The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, October 27, 1887, Image 2

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THE JOURNAL. •*“ ' |t. M« Itl KI ON, .... Editor. ■ : Official Organ of Dodge County. OfHrlul Organ of Trlfulr Coauty. i j TIin^IMV. 0< T. 27. IHKT I ROU MOI1EI t .11101,1*4. A (Iraplile Description of a “ lloHness* Meeting. From onr traveling corresjiemlcnt. W AT Kit LOO, S. Oct. 19. Editor .lor ksA t,: It wav rl.cplcit*- 111 c ot \our ci i't'cspondfiii on Satur /hi) night and yesterday to attend the first time u “ Holiness" meeting. The exercises had been carried on /during the entire week, and were at jIkmi' hc.i ^atnrdav night, The cltiin h 1. a w ood struct ore yjx i'J tect and wi li arm t. Long before the hour serve-*, every scat win "coupled and • * ‘space in the stand and around altar wa- iineouifojinbly tilled. Still • bey crowded in, and wlu n the tilled preacher, c-c orted by bis miisi cirtii*, arrived, they found it diflleu.t to inis, their way along the crowded aide*. The d«;oi» in Hie rear were lilted, and score* v,ere left in the yard Smokr an a Fertilizer. A correspondent of tho Rural Me» *<*ngf*r claims lo have discovered a now way of making feriilizor*. An ojd stick ami mud rltiimiey had been thrown down and tin* clay spread about over the ground that was afterwards pan - ed in corn. The corn grew op the clay¬ ed land with such rankness as to set him thinking. What caused it? Tho smoke ihat had settled in the clay, of] course. So he tried an experiment by erecting a rail pen, covering it with rails and placing upon these a two loot layer of dry swamp muck or peat limit a lire underneath, in the pen, and kepi it sniotherel down wish bacon.! green woimI, same as for smoking I Manufactured six load* of manure this way, all well saturated with smoke. which he applied to corn land. It acted j ! splendidly, deepening ttyc color of the i crop to a vivid green and accelerating | t |, u KP , AV tl» in an extraordinary de |j ( . . v »i t <*«: I have evidently hit p. Smoke is a fcrlili/cr and this t«the , V ay t() j.arncss it. It must he locked | up In some ub orbing material like , K . ut „r wood molds utul so applied, ■ T'ltcti*/* is virtue in moke if we can I it hv u*. I had secured a front scat, and was Hint'll interested in the man, win) the I w* , Ivr, claimed , i to . have i been i i li/tcd with the Holy i;iio.t. Ills age. name, datin', appearance, dress, etc.. would not Interest votir rea h r*. t entering . the uilar, the , pon fled divine knelt in scent pi aver. The house was densely crowded, hut all seemed slid as death. The silence broken . by singing, , *n which was ion nil participated. A Mm •ond ht ntn wa* sung and prn ver oll'ercd by one ol the Lietlii'ioi ‘ ' 'I he I,her ^ then •>ro.e ‘ and read his text, which >va* : ••Soil, reiiieinlier " 'die '.mv nt the rich 1 ' 1 s ' 1 1 '' ' • man and Lazarus was then brietlv re Plied 4.U in hmoMioe l‘tn w .. inrelv at i) t e.t.eei sjiei , l,!e and well iii.xi d w ith slang. Thu "rich »*»•»»• .............. ot a« a " white.wa»Iied rascal, etc.*— Alt Aft,.,. i . mi-, i.t, in quilt ,i it ,|,,. down vl . -..a amt ..ndp spoke iu a feeling manlier of what had been -o........ wa* then at a elo.e, ••Many,''he said, "have hem pni) ieg for the ‘second bh»**tng,’ ” and lie wanted all wlio had let ved it to i t*e up itml testify foi J or gbt rose and expre** eil them*elve* a* being happy, full) sanctified and saved from all sin. The him novel 1 'teil were limn called on and »'ked what < lb cl k cling ut l In' u 1 1 it i 11 Ml tl II I'd 1 got up and •a d ilii'ir v, e forgiven ud t heir ilc*ii' « i h.'tllged Then 11 divii called "cun vlot ion of in 1 ex In S lo I’MII tun or lid v) 11 *!!e u it h (iiei until lb be* 1 1 w -1 b • " e •in , 11 ,io.