The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, December 01, 1887, Image 2

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THE JOURNAL. II. 8 . ...........Editor. Official Organ of llodge Coanty. Tltt lUDAY. OKC. t. IH»7 A PICT IKK Of THE FAIt WEiT. [( OXTINCF.I* FROM LAST WKKK,] After leaving Ogden, Itrigliain is the tir-l H'tle village; there is only n side track, but it is (lie station lor Bright! m city, which is some three !'• seat of Cox Elder county. Leaving tins station we cross some alkali jmu>hc*, mill ul-o an arm of I ho lake or small bay, w ith Great Salt Luke in lull view, with I’l'otimtorv llpilin lain- loo olid. Approaching Coi rine I we ing enter the !$• the or river Dear here, livci* IJcf valley, teach- cross- J j re ilig the bridge the train crosses R 1 KJ I eel of trestle or piling, then a “strain¬ ing be.ini” bridge of 10 feet, and a llowe truss bridge of some 2 <*U feet It is now dark and too lute t > HOC much, mi I am soon in my hcrtli for the flight. The next morning 1 nm up early again, and looking out see that we are veil nut on the Givitl American Des¬ ert of sage hrit-li and alkali bed*, and the station* a- we pu* them, arc only s k-. xvtill now and then a few hou-e* win re tin* soetiim men and the opeiat.T |,ve. and around them nrc gathered erowd* of Indians. At Elko, quite "'r 1 ' little ..... town. ........ Iti* the wo regulur a Livable-t and supper 11 station, and here the I acltlct ompauy have one ot their exci Kent hotel*. Passenger* get a good m< al and have u half hour at tiny outing house along the entire line of road. Wc are soon under way again however, and there i* but little to be seen a»ide from the mountains in the distance, on our side of flic train, and the great de-erf on all sides, We travel for miles where the face of the earth i* perlecllv 1 |,. V el, ton with sage ' bni-h, n- liei’etolore . des' i'liied, grow ing all over it, then we will stiikc into a striak lf» or 20 miles xvide, which instead of being; level i* hilly, or humpy rather, for il is covered wit It Jit'D* bill* verging in size !rum the lit¬ tle in*>uml ol dirt xve site around a sal* iiiiiumIci' hole, to a third of an acre, und sage brush growing over it all; then ue will strike into a section or streak of lo or 20 miles, where it is I erfei t'y level again, with Mot a sign of xegiialion of any kind—tint enough of mix tiling grow ing on the land to bide a common liouxi mouse; then we strike another hilly or humpy streak, and il ui-o is perfectly level, iviili no i»igii of life of tiny kind, neither animal or vegetable; then xve ........ , -H ..... l I " , !> i : I, a K a "i) jmd lliii- il all*' * all dav, through I lie tiiu-t d •oiale and . . lett'leii purlu>|j ot oil* niiuijy. The load through 1 ' i 1 *M;-pIba il i i b) xvaler . ai • me p'nee In means of arli-ian tv ells. and at idle r- tin* water i« hauled in lilllls I Mi I; mi 11 it t ar-, an.I keot in i i-t'- ii I In’ rtll’e* are ibc must nnilliTOU* i e iif I mil His ilirmigli till*, section <>l I'eiiiitiy, <)l course tliere arc streams in die iiioiiulaiji—tvtiieh are ( i tie -ecu along the entire line of road. Ti.o I’m.. - an. gmii hunt- r-, mill vi n >*iiocc-- f. 11 iii (idling. They innke lii ok* from rabbit bones and greu e wood, wlijcli are said to bp .uperioi’to t lie mo-t improved artlele imitlo by ihe it Uiu This book is in die shape of iv but urgiit be eajied die I- tier **\ condensed; that is, pronj's ,|n not spread very tur. A line in ile of Hie »ineii - of "I 'mini il- nr "i Jasli of a -pet V* of wild beinp, i» at "• 11 - 1 * -............... t ailed ; several ot Ilp*-e hooks are tied toti heavier line, or a piece of light lope, oue along the other -o fui niiart that they Mill not heroine entangled; a stone is then tied t<> (lie heavy line, ftud it is thrown into the stream. The lislt take the bail readily, but uu In tlia 11 clot s not "pull lip” xvhen he feels one ll-b nil hi* line, blit waits patient Il I until 1 Hu , 1 ... m.ii.. unlit .Hums Mbow an nn* ib-.i Dint -..v,.i* SI Xtr nl ti«li are on III* lines, and then he pull- out a -tring