The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, December 15, 1887, Image 3

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r the Words of Santa Blaus, t I In accents low—he makes no noise, % who keep more beautiful % r HRISTMAS TOYS than was ever seen in Eastman. ’s7-3m‘ PENDLETON BROS. Eastman, Ua . Get, 13, JE3. «fc JE3. ENTERPRISE , AND ENERGY! I 1! EW tell, and that accounts YORK for -OF- the steady increase IN STORE BUSINESS at the Mim 8 R. R. Avenue, Eastman, Ga. Having believe nn experience of over twenty years in the lines of goods T curry d stock. I I know what to buy and Row to buy it to tlie eatisfaclioii benefit ol' my patron?. 1 have Just returned with an immen to stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, fh iocs and Groceries, each of the nbove linca finely assorted, so ns to please basotV verybody. 1 have Our brought ( lot hing the and nicest, Dry best Goods stock is especially of Clothing recommend;!bio L had, and this j irices Wer ever thnnever . In Dry (toons we have all flic newest shades of cashmere, , tricots, , . dta onals, plaid?, and a general line ot Fancy Dress Goods from 8 cents up. >ttr shawl* are daisies in fine cashmeres, all shades. Zophcrs in all shades ml aro the cheapest in the land. Our Indies’anil gents’tine Angoria neck liawi. arc beauties. Wc have in stock and are still1 receiving a line selection ■ linnets English and American l amy I’rinls m late shades. All shades of wool and linseys, yard wide, cheap. Lambrequin and curtain goods in liadesand fiiney. A hue selection of fancy goods, notions. All sizes of loses i and Ribbons at Low Prices. j New have and fiiney designs of Jewelry and Silverware. , Wo a beautilul selection of Walking Jackets, Dolmans, L’lstcrs and Mfseys in all ki/.es and similes. Alt silk Jersey Gloves in new shades. Kids ■ »lintles for ladies anil gents, the best goods cheap. All my goods named Ri this “ad” are guaranteed as represented. We also keep a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Candies, Bod S evering, Furniture, Glass and Tinware, Hardware and Tools, i- (Jive mo a call and convince j ourself of the bargains I can offer the While. Thanking mv patrons for past favors I respectfully solicit Its contin it niif 3-3in. Hespeet lull v, R. Newman. IT. ANDERSON & CO., DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, liailroad Avcnttc, Kastman, Ga. I PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. \ large and \v< II a-? ili’il -tuck idwav-oii hand. We also run in eon for luTtion the New u itli Home him* luislnc' Sewing A Machine, FIRST-CLASS the best LIVERY earth. STABLE. 13-3m. Agents j oil net i S. Hemrian l Bro I DEALERS IN E m i immm, *)• 2ii'l A ve iiml County Road. Eastman, Ga. Our si iirgi si nml iiiimt varied in this market, and our prices are low i)pw II ml Ill’ll line to t * IV, II Satisfaction guaranteed not l3-3lil In. H. EDWARDS & BRO B Railroad Ave„ Eastman, Ga. --DEALERS IN- 4 woods, ..... 4 iolllKIl^', ^ Shoes, Hats, ^ •V J ^ ’ i Dress Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Etc. w We desire to call the attention of the public to the fact that our large fall and winter stock has been received, lie sure loculi "ti us when you come to town. oet i:‘.-2m JTvOPRIFTOKS OF The City Drug Store AND DEALERS IN Pure Drugs and Medicines of Every Description. Our stock i* the largest 111 Soiitlieii-I Georgia. We keep constantly in «t»ok every tiling that call tie found In any Drug House of the largest cities. We make a specialty of Fine Tnhucco and Cigars, Orders from a distance promptly hour filled and satisfaction night ran teed Prescription* careliillv public compounded at any KASTMAN, of tlie day or 13-3 solicit a continuance of til * patronage. Ga., (let in TO •t P t i .■ [£} • •li EASTMAN, GEORGIA. | j I II. G. MILLER & CO. Mould and surrounding, that , , not if; the ......... of Fiistuuin. sending lulUiccut towns country lot anything needed j i tl,.. in......... 1,0 longer exist? for Is-yoml Eastman ) in the line of .COFFINS, CASKETS j Fmitire, Seiii Mails, etc | j • ; as wc are prepared to funii?h the trade in niivtliinff wanted at the shortest, ptwslldc notice and on u? gissi term? as can lie secured ill Macon or else¬ where. Send us vour orders ami lie convince.! that it is to your interest to pat rniilae u%. fcbi.V3t I Payne & Willingham, i •liacoH. Ga. •fit THE LEADING ■ <;<?> and COS CHERRY STREET ffetorjr at Enterprise, suburb of Mscen, pct 6 - 3 m. At 4 THE JOURNAL. R.8. BEUTON, «... Editor. THURSDAY, PEC. 15, 1*T. JOU It N ALETTES. —Ten days from to-day till Christ¬ mas. For Christmas goods of all kinds, call on M. II. Edwards & Bro. —Christmas is nearly here—one week from next Sundav. —AU kinds of job printing neatly executed at this ofHec. —A change of officer? is as benefi¬ cial to municipal as to State and na¬ tional governments. —Lett's have a large quantity of fun during the Christmas holidays, and then turn over a new leaf for 1888. If needing anything necessary for a fine Christinas dinner, call on M. II. Edwards & Bro. —Wc regret to say that “arbor day” was not observed to any perceptible extent in this place. —Our lown “ went dry” on Satur¬ day night last—the wine license of Mr. J. W. Lee then expiring. —Miss Sophia Ba-diinski, one of Tennille’s sweet young ladies is visit¬ ing relatives here. —Lookout for the fantastic? ot> Clirislmas Eve. They will be out in large numbers. —Mrs. A. Edwards,of Viiginia, is spending some time with her sDicr, Mrs. C. B. Parker, at Long View. —Mrs. Dr. E. II. Bacon, of Amos kcag, is visiting relatives in Albany this week. —Miss Helen Bishop, a lovely young lady of Inglewood, is visiting relatives and friends in Eastman this week. —Sheriff Rawlins spent several days of last week in HawkiusviUc on busi¬ ness connected with his office. lie re¬ turned on Sunday. —Mr. J. Thomas Rawlins ami fam¬ ily have removed to the residence of Mrs. Wilcox, corner of Second avenue and Pine street. —Don’t forget the meeting of the Social and Reading Club at the resi¬ dence of Dr. Latimer to-morrow even¬ ing. It will be a delightful occasion. —We heard a young man remark the other day that he didn’t subscribe ft'*}' papers, nor did he wish to.