The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, December 22, 1887, Image 3
rds of Santa Glaus, nts low—he makes no noise, i Briers Are Tie Boys / who keep more beautiful r RiSTMAS TOYS than was ever seen in Eastman. PENDLETON BEOS. U STM AN. I * A I ) 11! i E5. «fi? EJ. 1 l I TERPSISE m ENERGY! •II, and that tint- for flie .steady iiterca IX J5CSIXESS at the 5W YORK STORE $ wj R. E. Avenue, Eastman, Ga. ^wllaving ^■kx k. I lx an experh-n kimw what f ver twenty buy and years how in buy the lines it of goods satisfaction I earn Hrlienefli I to to to the j of my patrons, ■ 1 have |u-( leiurned wiih an i n t k of Drv Goods, Clothing. lies and Groecri l 1 1 >ov ti tic! 'fled, so as r=.? please irybody. i have ((ml gilt Hid I >1" best (. stock * |H ■ ing recommend it this •on. bn (Ik: itK'i i, ol ( 1 ever ( I, ami Ct:s lower I ban r »III Drv Gooil* we have all the newe-t sliadm - eashmere, tricot-, dia itals, plaids, and a general line ot Fancy lie V < food* from ,X cents np. ^huwN are dai-ie- in fine cashmeres, all -bade /ephers in all shades (rare iwhl the cheapest in We the have land. -lock Our ladies' and 1Z ills’ fine Angoria neck j ! arc beaiiHe*. in ami arc still reel ivinga fine selection ugli-h ami American Fa ey I'rints in .......................i laic shade*. 1 Kls and linsejs, yard wii '.cheap ■•sjtnd its fntii'V. , ^ line se JZ i Hon of laney good-, notions All size* of nml r ii -1 I,otv I’li j I'lV r lau -12 II- o Jewelry and Silverware We ha v I in l i I il I sele 2 n M Hiking .fa.'kei*, Dolman*, TUtcr* Kids! and toy* in all - and -haile All »ilk .1 v Gloves in new shades. L... ■Mies Ibr ladii es ami gent I lie best go e lien] \ll my goods named Bt "ad” tiara ni I a represented Hf’e al-O i lull line of Staple and Fancy (ir l ie*, Candies, Bed 9 ng, 1 'hi ni hi ( m l Tinwaie. Hardware and B ive me a e„: nviiiee \ ourst If of thu bargain* 1 can offer the I liaukiug i for past favors I i “I" tfullv solicit iis conliu- I Re-J.c. Hull) R. Nowman. n l’. AXDK11SOX & CO., I j DEALERS IN NERAL MERCHANDISE, iJiiilmad Avci | 1 iiimi. lid RICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. Nr ml w led a :i AA al; ni ti in i kill Willi o A III I, \ 1.1 \ ERA TABI.I A lit - be New II w M n i ih i I:; S. German « Bro ■ J --DE A LEI IN iffllS! i n S JS 7 S!2T L4CG.ii.Al : li 09 I r id I A \ Hlil _ 1111 V 1 i l.l Eastman, Ga. pr nVh li I in (I; |! ■t. i nil ottr prie z i"" L 4 '»«: l ii l ion giiaruniecd in B H. EDMS & BRO. Railroad Ave„ Eastman, Ga. -------- DEALERS IN rv 4 n<> ocl , $ SIhsc's, SSatfs 9- ! w Dress Goods, Groceric I Hardware, Tinware, Etc, % BVt ,|csi 11 t 1 n the fact that our large fall and winl itoi'k has n i i i- " hen i to to" II it. = ^ i;! l’iJul’IMKToliS <)F I The City Drug Store AND DEALERS IN Pure Drugs and Medicines of Every Description. [ Our *tfick i ■ the lur >t ill Siinthen-l 'ieor; Keep constantly in stock ever) thine Hint enn lie Inund iu v Drug Hon,! a tin r t elites We mak. a -peoialt > | • «.f »• in,* I a. eo nml < i^ i * onlei * fr. z a d nnptly tilled mid satisfa, 'lion ouitruntoi Pie*. I Ipti. ear,*fnll) public e, c~. p,Hindi u unv hour ot the if or night li, it a initlnunm if tin* p m. KASTMAN. <. 4 *et t.t-Mm 4 A ft I A 1 i f < \ •/ * r* t Ji b i EASTMAN GEORGIA II. (i. MILLER & CO. AVotd.l n i I in •nt p."n ntrv urr, .muling that tie' i: I Ka*m .ill (. i»n\ thin; •fill'd ii the li' i COFFINS. CASKETS T ll era Sewiii Miles, etc I >■ i to r ni*h th.* trail.' iii nmthin WHIIteit at thr shortest i< a • glXKl tel 1,1* il* I'tlll l>e ». are,I in Mi...... ,.i !*, her •m ml ni' that it is t ,ur interest to put ron a felu.vat ayne & WiSSsngham, fmft. —T1IK LKADING il aM mm HOUSE. I 00 and 00 rilKunv iSJ’keET. :torj at Interprist, suliutb of Macon. o.