, I polite waiters and aeeonimodnting clerks. I J. Yalrniinu, Agt. Sept 2!b3m. Newest Styles of Fine Jewel n T ^ BRONZE, ART GOODS, ETC The Largest Stc k in the City. h T / m os; .’..-w-A V e.tV Vi Watches and Jewelry Repaired by Skilled Workmen, YOU CAN SAVE MONEY by buying of ii?. REMEMBER THE PLACE. .1. II. A W. W. Williams, Scron 'i 6t -» Macon, Ga octO-Sm i The Eastman Drug Store! Headquarters for The Safest, Surest and most pleasant Remedy in the world, for Constipation and Torpid Liver. Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, Oct 13. tin Wholesale Agents, Macon, Ga. mm Is not at LI MBER CITY but is expected there alter tlie State Fair to review JOHN H. BARRETTS --Immense Stcck of GENERAL MERCHANDISE ? Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Wood Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Hardware, * ware, Willow ware, Glassware, Crockeryware and Tinware. Grocery Department. My stock of groceries is unsurpassed as to quality and quantity. FLOUR, BACON, MEAL, GRITS. HAMS, SUGAR, COFFEE, BUTTER LARD, RICE, California Canned Goods Pears, Cherries, Apricots, Peaches. rOMATOES, CORNED BEEF. TRIPE, CORN. PEAS, OYSTERS MO\. IMPORTED SARDINES, . POTTED HAM, BRAUN, MACKEREL. PINE APPLE, JELLIES LOBSTER. STRAWBERRIES, OF ALL KINDS, OATMEAL. MAC¬ ARONI CHEESE. FANCY CRACKERS, PICKLES, CHOW CHOW, SAUCE, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. of ail Kind lioth Imported and Domestic Jown Weight and Full Measure; the Most Goods for Least Money. Come and See Me. JOHN H. BARRETT, Lumber City, Ga. Get 13-3m til -A i u are uow being offered at tho Dry Goods Emporium * -OF- Eastman, Ga. ‘‘•eTwere’Tv’cr’^''^rorVoffelxYin'KLDn^ 1 SaV Call ' 1 .n un me now Ik i . ictl3-3m Bargains In Groceries!! ■Ww la County Road Street, Eastman, Ga. Carries the largest and most complete stock of groceries In this market. The most goods for the least IS MY The public will consult their interest by calling ou me before Purchasing,,« i will save money to all purchasers <8 13-3111, HEADQUARTERS M CHEAP GKflTf 1 J. a •4 . R. R. AVENUE, EASTMAN, GA. For First-class Goods and Low Prices I am positively in (he 1cm i expect to stay there. I make it a point to save money tor ail who an< * with their patronage. When you need anything in the linYi I- . . fail to give me call before purchasing. Cigars and Tobacco grocery siieeinlh °" 1 a a t*T I I3-3m. run a free delivery wagon for tlie accommodation of mv i*atio..i uui Get * * t V A. L. HOBBS, county Road street, Eastman, a. -DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. My «toek is full and complete and in prices I defy comncljtio ic a rail when you come to towffi' • . . < ■ t ' WORD TO THE WISE. NVhan in search of Best Goods at Lowest Prices call on W. II. COTTER & CO., l>ealers in Dry Goods, Groceries and General Merchandise. Shoes a Specialty. We handle tho Celebrated Shoes manufactured by C. S. Parson & Son* of New York., every pair of which is warranted. We make prices on flour for this market. You will save money by calling upon n« before making vour purchases. >Ve buy all kinds of country produce. EASTMAN, Ga., Oct. 13, 87,-3tn. Barney Manheim, Controller and Regulator of Low Prices, HAW KINS VILLE GA. (Next door to ,J. J. Joiner's) Keeps constantly on hand a complete stock of ®° ods \ Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Crockeryware, Hardware, Etc. Mv fall and winter struck tins just arrived I = itkc a specialty of FINK BREECH LOADING SHOT GI NS Also silver watches: ,w> (docks. Full line of Tobacco and Cigars always on hand. I respectfully invite ti people of Dodge and adjoining conn tics to call on me when they come to Haw hisisvill and examine tny stock ami price*. Oct 13-,'lin. Wsnship & Callaway, oG<S SECOND STREET, MACON, GA. TIIE LEADING CLOTHIERS, arc now opening an extensive stock of ° ___^ ^ ^ •_____, n ST a ^ H __ EL t S of all grades and styles, C5 'hero ■ans Pants. men will Overcoats find a good and stock Suits of for Rubber men and Clothing, liovs, Overshirts. North Carolina Underwear and Mmslgsinnl etc e'e r*(H» Boys' Suits from $t.."iO up. 2(H) pairs Bovs' Paris 35cts. and upward Gold ..»d «ii Ve , l a,Ul ,l0 ° “ ie beKt ' I3TLowest prices for everything; se )t a81ra M For China, Crockery, Q When in Macon eonio A Glassware, Tinware, H and see what we have, C Woodenware, Cooking J If you can’t conio write 0 0 and Heating Stoves. We N for prices. We have H N have the largest and A the greatest variety o £ most vanpd stock ever car¬ lamps ever shown in any ried south of New York. house. We are Agent# for the Famous Rochester Tramps. Bo sure to call on us when von visit Ma-on. Respectfully, Mil'O.Y '1'i-isi iigiiliii- HlocU, Silicon, <»a. niMA klORi:. Oft (*-3lll. J. b . DOMInGOS, Mtiusrcr. aa| & mtm t In addition to offering the best assort¬ ment ot Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES. CANES* GOLD PENS, at lowest prices. PENCILS, ETC. / Bill Give to cadi i l*itor to my store during the fltat* Fair, whether purchaser or not, a chancn oil n handsome Dia nond Ring. Let everybody cone and bring their friends GF.O.T. RtELAND, 320 Second street Jeweler, Macon. Ga. oct (-3 in. 317 & 319 THIRD ST., MACON. GA. Hardware, Iron and Steel, Ilclting, MILL SUPPLIES, WAGON MATERIAL, Guns. Pistols. Cartridges and Ammunition of all Sorts. Payne & Willingham, Jtlacon Ga. , ■THE LEADING I ■ 006 and 608 CHERRY STREET Factory at Enterprise, suburb of Macon. oct6-3m. Dr. W. L. Smith, DENTIST. IIAWKINSVILLE, Ga Office in rulaski House mcb2-tf i>. c. Mclennan, ATTORNEY AT LAW MpVILLK, GA. Practices in the courts of the Oconee and Brum,w ie.k circuits. Special attention giv¬ en to collection of claims. Wi II alaii prac¬ tice in the federal courts, £ept t.-ly ■