The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, October 27, 1887, Image 4

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REV. DR. TiUUGB. TUB BROOKLYN DXVJNK’8 BUN » ,i BAY 8KMMOM. Subject: “Uaeecnpled Fields," [After the church was full of people, and all the adjoining room* packed, as many peo|ile went away from the doom as got in.) Tkxt: “ Lett / shoubl buitd upon another mrtn't foundation.''— itomans XV, 30. America Btirring showing riqxwts come what from all work parte the of churches of God doing, a and great I late them thotr are Misapprehen¬ congratu¬ and pastors. sion* have lien going the round* of some of the religious pro.* depreciating the gei unity wid ca*h of thi* down church in thi* ; ?7K1,310.34 church for have religious t u«si and Christian work during tho nineteen year* of mr ministry here. Tnl* rhun-li was built by all denomination* of Christians and by people from all lands, and hence we have * oaii raising money for many object* outside our iater/ored denomination, and that ha* nometinice with our (xmtribution* to tho Boards of our denomination. Subscription t»ooks for all good object*. Christian, humani¬ tarian, here collegia to, and tho oils, ion,try, h. ••huri'li as in conunon < hrutondom as ha* daylight, Is-en •a--.*tab™™*-.,wh side that we have received dying th ey e iv- ar fiStvw "i", <- hrist a ThTmostof^mrSstonTh^e Le from the outside world, so that, taking the ides of KWZr people s ronixlations. l,W5 " buU “‘" g on otlM,r ui"r v.”;i"v -. li’r'S h , Corinth, nnd a city Jerusalem, mentioned for tho splendor .priesthood and vt e, where and th iBanbalrim were ready to leap with to do it What was the result.' Tlio grand life of tisefulno s that a man ever lived. modem (aviation worker «r ■ not apt to imltate -nul. We build on other people’s tsv'ii il, ,7KS LnT have nave leen pious. I>owv k gutter r « a Kabtiath school class, wo want g«s«l l«iys nnd girls, ! v «. ho a churuh in thin • rrr day in apt rfW to tault out of oth#*r clinrchoH, horn** ndnM*r-R irtinll "o v ns ili n i ar nv ilTvlmm w e n a reuiment S U Tcrines"s* f i o e theVvXn,^.. V, ’ froni th«> to flocks wo build our church not out of other clnirche t.'.r"! !"!r "f, i/.* * ! ^* < -*^*/ #l * , t W on another her man’s mans | T» r t his is a big world. " non. in our scnooltsiy •lays, of wo tins Iearne planet led ... the diain *tor and cinui infer en.-e wu did did not not learn 1. at it half. liu It has n latitude and longitude and diameter nnd ••jrnmiforeneo of want and woo and*sin that no figures can calculate. This one spir¬ itual continent of wretch'tdnMM reaches across all zone*, and if 1 wore call'd to givo itsgisi graphical the north bound'll',y I would * iy it is lsmndod on nod south ami east and west l.y Ih" great heart of God'ssympariiy and love. < *h, it, is a great world. hi. Since ruins e. • 1 o’clock o' t his morning nil these (>U,Mh> |*.rs<> ns have l leeulKiin, niel reached of multiplied the Gosijcl. Jsjpulntions In i’.iiglnn nr,' t I o W|S llg I • ■r in out .ns to i rn All American eit ct, w. art. are I ho much crowded, nnd an acre of ground Is of groat value, but out West, .%<a» acres Is a “ small farm, nnd "n.fiuo a.aes is in. unusual , tHissessi.m But , there is a va-t spir Ii'mL ' V l *’ r, ’ a '"l ™T.Vwhere lm,M,a, , n r' ri '’ ,10t « anothtu man * hiundntion. , U VmT s '' 1 ’ .i., I nltUrtHK ma HiuiK'i s that Ihmmi pn*»»l gumst tliii ty veil s pi liii-tepi assault, AmiJeLi lier'tolighi. sw.^ Ts,"feds' 2 " Hu, 1 in i-urv^l pillar onotijh to Imvi’nm-l" m thousand T;, : »! i 1 K*h. ; than immy a log *JtittVt , nuvtine Iioum*, with tullovv nindliM ntuck In wo nVh so’kfts, n 11* i a mil list * r who has never seen . ollego or known the differ enre 1m*I we#n <iivk mi l ( hoetiw. Wo n«*d ns ,!', , "'V t ‘"nis tl, K,t I 1 !' 0 V "i l thy will. II,, i r l H k, !' 1 r i » A.. ; ... ; , p , i , ’,, ' , , - , ,, ,, ,..r l 1U V do, ', i ' .'t ler whaf • put fiu n iv'f v l '! w ll .lV i h Win ^ td * 1 ,,Mt i t "" " m " ,! X'Vth" s .. * le • v will put fifty I the select few tod/iv astoml. I-d in II e Chris tianeliurehesi ompared i• > tlm niiglii 1101 mill. ion* outside of them, eight hundred tlP ari in Brooklyn, Imt I.-m than one OID Im thousiiinl in the hm*ell. * Mm iy of the churches are like u linspit il that should udver. brol,.Ml head-, re.eruShe I O kies, no fractured (highs l,n, us f ir 1 tnrent moderate sin nor*, i-l\-1 ,,......... a farm gloss of on, It is ns ).......... .. mill, had a Hire eihou acres and put ell his work mi on l-re II- in i v re is.- I,ever so largocnn-re.f. ln» or,Mere mo hi f I .. . , r . l»4mvvi{ would ft'mn 'i irfh *r 'l I..*«*11itr 'Coll,. itri / hii f cart* oil mo a 5-3 •, mid 1*111**1 n|*I nl'i11 men aiul women that sm inrtoMi in- hut the field is the w = -Id, means Noitl. and 7 uilli Ane-rioa, Asia and Africa hi all the islands of (-nil if Is as though after a great bnitle were left '.'Gd wounded nnd dying on field, and I lire* surgeons gave all their 10 tons, patients und -r Ih.-ir charge. Major General com -s in and savs lo (he Jors: "t'-.uie for out luck here of and surgical l-«>k at uttenclnu the n “No," say the three do.-tor,-, standing fnuning their patents, “we have three j m them, portent ru*"* here, and We are attending iuisy to and when we mv in t |»eitivelv with their wounds, it takes ..|| nur time (o tlv Uis'p of the iliei off,’ In this awful Imt miii (i iii I M«»rrow, wlit'i’t* millions hav«* faiU*t»on imilions, .it. not lot us sp thi all «mr tun. tlm ' emnniand in taking care ..ffew “Go into ih- .ple.and when ii'itb . omes: td.e world,” sav pirael y,“ N*. 1 eannot go; I have hero afnw eh-iirn r rses, nnd I inn busy k's' off (le. flies. l iter,, are multitudes t.wlav wlp, b.ivo n. ver h id nnv Ch,'stian worker look (hmn ,me eve an I with .rnestn-as in iv vent uni,>m ‘a a, • or they w*»ub 1 3 <’mk ago im lie'll ill th" kingdom Mv file mis. 1,-il II is I'll ti -I- a 'll un <>! "'■■"i'll (lour reality Il II b. i Mimui •mr !!,l"refi£i!;;:',;7i!h cliuivh, h am 1 < 'hristi ui sirdeiih and what i ’;!;:&;' , are we doing! the our ,r¥: 77 .,,'k 1 ! 7 :. 1 ";.::i i h 7 ; 1 , tensiantsm, mqsxhtie nnd * ten uw.oiiv. ,1,, ^ . s 1 , S, ' n ”! fiflltod , .uiu i , 01 H JO cpisino qoit ,| istiV :.i,ai im 1 U,,': tWJT j. oi.i, tt da o ‘J n 1 I! ':' ' lin oahh ' t M,no i ‘ k |||.h I'tiN main a a vs oj - , ' nsj f l*'ll ttuuij a*|. a,n|j(,spjj* j*nf aztp 'i, ! " MH -i pm, .T'lue Vua .if.. " , s l'"te"i'"D ; puli un N|*M|>unq '■‘•'ll 7'teuo "W S',I fill, 11 1 AI X sll 1 l° 'J ' , lt!' nl ItfiDtnij) ptl. .Mil do!„r1 in i, m . . ,.,u s ” juewu.,imi * mi.,1 01,1 ,,u ” VS< tl um "-I D m ,11 ,.'u,'i . hi’ ......J®® '. 1,. ! ,mr, ! , V 11 , f'"'“fi'> ' net, Hie t Seo^riV'V"* t 1 11 a 111 ,h V f'ffum, iii which ,'11!,' (lie 1 "‘ r fi'"! , 'fudge, w ho is in’ ae inam r wlu i'.’' il"' l 1 V " is ’ “ TV!” l 11 ls kM,1 universal " s ,llP C. w?"! . ' i N ' "btamisl, reckons that .v which d. ' i ! v VlT su, '7 ,ll »'“ ill the -• ,' I 1 ,! 1 * Jinn ,, ' "? lf O •' ••ad Iwv-n done by tho-c ,, "of anvDiiii'i T ,m<1 ,t mint ,”' " ,1 «” <7 r, 'fi'* 'bern full remission of 1 y,,., ilJIin . lIBwBiU'itMn • I will toll what i ■' vh you «wl W .im L'r !T'' °"V '’"" *'»»«'(• >" Contireti. Miovos em 1 wont tn» j rge factory, and l (he an.^ ,r i'T. t"i ,h "' saw over entered ","'' 1 <: “ ' Vo Admit * an I saw over the next , bM «.«TSS* prortlcally tr.CLTJTTSs ofmany achureh written over tho 1 ’' 'aiiH rtrnnK •• N„ adniittmme » 7’ ''fiters lie stke-i® finds practien'lr 5 73 ’jtrss I** out his *f'*"fl little ’«Htie* ni.vtios of of religion, U.Uof, poun"!n"*' l out ( making pin* In thomoMt practical, oommonsonse way and “"' y made Gouipnntively to little effort ha* «s Vft'tieMi save that large class »t wfleTgoos is>rsons j., to*ui*foundation wJrr^^r 1 Tl^re’^aTrcat "fid ho to tud-> of thorn. They are afraid u* and el,nre-iiea for the don’t o»r r-wou wc know how I. an,! »^ty rite’of this class met Christ, bun: "Tho,, W and W *^-.x^ n, !’h , rirt' to'.rd Jb^iPwith’ «h»it love »),* tl, v G,*i Tiu? nnd w,th all thr soul, nnd m,n '*' ““I w 'th all thy strength ond * bk* rn *"<' 'be sec *?***•■»*• M.ld '™'" r ,h ’“w7“ bn*t Wm truth’ itth U said th« r". hhn n -7‘ Ul 0n 'L r ’ M ' to love, tee umtarstendiiig, »H n the heart, and all the strength U and all the *out «,wi ««• tod mcrlflore more than whole burnt ^^ And whret SL&bH: IH Uenriem. But few HN skeptic oThfen In tha* toil wa; fett with aat to take Mansi of ao cMasticism. nbt ■» You would I you knew by W* faith la Christt* skeptical from h<m*w where the rail religion awful wae day overdone, of tfuo day was most toe week. They had religion Igion driven driven into them with a trip hammer • Tbt l w ® r * "merited with choked prayer meetings. catechism*, ags. They They They were stuiThd and with were often told they were the worst bo boys toe parents ever knew because they liked to riifodown bill better than to read Banyan's !..