of ti*h at one time. It is too mm li like work for an Indian to have to ptUI out one ri-h at a lime, and bail hooks often. It rums that Hie hook* are *o made that they can l*e swallowed easily enough xvilli the bait, but as soon as the fish begins to ptlll Oil it, lilt' string ads mi both prongs of the hook, pulling it straight so n- to cause the ends lo pierce it* throat, sty that it can neither sxvullow il or throw it out of its mouth; the liune it pull* tin,l struggle* the more .straightened the book la-eomes. In this way, it is said, an Indian xvill eaieli a tin/,eii or so tisl)- while a while jmni, xvilli hi* fanrx rod, aud "flies,” mid "*|„it)iis," and other invitations to tempt and litre the tinny tribe, xvill cult'll none. Tlte Indian* will gather at tho rail¬ road slnii'in* and lieg of the pussett ffetv. The squaxvs carry their pap Ist-e* In it kind of oblong ba-ket oil their buck* and shoulders, and keep them oveivd up and well hidden. They charge tt tec of ten cent* to show one of tl At om* station I gave a MpRIW t v • li ve cents 1 1 sh<,tv l"l’ " and ■ 11 ,,, fednu mill* 'tise In III lie il' lie appeared, <n ita», and after he g, i hold of it he broke tor the train, iv'th sou.,* five or six squaivs yelling after hint. He uu!) did it to see what they would do. They huvn’t mix use fop anything hut k'k"' s’ll viT monel |f von hand one u ............. i< Is. k. a,,l Ibron il an ay. to them that txx O nickels are of equal x alue of a dime. A m) ua xv will show xou her pappus • for» dime, hu< tvtailtl not show it for a quart of nickels. they tire a dirty, !ou«y, grea-x looking set Ol Ihmii.s. Th buck, all wear nt immv bra-s rings and all the cheap jcwdiv they .an get ti.eir hand* ,m. Sonic of (hem ate stout, heart v, brutal looking tings. .\ « g't at ........' many »»i , mem pie mounted on tough, mitvulai' little |-”'I"». '<«! ........ "K-y i..« i Hi, th, in III that Imran w ilderness is inorv than I know. YYu had a race -■I.......... them jus, heforc rtfaehhig the dinner siat'on. Ho xv** inounM 4 >n u lino ii*oii-jfray l)oj*%c 9 ......... «■". 'i» When the eelitiv ol our train was ou ............... *|«W ......... .ml Mart' ll on the raco, xvl»io!t he kept up r«f a JJtxgJ I oujS aUlfiiica splendid time, hot filially got away behind, lor hi* hom* wa« only flesh and lilooil, and of courao *oon had 1 o lake second place in a contest with xtaam. Tlmrc U nothing lo ho aeon but the barren dcrert on nvory aide, wiili the range of mountains on our left, and toward which we seem to be gradual lv drawing nearer, until Hunibolt, the dinner station, is roaclicd, and if ever there was an “oasis in the dissert." this place is it, a description of wlik-h I will give in my next, T. conti xrr.n nkxt xvekk, THE “ORPHAN BOY.” TIiIh flue stallion isnow the property of YYUhnrt, Bush A Co., at Inglewood, Dodge county, and parties having goo<| brood mares should confer with them. The iininml is of the celebrated Hamiltonian and Morgan stock, und is indeed n lieuoty h* size nm| carriage. For further inform a floii, address liu-ulsnc named Uric. «*e27tf Merit Will Tell. / in; MARK. $ It m 3 Pemble’s Medicated Soap I , Infulliblocure T.s* c . r *‘'* t4,Ht for letter, * for , King heallfig worm, known. Huh, old *ores. l leers, Piles, Eczema, etc. No for the hath and toilet. Makes the skin m,tu " hlt, :< The onfv absolutely pure soap in the market. . I sett and indors ed by lending pbysiciuns. MU. !>. M, MCrrTI'l KXfKHIKNf K, LAST WKKK, WITH PEMlII.K’SMIcmCAtKD 60 A P. Mr. l’acettl is a popular and efficient at tacln* of the Commercial Hotel. He is u mun of excellent character, and the follow¬ ing letter from bun must have weight with all who know him, however slightlv: Macon. Ga., Nov. 12, ■able Medicated Soap Company, Savannah, tin. —Gentlemen: My girl baby, fourteen months old, had a sore on her chin ns big as a sllier dollar, caused from teething. *'• »• Ioiih failed to heal it. until a friend gave me a cuke of Tumble’* Mcdi sated soap, w hleh I used in .bathing the sun* In three day* the sore, a month U 11 a healed. 