The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, December 15, 1887, Image 2

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v This space reserved for the advertisement --OF THE rr r r u, I Ul to be opened December 15,1887. HARRELL $ SMITH Ask thc'public to call and see their immense stock «f GeneraL MerchandisE ■ They keep at all times a full supply, and all they ask you fo do i* to call *pd set* their stock nndjhenr their PRICES FOR CASH. In selling goods on time they are willing to live ami let live. Thanking the public for past pa trom ^jfT’Sy'e tgv. t hey respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. pay Suyunnah prices for cotton on account. KASTMAN, Oa.,O.C. 13, ’87..3m. S. T. ROGERS, Third Avenue, Eastman Ga. -DEALERS IN <»roccries, Hardware, Tinware, Tobacco and Cigars, Canned goods of every description. FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS RECEIVED EVERY SATURDAY. In prit c» and quality of good* I defy competition, I have only licen in business h short time, and my goods are puyo and fresh. A liberal share of the public patronage solicited. Oct 13-3in. DEALER IN Dry Goods Shoos, Hats, Dress Goods, No* lions,Clothing, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. II. II. Avenue, astman, Ga. My stock in evorvRine i* full and complete, and my prices are lower than *vcr btT«qc. Full oil ttio when you conic to town and 1 will save you money. Oct. 13 3m. A. B. Small. S flll ^ H| ||gpy Joe E. Mallory, lB a Wiolesae Grocers and Commission Merchants. No*. I ll and 141} Third Street, MACON. GA. The merchants <*r Wiregrn** prepared Georgia, supply whose their trade we offer specially them better solicit, inducements, nrc assured that »»* house is liettcr to wants, or •nitceriiy return heartier thunks for patronage conferred. To convince you of our business we only ask u trial. Respectfully. fit ALL* MALLOUY. __ M luf.H, J l 1 l lit4 - -w. lul/fl „ ■ m 4 if *1\[lcl -''t*/"t* JVf * r l J are now being offered at the Dry Goods | VM Emporium ■ _ _ m OF-- _ I HESTZErZ" IF^IEeiS, Eastman, Ga. Till* i* nn (oiteli-penny limit advertisement, but I mean exactly vlmt 1 *uv. 1 am now ^oltinu goes* cheaper the, were ever before offered in Eastman. Call ootia-Vtin'" lore pureim'siiii'. — Bargains In Groceries!! i» County Road Street, Eastman, Oft. Carries . ttie largest and , complete stock of . . In this most groceries L pt HWIWI. riM1 Tlic most , goods for the least money * IS >1Y MOTTO ““ ° U U ‘ f ° r ‘ ! P« r ‘’“^h.g, a. 1 will ........ Best Goods. Lowest Prices. JOHN T. WALL, -DEALER IN Groceries, Hardware, Tinware | Crockeryware, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. M v stiwW of n'n*l* i* |git tout ••oiuptute In < entity of good* and prices. I defy i am _ {*<li(ion fro id 411 v source. Give me a call mid !*• com I tired John T. Wall, Eastman, Ca. < ortier 84 (Old Railroad Avenge. oct 13-Jin. A. L. HOBBS, County Komi SjrocJ, Eastman, Ga. -DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. M v stock i» full and eompletc and in prices I defy competition. Give me a call when van come to town Oct 13-3m. Or. V. . L. Smith, 1> E N T 1B T. II AW KJV^VILLf., t ■ A. Office in I'ulnski Jioure mch 2 -tf D c. McLennan, attorney at law MrVILLK, ga. Practices In the courts of the Oconee and Mrnnswlek circuits. !*|icclul attention giv¬ en to collection of claims. WIII also prac. |lc«* In the federal courts. Sept I.-ty Bronchitis Cured. mv little years with old has hecn cough for ynmi 1 lime t roil tiled a severe which )>llVllicluilS pronounced hronehitl*. Hie slep but little, coughing the entire night, and WC had to get up very often to help her out. the eongh vv«* op severe. At you r solicitation I Isiuvht a iMvtileof Brew yr’n l.ung Iteotprcr. and *he liegau to ini Since, proie, and and I ha* tirmlv t>eeii liclieveahe »lee| h'tf nicely will be ever |>cr munenUy cured. J ion was very long much since, fright but cued at her condl not \ am now rejoicing at her recovery our* >rnly uko. r. wt>iu. 1 FACTS YOU CAN BET ON. Th»t lh« M/rt »nJ largtst tobkero factory is tki vtorld it in Jency City, N. J. That this