The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, October 27, 1887, Image 3

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The Provision Store Is now complete and our doors thrown wide open for the people to buy First-class- Groceries at the lowest cash prices. \\ o carry tlir* liest grade of Hour, bulk meat, hams, break¬ fast bacon, pickle beef, coffee, sugar, rice, grits, butter, lard, syrups, fruits, dried honey, kcrosino oil, salt, oats, rvc, stock fowl, green fruits vegctabii'w Til© I test (1H87) fanned moats, fruits and berries preserves jc*]!i»*s, flavoring ex tracts, bakers broad cakes, crackers, pun stick camlit crystulizod fruits All kinds of tobacco and cigars. Our tinware, glassware and crockery department is coin plcte. Wo can-furnish every article i •< led in kitebell or dining-room tit prices that defy competition. Our stork o/’ hoHitmi; f/ooeffs i~ the largest evt r opened between Macon and Savannah. \\ would call attention of Sunday-school superintendent- i o tbis line of goods. Our inducements are unsurpassed, for \v< not only 4 iffer tbo largest variety ut lowest pi'll but will assist tin* Schools to pay for them. Superintendents ! are re<mested t< i correspond with us inunediatel\ ’ or call and sec* us Al4 1 - chants win » contcinpiatc carrying a .stock of X-mas to\ will .1 wo 11 to air goods and prici bef buviiur cl ytht'Yi PENDLETON BROS. KaM MAN, A f < h’t, i illl )V n ) rpn n W1 m \ T /1 mo ' { I Ml i y M. ' i Hi, i ) j i EJ. cfc £3. ENTERPRISE AND ENERGY! will '.ell, and that accounts for the steady increase IN Bl’SIXKSS at tlie NEW YORK STORE —OF m UJJJ MMwm&ii V j R. R. Avenue, Eastman, Ga. i j Having ait experience of over twenty years in the lim of good.* 1 carry in slock, I believe 1 know w hat to buy and how to buy it t tlie satisfaction and benefit of my patrons. I have Just returned with an immeme stock of Dry Goods, Clothing Khocs and Groceries, each of the above lines finely a -orted so as to please every body. Our Clothing ami Dry Good is especially rcrotumcudahle this reason. 1 have brought tlie nicest, best stock of Clothing I ever had, ind pric* In * lower than ever. have Drv Goods wc all tiie newest shades of <■ islimere, tri «. diU' gonals, plaids, and a general line ol Fancy Dress Goods trout 8 cents up. Our shawl* are daisies in line cashmeres, all shade*. Zcpher* in all shades ; *ml are the cheapest in tlie land. Our ladies’ and gents" tine Augoria neck j •haw Is are beauties. We have in dock ami arc still receiving a line selection of English and American Fancy Emits in late shades. All shades of wool flannels and iiuseys, yard tviile. cheap. Lambrequin and curtain g is in • hades and fatiev, A line selection of fancy g notion VI / of llo-es and Ribbons at Low* I'rieos, New* ami fa tie/ dc-ign* of Jewelry and Sd rw ar We have a beautiful selection of Walking Ja k Dolmans. Ulster and Jersey s in all size* and shadt All -ilk J Ghives in new shades. Kids in shad •* for ladies amt gents, the best go. heap. All my goods named in (bis *a«l” are guaranteed as represciiicd We iIso keep a full line, of Staple i in l Fane* t E rr (..'andi R( Covering, i'uruitntv. (tla«s an fin ware, i I artlw at mi I Give III! all II v ce ymit'sell r i ! n ( lb r tl puhl Thanking mv patron ,t favors I respti tfully -(.lii it it* c<>utin •D aiet*. 4ict Chain. Ltcspci tlully, R. Newman. Best Goods. Lowest Prices. JOHN T. WALL, -DEALER IN Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. M ieni v *i ,r r 1 and an 1 ,i > "t i ml prii-cH. J defy la P«* ! * i i, in John T. Wail, Eastman, Ca¬ ll i, Il U. ANDERSON & CO.. PEA LEI IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE ^ I lutilr A 4 ' 1 t mm ( PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. \ lar W4II assorted -lock alwav b iml w run I a a in "* ion wlib our bu-iin A II RS T-t I, AoS 1.1 \ FRY > I'Al’.I.I A l V lie New 11 • • lll> Sewing Machine, the best on earth oct 13*3111 S. Herrman tf Byq "9 DEALERS IN ( *r *2ml Avi* and (Vnintv lloatl Eastman, Ga. Mock in the la ■si amt m, si viirli'il In this n •k, nil i nr ]>r ar tow lew i HD amt M'c im »\ Iisii j mi <• line In lm\ ii s.ilisi.iitimi r 'H .iraiitc. ,| I in ! - M. H. EDWARDS & BRO a ; Railroad Ave„ Eastman, Ga. --DEALERS IN Dry Ciiooris, (1othin<»*, S1 i<m*s, I Saits, Dress Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Etc, \\ e ilemre to e II the attf'lllioll ol llie public lo I faet thill nor largf tall ami inter • took lm- bet'll r •eiM'il. Ite soi l' t Ii « hen you come to to.* ii oct ^ rnopuiF/rnns or The City Drug fa AND DEALERS IN Pure Drugs and Medicines of Every Description. 4 *ps'k is II largest in Southeast Oeorgi i Wc k n sunt I r In stock cmtv. thing that ran h l< >ii ml in anv Drug 11 .ot c of the 1,'t'g Sicilies. We male satisfaction a specialty l iwt*T ICI •o amt i at I S tl " l a ili't Hie | uuntlv tilled anil ant it I’li'scri] nipnuiiil' d at lour "t tin i lav niulit 'licit niiiiiuai Iic patloiiag". Il \-l M AN. i * let 1 r i ) T f! P ' 4 J l \ 'Li EAS'i MAN, GEORGIA. i: IL O. Ml LEER & CO. -S i,old tviiiify llie p4*4>pU* <>f Easiinnn. send ndta at tow ns and country surrounding that th*' i y no louger exists for iig he v "tut Eastman fur anything needed in Hi 1 Inn i C0mNS, CASKETS Furniture, Sewini Maclims, etc. a* w c are prepa red to furnish llie trade tu Anythin'.' wanted at t Ii - shortest possil Me notice uud ou us good tei ms us can be si cured in Slaeoij or rise m hen interest .soiidns your ' order* and lx? it i* to your to pat roui/e no. IVl»:WJt THE JOURNAL. 'Tr II. H. Bi llTON. * • • • Kfilfoi runtsnAY.' "oof."*7, *r n* JOURNALETTES. —-The Sunday afternoon sing ings at our cluir lies an* tiiiuly attended The highest cash price paid for seed cotton bj 11 a i! imp. i. k Smith, —.The last session of the Genera! Assembly com the State >f! t**,OK). —There will Do two full moons in (lelobcr. — It is too soon todLeilss ii «!ee tion that i* fifteen mouth* off. —It i<* less than two months tint Gliiiani.