— There are loo many fools ot this kind, Education is a crying necessity. Miss Millie ,, r tiller, ,, one of Laurens county’s beautiful young ladies, i- | visiting relatives in our town. Wc trust her visit may be pleasant in- 1 , *’ , ’ —Prof, Lyon, the artist, will leave to-morrow (Friday.) If you would j ; “secure the shadow ore the substance lades,” now is your tune. His work | is first-class, and at figures within the j j reach of all. —We have some names on our sub¬ scription books that we do not intend to monkey with muon longer. They will liavo (lie exquisite felicity of liquidating with au officer of the law soon—whatever that means. Time rolls around rapidly, and many of our subscribers think, per¬ haps, they are a year ahead when they are a vear behind. The black ink? white paper and printers’ salaries tell the story of Heeling time. There is a rise and fall in pork on County Road street as well as in Wall street. Wiley Burk had a corner on pork last Friday night, but a “Buch¬ an” bull finally downed him. Wiley not very wily, after all. —Rev. Mr. Carswell, a noted Bap list divine, of Elberton, Ga., will com meiicc a series of meetings at the Bap¬ tist church here this (Thursday) even¬ ing. Mr. C. is said to he a most elo and forcible speaker, and we for him large congregations. —The fall term of the Eastman Academy closes to-morrow (Friday) with speeches, dialogues, recitations, by tho pupils of the school. The will nml be one of interest, and j j • be put ions friends or I lie institute invited to he present. —The Bun 1st Siniduv seiiool lime 1 »m will paiiictpuic mr c in tne itsiivities ot a . “(’bistiiiTs con,!.!l* ehininov” l" om» eveiiinir T Jnr is^ntiein HidavM -Hioiil V hie raZr occasion tied This 1 Is 111 a tloiirislllllg I g eoillllDOn, U> ami m ha? one of the best superintendents (Dr. K. II. Bacon) that ever lapped a bell, -Mr. W. II. Marshall entered, yes- j ,cr ‘ ,a - v ’ u l>onthc«lisehargeofhisdutie S clerk at ihc Hotel DeLictch, in this place. Mr. m. i?a young gentleman capacitated in every particular for the position lie accepts, and he will add much to this already popular house.— should His many call friends him throughout and be recipients the State | on of bis polite attention. -rSlTlSTi « .JTSSLSS , FviHi Mi \. „• i-, ! ,v • !) . “ ! H ' v ’ M Mr I ofiii m i.ilmg. May f success attend t the .i newly woddtd pair through life, is the * i>h of the Joun XA, ‘* I M~ .Mtss Ml A \l' ice, S !' ,n ol V"M-n^ Milledgcville, s,, “! ‘ la,,{?l,tcr accom- ''j , l»» M Ara.1. Walker, ol Cochran, spent llmisday last in East- j man, the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Harris Hslicr. t l.c former is the w ife of lion. Sam. Walker, ox-Mayor of Mil '!!*', ntrel a sister ot Dr, Fisher, of our town. —Mr. Thomas Tahh, a worthy la boring man. living near Uhaune v, I was killed one day last week by a fa l- ; ing tree. It seems that lie was out tu the forest cutting timber. He had cut one huge tree from its base, and in it? descent , , it lodged . , , against . , another. In , cutting down the second tree, Mr T„ by some means, stood in a precarious position, was caught under the trees and instantly killed. —From the 22d to the 31?t instant?, ilie E. T. V. &. G. Railway will sell round trip tickets from any ami all I point? cast of the Mi??is-ip|ii river and soutli of the Ohio and Mississippi riv ers to w hich one-way tickets are sold, at one fare for tlie round trip, good tc January 5ih. 1888. This willl be quite an accommodation to parties making trip? during ihc holidays. —Hon, C. C. Smith closed hi? ofli cial career as Solictlor-Gcncral of the Oconee circuit at Pulaski superior court week before last. He will now resume tho practice of law i*i Ilaw kin?villc with C<J. J. II. Martin a? | a partner. Col. $■ is a gentleman of rare legal ailainnicnts. and enjoys the esteem, confidence and friendship of nil who know him. This will be one of tlie slnqigeei legal firms in the Stale, gnd we cheerfftUy commend it ty ftm pubBC. ' Hpn lUtliflln house have rented Diwcjr's into* opera and colt verted it a skating rink and amusement hall generally. They pro¬ pose, at an early day, to secure dumb bells, Iudian clubs, a trapeze, gymna¬ sium out it, and other contrivances of exercise and amusement. The rink will be open about three evenings in each week, and the public, especially the ladies, are invited to call. —One of the most pleasant sociables of the season was held at the residence of Mrs. McKinnon Monday evening last. Tlicre was a large crowd of our young people present, and music, mer¬ riment, aud plays, interspersed with a little olv love-making, wero freely in¬ dulged in. A bountiful repaatol con¬ fectioneries and Iruits was served, and all present enjoyed the occasion im¬ mensely. —There was a bold attempt made on Thursday night la?t to burglarize the residence of Major C. K. Armstrong, in this place. The thief was effecting an entrance through the rear or lattice door by cutting away the lattice