------a. ii»ii_i_t “Higrim’s Progress." Whenever father and mother talked of religion they drew down the corner# of thetrmouth and rolled up their eyes. any one thing will send a boy or girl to ds struct ion sooner than anothor that is it. If I hail bad such a father and mothor I fear I shouid have b en an infidel. Others were tripped up of skepticism from being professed grievously lie wronged by some man who to a Christian. They bad a partner in business who turned out to be a flrst-clans scoundrel, though a professed Christian. Twenty years ago they had lost all faith by what happened in an oil company which was formed amid tho petroleum ex citement. The company owned no land, or presbyter Kpiscopal ion elder, and and the Treasure was an vestryman, class leader, one director dim? wan a and the other ^ prominent memheriof [;«pt.»t and Con JutSm'n^what^a^mious this* twmpany.° ImZt ,S slid fore | women who had a little money to ! Invest, and that little their all, wid: "1 don’t nl?rt ^l ezwlient ' ns’ioinitig an l takiuc rtoe’- m it i ft | InfWt M j the church” Bo j&Ttfeggytintfx t hey bought tho stock, and is rlnps received had reonfatiized ^aud had r*£* tirest «nif a different ■.* different wS saidMh?7vav treasurer and difleront elnli ^7,mt ^T^acement^orllCealto it of .a- 1 with many regrets, to resign. An 1 all that , —i * q* ’„ f i i to 1B( f<Sy . , , ftc. ‘ a R-aiiti £ « certmc Sone timea » t t t #>v#»r li*s n&t*»rs comeH at to h that certificate nwl it * 1 ««•» ’'"’ore them in? And if soldiers of Jesus Christ desert, is that anything against the ; V h riS V,“ ,, |J V » c'stoTSWiliWls: bfe! 'ilny't earnest ^hri* tian° torn ” hey "at travel to the same saviour ii|K,n whom your honesrfenand ^ fq.,rskeptic,sm )B>t at wavs has „„„o roa ^ KO( *i or for exist ing. Go tlio’s irre ligion started when the news came to Ger many of tho earthquake at. Lisbon, Nov. 1,1775. Thnt Ml,ooo people should have jier pat "±ax% hies that tie threw up his lsdief in'th® ........ e„,„. t. ie ligut ion point. There are so They many things III uuli'island V i nunot get Trinity, explained. cannot Go<i 1 the or how ’ be sovereign, nnd yet man a i ............. Neil her can 1. Tli-v iav , • ■ | iin why Into a good God j >1,, u|.| have ' k t sin come the world.” j j ' .. \V|. tbnt ■ ewi" it( Etarted wv . was • in life with such distulvau ! tagea, while others have all physical and mental rhurcln eiuipi,tent.” I eannot tell. Theygo nut of on KnsU*r morning and say: ‘ I lint do trine of thu u*siirn'ctioii confounded I So ‘ ti ", to me a mystery is>yond un ' ivc^tra gftite ttfhu'k htiniin^ l ESTtoJS H |j T h vulftt with f<*ot their 1( , irn t0 Utl / P j s generally .f..., papa 1 or mamma. i think flu. i\ru* xtrrt.i r ,. wdc ‘Whv'’ ^nidr.Mits I ktuiw uh/»r it »• t-* im- him ,| n d n- th ' into om , h<n*r Such men art* not to U scoff.xi at, imt helped. Turn your back upon I * With df.wnlng which to man pull when him ashore, you have and the let rope that woman In the third st.«>rv Imic of a house lad,U perish in th " ««niea whe, y„ u a with wh !" h h-'p he.- out end help her down. rather than tun, your ba k - o-lingly on a skentie ivlio.s ■ si,ill is i„ HIT., peril thatftbe .....1 -s of those other enlangercd ones posd- 1 I'.l.v''an 1 h*;' lie. Oil, skc|>ti-'iMii this house .s who a would dark laud. give 1 'arc men ,,, I nnd mol ««rt hers, mel ii i- place to iielp them, our • . le Ip In through their I 1 , may l nil. never ., hut always through their hearts. ' “ 1 ' " 1 ”':'"° than thiwe o""""."'. .....• l.loi..’.‘s of ( hns t utility, ‘h-l-'’'' re lhreims n ( halm-r* was oneea skep : h' 1 ’- Hall a-k-pi.e. Itols-rt Newton a l,n s "iris hvaiis n skeptic. But I whMi on.-e with strong hand they took hold ! "I the i liariot of the Gospel, they rolled it on with what momentum! Jf I address such , and today ; women I throw out I "" sri> fl'. I implead uimn bv the nicm °'T. u| t-lio good old clays when at tneir ! "■"thers knee they said: “Now 1 lay tlio down to sleep,*'ami by those days and nights °! »'-'U''et fever the in nii'dii'ine which she watched you, K' v ni:g you at just the right , ' tint" mid turning pillowWhen it not, and with your wns ; hands that many years ago j turned to dust soothed away your pain, and " hh voice that yon w ill never lienr again, , tmless her *"hl you join in the better country, i better you to never mind, for you wold feel where l.y and l.y, nnd by that dying couch j she looked so ini" nnd talked so ! slow "“Ms. ly, liing her luvath between the and von felt au awful loneliness ! corning over your soul: by all that, 1 beg von to rom*‘ 1 «n< *k ami tuko tho sanio roliir ,on * It \v»t» «.*o,|, unu S h for hor. ItisEood enough for you, Nay, I have a better plea than tlmt. I plea 1 by all the wounds ahd I tears, and l.lool, and groans, n ml a—oniee. I and Heath thro-'s of the Son or (imt who an and pr..a-hes ........... von this moment w th torn brow hand and vhippe vt l back w<S!y nnd saying: and honvy "< on, -u.itomc, all whoare 9 iml m, ami I will'jrivovou rest ” I Apifn tin to is a fb*M of iKofnitortM thn«^ hni little touched occupied l,v who ate jsj«s f “*" oi,l?r u.,, Thee i.i., i ‘ l 'o by nleohol < . . sssSissitncs,'i«.*sjayss; 4h »n water tmge l with vinegar, but under our northern elnnn,to the tomptaion to ing stimulants When Is most mighty, and tnilllons succumb. a man's habits flu wrong ‘I' Jflm, 1 ' ehttreh b’o'si Influences ,lre,,,s him. drop the social him, circle all dropS drop i we j him. Of all tho men who got off the track but I few ever get on again. Near my summer residence there is a life saving station on the j iH'aeh. There are all the re.^s and rockyts, | j the off shipwrecks. boats, the machinery for getting people Summer liefore last I saw 1 V fasting, 101 '” after having jiret men escaped who were with break- tlieir , I* nuri nothing l'p nnd down • v «h more, our ' i •** »,!' r ■ n rescue. The | arein “liipwreektsl. sinootn wnt-ws.itur tiir,.s> wnodavetteon ! boats! Gome, let us run out the life And who will man them: Wo do not pren-h h enough to such men; we have not r. n0,, 8 f,li "' j" *lieir re lease, Alas, if when they to eonu* show to hear us wo ate laboriously try . mg the difference 1st ween sublap aarianlsm and supralaprurinnisra while thev ^wilingaretind have n thousand vi|*'ts andi.itingtoetelmSrortS of retnoree and do- 1 and who could get to heaven praying ana j singing in their own hom s. It is on the t to help th- tho drowning. Thoso laid ea*»s are> eases thit God litre j £ **ke hold of. Hi can save a j >"«, well <a!ls n- <'an.o«tlv a small to God sinner. f< beln ho ilt r w go out to deliver such a one. rto ****' * ksasi: £SS ! i a,l< ,|0 thins: c*onId stand I ^teisa ih,?! * v L' n o i rr l,,4s ta No formal prayeff « ;’J *,,!’! vu f 1 "’: 1 'I he mware.1 l< for efildreii are it, ,"‘ :, ''Vv.' v "A , ]“‘ v *''‘ K "tv!\ row n up. and if most unreformed. of our «r,i:. 1 .:7 Ti,* VT ,h ” l ‘ h,,p ? h of «»od riaea ' '* ,lh 0, !V tI T t ‘ ,lrt, , l«rnreniiiieiifoldsthisdying; , T M-mdeaTmot Art it" A’ w, ' ,r ; do I ^ ew Tork Tomlw and Raymond ,j re' Lo 1 A'lir ^ re d ?''' *’ wa ke Sing up to Slug yourmn» cannot ^ mu T h Pnissian to^mrk** ^^ « cavalry mount by wh’ltetoe.’ potting: fo<*t into t(,c stirrup, p *'. a ' r vm« mo;n»* putting* , h mount 1 ioa l 0 w v„, vonr ,w sHu Th. unoccopted " rourK ' and why aMhUf, - -reh,' UK th ^‘» > nl* ma * V, J 1 '* i a,1<<1 th'* • **prc,*i work : tory has been miraculous. no one can doubt. Its hi* * God to? has haloedU» and toough aad tratesgagA' with border* « with now our on> now aUdne particular In the wort park, for I asked to God, do, to if me Band I would do it. He revealed PHBR church, and it has been soul saving of the Holy almost a Ye constant outpouring devils in Gboot powers of darkness, ye dominion hell, we raeau to snatch from your other multitudes, if God will help us. I have heard of what was called the “thundering legion.’ 