*!.., ‘•Tompus fugit.” —Tlie I* .t man Aeadetnv i- boom Itig attend, w ith nlimit 100 students in attendance, —Now that a od rain has fallen, a large area should i>< wn in small grain. —Those who confemplnte billing u thcrmoiuetei had better wait: the P fuming w^lien they will lie lowi —The tax eollaetor. M i*. Bald v B v.a! is iimv ini ills round-, mid the lax par er will govern Inn self a co*dingly. — Dodge con ii i y is well represented at the Stale Fair this week—espp< i Eastman ami vicinilv. —Mrs. S. Harri ot Me Villi', spent a portion <>f this week with ■lalivi's in Ea-tUiai) —Seed ution noli eof Drs II il* ri-on & Blanton, of Ch nnecy, in an other column. — Our I rand hoys were out Tuesday night and discoursed sour excellent miisi in 11 rtirt house square, —The first fro*I of tlie season, in !h section, was -ecu last .Saturday morn mg. It was very light, however, ami lid no damage. —Tine handsome two-story brick stole buildings will in* erected in our town this winter—if all signs don’t fail —Mr. E. I*. Miller,of Waltlionrvilie Ga., spent Sunday la-t in Ea-tnian vi-iling relatives. If* returned hoim Monday. —Mrs. Dr. ['owe!!, nee Mis Lou Sapp, ot tiresston, spent a few* days of last week with relatives and friends in Eastman — M and Mrs. J. S. C. Mar hdl, of our town, are vi-iling relative* in Ma¬ con lliis week, and taking in the sights at the Stale Fair. —Mr. J. U. Dillard, iceonipanicd bv M"* I'Hlc daughter, Cora, of Brtins wick, who have been spending several days in Eastman, returned home last .Moudav -A new kind <. it volition called a rii stalk chopper was exhibited I! Dll 'treels hist Tuesday It was a heavy, burdensome a Hair, and will have to he taken In f re shaken. It Hr pinion t our citizen who attended tb* r.xpo-ition, that Atlanta “ hit oil" more than she could ■hew.” wlien she attempted to accom¬ modate the immense crowds pre-cut. Mr. I .evi Lee's line black and while Red sow has strayed oil' or 1 iccn stolen, and any information concent ing her will be thankfully i ivctl b\ bin — Work will c ommenre in a w days upon tlie tie w brick store house Ot Dr. E. II. Ba ■on, on Railroad ave me It will I; * a commodious and band-o m* slnielurc. — We are now prepare I to do a kinds of job work at Hr Jm i:\ai oilin', amt at prices Dial will compare with Macon or Savannah. Sample always nn hand. — Wc regret instate that Mrs. Dae¬ 1 r, ot o!ir town, is seriously ill at i-* writing, and but sliu-lif hup<^ aiv iitertaiueil of her final r »verv. Sin* h quite dii a l bid v amt beloved In all who know her Mr < 'Ii if II. Williams, a fur iner resident of Eastman, but now in the service of tlie E. T. V. & G. R. R , between Atlanta and Rome spent I -day la-t among us. Jiis many Irii'Uils here were delighted to meet bill), and rcyrelled Ins short s'av. —The M m Dlcgraph will soon appear in a new dress and he olliei wise improved. Thi ‘great and go paper seems to he ou a genuine boom under it- new management, and just* lv s, for aside from a tew deficiencies it i- on, ,| the be*t dailies in Hie South, Thc La-(man ('oriiet Rand, com posed of 14 members, is fui'ni-lii'ig nuisi • at tbo Fair Hits week. Wi tru-t that they may win gizlden opu • Soils trom the immense crowds pres¬ lit Mis* Mina Malison, a charming young ladv ot Wilkinson county, is some time tvitli her sistet Mrs. J S. < Marshall, of our town. We trust her vi-it may he a plea- tut one. — A large number of our citizens at¬ tended tiie exposition at Atlanta last week. They have ail returned, and cx pre-s themselves a- heartily glad to get hack. — Ed our fa uicr* provid to sllp plemcnt the c ii crop next Spring t>\ putting in a large area ot oats. A rye patch lor tlie colts, calve-, poultry and I will also a must valuable ail Ait ion to the firm ' t forgo tlie fact that llie Jot VAI. job ii file i» now prepared to do anv work in t e job line on short no t mil at i i y prices. Bring us your vvorA. ami t something neat and 4'Ill'll ! Mrs, Hat per and family former ly of Amo- a r now residents ot E i-lman. oc-upyiitg tlie new home of Mr. W. S. V. aile. We cordially wel¬ come this ex 'client family to our town. —Rev. Dr. Thomas, of Atlanta, an eminent d vine ot the Christian ' ..... Jitueli, , l . s c ^l 1 (ed to pi* h in Hu* court hot in this place to-night t I mil -day and will probably prolong the services until Sunday night The fact will lie made known !>v itier'ng ing ot the I ind all are eordiallv invited to a 'ii I —t )nr ic v let*. Mr. J B. King, lias r ju-t receive i >t ot fine jewelry , of i he latest < -igiis, for hulk's and geu tieiiun. \V a vc examined hi- -t ick, and do not itute to pronotiic In' goods as in ne, and tinstirpassed for beauty by anv dealer in this ,«i l km. —A v.'i. mail from this section, vvliodoubtl -- | 1; ,d neve seen a 11 ' or a Iiig cr wl i ii fore liis visit to Hi recent visit in the I’icilinonl Kxpoii tion says I, siw and counted seven ty fiv<' grew mg in om '.ii'*^ ,, street ear l'liuse vlio are posted to tlie rapacity of sn*i * cars wl»*t iloiihl ihe siati.'ineut, uini think I Hie young man must hare been taking j something. , „ —Messrs. IS. Ilck-rman it Bro. pnr chosJieil, on 3Iouday of Or. Ja«. M. Buchan, the vacant lot on corner Third Hint Railroad Avenues, in dill •own. Tills Is one of Hie most valuable I jumble building lots in tlii» place, but we a re (o (date the terms ol sale, j Messrs. II. & Bro. will commence the erection ibercou at an early dav of a j handsome lie two story brick building to occupied hv Hiemsclvc* StllTCs* : them in their every undertaking, says the Jociix.u.. —We learn that the 11 year old son ol Mi. Jake Living-ton, living near East man, slid* lent* cnlcitallied the idea on .Sunday last that homo w ' not what it used he,"" and coming to town lie hoarded the north-bound n■ glit passenger train When ia.t SClMI he was wamtei'iiig about Mart mo.icv n * and biingrv, but vowed I ’■* . deli nmai.on to remain from horn* and try Ids fortune in the wid* wide world. — We were pleased to «oc lip oi our ■s'reels Tuesday la-', (‘apt, John A. Harrell, of nearChatilicey, who lias I n confined to liis room for a long while, suffering from a Mrnkoof i a rah-is, He can niov about vorv y if ho has someone to loan upon or lend him 115*= main fn< n<ls |i< n would he delighted to -<>o him suffi. field lv r covered as to allow him to again fre lv mil i, with them, —\v a re antliorized to animtim that Elder AV. D. O I VC of Wright — viiie Ga an divine of tin* ( r tiuu Church, will preach in thi dace on the third Sabbath morning ind evening) of next month. There n n,..,l..,l.:i:i ptoiMiuiitr .. ot ,.