when tlie noise awakened Major A., who sallied forth and demanded‘‘Who’s there?” The would-be burglar seam Pcred off, and could lie heard distinct¬ ly as he went. lie was followed by two or three shots from a revolver, but without the desired effect. —Harry Reaves, colored, changed with being acc:essory.toa murdercom mittcil'iu this county last June, and who has since evaded'lie officers of the law. was arrested in HawkiusviUc last week by sheriff Rawlins, and is now confined in our jail, where he will remain until the next term of Dodge superior court. —Elsewhere will be seen the sub¬ ject of the discourse to be delivered by Elder W. D. Oliver, at th ecourl house next Sunday morning. Tho subject is one that is fraught with much inter¬ est, and it is hoped that all will attend, for of all subjects, there is none of greater interest to the human race, ami one that is so little understood. —Mr. W. B. Daniel, our market man, has secured the services of Mr. George Frccny, a most competent dresser of meats, who will hereafter serve our people with fine steak, sau¬ sage, pork, etc. Any orders left with him will receive prompt attention. —Col. Jus. Bisiiop has purchased the residence on corner of Railroad and Second avenues, formerly owned and occupied by Mr. W. W. Asl.burn. The building has just been re-covered and renovated throughout, and Col. B. will have a most desirable home. —Our young friend, Alfred Mum ford. has again gone into the fruit stand business on corner of Railroad and Third avenues, and he will keep on hand during the holidays a fresh lot of oranges, apples, bananas, etc. Ills prices are lowor than any house in town. —Our clever young friend, Mr. B. L. Harrell, is now connected w ith the unval stores firm of F. G. Dudley Co., near Eastman. Mr. II. is a tint; business man, and will be quite an acquisition to this new firm. —Col. W. J. Williams, of Temper anee, was in Eastman on Tuesday and gave us a brief call. He is a very prominent citizen of his county, and quite popular with the ina-scs. For fresh Mincemeats, call on M. II. Kdward- & Bro. —Lookout for the fa mastics on Christmas Eve. YliiNlcal Dalrrtniiimrnt, The entertTinnient to be given by Prof Peacock's mu-ie class, of which we made mention last week, will sure¬ ly conic off this (Thursday; evening at tlie Uplands Hotel. The occasion , is „ lie dosing . . ot I rof. I .all » term. and the exercises o. the evening »,H eon-ist chiefly of vocal and inatrumen tal mosiebj his pupils. Mr. ami Mrs. Shank will also assist in the enter lainmont, and Dr. J. D. Ilerrman ha kindly consented tn delight those ^ '" 'W . , * , * " ?i ... ,IS * on,,c . .’" ,l scn * occasion 1 all "T the 1 more pleasant. Prof. "7 « 'i i. i • rr* c .i * n ,"i , - ‘ . friends "• ^ t Will T“. also bo invited. 3 g T Wc have just learn that Prof. King and his eon will also assist in this in teresiing entertainment. Prof. Peacock is a most efficient in Mructor, and his class is in fine train i„g. T’ho It ending Chili. The meeting of the Social Reading C'lul* at the residence of Mr. J. S. C. Marsliall ou Frida) evening whs a very enjoyable affair, notwithstanding T " f , \ isttois pr< sent, amt the reading by | Mr ' llob Uar, ‘" j Pfcsidenl, and ,j ie recitaiions by Mjss Fannie Harris wcre very well rendered and well re- i wivod ; . The committee on amusements fur-j niched some very interesting and amusing games, T and after partaking „ r ,l c! i gIl ful rclrc,l„»cn<M. .prea.l 1* |j lC f.,; r | a ,H cs D f the house, the dub adjourned to meet next Friday (to morrow) evening at 7 o’rlock at the residence of Dr. C. T. I.atlmcr. The following appointments were announced; Readers—Miss Josie Edward?, C . G# Brewn, Mi?» Mina Malison, Mr. Thomas Curry. Committee o:t music—Prof. \V. L. i» ca cock and Mrs. C. T. Latimer. Committee on amusement: Miss Fannie Harris and Mr. W. II. Coitci. _ A Hound I-cent Opinion. E. BainbridgcMiinday Esq., ( otuil) Atiy., < lay ( o., Texas, sava: “Have used Electric Bitters with mo?t happy results. My brother also was very low MUh Malarial Fever and Jaundiec, but was cured by tiinelv use of this inedi cine. Am satisfied Eieettic Bitters saved his life.” •* Mr. I). I. YVilcoxson, of Horse Cam Ky., adds a like testimony, saying: He positively believes lie would have died, had it not bccu for Licctrk Bit? tors. This great remedy will ward eff. as well as cure all Malaria IMseasefij aud for all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Disorders stands u"equaled. Price 50o. and $1. at Ilerrman & llcrrmau’s Drug store. Nsitce, 'fax Payers! Mv bo»»k» will beo|>eii until l>or 15th. 1887, for ihc purpose of cotj |ccling the town tax. r S. Hkhkm an, Clerk and Trrtkg’r. Kastman, Nov. 9,1887, ' if , A TISMKIBLB Sere* Hen Pall 63 h««t-'-i Xlraihtow scape. A tcrrilile accident omilrol »l tl.e E....... ra U,„,l*, Works o» Ihc R T. V. <;. n. it., .horn 14 ,„h« .w <in Thur.ilay tut. ’ in wlitcb acral nu n came near , losing , their . .. live*. Thc particulars , of ... the affair, . at ve • , learn them, about - . follows: , „ are as On „ tho .. day . above . m< niium-d . , seven carpenters were engaged , at . work . on .. ,e .1.b , , tonreyor, ...d 5 . ... time upon staging about 53 feet fiom thc . ground. j Suddenly, c, ji i «• from some tin known ccucc.IJie *la-iit 2 began locivc w»v, a .id in u„ in.lnnt .be workmen, flank, Moiling, .ml tool, were in a Leaf upon the around. When the staging began iolottcf-and sway, one of the men exclaimed. •‘Bovs, we are gone!” and lie leaped from the falling timbers, alighting, it is miraculous to state, upon the ground unhurt. The others remained at their jxxsts, aud were all. more or less seri¬ ously, and one or two pet haps fatally, injured. The spectacle, as the work¬ men lay in an almost crushed and mangled heap upon the groni.d, was one of honor—the groans and screams of the wounded titling the air ami causing the stoutest hearts to shudder. Drs. Morgan and Walker, of Coch¬ ran, and Dr. J. D. Hen man, of East¬ man, were at once telegraphed for, aud each promptly responded.