factory make* die popular and world famed Climax Pine, the acknowledged Hud ard for fint-clua chewing tobacco. Thxl ihit factory was Mtabliabtd aa king hv ** i;«o. That U»t year(iSM)it nuuie andaotd lk« enonaotM quantity of «j,981,380 lb*, or fourtaaa tkota (and too* of tobacco. Tkat l hi* was more than one-seventh of all the to. bacco made in the United States notwith¬ standing that there were 966 factories at work. That in the lost at years this factory hot helped support the U cited States Government to the extent of over forty-four million seven hun¬ dred thousand dollars ($44,700,000.00) paid into the U. S. Treasury in Internal Revenue | Taxes. Thor lb* pay-R>ll of Ibis factory is about Si,no<v 000,00 par year or $»vnwo per week. That this factory employs about 3,500 operatives. Thai Ibis factory makrs tush ■ wonderfully good ebew in Climax Mu* that many other factories have trie J (o imitate it in vain, and in despair now try to attract custom by offering latest pfeccsof inferior goods for the pries. That this factory nevertheless continues to hrrims iu busiaoss every year. That this factory belongs to and ie operated by Youn, very truly, p_ LORiLljum * m vw * ROBERT GARY, fuUi Sod aad Wn, EASTMAN, GA. Sol Hermmn. • - .w jQP ? App Hcrnnftii) . / S. HERRMAN St BROTHER Have Juert Received. I3VE3VCE3STSE ODF 1 aOODS r’resti From Oity IVdfExrl^cts*. NOV IS YODR TIME TO SAVE MONEY BY PURCHASING GOOD GOODS AT BED-ROOK FRIGES. UBKNM AOIIOX I>KI‘ABTHKXT, JEWELRY DEPARTMENT. CLOTUINtii ! EViOTHHU ! «ROiERIE!4. FINE MIlOllM. Cashmeres 3C inches wide, ail wool Our notion department >4 awfully Our jewelry department will be We find it impossible to do business Everything wanted in the Family and all desirable colors. Diagonal attractive just filled to overflow¬ found We have a fine assortment of shoes Cashmeres. Dress Flannels, stripes now, to be complete to the minutest without clothing, so we are prepared and Fancy Grocery linecan always be for ladies, gents and children. Atso and plaids. Checked suiting*, entire¬ ing as it is with almost anything that particular. Anything desired in this to offer you a new line of handsome found upon application. We propose furniture, trunks, valises, wood, wil¬ ly new and perfectly lovclv. Black heart can wish or imagination devise. line has only to be asked for. While and stylish clothing at low prices. furnishing Be¬ to supply the trade, and to this end low, hard and tinware, etc. In s’ ort Cashmeres and Henrietta Cloths in You have only to call and examine to visiting the store do not fail to sides a complete line of keep in stock the freshest and immense quantities. bo convinced. see goods for gentlemen. We have some purest everything wanted in the mercantile this choice Hue of goods. of the nobbiest huts in existence. only. line. Come and see and price goods. s. HEZR,:R,3N/LA.isr &> A.IST. 3 OkA- THE JOURNAL. It. S. UlIRTOJf, .... Editor. Ofllelal Organ of Bodge County. THURSDAY. 1>EC’. K». IW7. from Oar Traveling; S’orrex* pendent. Gmsox, Ga.. Dec. 10th, 1887. Editor Journal: I was made to feel perfectly at borne on Thursday evening, December l-t, when I reached a nmall hut enterprising village in Laurens county called Reedy Spring*. Some important changes since my last visit caused nnhome-Hkc feeling to come over me, but when I saw “Old Zip” standing at the counter santplcing tobacco and complaining about the price of cott’cc; Capt. Jack Adams in an easy chair by the tire knitting, and a card above the carved mantle which read—“Ramons’ Relief for Pain* and Ache*,” I remembered I was among triend*, and not far from where I cncc met the people of that section as customers, whom in my youth I learned to love “not wisely but too well.” The old farm on which I once toiled presents a different ap pearanco now ; huge pines whose alia (lows I once sough as protection from ! ^ ie hurtling .tin i.