The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, December 08, 1887, Image 4

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REY. DR. TALMA 6 B. THE nnoOKLYH DT VISE’S SUM /> t > SEllMON. ■ Subject: ” The (fospcl of Haaltb. " Tm. “TiU n dart sfr.fc• through hi* Urrr.' —Proverbs, vii, 23. naratlvely^nmll Thsraita fashion in sra-monii*. A com- ! part of tiie l<ii>!n is called on from. Much of mv lif-tiino I am devotiui to unlocking tb-w-gt-l-l <h.Ms hih! blasting open these quarries. We talk about the KCtt^ t o t r h ;,,, h S *“1 W ^iradart^trt^tbreuyhTl»bv» auatOmi-'al r ' ?grt,rta8 discoveries Solomon * umt physiological w.-re ho very great tlmt he was nearly day.' b,000 year ■ ahead of the scientists of hU Ho. more than 1,WX) year* ta-fore Chr-st, seemed to know at-out the v circulation ofthehlood after' whi-'ii llarv. v disn,ven-l I <;]-» yoars vnars aft< r ('hri>t ,. i,r i t, r f.-r r wh-n when s.ilornoi, Solornonin ,,, rS Kcs'lesmsh-s, desiT,l-ing tlie htima-i l-ouy, meaiis'J'he-h,’;-. ' anals* l^a-'hu '"f ivuri the When heart h« that- speaks ■ • i:--. the I h.-il sia«t.-8 lik- of thesilver piliera m cor-1 of life he ’wideh ei i-lentlv 111 ms tl-e )rS spinal Aavo marrow about i our« v 1 IialtoM and Klmt and Brown S-Iinard huvo - ti- Ihl-t i in-ntc th-m'a.-h I \n-» Solomon m-or-l-sl In th- of his years U-for- s-antists d,s, owr-.l it. that h, time the spnml --nr-l r-’lax-vl in --1-1 age, ...... In the t-'xt h#* reveals the fact that he had studied that largest glnn-l of th-human sys t«n, the liver, not l.y the . i,-light of the mislern comparatively illsseetin.'room but hv thndim H-rht of a dark age, and ufsl-built yet had «*wn itelm.satant fm.- l.o.. in the oastle of tm-, Iuuuhii body its selecting nn<l aarreting gat-sl, branch,,,g inwaMU itH elon tul," ,, -In in-- w„rk,m,„. Ltoctattw sS'Asssi^'kK&’i&.-f'.a-iS rlins-II t i-hs. uh this vital e rsl-* orpan isliketheoyeoMiud Holomon knew of it in and that had It n v. s. noth-sl eith-r Ut^^'S^-^^make with the flat of Almighty ll^h it bids mdii the niamls and th--gra s-ail s -nrat", mil an-l tne oae.t cm. to ■ - the other it sends to Judgment ■..r n mV.u.a'ashuh. ~\ glan-hig off TT-to ^liii the’dart Imt strike piercing th rough it from side i !-■ ii- er. 1 Jak-ti and lfipi«e crates (IS. rilst t-i ?ii • iiv-r the ni-.t -I the worl-I's moral -ion and.I........ diagnosis^the tin- g-wis-l of health. In taking d m-uwm of the soul yon must id,n take the dingnoM* of the diseases of Id- holy As if t > niro thb, 0,10 willi!e book of the N..W Test". nu'tit was written l»v a pliy^ifian. I.ukfwas effects, • doctor, and h-.Ils.-.-uns-s mn-li of T-livsi.-al mid he tells of till- K--)l S/imnritan'a medication of th- Mounds t-\ i oniiiig in oil an.l Wine, anil i-ecogm/^ t,o,o,i, l.ii.i-i r as a hill to hearing the that tlm •VO It were fed. and records the hi nr- -Imt -f the prodigal away from hoine nn-i tho-xtin gulidied eyesight lets of th-ls-ggar l.v tin* wav side an-l ns know of the h-mnrrhnge of the w-mii-K of th - -lying Christ and the mirmuiloiiN (Hist rn >rlMn rijMiisrirntion. Ami any estimate of the spu ifiml eoii-liti-m that does not include also an estimate of tho physical First, let coii-l-tion Christian is in.-ompleto take that Ih-y ab p--pic avoi-l the mis ar- wrong with Cod 1«> cause they suffer from depression of spirit* Many a e-ms-rtib d man has f, aii.-l Ins m,:i- '-n itual sky l-'fogg-d i.iul Ins hojs- an lh-a blott«--l out, nn-i himself plung-d -Inn -1-ep in the Sl-nigh -if 11- sp -n-l, mid h-s sui-l: “Mv h> art is not right witht lo,|,nnd I think I inu-t have made a mistnke, nn-1 in t nd of In ing a child of light, I urn n-hil-l of dark ness No -'tie -'-in l-'id in gloomy ns I fu l an.l be u i hrisliiin." An-l h- lets gone to Ids mitiist-r for eoiiso'nti - Hi. nil I i- lm. - --II-■■ t.s 1 l-'lnv-l's books, mnl Ce-ul's l.o.,] ,, mi l linxt-r s books, and r-iul and read and, mid pi-av- I mnl pruv-l and pr-y-d. mnl w-pt and wept mi l w-pt. mid gi oan-d end gro.-in-d mi-1 grnan-d. My brother. \'our tioulil* is n,,t with the heart : d is n gust re I ikoi'ib r or it re I» IIi-in of th- Itv-r. Sun iii-d a physi • •inti mm- t linn an \ mi do u I'lei'a vnian I, (, lint s|f| that liln ten: nut fill" and furs yuiir l"ii -n-, and iiiak' vrair J. .,.,,* ache, but sw.sip.up mi vrair soul indeieetions und I'ra'clsMliiigs, Tli-.l-vil is,ut,.|-you JI« fins failed to >1—pod your i h-u ai-ier, and lie dis‘s the next l«-si lliiii/ for him Im . ullt.s you nr.- not right with (hid when Ira savs \oil will rim-, r to heaven, ho lies, Vou are in i as sure ,,| h.-«v-n as though v<«, were iher-nil-ad , Hut Satm, finding that Iraeaimoi k-j. inis v i i. h i lie prra,UM-.| land of < 'iwiiimi, lil t.nniiicl that (lie spies shall not Ill-til; V.HI .mv of III- Fsi-lml craiss beforehand, ami that vou shall have nothing but pri-klv | car end. r..b apple V, m «r,- just us gissl now uud-r the-loud i.s vt,n W'ere wli-n you were a—uslrair “liall-liijaii, d to nse m th- nrarnin don-,' ' to pray and tin Edward i’nvson, si.iuetim-s so far up ou tho mount tlmt it seemed as if tlio cuntrqHital force of earth crad 1 no longor hold him, s-m-tirnes tlirongh a physical dis¬ order w as so fardoivu lltm. it seomed as if the imt her world would (duti li him. Glorious William t -)iw|n-i- was as good us good could be, ami Idlljf will fie |ovi*l shuts in the hymn ('hristi i.-tn church • IN as it Ills I irayinmiiK: M*£ “There in a foiiutaiu filled aith lilood/'niid bis hymn . In lie. '.iuiiinn: Ir 1 1• • up; "i >'i, i, for l a closer walk with t •Oil," i," ami fils In \ i um l„ ‘KlUiiillg: “U'lmt v arieiiN I ilndramt-N w,- hit** •t,'' and his hymn iH'tffmiliijT "God nu iv vi* in u mysterious way. Vet S,I Was he nt ovt'tvmno ov-ri ollle of ineluu t'fi‘-ly, the or like of k the bile, >i\V. that di it iver, was only thiOugh mistake who took him Vlmt ton liedi wrong jilaee, ius-cadof the ■ river fiutik, I not eonnmt suielde spiritual condition s, rat' r<-at* „, tr<n v the pfivsil-ill slate! \ VI air ran rare limit v this giv. • tTict'lm,tian pfiysi, inn, for fie rail fe-1 at nt tl,.' Mini- time lioth the pulse of thi- In m 1 s an.l ..a! - kasA.‘n-!!!-| k ha Imrigivi tha& •sirtlily and a < 11 \ in- in-vriptnin nt the s«un» tt!!sk lilra'i. thokiVid' 11 fit * ' "ly '<>71 the nnotliwary nt'mv ^. of flora at 1 1 - wd« wh -ii l g-t si-k. that can not only l»;ui'out who the right inmitMT of ilrotw, but one f;in «|si> inuv. That iti the km<( of ilcKv tlontii r-iVii** .ir at'licistie 11 ! thi « ,i«K Vn^lovrei < # r ligate t«rs are.uml ones when tiie biilaiy es of fif- ar « treni I'ling. A di»'toi' who has gon- through th !!^ l *V ,U * "" 1 “J dissecting room m—himis'iii^and .. i'minVniViKHl m laioTintlw. is a foul, and caiimit <io.'»or mine. But . oh, tiie Christian do-tors', XVlint n comfort they h.-ivo i'—n iu many of our plftiv iti ('iitr Dear preiv-rsT'i^wvHiw -11 Dr. pi-m^on our tongu-H. Skilliiian' Myfath-r's do tor, mv mothers doctor, in tho villagn liouic lie carried all tho eonlMence* of i u' f ,'r, !!T!r: <<,,ll ' ,< ' 0,1 '"i* 8 * around. beat!