—When they arrived at the scene of the acci¬ dent, the unfortunate men had been extricated from under the debris and made as comfortable as possible in the houses near by, where the doctors at¬ tended them—doing all in their power to alleviate their sufferings. We have been u liable to learn ihc names of all the wounded men, but are informed by Dr. Ilerrman that Messrs. Lee, Morgan and Evans are among those most seriously hurt. The* former is a citizen of our town, and received painful internal injuries, be¬ sides having the index finger of Jiits left hand crushed, perhaps rendering amputation necessary. Mr. Morgan also received painful injuries, while Mr. Evans is, perhaps, fatally injured, having had two or three ribs broken and his skull fractured. All of the unfortunate men. except Mr. Lee, who was brought home on Sunday last, arc still at the Empire Lumber Mills, and doing as well as could be expected. Dr. Iletvuian informs us that it i* indeed a miracle how one, falling the distance these men did, (over fifty feet) with heavy timbers thrown upon them, could escape death, lie states that the hand of Providence surely upheld and saved them from a premature cud. 1’lir Aeridrul at lim pirr-.-A True Ntatvineiit of (he Afiair. Empire, Ga., Dec 14. Editor Joarnal: Alter getting able to write, I will tell the public of the long leap made by seven of us tne chanics at this place ou the 8lh lust. We were putting up a new slabchuin and taitding, pan, GO feet from thought, the ground, safe and j s a? we on a acailbld; but the slab pan, weighing | 3000 pound?, besides the weight of the men, was more titan the tiir bers could stand, and wc all went down. I saw that the staging was breaking, and I said, “We are gone!” (not meaning ‘ that we were “gone dead,” but that j we were on our way to the ground.)— Tol ll was a terrible moment with us. hear the breaking limbers and the j yclliugs of the men, made it a sad j sight to the spectators, bill it was sliil more sad to those that were mangled in the debris, consisting of slab?, tire coals and timbers of all kinds. \V r e were soon picked up amlcaiTicd to our holms, where we bud all the at u* llt jon given us that could bo be-1 a-! by our gentlemen friends , Ju . v we ,e all that respeeied us, noli) ' |,, t| JC afternoon of the day of the I accident two ladies from Kastman ar rived, and did all i:i their power to| alleviate the pains of every sufferer.— They surely showed their Chr^islian »l'iril. «»‘l >vm- tho „,,ly l>.lim tl.»l i ‘Do icspctt «i, tlie n suffering iticu „„ on that ,i., | da > - 0lhers dM » ot come to see ; ,ro »» icasoii, and Itat must *«'“ ? “ - “ " »e Cl rlstiau heart ami rciurn* I ni-nvimr suirit \V> I.ICP lo ouMicart felt than’s to the two two Eastman East .nan hulic—'Mr la.Iics-Mr-, Sneldouam' h.itldouam. [j®^ ai'.dtru Julia t°G udwJll ever bless The following is a list of the unfor¬ tunate men: Wm. Jcfter-on, sliglil bruises; A. Crydor, collar bone bro¬ ken and a cut ou the bead; George Evan?, two ribs broken and skull true-1 | lirc d; Turly Jones, only shocked; S. j A. Lae, slightly hur*. Lee Nobles was - tat............. » m .w»» v,i,.c borne of my frieuds say that I would t iavc been hurt badly, but that I wa? l(K) mean. If that is what saved me. I UH , g | a ,i 0 f it. I am a little sore vet, bu( wc wn , M b(J ont soou . The alx*ve are the facts of the ac< i- j ^ent, as I was right there. It was a ,,urmw o?t ane Hc.ncrlililly. for all Thank Gutl! Wai.tkb C. Mono ax. ! | f>«u*t Ktprriuirat. j Yon cannot afford to waste time in j experimenting when your lungs are in j | danger. Con-tt mpt ion always hviii?, at dealer fir*!, only impose aeold. Do not permit with any j J lo upon you sunn* cheap imitation of Dr. King’s New ! Discovt ry for Conan nipt ion, Ct»nghs and Colds, but be sure yt»u get tin* j genuine. Because he can make more j |> ro nt. he may tell you he has some j | thing just as good, or just the same, j Dm,’* be deceived, but iiwisiuiiongct» j |( „ King’s New Discovery, which jru a i an i cc ,i | 0 give relief in all i T|ir , mtf Lu „ K an(i Chest affections. TrSa , f ice at H,. m nan & Herr man's Drugstore. Large bottles $1. —Col. "Tip” lIarri?on, of the execu¬ tive office, is engaged in furni-hiug the ordiunne? of counties with b’auks for tlicttsc of disabled confederate sol¬ diers entitled to ihc fiencfit of the late Appropriation. Those who have drawn money under I be old net will not re¬ ceive'benefit from the new until alter the 20tli of September. 1889. If wc arc correctly informed there aro otily two or three disabled confederate uoidp rs residing in D*>dge eomity—Mr. J. YV. Boitaiinon of our town being among the number. New Prunes, Datu?, Mg*, flai slbs, Minvemcat, Currants, Citron awl Jelly; at YL YY'y une’s, cheaper tliqnckn jyjaeaaeasffl* *r*« Keel la* .'Vick*. **“ member l ,ur *<'*He* or the *° * citizens P Pcvk)U * of »«, * East * , 0l '"’" ,t,,0 ““»" 1 *»» * 1 4 ‘ 1 '“u !'