*tG-3m. THE JO A H.8. BIRTON. i • • • Editor * --- Thl'IWI»AT, DEC. 22. MT. JOURNALETTES. —Soon you will liave to wntc 888 all in a row. son, Ga., Thursday business. —Wc are g trl ul to state ‘ that Miss * Oppie Woodard is convalescing, after a event Hires* of several days. —Don’t forget the grand dinner at "Johnson’s lie*}.in rant,” next Monday at 12 :m. —You had twttcr go and register, if you wish to vote at the coming munic¬ ipal election. The book* are still open at the store of S. Ilcrrman & IJio. —Our esteemed fellow’-fownstnan, Mr. W. X. I.leteh, ha* been (juite sick for several days, but t- now convale«c ing. Next Sunday i* Christmas day.— May it merge in the brightest realizu lions of the dear li'ile oip *, i- our wish for each om*. — 5’ou can get the host dinner eve. prepared in 1 asttuan on Monday next, 12 :m.. at the "City Restaurant f.u only 50 c'ts. See bill ol fart Prof. A. C. jJ’hoinp-on ant* wife Forsyth, are visiting relative s at Am oskeag. 1 hey will remain during tin holidays —The Cplands Hotel svill re-opon on the l-i prox. Admirable improve menu are being made on the premises, tints rendering it one of tin: hand-om cst hostelireg in (lie South, —Don’t forget the fantastic turnout Monday afternoon next. Those intending to participate in the parade will please call at the City Drug Stoic and sign the list at oik e. —Now i* ilie time to remember the poor. This means, if von have not al¬ ready paid the editor to call and set He, and start even with the new year. —Miss Mete Heine t fascinating young lady of South Carolina is iting her aunt,Mrs. W. X. Lietcii, our town. —Poslmasters are now required to collect one cent on all advertised tors. A large amount of revenue will be collected in till* way for the ( ov eminent. —Mr. John W. Lovett, an esteemed citizen of our town for a number * llc liMttwIiold effect* to Atlanta, and will make that city hi* future home. We regret to lose him and family as citizens. —Our “ 1 icHirc of the Far West" ” unavoidably crowded out this week j —Next year the woods will lie full 1 u ‘ a;i< t.. i riiose for hcgl»i?Rle honors me already rising up in this counts The Hawkinsville Nows savs There is fun ahead for the voters of l'ulaski county I'he prohibition issue will lx tc-Pxl again just as soon ; is the law will allow it, and that time • will n»i| ! around about the 17th of February next. Mr. AV. AV Thomas received by express on Saturday last two line Es¬ sex pig*—a present front a friend iu Twiggs county. They are only about six weeks old. h\A arc indeed line hog — Rev. J. If. Carswell, of Ilcphz 2= ah, Ga., will preach m our town i -xt Sunday (( 'iiri-t nut* day) morning and evening. He is a noted divine of the Baptist church, and large congrega¬ tions will doubtless greet him. —(lur fellow-townsman. Mr. B. II. ■......... seriously ill with pne = Di If*• i nnaii i- all I 15 i a i m _ ~ ii Met a ! io - L. y Wounded Air Lwi .... " ar f’liauticey, in this ntttv, on ijm' ; mil in-t C.uise- di-putc as to ' a lot j. I « AVe regi to record•the death of ie infant child Mr. and Mrs. Need am Rogers, s county, whi( h oe ctiered on Fr ; night last a done vear. — Mi-s Fanu’e Chn-tian.of ANN , an Female College, Macon Ga, / hi (lie city vi'iting her hrotlnT, Rev. *1’ Al. ( hiistmu. .She will spend hei holidavs here. —Mi-ses Marie Redding, accompa¬ nied by Misses Ruth and Stella Carr, of Atlanta, are spending the holidavs tier nests of Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Armstrong. —I.ct everybody observe Christmas day, as it ought to he, by attending the Methodist church Sunday morn¬ ing to hear a sermon appropriate to the day, by Rev. T. M. Christum. — Monday next w ill he a (I ral holiday in East in ami R. S, Jolitistou, at the *vity% Rent an rani," proposes to give our people one of the gVandest treats of many years—a grand, sumptuous dinner—only ^ c I*., per head. R2 :m is the hour. —Prof. Lyon, the photographer, of Macon, .who has been in our town for the past live or six weeks, returned home on Friday last. During his so¬ journ among ns he made nianv warm friends, and expressed himself as be¬ ing delighted with one town, and fully satisfied with the patronage extended him by our people. —Mr. J. J Harrison, formerly of this county, has gone into the inercan I lie business in Ametieu*. under the firm name of Harri*ou & KusscM.