The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, November 10, 1887, Image 3

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The Provision Store Is now complete and our doors thrown wide open for the people to buy F sr?-■ o 1 c;.sg Groceries at the lowest cash prices. Wo carry tho host grade of flour, bulk moat liaillB, break fiist baron, picklo boof, , w.i.o«W.MunXi;,’^.r'^kK^t eofli*«> ^U" ir ri<<» I m 11 f r»i* linl ^ m.-., -. ttir an !:"!'? I iN-rn-K. T| “-. j"...... ';r' ( ir (1i.v--n.ig T) ra,, " ex- < " 1 trilCtM, bakers bread. (Hikes, rnickers, pure Stick candies, ei*v«t-i cyt.ll/ v.„l limits. i’.-i.n ■ A \ 11 I.;, kIIKH i ()f <• tobacco . i and i Clears. • Om tinware, o];tSs\varc and crockery department is com llmmjr-rooni Pi®*®- W ‘‘ prices turn ish that .very defv article needed in a kitchen Of at competition. Our* ; *1 ttiuntioli ol . Ul|.|il\-scbot)| supcnnt«.*n«|cnt.- to this line ol - gOOUH. ’ hll' inducement^ arc unsurpass'd, fot' WC not only oiler the largest variety’lit lowest prices, hut will assist Schools to pay lor them. Superintendents a c * requested to COrrespon<l chants with US immediately or fail an* see US. who contemplate carrying a slock of X-mas will do Well to see our good- fili'l prices lielbl'e huving t Si where. PENDLETON LR03. Kam man, (i t. I . IS, >n H\ M h'< r } VI 1 VU1 »u U i ; i > i ) i . i l E. «&? HE5. 1 EHTOtmSE AID svill toll, ami that account-, for the steady increase IN B('>1NL-SS at the ; TMT TSf Uli?/ ‘ J , . ? r *. U II /; k *'% < >r if< ' A ; R. R. Avenue, Eastman, Ga. in Having i an i 1 pei'idicc ot o\ t u (lit cars iu the lines of goods I carry ! stock. I In vc 1 K now w hat • hue ami how to buv i! to the satisfaction ami benefit of iy patrons. 1 have Jii*f returned with an iininen >e ,t<ick of Drv (■ ! Shoes a ml I - roeeries, c:i of the above Mm finely coiiiiiientlahle i ,t, ,, every both (>nr < lothin a ml I >rv (iootls • e-c-cciallv r this ; sea son. I !i I VC brought i t! best toe c of nothing 1 ver had, and ; prices h-wt-r than cv- 1 n I »r\- * -otids v VC new I (I r liuierc, Iricots, din goiiiil*. plaid*, ti Hr ■ s (ioods from .s cents tip Our shawl* are t! • i (* * in li in 1 c:i in /(•pliers in all shade* and a re i In- clieiiji z t in tin land < >ur Lit!ii a lit gcni*’ line Angoria neck •hawis »r«* licaiuit W have in -lock 1 an ill re ii \ i ng a line select ion of Kngli-h flml A till ii i in Lit I (I All shades of wool, tlaiiiicl* a I ill*!') t|.c;.| I .a iu Id it ill hi lid urtain .. (l oi|, in slinili It'l Ciin-v, A Inn lion of I All size* of, Hose I -leu !! lid i".\ are, ml ol f W I *•,! 11 n*. lister and I, .1erse> - Inol .1 \ es III new * le*. Kid In slim i< i a lid i i (. All my good ua un i 1 ill (Ills II lllcctl ,| We . a t line of v < i rot rb ( a tidies, I5i-i ( ov i ii f \ I Ton t. i l of l.e pub I hall I r i (licit its ctililill- j ttanee t: i R. Newman. (It II I 1 ruj' { * } i J)j| 0 \ j 1 1 J : tit* lii, ^jntj£a j£t r KAS'I MAN, GA. I w I am i>o r ••!>• i ii t lie lead a ml exp-. t lav l 1 lor who favor me W iltl tie if | til W !( I •cry line don't fail c on ( j o a special! v. £ I it- of my patron*. l T . ANDKHKOX tS: ( ()., Ml GENER ^*V v H Hi I ifl HPf)|7U Hi -J I i- A Si 29 k 4 i 5 A ! I PRICES LOV7ER THAN THE LOWEST. We ;i i »t r 11 n ' 1 114*1-1 ill A i n; i I A 1.1 \ DRY 8 I* A15 LI Agent* lor 111 N M i u nrt I;; ; i: 11. S. Herrman ^ Bro “J m: M i l; IN 6 EKERA vt irr> li 1 Z Ol >j ERGHSN i tv 1 v< UP I. Eastman, Ga. ti nur prices are low dow iianiiitci-il net I ffl. H. EDWARDS & BRO. Railroad Ave„ Eastman, Ga. Dry ^Moolis, < lofiiinu*, Stiors, Hats , * Dress Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Etc. \\ fail and w inter l « n («-tt:t-2m 11 ) 11 (>i City Li Draff Store > I (KALI I S Pure Drv 3 and Medicines 1 h Every Description. cry. I \\ alt) •tf l I III Wc t; \-l'M AN. li tin nn-.wii- i 1 i: in r ’ Il II ’ , mst:? I'M A 4 . i:< »i:<. i a. II. (i. MILLKK & ( (). Won 1 nd ic.' that tic la linn iK’tftti'il COFFINS. CASKETS Sifii Miiis, sic. ■v* we are pre| ared to turn *!i III" le i iiivtIti ii•/ wanted at the shortest p tilt* hot and on a* :»••>(! te l a* can !« il n Milcnii or (l*e W II need that to \ our nh r * * to \our mt.-rc-t pat* u«», t'ch.-XJ) TIIE JOURNAL. l If. S. ............Kilitor. TtlUilSUAV, NOV. 10 , l*s; JOURNALETTES. Now in the parlor meet the pair, M In i.-O hlei; day. IsUoiiej XS'SZ in thwUiwc. —Senator D. M. Ilobeil# ami Col. J ■**•»............. ..................... „..... . ....... »ed bv * the marshal. ..... —Don’t forget the appointment of Elder W. D. Oliver, of the Christian Church, here on the 3.1 Sabbath in this month. — We are f-lad to state that Mr. H.j WU8 ultcmlca bv L»r. Ilc-rrmaii. ; —Ml’, and Mrs. (;. l-\ Arn),tronj;, of 1 spent a few days in Eastman ! last week, Visiting relative*. They arc , «-*vec welcome Visitors to our town. ! -MNsc ’ i M 'd.ina Hamilton and ! -Mary McKinnon, two of our lovely j young lnriic*, are visiting relatives and (ia., at ] - 111 . Wc -yi.l, tl-o-i a ................. — l).)ii t forget the fact that tlieJorn- ! N with At. job workmer., . ffice is material now fully and prepared, j i presses to do your joli woik on bhoi t notice, i *"d at pricy* to will. Macon 1 compare or Savannah. J *—I ol. .1, h. ANoottcn, of -Savatiuali, is visiting relatives and friends among lit: is a po!i,In d geiitlcinaii. and enjoys a fine practice us an attorney in hi-section of tin-State. j thorized —Mr. C. W. Sparks ,s our duly au-j agent to receive and receipt j for subscription-) to the .InfltNAL iu Montgomery county, Any iavors shown him in this capacity will be j appreciated by n*. — We tue sorry to slate that Mr. John VV. Lovett, one of the officials of j tiie