*ii,g.'' or ha pi i/e* i hem I ll I lie li d)' (>)io,l. He then iuipre«*. £ ■e of Jiolitie**, and iii'i't 1 the accepted time, “ bore i* it fbtiiituin tilled with blood" wa* then if, and sv de»ired the bapti' >f t be I lulv Ghost nviti’d to outiie forward and bow ai'outiil the altar. Tiie suace was vaeutod and *ooti li! ^ ill) w't'ker*. Tlnv ^ .f - given ti| - e filled. Tito* de-it my cunt • tun were ;t* 1 to bow ut tie ir *ent Hut lew VV i left r ii •it ami jiusitmn, and tlit>*efew w - re N*Vt 11 ikod by the *:metifled preacber, vv ... 1 , ,,•!„,i 1 ,l . 1 " ,,,, ,n ., 'd'dbl- , i „ Ifio'jed 111>-**l. it*," rip) *uld they were too ignorant l i ,, - a huh | n. All were i nvited thou to bow and pray that iho *" awtiiid I ,, the altar nuylit . , . i coei ve t be bn pii'lil ut the 1 lull (ibust, and lb«v him mivtu d Juigiveue*.* ot llieir *iiis. An able piayer wa* then • dlered by a Hapti t iiiini*t(M' proent. The < oi,"rogation tin ii, *.t:. 1 on their knees, 'uug " me not, oh, gentle Savior," alp i ? biob the 1. me** man prayed for H : Holy Glio-t to be iiomeil upon Uiettt, ami dial Ihoir live be i uit»e. rated t.i <.'u.l I II.' efu't'l ut prayer wa* then called fur, and four damn'd to lie pure ami holy, ll wa* thun ttmtouiii't'd that servin'* would be he I I at 11 o'clm |< Sunday, and that a sermon on the subject nt Jiolinr w mild lie preached. 1 wa* <m hand and in time to pro* eure a front seal, but *f>uii bad tn give i' up In tillin'*. 1 then slnod in Alter a *bnrt t*.\ja*riuec meet iug xerviee* beg.'.u, 'l’!u* text was read frutn Lev . ii':i-2, ami .cad tims: "Amt the laud *|>ake until Muses, ing. speak uutn all Urn eungregatu.iiul the eliiblreii ul Drael, and ,*av mitu lliein. VC'bali be Imly ; tor I tlx* vault' Gud am holy." t It lier script it res on the 'ubjeei v,a re quoted, and a good sermon w a* pnuo lied. That men t vs be Imlv wa* *tM»tio|y argued, and iliui they vit st he holy was forcibly im l>l'c**l vl. I >• '/eu* ul' pa** age. were rcfcri ed 111 u * 11 V I n the New Testament, to prove that .l"*n* i Might 1 lie duel line when on earth, and that Li* lit*! <’uiiMiii**ion t the Apo-'h * was lo go to.Ieiii-a *rin ami there receive the b;ipti*m ol G!io.*l before lliev were lull) pi epa i i (| to preaf li the go - pel \ 11 er i In 1 sermon I In* door v of all I lie i ll tfi « vver pencil, ami tho*<* tie ; it •• tliellHelves with Ol C limit (1 to come t 11 VV II (IlsCiv • i e l TWO Weill I t «t ml om.* to tin 1 r i ofe •ed sane \ mint’ tbc M : Ui, » list I’li -bv ll | Kill*. Tiling, wei' •I it l'i t I up List tiiqlit. .1 a* *im .luiic, would say, a ter gut pi'eipv muddy, and several “(ll ol sin rose, R. S T. A lepoi t ba-ed upon an inspection 1 211 12oililVerent br.uielie r«f vv>rk in Rii-*ia states that the lumi* I.M (bur lIiei-O t VII ai^ •• iv„,,, tiin.i t i ix v to twenty, and tliat in mie or tvv o special •.n*t:»iiics work men were compelled 10 Jalior t weip v-tilin' hours iiiiinter Mipledly, ThrsediU'i reiii'e* are purely arbitrary and not conttotted by (he kind of work, inthesaine lisui. t in flic same sort of vvmk there U MMIIt* times a