The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, November 10, 1887, Image 2

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.■ntk'JOUil^fAL. ^H. 8. Bl’RTOX, . . • Editor. Uflletnl Orican of Ottdire County. OJlela! Orirtui of Telfair County. icbay. Nov l".l**7. The Su upromt Court or; Ibe 2nd inst, r<» ibd the writ of error in the Ann reh* Ltscase, They vv ill, therefore, be bung. z. *lroved last ehunec for bid'll t! inlei'l.'iimce with tin* cxeiu tion - the m nlen rid t o il out} hope now tor a Mg III ol lift seems to depend X t c. exceu live ■letiie y of I’rrsidi lit i 'hi via Ml. The iint room vv;> el' vvded vr 'it Ibe .lll-t tookthe! I - il few s pasi 12 o’clock. 'I v appeare iinu« • Killy •oh'inn no a ii ml a tiii-li ’ II over the roo = lien Chief .hi'lbe 'nite, nilhont a = iiii' iil's <1 j an noiitn cil that !c d the opm ion of il irt i the matter < /. P“ oil r vv nt of cm r 3 flic Mupicnn f I ol at t iDin. Almost t! t sentence iudica ti d that the A ear lii.-t-’ appeal to i Mil! nf denter is !«.ii t uiin fl< < tual, Mid that the lit lei; (•hid’ .In tb c vv it i> under I I I mu. | r i ml r I tiled i - e while II I 1 t uitdil i i I 1 11 matter % E rffiri* «i8’ flu* l .ir U < *•}, i { v i I ilh) tl i for v ■ f i i V w I 11 I i tl I'll v \ ii t i It I I wl nil 1 w I vv i, T I ii I il f I 1 1 i i i i t 11IOII \V bq II are larg n I il it iv ,\ bite Illii I l irmible will, ( w i ( ni's ago. IT i the verj liesl plan I i until}, n niostlv ill 11 11 * * 11 in tl i ied by mi in i I! I l\ it lew 'i i„ imp .r I V, I v ( | to tin i tut i I v I' i I I v nothin I ! I, t Hull « I v ’ 1 r ! 11 I' e l Hi mg i i ■ tafion.— A r if I'.uilie i iliilmteil M tl ier*taml« II m-fltting \ 1 r I tl 1 ibr I IV I \ 11 I w t i 1 i t t II u a r i u llloll'* tell; | Iv 11 tin it I I Vi i v t t Il ^4 *Hl \ • I w reek >>t i il their 1 r T r I t i nl t ii i n < I f in l l u r f v\ i l t I I .It i- ll Ilf til l 'ii i V l"l VV ilnr o! ;tr w 1 •five II I W . and l I tl t ii It t v i ill tli N ti III il. i VV \\ tl mill ( 1 iv. r i i w in >1it?ii \\ i I il- v v r 1 mi either VII :l-l I in! -Iimpc N I i< 1 w tell HI’ U I N lll'l . Uv . I ti v -. t'M t ibh remimliiig f r- -. tutib iiieiit* anil l ■ I' in lii.* old tembti tin ! .rii• - neat ly all have I VV III vv Ii are oi i'U V I vv ’ Itich a tin |il I | ii i 'l"i k. i*niitIi I vv tli roil gli (lie 1.1in. ii* I n I IIV , I - niii't tiuin l lieii Haiti v\ . vo nl' iblcll-'t to III |>K|dilai' i'e*oi'l Id' I Ii ill seai'i Iiit* am! h Illi.l I' Id licit it'll v till this region I .1,1 i- given tile i in J ( ii Riv r >bali*s, ii ncni' n i il in regular i.,v ino'ilv i.i I in. Imt v'.irv ing If.ill i kllilc I lc In v I r \ t le* . I f, t i 'im' a,' I.f I c an ui a t ti'li, someiiui' U ili•/.' n * v» witliiti tli< iomjn*s v a *qm *i* ,''i*l. I Slide-) In * "i itiscvt mi vv a *r a ro in(C lt<K:k cut tlio totul pa«8Cf through thin lnycrt Af n sort of croam-colomi, <•1 1 alky limestone, interspersed with -tratnt of a dark brown color, satura¬ ted with in trolcum, so as to hum freely l'he out derives its name— ••Burning Hocks,” from the fact that during the bnildirg of the road the rooks became ignited and burned for several days, illuminating the labor of the workmen by night and Ailing the valley with dense clouds by dhv. There arc many curious scene* along the Green rivt At the mouth*of Ilom v's Fol k there UavicwouGi len r: v< of great beauty, which derives principal charm Irorn its vivid color* l’lte waters of tho river are of the purest emerald, with banks and sandbars of glistening while. The perpendicular bind'to tiic left is near* ly l.oOQ feet above the level of tlicrlv or, and of a bright red and yellow, and when illuminated by full sunlight il is grand—deserving Its full title— 1 i Flaming Gorge.” It is