E. T. V. & G. Road, has been quite j sick at Ins home in this place lor sev (-‘•'•d daj s. We trust lie may soon re- 1 J over his wonted heallli. —Foster Armstrong, with his ini parted setter and “London twist,” is | »iu ••finest,” and i* playing havoc with the feathered tribe js theM‘ parts. He ; went out for a couple «if hours Fiidav , last ami killed 25 dove* ami quail. —Mis* Harvey, a beautiful brunette.' of Brunswick, is spending sometime ! i with tlie family of her um le, Mr. T. A. •»tiuvn*, , at Demp«ey. . Irtisi her >ve vi»il to tiie “p'-ne belt" may be a pleas a nt oil". — Mr*. Trick Wilcox, nee Miss M >1 lie llaii.ilion, after a ph-isaiit visit several day* to relatives lu re, jn-turii- Tlmrs-! ed It> her home at Tempei anec day L.Mr. la*t. J A. M. Skelton’s new residence i* going up at a rapid rate, and will i be completed ere the bleak winter ! winds blow. It \\ ill be a neat stria I li re. Mi Carrie Fort, a charming vou ng lad v oi this count v, spent Suu (lay last in Ka*tman, tl.e’gi.ct of Mrs.! H..L Sapp. .Mis, F. i* teaching vliool at present near L'iiaumny, and i. uni¬ versally beloved. _Mi s*rs. (I'eoi'-e and Thomas Cur- j j rt-ll, of Cochran, were among us thi* Week. These voting gentlemen were prospecting, with a view of becoming citizens :tml engaging iu the liierean tile business here. The same old tale ^ told them—“ no vacant -.tores.” We desire to state to some of otn torn •-pondent$ that ill.*) must . online ] i llieni't lvcs to mutters of public inter¬ est when w riting for the Journal.— W aiiuot publish prodiH-tious of a personal, san-a*lie until re. totally de¬ void of news, and those interested will bear I his fact in mind. Mr. 15. W. l*t , nd!etoti, Hie agent of the K. T. \ . A (i. Railway, at thi J place, sold 8'i ticket* to the Atlanta Kxposltioii and lit to tin* Macon Fair -making 5tH> fnk. ts sobl here to the i : two exhibitions. Town* iu this sec- i Hon . i , b population . . a.most , .lit .b.uUv w> a tl.atot l.a.imin did not sell so well -MAitRin.-I.iH,,,. day Inst, CiHi iiist., at the residence <d the bride's parents Mr. Wright T. iluirell and Mi*s Sarah L. Vaughn— Rev. J. I. I>. Miller offii iaiiug. alio! j thi* counly. To the happy pair we j extend on r congeal ul at ion-, and wi«h j for them a long and prosperous life. i I lie corn crop in this county is a | nto*t abnudant one this year. We met on Saturday la*t one of our pro-' gre-sive farmers, and lie told us that ! lie had made more corn than lie could possibly house, and would have to ; ciivi-r Ins horse lot to shelter it. II *a id lie had made more coin than ••Carter bad oats." This is no jest— thi* farmer lives not ten miles from ! town. and don’t exaggerate. —Cbri-tmas will soon be hero, and • the children of our Sunday school*! will xpeet some kind of entertain- 1 meut appropriate for that sea*oit. A* vet no steps have been liken in this matter by either of our school *. and it would be well fur cadi of them to i take the subject into consideration.— Let its have something to please the cliildii'ii. — Mr. J. D. I*.-acock, of Hawkin* ville, was iu La-tmam ii I ridax: la*t. on hit return from a ' ., wick. Hi bad with him a couple of ro ct.-anm* in He ir green suite, just a* they were plmkc.i t mm I lie parent tree iu the We*t India l-liml*, and they were quite a curiosity t > many ot oui people. Mi** H-tellc Hall teacher of the infant as* in the Cl i i*tiuu Sunday '(•liO'J, gave her scholars, together with a numh-’i-of invited little friends, a pleasant sociable on Fiidav evening Iht. Lemonade,cake and confection erics of variiMis km l* were *erved,and the little folk* enjoyed the occasion imineii-elv. Songs, pl.ivs and romp¬ ing made up Ibe prog ram me of the evening, the genial Colonel Luther A euicriiig into the same with a deal of zi 'i and pha*ure. Th • Utile partiei i'uui* in thi* enjoyable oe.-a*i.iii will long reim tuber ft. and will all the more h ve and admire their Sunday school tear her. Not ice. I’ailies indebted to me, either by m le or si« ,-ount. an- rcqiu *tcd to come forward and - tile at once. Note* and a- count* uni *<-lt led bv the tii *l of Jan uai y m xi. u ill be placed in the hands if an attorney fur collection. J. M. Sait. Oct. I'J'.h, 1887-2at, of > ^public educator—follow the rule* gi'aimuar and take Writer a* <•! iterion in ^jieliinjj. Bill Bro. 1 l,t * Haxley Banner, in hi* last issue knock, this Idea into‘•pi.” In apeak XaT “ ,,mkc or civilization’': V h^u* ‘onced we walked for three a^wssssres; awirr.- 1 Such spelling " in a newspaper 11 that ............... ' au pretentions .. towards , - mo, ‘‘l' nljllc °l"" ia " or edueat . >J‘ "'■•yes,-honhl u ,,f f amine C would advise not the writer , ; ia something' more . . E. Steven-, has done another good •owartts iiuproviujr Railroad a, " ! ! “ ,,lill « «***««•* to ilic appearance 1,1 bio l plands frontage. lie has cut ! *"b cleared away that unsightly ffoup of trees and undergrowihalon. * ,,lC i railroad, - , thus giving an unbroken v *cwof the town iroin North Km).— Mr. S. -l«rvc, (l.c -1-anU of ..............,1 **ow it he will prevail upon the rail authorities to allow him to move t!, ° o!(1 tU ‘l>oi l»,.ildmg, our people '- vwl ' remember his kindness. —Now that long winter nights are here, some steps should be taken to our Social and Club. It once flourished in Eastman, and was a source of much pleasure, inteicst and iiscfiiliu Let us have the club again. Some one appoint au evening and extend an invitation for u* all to meet at their home, and we will doubtless have the club izcvl, suul it soon again be the pride of lltc town. What say you, gentlemen of the literary “turn?" —The great need in our town is more store bouses and dwellings.