di Acre rice of eleven liours oil die amount of work required iu a dav in the ditli'iept t.ietoric*. Si cm* iu Atlanta—Rang! bang! ami crowd »mleund* |)<>li«ema», hold* a *tiiokiag revolver. "AVIialdiil )ou shoot pi that man for? lias kilieil mi) body ? What did he steal V»Ti>mi tlid he assault ?" The ptuti waves till hi* questioners: "1 rh«t him. gentlemen, because I liDkejr on his , DODGE SHERIFF’S SALES. For First Tuesday in November, 1897. At ill he sold ludoie tin* court house door the town of Kastman, Dodge county. <**.. during the legal hours of sale, mi the first Tue* lav in November, 1**7, the foi lowing Also will pr.,|‘erit sold In-wit: the h** at same time and : place land to the logict hidder district f.*r Dodge cash, lot ot in the jatli coun tv, Levied containing a.,g' a acres more or lea,, on ns the properiv of Susan A. '‘"I'l'to satislv an rx.'iiti.m issued from tin* *u|'Ci'i»»r court ol Ptxljfc county iti la It. \v, Anderson against said Susan A * Si, l*I > - Also will Is*sold at the same time and place oium l i 20 horse power Kcltpse « ii h;1 "* ,v ‘ - ** V'T No. 2 saw null, truce (,i i iiuiviieudcnt 1 and *i.imlinn»*mi* rateliet head block*, cow !*•• t'* to saw, lllld wood Work for Mir frame, I'iirrlago and w guin ays and eighty (S0| feet of I t-ineti 4-ply l*olt. Levied on and hv virtue of an execution issued from the superior court of Dodge county iu favor of Frick A ( o. vs .1 C. l'owell ACo. " l ' ll ■•'Ged on as the property of K. D. < a i*iflltt, «*un iviug t'o-partuer of Che firm of .1. C. Powell A < o. 1ttksy.x i.i*trict ot Dodge euunty the property (SI of i satisfy'a a* Liislm Iv'.. urn to mortgage ff fti is , , 1J( .d frnm mqiei im- court of said eyimlv iu J favor K vr;s..!X'tC of M. II, Kdwards* Itro, vs Klistia Sheriff, I>. V. i Citation for Administra* tion. ItKOlUJlA- D.ulge •Oiiiity. To all w 1mm it may c neorn. I It. It. t'ulluMin. count) mtiiiiuistratnr of r*:tnt couiiiy, lias iu due tortu tpplied t<> (tie I umlersigi i"d for [lel’IIMMiellt letter* of illl mitilHii.tliiMi on the iHtute of William ami lliueli, lute ot said county, deeeai/ed, t 1 "ill pu-h upon mi id i ipplication at to o'clock a. in,, on the tji *t Atomluy in No vember, 1**7. at nn etlb'e, at the court house in Lust mint. j Giv en uiiilei’ tity hand oitloiully this 20th i day of September, Iks,. .tolIN .». Koz.ut, .-Opt. ft. t trdiuary D. V. P. It. »■« llioim, atty. Lotters of Administration. i ii'iuu;! i I>oilg" < 'ount In nil vvIhmii it may eoncurn. II. l’oaeiH'k has in due form iqiplied o tlio undorsigui'd for permanent tetlcra ■ I a miiiistr.ali'Mi upon the estate of llur r "t ( allali: *n, late ut said county, df ei used, and V III Jin * upon said appli ealioll Oil tile lirst ndav in November, J Givoii under my hand amt official signa¬ ture this lirst day id' October, 1MS7, .lOltS .1, I'.O/.AR. Oct. (i. IssT-tt Ordinary It. C. Fresh Fish and Oysters, FRUITS and VEGETABLES. I ........... ......— The public arc hereby notified that I have oji,-ned up on Gountv Road next door p. Martin A Peacock's iniU and ginnery, I "h'U'ol k on m i,i| tunes fiosh fish mid oysters, -j,,,, fi'iiits ' and vegt'tnblo '*• I make a , • ||, ,,(■ |„y l.indiioss, d deal only in .i.i | I tin' met 1 A 'sliest (Is ol amt business best, and to trust tain liy llie square confi n ll. ID e iiiid puti'ullage of the trading public M\ Mock will ulwavs be ample to thede ! tn;tt;«l* Respool till 1 v, oetfi-.