* tu'l- be/or- li" "bl r a < wCnl iSTwdJSTil a all of us children into life, and he closed the old peopW* * eyes b’,"^ when I*, they entera l tho last tnhimwi ' 1 "l U ’t'hiiik"u work W AS grreted With the words: “Conie in, doctor, i was sick und V e visited me. ’ I bless God that the number are- here to-day. And 1 hail you, »n<l I bless you, and 1 ordain you to the ten d-r, I ■en util'til. heaven descended wo-k •L * '*= tl ns plrana from the skiea to look alter physieiana the lmper reliable soul. D-t all ( hristim unit*'with ministers of theGosiiel in ponuiad '‘KHlti'f iug g'Hsl them people tlmt tlmt thev it is ""metlines not tsH-nuMv feel God de- is but Ihh’ivux® o( tiu'ir body. Another practical use of this subject is for the vramg. The tliaorv is abroad that they mu Mi. '‘■hiian wheat.....Lflme'bivak Nowof in^the ShAfflS iiver* 1 Wild o«u nre geiierallv tuid ties -an that never t« 'pulled up. They so pr.*MYiipy organ that there is no room iur iho implantation of u righteous crop, agd!..%irb.l.T"u.d‘r« wdd oats did they laltinvu t mra, “y^raand sow None. nlNoIut" mmc. God do« n-t "" h r 1,1 ^ th ^ * l r have S'l-rilloed swine on the altar of the bodily n t.mple. Uenu-mU-r. o, young man. that while in after life ami after yearaof di-ei|iati»ii you may twrhavi* have Le ehane. ^’ M 1 . 1 q‘^" ‘v Ire! Uk " " alon^ * ' n "all^ men. is rat and they'are maturely old to r the reason that I«iyiii^ for liens they put upon their physical a nd » to S.S..M.I %h» III Irtgage, anil a *1 a tlnni^ant’ th«s*> rnnrt^Afft* iiow S^n being fonvlcweil, mi l aV that remaiu« of fu,il!)nv.rat pmT^n* rr tU . t * ht t ,a Ma?^ /dart r ilara nJo In of nre t -xt strarak through for^iv«w. th<*ir liver, mid it in th^re vet. (hut but out raff cl physi cal law n^er. n**vfr, ijjver 'Ihat luicn s^itiai, but no Cal vttr k r w "}**», bn throne |«« « of ProMisat;, worldly an l h.-'rtni. , .ql'-ra hit ISffVul 'LTL splendor to shriek out^ "k'ht 1 ,;;; i!?. v tyri 5 probability Surmol aquatter k«np poma-ion a.vora,"nty. \Ty ••/ 'roiS' » Infraction «»!*«• of th* law* of your phyatoZ , What f Will a man's body never com ploUdy re-over from an early dissipation in w-tio^bod y*so 1 Ttw iff* i nsiur that K" liver Hmptaf thoroughly through damaged all eternity, and it but wni wt stay the rny.iclane-nH it cancer ^S°H of the, SwdS^aisrrsK'Sssaaj: £*£ I * 10 depleted hisenorgies that he will go into the battle only l»lf armod. Napoleon lost ffAMSfiSRi^-Sg U it w«« ^ drive them U.k, but ho is allowing them to , reinforced by the whole army of midlife temptations, and when all three combined fhreaaareinasaetlagaUisthimAndnoqrcqcby tu help him, and Hlunclier hasooms '‘‘'m'* to h, ‘'P h*?* 0 ? 1 wUat but Immortal defeat can 'iwa thhni Some years ago a scientific Iwturer went through the o-iinirv exhibiting lmmantolv on vroat : , “h^hrelthTan.lffirent QSnv K different i-;irt« of ^rS^hSn tlm dK An ' 1 ^ ,mt *»«® »-«rld wants now is *««► “hsmeot , acientlst to go through the r >untr J r * h, >wing to drunkard* our young people on I the ltvw, the ! b-ers , ‘ |, T a liver,. »ver, the F- rhai* llbartinet the spectacle liver, the might gam ^'»p sr,ni ” ymmg man and bafore the dart fTcornre strike through to the ,u »,’ uv r ;. , u th-lastyou will ever tl.- hca.unihatsubject; and vou, in name of(.o.l and Chris, an ter :‘ care w*‘f' of , » , «'« your »•«» health. ojeriml destiny, hen some take of bet you 'hc.if vourfiicn-ls jiut on your tonibstonca t«;"thful J-n tim of epitaph, kite suppers, it will read: or it will "Hereliea bn; the Be bo d what ehicken salad at midnight will do ‘ 1 ”^ ; r?.p.T3f>*u nrth y ^istenre P '*'" 1 th H is t he result;” or It 's;; ‘‘i'h'si . , of tluii shms last winter;” or it JV.*J . V'*''i'Vf 11 * 1 w P d h <mtmiov-reoatand affiTffi -Hat l,ern; or ' t ,” i11 h‘ : ‘‘Here is the oonse; «|U';»-e of sittm* a half day with wet fret;” : "-Vls the stone cutter will chi^X an -m the tombstone two J y. a dart and a liver. lhere is a kin-i of sickness that w beautiful ^nFs count rTor^ '2 l » 0 oZTmilv° r I°hk^ N,,, ' n wounds that were glorious. After the 1,lUI,, “ f AnticUim, in the hospital a soldier !" r 'T lv to question; “Where are you hurt ■ uncovcr.d his bosom and showed me a ^ V ,M 1 n.n,p m mi an empty woeveinat was more Is-autiful than tbe most muscular fore ftrln 1 haVl ' "C'”* s l"»do over tlio eye shutout in battle that was mm beautiful "'an any t w,. eyes that had passed without ‘"'ury. 1 haves -en an-old mtss.piviry worn ;"" "! tll, l..... of African jungl-s who looked 1 tome more mibunt than a rubicund kvnmm-t. I have seen a mother after six V“" U w “ tc! "",-. o y‘’ r n f 'V" lly chll,,n '" down with s. arl-* lever with a glory round pfii© all l d-f»-u w-m tac Ison • that how surpassed tho Mil It you got your tuckncss an l in wlmt lia' ttle your wounds. " n \' l v 'V’ 1-rd r " <ml am! "iv lesl! •» ,» it 'V we service, must get an-l sick in ‘ lh«- ellort t- make th.»world g-Ksland happy, 'V' 1 ° f ., lu ’ m K T ‘‘ l t -,“ I m tl, ” f lhln , , slu - aomrethat .^ 0 '' 1 " v, ' r wlll "' sso1 - . 1 nft< ‘" su< ’ ' l - is that of men or women converted in the fifties or sixties or seventies wanting to lie us#*ful, in bat they earlier so served the world and Hatnn the , art of their life that they vied have no physical sa-nik-wfnerves, energy left for the ser of (lint, I an.l hey muscles, lungs, heart liver on the wrong altar, when They fought tliuir sword on the wrong side, and now, is all i.aeked up and their ntiiinuii'tion nil gone, they enlist for Knini inu l. When their high met lied cavalry horse, which they spurred into nmnv bit a and cavalry flaming charge with • lamping eye and neck S1I h)*wsous Imbits of might have l«on, through the K"od a lifetime, crashing the battle ““ dirraigh li-Irn.iUil iniquities, they are simmling n.'^^Lg^'^Janclin^'ne^i' their duvs and nights in discussing }|>« to extract the dart from their outrages! J l 1 J" r yes; - b,, for "‘T th.-v eonverted will get to late Heaven, than never! But “i-y w ill go afoot, when they might have y.T' T 1 "P ,‘he steep lulls of the sky in Lbjah s chariot. 1 here is an old hymn that to ,*‘ n k' *n tlie country meeting wlre-n I *isn hoy- and 1 remember V ,w th-o'd joins voices tremblo.1 with enxv ' v bile they sang it, I have forgotten all won !’ ut of my sermon: hut those lines ere the i»rore 'Twill *a»o a* from * thousand *nsr*s To mind religion yonns. (URLS, CONTROL YOUR, TEMPERS. \ Ilridc wli » llecamc a<> Angi-y that She tVcnt Insane. i J'rom J lie* Civ of Mexico Two ItepuhlicH.Y One of the prctliest gil ls of Zaeuteens belonging to one of H,chest families in the 8 ta‘e lm« i,;.,I Imh u admitted to thc maniao. insane asylum ‘Boru in that citv, a hopeless tlm daughter of wealthy parents, nu only child, she vus iii dulgod in everything, and in conse ' 1 '"''"'" her naturally sweet disposition was attempt thoroughly made spoiled and her whenever wishes an was to cross urmlnd’hor yielding and allowing her to carry her point. Uu the 4 th of March of tho present year slie was married to a sive wealthy place young located lmcicndmla whose extern is near Zacatecas. The wedding couple was n grand affair, and tho young Hturtwl life together with t.iiu brightest pohsibln prospf'ot#. Soon "ftor marriage, however, there arose slight wife, disputes between huslmnd and all which ended, ns had been the case through husband, the high-spirited girl’s life, in her favor, a man, vield ing invariably beforo her awful fits of violence. This finally, however, liecame unendurable to the young married man, fu !' 1 h, ‘ detenuiued to break his wife’s bight ful temper and assi'rthi.s manhood, trusting that they wouhl live more hap piiy Ho together tlm in tlm end. upon next occasion when there “ r T 11 ........... ...... . ‘"Iling matter he remained firm and nt terlv ret used to yield lua poiut. liis wife stormed und flow into a perfect storm "loved, of ami passion, finally but ho remained un when the exhibition ol temper was assuming a phaso where he voting woman commenced breaking u ruing nu ui wmu tlio trouble aix*^ clutched ,i„, i*** iV" her tightly 4 tM i A V u bv the am and in 1 few ,s om usgnp, and, moving away » , step*, fell to tho ground foaming at the mouth. Medical aid was at once mdous, summoned, bnt for hoin-s she lay uncon .i* occasionallvstruggling v r ' violently .