1 sav i all frankness the cure was remarkable, and t regard the tile healing power of Tumble’* I’einble’s Medicated Medicated Soup old daughter m* simply mply wonderful. wonderful. My My 11 II ycar- year- 'knee. had a lug sore on her Five day’s use of tne soup lias reduced the sore gur-uuil. to a place no bigger than a little lin Respectfully, D. Packttl a. T rice, 25 cents j>er cak«*. For sale in Kastman, by Pendleton Itros. XX'. XX’. Asbburn A Co., f. Anderson A to.. W. ft. (potter A Go.. Herman A Heriinan, iit.d by Parker «i Douglitry. L. 31 Cury, Itodgu, Meigs .V Co., (.'hauneey, lia | Mu li u I act it red hy Tiik I’KMgLK MfiMtCA TKi* So a t* Go., Savannah, Ga., 1'. s. A. Another Rescue From Death. In 1 HN|, w hile sewing on a machine, mv wife was taken with a seiure tin in in her side, which was soon followed by hemor¬ rhage* from her lungs, severe cough, fever, and she could neither eat nor sleep, arid in a few week* she was reduced to u living skeleton. Her stomach refused to retain any fund, und Die iibvsieian thought one of her lung* was entirely gnti<». At u filial oonspllutinn of two physician*, her case "“** Lung pronouneod Restorer, hopeless. 1 tried Breiv er'* bv advice of oue of the , pliysieiuns, third and she begun to improve after Hie dose. Hie continued the inedl i cine, and is notv in exeellent lieultli. and is | ^ beti<>r * believe than Brewer’s she has been Lung in Restorer several years saved her life. 1 !knj. F. IIkakndon, l)ce J - It. Yutesville. Ga For the Benefit of Visitors to MACOIT ut all times, the KeiUiesaw Restaurant 510 I ttl R i ll MTRKLl'. Under the management of J. Valkxtixo, lias fitted up | One Hundred. Nice Beds win ... ,mi will be let at reasonable ,, prices. The eiinueltv of the K KNN E 8 AW to feed | the other public in the Is eltv. tun thirds Hundreds larger than uny euii of rx*nple I'lie best cooks and polite uaiters. i Attentive clerks will serve the finest J wines, Kb*p itt whiskeys the liennesuiv. and liquors of all kinds. ; Valentino, Agt. Kept 20-Uni. l A PERSON j _ i ' _ i .3 9 j t'» Male take or orders female—in fur » every historical town work In Georgia of ! sur* | passing which sells Imuuty. sight. uselulness Lilieral and accuracy, lit commissions. I’artieulars on application. You cun , make MIOO to B2I50 per month. Fall in afruetions. Address, | TMIIIps Nov 17-liu. & Hunt, S05 Broadxvay, Ji. Y. ' j PACTS YOU CAN BET ON. Thai th* rUitti and lar/yit tobacco factory in Mr world i, in Jcncy City, N. J. j I That Ihi* factory make* the popular and wccld famed Climax Plug, the ackiwwtedgcd ant for firat-daH chewing tobacco. j That thia factory waa catablishcd a* long ago a* 17 ^ 0 . That kxt yaar (i*M) it made and wild the enormous quantity of >7,98*,*80 Iba, or fourtocn thou aand lenx of tobacco. That thi* was more than ona swr s nth of all lbs to bacco made in the United Stataa notwith¬ standing that there were 966 factories at work. That In the last tt yean thia factory has helped support the Uoiled States Government to the extent of over Forty-four million seven hun¬ dred thousand dollars ($44,700,000.00) paid Into the V. S. Treasury in Internal Ue venue T That the pay-roll of thi* factory i* about $i,ooa, ooo.eo ftcr year ur $A>, per week. TW tha fecit or y employ* about 3,500 operatives. That thia factory makra such a wonderfully good chew in Climax Plug that many other factories ! have tried to imitate it in vain, by and in despair I pow try to attract custom offering larger pieces of inferior goods for the same price* That this factory nevertheless continues to increase its business every Tk*t tkl* factory bclongx to and it operated by Y’ourx, very truly, P. LOR1LLARD A CO. $175,000000. INSURANCE CAPITAL. 1 ’urtiMft desirous of injuring their pro¬ I M ' rlv or hf * 4 *111 do well to correspond """ <’Gj.VTLVE.VTAL, of'\ew York; i ^ 1-! JiVn •IhUN.of .