„„_ ha\ i . woodman’s axe, and by cremation iheir strongest roots reduced; hardy trees from which I once plucked lus Clous fruit have blighted and died. I went into the back yard where the children once sang and played cheer fully, but no voice was heard. The sun looked down in her glory and ,cbuk °.7** ,,c * I was only one night at the old home dead and met but few of my boyhood acquaintances. Dr. John W. Buchan has just completed a neat and couveti icntly arranged office on Buchan Av enue, where ho will keep all reliable loin'dy medicines and a small assort ment of toilet good-. Messrs. AV. 15. Rogers & Bros., have moved their gvisl mill at.d cotton gin to Whitehead | square, where water is more plentiful j and location nioic central. The new e< building* ^- improved. are much Hopes larger are ami now docid- cn- j tertaiued that Mr. Stuart B. Rogers " ^ « «’* ‘ o,, » »»• gin 8CVCral day8 ng ° Wi “ ,TCOVer Wi,h ‘ out the loss of a single linger. J* W. D - u ^.muiiy tr C a*.iug lbc w oun(, ‘ M,m S ‘ ,,,ic a " mtelligeiit ! young lady ol J eltair coin, ly k a..d daughter ot Ho... Jacob AV. Ctenwnt., murned to l,vr on Sunday last, after several weeks with relatives and friends in Reedy Springs. Tuesday last I was in Dublin. It would be difficult to find a town in which the chaugcs have been greater, the increase more rapid and improve¬ ments more marked than hi this city during the last four months. I feel justifiable iu saying fifty residence*, offices, store house-, etc., have g*me up ami are now under course of structure. Seven or eight thousand bales cl'cot¬ ton will bv shipped from that point this year, which is two thousand at least more than was handled there last season. Dublin needs a new hotel building, a cotton cotupres*, a bank, another railroad, an iron bridge over the river, more money and less whis¬ key. I saw more diuuk men in Dub¬ lin and heard more profanity than in all the prohibition towns I have work cd|iu the State. Every county border¬ ing Laureu* ha* gone for prohibition, and why the cursed cup i» publicly filled and empted in Dublin l* a prob lom which no one care* to solve. The law requires a pet.lion signed by two third* of the i’r< e hold r- within Hire c ■ m l sul toe *•(•• .i ni'i(! i.ic bar lo . alcd tO iC _ iltlv dfUi ill tile I'll III -tufi - , and I dare silk neitner oi toe li¬ loonisis in Dublin have got on an get them. Who know-? Who ha* triad to find out? Two petitions asking for i an election on the traffic have been cir culatest and a suffl. iem v of nam< order-! s at-! I ached, but no election ha* ImMi cd. Who kuow* why? Who has tried | b> find the trouble? Laurens county j day from 300 500 ■ will any vote to against the »alc of ruin, and if some eff rt is U>t made to pul down the evil. God will be incriiful if tiii* < ity doe* not share the fate of Sodom, which fer wickeilne-s it more than n val*. A* the scriptures express it, “a goaring ox ha* been loo-ed,” and for ttie damttgo done, the voters of Laur ens couii.y will be held personally re •t inndWll Tit* patent churn men I met in South Carolina, ate in Washington county, and will *o.»u disturb Hie le dlum in Dodge. Ju-l a* I predicted, | the machine is meeting with nnni'-rii- ; ml favor In Georgia. Oidy #7.50. “Bo sore to see it before you buy.” Mui h rain has fallen during the pa-t threo days ami it is generally believed another freshet will 1 k> the result Stock law Hi W*lkiiison county i* yausing muck unpleasant ue-s. and lias dates, go far, have been victorious. Bone & Chappell, the live wholesale grocers of Macon, travel a young man named Hill, whose mother is in des¬ perate health ami not expected to sur¬ vive the coming holidays. Whenthi# popular drummer reached Wrights ville last Wednesday, lie was handed a telegram from Macon. Had a cocked revolver been brought to bear on iris heart, marks of emotion could not have shown plainer ou his face. The message was addressed to him at Wrightsvillc, in care of A. T. Linder, who always give him a nice order. For more than a minute lie gazed up¬ on tIre bold letters from the peu of the ojx'rator, which unmistakcably spelled his . name. Once or more lie came near lottiug loose from nervousness, and at no time attempted to learu its contents. That it was concerning his mother he had no doubt, and seemed In his imagination to sec (lie words— “Your mother is dead come at once.” As he tore the end of the envelope and removed the slip of yellow paper his checks became pater, and the muscles of bis lips were sceu to move. Again lie hcstitaicd, all the while becoming more nervous. Finally his flashing eyes rested upon the inner lines which read as fallows: “Hold shot at fl.tiO; grits, 1<. 