* ff w>d * then relapaing , into . . quietness . , again. After awhile she ojieMxl her eves, took ‘Ju n 2 n f ro ! nul "P on th « W,tl P^l J, ,le * blood-curdhug slirick I sprang from the her, bed, and, before any one could prevent was out of the house and racing 7 ’ m'T Hft Mt ’ r “ K, "ff’ ox A, | m ""T* UMtlI '« «"'* r ' lu ’ Sv “ m l woman was overtaken , \***' by HiAnoe her st rived. I "'n I lie . best medical aid procure ble was obtained fov her, but her reason remained in darkness „nd G.« ..Lvsi V nian» ZoyZ nredint du t tbei-e tin tc is w no no liono hojie for f her w . J - ___ Bank-Wrecker Harper's Wire. -- fFrom th# Cincinnati Enquirer. 1 In all this trouble and disaster the ***^0 ■<’'*> and devotion of a noble woman §hin«» with u ItiKtri* that CAtmm tho world to bow in rewreace before tiie the of the the gentler sex. Mrs. lb.r]>cr, wife of Fidelity Vice-President, wee at her home on Fourth atrwfc when bIio was start 1 <h 1 by the lu«tv ericH of tlio newsboys, “Arrest of E. L. Harper V 9 I Her woman's heart took alarm at once, “‘I with tho utmost haste she flew to the bank. She stood before the Mttfirssrsr KlI^ihSk.’C^SS^N? her “Mr*. Harper w a magnificent woman. She is tho greatent consolation to her husband in tins hour »f trouble. ™* a " m A *** *wurr, MOTT, Knr»T, MO.” - What the Boy Who la “It” In Eng Hah la In Other L-anirnaires Use of Counting On, Rhymes. ^ x y k tbat ' cw 1 ° s „ a aig m f^P^ssor, with a bald head, began a s d ™ One-ery, \\ ickatw twoery, wockafio, siecory «’» ,W l*? ta,, ‘ h fc „ a^SfS^t^iwert, And one flies over the cuckoo's neat . o'eltwen tickerv teven Fin nmskv Ihui ' V,neL“n nineteen, iwn twenty taemj, twenty twenty one. one The dimiiticd Professor was Dr II Carrinrrtne '- anln gtoi* Bolton, te.itrm and , m< ] hia hi anldect subject was was “ file Counting-put Rhymes of Children. A Study in International Folk |) r . Bolton was formerly a professor in Trinity ..J College, *• liarfford. lie explained t to the audience that these . nines and many others which he had lucked up in twenty languages were used by children j„ ,l ie ir games to determine who should have the most undesirable part. A leader cluldj rcocatcd the dotr-u-rii tln”liisi rlivnic and the wh mi word fell was set free. Ti.o-c remaining want through th( , saine or(i , a i lmli | ,| 1C last one re . 1 , • , . jr .. Thi , - it - j )r . Bolton said, ., polile • isa l.nulisl.-peaking v, r\ expi-vsH-n elul M the games of dren, for in t.erman the one who is “it - .. W oU" instead of “it ;” in -'spanc-e. i.-,, “oui, ' -r “little devil;” in ...........-• „n. Hawaiian, “eni'V ->ne,. said had collected Professor Bolton lie C0Ulll j n .. out rhvmes in twenty lan gua-ges.‘civiFuci; these 1. If HvilU-d languages an.l bar- the Imrous. Among Arabic, are r.-nobscot Indian, .h-pane-c. Armenian, Turkish, Malagasy Bulgarian Swedish, Italian. Husain... Fort.mum-. Spanish an.l Basipie. i he Bulgarian child rhymes, he said, were too pro u 0l jnccd for repetition, bill he recited do/,.. Ian-uag,s. 1„ ' Ihit-’h he liu-1 - o’li- t» 1 fourteen coiuil ing out rhvnus. in ...... ”d!', and m Bngu-h I d. A-l-u-c h«-r. i.yc<mcspond • „ M .|„,|, lls i„ ;l :l parts of the world, he had o.-tallied S --Ullting out rhymes. pn-l-s , all < >nt- of (lie ne st common in languages was the familiar One, two, buckle my -dm . Thnw, four, shut III- iIihi,-; Five, six. lack up stick*; (Seven, eight, lay th in sit-night, et -. 1 There is a fund of curious illusions in ' the doggerel rhymes. l)r. lloltou eon- the j j tinned. Here is one picked Napoleon up after into I expedition of the Kmperor Russia: Tin- First Lieutenant was so tie it He stnpp-Hl in battle to w..d. bis fret. , Another, which shows how ancient the j-patter is, is -. ! ^ebueliadnezzar. ... , , the King of th- .lews, h.s SI ‘M-1 off In- s:i,.p-ra and s,. psi on I sm-s A modern inatauee show . ing local i coloring in the United States is: There was n little rat:les ni e, lie au. t.s> mu« l. of we tiling cake, And made his little l« t y, children's Vs to the origin of almost all of thc cniitiit 11 » <!<►_ do-' ,« ere-l • i, Dr i n Holton i.ouon said s.uu lie n »c"ii«to.noi i * r "- ,H ton. uicrui nu nppi . Almighty. In iln- middle ages easting | lots was degraded to a wipcrstilion, uml t charlatans used iinmeaning formulas to bnpose on the people, piet.-nding to cure Well known doggi r. 1 Eckery, aekery, ukery an, o„„.ery. twoery, e c. 1 lie “eckery >s Nansk.rt for “one It is probable, 1 ‘tofc-sor Bolton said ! th,u “ackcry wns originally a word also. . i Tliere was only one could corrupt remember. Latin J verse that Dr. Bolton It is: 1 rn-k-’fSliumn'ln k " the mud li ; i 1 * i* • probable , n „ that the jingles 1 that t tl the j children now use m games were former j ly written on papers and hung around | the keep necks off of the people plague in thc to Middle hydro- Ages to or cure phobia gout and rheumatism. (hiMln*n now.Ml.iys, lio\w\c*i\ an* in* !“ i,, ,'i ,r ; , y° doggerel. if)r Holton had interviewed a good n any children in till languages, and found it diflicull to understand them. < ot.s > nan,s w, ro uot P'CHcivcd th- luldreti. and vowels ' were of f no aceotu.t to As ' nn 11 lust ration of Ins difficulty, l>r. Lot to » " *'»’• "'” r<l «’ n ,!l, ‘ “h-k board : I’IITII-rtLO-«JN-Yl!Itll q-A;. ,i„, ,nnie.l Turner in ,. 1,1 1 ’!!!!',:f •> ? ^rniaiv'Ts^-n. ' m* . i aial -vn-h' “iuvrih" is ' omnuled • r.' ! D*-. Bolton gave this example of the aiauncr in w itieli children change the I vines ]ii ihr K;i>t<*ri! St.-itrs tlirrc is a iinsrlc which runs us follow h : john j 0 m, aavs to Joiin lio.v nm-li are- your s-:" g.s—l 5 says to .lohn tiv. nty rents apie < ohn mys to John that is too denr. John soys to John g-t out ofhere. Gn the Pacific coirel this has been changed to: chin Chong, Chinaman, how much are your i geis-v <-*hin Chong. Chinaman, twenty centsapieee. *ue latest discovery dug , up by Dr, Bolton was this: . f>m\ three, four, twiv, live, six. seven. H 1 ^ , i ' 'i feu,., ' * w 1 lie Gulf _ Stream. The water of the seas and the great gulf lying between the West Indies Flor ida and the Mexican roast is compara Mture with the outer ocean. Constantly ^ tftider high a tropical degree, sun, and it the licconies warmed to a shores and hot- 1 «n " M " s " r :lr' r n ........ -pj^ t . ous tant interchange of water anions 7 the oceans mL., tlirrai ii,;’, h the system of , . llr t ! J?* t,. 1 ?, rtnv- °'J ste ldilv V .„,,,...r ri i tbrou , K" ,\ the limits . of L lonua, V- ao»l thciicc to pur , ; uc a course upon the surface of the At j ) a „tj c northcist ward to the shores of Lapland. By this time it has become too ' much cooled and scattered to be any i longer traceable ! - f ai 1 )ort j l from pj or j,p t as : 'u„.,„ “f “im r . lv . witer I'uli s» o‘c« _»« »liU iseaiS ri'.