(• .1 tin sei \ ice- „ 1 lie ; iug protracted. Mr. O. is c!«»uuei»t. an . earnest oratoi and a large andience will doubtless greet him Remember the date—third Sabbath in November. —The brick building on Railroad avenue, at present occupied hv Mr. J. W. Lee, was purchased by Dr. E. II. Bacon on Friday last from Mr. W. W. Ashburn. We learn that the store room will undergo some alteration-, and he occupied next ycai is a dry goods and grocery si on It is a good business stand. —Mr. A. M. Skelton lias commenced ‘ 1,0 cm ,!u " ,,f a M^U dwelling, 10x38 w ith hallway, immediately in front ot his present leunc on corner of Third Avenue and Oak Street. Thi-building will add much to the appearance of that portion of tlie town, and add also to the value of M Skeltons property on tlie thoroughfares above named. —Our young friend, Mr. J. W. Lee, is having some neat improvements made ii|k>ii his place in the .Southwes¬ tern portion of the city, m tiie way of stables, barns, shelter* and other out hoti*< s. Mi*. L'*e i- an cii'erprisiug young man, and is making his prem¬ ises present a home-like appearance. —Capt. J. M. Higiitower and lain- . ilv, who have been , hoarding , in . our town tor .... the i>ast . several | months, felt . ... on Wednesday la-t for their ftUtiie home at Empin Their many friend* here rcgi their departure and we know of one or two small voting men ho now softly sing—*‘ Strange we never prize tlie music till tlie sweet voiced bird is flown.” Look after your strawberry beds this month and next. 11" yon have any setting to do, do il not later than Ihc 1st t December, if you would have a crop from the vine- next y< :ti With a lilt arc cvcrv familv can have an abundance ol’tiiis delicious fruit with¬ out buying it. —Mr. J. I). Choate,of Hawkinsvine, ilh*il in that place on Thursday last. He was w< || and favorably known to our |i ,pi, having often vi-ilcd La-t¬ man in Hu* iuicre ot Ins business— selling ma' hirie*. He was about (JO years of age, i devoted member of the M E. chun.l and beloved hv all who knew him. —Last season nearly all tiie north¬ ern and western health and pleasure seekers went to South California. This se.i'on Florida expected an unusually Itu'ge number, hut tiie appearance of yelbiw fever in that State w ill prevent thousands from guinz Hierc. Right her. in Eaflman they will find a eli i iiustii [la-sed on the eoutiuent. We b'arn that ouresteeiued I’i icin’, Mr. 1). W. Vf’eavcr, of Atnoskeag, has recently become heir, through tin* ,;,*uth of his hrother in Novth ('aroii na, to a nice little fori une estimated et from 510.IKK) to 15.0JK). Wecongrat ulate Mr. Weaver upon ids good luck, ami trust that him and ids mav live long to enjoy it. —Kd, Jackson, a ct lured man, in the employ of Stokes & Arthur, now wears Hie blue I'm* he in or a heavy Utter A few days ago he carried on h)» should r a hale of »'otton weighing 150 lbs. from the gin to the warehouse. a distance of several liund d \ aid-. How is this for manhood? —The Georgia Legislature adjourn¬ ed on Thursday last, after a session ot lt)7 days. Our iminediate Representa¬ tive, Dr. J. 31. Buchan, and Senator D. M. Robert*, have returned home i aving faithfully served an apprecia¬ tive constituency. — We learn that Rev. Eli Evans and Miss Amanda Couev. bulb of this countv, were married on Thursday veutng la-t. Mr. Evans is a widower of a few weeks, and hi- bride l- a lovc lv girl of about sixteen brief summers. May success and happine-s atteinl th happy pair, is our wi-h. —From what we can learn from our boys, who attended the Atlanta Expo¬ sition, we glean the fa -t that Mrs. Cleveland won the a fieri ions * * f every voting man on tlie grounds. —Prof. R. J. Stiozier and ofli«-er A. M. Skelton arc now wearing bland smiles, and seemingly the happiest men y ou inn t. Tin* arrival of a new baby boy at each of th* is* homes ;* the cau-c of iht-ir joy. — Dr. Hcrritian. Bird Daniel. Levi Leo and W. A. Morgan each claim to own and drive tlie prettie-t and fa«t C'l l-.or-o in l mu. wl \V. B. Whid don .. , _ is i .'oufidont that nn is -previous lo any nag on llie road.” — We learn tiiat the Ordinary has appointed Rev. J. I. D. Millet* to till the vacancy in the office of Comity .Surveyor, occasioned by the removal from Hit* county of Mr. .las. Hartley, who was elected to tiiat position at the lust election. —Rev. 1. XI. Lliristian and wife retnrued from a \ i-it of several weeks ti relatives in iviiiiiiali. Mr. C. , been quite ill during hi* absence, “ UM he ; ' < ' 0 " l 'i:Jinnsclt again. ■ Jo!m H. Barrett. I**.i inner City, ; ihe bet get’s, arid lady’s shoe. ‘-TUe cjoiuttet over tl»e summer sky, Is scattered l>y the sun let, Even as the dctroj-let does fly Kuipbatic from the dunlet.” —The communication from Name j less was received, hut lias been mis. j placed hv some means *# j —Jimmie Bohannon is. now the j proprietor of a handsome fruit and candy stand on County Road —Mis* Opelia Graham, a fascinnomg voting lady of McRae, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. I.. Hobbs, of our town. —Mr*. Miller and two children, of Walthourvillc, Ga., is spending lime in Eastman, the guests of the family of Senator D. M. Roberts, j Filth avenue. —Quite a number of Atnoskeag s citizens are attending the Fair this week—our correspondent included.