— They ileal in liquors, brandies, cigar* and tobacco. While we regret to lo*e Mr. Harrison as a citizen, we wish for him Hindi success iu his new home Lost—O n the streets of Eastman on the 20th inst., a small breasi-pni, rep. resenting an alligator, vvith a gold band encircling it i’lie finder will lie HlieraHy reward, bv r• avin U the same at the store c M s aril & Br *. Mi** Addio Adams, a charming young lady of Montgomery count\ who has been on a vi-il to Eastman for several week*, visiting friend* and relative*, left for home yesterday, uc companlrd by her lovely sister, Miss Simmie, who has been attending school at thi* place. Tliev leave many friends betv who greatly regict the.r departure. ~ “■ 4o * ,on .... 1 lie Kastman cotton maikct closed vn*terday Good Middling ;2i*t) with 9 5-16e, Middling 9.'^ u —Tift “polit p?T in reference to ; from our county. to simmer xviih fer rciinioat—seemingly. Mr. II. J. Sapp publicly announce* tliat he is a candi¬ date for the House, and is quite san¬ guine of *o<ve*»—let hi* opponent whom he mav. Mr. S. is well known j to our people, baring been before then ,l,f rac0 wa *°" warmer we shall keep the public posted on the matter. —The musical entertainment, by Prof. Peacock's niu-ic class, al the opera house last Monday evening. was a grand succe-s. a* far as the pu¬ pils’ and assistants’ parts were con¬ cerned Each one rendered their parts idinirahtv, btit the conduct of some of the small boys, encouraged by older head-, was anything bill admirable or even admissible—if proper order had been preserved bv the proper author¬ ities in the ball. This is said in all good humor, hut the remark is essen¬ tial, nevertheless. —The inu-icai cnlcrtaimnen* given l»y Prof. Peacock’s class on Monday evening last, was h monumental sue (r ” throughput. !• ach jmpil acquitted her-clf udmirablv while the iiistrn : mental music of Prof. Thompson, ac compaiiiml by Mr. and Mrs. Shank in VOCal Sell bm*, was simply grand The entertainment throughout was exquisite 1\ irried out, and reflected much credit upon Prof. Peacock a- a teacher of z —Otu Z mi prince. Mr. Henn Coleman, has ret timed from the mar. kets, and hronght with liim one of the handsomest stock* of gents' id y made elothiug, ladies' dross shoe s, hat*, notiuits, holiday goods, 1! c., ever opened u Ea-t limit. T >-e in ne ■•! of such it j >ds .should gn o him a call. His stock is complete and his price* loir. —We learn Hint Mr. Joint W. Xoh-s, living in the eastern part of ihisconn was assaulted one day last week by one of bis tenant*, and painfully cut in the face and neck Or. Fisher attended Mr. X We arc without the particulars of the affray, but learn that Mr. Xoles was quite equaltofheeiner gency, and considerably ‘'bunged" tip hi* antagonist, —Naval slot vs* are not on much of a boom these days. .Spirits holds it ow,, » hut ,osin ha* gone down out ol n *' ! < 0,IM " ai,t , oll V * ’ “aval ,' U! stores association . lias sought to rems dy Ihe evil, but so fat failed to ii'Kim pltsh inueh. If they will -top cutting boxes for the \vt two rears, they will do more >r the cause than h ajji 'lj!.