1 It was iu 179 a part of the Roman army to which some Christians belonged, and their prayere, it was said, were an swere-d by thunder and lightning and hail gud tempest, which overthrew an invading annysnid paved the empire And I would to God that this church may O’ *> mighty in prayer and work that it would be cornea thundering legion before which the forces of sin might be routed and the gates of bell bh made to tremble. Now that the autumn tape come, and enlarged; the gospel is time ship has launch been her re paired And it to torsnother voyage. Heave away now ladsl make out the reefs In the foretopsai!! Come, O heavenly wind, aivl till the canvas Jesus 7i“.r7 « n is shfning shore will welcome us into harbor. “And so it came to pass that they nil escaped safe to lamU" . i ■ — . _ _ - Th ® Re *“ ,,s ,,f Years v have been spent m is i-Miading men to «top drinking intoxicating liquoi s. -says that the influences th-re exerted, nnd the B 0 ** 1 fo«l there given, might I ml to a better ^tribiJiTiwsssrtStts way of living. One by one these Hoines Juve doctrine of on appetite taken away has oft n failed toe victim in his hour of need. While on a visit to one of tb.-e ii.stitutions agctle man informed me that he had no doubt of tto-ronn.JO" ,.l 1,1, frlcii'l. -I„ .1,1, .Oal- 1 stenent he has spring chicken m-t ad of acoldirg from his wife. After listening for dhout lifteen minutes to tie* history of the r?ung inebriate and tie, wav he Imu tro tted wife, employer and rlnldrcn. I con <1 not Mp remarking: “I don't .think spring chicken to his back there wo —Spring chicken “nlaved-out* as a premium by this for wrong-doing U ltroualit ought tola* tube “played-out Look over the list of drunkards that you are e acquainted acquainted have ninjtted. with: with; think think nnd of of tell the the mean mean if acts iu con me you think they dec rve s !!E ng chicken fof l.reak fast Borne of taut •iotis disli for the poor afflicted wives and uegl.i-ted children w mild lw inqjo in k*s‘|)ing with emmon sense, i know many will say: 'd!ut, Mr. Scott, the men are se k:'' Tias-e who are afflicted with tbe same disens ■. and have no friends, are sent to Blackwell's bland, where there ore no luxuries: but they noon get well and trim tlm scabs their with km or the twenty day they pound- added in to weight on first put ap pearanee there. There has been enough of )> rsuasion (good as it is) to convert every unmkard m this country years ago. It rolls off them bko water from a duck s back. J hey drink to “o power to change the course «t the Kttoi girl to Iteep Iwr toes warm l.y putting them in her mouth: Ought he to have chicken meat.or a kick from the toe «>f the tirst #trong man wearing a No. 10 e..w lode lss.t: IVrsuasioii has ls-n the rage tor yars. and 8tillbrute-mnkiiigg<*}.soii—111 drunkard • both manufacturer laughing and manufactured . to tories. worn the public attempt* to stiqi the fui Why don’t jieoplo try and prsnele mad don’t dogs to |N*onle lie quietly so«*k to iu prot^ft their tli. k.uneN,- ni^elvt-Nfrom Why burglars much in thes lt-’an-e they have too sense e matters. _ * & rnu ri _ eniiiinaiN, J^ m ' i, lurldmK n, f J»i '■'! , p*iu!« V '•? ' r, nJi; t ' b = n*s. ' 1 i ptnir ,r liousea, insane n>vlums t<> take rare of i y our vi «’tinis, to si.\ nothing of the loss Of their effort in developing the State, amount 1 J® l na, ‘>’ “ UMH 111010 u,a » v "" 1- h‘-nse i •"?' 1* ’ cisle - a , ..f # mornlity higher 1 than the civil code, w hich makes your trade a sin, and to which you are reqwnrible: I)o yon .e,t in your business make „,er ebandise of the inexperience of youth, th, Inherited and nequii'ril apjsa iie-. ot many and the ignon UP*'of other-.: Is not following vuin-bitsine .s h! setting twq« for the ">" i Iniinisterin-' con to How many men in you < omit on votir fingers ruined l.y tlm drinks von hivesold them t Tf your business is hoiiorahle. w hy do you carry It on behind green il< and under cover of night: Are you not guilty of murder l.y the ver¬ dict of your own conscience: ^ >u were to give bark to mm n'l the proW on your business, would it repair the j 1 teL,. l have done: you not have more s -If-respect, more res Sp ‘1 ■t of the best l*'o|>le, if you woutd get out. of t lie business: Answer these questions in the light of vom relation to time ami eternity —Lhattn nnntjil Commercial. Tlic Deink (Tu-se in !e, land John Dillon, M. P tlio Irish Nationalist leader, in n late speech in the House of , om (non* is re|>ortod in the t'n; nmil's Journal assaying: If there “ was one curse greater than :tn ! other of publir to Irish houses. towns He it was he t lie honorable iniili iplii-ut i. >n snw t mem , for South Belfast (Mr >*er Johnson) agreed with him in tlmt iliear, hear.) What had th landlords done to impiore lie- towns > ' i'i e\ Kivon every em*ouni£rm»*iit to l>u { ln # **tt!o,* hous* s . an I t! ir own I “ito'its, had given «' ting us l et'v S-ss-., )S M i; gist rates, in every a lie. iis.. along wAh the lease, hi ord, r t s militate the bai, ^ in K "‘I ,l "'” sl >- I m "us, diet th i n j , ‘hat menus prop-rty f. ill' la nil *»«*"* 1 14 >* *>*. ‘ gi ‘anting <>f licenses 1 had i^VCn“all bet‘ n a*»Io .°" to S ybar^* i” ' y ‘ Ini fu'tmous e r , own ag-nts rm-kn they for them. U ns that an » imltgi itened wax o ^ t ® ndi n S the towns of Ir eland : The land , fn ^■”............. ,"0J, the which west of had Ireland, with "“"‘'i a |opulatiou of 1 .V> lie-used houses." Temperance News and Vote*. Till) threw Grand Twwlges of Gocsl Templarr lu South Africa have each a lecturer in tlio flel l England's and liquor , laid bill, ... in if . lute, converted w-mld , reach into sovereigns miles a nearly 3,noo The sail of every kind of liquor was al so lately the prohibited industrial on ami exhibition nlMiut th** in Toronto. cr< umls of great The W. C. T. V. of Allegheney Co.mty, Pennsylvania, has secured the appointment of a police matron nt th ' tine new county jail The proof I’ot’ff. of the The pudding of is in l'rohihitiou 1 the eating, Fays the proof *J is in tho hitter enmity the liquor men ex ineo towarel it. Eighty-one gn cities ami eouuties have 1IJS.II l the Canadian tempei tin; > «-'t. and tl.e record ti show s •fil.OHi H luiljt ■rit v f. >r the Mippres* : sion of the liq uor tra til. I The Hon. John B. Fimh, tin' Bitdiihillull orator, ml,Ire*,e-Ianatulien * in I Aim. M.t *v, Oil the e uiclit mem o of t letoter fl. Un his way t»> t ew York the siinu* day lu* was mi.v <1 wth a and died in thi* <l«*i>ot in SSSx _ B " tl , *!rsrit5T , :'ssisusiz pre.fession nslucing are calling nt tent i»n to the necessity of theluinilmr of jda-s's whore intoxicating liqnms max Tlu* teu&ptTHiiCP women < f Ku^tand h »vo bvi i\ getting up sha a jubilee iihudhuI Hat t«» th» yuecn 1.1 the I«' of H i-ctition the tkrwe quarter of a million sgimture*. it»v Ha«artrmMrc»v<. I'ijits' T . • . , tluiute' the r<* of' the Ntnx-York silotms It C70,UOO,(K*> u year, one-half of xvhicli, at least, comes fiotn (lie ljo,i**i men known a* “iat ormjg men. Tlio destruction of the , S“^rtotrt!^unS ^ *^-------A--- C,,n! t( * A Man With a Level Head. H, ‘ (wkinl fur the jirojirictor and warmly •rgued with linn in regal ,1 to terms. Ho was to stay for some time, and succeed ins.,,itnnp,u,., Uble lie handed the ”, U waiter a §5 bill, Thin seemed a curious transaction from • man win, was so ea.e r to Keeurc W ^ ms ' A Imarder who had overheard e *i? versa ^ Ion *' )C luojirietor asked , the stranger why he ti)»jn d the waiter strlilwrallv. • “Xdthing “KoUling is atniugi' Mrange iilwmt „l,o„t thid: thaU the the •Miter wtm' w yonr your l«>st iM'st friend fn-ud m a s*aat„. r hotel. hotel. I I make make it it always «l«vuve n n rule rule to" to l»eat I .eat down tbo _ propnotor. What What is is saved savtel I I «» v0 waitor - 1 I lose 1'**' nothing, uothiue, and ami i ” <w l Ih-time ‘J 11 6 *° ... «>rt3 o! *MuiR goods , the and mney - arte .es fornhuost in retail wt.,rex j "" Cleopatra, —, at cuierlunimeut ----;---— Aj^r^seolTcd an she £ari gave m rine-ar a * eonunonly ■toted^aud^wiliowcff.*’ ** FABM AND HAMDEN. Aida About the Poultry TaM. Guinea fowls are a great aid abont the poultry destroyers yard to keep away mink* and other of poultry. They do this because they are always alert, and If anything comes prowling about the roost they their seem peculiar at once noise. to hear In the it day and time tolnnke also they do seem and to sec hawks give before the chick¬ ens then the alarm. If one becomes cross to the chicks it should be shot and made into pot pie. A small dog chained underthe roost is also excellent to keep The dog away these prowlers of the night. should lie let loose during the day but tied up at night .