— i This accounts for the nou-appcarai ICC | of tlie “Appendix In this issue. —Ex President Davis and family ar rived in Macon on Monday afternoon la-t, and will remain during the en tire week. These distingui,l»ed guest* n'll! form an important feature in the State Fair —The attention of our readers in this section is directed to tlie card of D. IV. J.ncas, agent, Macon, Ga., deal¬ er in line wine liquors, cigars, etc. He is fully prepared to supply the wants of all needing anything in his line, and on as oa-v terms as anv hou-i in the :>iat Give ... .. Inin a trial , order , ind you will he pleased with good* B i ml prices Read his eanl —Mr. Dean Newman, representing (In* wholesale drug house of Lfppman ’ t'- Savin "'IVV'tV’ ml wa T/ i •' E ?' t V V-* J- 11 1 (ItHitO IJ-l, 111 I lie lllierCsl . OI : j j(((Isp . . , _ a | on< , w | l |j 4 . uni by his geiiial courteous qualities, lie has won for himself many friends and many na Irons for his house. —The authorities of the K. T. V. & ( Railway* will con fur a lasting favor upon the citizens ot Eastman if they will . tlie dilapidated old depot remove situated on corner of Third and Rad road avenues, It is not used for anv pni|*o-e. has long been an eve-sore to oui pool>le, ami they are clamorous for ll s moral. —Tticsihn night last was a dark, rainy* one. ind lione-t people were in doors and slept soundly. But , ‘ 1 ' Unel was abroad, an 1 entered tli l ‘ fowl house ot" Mr. \\ Y. CiKiper. and irried oft" a mi miter of line chickens It M had been near with a >ld doubio-baiTol, there would ha\ been a black-burying in the glen' next dav Or. «*. W. line I*. We are glad to *i Dr. Buck in our office and town ag am. He has made many friends in Eastman by his won¬ derful painle-sextraclicmoftcoth. Ills pre-cut visit is only for a few days in answer to maiiv requests He will * pi*ohaiu\ ... not . longer than Sat remain . ' unlay , next. Do not delav ifvuii wish hi- servicts. l!ai-n<*y .Tlaiilteiiti. 1 am compelled to mention iny largi st( ck of overcoats, all sizes and luicsi st v •s, ] I good- and lowest prices.— 1 am selling them lower tiiau Macon >r Savannah in fact cheaper than i cost lf> make them, So take advan (age of the low price and call and ex amine for your-ell'and compare prices with other dealers. 2t llu rglary. Mes*r.. 3 lartin 4 IN ■acock, on Uouti ty R >ad. wei the vie tiins of the town burglai on Friday night Iasi En trance to t store wa V 'fleeted hv prizing open, with some iron instru¬ ment. one of tin* side window shutters. A number ,f ks of lliuir, togcthci wiili lavd, coll'ce, cheese, tobacco, s. p and other aril - were mis-ing upon opening the store next moriniig. Thei i- no idui to the perpetrator of the I, Our town should surely have a vigilant night policeman. The sal' v ( ,j our homes and stores demand some tion from our town conueil in this ( |j ■t IOI1. llri ss •■ootlM. Fifty i>:i ices of Brocaded Dress Goods, at 5 cents, well worth 10cents, ('onie, i iml I will show vou the best 10 and 15 uts Dre-s Goods you have eve seen in Hawkiusvilic. A full line of the newest trimmings to match Rrncoded Y'clvcts. sonictliing new at 40 cents a yard. You can't buy them at other stores for less than .fl.(K) Silk Velvets, in al! 'liaih **, it 5L00. Braids, Cords. Beaded Trimmings, and a great many oilier st vies to match |, s G Is Lillies, il will he to your interest huv t om* drc«ses from J. .Jacobus, I ader of Low Prices, lluwkinsville, Ga. ■iinil Words. Tlie Dotiin: Cocnty Joi knal made ii-appearance last week enlarged to a nine column paper and otherwise improved. 1 lie JornvAL •ss.—Hawkiusvilic has i*vident ! r become a su Di-patch, Ihe H um CorsTV JofitXAi, lias hern enhirgi'd to a niiie-eoluinn folio sheet and otiierwise greatly improved. The Jni'UN'.u. i- one of Hie best coun¬ try weekly papers in Georgia, and ieiilv deser\ the success which it ha- attained.— Hawkinsville News. Tlie Dot k Coi'XTV Joi’HN'AL eomes to ii-en’argeil to a Itand-oine ninc-col mini paper md umeli improved in '*i a rat tee. Make it a little bigger, Bro. Burton, and it will answer for a I'laukei. if you will make it warm enough.— Way cross Reporter. Boh Burton Iih- enlarged the I)oi«;i Cot nt v JornxAt., and u is now one of tlie best weeklies in tiie stat Boh is a go M new-paper man uyhovv.— Waver* )-s Headl ght. To our brethren of the quid, we doff our hat in recognition of the above complimentary notices, an.d assure them that it -hall ever b" our utmost endeavor to keep the Jolunal in tiie front rank of southern weeklies. A oI Ice. I’ll indebted to me, citlier by tl* *148 a •mint, arc requested to come forward and settle at one Notes and :e counts not settled by the first of .Jan nary next, will he placed in the hands 'fan attorney for collection, J. M. Saw Oct. Dili, 1887-2:n Harney Uanlielin. Of Hawkinsville, is receiving new goods everyday, and sells them cheap 0 ,. man any one else. Call an.l be con* vinced; hi- store is packed full, i 1(> atlvantaire of the low 1(| . icCH Xcw Yoi k, and cgnuot ' -idcrsold. 2t —- - The pun st and frcse.cst groceries _ ! ly, at Julia II. BancU's Lumber Kutew «• the Fnir. Wo learn from Mr. B. W. Pcndle lon. the efficient' agent at this place, that he 1* celling round trip tickets to Macon during Fair week, with coupon attached admitting yon into the Fair grounds, Tor #1.65; without coupon. $L!5. M**. P. had about 500 tickets ou hand al first, hut hopes to dispose of the entire lot before the end ot tin* j week. I The following letter from Mr. L. J. Ellis, one of the officials of the road, Mr Pendleton explains itself, *hows that tlie management is 1* ,vi »g nothing- undone in the matter of a* • •ounnodTihig our people M e find i h v !