— They are in demand every day, and it is strange that our mauled men don’t build and rent—thus benefit ling the town and themselves too. Scarce- 1>’ a week passes that wc are not in; receipt of verbal or written inquiries as to vacant stores and dwellings, the rates of board, etc., in Eastman. All \ this augurs of tlie growth and popu -1 larity of our town ami section, and we ' i011 dial it is strange that a *» a ln as ’ out capitalists and real e-tale owners do llo t catch the incentive. —The attention of the public is d - reeled to the card of Messrs. Hoifeu-l- i lct & MoCaw, Macon, which appears i in this i*stie. This firm deal* exten ivc, >’ l " u 'ls, brushes, gl; IS*, l 1 * 1 **>* rh- Iti Liet i:\et) tiling iu the Iiuu <» f painters’ suoplies ean lie found in this house, wholesale or iciail, and wv 1,e;4 l ,(,ak for them a share ol Hie P a **’oiiageot this seel ion. 1 liey also carry doors, sadi, hliiuL. cfincp.l, lime. Hadcr pari*, etc., and at i'riees below competitioii. Read tlicir card, and give them a trial order. —Mr. W. A. Morgan has returned , 1Vo,u hU huw, ‘ H K l '"< w iu the wild. | of G'aindeu county, and reports hav- ; ing had a moat delightful time, and ! found game quite plentiful. He also G’iwd d Brnnswtek vl,iI and ‘'gathering Cumbei land, J a,, *l’ c,,t a ' *‘ 'hells hy the seashore.” He brought bark qiiilo a number of beautiful shell w hich he presented tj his friends. He gave John Wall a “ sea his'-ni',” with the remark that lie could not bring him the promised »>"' «'»"ld 1-vrsvut him with some bread, <• r -biscuit," as it were. —The proper way to build up a town is to talk it up, tint to talk il j dow n. How ean you expect out-ider* | lo “take stock" in a place if its own 1 people are dubious or damn it will, a j faint praise. An army that goes into battle widiout eoliesion iu all it* part is lost. !so with a eonimuuity. I’nle? it ’‘ cii i/c , 's utai' li shoubb-r to shout der, and work with a united will lor■ 1 *' prosperity, It wil be ouistripp-d i in , ll0 race liy its more tnoi.ious neighbors. _Wc make the as-ertion without ! fear ol eoiilrudietiou, hope of future J reward or the promise thereof, that Kastman has more pretty girls between the age* of 8 and 18 than any town ot | its size iu Georgia, We have no old maids, but a lew good looki ng widows, who Hiesubjecl of! . arc very rctnent on a second (U„ib!o.blo*scdne**. | —Mr. Bennett Jones, of Maeon, but | a former resident of our town, was I here on Friday la*t. lie is engaged I at present in the light niug-rod hu-i uc**, and is canvassing this auction inf tha* intt rest. dur friend. Mr. Churelnnan, of the firm of Churchman, Williams & j C >.. of our town, has returned from a prolonged visit to his former home in Delaware. His trip didn’t improve j him, however, it seems; lie has “fell away” until he now weighs only 225 | pound*. We would itdv'se the naval More. I and mi!! men in tins section to call on ! or order their wagon harness from j 15. IL Folsom, in tins place. He guar-1 itnt. es satisfaction in material and prices. — As old weather apj.roacbes, ii would be a good idea to look aftci vour flue*, pipe* and ihimuevs. i haa be, tnUtll, ami country jicopie scarce in town ever si in the j exposition and Fair. Tiie people are at I work. —The railroad authorities should cover Ihe old depot building with tin or slate, thus rendering il fireptool. There is dan get- of sparks from a pass¬ ing engine selHng it on fire. *—Cotton has been coming in pretty lively tlii* week, and our warehouse mail, Mr. Stakes, is moderately —-praise the bridge which carries you over safely"—or, iu other words, patronize i he uieichatit who advertises iu his town paper. He always gives yon Ihe best bargains. — When your harness breaks or wears out, cull on 15. IL Folsom, and have them repaired. His work never break*, and hi* prices arc very low. —There w a* a negro cabin di stroyed by tire at Dempsey on Friday night last. Cause of tiro—carelessness. The contents of the building were saved. —It you want a “(KmI, durable set of liar»ie*s, double or single, call on 15. IL Folsom. He will pul them to you cheap"!- than city prices. Give him a trial. —(iamci*-aid lo Tie plentiful inonr midst, but the poor editor never has tune tuengage in the sjicrt ot bunting, T. 15. RvMell, of Fort Valley. Thi* [K>cm was most elegantly framed by Mis* Josic Koval, a lovely young lady j of the latter place, (sister of Mr*. W. of Eastman) and read and presented ZttfZSZJSSZ by Dr. Green, a noted physician ot J that town. The poem is one of rare SSK“" -*•-t KM Davis, fair freedom'* groat non: Thy Nor soul stain tyrants’ honor's chains could not hadst bend crowu tlimi won. In thy manhood's earliest prime, Hlar « Ah With splendor oVr war-clouds afar. a statesman, thy fame's tower grand when Southern Confederates rose, • Their states in.lepeiulcut to join, F Vfs fo-r ^l» ti C *c* x^ne^i* m'iV, f»i Ji nt" c t u Their banner they flung to the breeze:— Its Though base-rock in triumph no longer it waves, the universe sees A fortress, the states’ fabric saves. 0llr 1)avjs , |hv Mm>W8 alH , Jovs In hoiiU of tiiv |>eof*le are slirinecl, , 101 „ ,„ lE)lt ,. r ltou tl „ l pon thee and thine ev«r smile, '‘‘Vfl^.^Hn^ guile. When pilsKion IUK , |in ., udIcw (li0i America true then shall prize ‘ ‘ii, UiVVr p!