4 \ Bone & Chappell." Laurens county votes for the third ...______ time on the question ... ot ... bridging tin river at Dublin by taxation, on Decem bcr2l*t. They will be more favorable this time, but the bridge will loose beyond a doubt. Mark the prediction, R. S. T. - PICTURE OF THE FAR WEST, - fkomlast " kek - ] Ilumholdt, our dinner station, is a real oasis in flic desert. The traveler is e*V Cu i*Hv delighted with this spot; it will remind him of tilings human— of living in a land of cultivation again. Here we see the first growing trees since leaving Ogden, with given grass shady liowers and flowing fountains, Humboldt Ilou-e i* a regular dinner station, at which all passenger trains over tliis road stop fo>* meals. The proprietors have been here quite a | 0) ,glime, and seem to delight in mak Rig their house and surrounding* beautiful and attractive to the l raveling public. When we went in to dinner here a r I i1c ^ „egro went in and took a se;U al OHC ot lh0 l; ,i,u*s ; one <»ru.c proprietors reached him about the time ho was wc „ scatcil>atu , r, a vcrv plca8 . , t bul f|r|| , lna nncr told him there , .............. ... for fl)IkSf a)K , |hat | lC mnM go to l( . To this the black rasea! objected, and was told the second time fo go; hut he still sat at the table. The proprietor then took him by the collar and hustled him out of the hotel, and told him that for acting a* lie had lie should not have dinner there at all, and if lie entered that dining room or house again lie would do it at his own peril; audit was wisdom in Mr. Nigger t ha* lie kept shy of that hotel and went without his dinner for his impudence. Here is a splendid grove of locust and poplar trees, or two ot them—one to the right and the other to the left of the walk from the road tothe house, which sets a little back from the road. To the left is a large fountain, in the centre of a small lake, surrounded by an iron fence; on this little lake or pond, are a number of geese and man¬ darin din k*. Tiiev are said to he from Japan. Tln v are beautiful little duck*, with tufts of golden feather* on each side ot the head, and finely colored plumage. Around the grove on the right hand side is a high hoard fence, and in the enclosure are a pair of large elk, «5t|| thill hib elk, which was a p- tty li t r* i'* a in ted like la . The g'ound iu both gr >ves i* cov¬ ered with a thick matting of blue « ,a ' 9 - A ‘ the gmund wn*-own * u a * ,a ^ a » " bicb, it is -aid. grew very n ‘" k a "' 1 8,ron S?- R 1 '*’’ •**& ' va8 af ' <r «:'nl* sown, and now it ha* ro» t d everything else out, and gtovvslux uriaul '- v . In the garden north of the hoii-e, towards the valley, all kind- of vege¬ table* grow, and the garden looked as fine and flourishing a* one could wish to sec iu auv section of the country.— We w ere particularly iulcreslcd in the fruit tree* we saw growing here. Here, in the inid-i, almost, of the Great Ne¬ v * ,1a I* *’» t. with barrenness and des olatlou -pr< nil out on every hand, with a high reeky mouu tain on one side, and a huge alkali flat on the other, nc-tled under the towering cliff-, as thmigli it would claim shelter and protection, is *••*» o«'i* in the desert—this reminder of more genial climes, and a more kindly soil—this relief from the weari ►ome, dn an- view* which have every where met our gaze during the long morning or forenoon s ride, The exi^rifueuts. so far e«cce«rful, have proven, beyond a doubt, that ijie d« s. rt can be icelaisMtl, and “made to d orchard of apple trees five years old, bearing not only fruit as beautiful to the eye as that of California, but said to be superior in flavor. These apple trees, of all varieties, are prolific bear¬ ers, and the same is true of the pears, peaches, plums and cherries. In the orchard