‘!ni .1 \v. rou'axxox DR, H. H. JOHNSON^ DENTIST, HA w kins villi;, GA, 3. ^’Gi’ice over A mold's jewelry More. Oet. is, is*;. ly 4. IB. FASHIONABLE BARBER, E A s’| Man. GA. OKFICK Hotel DoLletPh. ootC tf. DP- W. M HYA1S, OFFICE and DRUC STORE, LUMRLK CITY, GA. I U'CalD promptly attended day or night. / A full line of Drags, Medicines, Paints, Oils, HOOKS ’ S ‘ ATIOXERY, , I’wm/'j Goml, iimlToilet Artleln alwav s on bund. j Get. 12, 1**7. tf 1 i Mail and Hack Line, i Semi. Weekly) between Lumber City and Jacksonville. 1 I. H. COPELAND, Prop’r. Le.nes Lumber t ity Tuesdav* and Fri¬ day s at ltd U a. in.: in rives Jacksonville 11 a. ip. urn iug, tear e* Jacksonville name jday 1 at 7 a. nt m. 12 m., and arrives at Lumber C’itv Parties desiring lo visit Jacksonville will find it to 'heir interest to inquire at Lumber fit) for me 12 2m I II. COPELAND. \ - SI 75 , 000000 . INSURANCE Part e* desirous of Insuring their pro pct'tv or iif.. win do well to ronvvpnml with me a* 1 am recording agent of the fol¬ low iug Insurance C'( iiirpanies; (ON T1 NT' NT AIi >f' No vv York ; HOME."f New York; NORTHERN, of Lotidou. 1 am pn jmred to give insurance in the oldest and strongest com panic* in ttn* world on alt classes of property. Cotton ttiiis, Savv Mills, Merchandise, etc. 1 am also agent for the Mutual Life Insurance Comp’y, " 1 ‘ N,, ' v York, which in the oldest and strongest eotnpauy iu the world, it* capi* ■ tal and Ml(.4,000,000. assids aninmitinifto the enormous *Um >" M rite Ol apply to R. D. GENTRY. *"■ 2 " ; " • «/i If • Porter , KASTMAN, GA. Practical House Painter Paper hanging, gilding, graining, kalso I mining, etc., also tl.m» in the ln**t style in (heart. t*nrrv*i>i»ndenoe solkilted.and May ll,’«7-t*.m. j _*- .....- r ; FHAZER BEST IN* THE I'« vrsnrin, qiudna* «rc mmtr;iaMni. (HSr.slly t md^ raUui''VH»cr y T^k t tn 0 • vs-* TVI Hi'" yon UAig; ut v ixkwca osy^pxixv. mmmagmmBmssKss* \ . Sol Hermmn, App H^rnimn* ? # m RO & * Iiave Just Received STOCK OF GOODS FresD. FTroxxi. Gity HOW IS YOOE TIME TO SAVE MONEY BY PURCHASING GOOD GOODS AT BED-ROCK PRICES. uiuisx <;<>ons. VOTIO V «»I51» \ IM .Y1 i: *T. j r:w t: lbs v ih:i*i isr.n k\i-. t'l.OTIlIXCi : i'M)TKt!*» ! ur on: HI KM. I'INF. NIIOEM. Cashmeres 3*> inches wide, all wool Cijr notion department is awfully Our jewelry department will he Vfe find it impossible to do business Everything wanted in the Family We have fine assortment of shoes and all desirable color*. Diagonal attractive just tilled toovertlov. found be complete minutest a I)re«» Flannels, stripes now. - to to the without clothing, so we are prepared and Fancy Grocery line can always be for ladies, gents and children. Auo Cashmeres. iugas it is with almost anything that particular. Anything desired in this to oiler von a new line of handsome found application. We and plaid*. Checked suitings, entire¬ heart can wish or imagination devise. line has only to he asked tor. While and stylish c'othing at low prices. He¬ upon propose furniture, trunk*, valises, wood, wil¬ ly new and perlectly lovclv. Black ebie* a complete line of furnishing to supply the trade, and to this end low, hard and tinware, etc. In short Cashmeres and Henrietta Cloths in You have only to call and examine to visiting the store do not fail to see good* for gentlemen. We have keep in stock the freshest and purest everything wanted in the mercantile immense quantities. he convinced. this choice line of goods. some ol the nobbiest