^ir“ 1Ul 'hrie d Uine'! Fort Valley, <»a 5 phih.., Oct. is**:. Mr. K II. aite, brother of Messrs, d '^ a,,d d’aile, of our town, t again among us for this season. Mr. W'n hone is in New York State. —Mr. W. M. Howard has rented the “Jessup house" on corner of Second •" eitue and Oak street, and moved his family therein. \Yc welcome them as citizens of our town. —\\ hen . in want of a good, durable buggy or wagon whip, call on B. It. 1 oln ' u " 1,1 t *‘ ein to ol1 • cheaper than vou can buy the same ai ^' l0 * es a ^ w l , °l( ! *alc in Maeon or Kav ’ Ain, ah. i liese are facts, and all lie as ^ s * s a At the Methodist church on I ri da >’ evening next, lllli inst., at seven oVlof *, ,1,e,e ' vil1 h *> a missionary cn ,<M * a ' ,,,n cnt, given by the Juvenile ^i* ss '° ,,a, T Society of the Methodist e, " ,,Tl, > ' onsistingof rccilaliott«, songs ami dialogues. All are invited to at tend. No admission fee. Fannie Harris, Man’r. —There is a movement on foot in our town to re-organize the 0 I,j “Hamilton Lodge" of Odd Fellows.— This Order once flourished here, and there are yet many of the old mem¬ bers in and around Eastman. Wc trust they may re-organize, and build an elegant hall for tlicit* use. —Read the advertisement of “ h’c-V Medicated Soap,” to be Ion ml in this issue. This soap is highly t-iiimended as a sure cure for iiuincr ous skin diseases and sores of h>»or ° slandinir. and , wc bespeak 1 ... lor it a trial . *hose attlielcd. —Kind reader, should you find a.' laelied to this copy of your Joirnai. a slip of blue paper explaining your standing with this office, it is oonfl dently hoped that you will immediate I>' respond thereto. We are on the eve of revising our subscription hook, and ean only do so with any degree of sat isfaetion to both patron and outsell settlement of arrearages. Notice, ’Inx I’ajcrs! My book* will be open until her lot Ii, 1887, for t lie purpose of lecting the town tax. S. 11 KitttM an, Clerk and Treas’r. Eastman, Nov. 9, 1887. tf l'.nipti'c lCveniM. Emi'IUE, Ga. Nov.7t!i. <-’ol. J. (’. Anderson was will, us la«» Friday and Saturday, :uid left the 12:10 p. in., Saturday for his home in (’liiltatiooga. Col. F. I >. Disinuko, of Griffin, Ga., f *P<-*»t •'Sunday with his son, W . II. His tiiuke, the polite and obliging book keeper of t be Empire Lumber Co , ot ihis.l.ce M( . ,, jVetiUvortli. who is senling the Shlionds Manifiteturiug Co., of Fitchburg, Mas*., spent Sun (lay with us and made many friend* by bis genial countenance and gentle manly conduct. The new mill is nearly completed. am , wl „ , K . 0||e „, hu jn (he Sou „ lt W , 1C „ , illUhP(1 . We now have post and express tic. here, ami will have telegraphic connection with the world in a few day A Collcsr Day, The lfiih day of December next ha* | been set apart by those specially inter ested as a day in which all the Sunday ; schools of the New Ebcnezer Associa tion arc to put forth their very best efforts to raise a good sum of money fot* the New Ebcnezer College. A special programme with speeches. I songs and something good to eat, is to be had, so as to furnish a general good lime and raise a needed amount ol money for the school. This is a practical and eomincnda ble plan, as a good collection can be bad in small iiits from the many—at the same advertising the school and interesting tliose who have given but little thought. The school is iu a nourishing con diiion, and deserves the good wishes. patronage and financial aid of all, and especially Sunday the Baptists. Let Hie schools all take hold of the work in earnest and have a pleasant as well as a profitable time. ■>cun Neuman. I5*q. There are few gentlemen more fa vorabty known throughout Georgia, and the adjoining States, than Dean Newman, Esq., the faithful and utitir ingrepresciitativcofthefamouswhole sale drug house of Lippman & Bro.. Savannah. Mr. N. has been “on the road” in the interest of this house for a number of years, and h;s name ha* , become almost a household word in every family and a p .wcr in btis’nes* circles. During ail these years Mr, ' Newman lias ever had an eye singly to the interests of the house lie rep resent, and bv his genial, accenttno dating and polite inanner lie has won for himself many friends, a most en viable reputation as a salesman, and built up for Lippman & I5ro. a trade • second to t Hut of no house of the kind ! in the South. This is an immense es tablishmciP, represented by a most efficient agent, and wc besin-ak for i them tha patronage of tliiasection. 1 = 3 == alter a protracted session of nine,lav. made neoesaarv bv Hie hearing of tin' cause of the State vs I. J. Davis char*' cd with the murder ol Thomas \ Miller, the particulars of which m. 1 was kindled an interest not only M ■ ficient to congregate L the people of ..... " y “'" k - \^z:r^:tT^ i -i,.., j bv a ' verdict u 1,11 of 1 ““uiltv of u * voluntary • ■ manslaughter," lo which Hie court af fixed a pi naityof fifteen years impris j oninent in ibe penitentiary at hard la i bor. Counsel for defense made apn'i ealhui for a new trial, pending a hears ' The only other niininal matter ol eouse«|ueuc«* di-p-wd of was that of Thomas.I. Kiichpn-. charged willi the offense of niavhem, for which the jury U : s bte a -lioit whi.c arriving 111 *> | verdict of guilty, and for which ho ( was sentenced to ten years in the 1 H ’" ltentiary. Mingling and conversing without friends, among whom our setni-ati uual visit* invariably prove alike fruit lul ot plca-uie and profit, it was grat iIViiig to note that, notwithstanding the eon-iderable expense incurred in ,h f di> i ,0 ' ii:on of ,he>e important criminal matters, all were out-poken io -tppio-al of loe able and iinpaitial , manner in which justice i* dispensed Irom in the the rigid bench, for rightly do of law they and see | enforcement order the safest means of retaining their present enviable position it: the front rank of the counties composing prosperous wire-grass Georgia. i Right truly i* Moutgotnery county peopled with a progressive, hospitable and intelligent citizen,hip, as unmis takablv evidenced by tl.e.r full barns ] a,,<| s f < ‘ i ‘k slot k, the h^■teinlly greeting