opposite the water tank is a fi-h oond some 25 or 30 feet in diameter. In it are trout, great speckled fellows, very thick and very shy. llocky con* have been built for them in I he bottom ami centre of the basin, amt hence they hide—seeking shade from the rays of the hot sum¬ mer sun, and also from the silent beams of the silvery moan. This place and its surroundings causes the trav¬ eler not only to rejoice over the scene which here greets his gaze, but seems to remind him of “God's country”— cithv r in the far east or at this point in the nearer west. The old emigrant road leading to northern California and southern Or egon runs near this s at'on, and w inds around the base of Eugene Mountain, and near a low butt *, resembling a hay stack, which can be seen in the distance across the alkali flats, The Humboldt House is the place of resort for tourists who desire to visit the sulphur mine*, Star Peak, the mining district* in Hie Humboldt range, Eugene Mountain, and the An¬ telope range. The latter is a low range on our right, beginning as we leave this station. Iu front anil south-east of (he Iltim boldt House, is the Humboldt mining district, four to six miles distant.— Huiuholdfcanonopenintolhenioun tain side, in which was formerly loca ted “Humboldt City.” Mine* were *** ...n»c ro, k ygorge* 0 this range in 1801, and there was a great rush here from all parts of the country. The “city” sprang up us by magic, and at one time contained Over 500 inhabitant*. Several j j of stantial which buildings still remain. were The erected, ruin* a few were diligently pros[»ected, but not found to be very profitable, and the expense of living and building being very great, together with Hie determined hostility of the Indians, the people left it as | suddenly as they came. The district ! remained idle until 1874-5, when work was again resumed isgoid,siivcramtargen-| by a few indivtd .mis. Thcor C lifcio » s 1 lie great sulphur mines arc Unity miles from Humboldt station, in a north-westerly direction. Very large nearly 75 per cent. pure. win^ The ore it as comes Irom the mine* here is a mix¬ ture of sulphur, clay, gypsum and water. They fuse the crude mixed ( or only by heat, and then separate them hv a chemical process, which is claim¬ ed to be very simple, producing the “ brimstone” of commerce, nearly 100 |ier cent* fine. The deposit*, as they lie in the hills, arc found from twenty to one hundred feet thick. They arc covered with ashes and mixed with extraneous matter. In fact, wherever these deposits come to the surface, they are covered with ashes nearly white in color, indicating lliai at some period they were on fire, and that the lire was extinguished or smothered by the accumulation of these ashes.— j When “thec’emcnls shall melt with fervent its of heat,” Nevada Hie will vast add sulphur fuel depos- the J to flames atm greatly accelerate the melt¬ ing process. About half a mile west of Humboldt, on our t ight, near the track, i* a sul phur deposit. It is not worked for } Hic reason of its impurities. A far j tailed belter article from of the the mines crude above is being ob-J men¬ tion' d. llic .Ivor, -til* “it ur right, — eui* o have cut a dc» , p channel in til val lev. and is -eldmn seen from the « ar*. | ()n our left are Hie towering peaks of the Humboldt Range, and to tke | right i* the vast and seemingly end- ! i less stretch of alkali beds, iu some places lava and iu ol her* covered with j sage brush, as heretofore described,! for we arc under wav again, and soon leave our pleasant dinner station be¬ hind, and seem to be speeding over the bottom of what was at some time in the di-tant age* of the past a vast ocean. Well, as we have nothing more to see before reaching Reno, our supper station, petliap* one of the numerous stories of the "Vigilantes.” a.