the cn* irame to a galcvv ay to the mi il I gresitef wonder and grandeurs of the famous led Canon, that cuts its way to a depth of 3.0)0 feet, between this point ami il- eiitranec into Brown’s Hole—a description of which I will not attempt lief I.caving (ireen River, the railroRil -ro*'<'* the bridge, turns to the right ami runs along under the bluff's (vvbfcb extend almost over the river at due point) for about three miles, when it again turns t*» the left, pa-sing the Divide, with the Wind llivcr Moitn lain-, Sweetw - t Mountain Ifaiige, and Hattlc'iia ~ Mills in the distance; ml we are again into the barren sage iii-li plains, wiilt nothing of much n -t to note for miles. There are matt} loltv peaks and curious looking r I,-to la •ecu in the mountains, hut S' ■ne imt neai enough to see mtieh le from ihe massive bulk of them, l'he day i-a beautiful one, and we ate botitiding along at a good rate tlirough >ii after snow-shed, for there are iles ml* of them. Imagine a railroad covered in with boatiI* placed on timbers and braces, sufficient to hold an immen-e w eight, or withstand heavy gales, and you will have an idea of the snow-sheds along this Hue of road. It is, of course, not continuous, but there arc place* where there are numerous short sheds, and others where there arc long cow ti iiumi - sheds, ami it is something similar to running through a tunnel to pa*s through them, though il is not so dark as a tunnel. And thus it is until we reach Evans¬ ton, the dinner station. It is die coun¬ ty scat of I *i nt a count}, Wyotnliig Territurv, and the last town going we*t in Wyoming. The town is situ¬ ated on the west hank of Boar rivor, dine at the “ Mountain Trout i well kept house. Mere We find regular Chinese waiters, dressed in ( hine.-c costume; they arc quick, polite ami attentive, and speak Eng¬ lish quite plainly. Forty miles southwest of Evanston is a perfect mountain of sulphur. The immense deposit carries from 50 to per cent of pure sulphur. A United 7 ate* patent lias been secured on the 5. ■operty bv a coiupi. ny of western n entleinoii. There arc also flowing il springs ten miles east of Evanston. The sin face oil is said to be equal it tli ‘ lie-t of heavy lubricating oils tor engines or locomotives. T. [to iik. < o\timt:i> ] l>. McFAdlLY, ItRALKR IN Dry Goods, Croceries, Hardware, Tobaccos, CIGARS, ETC., LI .MBEB CITY, GA., i form the public that lie has open a _ let aiui well assorted stock Gonei’al Merchandise it Lumber city, and respectfully solicits a ii i fill i* shute Liven "i she il niiblie la Live." inurbitagt!. My Hollo lo ' = l (live ini' a lien v ‘in = lii Hie city oetl2ui Milking Preparations FOR - Taking into eiinsideration tho immense T uvuls that will attend tlio Vt.ite Fair, the Keimesaw Restaurant Ini* increased capacity, so as to b« able i“ feed an u ale united number of guests, iivi rv thing that the market affords either l" cm or drills, can bo found at this perfect t -f abh'liment Poll*! lol'ge t tin* pht( the Old Reliable Iv KNM 'A H »I 1 » I'OI a ril MI'Rl'.LT. Of nil BAY and XUilll Best Cook* I' to VS .liter mil a mmodating clerks •I. % alenlino, Agt I't 'III, DR, H. H. JOHNSON, DENTIST, II AtV'KIN.-VH.I.E, (i.\ ■( >ffi 'Ter Arnold's jewelry store I let. I*. 1**7, Iv DR. W. M. RYALS, OFFICE and DRUC STORE, LIMBER CITY, GA. ( nl!* promptly attended day or night. A lul 1 line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, BOOKS, STATIONERY, l'i« in-y 4 »o.m 1 s and ’I'ollet .4 always on hand Oet. 12. 1**7, tf Mail and Hack Krmi.Wn-kly) between I .umber City .1 acksonville. I. H. COPELAND, Prop’r. I - ■* Lumtier < iiv Tuesday* and ll.l V » - da. in.: arrives Jacksonville II ir t: cliliniu.'. leaves Jacksonville day at 12 .vc. ami arrives at Lumber at 7 Parties desiring to visit will find ii to'heir interest to inquire at Lumber City for m-r 12 2m I. II. COPULASD. ■ | |4 '« k&zfc**. i.v.