—The Fonder. The Rost Stable For a Horao. A horse is best iu a loose stall 10 feet square, ' eL, in which he can move about free , J v The fwi Rid i u, box and manger should |„ 1 - - e four feet high to prevent the dropping of manure in it. It will do no harm to leave j},e nianure iu the stall to accumulate un til it 1 } is a foot or more in deofli if the ' floor is well littered and he horse kept clean. I here should lx; plenty of air for ventilation and a window on the north jm.i, breaking by the horse. mi. 1 he window « should he long and narrow nnd honzon tal as to its length, and made in two parts, if one bc sliding over the other so that can half opened. A horse should **ot be watered iu its stable; au outside ■ j trough the in is which the water is wanned bv sun most agreeable and healthful the stable should •'>» be provtdetl which m the horses may take exercise. If a horse j is ill tempered and fi tyrannical toils mates ®’one to prevint , " ,n lti|ury. n '“"“>'r A< m c ri ioii !unr*. I'tilil/.ing the Liquid I>r. Jabcz Fisher, Fitchburg, M;iss has what the A 'nr Fni/hnul F<n ihPi gards the best method of saving arid using the liquid manure it h is yet si cn : ‘•lfis stable in which is kept a cow and :i horse,is quite a distance from his dwell¬ ing, a field of several acres sjopc, lying be¬ j tween. ' ' The field ‘"T 1 ” has “ a gentle 1 the j • s resilience . J | c being at the at the low r cr rite side aud the of upper. wastes the house, together w ith the ruin fallin<> ! upon »i,„ the roof of .i. th .______ barn, arc ...... cariie I into the basement, w hich is made water¬ tight by coats of cement on bottom and sides Once or twice a year the liquid is pumped out and distributed over the field from a water-cart with sprinkler at ’ached I he ( art is tilled from a chain pump in the barn floor and the outlet to [ I lie | sprinkler low the is made be'emptied just large enough to u cart to in goto- f X “tt.unnt "if , ' K '', 7, ~ j I who att. mpt to ous. use li.pud M manure l«'l | from using it in too concent rated a form. | I, C an hardly be used too weak, except ; f or the cost of liauling go mueb water “ «* <«-n« ; is kept continually in grass and yields j I»om il l.irgi 1\ ol pi,.,, wafer. ^Mr. ( lie,- ver advises as follows, as the result his own experience: “I've suflicient ding inaterml for ” farm Mock V to keep 1 the ' umals iuan and i comfortable. . , , It b, ‘ straw, damaged hay, sawdust or drv peat, loam or sand. These will absorb the liolii.l and will hold the valuable nor ‘ ‘ .• ,on «'*«» though Hindi of the , - water , ,s t.\a}K)ratrd b\ uxposim- to tho air or hv gentle fermentation. In localities where grain is abundant, straw is one of the *>“’ a l«-<; «, es^or absorb in;* the stall!* 1 liquids. It is often sprt*»tl in sotim* cases pumps are -el in the lowest part 1 V. for I 1 *. t hr diama^r j over tl tin* top, tlui< aiding the evaporation of the water and tho decomposition of the Mniw.”— \e*r , York Trih,n„. --- -- Good Milk. The cows mavbe kept in scant pits turcs without sinule. the broiling sun backs pouring down upon their unprotected from morning until night 'I’hi is annoying and injurious to health causing a feverish oImI it toil of tin* s\*s tom, which is communicated to the milk and aids in the development of floating curds. I lie good dairyman provides his e,.ws with an ahnndam e of shade and sees t > it that they do not have to lalioi* ail d ,v in a drytsl up pasture to get a c int i supply of food, but have a UtlieielieV to eat and time to lie down in cool place* 'hew the end. dream and secrete good wholesome milk. Cows are often c om lied to get tin supply and pools. of water fi stagnant non These are teeming with am nail and vegetable forms of life of a microscopic into the character, which lie taken stomach ami enter into the cir dilatory system. sity Experiment* made at t ornell I'uiver some years ago showed that thesi minute organisms and spore,* not only go but into, into the the blood, milk, where which they is are elaborated found, from the blood, rendering it uuti! for human food. Pure water. ;i in,I plenty of it solutcly essential to tin sound milk. At this season of the year tin r is full of all sorts of microscopic life, tl .e germs of w hich are th at ing;,nd settling stables, everywhere. l.arnyaid* T They are shed* most plentiful in ■te ind wherever there is fermenting and decay¬ ing matter. If the cows arc milked in such a place these microbes will bc inhaled by the cows and enter into the general ••ireula tlon and thence into the miik, and they will also fall into the milk pails aud cans, and contaminate milk by direct contact. It is declared by good authority that if the cows breathe a foul atmosphere for fifteen minutes the foulness will show in the flavor of the milk and injure its keeping , their qualities vicinities ... Therefore, all places and where cow* arc milked cannot be kept too clean nor be too thoroughly deodorized. While the weather i* hot, there i* dan¬ ger that the milk will sour before the cream has arisen ns it should. With the temperature at ninety or over, milk scarcely cools at all, and t lie souring pro cess goes on ice rapidly. it A had, little very cold water, or it can he put in each pan quickly, as it and is pet, the helps to time cool the milk at same in hasten the separation of the cream This is the principle of the creamery syst, m. but wa* known au<l practiced by many housewix-es before the creamery was invented, It was suggested straining, by washing out milk pail* after and putting (hi* iu tin* last pan, which yielded more cream than those uot so treated. .» iTofewmr e AniHiiv, of f.i the \\ isi*on^iii . • Kx- ** \rrr the dilTcrem »-«•*->•**■*” of the b.ff milk and the c surrounding temperature medium ween the ' st»rie8of more rapid oxj>#rimf»iits will he the tin* c reaming. of In ., ninmnt <*r«*ain obtained ranired from to!»S per <ent ' of ,, , . ..r.,,- i. ....... tc...,, I„ i„,n,i s < milk xvas reduced from 7 to 7* per cent. It was plain milk from the result* obtained that "hen is properly set in water eon tabling plenty of broken iec. and Inn ing a temperature *liglitlv above freezing, ii* complete a creaming is obtained in eleven ’** twelve houra a* is possible bv any method.—' So'it/on, Faria. - - V I'm rm and Garden Note*. Tomato vines disposed to grow too thick should be cut and trimmed accord¬ ingly. Newly set fruit trees should have the ground about them kept clean and mellow. pound Twenty pounds of milk will make one of butter, and after the cream is taken off the same milk xvill make one pound of cheese Sheen and cattle arc fond of sonic grasses and weeds which hogs reject and * dislike doin- Mune oppose dehorning cattle bee;,us, «o b aves the doJs poor beasts at the merev of teroctoire ’ n ro ^ h has greatly damaged . the crops . . ItUhUSthht .unflow.r seed, fed .„ poultry, much promotes earlv molting, and too may J cause the feathers to fall off. An allowance of flax-seed meal, twice i j a week, will regulate the bowels of ani mak and prevent them from becoming hide bound. H' .■firsRiSi tssassi s S2M5fc. -73 " Bomebod* considered says good clover flay is al ways with and is as standard equal to any by which made grasses, a allgrass haj; ig compared. farm Turkeysgreat and Vicinity, stragglers over the but accustom them to a good supper and they willicturu in the evening. 80 also with ducks. The plow is better than the cultivator with which to kill weeds of heavy growth. Thick weeds, turned under green, will afford a good fertilizer. While many cows in winter will drink o dy once a day, in summer nil cows giving and milk require water morning, noon j night, as much as they will drink. fertilizers Sheep manure is one of the richc-t of because it contains from ninety to ninety-five per cent, of the plant food contained in the rations consumed bv the shcen * jssrxZ'Z ir ,, , sstt’sa . . , sweet. Canada lias a law which require* every person knot on whose plum trees the black appears to cut it out or otherwise destroy than dollars it, the penalty offense. being not less five for each The Shorthorn Society of Great Britain exported 385 pedigreed animals last year, 2!t.