> in the oce m lies Close to the American shore; but at that point it begins to swerve off, and \ trends farth-r and farther from the coast. off ‘ " Marlin’" ' ‘J 1 \ in " y v ' ird ,r 1 ii is distant 'V't * some ^eveutv-hvo miles, • and , the distance in- • ervKses the neighlmrhood until it has of quite Heotland. crossed over to Now an examination of a chart of our Northern coast will show that the ocean I bed «lo|«s hundred very gradually to the limit of i about one fathoms of depth, nt jv*hich line there is a sudden drop ping off | tM to 4 the n. very It is deep right water along of the the edge Atlantie'a- of this j preripire, and seeming to be guided by it—for there the is of consider *bly greater depth than one hundred fatnotne— that the Gulf Stream makes its ! way. ancl Its waters bathe the brow of I this submarine cliff.— Yo*<th\ ( ompnuhn, ---------- j W - hy He Ixmks Cross. , . , ^&^asEss^sss& him; HU wif* «t We U cleaning her bouse. ~OooMr.Su a. In arranging for the water supply for the stock, a sufficiency of water troughs should be provided, and as many M will £ iv ? ara P le opportunities for all the cows to drink without molestation from th« master cows of the herd Four,s * re “ ot to P ““T f " r t ' vcl ve or * fue " cows, and these should I . be scattered iH widely apart, or be so protected that one nat,,red animal may not keep guard carried off to avoid ice around them in winter; and some provision should be made accumuKon to empty the troughs to prevent Reason, Of ice a, that fhere is a running stream’ a‘water ram “ay v 0lr ^used, of sufficient or a windmill capacity to with supply a ret-er- all the . requirements, bothof the cattle and the dairy work .—Amrriran Agric*lturi*t. _ The Science or P reeding. _„ d in _ The „ science of fer-dmg is one of the most :,vJ important studies of thp farmer ‘ Bv iScren , , , . t.T^re "°bv Sinff inl how ... h h8 f, fettling straw straw w with ith such such V 1 , foods • bran, as oil meals, and other pur c h*aable feeding Sr stuffs For instance, oi of hay J contains nine $tEJoS^hav t pe/Tcnt'-f^thcse . , has™ .. nlv = live , and ntricS . a half V*' cc • vaua vaiuaoie c nuintnis, | , j JJZ ’ But further 3 if a “..i_ ton of straw ™ containing two and two-and a-half u„. f per i of albuminoids mixed with cent, is a ton of clover hay, f the mixture contains pre , ciwly m m ich nutri tioua substance as two tons rT.rrow of timothy hay Hence fanners j shm. Hmothv inr s- le and i clnver S3 *- nr P . i should ston * it and : rf| f it . k , I f^°J *-„„ Z ,i,„ mZkVZ C% T hi»iui ... knowledge t science ptofit out of a ^ of the of feeding uni j . ^ ’ an it philosopher nroves t j lC wisdom of the oltl Kotnan V. Ceding and statesman - whosaid Thc of animals ia . the most important part of agriculture.” —JS T ew York Timt*. 1 ‘roper Handling of Cream. Not long since a farmer's wife com plained to us that she did not ^et the yield of butter from her cows that one of her neighbors did, and she wished to know if we could give her any light on the subject. I pou inquiry we found that the cows on both farms were natives and handled about alike. But when we inijuired ing tho farther into the manner of car for cream, we saw at once where the difficulty lay. Although she had been a reader of tin* Uu.rj/fmtn for years, she had such stubborn notions of her own that she had learned but little on this important point. ]| was morning her practice and to the skim her milk every which put cream in an earthen jar, w as kept in the cellar. Churning was done twice a week, if her husband or the boys were not too busy. But the particular point where she failed was m putting the last skimming of cream into the chum immediately after taken ,.,T from the me milk nuiK. When yynen we «t told . .j, her that sherceened but little Imth- nt uom the last skimming tuns handled, she could hardly be persuaded of the truth tliu of our assertion. Lkeis We are convinced J that h this mistake ts l.relv largelyAndul^idibj^ i ,lo .1 ;« ‘he mnamg of larni butter yet they as ' ve l^.throw the last.skimming to the pigs, for there is where it finally goes SiiSl'bliCJlwUj 1 irr“ wi''h"‘'l“ ffr”.......,"v' t( , twelve hours, depending l “ , 1 r k "'" upon ,ro, “.r tin age and acidity of the older cream be fort . churning. i7eir The way most 1)COD | e st j r t cream tails the desired result. They put in a cream paddle , and , simply . , whirl , . , each , layer or days cream in a circle by itaclf without mixing the first and * iist thoroughly together. This is best done hy turning the Then, cream from one vessel into another. again, quite often loss is occasioned by'mixing thet milk strippers with fresh rows. That the cream of different cows when mixed not th produce butter at the same time, w the same amount of churning has been illustrated in the fanuly of Mark Hughes at West (.rove, la. Hiey had an and Alderney heifer iu good flow of milk, a cow, a stripper; their cream worked together. It was observed that they did not make butter enough for the bulk cream. Thc buttermilk looked rich and seemed to collect. cream upon it. They put tlic buttermilk in the churn aaam after the butler came and made Inc pounds i m-y churned for a few mm utes and found two or three pounds more of butter in the churn, showing that the heifer s cream had made butter first and that the eream of the old cow needed several minutes more churning. the cream of cows ot such unequal milk ing periods arc mixed together, great ,arc shoultl be taken that the whole :!rs^, Mower ,, Tttsg^a^i«£i washed into h cream is milk as soon as the quicker cream comes i ,r> butter, rht-re is a great deal in ]>oint »d the of unequal churning time in cream, a °nly way that wc know of •‘‘'‘’V' aside iro:n churning ^ or ca<*h <*<»w scream by > . to th thcrreiiTii is is see to it mixed and ripened together, so as make as near as possible a homogeneous wliole. —Iivarii h Jhtivym'tu. --- 1 -arm and Garden Notes. V oung and growing animals are most profitable for thc farmer. Good care is rccktfftcd to lie thc 0 r's best horse and cow doctor. Breed the horse first for strength and endurance ’ and then for style ; . , . . «.,!,!! tiT,m!i ilf 1 ' ff 00 ‘ m \v V. "’ff u ”£'T ' , • , ? c tight . rubber bands on teats of t milk-leak ing cows. Sheen and pigs arc said to prefer dried l K ' a bidder to the best hay, and thrive . on the food. Sell the old hens if possible. will soon be unsalable. A practical farmer savs- A liiirhlv productive ^ farm, with good fences web r k /'' ^ i ' p „ on ,i wftV ? 1 to keep k.en ilie the covv-yard « mc Mr ,i dean , and , wholesome, and save the nure, is simply to plow the yard os often as once a month. This method is sinre n P i 0 nni i ‘ ofFootivo * T It is a fallacy „ i to nnlk ■„ cows , but once a ‘^v, "'«‘er when *\s they drop off he in yield milked, in the „«,g as cow ,s it should be twice a d&v. It is to both cow ami milk to allow the milk to remain so long in the udder. Don’t consider your home prepared for winter until the cellar is cleaned and put in a tidv, healthy state. Mr. Waldo F. Brown, who lias buried notatocs f»otatoes each Pa eh 1 fall »II for for a a quarter mmrter of of a n cenjury, says hc never lost a bushel by covering too deep; insufficient but many went to waste on account of earth to the keep out frost. He adds; “Don't put tubers in too large a bulk. It is a well known fact that insect flu- pests attack the ueglecting^rcranulra most vigorous trees in orchard o/ tively dry and juice less branches de caying trees. Another mistake is that a healthy tree has the power of ridding itself of the scale insects which infest it Inspection if of the healthy trees would is eminently necessary owner keen them profitable and in good shape. IVcI-'j Sfise^JSSl Vaaazine «avs that husir R u<y the works jiowder when frred from iron and reduced to a proves to hp a valuable " fertilizer Iihospho'ras nrineitudiv Jin.. n.. «cunt of th. il coo ss,sLt.