^r in the, ;ri s i e« arc- ii... oireavs-i, aetaaiiy , n-1111 v 1 V>- ’ V^HET^THE t’t v! IkT' In in An.i i on. .ir-i.m iiibt.LV.ivL fv:i ba.LL uv UE-ULEjia orv ntAi-i v ‘r |M|QJ UcmilOIl* - : — -4 ipp Herrmai], l S. HERRMAN & ROTHER Have Jvist Received AJXT invcMsisrsE stock; OF GOODS Fresh From City IVTcix'li.etrf., NOW IE YOUR TIME TO SAVE MONEY BY PURCHASING GOOD GOODS AT BED-ROOK PRICES. OKIISH UOOIM. NOTION l>EI» 4 It TNI ICVT. .1EWEL SC T B> E 1» A It TNI EN T. t l.OTlIINU ! tT.OTItlNU ! UUOtERlEN. I’iNE SHOT.*. Cashmeres 3G inches wide, all wool Our notion department is awfully Our jewelry department will bo Wc find it impossible to do business and all desirable colors Diagonal attractive just now, tilled to overflow¬ found to be complete to the minutest without clothiug, Everything wanted in the Family We have a fine assortment of shoes Cashmeres. T)rc*s Flannels, stripes ing as it is with almost anything that particular Anything desired in this to offer so line we are prepared and Fancy Grocery line can always be for ladies, gents and children A so and plaids. Cheeked suitings, entire¬ you a new of handsome found upon application We i ly new and perfectly loveiv Black heart can wish or imagination devise. line has only to be asked for While and stylish clothing at low prices. Be¬ to supply the trade, proposi furniture, trunks, valises, wood, wil¬ Cash and Henrietta Cloths in You have only to call and examine to visiting the store do not fail to sides a complete line of furnishing and to this end low, hard and tinware, etc In short mores sec goods for gentlemen We have keep in slock the freshest and purest immense quantities. he convinced. this choice line of goods. ot the nobbiest hats existence some onlv. everything wanted in the mercantile lu line Come and see aiul price goods. S. <£z IBFiO J GkA. J. F. DkLac v J. Bisiior, Ju DeLacy & Eishop. •Ittorneys at Ijftic. EAST-MAX, GA. TITILL >V practice In nil the courts of the State. Attention given lo Convey Mucin", Examination of Titles to i.uml. Furnishing Abstract* of Title. Executors, Administrators, limirdians ind oilier TiuMees, I’artncrsliii'H Collections. Con tracts, Criniiniil Law and all oilier branch es of practice. OfUc* it tlit- Court Iloust y. lee, 1>KALE1C IV Domestic Wines, Cigars, Tobaccos, Groceries, Etc., RAILROAD AYE. EASTMAN, GA ONLY POOL ANB RILl.IAItB ItOOM IN THE t l I V. Patronage of I lie pultlle Milieih-d Terms rush oet It! till (tee I X-J. X" 5 GG-COCI - — , KAST.NIA.Ni, (.liOKLIA. — UKAI.KK IN — General Merchandise. I have in sto'c tin* largest and most com plete stock of goial* ever brought to tiiis market, and I propose to sell at rock-bot¬ tom stock prices. and All l ask i* an examinationuf for my prices. I Thanking the ptildie continuance past patronage. of respectfully solicit a the same, oet Igltin I.. >1. PKACOCK JOE. B. KING, THE J~IE WELHGR,. Ot'FU'K—At More nf John f. Wall, cor¬ ner of Railroad and Third avenues. Last man, (ill. Repairing short notice, of watches and clocks done on at moderate tales, and sat Ufac.lon guaranteed. I have.iusi received a large lot of the celebrated soth Thomas clock., which I am ottering cheap lor cash. oet 12 2m Il >K. It. KIN<■. .b w dci EASTMAN my, sum hi sim, M. NY. II 4i:iti:i.I„ Prop’r Handsome turnouts furnished tit mouei crate rate*. II se* and mi ■s for sale at low price* nd stock taken ire of in Ii; *t class *ity 1 * The put roiutge f the public is solicited net 12 2m EASTMAN M::ssith sri Idrlglit Sisp, A. M. SKELTON, Prop’r. Ail work done in tirstrlaaa style and n easy terms I solicit a eoiitinuance of th putilie patronage svi liU'i ally extended in the past oet 12 am ROBERT GARY, M ml SMsr, Eg. STM AN, GA. AH work guaranteed, ami satisfaction given in every instance. oet 12 <bu Eastman Meat Market! i xtr W. -o xJ. tvaivttt'T 13 A Pi Ilhl-., -d IrFOp • r. | | Kfiqt* eonstanttj on hand a full supply of j FRESH BEEF, PORK, Ml 1'IOX AMs s-a_xjs_a_g:e. tilled, KjT* Orders from a distance promptly «.ctl2 2nt I-a. DEB. ISnEZ-^SIE;, LUMBER CITY, GA., —DEALKi: IN— General Merchandise, The largest anil must complete stock of Good* in Lumber City ! 