> head of which went to Buenos Ayers. But thirty-four were brought to the United States. That society numbers 1,183 members. It is suggested that the earliest Lima beans, which grow at the lower part of the vines, should not be picked until enough shall have been atteuded to to dry for seed, ;tf next season they will pro¬ duce earlier than the higher-grown * e 1. Flic 1‘roirie Farmer says: “Doubtless the beat method of feeding corn fodder is to run it. cars and all, through the power feed cuttet but where then 7 no feed cutter, the old methods of fi the stalks, with or without cars, can le practiced profitably.” Professor E. Stewart savs that on* outlet , or less, of oil meal to a gallon of warm, sweet whey will make it nearly equal iii feeding value to w hole milk for the raising of a calf to three weeks old, and after that another quarter of an ounce may be wifely added. The oil meal should hr dissolved in hot whey before mixing with that of the right tempera¬ ture to feed. NEWS AMI NOILS FOR BOM LN. -- _ Si,ell combs and pins for the 1,air con lo | M . t i„. ° ' ^vender and pure white are in vogue for s.cond mourning. lace , *>*?* are l»tic:ed '"tv for n ,""r' little girls. ! v...... .. .....r The newest bracelets tire very sh-n lor anil othl designs are preferred to pair-. The Langtry fe £ •ing suit consist -f " l ,1(,i,, '‘‘‘ skir ' iuekct and Turki-h n« users ■ A string of gold Ikm.Is about the neck is often seen with dre-ses which ureopi n P I he throat Tortoise shell hair-eoiubs, of a light yellow hue. are the crowning point <»f high coiffures. Mr*. M. H. DeGeer, a w oman lawyer a Topeka. Kan., is gaining some reputation as an eloquent and forcible speaker. It is expected that fencing will m. n h numbered among the pastimes iu * m . • hi the * ladies . m this (ountri. f Tire Kni»!i^h shootino rap is the li-ml covering affected by stvli-h girls who wa.i t to adopt extreme Knglisl, fashions. Glace riblx.tis are to be used quite as ^’"^‘lty a-the gros grain the coming M '" s,,n ’ ,hl ' '’""er.d and placid ribbon a ''"' ~ ilk Im ver hilt’ si \ l'sh last sea -on = worn ag.i it!, and ur in till colors, and = -w <h -ig: s nr chiefly of r.ngli'h mak» White and blue blouses for the smaller lots arc prettily ornamented with feather stjtchimr on the i d—e of sleeve*, collar and front t •reilUiDlie are* Hindi iver 'ilk and tripped with - rej.i or, for dressy oc sions, have t - j, tied la .r;e for pan, liasqties and tabliecs. Heavy black pas'emeiiterie in cut jets was never more c'aborate than at present and it is used in quite a unique i'a-hion as wide cuffs and vest*. Gothic designs of vijv di twilled silk grounds are in light and dark helin trope, blue and an I ■ ver. pink and cream, yellow brow 3 f. train*. There is inure variety shown in ladies riding-habits than f- rmerlv. gray* and plaid* having • • line in vogue with the dark blues and bottle green I iv waist* should 1 draped with soiiii .fi. transparent material, appear ing tiarre s over the strap* on the 'liotil • h rs and ~ gher in the front and back. or th !•:•.flnu.fioff wo nen and gill' under British rule in Ind tlt». .'»00,(|!M» eannot read or write ii*!. and many of the other ido itoo can ireiv do either. Moirerihboii' with and' of flowers in brocaded *a!in make the most effective trimmings for the a mple ro*tume* of tulle which arc worn so much by young girls. The large hill* for children which are re, picturesque and hceoining continue to l„- worn, and are found in dark -hadesof straw a* well a* in the natural straw color. Velvet basques for .'ilk • r lace 'kirts are in the pointed, po'tiik i style, with vests of white silk, covered with lengtli wise rows of beads the color of the velvet. ratteen ore*re’s are finished with vel vet collar* and cuff*, whi gingham suit* have accessories of Hamburg cm broidery or the woven border of the ma ferial. models Cock’s plumes round lints are seen on all the new of except thrihupcau. That has a long plum - of heavy ostii-h feathers which crosses from the t the 1 ack of the let. Hatter’s ],lii'ii or Iteavi s u-e-1 ns u trimming <>n •mi" of the new f ill cm tunic* of bis, .i t . ot >r fa vn a id xvitli <roo<| effect \ bat of tli me beaver should accompany th, • t Hill’ ’There = change ll • velvet' whii h xvil! lie £ in the new milliuetvalid they have very charming effect*. Striped aud fresh plaid velvet* will also be worn and a novelty this sea* >» i« a curious fabric called xvat-rv velvet. .... In . xxilli'qicn 1...dices . h : ‘ B evidently gun^ne .......... emne a* worn t '•lav. un»! ( r< *bim jin ttv that is wplct» iih* as an atlrart,v< * a«ljtm«-l to tin* toih t I'hosf* which are iilaited in line plait', in 'prig ... a...,.,1 ......u bkjd. A unique a* tlx \ fashion ma la note l.iuidr, gives d p the udilv im pmtant information that red hair xxith blue eves must be differently managed from red hair xx itli gray > r lire.xx n eyes, As soon as blue i> introduced into the the blue exes , ount for twice their vain, ind tijttn too strong a contrast "i ,l > r "l hair For the autumn and winter one needs fewer rest nines than for summer, there¬ fore it would not be out of rcnrein that each gow n in the limited number should he of really good materials. [t is far better to have txvo handsome suits than live or *ix characterless eo-tuinc* which are never a satisfaction to tl.e wearer. Photography hy Fireflies’ Light. Dr. John N ansant. of the I'nited State* Marine Hospital at St. I.outs.elliims to he . the , |’. light rs * of " tirertfi-s. av '’ f ' lkf n He photograph- placed twelv, 1>. in a thn-j-nnnee bottle, '** mout ’ 1 Wlt !' "’h'te bobmet. The average duration of the flash of each in sect was half a second, and tlie luminous area on the abdomen wa* atmut om-cighth Home. Swept Home. Magistrate 1 sternly, to tramp—“Tlic address you give as y-.ur place (57 res idem* a vacant lot :” sleep Tramp—“Ye», nights." yer honor; that’s where 1 i l»f night. Last year the charge was 75 cents. The importance of soft water for do mestic purposes is illustrated by the ex nerieneo of a large London Asylum, in which a charge from hard to soft wutei has resulted iu an estimated annual sav ing in soda, soap, labor, etc., of more ,lmn If.OOP. The steamers of the new American “Arrow L no" are to be constructed upon a estimated new principle, and with a view to an between speed sufficient to make the vo ?' a ~e New York and Liver¬ P ro1a more than four days. The wahontas will be .140 feet long, will be J.' tC ! J'™,' "hieh 0 water to tight be below corn are i^Uer * ' w-Vti' 1 cigincs \ n< W1 of i Jl a „® , J horse- vcn, - v P°* 1 cr an , ' ca a,)lc of speed twenty-two P giving a of knots an hour. Mr - rr* " M \ ..... with the old fashioned method of blow¬ ing glass by the mouth. Hitherto it has been thought impossible to improve upon the human lungs, and so the glass blowers of the world have gone on pulling themselves nwuv at fortv-two wars i>7 ago, which is the low tverage of life among these handicraftsmen The new invention dispense* entirely with human lung*, and injects th< ur into the mol ten glass by an air-pump not unlike an ordinary This syringe iu shape and action. is fastened to the ordinary blow¬ pipe, and makes little difference to tho workman in bundling. Considerable success appears to have attended the system of purifying water by agitation with iron and by sand fil¬ tration—a process which has been carried out with good results at Antwerp, where the water supply is derived from an im pure source, the river Netlu flic water is first nassi 1 through ordinary filter sand, beneath which is a layer of coarse gravel and gruuulat iron—one part ot the latter to tlm e of the forim r—the wafer being finally tillered through an ordinary sand bed. The condition of the mixed iron and gravel, after continued use, de¬ monstrates in a very striking manner the chemical action of the iron in removing from the water impurities held in solu¬ tion. After this system had le en in use at the Antwerp water works some four years an extension of the supply became necessary, and, as the acquisition of new land for filler beds would have been at¬ tended with great cost in addition to the purchase lar iron, it of nine determined hundred tons of granu¬ was to resort to the plan of agitating the water to be purified with iron particles in such n manner that the iron surfaces should be brought into intimate contact with tho plan mass proved of water being treated, and successful. M other-or i’eat'l I'isli i nff. all 'Mother-of-pearl fishing is carried f.n over the He 1 Sea. from the north down to the Gulf of Aden, but the best fishing grounds are in the neighborhood of Suakiru, 3Iitssou;th and the Farsau Islands. The fishing fleet eoii ists of about:itHi boats, mostly beloiiging to the /ol.eid lledotlius, a tribe inlial.iting the coast bet ween Jeddah and Yambn. About (illy le-long t,> Jeddah ttltd others to other localities 1 hey are open liouts, of from t i a to twinlv tons burden. with one lateen sail in- rn*w varies from eight to twelvi £ ■!