°oking over the complete seiieil - 11 tliat the special train that leave, festip at I o’clock a. in will reach Eastman at 1:10 a. m. and art ive at Macou at 7:15: returning, will lcavi Macon at 5:30 r in. and arrive at Eastman at 7.55. This schedule will meet the approval ot our citizens, as ll ®' . vc * 1 1 enth-e d.iy in Hie . ity a,,d b, i ,lu ilomc 10 " ys ' ni 8l, l>P or * Large » mitnbei s will doubtless take advantage of the very low rates ai.d admirable schedule, ami visit the city during tiie week. Read Mr. Ellis’ letter Atlanta. Oct. ’22. 1887—During Faii* week a special (min w II he run daily between Jessup and Macon, which will stop at all stations for pas * * e ” Scrs , U w ' n h ' AV " . at 1 , a ,a " * an H anivo at Maeon at 7:15 a. in. leave ^laeon 5:3d p. m, and arrive at Jessup at 11:5t)p. ni-Complete seiicd ule will be sent you tonight. Adver ,ii0 lI,is among yom people, and get county to notice it, . your paper auu lbu * ow ra ‘ cs " L. J. Ellis. A NSj-ijiht Outlook:. In our perambulations on Saturday !ast wc met one ot our old merchants, Mr. II. J. S.ipp, on the cotton exchange ani j inquired ot him, Docs tlie sea S1, n now closing terminate brightly for o J( . farmer?” ‘"Yes, sir; you can state through tlie coiumnsof the JontN.vL that our farm ^rs, m general, have made good crops; 1l,ey are coining up promptly and pay ing their guano notes, (and I have sold hundreds of tons of fertilizer this year) besides jothci minor debt* of years standing oil mv hooks Every tanuct [ have occasion to talk with, says he has made a line ( rop, and will come out better this year than he lias for several years past This is indeed a bright outlook lor our farmei uid in this connection you tiihzht state that we have the most honest, faithful and hard-working class ol agriculturists in Dodge to be found anywhere. They are punctual in payments . when al lowaiices prov ide, and are untiring to make ends meet.’’ The speaker wa=, indeed, mental v to our farmer-friends, and w *e endorse hit remark-. No county ct i'i boast ol a nobler, more thrifty set of tanners than Dodge. They live at homk— in the true -cn-e of the word, What a blessing! Yes. a God-smut, to live iua climate, unsurpassed on earth tor health, wealth and pleasure During our talk with Mr. Sapp, lie stated that he commenced business here (a few year ago) when the total receipt of cotton aim minted to about 400 hales, but will now wager a fine hale Hint tie icce ipts for 1887 will reach 1,<VK) bales—having bought, up to lids time, about 40) les, A l*l4‘tlMUItt 04*<*Si«»Io»l. Oil la-t Wednesday Oct. lotli, tlie l*el hlcbcm •hoot, according lo pre vious anouncciiicnl, cl. ised with very iiileru^lin^ rxurui At 10 o’clock a larg^ and ai»:»rtvialivc audier as sem 1 at 11: school lioii-c to witnc-4 Hie cxaiiimatiou of the pupils, and in doing them jtisl \ve will say that they not only refl, tod credit upon tkeniseh s, hut also upon their worthy teacher. i'iie uio-t noticeable feature of the examination was the aeility with which the hoys found the fourth power and extracted tlie square tool o ' numbers. Frolcssm* .Moor is an ex ccllrnt teacher, and deserves gi "at com niendation for his labors in this com - miuiity. After the examination, mu¬ sic was furni-licd by Frofcs-ors W. L. and L. O. Peacock, after which u„„. n. Coleman, county •liool coin missiom r. delivered an address on ed oration, in which lie strongly pointed out the in •sity of a s : x mouths n. s,< I of a tJ5 da vs fre school 31. ( olctnan is alive to every public in t« rest and lias done more I'm c li e t tion in this county than any other school ron.inissiniici Profcs or \\ L. I t LC ock delivered the valedictory address, which though short was point cd, and much appreciated, 1 tinner being next in order the audience gath *i*c*l around a himntilui repast and showed noii-rch'etaii in itisfying j the inner man. The rest of tiie nftcr ; noon was spent in listening to vo-a! am , | llM |. UI „ e | lla i Ti.e occasion wa- u plea-ant one, and will long he remembered by all who attended. B.V ftN A !!4*S. •I. .lacobas, Of Hawkinsville, proposes to lead tlie Clothing trade of his section thi fall. He is the only merchant of his town who handies the following well known makes s l,ro. & ( Nathan Bros.. and Stern. I alk & < <»• The above firm- make the line-t and ! b« -t lining ehiiliing in t.ii' eountry, and I prop to 1 you a well made up suit heap as you have to pay for a common nit d-ewhei* My 58.00 -nits are beauties. For 12.50 I can give you a fine worsh* 1 -uit. 515, 518 and 525 will buy a suit equal *.o any Merch¬ ant Tailor's 545 -nits. A ! irg • lot of M a Hid Boys ait from 52 -50 ii) Don't buy until you sei mv good It will pay you. J. J.\l*OBt'S, Leader of fine good- and low pt PS Hawkinsville. Ga Ill Brief, and to the I’oint. I -I cpsia is dreadful Disordered aver is ml'crv. Iudigestio:i is a foe to good nature. The liuitiati digestive uppara'ns is 1 one of the mo-t complicated and won ilerfui things in existence. It is easily put out ot order. Greasy food, tough food, food, had cookery, mental worry, lat j. hours, irregular habits, and many other tilings which ought not to have made the American people a lion of Green's dy-peptics. Flower But August done a wonderful work hi ibis sad business and making \meiicHij pimple su healthy that can ei.j'.yiheir^ meals gS”®* amlhc 'm Flower brings lieaith and io , j.,. dy-peptie. A-k your fur a hat tic. Seventy-live cents A Worthy Enterprise. Wo have given considerable s|»ee withiu the past few weeks to notices of enterprise* In and around our town, but have, as yet, neglected lo mention tlie fire-proof Wareitoitsc of John D. Stokes, on