bats in existence. only. line. Come and sec and price goods. S. HERRMAN & BRO j EaAST 3 VC-A. 3 ST. C 3 -A. J. F. DkL.k v. «J. Bi-nor, Jr DeLacy & Bishop. •litorneys fit EASTMAN, GA. "AXT ILL practice in nil the court* of the m State. Attention given to < onvey nncinjr, Furnishing Examination ol Titles Executors, to land. Abstracts ot title. Admlnistrutors, l.unrdiau*. and other Tnutces, Partnerships Collect ions. l»raneii trnctn. Criminal l.nw ami all other es of practice. Office at the Court House. T. T7"s7"- X-iES, I> IN* Domestic Wines, Cigars, Tobaccos, Groceries, Etc., RAILROAD AVH. EASTMAN, GA. ONLY POOL AND RILI.IAHD ROOM IN THE CITY. cash. PntronHge of the public solicited. Term* cel 12 till dee I 2Li. n^E E th’I MI AN, %. — DKAt.KIt IW— General Merchandise. I have in sto'e tin- largest and most com. plcte stock of goods ever brought to ttn* market, and 1 propose to soil «t rock-hut tom prices. All I ask is an i xamliiatioiiuf my stock and prices, Thank mg the public foi'past patronage, I respect f ully solicit a continuance of the s mne. oetl2 3m M. l’KACOCK. JOE. B. KING, TIEEIEj jeweler. Okkick— At *tore of Jolm f. Wall, cor¬ ner of Railroad and Third avenues, Last man, Gu. Repairing of wati'hrH ami clocks iIoim* on short not! ci*. at i ate i al« s, a nut Silt infliction guaranteed, t have just i ived a I urge tot of the celebrated setii Thomas clocks, which I am offering cheap foreash. oct!22m JuK, It. KING, Jeweler, EASTMAN nsuEusnsws, w . W . HlRKIXIs Prop'r. Handsome turnouts furnished at modor orate rates. llon*e*t and mules for sale at low price/!, and stock taken care of iu lir*t elass h» style. The patronage of the pul.lie awlieited. oct 12 2m EASTMAN Stoili asi WhsSroght % A. M. SKELTON, Prop’r. Ail vvm k done in tiistelaia Myle and on easy tnuns 1 solicit a eontnui.inee of tlie public patronage so litwrnlt) uxtriidwl in the past. oet 12 Jm ROBEBT GABY, FM; M wi Wsr ■ Ex. STM AN, GA. Alt work guaranteed, and sutisfaetion given in every instance. oct 12 .'!iu Eastman Meat W. B. DANIEL, Prop , T. Keeps constantly ou hand a full supply of FRESH REEF, FORK, MUTTON aniv SAUSAGE. K2T Orders from a distance promptly ■«**• M tl22n» ____ a\ /v Cj’pT] ..... . I Hr'. I s *.I 1— ; , LUMBER CITY, GA., —i*i:ai.kk IV— General Merchandise, The laigist ami most complete stock of Good* in Lumber City! 1 am offering BARGAINS TO ALL PURCHASERS. Come and examine my stock, and be convinced that 1 am selling goods cheaper than auv 1 «>d\. 1.. EC. .Vase. Lumber < ity. Oct. Iff. 1**7. 3 m STORE. NEW GOODS, ■ I j NEW PKICES! J. AV. CALLAII AN & CO.. MeVIIXK. Gl.OUGI l. ~MS.UUtU« IV— I j General Jlerdiandise. • j j ................ in u strictlv Pint-Class General Store, and our prices are as low as the lowest I j When you come to McVille be sure to , w |l and exiuniiie mir st»s-k tiiwl doing iinees.— I Mv vai will surely Oet. save 12, money by so. c> «a., HARRELL v V SMITH Ask the public to call and see their immense stock of enera Ml They keep at all time* a full supply, and at! they ask you to do is to call and see their stock and hear tlo ir lMJK ’KS I'Olj CASH. In selling goods on time they arc willing to live and let live. Thanking the public lor past pa¬ tronage. they respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. We pay Savannah prices for cotton on account. EASTMAN. Ga.,Ocf. 1.1. xST.