‘l-,, N v' V f V London. )’' k 1 mu prepared to give insurance In the «l U'st and strongest companies iu the world on all classes uf property, Cotton cL ' 1 * m “utuxl .... Lile _ .. Insurance _ Comp „ , y, New Y 4 >rk. which is the oldest and strongest company in the world, it* ca-*i t a | uiul assets amounting to the enormous , ’ uni 6 |l(l,titio,(>oo. 2 SMkr ,,, • , “St _ INGRAM HOUSE, rnniUAV * r .v *>**•• s&rjrrAWiy Drummers' baggage handled free of good fare. Free omnibus. skpt. 13,»Mf. ^ A ‘‘rropAJIir. Sol II err man, is App Herrintin. S. HERRMAN & DROTHER d Have Just HeoelvedL A.3ST I 3 VE 3 VEE 3 STSE STOCK OF Presti From City Markets, NOW IS YOUR TIME TO SAVE MONEY BY PURCHASING GOOD GOODS AT BED-ROCK FRIGES. URKKN UUOIM. aotiuv imp 4 in n hat. JEWRI.K1 DKPARTMKAT. t'LOTIintii ! (’I.OTIIIAL ! QROCGRIEM. ini: NiioKN. Cashmeres JO indies wide, all wool Our notion department is awfully Our jewelry department will be We find it impossible to do business Everything wanted in the Family We liavo a fine assortment of shoos and all desirable eobirs. Diagonal attractive just now. filled to overflow¬ found to be complete to the minutest without clothing, so we are prepared and Fancy Grocery linecan always be for ladies, gents and children. Also Cashmeres, Dress Flannels, stripe* ing as it i» with almost anything that particular. Anything desired in this to oiler you a new lino of handsome found application. Wo furniture, trunks, valises, wood, wil¬ and plaids. Cheeked soiling*, entire¬ imagination devise. line has only be asked tor. While and stylish clothing at low prices. De- upon propose ly new and perfectly lovdv. Dlack heart can wish or to Hides a complete line of furnishing to supply the trade, and to this end low, hard and tinware, etc. In short Cashmeres and Henrietta Cloths in You have only to call and examine lo visiting the store do not fail to see goods for gentlemen. We have some keep in stock the freshest and purest everything wanted in the mercantile immense quantities. be convinced. this choice line of goods. ot the nobbiest hats in existence. only. line. Come and see and price goods. 5 E.A.STIM.A.iN', 3 CEA. J. F. DkLacy. J. Bishop, Jit DeLacy & Bishop. •11 tor news ot Law " EASTMAN. GA. TITII.I, VV practice in all the courts of the , State. Attention given lo Convey- j niieitig, Examination «>1 Title* to Land, Furnishing Abstracts of Title, Executors, bl!:!m vX?CHminK r SeS‘'poDeoK* rom I es of practice. Office at the Court House. “j DODGE SHERIFF’S SALES. For First Tuesday lu December, 1SS7 j *> Will he sold tiefore the court house door j in the town of Eustman. Dodge county, (in., during the legal hours of sale, on the lirst Tuesday in December, 18s7, the fol¬ lowing property to-wit: . Five acres of laud, more or less, with im north t*y right of way of E. T. N . & G. H. It. Cont|)uny, on the west by laud of Mat¬ thew Clark, on the south by < hnuneov nve nur., on the west by vacant lot. Levied on as the su|terior property of B. D Woodard to satis¬ fy a court ti fa issued from the su¬ perior court of Dodge county Woodard, in favor ot Johnson & Harris vs II. D. uuil written notice given. Also at same time and place lots of laud Nos. l.'il, 152and hTt in the lttth (listriot of Dodge countv, to satisfy tw o superior court « fas in favor of Win. Mullis vs Win. Ha. gans William and Mullis Uovd Smith, one ltagrus in favor of vs William and dorser. Lloyd Hnitli Levied principal, the.* and G. J. Tripp W in¬ Hugan. Issued on as property superior ot m. from the court of Dodge county in faior of Win. Mullis vs Win. Hagans and Liovd Smith and Win. Mullis vs Win. Bacaiis and Lloyd Smith principal Also and G.J. time Tripp place Indorser, at same und lo. of land No.H-J in tin* 14th district. Dodge county to satisfy one superior court li fa in favor of Vest Brothers vs Daniel MH'runic; one superior Daniel court li fa in faior of I.. M. cur¬ ry vs McCrnnie; one mortga .e ti fa in favor of A. Curry vs Daniel Met'rank*. Levied on as property of Daniel XIcCrunic. All issued from the superior court ol said county. Also fnrtv bushels of corn, more or less, in the ear and shuck, levied on as the property ot James Ihal* to satisfy one mortgage li fa issued from the sunerior court of Dodge county in favor of Chesa |K *ij; ,'h 0Co " • ,a " , “ s K *r al ’*-,, i ' s ?kV‘ . 