Railroad Avenue. In 1884 this Immense building, adapted especially for the storage of ( Oiton, was * reeled, and the following j year was rented, or leased, by Mr. J. D. Stokes, the present efficient mana ; g**r. At that time our town received / a few hundred hales of cotton j aiinuaiiy, from the simple reason that there w as no place here tor storage , and from the more ini|>ortant fact that j ougldy no one had advertised ever talked up ai.d tlior Eastman as a cotton market, as Mr. Stokes has done since hi* advent in the business. He is ccr lainlj* tiie right man to manage the i cotton traffic of our section, is Ins suc j cess m that line shows. Season after season our town has increased in in | tercst rs a cotton the market, ami till* sca¬ j s01 >* »1» ta present writing, somc ; thing ovei*2,500 bales have been rceeiv ed at this warehouse alone, and the sta piecontiuucs to roll in daily. Wc would , state in this connection tiiat Mr. Stoke* is a sworn weigher with tiie best of i scales, and our planters can rest as sured of receiving nothing blit fair, honest dealing at his ban D, Shortly after removing toourtown, , yi «* , formed partnership with a Mr. James Arthur, who is well and favorably known to our people, and they at once erected the extensive i steam grist mill and ginnery oil Third ! Avenue. This is another step ofenter i pi l-c ami energy on tlie part of Mr. S. ; that should receive the commendation of our citizens generally, and we are glad to state that such has been the j e a-e. Since the completion of this cn terorisc, it lias received continually and is yet receiving a most flattering ^patronage, l’olite attention and satis , faction in cvcrv transaction Is gunran feed to all customers, and this is one 5 grand secret of Messrs. Stokes 4 Ar ihur * success in the steam grist mill and cotton gin enterprise. We cheer¬ fully commend (Don to (he patronage our planters, and wish w*c had a f cW more siuh citizens as they, 'IVlfuir Court. ,\s usual wc were in attendance on the regular term of Telfair superior court, in se-sion last week, Judge Ivibbcc presiding; but, as usual a ike, because both of having more business without than w ithin the walls of jus tice, and confident that inatterS witli in were in sale keeping, wc learned but little as to the court proceedings other than that business was being dc-patelied to the satisfaction of all concerned. Telfair is keeping even pace with her sister counties in the march of pros* pol ity. The court house, now nearing mplction under the* skilled super¬ vision ot architect Ren wick, will be one of the handsomest and most sub -tantial structures of the kind m wire grass Georgia The tax payers will hav< no tears of regret to sited be- 1 cans,-* of having .secured Mr. Renwiek's services. We conversed withbotli ("aimer and ’ merchant, and the report from the former was that the harvest is excel ; lent, while the latter substantiates this ''' port with the verdict that collections u never better. Among our farmei friends who furni-licd figures was out young friend. Mr. Frank Matin, who hands in a return of twenty-five h;ies of cotton and 300 bushels of corn to the mule, together with a quantum | mi (licit of cane, peas, potatoes, etc. McRae, Telfair"* county site, is rap idiv developing into respectable pro* , jiorlious. and nothing short of a calam j ity is to prevent her occupying a po | sitiou among the cities in the near ; fti:ore. While hero we shared the liospital ities of S', eritl' McRae and Mrs. Me Neel, in the society ot whose estima Die families we were made to “feel at home" in the true sense the expres siou implies, "—*—‘ I'rom <ai*aliatu S<*liW4>l House. < )ctobku 25, 1887. EdITOIS JorilNAI. As you have no reporter from thisjflace, I will assume tkc n spon-ihility of giving you a few did- for publication, Mr. 1' (.. McDuffie, our efficient and worthy tax receiver, lias been, tve are sorry to sav, confined to his bed one j month today with remitent fever, i though Ids condition i$ considerably improved, and we liopo ere long that ' Ids health mav he restored to him. Last Wednesday's rain is tlie first ram that we have had of any conse ineiice since (lie sixth day o( August. With such a long continued drouth, ti„ cane and potato crops are aliuo«t a complete failure. The cotton crop will not lie as large a- was ant'cipated in our section. The entire crop lias already found its way to the market. Prices may go up hut the tanner will not be bcnclitted by it, as thev have sold. Rev. Mr. Conley is eondtn*fing a se¬ ries of meetings at Saiul Hill church. Wo hope tiiat much good mav he ac¬ complished. and many souls brought , to Christ. j D in Stewart is now settled down t" ,*c^llti«*s of lift*, resting under his j ovvn vii „, aml tifi trcc , j yf,• \ A. Grniiatn has just return ,.,1 ft-oni thi' Piedmont Exposition. Many of the old veterans are leav ing for Macon, to meet Uncle Jeff Da¬ vis li Hie 20th. Stonewall II. YXitnhcim. Nev since T liuvc been in business, have I met with such sales. But low prices and first class good* will tell. I am receiving new goods every day, and many bargains ate now in store to be opened. My stock of Ladies’ Dress Goods aimot lie beat in style or price. 3fy stock of Gents’ Clothing and Furni*h '.ug Goods is simply immense, hot!) in low prices and handsome styles. As for Shoes—both ladies’ and gents’—I only have to a«k you lo look at them, feeling confident that vou will sav von never saw such good* tit so low price?, The bottom ha* dropped out! Hosiery, towels and white goods too low to mention! But all are first -class, and mu-r ho sold to get them out of the wav for more to conic. See to it tiiat you cal! before buying cisewliere. and I will save you money} ■ Yours, truly, Babvky Ma.viieim, Hawkinsville, Ga. —Our terms for job work are ! ly cask. No deviation from this rule. «V*m i’bMure». Ocr. 25.