•)<«■ else they could do. —We would direct the reader* .? fentjpn Macon. to Ga., the which rat'd of W. J. Totten, in thi- f appears ts-ue lie deals externiveiy in cigars, wiin**, liquors, tobai utd. in fact, everything that goes to make a first class grocery e.stahlishiuent. Hi pr - are lower than the average dealet 1 :i similar commoditi and would be pleased to receivi rders from thi* seel ion. —Parties c mplati ' putvli ng fine clotiiin i* ds and T ills, -bolt'd g I on or i s l their o ~ i*l s to ( 'lias. s: aehtfll & Br .. 515 Cherry street £ aeon. Ga. It is an old and reliahh ■ r •in. and wc bespeak for them a liber al patronage from tin. i■ —The young gentlemen of our town, under the leadership of Prof Joe. B. King, liave organized a minstrel trotip. and wi = give a most enjoyable enter* = an early day The talent t. good.and w can expect i r uin r i\ - A more ex f i no- and pirn f II W'l! lie give i iu . ic future Messr*. Job,, Jones and Tho na liodwin. .... ot DeKalh cot nlv, are in out prospeetmg. w iin a v < f 1 % eating here. Tlie*e r-1 nil. E ti are fir.-tela** eat pentefs, an wc - c mic them to our luiil-t. —The young men of the skating l ink will give a grand carnival next next Tuesday evening at tli r hall. A -mall admi-sion fee fin - iitiemeii will ... t . charged—ladies free. Come > one ami till, and enjoy the occasion. —Send your orders for Christmas liquors to Sam AVeilehselbaum, Ma con. He is headquarters lor anything in this line, and guarantees satisfac¬ tion in prices and gom r in every order. Set hi.* card in this i- - e. —Don't forget tl r al Chrisima dinner, on Monday ne: at the • Restaurant.” Egg-nog, turkey, - ters, chicken-pie, etc., will const j, the bill ol fare, together with all kind of cake and other edibles. —Mrs. J. M. Arthur has presented the Christian Sabbath School, of thi* place with a beautiful silver call-bell which is highly appreciated 3 #eliool would, in this connection, re turn their nianv tlianks to Mr*. A. foi the nim li prized present. —The scholar* and teachers of the Christian Sunday .school, and mem r r* of t church, iu our town, will - >1 in a grand sup r at the court hoi ■ next Monday rlit. and a delightful o. asion is expected. ITiniasiie IT:ii ! \M t.o have signed the I ' 1,(> ,,t so, iii order to p in the grand fanta-tic para, 2(iih iust.. (Monday) aro rcqtie-ted lo inert at the court hnn*elhis (Thttrs ,1a)), ve ’ng. An election of a tain, the ace of meeting on 3f»mlay. , *' e costume.*, et ire matters of iiu port a lice that will come before t!u meeting. A full attendance is desired It 1 Cully Bwllnrs. AVe are requested by l)t T. J. Bil¬ chan to publicly lion ucc. that while appreciating 11.< ouor conferred be his fiiiow-iowtismeti in placing Iii name among the candidate* publicly ( -lto*c*n for aidermanie lmneis. iu tin irten st ot Id* professional duties in mu-t decline.' Ajnin tothe front. Our clever dry goods uienliant. 11. IN h man, lias just opened large slock ot the handsomest di good* and gent-' ready-made elotbiug ever ext,ibTed in Eastman. Hi* i* iluletd atipeib, embra. ing, a.*o, large lot of Christ ma* toy*. Dou’i • f-.ji him .liiriinr the tmlidivs ! , Ior t l,e c ° , , on l 10 . “ 1 1,k . ‘ as0 ' f . ! 1 price®, goods ; ami qualities, A Killliis; I« the toanlrr— ■J o-hua t,‘«r.«e snoots mad Kill« .tUrdack Hrynal. A horrible shooting affniy occurred in the Point Town district of this coun¬ ty, at a limiter landing on the Ocinu! **' ,>r * I* ridsy afternoon, the ‘particular* of which ate about as fol low-, a- far as wc ran .earn them : !