11 n- i -:, I- 4,1 ‘l" 4 * , ’ triet , of r n Dodge comity to satmly a superior ; court li fu issued from the -uperior court ofsaitl M. A. Walker county, in exici favor on of as 1>. he J. property ■ 11;...... ar ■ i of s Walker Brother*. Written notice given. This Nov. 1 . ts*7. J. 1'. Rawlins. Sheriff. For First Tuesday in January, INKS, j Will be sold before the court house door ill the town of Eastman, Dodge countv. ! Ga., during the legal hours of -al •. on the lirst TlU’Kflttv in Jsinuarv. the fol lowing property to-\v it: One 11 by 1U center crank No. to station¬ ary engine; one No. (in fort *-Imrs, power reel tube boiler, front 4 >' sta« k. all e n- ! neetions lor steam, water and exhaustion. (20 feet for .'sail No. dust bar*, all fittings and fix- j lures 2 saw mill, tin* carriage ilex tensions each end. It raebet head I,locks. * one main pully extra beaiy ami extra bed pinion Diston), "liiiek" gang'* roller, 50* solid saw ( C.- 12 -S ply bell, gs-g 1 - shaft in 2-14 lengths, one 2 ) j plate eo pliug l 2 - 2 A a shaft. < 12 * a collars, 7*2’-^ elamp> boxes babbitted with bolts for to timber, one pr metre bars 20 " diameter. 4" iv id t Ii of tooth -q ptcli 25.4 bars key seated with key, one No !) mandrel pulley in centre, no " cut oil'saw. one 10, pulleys, No.24" by' 12 ", 1 - 22 " seated bv X, 1-4*" l.v sail* 2b, bore kev with kev*. 1-40" pat. shingle machine on "-n" t fixtures ply and 4t>"-l2"-4 ply rubber belt, all small ! truck usually turiii*hed, I set lumber wheels, axles and boxes, 1 shingle sun machine with shafting, ladling and pulleys; levied on and to Ik* sold as the property of Balkcom, Vinson A Luckey by virtue of in a lieu favor ti fa issued L from the super?* or court of M. Carry against said Bulkeom, Vinson A Luckey.’ ,i T. lt.xxv i.ins, Noiemlier no, is* 7 . Sheriff D C. Notice to Land Owners. , Belov, will lie found lands which ' are un returned fortl)* year 1**7. tlirongh neglect or otherwise, arid notice is herein given that at the expiration of thirty (fin) days from this publication tin* sain,* will l*e ad- ; ionised and sold for said taxes—some of j which is unpaid for tie eo tfi) years— unless j the mid taxes, together tiitli of this ' cost* publication in.* paid: lfitli District—-Lot* Nos. 1(15, KKi. I'm. 1«4. I*. 4.1. Hi*. 11)3, li)*, 11*!*, 43, 170, 2(i<*, 251, .mu. 231,2511. I«t), 213, 107. IJ0. 122. 20 th District—87. 170. 55, r»7, 23, 52. 39, 51, 1 40, 21. 170,50, 49, 42, 12. 17. 10. 15. 15(5, nitii 2iid. District—109, 267. 105, 199, fil)9, 97, 205, 15th District—45, 106, 14, 161, 831, l!* 0 , 237, 310, 271 240, 1*0. 319,' 14th District—211, 839, 123, 244, 810, 346, 224. ' 270, I9tIt 211. District—135, 12, 171, 81, 838, 96,215. I’arties interested had best applv at once to the undersigned, pav tax thereon, and thereby save further costs and t ottble It. Ry.xi.s, Nov 17-lm. Tax <'ollector D. ('. Tax Notice--' ast Round. I will be at the folletving places on tlu* days named: , haui •c. Not. 19th. Mitchell’*—Nov. 21 st. BulmU—Nov. 22 nd. Uiiwtlrs—Xov. 2 fitl. Middle Ground t'hureh—Nov. 2(th. East troan—Nov. 25<)i ai d 2t)th. l’on d Town—Xov. 2 *ili. Also, will la* in East lean nn the ficth of NoietnlKT, and 1st and 2nd of L'ceembor fort he purpose of closing tav Hooks. It It v A 1.9. Nov 17-3t. Tax Collector I*. C, and oysters. FRUirSand VEGETABLFS. The public are hereby notified that I have opened up uuUomitv Road next dour to Martini Feacoek's mill and ginnery. IV here 1 k ep ut till times fresh fish and oysters, fruits and vegetable*. and deal I make a specialty of my business, only in the freshest and best, and trust or square methods of business to retain the uouti denoe und patronage of thc trading public My atock will alivuys Is* ample to the do in a nda RcsiM.