1 am offering UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS TO ALL lT'RCHASF.RS. Come and examine my stock, end lie ciiiiv ineeil that I am sellir.g goods cheaper than anvbodv. I.. IK. ToaM-. I.iuntier City. Oet. pi. t*.* Bin NEW STORE. NEW GOODS. NEW PRICES! j. w. CALLAHAN & CO., IrVH.i.K, Ri:»iiut. 1 - PK1UKU* IN General Merchandise. Our stoi-k consists of everything usually i found in a strictly ! First-Class General Store, I j and our prices an- as low as the lowest. i When you come to McVille be *tire to ..ail :t nd examine our stock and prices.— You will save money bv doing so. MeViUe, Ua.. <kt. Ii, 1M*7. 5'ui HARRELL 6f SMITH Ask the public to call ami see their immense stock of General MerchandisE. They keep at all times a full supply, and all they ask you lo do is lo call and see their stock and hear their PRICES FOB CASH. In selling goods n time they are willing to live and let live. Thanking the public for past pa trtnia ge, t hey respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. /JtrWfs pay Savannah prices for cotton on account. EASTMAN, Ga.,Oct. 13, ’s7.-3m S. T. ROGERS ; Third Avenue, Eastman, Ga. —DEALERS IX Cjirocerirs I lard wart*, Tinware, Tobacco and Cigars, Canned goods of every description. FISKSH FISH AXD OYSTERS RECEIVED EVERY SATURDAY. In juices, and quality of good* I defy competition I have only been in business a idiort time, and my goods arc pure and fresh A liberal share of the jmblic patronage solicited. Oct l.Tihn. DEALER IN Dry Roods, Shoes, Hats, Dress Goods, No¬ tions, Clothing, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. Ii. Ii. Avenue, Eastman, Ga. My stock in every line is full and cont|»lete, and my prices :tre lower than ever before. Call oil tne when you come to town and I will save you money Oet. 13 -olli. A. B. Small. JoeE. Mallory. Small & Mallory, \J m Wholesale Grocers and Commission merchants. Xt 141 ami 1*13 Third Street, MACON. GA. The mcreliaiits of Wiregrass (Jeorgi whose tri. ;c we S iceiallv solicit ire assured that no liotnte i* better •pared to supply their vv; it r tic in better iiiducemciitfi, Intsines* or return heartier than for p.i’ronag ot.fem-ii in ■ I' ur sincerity (H-tJii-jm we only ask a trial I fully M A i .'1 Ai.I.ORY <0 « UUUUt# u 364 Third Street OT / MACON, GA. tl Vs w "NMmlesalc and Retail Dea’ors in PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, GLASS. Johnson’s Kalsomine and and Plaster Painter’s Paris. Supplies, Lime, Ce¬ ment N<v Estimates Furnished on Sash, Doors and Blinds. ini Cl'RRY & CALDKR. ('haaneetp Geoiyia , Are now ready to furnish vou fresh meal S.'SgSSilS their thov ““.“.SrtS'b.V'K sell fresh meat in corn, can you and anv quantity to save you money, guar¬ antee salisfaection. send in yo ir orders, and they will receive Also in connection they have one of the BEST IMPROVED GINS in the south, w ith Cotton Elevator, unload¬ ing your cotteii from wagon, thereby sav¬ ing you the time and trouble. Your seed is then loaded by machinery for you ... Give them n trial ot*tl2 3m RESTAURANT! J. H. HANNAH, Proprietor. LUMBKU CITY, («.A The public is notified that have lilted up in the Daniel F. McRae i ore house. we*t side of railroad, a First-class Restaurant * w here I snt prepared at ail hour* to furnish meats and lodging. Meals. 25 cents: Lodging. 