-lin. & T. ROGERS , ■ aVenue ’ Eastman, Ga. -DEALERS IN (ii*occri( S, Hardware, Tinware, Tobacco and Cigars, Canned goods of every description. FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS 11E(’El VEI) EVERY SATERDAY. In price* and quality of good* I defy competition. 1 have only been in bu*ine** a *hort time, and my goods are pure and fresh. A liberal share of the public patronage solicited. Oct L!-3m. | DEALER IN Dry Goods, Shoos, Hats, Dross Goods, Xo lions,Clothing, Grooorios, iiai^hvaiv, Etc. lv. it. Avenue, Ea^tiium, Cut. Mv «toek in cvcrv line i* full and complete, and my ju ices are lower than ever before. Call on me when you Mite to town and 1 will save ton money. Oct. 13 -Sin. A. B. Small. Jo: E. Mallory. Small k Mallorv J’ | ; Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants. X o . I ll and M.'» Third Sitvrt. MACON. GA. The morel i.tsof \viro jra** • u orgia. vvl v ■ assured that Ho lour Is bet ir*M t« ity t ir want *. iiooiuonts, or r. iura lo artior ti lllks f t-»r pa naif ti • iMisiness Kioeerfiy vvo only ask a trial i'. OOtgU-JJllI M ALL .v .'! \ LLORY. j . I). 3 UEACIIIX, j M'.VUiU IN i Dr/ Goads, Groceries Hardware, Tobaccos, CIGARS, ETC-, ' Ll Mi’Ll! ( 1 1 \ , GA., J liegn to Inform the public well assorted that he lias stool. op,- u. of ( , ( j a complete and General Merchandise at Lumber City, and respi etfullv solicits a lilicral share of she jaitd ic patroiia ige. M> motto is to • Liv a ami Let Live." (itVC tile |a call when you com • to the city oft 12m CURRY & CALI)HR, i ('haaneri/, GeoPf/ia, I Are now ready to furnish you fresh meal their corn, they can sett you fresh meat iu any quantity to save you money, amlguor antee satisf,lection. j Send in vu ir orders, andthey will reecivt prompt ati . tltlull. I Also in eoeneetioii they have one of the ■ BEST IMPROVED GINS | jn „ 10 S()|)ljl wjl j, ,* ot , oll Elevator, then unload- by j i M( , vmir cott. n fiom wa....... mv. Ing you the time and trouble. Your seed is then loaded t*v ' machinery for you. Give them atrial o-tl23in RESTAURANT! J. H. HANNAII, Proprietor. LUMBER ( ITY. GA. The public i« notified that 1 liave titled ; up iu the Daniel F. Meita •t c house. j west side of railroad, a First-class Restaurant i ! wtiere 1 am jirepared at alt hours to furnish meals and iodxing. j I Meal*. Luiiibcr 2.'» City. cents; <>c’.. Lodging, 12. 1**7. 25 cents. 3m II. M. Bozeman R. A. Ragan. BOZEMAN t P.AGA17, i A New Firm Made out of Marsh’s Oid One. j and AVc R. have A. Hagan, gone together. iu the iiiei'eantile 1! M. Itezeinan !>usi J first ness day. and we AVc viillteil made vou luv.n vvtiat wi timi did the I a new »ut i of Marsh's old one. and we called it i!i ze Inaii »V Pagan—o!d t nele K igali and Marsh lto/iman. i he next day I'll tell you we did. Well. Ii'- t* *t not ! I to still talk tongie ltd.el, tor ik i’w- wise heard h it -ad.but -aid that did a m - a vs-• make cur datform the next • liicb i* '<* r 'A I shall Z. y pound ('•!* I ushej you sure '< get i! in | full weight amt measure. Our Males. 1 At Ltl.Tdrsrsn.Sr-r'JS ; a* Have Mcv oiniiek said ul.out hi* vvare J j house tuis tiess. vvo- will Hot have auv ••big 1 and little y..ii" in our biisine s. but u;U sell to nil at thc smtae nrii e as near as we can Whether we make or tin ail. we have e.i ojitfU honesty for our policy. We make j no blow a belli sellilis voti go. *1* cbttiper Hum liny bouse in town. \\\-invite all to I eotnc aiid see u* ami vve will try to bint | y«*u in gisKt* and prices. A ours icsn t. ootl3-:!m. I5GZLM AN & lt \(i\2M _ I liavykinsi iltarffic, G. .v. T. 3 1* H.tiil, DK.Vt.EI! IN .SUGAR. COFFEE. TORACUO. Staple Dry Goods, Roots, Shot I S, Hats. Etc. and a g.