that ever awaits one at their tlircsli-! olds, the bmiHteous spread and untuis taken welcome within, and the readi ness w ith winch they mbscrihe for and read the Doixti: ( .opntv JontxAf.. It is unnecessary to add that our vi its to Montgomery will be continued, Aiignstsi A Thonuisvllle fCaib road. Tiie Swaiuesboio I’iue Fore-t, of last week, iu an article on railroads. says: “From the present out-look our county will soon be cheeked oil with railroad*. Already we have three roads penetrating the heart of the county. from no-tli to south, which will soiii ,H ’ l' ,, ’l‘h'd clear at-ros* the comity. “The road now ojx-iated from Mid villi* to Swain-boro, will ho extended t. \ onion, and the road 1 rom Rt g'l-s to Summit, which is now ru ii "'"““daily schedule, will be extended lo Keid-ville. Ihniovun ,*c I’erk.ii s road „ i *• irom , w udh i. v to , * Ivight * • i , ♦ willpas* $ » i.', r*-. 1 in* niahnoad, '• ,, how- , 0,1 ... ever, i* lo he put ihrou^h Au¬ i irom gusta to Thoniasvill'*, by (’ol, 1{. M. .Mitched who is now proidont of tin* A. G. & S. R. It. This road, when * ol "! *’ -* * > M - a "m-d mipoi lant 1 aiH al,tl ' olll ‘ uu *oi on. pio *’ '' - “Now, all these roads will be cross¬ ed by two grand trunk lines running from Savannah to the West. The Sa¬ vannah and Dublin, and tiie Savan nali and Fort \ alley : the last named road will be built bv the Central road *" order to ward ofl'tlie competition caused by the building of the S. !>. & \V. read." Alilitai-y 4'oin'tuny. Thequcslion of organizing a military company is being agitated among the young men of Eastman and vicinity., 1’lie Jotux al is keuttly in tavor ot the movement, and will lend all the aitl ptissibh: towards seem ing the de¬ sired end. There will be no trouble J'wtH siciiruig at ms ii Ihe i‘<iuisite wumber ol uieiieuu I induced to join. *-•** a meeting of the young men be call cd, in order that the matter mav 1 e ffiven definite shape. What say’the ! ? NI IT I Tiie young men of Ka-tman and vi are reque-ted to ineet at the Court liou*con Monday evening next *- ” ochw.-k, for the of eonsiil a purpose ering the advisability of organizing a military company. Let ail attend. M otulci-fiil Cures, W. I >. Hoyt \ Co., wholesale drug gistsof Rome,Ga.. say : 1V<* have been ! scliingDr. King's New Discovery for ! Consumption. Electric Bitters and I Bucklen's Arnica Salve for four years.; Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satis-! faction. There have been some won derful cures effected by the o medi cities in this, ity. Several a-es ol pro-< nouueed Consumption have l»een cn lirc-ly cured by use of a few bottles ol I Dr. King’s New Di*covery, taken in | connection with Electric Bitters. Wc guarantee them always. S')Id bv al <1 rnggis! It Kurklcit's Ai-tiieit Naive, Tin: Br.sT Sai.vk in t’.ie world for _*** • '* ’ S -'B i h, um, 1 ''' 01 ’ >H ''- < L.ippci hand*. cliilblain*. ,-oiti*. and all '•L'" t-rtip- ^ ,u ’"^ : "" 1 V, I> cures i’lle*, or no pay re.,u,red. It i* guaranteed to give perfect -ati'laetiop. or money refund¬ ed. 1’ru-e 25 cts. per box. For sale by a ‘* druggists, novlDsf - Feisiomil, Mr. X. IL Frohlifhsleiii. of Mobile. Ala., writes: I take great pleasure in recommending Dr. King’s New Di — covery for Coii'iiiupiion, having used it fora severe attack of Bronchitis and Catarrh. It gave me instant relief and etdirclv cured me, and I have not been :tfilleted *in :c. 1 a!*o beg to-fate that I had tried ether remedies witli no good result. Have also used trie Bittes and Dr. King’- New Life 1 ill*, ,, lio.ii ol vv Ii.(!i , I ...... t.m i((on)UUU(l. ]>r. King’s New 1 )*.-overv for (’on sumption. Cough* and Colds, is sold on a positive guarantee. Trial bottle* free at any drug stoic. It I'i!»U and oy^icri*. I desire to inform the citizens of Eastman and vicinity that I will keep ! on hand, during the season. fYc*h fi * I. and oysters, and at prices below com petition. Call at my place, No. Third avenue, when desiring iIk-s: luxuries. Sam. T. Rogers. ^ Eastman, Oct. 9,1837. tf • : ~=. *•»*«* Jovksal : Lail w*ek ft bad ° n< 11 ^‘gan i° ram on me Monday • ^ ^ oesday it ' I 1 '"'” am f" I>ct <'mbcrandmttd- noon **> ? M enoHyh ’ turbnelt. | W U 1111 1 * at,,H am T7 ? -■£"«£"SiSsur..:^ { \\ r JS-ut k J ” 1 t r- T'f"" ThJ * ,fc 1 I,ajis , the „ most , broken couutv m Hit) state, and mueli of the unit nd» wa^liesl off vines and U lvimr "lllsules barren ~Kn ^ ro wlli on the after (1m , v art> OI|ce c „|,| Vlllw | UM d to see hundreds of acres broken with gullies several feet deep producing uo grass or timber is no prosperous koking as¬ pect. These lauds weto worn out by early senior*, who tried to cultivate j,, ( |, c 0 j ( j way. The progressive iillcr here now uses improved iiniilemtiils, gives his farm the proper attention, prevents washes, and by careful cultivation and by the lilteral use of romiMercial fertilizers ilicy reap good harvest* evety year.— ( Vlten is tiie chief product, and next routes sweet potatoes; these are ex teusively grown to the neglect of grain anti gra-ses, wliicli accounts tor no S ( 0 ,.] ; being raised or children cduca t , ( |. Abbeville, (he countv scat, D a thrlv m-- little citv with a popuilatiou of 2,500. Onc-fouith of the business houses are bar-rooms, and at this *ea son arc well patronized. Wagons from North Carolina stood thick up¬ on the sheets there Saturday, and re¬ peated shouts ol “Here's your Bun combe cabbage !" “Here’s your fresh chest nuts, apples,” etc., from ihe liar civ drivers, who wore broad-brim hats UU(1 thcIr pau(s h , gH i„ their heavy U ,. ( , tfail boot *, drew large crowds alollllt i (hem. and considerable money ,.i ia ,i,r Ct l Hands. .Several loads of cabbage, averaging from four to six pounds each, grown front I). M. Ferry & Co’s “lale flat I >iilcb" seeds arc sold daily in this town for “Buncombe,” or a superior variety, which they claim Avas originated in Buncombe county, N. C. I canvassed Buncombe as well as all the counties joining it on my tour through that Slate, and know whereof I speak.