—Mi>s Mary Bello Walton, of Albany, is leaching music ln>ttV town. Those who hare hcnrtl MJ*» W. play, say she is a fine performer. A lady well educated, beautiful and accomplished as is our icnchcr, should certainly be patronized, ns such opjtor tunitics arc seldom afforded. Capt. J. C. Forsyth is on an exten slvo business trip to the North and West. We all miss the Captain, as lie U one of ‘ the boys,” and a more clev¬ er tfenileman never existed. We were pleased to meet last night at the Lasiie House, Col. W. J. Wil¬ liams and daughter, Miss Cora, and niece. Miss Sullie Wilcox, of Temper¬ ance,Ga. A communication appeared in your paper a few weeks ago urging the name of Col. Williams lor legislative honors. Of course we have nothing to do with Telfair politics, hut tve do emphatically saj that our friend \\ i one of the most deserving men of his county. By the way. this reminds ii» of a historical event width very few know of. At the battle of Cold Har¬ bor the ranks of the Confederates were broken and the entire army was de moralized. The color-hearer threw down his flag and joined llie retreat Col. Williams, by nature a true soldi* r, but then a private, gallantly grasped the deserted colors, and, amidst shot and •licit, bore them on to victory. As a result he was promoted to the rank of first Lieutenant. As a citizen his character is unblemished ; as a legis¬ lator ho would he an honor to his county. Col. Williams Is Grand Mas¬ ter of Temperance Lodge, and will attend the Grand Lodge which meets in Macon this week. While we are thinking of Jeff llavis, let honor he to whom honor is due. You ought to hear the hoys talk of their Atlanta tilp Well, just read the Telegraph, and our sentiment will he voiced. Hurrah for Jeff Davis! Mr. If. Brown lias been in south Georgia and Florida lor several weeks selling stock, at which lie has made a grand success. Mr. B. is “hadlj miss cd when lie is gone.” Clever John Crutchfield is in town, happy as you please. The boys are all going (o Macon, and you may bet Cliauncey will have her fun. Dr. Harrison has shaved, put on a derby, and promises to net as sur¬ geon for us. Few towns can support such a man as Dr. II. Dr. Montgomery is doing well, and hi* prospects for a permanent recov¬ ery are good. . Bell Cleland’s byciclc takes in the country fellows, who think it a won¬ der. Mr. C. is an expert—we mean with the ladies. J. Clayton Cl. mants, an ex cut vo committeeman, passed up the road on Sunday for the purpose ot aiding in conducting the Fair. Our friend. Mr. O'Keif, of Savannah, has been quite sick with fever at the Laslic House, hut is much better at present. Mrs. West, of Godwinsville, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. K. Johnson, for several days. We migVit here state that Mr. Johnson is on of the most successful business men of our town. Mayor Muliin keeps on increasing the town treasury. With Hem v Foi est as marsliHl and Hie present coun¬ cil, Cliauncey is one of the strongest municipalities in the Stale. With best wishes for tlie JornvAi. and iioping that you in the future will give us only credit for what we write. we remain, A. (! .1 X TO N Cilia from Coju liuiil. Copeland, Ga., Oct. 25. EllITOn JoCItNAI. As I seldom see anything from Hits nection, I thought l would drop von a few lines to let your numerous readers know that we are not asleep m this section ot the county. Captain “lied Eye” passes through occasionally and commits his dark deed* of crime and shame Wc desire in this connection to remind the voters | of the county to be on their guard , ugaiu.-t the great tiestroyor (liquor) at i least for an unknown season. j j I am aware that tiicre is a prejudice I against any man engaged in the manu¬ facture of alcoholic beverages. I believe Hut from t'.vj time it issues from tlie . . , poisonous worm of the distillery until il empties into the hell of death, dis-I honor and crime, that it demoralizes | every one that touches it, from its source to its ending. All wc have to do, fellow-citizens, it to think of the wreck son either hunk of the stream of Death ; the suicides, the insanity, tho poverty, the iguo ranee; the destitution of the little children crying with starvation, and weeping wives asking for bread alone; of faleutcil intellect* who have been wrecked, and it all produced by this devilich <lccottion. And when you tliinlc of tho jails (especially election time) the alms houses and asylums, tlie prison yards and *caf fohls, I *lo not wonder Hint every thoughtful man is prejudiced against this poisonous si lift, so-called alcohol. Intemperancc cuts down * youths in their ... vigor, manhood ... its strength, in age in its wickedness; it breaks ihe father* , , , licart. . bereaves the darling mother, extingushes natural afi'eotion, ert“cs conjugal love, blights parent a 1 luqie, and brings down mourning age in sorrow toiiie grave. It produces sickness, not health, deatli not life; it makes wive*, widows, eliildreu or¬ phan', fallier* fiends paupers and beg¬ gars; it degrades ihc citizen, debases tlie legislator, dislionors statemen, dis mbunts tlie patriots, and bribes many nlgro votes. It brings shame not liou oii; terror not safety ; despair not hap¬ piness. It poisons fidelity, kills peace, ruins moral*, blights confidence, slays reputations, and wipes out national h>nor; it cheats children out of an ed¬ ucation, and teaches them to like a full battle of red eye, and an empty sack of corn. It curses tlie world and laughs at its ruin; it does a)) ot this, and more loo; it murders the 8**ul. it Is the son of violation, the father of crimes, the mother of abomination, the devil's be-t friend and God's worst enemy. On last Wednesday night burglar* entered Mr. yiiuon Coffee's house, hut they were discovered hcfo , *o anything could he carried away. It appear* that