. , m ° in, n , ’" ■■ lair- , ? y man aul M. If. C-»llnw, *ecretmv. Mr. CoIciuhii . in a few - remarks sta , tea . the object .. . of ... the meeting—that . , of _ J u* ininating . a municipal ‘ ticket fur „ the town . ot K istninn for , tl»eensuing . year, ' u Her. R. ... L. Gentry arose and an oullM j h “ IVWl ,, For „ mayor, ’ James w Bi?h«p,jr.: , * aldcr- ,, * . , . "/ M ’ T*' ** ' "TT' j* lcl * * *'' ,n3 °' ■ ,® ', r ll, er '• «•»»••» - - .I>lern,«n for earn.,,, roaenn,. A motion was then made that Mr. Bishop lie nominated by acclamation. The motion was put ami carried, and lie was unanimously nominated. Mr. Coleman suggested that a com¬ mittee ol five be appointed to present •o the meeting a ticket of aldermen.— Messrs. S. Ilerrman, S I). Ea-on, II. Parts, E. U. Mi'.ncr and C. B. Murrell were appointed asthc commitlc. They retired, and after a few minutes de¬ liberation they reported the following ticket of aldermen: T. J. Buchan. E. A. Smith, Jeff. D. Ilerrman, E J. Peacock. This ticket was unanimously nomi¬ nated. Mr. Bishop, in a few appropriate remarks, thanked the meeting for the ho»or conferred, and pledged himself, If elected, to discharge the duties of the office to the best of his ability. There being no further business be¬ fore the meeting, it adjourned sine die. II. Coi.KMA.Ji, Chairman. M. II. Collins, Secretary. Tribute of RcMpecl. Whereas, It has pleased our Heaven¬ ly Father, in His wise providence, to remove from the labors of life to the rests of His Saints, our beloved sister, Mrs. Fannie G. Powell, who has for some years been a faithful member of the Spring Hill Sunday-school, it is but just that a proper tribute be paid by Hie members of this school, to her Christian virtue ami life of devotion lo the Sunday-school. Sister Powell came to us about twelve years ago, and immediately connected herself with our Sunday-school. From the first up to the time of her death, so far as the health ofhersclf and family would permit, she was a constant at¬ tendant and faithful member. It gave her much pleasure lobe with the Sun¬ day-school and she took great interest in all of its exercises, selling ail ex¬ ample of cheerfulness in the discharge ot its duties as well as of happiness in the enjoyment of it- privileges worthy ot our imitation. While wc bow in submission to the will of God, our hearts arc heavy with sorrow at the loss of our beloved si-tcr, now gone to her eternal reward. Resolved, Thai in the death of »is ler Powell wo have lost one of our faithful members; and that wc will '’j'^aioi^-to t,:,n b imitate her patient, chris s P ,l ' , Resolved, lhal the heartfelt svtn l >at bics of lids Sunday-school l»c ex tended to her bet caved husband and little children. Resolved, That these resolutions be ftp 1 * 1 ! the records ot this Sun dav-aehool, and a copy thereof bo transmitted to the family ol our de¬ cl ' a#c d Sl> t ci 'i a,| d also a copy to the Loir'. r\ Jouunal for publica , *° n * Alns. I; Eliza OVB A. ( i.kmunts, BrniviiALTEti) Com. Mi:s. J. A. Woottkx. G. At. U. lie It Kit ALTER, Sec’v. Amo^kcus’ Ai>i>onilix. Mm. E. II. Bacon aud ta mil v left Fridav for Albany, where they will remain until the completion of their r , ew rc-i,lciice. Mr. J. T. C’.deord and Mr. D. W. Weaver, speni Tuesday in Macon. There has been a good deal said about big trees in this section, but wc ! leant of one that will quite throw the! ................. Tlie hro in quo,. tion stands , , upon the „ place , of , John , , Woodard, of Laurens county, a svea m .»re and is 51 feet in diameter above ,ho spur by actual measurement. i* !" fc 1 , ... °' lo Jf et ... !t each one * CJ *,** l«*:ng 11 ' " four ” ""f* to five T leel ‘ , ! 10 di ^ in ameter; tho trunk of tlie tree being hollow forms a room of about 15 feet in which a small bedroom set could be ly placed. The workmen on I he new tram road of the Amoskeag Lumber Co., while ex car at ng a bank near Guuiswamp. upon sonic well preserve 1 speci mens of Indian pottcrv, the piece that we examined wa? of the shape d of L all ancle........... -a carving, representing a piece of bark, the lines being as clear a? if only ves'erdav. Ll'CILK. 'l'ribufe of IScspcct. AtameelingoftheI)gm|i-oySun- tite «**.'' «ho<d December 4, 1S37. fol lowing preamble and resolutions were e.l.q.le.l: Wherca?, Tlie great Ruler of the Universe has seen fit in His wiseprov ideticc to remove by death RolleighU. •'»nd(h, one ot our most cuthu-iasUc a,,< ^ respected members, and the first ‘UprrintciKleiit ot tho school; there foPe 11 Resolved, 1-t. 1 hat while we re<-og n, f° ‘l ,e wisdom and goodness ol Al mighty God, and b*»w with humble ^'bmission 'deuce, realize t * a’l the with ads sad ol and Hi? bleed- prov we | hearts tho great los- we have su? Bd"i'd in Hie death ot one who liaJ hims lf to u* by hi? many un, d>' virtue? aud ?oc:al qualities. Rc?olvcd, 21. That we tender the Iwrcavd family our sincere condo '» » ! *eir sad afilu llon. and cun mend them to the graci.,,,saml tender mcreics of our Heavenly bather. »*so vt , . iat i ic secret a r) requested to spread ihi-preamble and resolutions tqwu .he , ot the school, and that lie torui-h a copy of the same to the family of the deceased, aud al?o a copy ea h to the I)oih;e oi'.NTY Jol'KNal and the Hawkins villc New?, with a request f r their publication. Alirsilon, I'jtuinwllc*! Tho?c wiahiug to join the grand Fantastic Parade on the 24th instant should report to llie undersigned with¬ out delay, A full turn-out is de-ired, W. w. Thomas, A. A, G. —8. T. Rogers has ou hatal a large supply of new Georgia?)