-neral and well setoe' led stock id FAMILY GKOCEBIES, All fresh and offered to the jmldie at the very lowest pre-os for cash. I would be pleased to have a eall from all who desire to buy good* ill my line, amt will beie take occasion to slate that tilt not get better bargain* elsewhere in market C UMiUiT liHil »»*c* for your* selves. ti. S. TAYMHt, octlff-ffm. Ilavv kiiiHVille, Ga. Making Preparations FOR * Taking into consideration the immense | crowds that will attend the State Fair, the j Kennesaw Restaurant j has increased i*s cr.j Mtcitv, so ns to lie able i to feed an unlimiti •d numl.rr of guests. ; J Everything Unit the market affords either Iu eat or di inn. can la- found at this jierfeet i establishment. | Don't forget the place, the Old Reliable | KENNESAW, 510 I’m RTR NTItEET. Upon DAY and NIGHT. Rest Cooks, polite waiters and accommodating clerks. J. Ynleiitiiio, Agt. Sept 20-!m. Newest Styles of Fine Jewel r>> 1 BRONZE. ART GOODS, ETC. | The Largest Stc k in the City. 7**7 '>atdies and Jewelry _ 1 Repaired t»y skilled Workmen. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY by buying of us. RLMEMREU THE PLACE. .1. II. A: \\. W. M ill la in•*. fill Second >t., XlacQUj Ga, octfi-Jm The Eastman Drug Store! Headquarters for The Safest, Surest and most pleasant Remedy in the world, for Constipation and Torpid Liver. Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, )et '..t-lm. Wholesale Agents, Macon, Ga. - Is not at Ll'MJtEfi CITY but is expected there alter the State Fair to review JOHN H. BARRETT’S --Immense Stock of a £ cm® } Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Hardware, Wood ware, Willow ware, Glass’ware, Crockeryware and Tinware. Crocery Department. My stock of groceries is unsurpassed as to quality and quantity. FLOUR, HACOX, MEAL, GRITS, IIAMS, SUGAR, COFFEE, RUTTER, LARD, RICE, California Canned Goods. Pears, Cherries, Apricots, Peaches. TOMATOES. COKXf.D REEF. TRII’E. CORN. FEAS. OYSTERS, SAL¬ MON. IMPORTED SARDINES, MACKEREL, FINE APPLE, POTTED HAM. HRAUN. EOHSi’EU. STIfA WHERRIES, JKLL1ES OF ALL KINDS. OAT MEAL. MAC¬ ARONI CHEESE. FANCY CRACKERS, PICKLES. CUOIV < IIOW. SAUCE, CIGARS AND TORACUO. COMFICTiONERIES ‘ of all Ivind both Imported and Domestic 2cwn Weight and Full Measure; the Most Goods for Least Money. Come and See Me. JOHN H. BAREETT, Lumber City, Ga. Oct l i-Uln ^ JA| f IJ ^ are now being offered at tha Dry Goods Emporium -OF- Eastman, Ga. This is no eateh-penn; y advertisement, but I me •an exactly what I say. I am now selling goods clieapor that i the* were ever before ot lered in Eastman. Call on me be fore purchasing. oc*U3-3m Bargains In Groceries!! W. Xj. XjiESES, j County Road Street, Eastman, Ga. Carries the largest and most complete stock of groceries In this market. I The most ^oods lor the least money is my Morm Tlie public will consult their interest by ealling ou me before purchasing, a« 1 will save money to all purchasers oet 13-3m. f i IS Fill CHEAP mn H. si., tf. , It. It. AVENUE, EASTMAN, GA. For Firvt-etassi Good* and Low Price* I am positively in tbe lead ami expect to stay there. I make it a point to «ave money fur all who favor me with their patronage. AVIien vou need anything in the grocery line don’t fail to give me a call before purchasing. Uigurs and Tobacco a