25 evlits. Lumber City, Oct. 12, If'XT. .1m H. M. ISo/t M vx, II. A. li.ll.AX BOZEMAN & RAGAN, A New Firm Made out of Marsh’s Old One. We hav lta'l ■lie together, H M. Bozeman ami K. A. ran, in tho mercantile l.u*i ne'* and wc will tell you what we did the first day. 'Ve made si bran new tiiui out nf Marsh’* old one. and we called it Bozc man A Hagan—old I nch* Boh itagan and Marsh Bozeman. The next day i'll tell von vvliat vv.- did. Well. It’s lie*t lint to talk much for I've heard it said that a 'till tongue make* a wise head.but vre did make our vlatiorm the next dav. which i-. tliis: Wc agreed to deal * q» arcty and fair ly vv itli all pcoplt Il w sci l you a yard, j IKitind or bushel \ you shall surely get it in full weight and measuri liur reales, i yard stick and measures arc free to Ik tested by anyone who wishes to do so, and :i> lhi\( - McCormick said nts.ut hi* w m* usiness. we will aot have unv l»i“ L and little you" ill our bu*ine s. but will In all at the same price as near as we <•; = Whether we make or break we have ui pled honesty selling for nut policy. We make no blow about vou giwsis cheaper than any house in town. We invite all to come anil set* us amt wc will try to suit vou ill giKnls anff B< prices. »/LM Your* resp’t. pet !H-.'tui. A\ ,t UAH AN. JlanlJiiaviHi, tSa * i JE. S. T.I PLO/a’, HE A I. E It IV ! 31eat,Flour,Laril SUGAR, COFFEE,TOBACCO. Stjiplu KClii Dry (JoodK. Bontn, SIiooh. HatK, Etc, j and n t al and well Mdeet«*d stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, All fresh and offered to the public at the very lowest prices for cash 1 would Ik pleased to have a call from all those w ho desire to buy goods in my tin ie. and will here take occasion to state Bin they enn not V lil-lter 1 irgants etsew here in this rk. ■t Com e along amt see for vour lie*j ectfullv E. S.TAYLOH. octl-T-ilin. Haw kinsv illc. (is \ Newest Styles of Fine Jewelry, BRONZE, ART GOODS, ETC The Largest Stck in the City. .a; ‘pv i Watches and Jewelry ltepaired by skilled Workmen. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY by buying: of up. REM EMBER TIIE PLACE J. II. Al W. W. Williams. U Second st., Macon, (ia octb-3m The Eastman Drug Store! Headquarters for The Safest, Surest and most pleasant in the world, for Constipation and Torpid Liver. Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, Oet 53-lm Wholesale Agents, Macon, Ga. Is not at LI MBER CITY hut is expected there alter the State Fair to review JOHN H. --Immense Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE Consisting in part of Dr ga?s°Tr’un^ Woodware, Willowware, Glassware, Crockeryware and Tinware. Grocery Department. •My stock of groceries is unsurpassed as to i|uality and quantity FLOUR, BACON, MEAL, GRITS, I1AMS, SUGAR, COFFEE, BUTTER, LARD, BICE, California Canned (woods. Pears, Cherries, Apricots, Peaches. rOMATOES, CORNf,I) BEEF. TBII’E, CORN. PEAS, OYSTERS. SAL -MOX. IMPORTED SARDINES. MACKEREL, PINE APPLE, POTTED HAM, BRAI N, LOBSTER. STRAWBERRIES, JELLIES OF ALL KINDS. OATMEAL. MAC \ROM (’ H EES I FANCY ( - KERS, PICKLES, CHOW CHOW. -r. \UCE, CIGARS AND TOBACCO CONFECTIONERIES of all Kind botli Imported and Domestic Down Weight and Full Measure; the Most Goods for Least Money. Come and See Me. JOHN H. BARRETT, Lumber City, Ga. <>et i;:-:hn hi W¥\M MelMliMte are now being offered at the Dry Goods Emporium 1 -OF Eastman, Ga. This is no catch-penny advertisement, but I mean exactly vhat I sav I am now selling goods cheaper than they were ever before offered in Eastman Call ou me be fore purchasing. oct!3-3m Bargains In Groceries! w. !