-ettullv. oetH-fim J XV . BOH AX NON T . "K/T T=>gtg.r~>.o^-U KAN'inAYi, GF.OKG1A. — DRALKK IX— General Merchandise. I 1 have in store the largest and most coin-' j plete atock of goods ever brought to this < market, and I pro|sise to sell at r< ek-liot tom prices. All I usk is an examination of mv stock and prices. Tkankiuglhe solicit ptihiiu i for past patronage, 1 respectfully a * I uuntinunuce of the same. «g|lS3n» L, il, 1’PACOCK- & Chan nee {/, Georgia , Are now ready to furnish you fresh nioal at prices that will astonish Macon. Hav ing unprecedented advantages fresh in buying their corn, they ohii sell you and incul in u ". v quantity to save you money, guar antee satisfacetion. • end in yo irorders, am. they i\ ill receive Also in «!, unction thev have one of the BIjmT IM* ROVED ulix S _ in the south, with Cotton Elevator, unload ing ing your the rotten time and from trouble. wagon, thereby Your sav- is you seed then loaded by machinery for you. Give them atrial. octl2fim RESTAURANT! H. HANNAH, LUMBER CITY, GA. The public is nut died that I have fitted up in the Daniel E. McRae store house, west side of railroad, n First-class Restaurant, " , ]w J. e 1 . *”\ l»p;j 1,,r *«* . ■» , a11 ... , ,0 r - ‘"-"ish . , ““■«•* and lodguu.. ,L1 •; ll”„ 7** 1^7 -m ___ II. M. Bozf.max, R. A. Hagan. BOZEMAN & RAGAN, A New Firm Made out of Marsh’s Old One. XVe have gone together, H M. Bozeman ami U. A. Hagan, in the mercantile busi ness and we will ti ll you what in* did the first day. We made a bran new fin. nit of Marsh's old one, and iv<- called it Boze man A Ragan—-old tnele Bolt Itugmi Marsh Bozeman, I lu* next day I’ll tell you iv hitt wi* did. It's host not in talk much tor Tic heard it aid that a still tongue makes a ivis- i h aid.hut we did . k , ur >hit form tin i* next day, which is „ lis . U e agri ed to deal [ Sl|lli s arelv and fair d wbi. an p.*.,.i,. ; it w e ht'll you a yard, i»om.d 1.1 *u*i v..u sh.,n s«m i*iy get it in full weight and measure, ()ur K'uies. ‘H. ....... s ,:.. ’, k ... . ,i„ j are free to l»o v , lllvolu , w v , ih u . s do so, ami Dav**'McCormick said about his ware house business, we will not have anv "mg I. ami little you" in our basilic s, tint will sell to all : it t!u* same price as near as ive cull Whether tie make or break ivn have adopted about honesty for our policy. goods We cheaper make no blow selling town*. you than any house in We invite all to «ome and see u* and we will try to >"" •« koods and prices. Y ours resn’t. oHtKWSm. HOal.M AN UAji.VN. Hawkinsvilte, Ga. NEW OIUIlXi. NEW GOODS. "NTPW IX XJ *V PPTf! x ivavxio » . _ I _ \\ 17 ( A . . J I A itt»xto I I A \ t\/\ I ) “ ' ' ' ' -A .y w l v.v/*, lU VlLl.i:, GLORGl t, DK.XItKU* IN — General Merchandise. Our stock consists of everything usually found in a strictly First-Class General Store, aud our prices are as low as the lowest. When you come to McVille be sure to cull and examine our stock and pri <»<•«.— Y ou will surely save no* ney by doing so. MeVilie, Ga., Oct. 12, 1 S*7. ,tm I). AIcEACHIN, Jr., IN Dry Goods, Groceries « I , Hardware, Tobaccos, CIGARS, ETC., LUMBER CITY, GA., Beg* to inform the ami public that he hasoja-n ed a complete well assorted stock of General Merchandise at Lumiier City, and respectfully soU ‘'‘My lilieral share «>f slie public patronage motto into* Live and L*t Lite.” («it a call ti hen you come to the city "•Him DR. W. M. RYALS, OFFICE and DRUC STORE, LUMIIER CITY, GA. tS^Calls promptly attended day or night. A full liue of Drngs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, BOOKS, STATIONERY. Fancy <.ood* and'l'oilet Article* always on hand. Get. 12. 1**7. tr DR. H. H. JOHNSON, DENTIST, IIAYXKINSVILLE, GA. t3T< Iffice oier Arnold's jewelry store. (X't. 1*. 1*»7. ty Mail and. Hack Line, (Ncmi.lYeekl) ) Between Lumber City and Jacksonville. I. H. COPELAND, Prop’r. Leaves Lumtier City Tuesdays and Fri tlaxs at 6 a. m.; arrives Jacksonville 11 a. ii*. Returning, leu,es Jacksonville same dav at 12 M., and arrives at i-umlier City at T a. m. Parties desiring to visit Jacksonville will And it to Xlieir interest to inquire at Lmnlier t’ity for L R- COI’ETASD. o«U2 2w .v. liKALEIi IN Meat,Flour,Lard SUGAR, COFFEE,TOBACCO. staple and Dry Good*. Boots, Shoes. Hat s. Etc. a general and well selected stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, All „ fresh r , and . offered to the public at the pteased^'^havt'a 8 ilT tr'Tl'ul/ tuose ** ho desire to buy goods in my line, and will hete take occasion to state that they can market not get better Come bargains along and elsewhere for in this j see selves, Res; evtfully, E. f*. .TAYLOR, octtS-tm. IlaukinslHie, Ga. wn n. ^ ^ Newest Styles of Fine Jewelry • ' BRONZE. ART GOODS, ETC. The Largest Stck in the City. Y i S mmsmMW; m Watches and Jewelry Repaired liy Skilled Workmen. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY by buying of us. REMEMBER THE PLACE, . 1 . II. A W. IV. lYllliuinx. lilt Second st., Macon, Ga. octG-Sin HLi. X 3 . LUMBER CITY', GA., — DEALER IN— General Merchandise, The largest and most complete stock j of Goods in Lumber City! 1 am ottering UNPRECEDENTED EARGAINS TO ALL PURCHASERS. Come and examine my stock, and bo convinced that t nm sellir.g goods ebeaper than any l*,dy. . .. ......... Lumber City, Oct. to, 1**7. oin EASTMAN I hM d Hi A. M. SKELTON, Prop’r. Ail wotkdone in Hrstelasd style and of the on easv frrms I solicit a continuance public patronage mi liberally extended in the mist. oet 12 3m ~——— JOE. B. KING, THE JEWELER. Offick— At store of John T. XX ,, all, ,, cor nor of Railroad aud Third avenues, East man, Ga. Repairing cf watches nnd clocks done j "" sl,orl !,t moderate 1 ates, and sat- j isfac.lou guarantetd. 1 have just received !l |,,f of tile celebrated *etb Thomas 1 1 j a .Ti:. ,n iLN^X ^ h - Eastman MI, ’ SALE iSS PEED STABLES, M. YV. IURHK1.I,. Prop’r. Handsome turnouts lurnishetl at tnoder erate rate*. Horses and mules for sale at low prices, and stock taken care of in first class style. The patronage of the public is solicited. oet 12 2 m ! — ROBERT GARY, FuH Set d Um, EASTMAN, GA. All xvork guaranteed, and gixen iu every instance. octl'i fim Eastman iil£?«t. __ HSJTIIGw I W. B. DANIEL, Prop’r. Kceps eou8tanU y on a run supply or FRESH BEEF, FORK, MUTTON —AND— SAUSAGE. ’ t3T Orders from a distance promptly wtl'i filled. 2 ni B* AALv fl C’g bti mik S; , BEST IX TIIE WOULD. Ih wearing e* ^rc nnsurpa^ d. aotu^Tlj outUuttiit two InixtM cf any t-ibvr l*rrtmJ. I- rue from An.malOils PTfSET THE C*EXCISE. FOfi SAXJE 97 PF.AL«g3 GOtRALLY. HARRELL £ SMITH Ask the public to call and sec their immense stock of GeneraL MerchandisE. Tltcv keep at all times a full supply, and all thev ask you to do is to call »»d sect their stock and hoar their PRICES FOIl CASH. In selling good* on •*«'• »'“*> ««•« willing to live and let live. Thanking the public lor past pa tronage. they respectfully solicit a continuance ot the same. We pay Savannah prices for cotton on account. S. T. ROGERS, Third Avenue, Eastman Ga. -DEALERS IN* Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Tobacco and Cigars, Canned goods of every description. FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS RECEIVED EVERY SATURDAY. In price* and quality of goods I defy competition. I have only been in business a short time, and my goods are pure and fresh. A liberal share of tho public patronage solicited. Oet 13-3in. DEALER IN Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Dress Goods, No¬ tion s,Clothiiig, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. R. R. Avenue, astman, Ga. My stock in every line is full and complete, and my prices are lowor than ever before. Call on me when you conic to town aud I will save you money. Oct. 13 *3ni. A. B. Small. Joe E. Mallory. Small & Mallory, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants. No 3. 141 and 143 Third Street, MACON. GA. The merchants of Wiregrass Georgia, whose trade we specially solicit, are assured that no house is lietter prepared to supply their wants, offer them better inducements, or return heartier thanks for patronage conferred. To convince you of our business sincerity xve only ask a trial, Respectfully. SMALL* MALLORY. octgo-.'im 304 Third Street % r MACON, GA. W liolesale and Retail Dealers in PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES f C3-3L.oA.SS. Johnson’s Kalsomine ment and and Plaster Painter^ Pans. Supplies, Lime, Ce¬ Estimates Furnished on Sash, Doors and Blinds. Nov. It-tim. uHMMM are now being offered at tho