|, There are t wo different fishing one f»f foili and the other of • fight months, and dm ing these tit" boo! - •main almost con stunt ly at sea, cm t 3 . for a few weeks, The crew, consisting in great part of black slaves, receives two-thirds of the catch, deduction being made for their food ; the owners of the boat keep the other third. Accidents are seldom heard of. and the divtes are remarkable for their physical vigot lid robust health, ’i’hev range in tigre from t i to forty, and the work ems t fi r* = u«» harm, The (Kill grounds are ! ~ ! - e neighbor hood ofi al reefs, i\ her - t - - boats are anchored The divers t hen g- > out ir. small canoes, *pet t I ly imported from the Malabar coast for tin purpose, and begin their work all round. Il is neces¬ sary that the spa -lertild b< dm, other Wise Ui he*! cannot seen Kor some yet p.,s| tl e negroes have been in the hah of using old tin i aliisters with <d: i i" iu tb e lotlom. to enable them I “ see l*ol l.i In thecoitr: e of the hi't te - veal’s the i!-ii iias fall, ten to t went p, i ~L but l>V reaso of tie increased pr - •oil and had shells have met with a i - sale The annual pro¬ duction varies from *tIMJ to *! To, 000 . — Philadelphia Call. Arch it eel me in \V aspland. AVhatcver may be tlie general experi cnee in r aid t number of w a-] abundant prevalent this scare e,rtainlv v are enough in some • plac At Maiden Ericigh, and close to th" kitch en g: mien a nc'l wa* found lo have been mad. • in a stack of tutf soil This was smoked with sulphur.then carefully dug out. and was found to tl : -r seen Ik for it w as - \ = in cir. uml. re and ntai = ,1 Uteri v thousands of wasp* of great size. Oddly enough, nt the Ericigh Cot Inge Garden Exhibition prizes are off,-red for tin- finest wasp* lie*!*, these being, of ionise, shown in close ease* or glasses. The one from the turf bed was put on to ;i board, and under a r|o.*<--lilting hand-light, which was secured to tlie board, and so ex luted, easily taking the lir*t prize. ( one side a portion of the outer ease of rr ■ m-st, w hich i* in all cases round, ha, •een accidentally broken away, and I s spectators were enabled to inspect the internal structure of this curious dwelling. The tiers of comb ran across the nc-t horizontally.hut somewhat hollowed, and not more than three-quarter* of an ‘nch apart: indeed, thickness of comb : — .1 intervals seemed to correspond with exceeding than accuracy. The wasps - ere far lar tr >r were those found i iih better a £ I much smal¬ ler nests. The labor of making this nest IllUst have hei ll gieat. Mild it Would be interesting to know >ut of what materi¬ als it is constructed. Tin hollowing out of so great a spae . in the soil must also have been hard, i s; I it revms evident that every grain th" soil in lu»vc twi n eurrfi d out = < I 'I'I r ay. ii* Ii idetice of such t \< '' i xvas externally visible. < ( ■le An Athletic Prodigy. Wesley Welch i* an athletic prodigy. He ha* gone bare "noted ev ery summer of his life. Hi hoes he paid for with quail* medicine: that he trapped sick. He never speed took wa* never Hi* and endurance on foot an-wonderful. A noted fox eh I* 1C all. d in x\ hieh lie caught the fox after a run of four hour*, when nil but two of twenty five hounds had given out in the run of from fifteen to twenty miles. lie refers to Mr. Goodwin aud Major .lottos, of Memphis, who saw him catch the fox. About twenty men mi horseback started in the chase. He is confident that In an e\ ee! iu speed and endurum itii IjouixI and hoi*e in a long race, Ilis ma<le a mile in 1 ■ "i'\ and ten miles in eighty minute*, llis longest and h- t walk was from Atlanta to ,'liattanooga in a day and night. one hundred and forty miles, lie lu.d two companion* on the start, but 1-ft them behind. I ill a hard journey of this kind he wants no food but sxveet ened coffee, and he will ccfrain from eat¬ ing the day or so beforehand. lie says we all eat too much. He prefers wild game and then mutton and beef to hog meat, and regards chicken ns the worst of meats. Sa*htitle American. From an Old Geography. Goldsmith’s describing Geography, I’nited published in 18J4, the States, says; “People lyeeotne old in America sooner than in Europe. I'pon females the influ¬ ence of the climate is still more sensible. When young the women are generally beautiful, particularly in Philadelphia, but fresh after twenty and teeth, they begin and to the lose their color at age of twenty-five many of them wouldjiass for Europeans at forty.” What fuanv things ; those old geographies were, to be sure. : —Sett JTark Tritnine. ■ The Hessian fly has been laying wasto : fields of wheat and barley ia England^ Death for a Slap. “My God, Polly ia in the well. Some one run for help quiok. Ohl lady mr dar¬ ling, siding my child!” the Courtland exolaimed a exten¬ re¬ on avenue sion yesterday morning, as she sprang from the rear veranda toward a well in the yard. In a second the lady was standing be¬ side tho well peering down the deep round hole townrd the water. The well wns deep and dark, and for a second her nothing could be seen, but as soon as eyes liocame accustomed to the darkness she disesverod the object of her affection bobbing up and down the water. “There she is,” she exclaimed. Let the bucket down quick. Quick, be quick.” Then, ns tho bucket went down, she leaned far over the well, calling out: “There, my child, get in the bucket and hold on tight. They will draw you up.” Tho bucket went down and Again tho lady stooped over and repeated her di¬ rection. In a second au answer came back from tho well. It was: “No, I won’t get in tho bucket. You whipped me and I am going to drown.” Almost beside herself with grief tho lady called again and again for help. Finally, a man passing came in, and going down in tho well found tho dead bodv, and bringing it out,- handed it to tho lady. Hhe grabbed between it eagerly, her sobs, and pressing it to her lips said: My child is dead. Oh, what shall I dof Mother did scold and slap her, but she is sorry. Is it dead f” For tho past two or throe days Polly had boon sulky and iu a bad humor. Tho temper,' lady lmd tried hard to change Early its but site could not. yes¬ terday morning she was very tho cranky and received a slight hard, tap on wounded jaw. Tho lick was not but it Folk's fuco feelings. Looking tho lady in the she said: “You have slapped Polly, but you won’t do it any more Sho is going to kill herself. ” In a second she was flying townrd the well. At the edge sho hesitated a min* lite, and then leaping over the box went down ton watery grave. Polly was a parrot and at the time of her death wns the property of the grand¬ daughter of the lady who first owned her. She was a magnificent talker, and had been in tho family over sixty years .—Atlanta l'ansfitution. Evkhy life is either n drift or a voy¬ age, and that we may steer aright, we must have a defined purpose in life. De¬ termine upon your business career, then stick to it. This world is full of put po cle.-s men Paid In Caold C’oln. ('o.,22 Custom House In Dee., 1 Boston, si-n. I.S. Muss., Jelinson offered X eight premi¬ payable St., gold which they ums in cuin, say crea¬ ted a great interest among people who kept hens, so much so. In siuill fact, that they authorize us to say (lint they offer Nov. 1st. 1K87. another list of premiums for the bests result from the use of Sheridan's Powder to Mak liens lay. of eonrse all wlio eouijM'te the ean not get one of the premiums, hut some of last year’s reporis sent us show- that the parties ought to have been well satisfied if they the had not received nnv oilier Ismefit than in eronse of eggs they got while making the trial For example the first premium : was twenty live dollars taken by C’. A. French, Washing¬ ton, N. II..who fed thirty hens the Mieridan’s Powder for eight the weeks. The first Week lie got only ten eggs; third week the hens laid kill eggs, nnd tie'eighth trial week ‘JW eggs. wl.leh, During the eight weeks lie got hills eggs at flio price In of eggs in Huston or New York markets mid-winter, would have yielded time. $4ti.tlo, or $l.fri for each lien ill eight week's Con¬ sidering I lie small expense of keeping a hen The no nimul.m a farm will pay like that. /•in rtli premium, which was ten dollars, went Mrs. K. H. (‘artin, Conklin Centre, N. Y„ in the eight weeks received from forty 1707 egg-. The first week sho only got but the last week "77 eggs. This clearly demonstrates that tho uso of Sheridan's Powder to Make Hens Lay will in¬ crease tho profit several hundred per cent. Johnson A-Co. will send two 'Si cent, packs of Sheridan’s Powder postpaid to any address for 50 cents in postage for stamps; or a largo 8.Y pound can of Powder $1.