Hicrc hn* been a mis tin'lerstandii^ road (A. P. & L.) bet niilhoi ween l ii lie ic» new and raU- H>C j i Ho**k purchasers in tliis coniiniimly, I mid the matter i* causing some tll» satisfaction to both u parties. I I j 3Vm. McII You should rig yourself out in one of th<*© nobby suits at John A. Bar- { ! rett's Luiul cr L'it) trDl K, m P m I tbo want cheap good*.II< Shoes, lists and % full and com plotc. A* TVlfPstil of FWatUy 0ro* ! eeriMMt) at toni'hinfely low prices for Cash. 1 Give me a trial, and be cdiivinccd that I mean just whiil I sav. Those who bought gttano from me are respeelfully requested to make an immediate settlement by Oct 15th, in order to get flic benefit of cotton op¬ tion ; otlierwls u I will ho compelled to exact currency at face value. With mam* thanks to all mv friend* and customer* for thou* past liberal patronage, I hope to merit a continu¬ ance of Uio same. Respect fully, 11. J. SAPP. Eastman. Ga.. Oct. 5, 1887. lm Ilui-itcy .viiiitliclm Controls the low priees'on blanket*, bed covers, quills, sljcetings, and eve¬ rything else for I ho housekeeper Go t»see him. 2t AnmmIm- 1 '1'rlcolM. For Ladie*" Dresses, in all the new shades. When roll buy a Tricot dress, be sure you get that slumped Assabet. They are the best goods made, ami each piece hears I ho manufacturer"* stamp. In addition to the above wn haveo|H*neil another shipment of 22 pieces double width Cashmeres, at 15 cents. Other houses sell tlie same qual¬ ity ot goods for 25 cents. One lot of double width Ca-hniem at 30 and in cents, which you can't duplicate for K> and 50 cents. J. J At om’s, Leader of Low 1’riees. Jiuwkiiisvillc, Ga. I’isli u*(l llyslcrs. I desire to inform tiie citizens of Eastman and vicinity that I will keep on hand,during the season, fresh fish and oysters, and at prices below com IMMition. Call at my place, No. J Third avenue, when desiring these luxuries 8 am, T. Hook its. Eastman, Oct. fi, 1887. tf •turns*j .VIhii helm Ha* the largest and cheapest line of crockery, glass and quoensware, lanqis', cl ( ofanv merchant in Hawkinsvilk*. and at price- lower than ever know n before 2l Thi* I* Trap! Neve before in Hawkiusvilic has such a large stock of Dry Goods, Nov¬ elties in Divas Good-. Velvets, Cloth¬ ing, etc , been opened tor winter trade. See Jacobus’ goods and you will lie pleased in price and quality. Npi*dnl. 10 pieces Ad Wool Red Flannel, at 12 ' ; .j cents a yard. I’will Flannel at *25 cents a yanl. Waterproof at 50 cents a yard. White Flannels from 12' a to $1.00 per yai d. (’anion Flannels at 7 cents per yard. Canton Flannels from 7 to 25 cent* pet* yard. Jeans, good quality, 12V cents pci* yard All wool Jeans at a bargain. Undershirt* for children, from 20 ! "" V' 1 '. vt ‘ s,s " om 30 «”»**> woo! 100 pieces Fall Calicoes at 3’ s cents per yard. Dress Gingham* at Scents per card. .ieksi: vs. Ladies' Jersey- at 50 cents. Ladies’ Jerseys at 75 cents. Extra fine Jersey* from $1 to,$3. Bri*,ikfast Slum Is from lOcents up to -51.50. It will pay you to buy your goods <>( J. J A' 'OUt's. Ga. I ; or*iaIe or BCenf. I will sell or rent, on reasonable b'l ins, mv six room cottage, on (Jhaun , ( 'T avenue with all necessary aut buildings, a good well ot water, tine l? a, 'dcn sjiot, and five acres ot good ^ iUI< ' attached. Herein i- a bargain. Address 15. D. Woodaiid, octtJtf Cochran, Ga, I'ollixi Hlai'ker. The Eastman cotton market closed yesterday (2fitl>) with Good d Middling 8DC. 31 Ring 8 3 .. . Would you secure ymir money * worth, trade with Joint II Barrett, Lumber Cl tv. For Californi i canned goods, call on John H. Barren, Lumber City. "™ - • ..... ..... • ~ THP 4 4444 ** ORPHAN U414 u mi HOY u 1 " " • Ttiis fun* Stallion is now the property of \Vi»lnirt, Hush 4'o., al Inglewood, Dodge county, and parties having good hmod marcs should coiifcr with them rtic animal is of the celebrated Hamiltonian and size Morgan stock, an-l is indeed a l*eauly in and carri I s'* For ftirllmr informu lion, address the A III] ove named lirir.. *4*271 f DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The partnership hen loforc existing t>o •"ecu Res. Harrison & IUhuioii is ibis rtav dissolved hv imitiiiil consent. J»r. 4J. W . Itlaiiton retiring. All note, and act ■omit* ,nUKt ’M 1 rr >eon, who Ii uts art »uin*j(t utl the liabllilicK of tlie llrm. | n HAltKtsoN t |, au „ C0Vt (; . K <»,-tViil"IH-i? 1 * A ‘ N -a l oN — D. W. LUCAS, Agent, — DKAI.KIi l; — Fins Wins:, Hk fa:, Ik, Corner Fourth aiul lioutuhiry St roots illACOA, «-.t. Tlie trade along tlie Ihc* of the K. T. V. & O. ltoail arc informed that I am propuri ct to supply I heir wants on as guoU terms u» can be secured anyw here 1 solicit your patronage Give me a trial order on -old ltaker Uve.” Oct. IteiqM'Ctfully, 27. ISNT ■». W. I,uc<t* lm Libel for Divorce. (Jkoiigia—B odge County: Edgar Wilson, . v«. j Sullie Wilson, hltiil for divorce in the siq 'Prior court of said nppcariiig county, Aug it list term, I ft to ic court that the dcfeti daiit Sal ? li« Wil»< -on dues not reside in Dixlge county an d it further appearing that she docs not reside in till* state, it is or ifercd that said Sal lie W ilson tie mid ap superior pear personally t'of'said or t#y iiitoruey ut tin; the next coiii county on fourth Monday in the February, 1 il*<-l l'.dgar isss, then V\ i mid there to answer ol Ison for n total di volet mil in default leiauii thereof mere Ihe court will 1*iVI** provecd a* tojusiu uistice e sliati snail apper- i »j dobrndailt 'VK'^niadtT jkmok by publieatinn of lliis order in the county Jocu.nal, islied a public East gazette of ih:» Suite* put> at man, twice a lubntli for two iiionth*. fti is J8rU day of August, ll«7. Done lit vacation. Cn.t.s. C. Kirhkk. J. .8. C. O. V. A true extract from the minute* of r court. J. C. Rawlins, « imiop, Clerk s. C. l>. t:, Attj * for plaintiff. 8ep:2i-eo\v-2m,