Dr y Goods ■ Emporium mm m PsA^S, Eastman, Ga. This is no catch-penny advertisement ... but I mean exactly what I say. t I am now selling goods cheaper than liter were aver before oflered in Eastman. Ull on me b«. fore purchasing. oct!3-3m Bargains In Groceries!! w. la >9 County Road Street, Eastman, Ga. carries the largest and most complete stock of groceries In this market. Thc most ^ oods for the ,cast money IS MY MOTTO. Tho public will consult their interest by calling ou me before purchasing, as I will save Dinner to alt purchasers oetl3-3in. B©St GOOO-S. _ Lowest Prices. JOHN T. WALL, -DEALER IN Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Crocker3nvare, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. Mv stock of goods is fui! and complete. find In ruality of PotkIs and prices. 1 defy cam peDLion from any source. Give me a call U.- com ineed John T. Wall, Eastman, Ca. Corner 3d and Railroad Avenue. ■ octl3-8m. A. L. HOBBS, County Road Street, Eastman, Ga. -DEALER IN’ GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Mv slock ts full and complete anJ in prices I defy compcliiion. Give me • call xv lien you come fu toxvu. j * Oct I 3 - 3 m. A WORD TO THE WISE. When in search of Best Goods at Lowest Prices call on W. II. COTTER & CO, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries and General Merchandise. Shoes a Specialty. We handle tin* Celebrated Shoes manufactured bv ('. s. l’u ■ a & ^O'l of Xeiv York., every pair of which is warranted. We make prices on flour for this market. buy You will save money by calling upon n« before making your 13. purchases. ,87,-Sm. We all kind* of country produce. EASTMAN, (in.. Oct. Barney Manheim, ControUer and Regulator of Lew Prices, HAXVKINSVILLE, - - GA. (Next door to J. J. Joiner’s) Dry Keeps Goods, constantly Clothing, on hand Hats, a Caps, complete Boots stock and of Shoes, Crockeryware, Hardware, Etc. Mv fall and winter struck has just arrived I make a specialty of FINE RREECH LOADING SHOT Gl'NS, Also silver watches and clocks. Full line of Tobacco and Ciyars ulwnysou hand. I respectfully lluivkiusi iuvite the people of Dodge and adjoining esun* ties to call on me when they come to ille und examine mv stock and prices. Get HUiin. Winship & Callaway, 308 SECOND STREET, MACON, GA. TIIE LEADING CLOTHIERS, are now opening nn extensive stock of Clothing and Hats of all grades and styles, Where men will find a good stock of Rubber Clothing, North Carolina and Mississippi Jeans 1’ants, Overcoats aud Suits for men and bovs. Overshirts. Underwear, etc., etc. 500 Boys’ Shirts Suits trom $1.50 up. 200 pairs Boys’ Tarts .'Wets, and upward. Gold and Sil > er Toots., and $100 the best. Lowest prices for eiervthiug. Sept 29-Om. ' M For China, Crockery, C "NYhen in Macon come S A Glassware, Tinware, H and see what we have, T c Wooden ware, Cooking J If you can’t come write 0 0 and Heating Stoves. Wo N for prices. Wo have R N have the largest and A the greatest variety o £ most varied stock ever car¬ lamps ever shown in any ried south of New York. house. We are Agent* for the Earnout* Rochester La tups. Ve sure to call on u« when vou visit Macon. Respectfully. Trlangiilnr Utork, Xlaron, Uu. micoa ( tux % m routs:. Oet li-llm. _J. W. DoMIngos, Manager. fl Ghristipas If Presents. j£l V ; Ik Watches, CMi a ?3 My, Silverware, Spectacles, Gold Pens, Pencils, Etc. 1 V Orders by Mail Will Receive Prompt and H nest Attention. GEO. T. BE EL AND. 320 Second street, Jeweler, Macon, (in. oetti-fim. £2 Cl I el i vW: .■1 317 & 319 THIRD ST., MACON GA. Hardware, Iron and Steel, llelting, MII.L SUITI.IKS, WAGON MATEHIAI, Guns, Pistols. Cartridges and Ammunition of all Sorts. Payne & Willingham, •Macon, €rVf. TIIE LEADING G 06 and 008 CHERRY STREET. Factory at Enterprise; suburb of Macon. octG- 3 m. Dr. W. L. Smith, DENTIST. JJawkinsvillk. Ga. Office in rq!»*ki Uousp |nck 2 -tf d. c. Mclennan, ATTORNEY at law McVILLE, GA. Practices in the courts of the Oconee nnd Hruptwji'k collection circuits. of claims. M|ieciul XVi attention giv en lo It also prac, ticc in the federal cottrta, Sept IrlS I