-rup—t he hc*t IB the market. Try ii, tf « Store Ntcallag, Wyley Burk, colored, was arrested in this place last Friday night just as he had finidhed killing a hog belong-' ing to Col. B. B. Calhoun. The thief crept stealthily upon the pig as it slept, knocked it in the head, aud carried it into his yard preparatory to dressing it. At tlds juncture of affairs, Dr. T. J. Buchan, who is ever on the lookout for thieves, appeared upon the frehO, snd hud Wyley that he (BuchatP had been been wstehitxr watclnn„ u.„ the proceedings, >. and . at once reported the matter to marshal Skelton. Tlir-a« those gentlemen i,...... returned, i arrested Wyley and lodged him in jail Ii« !>"■>*<«».»• ‘kk-lnrwl that Ihc hog whs his property, that he had a right to killed it at any h«t, ot tha .1*1,, I,a wished, but at a preliminary justice trial on Saturday mornln* before C. Jones, it was proven that the lies be loiigc-J * * to . M. .. ( ___ ftud \\ \ !rj* f& , i now in jail, in default of a $500 bond. ‘ Anthony ... Harrell, .. Bryant Harrell, Henry Henderson and Tucker James, a’l colored, were arrested on Sunday Iasi, charged with burglariously cu tering the house of one George Bell, also colored, near Eastman oil Satur day night last, and carrying away a trunk containing $85, belonging to Bel!. Tho trunk was found Sunday morning after having been pillaged. The prisoners were arranged Mon day morning before Judge James M. Arthur and a host of witnesses was examined. The three former were re leased, while Tucker James remains Tom Davis, colored, was arrested here on Tuesday last by defective Shackelford. Davis is supposed to be implicated in the recent lobbery at. Amoskciig. <‘ : >•% :: v t -, 4t- m m nMI 5 | MIC. *. If. WILLt’OX, I’roprietor of Huwkinsrillc Wagon and Baggy • Manufactory. In our issue of ihc 1st. inst, wc pre sen the ted Hawkinsville to our readers, as copied from j Dispatch, coiniili- ; nienUry .. . mention .. of the Hawkinsville ... Wagon and Buggy J* Manufacture, cm , lielhslioil , with ... a fac-sinnleof ... .. 'lie enter-' prising proprietor. Mr. Lewis 15. Wil COX. To see and judge for ourself while in Hawkinsville a few days since, we accepted an invite to go through the establishment, and in so doing found | brother Woods’ description thereof not one whit overdrawn. Beginning with the well-filled spac otts harness room at the right of en¬ trance, and proceeding in order through the various industrial apart¬ ments, each thoroughly equipped with the most modern approved mechani¬ cal devices, at command of skilled ar li-ans only; thence proceeding on through the several buildings well stocked with farm implements and wheeled vehicles of all useful styles, we were all astoiiisment to under¬ stand Ihc necessity for so much as even one „ other similar industry , . between . | Atlanta and Savannah. We number il among tile tilings un¬ accountable, that our people, aocrcdit ed with good judgment tn many things, should persist in the one hurt ful particular ot eneuraghig “middle men "by sending abroad their earning* for articles, which invariably prove inferior and more expensive Ilian those of liome manufacture. Render, when in need of any article in the line of farm implements or a wheeled contrivance of any sort from a timber can to a wheelbarrow, call on or send your order to L. B. Wilcox, Hawkinsville, you will find his good? lo be just what lie represents.them, home manufacture and firstclass in every particular. Religious. Elder W. D. Oliver, of the church of Christ will preach at the court house next Lords’day. December 18th Inst., at 11 o’clock, a. in., and at 6:30 p. in., at same place. Morning subject: The Church; What is it ? Where organized ? Where is it? Who is in it? At night the dis¬ course will be upon Communion. All are cordially invited, and are promised ail entertaining discourse from this able divine. Wauled, A number of stall-fed beef cattle at the Eastman market. Parties having, or contemplating having, the same on hand during the coming season, would do well to confer with W. B. Daniel, Kastman, Ga. tf Nodes*. Parties indebted tome, cither by u ,q e OI . m connt, are requested lo come f orwa rd aud settle at once. Notes and accounts not settled by tho first ofJan ua ,y next, will be placed in the hands <( f all attorney for collection. J. M. Sapp. Oct. 19ili, 1887-2Hi. I'twli and ov?u i rs. j , . , inform the citizens of Ea8llnan aml vleill | lv t |, al j wi„ keep )m han(1 ’ (lul . h) „ t t,o season fro h fish alld( t c ^ andatpriccsbelowcom |telit io... Call at my place, No. 3 Third avenue, when desiring these h|X , |rit># . T . Rook. is. Kas|t| , a „ f 9> 1887 . tf lSncklca’M Arnica Naive. The Best Salve in the world for cut?, bruises, sore?, uhers, salt rheum, fever, sores, tetter, chap|>ed hands, chilblains, corn?, and al) skin erup¬ tions, ami pnsiiivcly cures Rile?, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refund¬ ed. Price 25 cts, per box. For sale by all druggists. novJOjf Cottoa Market. The Eastman cotton market dosed yesterday Good Middling ,7ih) 95-Wc. Middling a.‘i IM DODGE SHERIFFS SALES. For First Tuesday In January, 1888. IVIII l>e sold before the wort house door in the town of Kastman, Podge county, Ga., during tho legal hours of sale, on the firs*. lowing Tuesday in January, 1888, the fol¬ property to-wlt: One It ny 16 center crank No. 10 station¬ ary reel engine; tube holler, one No. GO forty-horse all power ions for % front 40’ and staek. exhaustion. c« n m et steam, water (20 fentjsaw for So. dust bars, all fittings and fix¬ tures 2 saw mill, SO’ carriage 3 cx tensions each end, 3 ruchet heart Mocks, 01,0 ma,n P"lly extra lienvyand extra ft eel pinion “hack” guage roller. So’ solid saw f lengths, Piston), 6-12-4ply belt, 2H-4M shall in 2-14 collars. one2^ 7-2Mclamp*boxes plate co pling I2-2U shaft, babbitted with bolts for in |»r metre bars 20 ” diameter. 