‘A). To each person or¬ dering one copy a largo of ran tho as "Fanner's above they Poultt will y st uui nd ido" (re-o (price. cents., Tin ore are about "' Hebrews in < 'atifornia, nnd the y make desirable citizens. Idle iii ihn Far is Sewers is p ossil.le, I short time to the robust, liut l he linijot ut \\\l ri-mi in. d piT> ; .tts would prefer iiiiiu CUK “1 X .! > »! !!! V« l 1 at im .slilit-re. lniD’ti v liiol l ri*\ .. oil ; iox , to ih; a I* viua ** tv* r. nut tliih l* urtuaily h t ho>t* in wlu .m 1 le inactivity i of the livordrives the refuse matter of t lie body to ocape tliroU'^li tlio iuntfH, breath, the pores, kidneys and lihuhlcr. i it i.** a^tonishiny: that life Gi.tdl'li remains Me,leal m su, Diseuverj a <lw piling. Dr. Dicrcc’s rest ..res no] inai i ;:. 1 litV to tlie systems and re new the w hole ■ing. Broldhitiim .lominutes eight of North Caro liua's ninety- eigtit counties. I.iing Ti'oiiiiie* nail Wasting Diseases can lie curi-ii i f properly treated in time.nsshown by tl.e following statement from D. 1 Fuki.m \n Si.l'i -y: “Having been a great snffo re¬ r froi: tlmonarv attacks, and gritdu ally wi, , *t.llg ay lot affords me arc ( Km, i ,sion ui has gi\ cn me great re lief, and 1 chcei'fall) IV , online nd ii lo all sulferiiig in a similar wa iv (u my In aiblilii n, 1 would say Ilia! it is very pieit'i 5 iu r The ictor f tlio Voluntopr makes 8 vaclit •ti for Ameri, an- -v.-r fi, BHU-fi. li.-i face su fair, as flesh it scenic I imt, But - Tln-agligM.ll. mixture of •omplexipiis.liio And \,,, in hereheeks tlie vermeil red did show.” I,,,re Ids is pliysical tin, pM-l's ih-eripthm of a perfectly woman < system was in a z und and heallh} and,'tlie.-i,viable -tale, willi every Cam lion ■I i,igpre,,.,-i Ij. eomlili.m ,1' t.-ur Pivx■riiitinn/’ patrons produced by Dr. Pierce's ivoilte Aliy (Iru^itit* i:> ountlos in r votf-l , , local option law, , ,tr <! iifvdiiLilion li'i> <.»of them. For hrcatli, weak MMi^umution, lung-, spitting,.f"« iiinbt-.^wt'alHaml shortness - ■ all , ~ -riimetm^lis l»r. l'ien p****iJoblen Motlical • - Tlm ■ - million xromei iu llit, L'niteil Stales mu k for money. F.VKKV pel's ,.h is micrcstod iu their own af fa 1 "- 1 , ami ii ibis riu p tho eye of an.\ one who i« fering a,lu,it from f he he . n fleets of a to rp •itl J iier. wi ill I fiat tii is interested in Kettin^ \V let directed, a fi,»t I Prirkly h Ash Ritters, ti¬ ls and you wi alw ivs he glint , this item. **l want tt; tl thank jar u, w nt"s a ytMiiiu in a n to B. F. .I»»hii** un A ('» i».* Uirhinond, Va. *ior plueing in,- in a posit it Ion hy wliicli I ainenah. »l«‘d lo make money 1 "ter than I t vi-rdid hvfort*. M This is but il sami»U i xtrart of tin 1 many hun died similar le lvcciviMi hy t lie above ,ve firm, See their inlvt i tisi im*nt in another e« .Im an %ftfflilii»ti .MnliifiK Shorter. What word is that to which if you add a syl¬ lable it will make it shorter'!' Short. Taylor’s Cherokee liemedy ot Sweet Gum and Mullein will shorten your eohl and t m e your cough Oiiitglilers, W ives and llolliers. securely Send for !’ led. amphlet Dr. J. on B. l-'emale Mareliisi, Diseases, free sea I'tie.a, N.Y Purity and Strength : The former in th* l.l.ssl and tb# latter throughout ’ the system, are ue -e.sary tn the enjoyment of per feet health. The heat way to scen e both I* to take JI-msI'h s udtleh expels all Impurities from lhe bio-*!, rouses tl.e kidneys and liver, overcome, that tired feeling, aud Imparts that freshness to tho whole butty which makes feel iterfet’tly well "i have taken u >t quite a b-.ttto of Mood's Sarsa p irilla. an-l! ft None of the medlclntM for giving an appetite, purifying the blood and regu lating the digestive organs, that I ever heard of, It did me a great deal of goml Mire N. A. Staxi-et | Caniishita. N. Y. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all <lrux*l‘tts. S’. . kIx for $ re pare, I only by I. IIOOB A ApoUwrariiv*. I.o well, Man*. IOO Doses One Dollar I Ely's Cream Balm I’rire .ill rent*. W-FEVtR^yjf'i W ill .I,, more t i ( urlng CATARRH. Thu ii >-"«00 in nnv (II tier W = V. r 'Ii nostril V (■»> St.. N.Y SOLDIERS SSiSE W .-ell,-v,"!; •“ - ,-.,r*' pra.-tiee 'ip'- ess or no fee. !.»«. ... c A W McCormick & Son., D.C, opium Pf&asss • n file'.VS! on ih'; to. |9 cXiCA>i WAR |y| in ** K. II. N• «*I*• t on »V Co., \VuhhiiiKt**n. L».C. ■ BlIvCi CnUI««. itOODT t CO.’Ci.cinn.ti, 0. Asl PEaM" t‘ flay, s.xrni-lc worth *1.50. FKFE. i,,( ‘* not the horse's fort Write Vf *w Brewster Snfetr I . In llolilrr eo., llnllv, MDh. / 1 O 1. II '** worth <'>H0 p«r lb Feit-i’s kjnSalyois \ I worth 1&1.0MU. but i’i Hold n t 2.C ■ bji l.y denlerx. A Bilml Person. “I stood in at aisle,” said Afi. Harri son of the Institution for the Blind, “when a blind hoy wan walking toward tne, and just as lie came opposite L put : up my hand liefore liis face. It brought I.7..1 Mm ,«uk >ir anil I,.- flung l,i, to nvoi,l tin, obstruct...... I did | not touch him with my hand, nor did I j itpeak, nor give any other indication of - know the obstruction was the'ct “Has that experiment been tried in tnoro tliau one casei” “It has been tried often and in many msea, ajtd always with suooeaa.” II -tmL ••9 >; »* tf]ls fim r *h •tfA v°f * r WJfen wbejj?W^ rr- j i!L I loo^Mi thj&nBftj PI to i '"sms repos* I ojji + cor®t^^ Be*;Sur }haMieBtSS? ill ct iimit]is.\ 0 ly < Little act]es fui\fT' ch I cated'! H ttje curar adi do tt|ises arid pot 5 r JjsjCH will AoMl nabimZk pi w vytfie :t ;srV ly v tthe Pin is > sole frwr&M&kb CHARMgA^ofcl The er Comp; ,v 0^kTIMOH k [ IV, f - Tho best end sorest Remedy for Coro of all diseases caused by any derangement of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation, Billons Complaints and Malaria of all kind* yield readily to the beneficent Influence of It Is pleasant to the taste, tones np the system, restores and preserves health. It Is purely Vegetable, and eannot fall to prove beneficial, both to old and young. s a Blood Purifier it is superior to all others. Sold everywhere at $1.00 a bottle. KIDDER’S 1 j A HI l(F, Cl id: fob INDIGESTION tviul DYSPEPSIA. Over N,nno Ehynlclnnft have Mnt ua thf*lr approval o( for I>KiKSTYLIN, IudlKcstlon raying that It ia the boat prcparntl AV© hav«» that they of have ever of UBrd. Hy n»*ver beard r cas® S!‘ *blr. DIUKSTYUN was taken that w not FOR CHOLERA INFANTUM. IT WILL CURE TIIK MoST AOOIUVATF.D IT WJLLSToi' VOMITING LN TREiiNANl’Y. IT WILL KKt.IEV VK CONST!RATION, Ter Summer C’orui.laints and C hroulo lilarrh'Hfi vvhleh are the dlreet res',Its immcllutc of imperfe, t (ilgeqtlon. i.IUKSTVLIN will effect ail cure. Take DYOKSTVI.IN for all pains uml disorders of ih© stoina**h drugKtfft ; they for DIGK.STYLLN nil com© from lii'IlgcMtion. Inr^e Ask ur Tr he semi $1 thdlar r*i»r , ttloi. do#** r. not have 4* it one to u*» nrid we will ncn'l a lM*ttlo to you. ©uprcNS iTcpuM house I ! <> not hcftlLitc to nontl your moimy. uur l.i reliable. KstHhfUhed KlllDKR. twenty flvp ycari. WM. F. A, .1m„ t’O.. ’'nn» „ , te«-iurlng < i \. V EXHAUSTED VITALITY and Middla-A|«i Men. k Jb OfMun hSCIDICTJm W /ik xsll il*i 'll , M Ktflf \ i iii |/||A|II ________ TUVCCI _ C RHUf? I fl I wLLl lt»n2B*W8ir X |> (K CAI. 1.1 > INSTITcTE. IIK l> by Hie IT. AIIOIIV XIKD1 No. 4 liullilarb Ml., ConcoMlng llomoiii MnflR. I'hvnlclan WM. More II. I'A HKClt, million M.IL, I ban one • npiea «<»M. IItr4af*ur>on Nervom and Ulivil. aj PeMIlty, I’reoiaiurp Let-line, ViUJltr. ImpAire/1 auOtuntlal tl bliv'.ln*, full KOt. \Verrant ^-1 boM Dopuiar meJI.-Al trratino publlsherl In tho NVf thi* • • • 4* sbora me » Milter. One AK«„t( Merchant only! wanted iu every town for Wm m L ! K the mmnhi «t|i oj I1U0.1 of n y < iiHtoau is ilm >o ir anm 1 • Punch” is th»» ©nt .V. rticanh \ia.c ;„‘ru; k , f',hoi: , 7, iha ' u “« nuij , Jons A. Irene, lirnrgl t, Milwaukee, (Vis ArtiircM K. XV. TANSJI.L ,V LO., t l.irnen JONES IlTt^T 8QO. ttse Sr*lff. F*r feet flTiaf !lfl ■ nTOVte?Jf.V ffn»to» this and a.1dr»e# fmjiloyeii also. A few vacanel#* In tow n* and eltles, B. F. JOIt. HOK A CO., IMS Main St.. Hlelimond, (a. AGENTS WANTED Vi W MS&ViMiV PATrhp.Ns. Ibxsis. for making Hugs Tidies. Mittens, e,e. ypi eh,it.