‘.»,r" ta fatal AgnruUurt* is to every insect it touches, and »«lpbur is very offensive to them. A kerosene oil and one drachm of csaosote will be found an excellent remedy j against all sorts «f Insect vermin, while th-liberal use of Uerm»fic oil on poultry roosts will free the fowls of their tor- ’ mentors. Tl »« gordeu needs more manure. This I , fact should always lie kept in mmd, and ; every bit of waste that is likely to have any value, mechanical or otherwise, as m$m pig-stye should t>e blende 1 all the other j waste matters of the garden and house. I Jit (> n ,i 1( . ilfeTor nimroach of winter ba!hs provison C dust ' & demands ’ llcmsenjoy j ro iij Df , a n-l wallowing in dry earth in the ; sun aur \ jt j 8 also desirable to under the roosts to receive the drop- I pings lomdnl serving as a deodorizer when oiVl the droppings nrc are collected collected, ns is thcv UK y sl shoul.i l be, so that the hen house may l>c kept reasonably chan. A . whitewash that will not rub olT is ,uadc »'.v slacking one half hushcl lime with 1,oilin - lc; ‘l. ,li « “ ‘•over.-d j„ r i„g the process. M a.n it and add a •, . ' , ‘ «« tl'ssolted .ii-sol ved m in warm w inn water. u ,t,.r f hree l ,nUn ' ls ? "VT rM t* |,:,t ,B Ih>)| - ing walcr, and boded to a thin t paste; one b * l f lwuml un,i P®* ofct^Me 4 ?** 1 Soanish w Idling, an, warm ‘ a water. P° Mix these well delved t-igctlier in T' "V"* ^ ! 1 ' , vs ' Keep the wash thus prepared in a - and used ' kettle, when |mt it on ashot as i osgib|c will, painters'or whilewadiers' 1 1 A \ good , rn /wl »»..n m -inv } farmers faun* rs i,...... hate ^the «i ; idea, i sa >’" the I -o g/.-m"/, that milk is not just r, - ht for serious ?’^ s vm, ‘ 1 U ^incl. This is a ''cry mistake. Xo ,-wsilde good ous harn »- After >ou take .....,.'." out the r " cream ,ri and water, the most that remains is caseinc and sugar of milk. Both arc ,! " ! wh f« tlmnge the sugar ofi.ii Ik into lactic acid, «'*<1 1°^ "early half the entire vame of >°" r Eeed street to . alves I " ,m1 P'^»^«* ,ts / >cvc ;!; ,ct 11 ^ ,r ,f JOU Lin hcl P u " Vll h -' i ‘hrow - atvay half its value f Tin- fet-iliug value with of apph s is not they rank mangels, turnips. ! r ' !,b *"i{*e. an«l the like. I lu-ir fooil prop ertirs arc mostly earbo-iiydrates or luat l»'«duein-r, their protein.- l.en - -nlv «»« half of on- per cun..and H-« »r nutritive rafo ahoul one to thirty, 1 nn 1 effective when fed in j eomicction with more nitrog.-uou . food, ! Iike c,orcr > but ma v b ” fe ‘ l «!» r W - ! wi,h 8»**- Tht '. v h ; l ‘ V a h ’- r, ’'' r ' : ‘ !ue ,han t ' lc weight of their food eoiistim l ' nts indicates, on account of condimen <j'hi!itieH, and from ha'-111*4 P'' r **f those constituent'. 111 a < <>adi ! l i° n <° l>e at once absorbed and special appro printed without waiting for any action of the stomach. Tho Switzerland of Africa. Like thc gwi , 8 , ,] 1C Kabyles have an int -nse love of their eountry. They ; ove f or p s VPr y savageness, in which a.,,,i-.J' acems to frown de »'ance at animn-ler. Tln-v-ir ‘ «. a jealous ie iPms of Us independence as the brave warriors ( ,f Montenegro. Those who have fought j- or J7„. oenerntions arndnst the Turk in the lvls n -rek Mountains t oveilook » b « A.lrmtie, have not , shown more VJI | or than the natives of Kabylia. Tins u umes out clearest and brightest j„ t i a . Illf , !n e n ts of gieate-t dan-er. one t tl b 1V e which shows il. it tiie I,I "' kI ol ""' ir ' Vl “" tilling* of an invasion come to • heir moun¬ tain retreats, the whole land lisp* up at the sound of war. Thc young nnu of the different tribes enter into a solemn i j ( .. l!Iue am l covenant,'' which might i>c I culled the league of death, since all who io n in it swear to die for their country, • S)> ,i' u .„. is this offering the'dead up of their liv ,. s mt |(raV ers for are r ,.ad over them, so that whf-n tliev go fortll to !mtlU . ,| 10V are already as dead (l , ul lmV( . n ' llly t „ seek‘the place j ^h.-rc they may f,;hilate give up their lives. If, wl :II 1 the cm-mv, they . m . iv r ,.t U rn •<«./ Hr . But if the foe is j slill in lJu> )it .py ,i,,. v must . r ,.- death ! until tliev Hn«l |..‘ it If one wore to flee in the tlav ,' )f bu , ( a „,l return to hi* tribe, * ccive d the Athenians hc vvo ld ljc r( . us received 1( the one survivor of Tlienncpvho. i,j ; ' j , lc wo „ j 1)(1 an 0!itc ,.„ t s r lb( . | <loom0(l tosuffer a thousand insults worse i t ,,. ui tlc there’is . |)h 1{ut f< „. wllo , ir( . j killed ^’orv here and rest here j nfu , r Their bo<iies souls -i-eeml to apart! par-idisc t | icir ate buried in a place which i* lints re-nnt-rt-il forever saercil, and to which pious Moslems will come and pray over the diret of their lieroie dead .—Sn iluterL Mmjn L»t. |t ( ,fiolh.u Thc lmbolink is a favorite field song s ,«. r j„ 0 ur Northern States, but when he ! ^ 0C5 southward in the fall, he changes , i,j s name to “Heed Bird " and •• Mice turn, he becomes the target of pot hunters, by whom millions are destroyed f or table use. The Imbolink. transferred j t0 adds, the and South, this lives industry daintily is aetuallycrip- on thc rice pfid by the-e birds, wh’t-h appear in in j numerable licwts : t s<*« <1 planting, ;in<l again at harvest time. one would imagine that our well favore d " Kohert w * Lincoln" comes to us from a nv>st fear fuf raid on rice, and departs 1 from ire with thc same evil intent . The rice crop by the liret census was valued at six millions six hundred and seven thousand dollars, the prodm t being one hundred j ami ten million estimated pounds. The lo-s bv dol- the rice birds is at two million lurs annually. Thousumls of men and boys arc and employed tlii* rice to fields shoot these shadowed tres passers are i l»v a •• sulphurous »'« cauopv," as if some ^ ba thcC'o.nmissio.rcrof "as tn progress. Agri. The ulre.rc last report of sonic startling facts in regard to the ! ravages Tn of these birds. The rice planters are despair. Individual losses are j often five fifty per dollars cent, of the is crop, and from i ! to ten an acre not uncojn mon. The flight of these bird* is always m the last half of A| rd, and return P unf dually in South (urolii a on thc 21 st of Au K u sL and thc two or thrci- days fob A Horse Will Not Steji On You. To „ thc , West ... f ., hester , (1 ,, .W* j enn.i a correspondent writes: “Ihis saving is strongly verified by a thrilling incident rciattal bv ^ thc late Jiul-re llaitics in ' j which . . i ho , wM,in • *1 the early 1 part * of f hi-life, a passive participant, lieing relea-cd lhs from fathers siv horse team its ttrek. he harness taken off the horses, they, being capade m around a sprightly the small mood, enclosure made an from es i j which egress could only lie had through nn o,am, narrow gateway, wl, re the nnr r «lor bad at that instant pla-ed himself, unconsciotre,chi dlikejof danger. As thc ho ™* 8 l K ' (l * ow,ir ‘ l tbe **•««**J «* evident to a horror-stricken , . spectator that in . V . e R j, V an ‘l concluded , , that it was too late . to call ,, a halt or to change liis course s i. like a bold, experienced loeomotrec dmer, he ’^ ™e'gy, he sprang “'^rmlrmnl over and I |raren]'l.'!f,ni! I evond the frail f bstru 'Don, each comrade following in ' urn ' leaving the amaml youngster un una PI ,r ‘ iC,i *' of h,s l ” 1 ” 1 ® ’ »»How's Riihiiiphs^' .* . „ „ ,<f *" "^* nhibljoleth. . 