4 •• width of tooth % pteh ? ne x< “” by ”« JWS'.&w'! b b *' ,a . v >' IV" 1‘b'oml 4(F’-l2”-l ply rubber ladt, all small 81I V. ,,UK bi "Wh shafting, belting ISIS ami puil.ys; ' levied "? aud to be sold the ou ns {»r<»p<*rty virH, of Hidkcoti), Vinson Luckey by 8ofa lien ti fa issued from the su|<eri or mut in favor of L M. lurry against said ltalkeom, Vinson & Lnckoy. November j T. Rawlins, 30,18S'. Sheriff D. C. Twelve Months’ Support. Gkorcua -Podge County: c'*’!“'?* sclkha concern, ing'nppl ^’**Xf,, Ilureli. dm'en , "“* h8 I* v led tcMne'h'r ' , l B , l>ort for herself aiui ml appraisers^npVmii'ted l lor'tUat^'purl and the ^^■| h 7 - , , u : , .o"i ”Jb 0 ,5“ sons concerned to show cause before me at (1)1 said application I J should not he granted on n,,d ,he corded. and re I>eo. l-4t. Ordinary 1). C. 1$ - w * Calhoun, atty. WOtlCO ____ to _ DODtOrs . A and . Creditors. GKonr.iA—Dodge „ ^ County: •* SS the undersigned at once. ;= S£.: »*• I*. ' AI.IIOUN, Nov.2ft.0t Administrator W. 11. Sluifelt. -—— - Notice to Debtors and Creditors Gkokoia—D odge County: To all whom it mny concern: All persons indebted to the estate of William llureh, late of said county, de¬ ceased, are required to make immediate settlement, against and those holding demands them said estate are requtsted to make known to the undersigned at once. B. It. Calhoun, Sov2!M>t .. Administrator Wm. llureh. Letters of Administration. G Kt >RG I A—Dodo k Countx. To all whom it may concern: I-M. Gurry has in due form applied to the undersigned for permanent tetters of administration on the mtatewf Angus Gur¬ ry, late of said county, deceased, mid 1 will pass upon said application on the lirst Holiday Given in January, issH, mult r uiy hand and official signa tme this rah Dec., l«87. dees 4w J. J. KOZAK, Ord’y D. C. Administratrix Sale, Ordinary Agrfccnlily Dodge to an order ot the Court of of county, will be sold a* auction at the court house door of said county, on the first Tuesday in January !?”,?*’ following '?hhin property H»> legal to-wit: hours Town of sale, lots the of land mnnher 13 in section 15, number to in 4, and minitor tt in seetion 4 in Hie (own of Gliauneey. Sold as the property of W. 1*. Burt, late of said county, de¬ ecus ed. Terms cash. This 3th Dec! 1887. NANCY S. BURT, dec s-hv. Administratrix. fOT the Benefit Of VisitOTS tO 2s<E^.COIT at all times, the Kennesaw Restaurant 3I» l OI KTIS XTKKKT. Under the management of J. Valentino, has titled up One Hundred Nice Reds which will he let at reasonable prices. The capacity of the KF.NNF.S AW to feed the public is two-thirds larger than any other in thjs city ” , "i .’•< os i.c | K .„ t ,| e e,uj he fed duV or nfght without the ten*f delav tt „ a wi th t hc teal thu the market affords. The host cooks and polite w aiters. Attentive clerks will serve the finest wines, w hiskeys ami liquors of all kinds. Stop at tbe Kennesaw. -I. Yulcnliiio, Agt. Sept 2!)-3m. NEW STORE. NEW GOODS. NEW PRICES! J.W. CALLAHAN & CO., McUl,LB, GDORRI t, - DKAliKU? IN— General Merchandise. Our stock consists of everything usually found in a strictly First-Class General Store, itftd our prices are as low ns tin.: lowest. 'When you coine to McVllle lie sure to Hint cxiiiniiiu our stock and pri ccs.— You will suruly sdvc niencv hv doing HO. McViUe, Ga., Oct. 11 1887. oil] DR. W. M. RYALS, OFFICE and DRUG STORE, LUMBER CITY, GA. 3r7f*Cnlls promptly attended day or night. A full line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils BOOKS. ST A TION Ell Y, Fancy Woods nml ’Follct Articles always on hand. Oct. 12,1887. — DR. H. H. JOHNSON, DENTIST, HAWKINSVILLE, GA. ISTOfflee over Arnold’s jewelry store. Get. 18, 1887. iy 11. M. Bozeman, II. A. Ragan. BOZEMAN a EAGAN, A New Firm Made out of MaFsh’s Old One. We have gonetogcthor.II M. llozetnnn nnd R. A. Riigau, in the mercantile IniHi ness and we will tell h you what we did the lirst day. Wc made liran new tin* out of Marsh's old one. ami we called it Boze¬ man A Ragan—old Click* lloh Ragan and Marsh Bozeman. The next day I'll tell vou what wn dat. Well. It’s is-st to talk much for I’ve heard it said that a still tongue make* a wise head,hut we did make our ilatform the next day, w hich is this: Wc agreed to deal squarely mid fair¬ ly with all people; il we sell you a yard, It in pound or bushel you shall surely get full weight and measure. Our miles, *H, vard stick and measures arc Tree to be tested hv iitiyoue who wishes to do so. and as Dave McCormick said about his w are¬ house business, we will not have anv “big L and little you” in our husine, s. but will sell to all at the same make 1 >I ice as near us we can Whether wc or break wc have adopted honesty for our isdicy. We make no blow nbout selling hi town. you B go^s invite dies all per to than any house e copie and see us and wc will try to suit vou 1» goods aud prices. Yours resp't. oetllWiii. BOZEMAN Ji UAGAN. Hawkinsville, Ga. .. For fine fancy candies, go to M. If. Edward? & Rro. Pemfcle’s Medicated SCap! TRABF, ti ii U A mi. ^5 The «TitE \T i tii'.4i.iTrr7;T;'.\ii.hy vet offered to thu public. Ei,dor.<cd uml prescribed home b.v the meilie.