- sent by muil fin■ $ . S**|j,i for idle reduced price irer (7. Itnss.V Co., Tolr do, O, PATENTS I ham, I’m te 11 1 Attorney, i!» \Va8htngtf>ii, S&TK; 1) HE«BRAND FIFTH II It WHEEL. SKS linfirovcmcul II Fit A N II I II., kroiiinnt, O. OPIUM Habit Cured anx r *v Prof. J. M. IUUT0S. •-•'.th Ward < iaeinnati. O. 'EM fe. i’i “v cmaitMi 'Throughout This represent* a healthy Ufa. .Tint such a life as thev enjoy its various scene.. Who use- tho smith's IJile Means. Kmilli** BILE BEANS purify tile blood, by acting - dlrpcl EffeSSSsSS Ir aud promptly on the Liver, kihin und hid- panel 1 Ibo original of tbtii rtio (otrraph. picture hix«\ 1 rent on receipt Attflres*. of Oc. In rlunij. BH.K - BEAKS, ugalnat all form* of fev«T», eliilffl and fever, sail Mi,ncs, HI. I.ollU, Mo. and llrlght’n dinease. Mend tt centM pontage for a naui Ple toiUUd Package and feat (he TIU I II of wlmt xvc nay. I'ri. e, r> rents per bottle* to any uddreaw, postpaid. DOM; ONK BF.AN. Sold by driiiiginta. «f• tt'- SMITH <ft> OO.. J'UlH'UtnOllS, ST. IjUmH, MC> *W****f .i ****** Jk * tnot'sljh * ►!* ^ *1* *1iV,’ *1* ^ '.'t“ll*( ►];* ^ "uill’ »I* k'-ro *J« , flv, .,1 ,r* II, II iniU* r Ij.. u t, uu i ) i irk,i z UCM vfJaX .roof Ask lor tho '‘itvc "FistI I'.fi.X.Nb" su, mu I Ibll nnd take ,, lh ,. r ; If ,uu xi,,r.-krehir yA«. d tto- 11-11 niuNh, jrnttfordcsorlptlryr»tali*rur. A..1.T,.«'cn. vusi:,rni<.i>s s,„ |!„,r.„i. TTT V “I* * V ’I’ 'I* * ’■I* *1* * ►!* sj* *1* *f* *1* * ►!* * sj* * »J-« sjs .js * sji * Hoxv a You ng Man May Be a Nobody, j,o*v to ^your^'^eisnra doff' * t'o'toto t!^'^ "^l * ,'r’ n^d " 1,1 n'“ drinic much httio You other dnnk. now; In just a beer or some the meantime plav donii no ^?; checkers, or something else to kill tune, y.hS KW7 your gtomaeh full and your head empty, and yom self playing time-killing games, and in a s^aassawsssaa gambler, cither of which is than Ttiere worse no hanging body. aloout area saloons number just ready of young men uobodles.— Watchman. to graduate and be ' ^ , tjJHAT A TOU 7 fullness or bloating after eating, gr of gone ness," of emptiness of stomach in the morn- i ing, tongue coated, bitter or bad taste “ mouth, irregular appetite, dizziness, ftetjMptt speck?* headacnes, blurred eyesight," floating alternating biting, transient with pains chilly hero sensations, and there, sharp, cold feet, drowsiness after meals, wakefulness, or disturbed ond unrefreehing sleep, of constant. impend¬ Indescribable feeling Of dread, or ing g cal calamity 1 number If you have all, or a ny considerable suffering of these symptoms, you rou are from that most most common common of or A Atnoi ican m windie* - llillo us Dyspeitsia, or Torpid er, n#*o<( luted with Dyspepsia, or I it digest ion. Tbo more com plicated your disease and has become, of too ,tcr the number diversity has reached, symp¬ toms. No matter what stage It I»r. Pierce’s Golden Mffllrsl Discovery will subduo it, it tnken according to direc¬ tions for n reasonable length of time. I cured, complications Lungs, multiply Disease#, and Heart Cons Disense, um P tlon of the Skin i<\ Hheumatlsm, Kidney Disease, or other grave inaladhe are quite llnhlo to set In uno, sooner or later. Induce tt fatal termination. ffledlcal Dis¬ Dr. Pleree’a powerfully Uoldcii r.nd covery acts upon the Liver, through cleanses the that system great of blood-purifying all blood-taints and organ, Im¬ purities, from whatever cause arising, it Is equally otlieaelous in netlng upon the Kid¬ neys, nnd other excretory organs, cleansing, strengthening, and healing their diseases. As an appetizing, restorative tonic, tt promotes digestion and nutrition, thereby building up both flesh and strength, in malarial gained districts, tills wonderful medicine lias grind celebrity Dumb in curing Fever and Agile, Chills and Fever, Ague, and kindred disen» "8. Dis¬ Dr. Pierce’s Golden JTIcdicnf covery CURES ALL HUMORS, from worst a Scrofula. common Blotch, Salt-rheum, or Frnjitlon, “ Kever-gorc*,’’ to th* Scaly or Hough bad Skin, in short, at! illscnse* powerful, used by purifying, blood and are iuviKoruting conquered l>r,tl:i* medi¬ cine. Its benlRii Great inlliienee. Katiug L leers r.spculnHy rapidly Im* heal it uiukr inntu fested Erysipelas, its potency Boils, in curing Tetter, Eyes, Eczema, Carbuncles. ilip-Ji.ifit Sore ft Scrof¬ ulous Sores nnd Swellings, isc«s.‘». “ U ilite Swelling*," Goitre, or Tliie'f Neck. and Enlarged Glands. largo Treatise, Send ten with een. if* stamps for a colon plates, on Skin Diseases, or the sa me amount for a Treatise on Scrofulous Affe ctions. >< FOR THE BLOOD 18 THE LIFE.” Tlmrnuitldy <i«ldi‘ii cleanse it l.y iisimr Dr. Pierce’s .Mcdiml Discover)', and K" 11,1 digestion, strength and a fair bodily *kln, health Imoynnt will lie spirits, established. vital CONSUMPTION, lung*, arrested which is Scrofula of (he is and o cured • by this remedy, if taken in (he ear rlie r stages of tho disease. From its mnr Vel veious power over I lit* terribly fatal disease, when first offering this now world-famed rem¬ edy to I lie publie, Hr. l’ieree thought seriously of culling it his “Co.NSfMiri'to/V Cckk," but abandoned tlm' name us too restrictive fur a mediclno v.hic.i, from its wonderful com¬ bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-cleansing, anti-bilious, unequaled, pectoral, only and nutritive properties, is not. all ns a remedy for Consumption, but for Chronic Disease*! of the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Catarrh. Blood, Short net 'ss of Breath, Chronic Nasal Hrtui chi tis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred ; affections, it is an eflieleflt $!.()*»> remedy. Six Bottles Sold hv^ Druggists, nt or I (*f~ Send (en cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce’s ! book on Consumption. Addt ess. World’s Dispensary Medical Association, 003 Main St., HI Il’Af.O, N. Y. < :on: • v X Great Starching AND IRONING POWDER. HOW TO WASH AND IRON The art ef rtnroldng, ironing ftM Trn«h*n« brought Added to prrfivDon in “ Koeau <m VyaT. testy, to starch gives Tho splendid only washing gloss, cO*i etiffnas* and polls'.!. mr,'( pound tfinf can i.o r.o used. Prevents l rolling or ruhhiug up. three-fourth* Slake* iron the *11}. easy Saves labor, tjav.-s Ahoeniowo- s' men A roreltttion In lionsekecping. world Me n. A new discovery, bents the ( rsr* 1 |iurifle* every tiling. Invaluable a* tho only safe, nundnjurlous flbd perfect vatdnr and clean-cr fur p-m nil household purpows, OTA AliUlllrUl. 'Tho most ineTjen. need O t girl can. with floegh on Tiirt, do n» nice w ashing anil ir< iu:g as can in done in anv pTgF.. hiun ’i'l'. -ill Boiling net well necessary. stocked to &S5c. nt firtit-eln**, N. J., V. S (ir ocers. E.».Wells, Jersey City. A I!#" BOYS! f 0 ,l ?teu < o" vKoZ ,,w m Lo«»IO»iH U-aU>™ u a .VW ffld « Gunrtt iwi ngnl,i-i is "|,rn ,y(=“ i»fe' .nine V po.sihle * llo« h * by o. Tell (he ilie Terllif Sir; v irVlic^ Jf li.-u 10 eall “u’l Hje Anii C ft WUGT'* Hite, a lloi-sr 1 n.i>rri. < All , , nn<i oilier Vnlimlile li»for:niMI«ii reliilln* to ihe l*:«i 111 n «* oim l»r ol»iH»i»r*i by , u IU; oll , l iMM’KiV, 11.1,1 sTIlATRU forward* noi{M{ HOOK, whirff will IMS 25 CTl* «tttnrd STAMPS. r*i,e N. noU^K HOOIv C’O.. I tl 1 1*. 1 • - ----- ■ l % GUISSS -ALf FAMMER1ESS. |*)AIT THSlt lARUtl. (AKK/.TTAH HAMMERlfSS. IplWfl It8EECH lOABtltj Smd for Catalocnc M rp eriaUIrs. M IIOM KI IMJ, IH.J.V OJ a J 00 Chambers Otrfrt, New York. J.P. STEVENS &BR 0 . JEWELERS. Atlanta Ga. , ......rare........... OPIUM; 1 W II UtoKIv V II \KI T'd f tr*M I ;• t lioiu • without i»iim • »f Ift*rtivtil<iri 8*»nt l III’ I! B M. Woolley, M. D , mir SP9 \ I 111 II’ I, «*tfg OFFICE mil S,re,-t Mmif ion i Inn t»npor. BUSINESS Kd neat ion a y.ooiaMy st .1J,»,*KI:’*S lll'SINP It igIbmh! rXIVKItNITV, hn O XII aula, l.n. On., of Hie , in i fit TV. tt* Blair’s Pills. Great Rheumatic English Remedy. Gout and Oval Hot. a 11 ronnil, I I I’.II*. Pensions SsnU mon, I. stamn liIXO- i> ii A. N. I <‘IHT V-|D tt Ml m , . ,,, , , ... ,wttv, ' rs r,,r Uu ’ ''t' 1 *’ 1,1 Brohihitioniuthe re <s-nt g.' , "'ra | _.I'le- ti.m held in that State. They ILy'jls'i'ri'ttie V-V«uoftYre* Nasli ‘‘Hot (VfrevVT fVnv hmSe Memphis house and ville wimls mad,' a to canvass rallyiiig careless voters If? h .... ....... 'D'• » nilip Moses, a talented minister of Auswa.m, has given up liis pastorate, and W ' f ', 1 • ,ui ° usi - t>c*ides five total abstinence for in •» and wotnem and has given huid aniteVnierii'a ll< w ledge*. MivMiwA will visit Kng tn all it.aspects. next yenr tostudy the re*