specialty, run a Dee delivery wagon for the accommodation of mv patrons. Oct 13-3m. A. L. HOBBS, 1 boa.t street, Eastman, Ga. -DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Me stock i* full and complete arid in price? I defy competition. Give me a call tvheu yeu come* to town. * Oct Li-Jui. A WORD TO THE WISE. When in starch of Host Geods at Lowest Prices call on AV. II. COTTER & CO., Dealers iu Dry Goods, Groceries and General Merchandise. Shoes a Specialty. AVc handle the Celebrated Shoes manufactured by C. S. I’arsou & Soil, of New York,, every pair of which is warranted. We make prices on flour for this market. \ on will save money bv calling upon u« before making vour purchases. AVc buy all kinds of country produce. EASTMAN, Gn., Oct. 13, ,87,-301. Barney Manheini, Controller and Regulator ot Low Prices, HAWKINSVILLE, GA. (Next door to J. J. Joiner’s) Dry Keeps constantly on hand a complete stock of Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Crockeryware, Hardware, Etc. My fall and winter struck lms just arrived I innka a specialty of KL^ii fiifV-ECll LOADING S'tOT (it Ns. Al*e silver watches and clocks. Full line af Tobacco and « ' ties 'igars always on hand. I r< s poet fully liavvkuiNville inv ito the people of I lodge an j adjoining esun* to eall on me vvho/i (he) eome to and examine my stock and prices, Get llbllnt. Winship & Callaway f •ICS SECOND STREET, MACON, GA. TIIE LEADING CLOTHIERS, arc now npeuing an extensive stock of Clotliing and Hats of nil grades and styles, Whore men will find u good stock of Rubber Clothing, North Carolina and Mississippi Jeans rants. Overcoats and .Suits for men and hoys. Overshirt*, Fnderweur, etc. etc. . r »0u Roys' Shirts Kjiits oiets., tiom aiul ^iOt) up. the best. 2m> pairs Roys' Paris 3T»ets. and upward. Gold and sill ver Sept 29-Hni. jfiJST Lowest prices for everything ' _ M For China, Crockery, (f When in Macon conic S A Cl us.* ware Timvaro, H anti ?oc wliat avo have, X C Woodumvare, Cooking J If you can’t come write 0 0 and Heating Stoves. We fj for pri ces. We have R J\( liave the largest and A the greatest variety o E most varied stock ever car¬ lamps ever shown in any ried south of New York. house. lie mu- A/jenta for the Earnout* Jiochester Lampt*. Re sure to eall on us when vou visit Macon. Respect fu 11 v, Tri<i biuuliii* tllock, Maeoii.Ga. ILU'OY run* IfTttR 17. Oct 0-3m. J. \v. Domingos, Manager. 4*SSS2T u. vmux ,« In addition to offering the best assort* tnont of Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry, SILVERWARE. SFKUTACLKS. CANES' - GOLD PENS, at lowest prices. PENCILS, ETC, i mn Give to each visitor to my store during the Ktat* Fair, whether purchaser or not, a chauco on a handsome Diamond Ring. Let every body eorreand bring their friend* GEO. T. HEKLAND, 320 Second street, Jeweler. Maeon. tia. oet0-3w. 317 & 319 THIRD ST., MACON GA. Hardware, Iron and Steel, Helling, MILL SUPPLIES, AVAGON MxVTEUIAL, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition of all Sorts. - Payne & Willingham, •tlacon. THE LEADING I! I GOG and G08 CHERRY STREET, Factory at Enterprise, suburb of Macon. octG-Jm. Dr. W. L. Smith, I) E N T I S T. Hawkinsvii.le. G A. Otfico in Pulaski House nicb2-tf d. c. McLennan. attorney at law MCVILLE, GA. l’r act tees in the courts of the Oconee and Brunswick circuits, x peel a I attention giv¬ en to collection of claims. Wi II nl».* prar, Gee in the federal cuirtii. >'ept l.-ly