5 , r h . ,°l* "T^tedly How t .. » business.' has i interviewed , severa. people with a view to answering the question inte lligently, with the following result: t'hc tlic artist^^And artlst - Ana STs mine is S being run run into into ^ n'Xto ■•Vj “And my busine» is atUl, ’ said the manufacturer of good Old Medford rum. -Bmton BnUetin. n . SSStJI^SSJu^nS 0 ,. w ~ y £. ^ , . begin, norn.’^ replied: “A hundred years before it ** Aw we to rnfer from this that thb genera «°* Is this wonderful generation the natural result of yeareVoi the proura- diet and medicines of a hundred ** ^ lan ' h ^ at m °* °* &sa?a4ssxs£;ssL to f apparent, the fatigue Why was it I present age. One of the proprietors of the popular ; J »»!f??i Wn . <w '' arn .?’* ?®fe STiSllS cure, has been were gathered and an.l st. red in the lofts’ of the cabins, when sickness came on, these from natuies laboratoiy were usc-l ,w1,T, wel? b *’ st th ^ females? ,■ , What were they used for* After untinng and diligent search,they R-uereuy uwd have for obtained various disorders. the formulas so Now the question is, how will the olden preparations P affect treat^l. the iieonlo im!ter ni'vlera ->»' 11 , - sge. who hav. been l ' ,isonoU3 i. T, "!' S ^ K his 1 lawn care ! .oi. P ur;)i:e, ‘.- until thy , are c-mvin <sl that (he preparations th. v .w,W ,. a ;i Warners ! ?“ V abin Ib nt di-s are whit our much -buse-l systems ret pure, 5 ne^L^ %>?*'** Cabin is v. hat t saparid.t, is known and ns War they the Sarsaparilla tounee of that much they do not consider so v i u- in its- f a it is in the continuation of t,;,» vaFrai- in gradients which tog-1 iier work mat velra-slv upon tho system. p?f They also h ive prep Av ir.i ss er * :z rs? ai» n Lfuigh anil rr ( misumption - “ „ Remedy, ; ' 1 a -g la bin Imps uni I ’u li Kenieii}''’ Warner's i the hair. Log Cabin Kea’p u-'' for they have 'Ih-y hnv- great i-untidt-i'-e tlml a cure for the common ui-va-e of eatarrh wki h they ^ive the train • m ' [,og Cabin Hose Cream. Also r l og Calm plant I'laster,” others, which they ar- eonlident will r.up all au I a Liver Fill, to lie used separately remedies. or in connection with the other We hope thvt the public will not be disnp pointed benefit in those remedies but will reap a from tho invasti-atk-ns. and that the introduction proprietors wilt by not doa'ers i — cnibui passed substit-t in tl’.eii ir. ing to remedies that have be-u so tatni! a' to the shelves of our drngD-ts. I his lino • f rente dies will Vie used in-teed of others. lnsis‘ upon he hasn't your them druggist g tting th -tn for you if vet in stock, and we fee! confident that tli-so new rom-dies will re ceive approbation at otir read, rs' hands, ns Ibe founders have us -d every care in their | i op I rat toil. Marriage by I rosy, Mnmnge ny jnosy, or, as it m called, , “marriage l.v the glove is common in Holland, and w caused ,.v toe fact Hint ^ {b '\ '* u iV' 1 ' lu-hools having finished tlieu- education m the of the latherlnml, il. pttrt for Dutch India to eugnge iu some hu-mtive commeivial enterprise or to accept a position in the clo.ual servt-e. The scarcity of niarriageabk- white women in that ecranirv miluc-s the. w,,u uftiHi to wiito to * a i* nil i.i lioL.uul, liis Avish for u v. itV. I lia frieii.U.-lc«-fs a willing young Irnlr f « onilly wise with * uostuiitlul closely the uno spcciliea conforii.i.ig to tions Of the letter. enelosed A photograph ill the of tho ftivorcd one is return epistlc. After the lapse of a few months, i ft soiled left hand glove, with the power of attorney, is rcct-tvcl from thc far •w»vn.e fii.-mi. tn marries the selected br-U- in precisely the same manner ns if lie were the actual groom, and the young wife d parts firing iu the® next India mail stotuner to happiness toa lonely one ill tin- fat cast. A marriage of this description is as binding as if tiie bridegrootn were present, and is never repudiated. If cither party to the glove marriage should die before meeting iu Indin, tins survivor would share tiie property of the deceased in accordance with the laws. A Slow Way. Aerolites are interesting to the average mind ns well as to the stud* fit, luff so far they have not been very instm,-five. They are bo Bt-orched we can hat-d'.v learn anything of th-m. if they slabbed off of some passing planet world, or are frag- it ments of some exploded much alike is strange that they are all so in character and'composition. samples Why do we not have other of the un known worlds, as, for instance, n hnn m bodv, or something fashioned bv the hnmls of the inhabitants of su- 1 , realms. We are anxious to learn something of 'be other globes, but tossing tv a ,u re cks at us is a slow wav t*. Im-ci- ‘ ;ti* •piaintcd or so. i.iLl-, A Tennessee farmer, whose land was under inot.gagc and about to be taken away from him, fell ou his knees in the field in \ raver. When he got up he seized the plow handles with a new grip, gave thc old mule a vigorous lick, and before he had gone twenty feet be turned up a jug with over $000 in gold and sii nr in it. llclienH- Disease* Sflssi Buffalo, N. V Main street, .__ •ARTK i SfTS^^SSTtX. \ Total l'cH|*tc a ,1Vonruniption, wUU U tc K-roluii.ii ■ disease of thc lung". are ke. there nn’ f«‘\v i’^kly thc merits of and bra n-;.; :i )iou-< hoM &«SSSSJtXXS^ SB Ti*a^ mi ma«lc of fanil* <»t r ..... a a .!‘;Ki5i“.TsJ a!.-: L «- tllMlV ijenefteial in all troubles ot th » .rarer . A Ituby l.iko n Gulo «f " ind. “srstei'ii-'s... lien sSii-.; »m <■«» it. Vork.___ Catarrh in the Head Originates tu serofulods talut in the blis'd. Henc. Iho proper method by which to cure catarrh U to puri/u «•* blood. Its many ilHagreeal.’o symptoms and the danger ot developing Into bronchitis or that terribly fetal dlsnasa. consumption, aro entirely re moved by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which cures catarrh "by purify log the blood; It also tones up tho system and greally improve* the general health. Try tbe -peculiar medlclno.” with "I have used Il-vod's Sarsaparilla for catarrh very satisfactory results I roculvod more per manent beuef.l fr-rn It than any other remedy. - M. E. IUap. W»ii*-v,in, O. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Hrapar.d only Bold by all v.. «lx bir *J. by C. I. HDD A CO.. Ai">'.h-"iries. Lowell, Maa*. jqo Dosc> 3 On© Dollar JOB PRINTING --OF— EVERY DESCRIPTION NEATLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention '■ GIVE US A TRIAL! T rai)ers ? about the czar of Russia. While 1 e was stopping recently in the Oastle of Frcdcnsborg be was fond of taking little walks in the neig borhood. One day he was accosted by a beggar woman with a child in her armB. In pare Danish and in the roughest manner possible he told her to go away and be pretty terrified, quick started about it. The poor woman, off, but was followed by an officer. “Here,my good woman,’’said the officer, as he put Home pieces of gold into her hand, “it is the czar who sends you this, and he hopes that you will forgive his apparent rudeness of a moment ago. The fact is, he has just returned from a visit to his children, who have the scarlatina, and he was afraid that he might bring . K^n.’’ , .., ^ ^ „ , tends 1 x 1 .