— But ihe heads arc of fine size, firm, tender and of a flavor that all admire. We sell the seeds, so I guess it is all right, anyway. Those wagoning from North Caro¬ lina are very rough in appearance and railier rude in manners. The people through here are of a different stripe altogether, and don't care to give them lodging, so they find it necessary to camp by the roadside and sleep on the damp ground, which causes frequent Tiie ' • n-ve 1 • s op f had weather or mtiddv road a, and of • ten have thru* . horses to slip . on tiie slrak-urlace and , strum or akin . . them selves tearfully; and but for their kmiwledge of planters’ “Old Time’’ ' » rup, which they never fail to eairy and relieve their coughs, and Ramon’s ucivc and bone oil, which penetrates like gas and liealslike mag¬ ic, these poor travelers would experi¬ ence no little pain and inconvenience. —Change oft Innate, poor wafer, irreg¬ ular meals, etc., also causes among them sudden sickness, like diarrhoea, sick-stomache, headache, cte., and nothing they trv effects a more speedy cure than " Ransom’s Relief.’’ They are unanimous in their praise to Spen¬ cer Ai Brown for placing these propar tum in all drugstores, where sufferers can drink and live; and when they meet this company’s traveling men precious gifts ol sink things as they have are often bestowed. I ; out the night last week with a farmer in this county who own* a < in,, near <ai ins vi I le, Kin. Iwaste lating to him my adventures iu the mountains, etc,, and lie arose to tell about going through the country from “* l,,s ,0,uU n ‘ rni ' He began i,v sa > in K 1,0 visited first a town in Georgia called Louisville, and then lob I of the place ami people. Next he told of how he got lost in Hie woods and found himself in a sappling field, where there was a town called Mt. Vernon ; and then he gave a short de scrip’iou of the city and its inhabi¬ tant Ile said it was neat a river, which lie ( ios-ed i at a place called .1 , i5cll s ferry; lie went on to speak ot the large cypress, hickory, white oak, sweet gum. etc., which grew in the swamp, and of tlicir value if the peo pie only knew how and where to put them on the market. I gave him m> undivided attention and joined him in the praise of Hint section. When I told him I was reared among tin- pines ot wire grass Goorgia, and had been wi’liin a few nii’es of his Florida home, and lived 95 miles of Mt. Vernon, he scarcely realized that I meant it. lie is a tdauiu li Democrat, and was ..........o'", aged to *ciz.c 1 * the reins ........................ of nnient govei in III ISNl! ISM., .111(1 and lmw now ilie\ Hie* have Since, since con- on I rolled the colored vote, and closed by congratuhuing me upon my edge of the country over which I have j|. aVl .| ( .,i .and upon the position which j mul made mo IY*t*l at home , )V 1,„ i„g a miuiberof bis family. who jll>t at lilllP! aml (X .•using himself for some time. Wind from the northwest is blow iwg uji dark flying clouds this even ing. and indications are that this will lie a most disagreeable week. I see from the county paper here that Gov. John 15. Gordon, of Georgia, ha* been delivering a scries of eraMe 'js-eebes in (>hio in the interest of hi* partv m that State. Hurrah f,a-Gordon, I still *ay. IL S. T. FROM At (IfsTA, OA. Nov, 7.—I am, at last, again in my native State. The mud with which 1 i 1 l ,,, vi, "' l v ’ l,as ,1, ic ' 1 awa v - . and -dieai v November" is as pleasant 1 • ,l ' S I" '"<*• 1 rcai-iu-d this city yesterday even and * was soon admiring its broad, mg, well ^ffcaded streets and magnificent ImibUngs. This is unquestionably prettiest located city in the South, and Is growing in inlcre*t every year. Several extensive hotels are iu course of *trtifturc now. The masonic build ing which wa* burned some time ago, is now being replaced in i legant style, The Uniicd Stale* building will go up in a short time. The lands have been bought, and work will be begun in a few day*. I came into tW* St*to in Columbia counly, not for from the spot where I was born. Everything appeared more pleasant as aoon aal sf ruck Geor giit soil. CiHu ml»io county i» worn out, and rtiueh of it past redeemmg Old field aappiinffs, small sweet gum*, dogwoods, )dtua hashes, etc., aland -thick In tho-fleld* which once prralnccd all the health giving grain* and fruit brought by wty^rtllo and well equ¬ ated section, but the good old day*aru gone the place,” now. ‘'^Mtigs btyt am the place! dat gone. Tlie first pped to «*k directions, etc,, the ticgr Ito occupied Ihe premises said bel glvipg the desired information. “ » I* you got auy ’bacco 'bout yon ?” Of course I denied, and was told bow to reach the place sought. “How far?” I inquired. “Onlino zackly, but if you’ll count the post you can tell.” “Any roads turn* ing off?” I asked. “Not as I knows of, but if you’ll loqk ’long as ye go ye will see.” I thanked hint and rattled on. I stopped to ask two or three other* how to go, but they supposed I wns alter them fot* rent 'cotton and would not come out. -** I now work Richmond, Burke, Scre¬ ven, Bulloch, Taftuall, Emanuel and a part ot Monigou»vj:y, and then into Laurens. * 1 Good coll cations, g»od sale*, good health, good ^oods^ood her, ®|d roads, good costomcrs, good boy. **^ It, I,. a „__' lienortrt * ■ »__ Mauihty. . , * , We understand, Hint Demoresl^ diaiige* Monthly has its editorial been making oxtcnst^F in staff. If par allcl results could alway* beobtained we would advise every publisher It) s <>.