«acJ, abi,vo n,cwionod ; a fcw «ords e.. . when Coffee raised his r’flo ami lired—the ball eiitciing bis left arm, I l* cnit, ’ ati "l? tl,c lu,f “* a,ul co,l,hl * ol " 0,1 ,bc °I*I ,, * S **° su *° Dryuut, it seems, w:;s unarmed al the tintp of ilie shooting, atul lived only’ a few minutes—never again ^be.tkirtg The coroners jury rendered a ver iMct in accordance with tlie above facts. Coffee i* still at large, and no effort has been made to arrest, '.' lie aflatr is rather complicated tbionghont, and we withhold comment, as the matter will undergo legal investigation, per¬ haps, at an early day. •\<> I*:ipci- .Ti xl Week:. In accordance with the time-lionor Cl t custom of observing the Christmas holidavs, there will only be a small sheet (necessary to legalize our conn ty advertising) next week issued from , his olfi •c Our printer* need rest tnd recreation, and we promise to meet yon with re-doubled energy on t lie 5ih prox. Carried. cut -, on the tl . Mih 1 11, h, not., Mi. Mr Alittiill. VF IdlV ul.tski cotinlv. and Mu* Janie Junes, of Dodge county. May j [icac and happiness attend them i througit lif G. W. PlIAKlt. Amoxkeng \ ;>|»e nd i v. Air. F. 15. Trent, of W.iycross, spent Friday and Saturday in Amonkcug. Prof, and Mr*. C. A. Thompson ate home for the Chr'slmas holiday*. "Pil be hanged !” if I can sing this right ? Mr. Martin F. Amorous of Atlanta, a<'pompallied by Messrs. Sullivan and Scott, spent the day iuAmoskeag Sat¬ urday. The two gentlemen mentioned ! represent the lVnittsularCar works of Detroit. Mr, Scott remains here lbr tlie pnrpo-e of inspecting a large order of lumber pm chased by that company. i Tin* genera! manager has perfected M ,i„ i , Ia . v ; new store with steam bv connecting a •jipc fiom the mill. '■'lie Xoditl ItruiliiiK Club. Owing to the iiicicme = j of w eat Iter on Friday cvenin it last, there was no meeting of the Social Heading Club. The appointment of the pre viotis Friday evening will hold good for next meet (to-morrow ( Veiling,) at the re-idenc<Ji bi* Dr. ( 1\ Latimer. A pleasant occtvst on i* anticipated, and a lull attendanif'e i* desired. The fol lowiu (' -oiuufittec will p! 'ease re span I Ri EL r Mi-s Josle Edward*, Mr C G v. n Mir,* Mina Man-on, Mr Thom:*-Ctirr Committee on music—Prof. A\'. I.. l* ck and Mr*, d’. T. Latimer. Commute. on Amusements—Miss Emmie Harr and AJjr. AV. II. Cotter. .vliiscnic .11 ii;ters At a regtd inimtirdation of East Ilian l.oi ib'.' N 279 1- A < M., on Fri day even ling la-t, lhe follov . l ing ollii r Were chx eted for l*-* 1 -: J. T. (M old, AV. 5 . J. D. Heir an, S. - John T. \V J. AV ^ u ttef, Tiva-urcr E. Di an, Secret ary. ^ Ii. .1 tin Wbv () l.ob, i! l- uw in a lomUiing! c 11 i i nd under ~ bo adniinistra lion of i nvr j, g« iiUemen we predict lor il renew 5. •nenrv foi the ensuing year. Personal. Mr. N. II. Froiilichstein, of Mobile, ' Ma.. write*: I take great pleasure in j I'e [*> inim lining Dr. King’s Xew Dis¬ covery for Consumption, having used j it fora severe attack of Bronchitis and | Catarrh. It gave mo instant relief I •ml entirely cured me, and I have not ! ceil altlieted since. I al*o beg to state | aat I bad tried other remedies with ; " good result. Have al*o used Elec- i trio I’itteis and . King's New Life Rills, both of wii I can recommend. l)r. King's New Discovery for Con ttinptiou. Coughs ami Co’ds, is sold on a positive guarantee, Trial bottles , tY at any drug store. I —The ge; ial ( ' . R. S. Bill ton, edi lor of the ),i! >( : CorxTV Jourxai '' , :i* in Jesup last Tbur*day. and treat ed ii* to some Una music. His charm¬ ing nui'ic, loquacity, fasciuuting inan m r-amli aptivatingappearance, made some of our young ladies hastily ask, ‘ Is ln> married?” And, a* we an *\vcri d. oh, how they would sigh !— If Bob comes this way again, we would i t spect'u’ly request Mrs. It. to have hi in checked with a return coupon.