^ ^to softening that of the brem We poking aon jf 1 h g there must be something tn to soften, Year* Tench .More Thau Hooka Amon « other valuable lessons imparted by j ! this teacher is the fact that for a very time I,r. l'ierce’s “Golden Medicd Discovery” ; has been the prince of liver correctives ' blood purifwrH.heing the hmuehold I <-f thci-oor man, nnd theable consnUiinr ! XwX malarial nature, as and j wming. ailmen snftho disease respiratory and all ; five where^theuwof systems, liver in an alterative remedy is I-«tcl._______ | Mrs. Salter, recently chosen mayor of j nia. Kan., insists that the city’s debt be paid. | A Won«l**rl*il Food and .Metliclne, Known and used Kmuibion by physicians only all gives over ; world. Scott's not »nd strengtli by virtue of its own nutritions ! l> r "P? r, i®;b '“it creates an appeiltx for 1 ; am pleased with its palatable, action. My and imiients all : it is pleasant and I stronger and gain flesh by the use of it. it in nil eases of wasting diseases, when nutrient and it is sp , ‘ 'ally useful for children W reERt'K.'‘ir’Knoxvillei ra8mU8 ' f ' M ^ 1> ” K x 0 ' Ala A1 I An old maid is always a y oung married 1 j woman- wlien site gets married. ('nnsnmiulnn f*urelv Cured. To I he Editor:—Please inform vour readers i that i have a positive remedy for tho above I | named disease. Hy its timely use thousands of I j lioixdess ia* have tienn iH?rmanenlly bottle® ol’ cured. remedy I i j hliall glad to H«*nd two who my have ■ i ni>: to any <»f your readers their £iprot» con t :in!*tiot) if they will send me and r. t>. address, lie.-iwfctfully, 1S1 Pe earl St- N. Y. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., Every family in which bonks, magxrtnes or newspapers are read, and letters are writlen, should have an English dictionary. How of tus a w hole sentence made obscure because he re id- r does i n nit know or lias forgotten tho tiie ining of of some word or proper name. 1J ow often does a letter-writer hesitate over l he correct spelling of some w ord ormo- rtho graphical construction has, for tho moment, escaped his memory. And liow oiten do dia {’ -les ariso art over the s proper pronunciation difflcultirs could ot i;*» or ■ tlmt Hi word. All tliese of i*e settled in a moment by the possession work a s'/mdurd diitionatq. Now, t e one and great which w tiie hich standard answers authority all requirements, in America, is ster’s Unuhridg il Dictionary, Springflctd, publish Mass, ' A- 1 '. Jlerriam v Uo., ims t n"'!re than areTfouml in any other Its 3,000 Ameri can work of a similar character. df.nem n ^ devoted biographi sions of a large volume is to qiiotcci Raying* found in tho ljutin, tho Greek ami modern foreign languages, Christian prop ^?e^!io» achisHitied selection of used in writing. wide raa ny of hundred pictures, covering a raimo ] .Vmi'oid,'Webster’*' without rival Unabridged^Dictranary in all the wide do- is certainly main English li a of ternture. 1 iiching Pimd.—S and stinging; j/mfftoms—Moisture; by scratch- in tetise worse if&. 1 /'„: 1 i'!:sl,£„sS£&^ sOintmknt stop- the iiching K „ ri .. swavnu and bleeding, heals ulceration, IfiSJUSJ? and in many ^ T^cm-hm ‘an ° Skin Dlt kWaynE a SON, Proprietors, Phila. By mail for SO cents. Siva van's Ointmknt for ! ' !l c )J ‘ r u -ki>t s._ If afflicted with ore eves use Dr. Isaac Thomp son’s Eye-water. Druggists sell at Z>c. per bottle, The best and sorest Remedy for Care of all diseases caused by any derangement of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation, Bilious Complaints and Malaria of all kinds yield readily to the beneficent Influence of iail B wb 1 a It la pleasant to the taste, tones ap the system, restores and preserves health. It Is purely Vegetable, and cannot fall to prove beneficial, both to old and young. s a Blood Purifier It Is superior to ail others. Bold everywhere at $1.00 a bottle. MARVELOUS Wholly unlike arlllleinl *yslein*. Any book learned in one rending. Recoinniemk-d hv M it k Twain Richard Proctor, the Scientist. Hons. W. VV. A-t-r. J CD A 11 P Hknja BIN, Dr Minor, ,ic. ClR.»of ! <l Celumhls Law stu deni. ; *o at Meriden ; 7- nt Norw l;li; 3S0 nt Oherllu v’lillose; twoelasse"*»f each ut Yale; CIO at Vnl three'larire verslty of Penn, Plata.; 4io Chatatiqua at Wellesley University, C-IIi'ko. and ela-.-v at tus. Prospectus I-ost H:;:i frein woof. I.nlSFf! K 2 *T Fifth Ave.. New York. Wor WODu^lSreO^ eiy 'HR FIA’S Ckvesralief CHE.4M Ill for IU st one. ^AY-FtVERf COLD in HEAD ^ *imC 4 tM - I .CURES ! - ATARRH. -N«»i a l.hjuid or Snuff. \ pp 1 v Ba 1 n ii n t> 1 v^i no .* t r i \. USA | |-;iv Hronnw cii St.,N.Y Pensions mm 0 to Soldiers Jk Heirs. Semi stamp race I piso:s cu [il^Uiii J ONS U MPTI 0 N THE YOUTH’S COMPANION—SPECIAL OFFER. See Large Vrtrertlsemcnt In Previous Number of this Paper. FREE To any Ne-v Subscriber who will CUT OUT and send us A $2,50 this Slip, with name and P. O. address and $1.78 in Nloney Order, Express Money Order, Registered Lotter or TO JAN 1, Check, for a year’s subscription to the Companion, we PAPER will send the paper free each week to Jan. 1st, 1888, and for a full year from that date to Jan. 1st, 1888. If ordered 1888. at once this offer will Include the FOR $1.75. Double Holiday Numbers For Thanks-ivln<i and Christmas. ■ Twenty pape* each, with Colored Cover* and Futl-pare Frontispiece Pictures. They will be unusually attractive this year. A (litres* PERRY MASON & CO., 45Templ© Place, Boston, Mass. s Mustang Liniment oxmva ■sixties. Scratch**. Contrset®d Lumbago, Sprains. Husolet, y»iinwtini r Strains. Eruption*, Burns, Stitches, Hoof Ail, ■colds, Stiff Joints, Borsw l ■tings, Backache, w worms, : Bites, Calls, Swinnty, Bruisss, 8 or eg, o„n oaoiusuau*, . Qoit. : Bunions, , Spavin Til®*. Corns, Cracks. CakedBreasts MAN BEAST, Rub it . . in For or iiinnncuoi IluUKllUOLI VII l * KIDDER'S ________ j A BI’ltK CI'HE FOR I HUnT/lWI'lflVimil 1 IsIrlxwrjkr 1 lU.t «IHU DVklPIi'DUI Ir irvx l.I old. 4 Over S.OtJO Physician* ti»v* »*ntu* their »pprov.'it of 1 PtOSSTYUS, mwIm that It 1» the ol t»« preparation j rtM DTiHHa *tan PIUESTYI.IN wo* taken that wiw not rural. FOR CHOLERA INFANTUM. ; , Tor Summer ComijI.iIius snd Chronic Iilurrlnea, hleh are tho direct result* of Imperfect dlgettlon. the stomsch; they nil come from Indigestion. Ask : SaaRSvSSTsSSSSSS Ot, hettat— to »«nii your money, our hou.« t* not flv« rcllabl*. B»u*>ll»h*it KllilVKft twruty y«.»r». A fO.i Witt. F. N.t John Ml. Y, M a nsfaetu rtns t 'Ucin l.l», , H, ,—- > & WELLS’ HAIR s * BALSAM a iim ylf. restores Or»y ri nalcokir An elegant dr-ss - andbeautities ing, ooften* HS oil. Nogieasenor Tonic A \n 11 Hestorative. Prevents hnir i coming out; strengthens, cleaiiB-s and heals scalp. 'll 60c. Druggists L S. WELLS, C'Uj, S. J. SO ^3 || Only romolct* absolute, cure _______ chronic _____ Unequalcd for CaUrrnal throal worst cuen. ^SSBSm miBS T/t7) LUUn v" tUUNU vTiTltJr m u longa^youean.ri'* Akin i.y lining LEAURELLE OIL ll-move*aud and yrev, nu SSSS Wrinkle*, rough Uh more**pbnpl'iiirclear* the compleston, known the only ,5s,Kni::f.ts Bulmtanoe t $1. l»rufjru-ii*t*ior Kxp. R. R. HKI.i.R, I hrnUt, Jersey ( !ly, N J. It RON CHITIS. HAY FEVER, unit nil IHs ense* ol the BLOOD, can be mrcil niilr hr DO llAllt’8 SYSTEM ot Treatment, o'eonly on* trtaUw?ll Z po*PtTvdy Snf ifernunrentf/ Dr, B. W. HAIR , *33 CINCINNATI. W. FOrilTIl OHIO. ST., PRESIDENT&rvIRS.CLEVELAND —---. _____ __k 1 hnfrarln LSSit'KKir-r ThoonlyCorreotandArtl•• tic Ilirectly SUPERB A Portraits J4CK.OV.K frora bytlXM., the MOSSTYPES on fell of , tho IV-rtSt..N.Y, Washington hmled markot Mn,. l ^ fw Urii-rt-uc Uu*i FnrrKTif g Co , N‘ \ A?ruts niittiL Whoc. i *sy cur* I du not m**n in*r«)y to stop them for a time and then have* them rat urn a#ra:n. I iambi radical euro. 1 ha?* mad.* th« dmef-ae «*! r I TS, r.l Hr r.l'SY or rALUNU SU'K.NfciSHalifohmgatucl/. wore* lioo I aarraut my failed remedy to cure tb« for nut cfk4*a. reo*i?in« lie c.f hors have is no reason troutisoond now Free Hottie a ciii'e.