«! -to ; for tl.» N.vml-or number, which has Juat arrived, is co., a,j Monthly has ulwavs veoti in the front rank „f b„, ,|„ new blood that lias now been infused iu.o it puts It ahead of ^nviU* Be azino fore subscribing for.youtefamily hiag for the coming veur, you should ' ; see Demorest’s, t for they say with , , tmtli . . that “it contains a dozen magazinesdu one, and funiifties iuformntioir ami amusement for the whole fandJv.”— rnbl„hcd by w. <c m,t. IH o u „ w »t, 15 East I4t!i Slicet»-N. Y. i . A --- -■■■*- . , In Brief, and to the l eftst, . liver Dyspepsia isdntftdfnl. Disordered is misery, •Iudigastioa Js a foe to good natures * , y Y The human digestive apparatus is one of the most ctuifffi ion ted and won derfiil things in existence. It is caalh put out of ordofV Greasy food, tough food, sloppy, food, bad cookery, mental worry, | a to hours, irregular habits, ,*ami many other things wliicli ought ilbt <o bt*, have made the,Amcrioau people aAqi t ion But of Grccn’C dyspeptics Slower , has dono a wonderful work in reforming this sad bufcuoss' and tnakfng the American people so healthy float tney can RememberNo enjoy tlioir meals and bo happy. happiness with¬ out health. But Green’s August Flower brings health and happlii ess to the dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a bottle. Seventy-five cunts. 4 Cotfou Market. The Eastman cotton market closed yesterday Good Middling (9to) with Middling ^ 8,', 0 , For California canned goods, call on John II. Ban-ell, Lumber City. —Our terms for job work are strict¬ ly cash. No deviation from this rule. You should rig yourself out in one of those nobby sjriis at John A. Bar¬ rett’s Lumber City. ,» , The higliest^ash price panl for seed cotton by Harrell & Smith. -->—..................... Joint 11. Barrett, Lumber City,.sell* the best gent ? 8, and lady's shoef —-S. T. Rogers has on hand a large supply of new syrup—the best in-Ihe market. tf. Would you secure your money’s worth, trad* with John II. Barrett, Lumber City. The pit ivt and freshest groccricS oa ly. at John II. Barren's Lumber City.' $25 Reward! STRAYED OR STOLEN From hit place 10 miles northeast of Last mail on Kastman and Dublin road, on Kri day night. •» iriast u one LAlitH-i BLACK A1AKH All' LK, about !> years old, swinuied ln right shoultiey and a little lame there¬ from ; liasfi white mark or scar on left hind leg just f above f<u-1tie tfce knee, i will pav the sum < return of the aniimil to me named. at Kastman,, or at mv place atmc J. J. HARKKLL. ’if Sr. Kastman, Oa., Nov. !>, 1.NS7. --~~— Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the copart licisbip Aslibuin, heretofore J. existing between W. \V. J. llurriHoii and It. It. Jones under linn name of \V . \V. Ashburii A to., is this day dissolved. Oct. -2»lh I,ss7. \V. IV. Aauiu RN ,fc Co. Nov. 2-41. THE “ORPHAN BOY” This fine Stallion is now the prop ertv of should confer masra with tlu-m. k inures The i!< °* B* 0 celebrated llainiltoniaii al|(1 yiorganMoek. and is indeed a beauty in size and carriage. For furl her informa t,on . addrewtheubove named fir,r„ ec‘27tf DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The parinerMhin her. li.ft.i-e existing 1.* tween I>rs. Damson A Itlanlon is iliis day my dissolved by mutual consent. Dr. (5. W. retiring. All notes and accounts must sinned lie paid the to liabilities Dr. Harrison, w Ho has as all of the firm. I. II. IIAltIH.SON, (i. \V. PLAN ION. Clmnncey. Ua., Oct. 21, tss7. 4t D. W. LUCAS, Agent, — DKAI.liU II.— h Tub, liquors, Cigars, Et, Corner Fourth and Boundary Streets, >11 CON, CJA. tradeTlfmg *^ _ line K. T. V. The the of the U. Komi an-informed that prepared to supply III. ir wants on as good terms as can l>o seen red any wheTe I solicit voHr patronage (jive me a trial order v on “Old Baker Kvi*.’’ Kea|.oetfiillv, 1>. W. I.neu* Oet.S., MW. lm 1 " * ~ " Citation. Gko*cua—* Dodge County. xaiM-y'Bilrt*Administratrix deeensetl^has ia^due^forin^|>|>lk‘(l of TV. p Klirt m amt Lcb'njzinlT'fo'Voe said applhmiion.^" esiate hi ot lx--liennDin said dcocascib tliy Ji«.* t , " ut i ; in Ka»tman. Thi* Oct. '51*1 1887. I Ordinary j j» ozu D.’c. . soviMt. massm. Pemtle’s 'Medicated Soap! ** Ah V / t TttJDF, MAUM. TtIB «BK.\Tt.»T 11 HaU.SU ItEMKBY vet offered to tin) pul-lic. Endorsed and jprescribed the home testimonials: by the mcdie.-.I fneultv. Itcud TH* I’JtMBtJi MKUICA TKIlSoAl* L'O! Uentlcmcu-r-I writ, to «nv that anil mv wife hoa used your soup in our lumilv, liium that It iioanesscH'411 that you claim for it, viz: and Healing readily and Curative heal under Powers. Wound Bores Its use. hkv. J. l>. Anthony. Spring Hill, Montgomery Co., (ia. Thk 1'kmri.k Mkotcatko Simp Co: Ucutlcmcn—I have used your Mcdientcil thmpon several ensowpf old and stUblKu-n Sores and find it wonrfcifiil la its healing properties. Hy its uso l first eurtil a lad who was suffering widi a imml-er of Ulcers orcyaaratatiding.l and found It cured next rupidlv used nil iton my stwk then sores iifiou them. ltnk« nlealure In recommend¬ ‘It ing its all use to the pthdle, it. and further state m» you lor .1.0. Forsyth. Supt., For Dodge. Mei*s & Co.. Chimney, (ia. Thk Pkmblk Mkoicatkd Soap Co: tlcntlemcH—f hereby certify that I have used your Meilicutcd Soapon ii skin disease ensued from a case of Ito soot n. I had been unable to obtain auv relief from said skin disease mull 1 began using your Soap, I exiJCTieuced have iuiMle hut three applieatibus mid have hy the continuation great rolief, and tiillv believe of it* use it will euro me. 1 take preut pleasure in recommend lpg itause to the public in general, /tteapeetfully, ,1. D. Mo in doit, ’ Sherilf