■ » County Road Street, Eastman, Ga. Carries the largest and most complete stock of groceries In this market. The most goods for the least money IS MY MOT"’'* The putilie will consult their interest by eallingou me before purchasing . us I will save money to all purchasers octlff-ffm. Best Goods. Lowest Prices. JOHN T. WALL, -DEALER IN Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Crockeryware, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. My hi stock of go<Kis is full and complete In i uality of goods and prices. I defy com pc ion from any source. Hive me a call and lie convinced John T. Wall, Eastman, Ca, Corner Id and Railroad Avenue oet 13-3in. A. L. HOBBS, County Road Street, Eastman, Ga -DEALER IN GENERAL AIv stock is » nl complete and in prices I defy competition Give me a tali when you n to towu. Del lo om. A WORD TO THE WISE. W lien ill search of best (Mods at Lowest Prices call on W. II. COTTER & CO., Beiders in Dry Goods, Groceries and General Merchandise. Shoes a Specialty, We handle the Celebrated S' * n - amifaetured by ( S. Parson & Son of New York., c very pair of which is warranted. We make prices on flour for this market. You will save money by rn tiling upon n« before making vour purchase* Wo buy all kind* of country product 1 EASTMAN, Ga., Oct. 13, 87,-3m. Harney •' Manhciiu, 7 Controller and Regulator of Low Prices, HAWKIXSYILLE GA. (Next door to J. J. Joiner’s) Dry Keeps constantly on hand a complete stock of Goods, Clothing, flats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Crockeryware, Hardware, Etc. IIv full ami winter struck I IS JU ist arrived ' a specialty of FINE It R E EC 11 LOADING ■ SHOT' Ot NS. A) i, sit AVer watches i ml i k* Full line ol t obacco and < igars always . on hand. I n S| •tfullv invite tl f Bodge and adjoining e«un tie to call on me when tin y ( e to iJaw kinsv iilo and ■ mine my stock and iiric-es I. X 't 13-lhn. Wsnship & Callaway, 308 SE( ’OX 1) STREET, MACH>\, GA. TIIE LEADING CLOTH IE11S, tre now opening an extensive stock of Clothing and of a11 evades and styles, Where men will find a good stoef k of lviibhoir ( iothing. North Carolin i and Mississippi Jeans Pants, Overeoats and Suits for men anil hoys. Ovei shiru. t’mlenveai c!C 500 Boys' Suits . trom $1.50 up. -j pan s Bovs' l’ar ts >5<'ts. am) upward ( Id and si 1 - ver Shirts 75ets., ami $100 the lx X UjTL owest i a ices for everything. Sept g!l-.'!ln. % % x, ^ ^ i % % % % % \ M For China, Grockery, C When in Macon color s A Glasswaro, Tinware, H and *o what we have, T C Woodomvaro, Cooking I lly can't come write 0 0 and Heating Stoves. W’e 2 for prices. We have R N h live the largest and > the greatest variety o £ most varied stor k ever car¬ lamps ever shown in any ried south of Xew York. house. Wear v Ayent* for the Etnuous Rochester Lamps. V sure to ill on us w hen \ it (isit Macon Rcspec ■trill I v. Tri (iiigulnr ItloeL, Rut on, Nasi. 'lit (» flll>l STOICK, Oft (i -hm. J. W. I '< I.M 1M JO*. .M ii a ire r tit. dr*'d£'i£&i'£i f In addition to otl'crin the best assort ment of Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry, SILVERWARE. SPECTACLES. CANES* GOLD PENS, at lowest prices, PENCILS, ETC. I Hi// tmire to each visitor to mv store during the Stale Fair, whether purchaser or not, a chance on a handsome Diamond Ring . Let everybody eon.e and bring t heir friends <*K(). T. BRELAND, 820 Second street, Jeweler. Macon, (in oet6-3m. A ''JuMWMn, 317 & 319 THIRD ST., MACON GA. Hardware, Iron and Steel, Helting, MILL SUPPLIES, WAGON .MATERIAL, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition of all Sorts. p ayn e & Willingham, mtiacon. _ tin. - THE LEAJMXf (JOS and (T »8 CHERRY STREET Factory at Enterprise, suburb of Macon. oct0-3m. Dr. W. L. Smith, DEN T I S T. | IIawkixsvillk. Ga Office in Pulaski House lRCuli-tl l). c. Mclennan, ATTORNEY AT LAW McVH.LK, (i.\. Practices in the courts of the Oconee and Brunswick circuits. Special attention giv on to collection of uliijms Wi II also prac vice in the* federal uourt-i. t’vpt l.-ly