‘ Bend at once for a Kxprera nnd a Poit Omco. «.f r.iy infallible remedy, llivo t’rurl New York. M. (i*UOUT.M,t ,l«a tit. sinn to ssnn« ws B. F. JOHNSON Jt CO., l(J Id Ma la St., Il.chmoud, V a MlftsWASTEDSSf-iV«MiVi8 1 <'“1".' soni r*>tiH-e<l li> mall fur bivul -* • for late price lint. K. Kos* dk t'o.j_ Tulr.lo, O. cm ^ULUIlrl BV# bounty « nil, led. lli at rli rt relieved; i.V v» urs' pructle* mjccps.m or no fee. Laws mu free. A. W. McCormick dr Ron. WaoJiley te»». Blair’s Pills ^SuSS!? 1 hST " 1 Oval Box, .’{ I | round. 1 1 I’llU. III M EXICAN WAR iishlriKton, ra-i'Bs li, 11. (lolnloii ,V <'o., VV Li.U G miiSVCSSm A vn n »'s$' •^U A H? SVf’-'A 1 Wr .* Ik RUW This represents a healthy life. Jnn^iirhfiUfo rr- tb, , /-njr.r Throughout its various scones. Wbo u ao tbe timuU'r. Hil** Heana. _ Smith’* BILE BEANS pnrlfy the blood, by aetlnc r~--- --- direct fir ami tl promptly promptly tut the Liver, NUSa nnd Kid- T: ’’io i.riKlnul Photograph, neys lia* • They HI eonsist of a vrgrlabir Me eombinatifl e« n that "ra ie.l t eke, dipt ill this of I picture no ran n mo dieal Hoioneo. ice. Tho They euro (On.tipa* on roc Oc. in tlon, Iflalarla, utrel lty*pcp»i;i, and fc“; ire n aafetlUard Ela IHJ» ini*s: . AiliJr.-m, nt:\s% o^alnnt nil foi-mw of fevers, < hills nnd or, gall atot Ilf'k, M. Idiuli, Mo. and Rrlclit’N diseuso. Send I l i nts poktaui il£l! for a Hit m pl IU ailed j paeknge nml utldreNK, tent *t tho the THIJ'I'li IJ'I’H of os' vvlial vviisit wo Nay. Prior, 2.1 eontw per bottles to any row*, postpaid. ] IM1SK ONli HE AN. Sold hy drugglrts. J |j'- esMiTii «s, co„ l-nopiiiETonw, si’. x.oiris, mo ______ a- v vv ►!» v ‘I- ‘I- ►!- 4- 4 A 44444444444444 'i ♦.* m.tu sx ii.. fi.ts ii.v* ii V* nu Mt'-I -i !r >.»i Uir» o '* »* < .N r tiif fri .ii ulib wunts service to five tl f.» n UuUi>t r f c.i, iV’ltl (not *tyjc) n piinitf't tlmt will keep ut Ins first liaif hour $ c xjm r.unce m a fftorm limls lo lm borrow that it is till I hartlly mUiiiLT, u in tti r i>r.*trctiuii t«‘r!i than a tnos- >M(?Klilt,'' fa'riiJI.'ir lo t-vt’ry quito n t only cho^Tintd , nt being he so bail y t.«K< n In, but alio boat > }>•t V. :.•! hmI Watrerpiuof feels if d *« s not look exactly hko t. 4 ‘ttl”* 44v44» '•'** V N i > ’ T P '^'®c^."^A..LTewul.-v , s",!. , 1 ,'i:, II !V^ViI ADVERTISE NOW. We will insert you a nice, well-displayed ad¬ vertisement at as low rates as any first-class paper can afford to do. Advertising* rates made known on application. support your home PAPER. Subscribe for This Paper i Brimful of choice reading matter for everybody. " TnOW 10 YljM^. Examine this paper and send u* ycur subscription. IT WILL PAY YOU I AfOU? cally unci mentally; experience a sense ol fullness ness,” orblooting ufter eating, In or the of “ gooe ing, or emptiness coated, of bitter stomach had morn¬ mouth, tongue or teste In headaches, irregular blurred appetite, eyesight,” dizziness, flouting free;Hint specks” before the irritability eyes, nervous prostration or ex haustlon. of temper, hot flushes, alternating transient w ith chilly sensations, sharp, cold feet, drowsiness psins hero ancl there, disturbed and unrefreshing after m-als, wakefulness, sleep, or indescribable feeling of dread, of constant, ing calamity? or impend If tf you have all, or any considerable number l\U \^t ey £tiZ? ,rf ou A.rr ^l ri ' , ;!i t : ldr u 1 1 l Bilious Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. Torpid I.her, The associated with or more complicated your disease has become, tilt greater the number what and diversity it has of symp¬ toms. No mutter stage reached, Dr. Pierce’s <»ol<tcn Medical Discovery will subduo it, if taken length according of to direc¬ tions for a reasonable time. If not cured, of the complications multiply and Heart Consump¬ Disease, tion buugH, Skin Diseases, Kheumatism, Kidney Disease, or other grave maladies induce are quite fatal untile to set In and, Sooner or later, a termination. Dr. Pierce’s €«oldcit Mcdlenl Dis¬ MS covery through aeta that powerfull great blood-purifying ou tho Mv ami the system ol all blood-taints and organ, itn cleanses equally purities, eflleaclous from wliatever Ir. cause arising. It, Kid- is other acting upon tho neys, tind excretory organs, cleansing. % strengthening, and healing their diseases. lw appetizing, and restorative thereby tonic, it pr- >mot-8 digestion nutrition, nu.hivml building districts, up both flesh and strength. In this wonderful tncdlciuo litis gained great celebrity Fever, Dumb in curing Ague, Fever and kindred and A gup, diseases. Chills and Dr. Pierce’s SI old c 11 Medical DIs covery worst Scrofula. Salt-ilieunfl, “Fever-sore*,'’ !SiVsft»J! powerful, purify ing. and Invigorating tries meilt erne. Cireat intluenee. Bating Lit Especially tb rnpidly has has ' heal heal it It under its benign Tetter, Eczema, V] mani tested its potency in curing ev, Erysipelas,"lioils, Erysipelas, lioils, Carbuncles, Carltuucles, Sore Sore Eyes, Ryi-s. Serol ulous “ White Sores Swellings,” and Swellings, (joitre, Htp-Joint Thick Dmeuse Neck, or and Enlarged Clauds. Send ten coats in stm plates, _ taps for Skin a largo Discus Treatin’, the with colored on os, or same amount for a Treatise on Sen ifulotis A flections. ‘‘FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thoroughly ch-nnse it tiv u-iog Dr. l'icree’* Dolden itledieul Dlac-ovory, mid good strengtli digestion, und a fair bodily skin, tmoynnt will be spirits, established vital health wliich CONSUMPTION, Ne lii Imiiga, is rufii oftlie ; arreeted ami cured by this remedy, ii taken in the earlier eat stages of the disease. From its mar vel ous power over this teiribly world-taimsl fatal disease, edy wli en first the public, offering Dr. this Pierce now thought seriously rem¬ to of culling it his “Coniuimi-tjon re-si <T;iik," riertvo but abandoned tlm’ name us too for n medicine whlcn, from its wonderful coni ! binatlon blood-cleansing, of tonic, or nutl-billou-!, strengthening, pectoral, aH-rativo. and or nutritive properties, Consumption, is mu qunlcd, but imt (atJv nil as a remedy- Olscuscs for for Chronic of the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Llood, Short ness of Heeath, riironic Nasal Catarrh, kindred Bron cliitis, Antlitim, S-vore Coughs, und affyrtions. bold by Druggists, it is an eflich-nt $1.00, remedy. Mr Bottle* ut or . IW" Send , ten cents , in . Stamps for Dr, Pierce'* . book Consumption. Addt j on •css. World’s Dispensary Medical Association, J C«3 "Iai.. St.. UH FALO, N. Y. L- ^ ft uA A v* \ at , «-ASIi . and ^idtils-AgeJ IZjb'J X ! KNOW THYSELF. ! \ S-g.-r au.l ljnpura;*, »t ih. Idoo.l. nud the untold jn, coa-tuent thereon. ^ f | »:.d enuur* it «il jwiwml In n plain wrnppi AilJre*, r. Jituzlrtiiln* abova. no*. *i I -an" "n'l f-o-er. •__________, | | jrriOO as^ ■ (J |h |W R n fcli / _ r ,, the FREIGHT j WdhlgisSiSfc fill u.u i .,'s “,f' | V Tki lua i d Bo* Ur k. SQO. Every Seal*. I or free prut Lift ri»asjR J.P. STEVES &BR 0 . /# a+ ii t ant n ± a, ~ u a. ■ /ya, 11 P l ia H « fj » ' \ \\ ilia's j : = SJ SEK.'Brmri.-zcfflsrw-i ' i In >n *. fill. Ot #1 K \n .ifi-i' .’i t. ,\f»•!»h<m tu,•* i 11.11* BUSINESS K'titviiUOri B ! jv*t»» ' >M UOUKI’S III -ilM.MM I 1 vilmin, («n. Outs of t 1 1« b**! #c • •'.* !:i ' c • 1 •• j . I ; •!' < rafriti drq. ■'^M^'gisL A T P T ft obtAlne I Send stamp f”*f i iTc. L ' iii > * OPIUM SSSH (^AAfh J^l3 tnaarii-i-sin .4.VO.’. /. c • !. it»l t sutrairaIN, fn/beniM-ll t4$ff*<- w ‘.I i 1 /.'II.V.K.V., MO f,. \. N. V ...... ......I*oriv*4*i|ilit, '*7.