Montgomery Co., (ia. - akin tTimtrpnseed beaut for (lie toilet, makes the ifu II. soft and white, removes T* pnnples, splotches, blaek-heails, and cures c »»*'Pl»«> and humls. ^enUcmu'-n-A*ter C uJing ^ou’r kmp with l * 1‘mhewttaUngiv nvommeiiil * PU * «a, TiirTKsnu.K Mehicatki) Soar co: four year* stmuiing, and, l -SjkJS eoitSOeiK can ly Well. Nothing ske being-used In emuk>e. to^rtr. , J. h. iti: iox. Tl i k Pf.wbck Benthsmen—I taket plunsure iu stating have used '♦‘'uesot.p In several eases and UahIi among Infants and ehild and have found Itwondertully effee It is a splendid pi-eparaffRvn. For old Offe. t. )lusoq & to., Meih^ua. sores, ulcers, eruptions, s>$oma, Fortale iu SMstumii, by lVndleton Hros. W, W. Ashhurn * Co., U. Anderson A to.. tt. II. Cottar & Uo.. Tlemnan .t llerrman, atd by Parker & Doughtry. |„ M t urv/ klmuneey, Ua. DODGE SHERIFF’S SALES. Fof First Tuesday in December, 1887. WM1 l»o sold liefore the court house door in the town of Kusimm. l»odgo county, (ia., during the lejfal December, lion in of sale, on tt'iu first Tuesday hi 1!*K7, tin- 101 lowinjr property Jo-wit: Five acre* or land; more or loss, with Im¬ provements KuMklif .thereon, near the town of right Skid coiurfy, hounded on (lie north K. 5>y of way or E. T. V. & (i. It. thew Company, (.'lark, on die west by loud of Mat on tliosoutli by Cliumu-uy me* nuc, on the west by vacant lot. Leva •it on as the property of J5. I) Woodard to satiw. fy parlor a superior of court Dodge ti fa Issued from the so court 1 county in ftuor of Johnson & 11»Wis vs U. 1>. Woodard, and written notice given. Also at same time and place lot* of land Nos. 131, liV.Luul 13.'! in the Ibtli district of ii Dodge county, to satisfy t wo superior court favor of AVm. Muilis vs Win. Ra¬ gans William and Ai Uoyd nil is. Sniitli, William one llagi-iis in favor unit of vs dorser. Lloyd Fmlfh principal, nn-.i J. Tripp ii - Btvted on as the property ot Win Kagan. Issued from the sui crier court f Dodge Win. Kogans county in favor Llovd of \\ in. Mollis and Smith and Win, Mnllis vs Win. Kaguus and IJoyd Smith pi-imdpal Also and (i. J. Tripp indoi-ser. at same time ami place lo: of land No.8:Uiidi<: Uih district, Dodge county to satisfy one superior court li I'.i in favor of Vest Brothers vs-Daniel MeCranic; one sujierlor Daniel court MeCranic; ii fa In favor of L. M.Cm r> vs one mortgu'/e fl fa in favor of A. Curry vs Daniel Mei'ratiie, Levied on as proporly of Daniel (IcCranie. All issued from the superior court ot said county. Also in forty and bushels shuck, of corn, levied more or less, the ear on as dm property ol ti Janies issued Kyuls to the satisfy sui-erior utm moil gage la from court of Dodge eoiiihv in favor of Chesa¬ peake Uuauo Co., vs -lames Itynls. Also at tlie-same time and place lots nf land Nos. 2.VJ, 23d and "JK! in the Mill dis¬ trict of Dodge county to satisfy a superior court H fa issued irom the superior court Of said county, levied on ns the .). property of AI. A. Walker iu favor of i>. Hear’ vs WSlker Brothers. Written, notice given. This Noy. ,j. T. Kawi.dM, Sher i IT. Libel fer Divorce. (htORUiA—Dydgv Com.ty: Ldgar Wilson, i Libel Sallie Wilson. ) for divorce in the supei ior court of said county, August term. I*s7. It appearing to the court that the defen dant Hallie Wilson does not reside in •tftdoes ptodga,county not reside mill itfurtIier:ii>|K‘aringtliut in this state, it is or i ered that aaid 8ullir ; Wilson be and ap ifear |ieraonally or by attorney at the next «Wpe nor eourl ol said county on tiie fourth Mood lay in February, isss, then and there to Mil awer the libel of Ld-zai- \\ iisoh for n total divorce, mid in default thereof tb* ooni-twill proneed us to justice siiaii apper¬ tain. it is further ordered I hut service of sui# libel on said defendant be made hy publication of this order in .tiie Doliok Vm nty JotitNAL, a public gazette of this State puli islied at Easttnun, twice a month for two mouths. This 'Z.'lrd day ol August, 1*S7. Done in vacation. ' Chau. U. Kirhkic, J. S. C. o. (.’. A true extract from the minutes of Dodge superior court. J.(‘. Kawi.Ins, DeL/.cv », ilisiior, 4'lerk S. c, I>. (.'. Attys for plaiutiif. 8ept27-eow-‘Jm. Fresh Fish and Oysters. FRUITS and VEGETABLES. The public are hereby notified that I have opened up oil Count v Kntul next door lo Marlin Peaenek’s mill mid ginnery, ami wlitre 1 kv(‘|» at all times fri-Mi lisli oysters, sjiecinlty fruits and vegetable*. I make a of iny Imvincss. and deal onlr in tin- freshest and business best, and trust nv tiie srpiHiH methods of to retain confi¬ dence and patronage of tiie trading public My stock will always bo ample to the tie maiiils .1 KespeettuUr, W. BOHANNON*. OCtli-.'ltll $175,000000. INSURANCE CAPITAL. Parties desirous of insuring tlicir pro¬ perty or lit" will do well to carrespoint with me as I am recording agent of the lot lowing Insurance O.inpnnioa: LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE, I’ Brooklyn, N. Y.; CON I INKNTAL, of New Yel k ; llO.MK, of New Ymk ; NORTHERN, of London. oldest I ain prepared to give Insurance iu the and strongest companies in the world on nil classes of pro|M.*rt.v, Cotton (iins, Saw .Mills. Merchandise, etc. I ii m also agent for tile Mutual Lite Insnranco Comp’,. , of New York, which is tiie oldest and strongest company in the world, its ea till and assets amotin'ing to the enorinou* sum Ol Mlia.OOO.OOO. I Write or apply to K. D. (JRXTUV. 8ept 2b-.'lu., Kastmau (•» J Ih Porter* EASTMAN, GA. |II<tullw(tf»*‘u3w Pi»OpHrdMLnCO PallltAl* * Clllllv* ,. n h-iin’in-' 1 "ildbig in the -'raining | niiim'g. ('<-•. a!*n done M 1 *'^ low and work guaranteed. M a yHjC’* •' ^ 1,1 _____ f’ltOOUM. Ha. BARBER, otnee—lioud FASTMAw DvUete’u: c -il