-.l fioailti. lic .d the tostiiuoniiiU: Till! l’KMIll.K Miam-A TKIlSOAC t o: Gentlemen—I write t > say tlmt mv w ife lias used your soap in our lainilv. and linos ns that it possesses i!t that you claim for., and viz: Healing and Curative Powers. Wound’ cored readily heal under its use. ltnv.J. I>. Anthony. Spring Hill, Montgomery Co., tin. Tiik Pkmiij.k Mr.ntCAiK.n Soir <■<,: Gentlemen—1 lime used vour Medicated Soap on several eases of old and stubborn Sores and find it wond. rful in its Imuling properties. Bv its use Hirst cured a I ml who was snflering with a number ot fleers ofnyear staiHling.l next used it on mv stock and found it cured lapidly all sores then upon them. 1 take pleasure in recommend¬ ing its use to the public, and further state it is all you claim for it. J.C. Koasvru, Supt., For Hod ve. Meigs ,V Co.. ( liauncv, On. TlIK l’KMIll.K MkOICATKO SnACCo; Gentlemen—I hereby certify that l have used your Medicated Soap on a skiudiscaso castled from a ease of Roseola, I had been unable to obtain anv relief from said skin dif.euse until I heg.m using your Soup, | have made lint three applications and have experienced by great relief, and fully ivill believe the continuation of its use It euro I take great pleasure in recoin mend¬ ing its use to the public in general. Respectfully, Sheriff Montgomery .1. |>. McUimmit Co,, Ha, skin Unsurpassed beautiful), for the toilet, makes tho soft and white, removes pimples, and splotches, hlackJiends, and cures prevent chapped face and hands. Tiir l’KMni.K Mkdicatki* Soap co; Gentleimm—Alter using your reeommeini Soap with good results, J uuhestitatiuglv it to the public. . Lot:is M. C’ihkv, ^set«2!?’Mks Cliauneoy, '±. <ia, has ef iy well. SS Nothing else lmingused ln. :( ,nnee. (ion witli Ilit* KOfiii* 1 ’ it “ alone peiiorniiiig the toali. I take pleasure in recommending it .1. li. Mil TON. Jolir.souvilie, (ia. Tine I’kmui.k Mkpicatkp Soak Co: Gentlemen—1 take pleasure m Hinting that l have used your soap in several eases of Heat and Rash among infants and child¬ ren, and have found it wondertutly effec¬ tive. It is a splendid preparation. it. F. Mason, Of 1$, F. Mason & l.’o,, McRae, tin. For old sores, ulcers, eruptions, sezoi na, tetter boils, prii kl. heat, scurvy Ac., i t is a never tailing remedy, 2.Vts per cake. For sale in Kastman, by Pendleton Bros, IV. \V. Ashhurn «V Go., I’. Anderson Ji < o„ \V. 11. (fotler Ji Co., llciTiutui Ji Ilerrman, aid by Parker A - Douglitrv. 1,. M < tirv, Dodge. Meigs Ji • 'o„ < hauneei, Ga Miuiutactured by Tiik Pkmhi.H Mkihca tkj> Soak go., savannah, Ga.. t\ s. A. J. F. DkL.m v. J. Bishop, Jh DeLacy & Bishop. •ill or new* at Law. EASTMAN, GA. TUILL vV practice in all the courts of the State. Attention given to t onvey nneing, Kxaininatinn ol Till 1 i*h to Land, Furnish ling Abstracts of Title, Kn< rotors, Administrators, Giiardin mill other Trustees, t’arHierships Goileetions, Gou traets, Criminal Law and all oilier hninch es of pruetiee. Ollieo at the Court House. A PERSON ■w .ZX. or 23 ID, Male nr female—in every town in Georgia to take orders for a historical work of sur¬ passing beauty. UHclulr.ess aud aeeurnej, which sells at sight. Liberal commissions. Particulars on tipplientiuii. You can make 8100 to t-er n until. Full in¬ structions. Address, i Uillips Nov 17-1 A Hunt, H05 Bniatlwny, N. V. in. $ 17 5 .<)()( )<><)<). INSURANCE ('A PITA L Parties desirous iff uuuriui* tluffr nro pertv nr life wiil'iln well to evrrespomf lol. with me as 1 :r.i reeoriling agent of the lowing Insiiranee ( onipniiies: LTVEItPOOL&LONDON &HU )BE, iqni'viy V ; ,,c i»... w ,r V i v ... ' v \ Vi . COM IN E\I : AL, ol v \ A k New . ol ; . il()M E. of New York ; NORTHERN, of Lomlon. oldest i am prepared to git iiisiirniiee in tho niid strongest eompanies in tin world on nil classes of properly, Cotton Gins, Saw Mills, Merchandise, etc. 1 am also ngeiil for the Mutual Life Insurance Comp’y, of New York, which is the oldest and strongest company in the world, its eii;>l tal and assets ainoun'liig to the enormous sum of Write or apply to R. D. GENTRY. Sept 2!i-3u;. Kastman Ga. I-j- UPecacocii:, HAXT.IJ A Ni, G BOKUIA. — DK.U.Klt IN — General Merchandise. 1 have in store the largest and most com¬ plete stock of goods ever brought to this market, and 1 propose to sell at r jck-hot fom prices. All I ask is an exiiminntionof my stoek and priees. Thanking the nuhiio for past patronage, 1 respectfully solicit a continuance of the same, act 12 3m L. M. PEACOCK. CURRY & CARDER, C It a It 11ret/, a(‘OI <jin, Arc now ready to furnish you fresh merit nt prices that will astonish Macon, Hav¬ ing unprevciienteil ml unit ages ini '(lying their corn, they can sell you fresh mem in any quuutity to stive you money, and guar¬ antee siilisfneetion. will receive 8c,rd in yo ir orders, ami they prompt attention. Also in connection they have one of tho BEST IMPROVED (JINS in the south, with Cotton Kl e valor, nn load¬ ing your cotton from wagon, thereby seed sav¬ ing von the time and trouble.. A our i* then loaded by nuiehineiy for you. <>mo them a trial < H ‘t •- •' l " E. &. T. l I 'LOlt, UFALEU IN Meat,Flour,Lard SUGAR, COFFEE, TOBACCO. Staple l>rvGood*. Root,, shoes, lints. Etc, and a general and well scleeicd slock of FAMILY GROCERIES, . flic publie ............ at f u. All fresh and nllered to tl Sl«fi r V. k^H^sim 1 . m'sta.'e tVlIV*tV.'.-y Z,. not get belter bargains eiscwheie in Come along and see ior >oui selves, KesiectluHy, •-■ M ‘: "■-* * *• octl3-3in. Hawkinsville, us. Tresb Fish and Oysters, FRUITS anti VEGETABLES. The publie are hereby notified tlint t have opened up on ( oiml v Rond "ext d l *° r to Martin & IVacuck s millI mid gh "* imd r .-j where Ikcei) at uU time? lrc?h ti?l a»»riiK*.‘Sfi-!i t/,e and best, and trust if sffiv. npiaro freshest return the tn H Zaee tnctliods of busincH? to trailing pub ic and putroimge of the thedc* Mv stock will always be amide to innmls QCtfi-Sut rrsaw M. II. Edwards & Bro. ha e the finest assort incut of Christmas DIx *’I v Eastman.