* related by some of tVe old rc-Ment* of that section, who were on board, would be a* well to finish th is letter wt »h a* anv thing el-e I could write; therefore I will try and give you an incident that is said to have actually occurred at Humboldt City in iU palmiest min¬ ing days: . Early hi tiic sixties, on a still, warm summer afternoon, a man having tiacked hi* two donkey* and one horse a half mile, and discovering that a man’s track with spur mark* followed them, came back to town and told “the bovs,® who luiUftf.1 -«___* -«-*«**, m nop,itar WINTER SUITS! Merchants who handle Gent's Furnishing Goods AND FINE CLOTHING AVill find that we are keeping positively the REST SELECTED stock in the line to he found anywhere. More SUITABLE for vonr trade and FITTING than ever before offered. AVe are 1MPOKT.NG DIRECT from EUROPE a lull line of the ta: lasger Sysla of Sssiliry liter for Soili Sosos. --OUR AGENT Jti r, li. F. Jacobson* Who visits your section, will always be ready to show samples, 1 . H, £If f k BRO., The Clothing Palace, 161 Congress Street. Dee. 8-ly. Savannah, Ca. new* a* this demanded, naturally drinks all around. “Do you know, gentlemen,” said one who as | ?tMiied leadership, “that just naturally to shoot these greasers ain’t the best way? Gin ’em a fair jury trial, and rope ’em up with all the majesty of the law; that’s the cure. Such words of moderation were well received, and tncy drank again to “Here’s hoping we ketch that greaser.” As they loafed hack to the veranda, a Mexican walked over the brow of hc hilIfjU)gnnt , hi8Bpursploasailtlv R, accord with a whistled waltz. The advocate for law said in an under!one ‘•That’s the cuss.” \ ru>h, lia'nd a struggle and the Mexican, hound and tbot, lay on his back r, ji, c i )JU . 100In The camp turned out to a man Ifionilv smh mV; «« "String him up!” -‘Burn the a««r. goned lubricator 1” and other equally pleasant phrases fell unheeded upon |,i 8 Spanish ear. A jury was quickly gathered in the street, and despite re¬ fn^ to serve, the crow4 hurried them in liehind the bar. A brief statement of the case was made bv the C i-de V advocate, ami u,ev showed the jury into a commodious poker room, where were scat* grouped about green table*. The noise outside, in the bar room, irks came confused sound* ot disorderly} cheering. They came nearer, and i again the light-hearted noise of liu m; ,„ laughter mingled with (linking glasses around the bar. A low knock at the jury door, the lock burst in, and a dozen smiling fel¬ lows asked the verdict. The foreman promptly answered, “Not guilty.” >Vi:h volleyed oaths and ominous laying of hand* on pistol butts, the boys slammed the door with, “You'll have to do better than that!” In half an hour the advocate gcntlv opened the door again aud asked : “Your opinion, gotiHcinen ?” “Guilty.” “Correct. You can come oul, but we h,,,,* the fellow au hour ago.” The jury took “theirs” next; and w hon, after a few minute*, theplcas ant village restored toils former tran¬ quility. it was “allowed at more than one saloon, that “Mexican* 'll know enough to let white men’s stock alone after this.” One and another exchanged the be that this sort of thing was more > t . u .s,bJ e than “nipping one on sight.” YV'lien before stin*et the barkeeper • one!tided to -weep -ome dost out of |,j a poke -room back d mr, he frit a momentary -urpri-c at ti il>i:g toe u ,i-*i„g horse dozing under the -had ow of a moutUaiit oik, and the two j lost donkeys smilingly masticating play ing card*, of which many bushel* | a y |,, a dirty |iile. He was then then reminded that the animals had been ! there all day. T. CONTINUED NEXT WEEK. McLeod House , Lumber City, Ca., Joltfl D, McLeod, Proprietor. bates of board beu day, $2 00 Hi>eelal rates tor families and perma¬ nent hoarders. A MVKK1 gr tlll.i: I* run in connection writti the house, at which can tie secured, at all times, ex¬ cellent turn-out*. » ively For inclined, the accommodation proprietor of parties has rigged sport¬ the out and placed on the w aters of tl.e Oe miilgee River, just rawlag at band, handsome ing Boats, suitable for in connection and therewith flnls purposes; and keeps 011 hand a good supply of fishing tank's. febiVtf. fnsure Your Property. I a« now preps red to place insurance to j*f amount of three-fourths It s v alue upon 0*4 . . • J! •-s Newest Styles of Fine Jewelry, BRONZE, ART GOODS, ETC. The largest Sick in the City. i £3 1 . ! I nr Watches , . ana -it Jewelry Repaired by Skilled Workmen. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY by buying of us. «« pla«. •I. II. A TV. W. AY ill in hi*. 314 Second *t., Macon, Oa. octb-3m -- X_i„ IEB LUMBER CITY, GA., —DEALER IX— General Merchandise, ■o The largest and most complete slock of Good*iu Lumber City! I am offering UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS TO ALL PURCHASERS. Come and examine my stock, and be convinced that 1 am selling goods cheaper than anybody. I.. It. Aeukr. Lumber City, Get. 10, 1**7. am EASTMAN Mai wi Wheelwright % A, M. SKELTON, Prop’r. . Ail work done in tirstela** style and on j easy terms I solicit a continuance of the public patronage so libmilly extended jt the past. octl^.Sn RESTAURANT! i J. H. HANNAH, Proprietor, LUMBER CITY, GA. The public Daniel i* notified that I have fitted up in the F. McRae store house, west side of railroad, a First-class Restaurant t where I a m prepared at all hours to furnish meals and lodging. Meals, 25 cents; l.odjriiig, 23 cents. Lumlier City, Oct. 12, !Ml7. Sin D. McEACHIN, Jr., DE.VLF.H IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Tobaccos, CIGARS, ETC., LUMBER CITY, GA., to Inform the* public that be hn» open¬ ed a couiiUetc aud well assorted stin*k of General Merchandise at;Lumber City, and respectfuliy solicits a " WgM of she public patronage My r» Oh . “ l,et Uve^ A WORD TO THE WISE. When in search of lte*t Goods at Lowest Prices call on W. II. COTTER & CO., Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries and General Merchandise. Shoes a Specialty, AY r e handle the Celebrated Shoes manufactured by C, S. Parson & Sou* of New York., every pair of which is warranted. We make prices on flour for this market. A’ou will save money hv calling upon iir before making vour purchases. AVc buy all kinds of country produce. EASTMAN, Ga., Oct. 13. ,87,-3m. Barney Manlieim, Controller and Regulator ol Low Prices, HAWKINSVIIXE GA. (Next door to J. J. Joiner’s) Dry Keeps Goods, constantly Clothing, on hand a complete stock of Shoes, Crockeryware, Hats, Caps, Boots and Hardware, Etc. LOADING My fall and winter struck lias hist arrived I make a specialty of FINE Bit EEC ?s.r SHOT GUNS. Also silver watches and clocks. Full line of Tobacco a Cigars always on hand. I respectfully invite the people of Hodjfo and adjoining e*n ties to call on me when they come to Uu\v kinsvillu and examine my stock and prices. Oct 1841m. Winship & Callaway, 308 SECOND STREET, MACON, GA. THE LEADING CLOTHIERS, are now opening an extensive stock of Clotlning cxxtl d Hats of all grades and styles, Where men will find a good stock of Rubber Clothing, North Carolina and Mississippi Jean* l’ants. Overcoat* and Suit* for men and 1 >ovh, Overskirts, Underwear, etc., etc. Roys’ Sit Its from up. tile goo pair* Hoys’ Bants Hoot*, and upward. Gold and Sil¬ ver Shirt* iocts., and $100 best. JEJJT.owest prices for everything. Sept --'it-am. _ % % Is % ^ ^ ^ % Y M For China, Crockery, C When in Macon come $ A. Glassware Tinware, H and see what we have, T C Wootlenware, Cooking I It’ you can’t come write Q 0 and Heating Stoves. We ft for pri cos. We have R N have the largest and A. greatest variety o £ most A’aried stock ever car¬ lamps ever shown in any ried south of New York. house. We ave A*/ents for the /'unions Rochester Lamps, Vo *ure to cull on us when von visit Mimon. Respectfully. '■’rill n S'u I a i* ICidik, lluroii, <*';■. UttOA ( III A 4 hid It I!. Get O'-Jut. J. U . i'OMlxGos, Mumurer. Ghristrpas Presents. Ms, (Ms d Jswslif, Silverware, Spectacles, Gold Pens, Pencils, Etc. Orders by Mail Will Receive Prompt and Henest Attention. CKO. T. BEELAXD, !•-() Second street. Jeweler. Macon, Ga. octb-;im. mmmmm a 317 & 319 THIRD ST., MACON, CA. Hardware, Iron and Steel, Helling, MILL SUPPLIES, WAGON MATERIAL, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and all Sorts. 364 Third Street MACON, GA. f P \\ holosale and Ketail Dealers in PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, QXjJLBB. Johnson’s Kalsomine and Painter’s Ce . ment and Planter Ps ,