— Jesup Sentinel. Now, Brp. Stone, you have again gone wrong. Your paper is ever a wclcoim \ isitor to ottr fireside, ami I! visit* from home [ it i- read with a degree of interest b; >>« l' Tetter-half, who is now quite j "quite out of sort*,’over your personal and intimates that we must remain at - one hereafter utd remember that ^ e are married. The pleasure going abroad can bc*disi>eii«ed with, but a* Mrs. B. will henceforth claim ; Hie Sentinel as her reading matter, we " id l>e prohibited Jrom the cxqt.i*it« ph':t*tirc of perusing Mich item* • s the above. Don’t be jealoti* of om •• faseinatiiig appearance any more Bro. Stone; you l^ve downed u*. UcmorrHt'M tlontlily. Our ladv feudal* wlio arc looking around to sec what magazine they wi-Ii io si^l.'scriWe f..xthe next year, should *ee. Den,orest's Monthly for December It certain!y is in the front rank of family.msgaziues, n-nd Kccmv to eonibinc a dozen benzines i«*one. *o varied is thu iiifqiination it con¬ tains, Any lady;|>os=es»big Hits valn able pul dual i<i|] oil mint fail to keep hou-e well, if *b»: follow* its; *uggc« , IHu't wnU-give* full informa on household matters, u ' JJJ 1 y^atiieiionsis^gV/e (>nr i, n , on tb a ami a «kcbrh ol tlie life of one of' the Stale Pre»ident* of est tlie AV. ^..Tt.U. that • In fact. Demur- ladv * is a tuPiftsinc everv P..bli-i,ed reflncnei Joupitw t !>••**«-•**. b jitb m*. Y’ork. Deiuorc.t, 15 Ea-i stre-t, . v% -T Hymeneal. Thomas—'pev.—( in Hie niorn ing ofttalollt inM . 9:15 n. m.. at the! residence of the bride’* parents, near West Like, Ga., Mr. \V. AV. Thomas. of Eastman, a ml Mi*s Lm,cretin Slap J*ev, of i lie former place, were united in I he holy bonds of rutionv. Th-i n * Cw,U "» w ,l h Mkry Lot, ^ ,a l 1*'* | .Iu»tlioforc the nuptial vows were consecrated, the entire party, immedi¬ ate family and invited guests, partook ° ,u> ^ ,e ,,,os * elegant breakfasts have seen spread in a long while. Every' delicacy' of the season was there, accompanied by various palata¬ ble substantial* too numerous to name, The groom is a voting gentleman ol fine promise of usefulness, and enjoys the friendship and confidence of our entire section. Indeed, lie is a mode! young gt ill Ionian, and will prove an . meat . unable bles-mg lo tile lady of his choice. The bride is a young lady of rare beauty of face and form, and to those who have enjoyed the pb-a-urc of Iter acquaintance, it is iinnecessarv to tell of the deep sincerity of the public regret at losing stn h an amiable, such a true, sneli a noble woman—indeed a gem hi the southern cross—from the society which lias heretofore been plca-ed to honor her. At the conclusion of the ceremony, and after the assembled company ol relatives and friends had showered co ^' atu, a,io " 8 nml " oUlc " j words of lust wmhes . upon the happy , pair, the wedding pa rty repaired to | the depot and boarded the amith hound passenger train for Eastman, [ where our citizens greeted them with j outstretched arm. Mav the lives of the newlv wedded pair be continuous j . one round of hap .pines* and pro*t.t*rity. is tin sincere wish of their triuinl* lure and else¬ where. 'lo the ■•■■lilic! I will avail myself of thi* opportu- patrons.! j nity of stating to my former and the people of Kastman and the surrounding country, that i shall open { again my school here about tlie first or second Monday in January next.— ! Also, 1 have about effected arrange incuts to have wit li me another year, i a strong, r man a* Friucipal 1 of niv 1 ■ school, together with one of the best I I , la.y , music . teacher* , (he , counliy can afford. There will be no pain* spared to make our school one <>f the best in the Stati lie sure to see us in regard ! ’! terms, eti IV e will give you a golden } chance. Any voting mail, either in Ihe town or country, wishing an o]>poi tnnity to secure an eduea ii can get imlui ' meiit* from us that will enable him to coi.tinue in -eliool nuti! he gradu¬ ate* in one of the best colli in the .State lie sure li» see us, yuinifi won ! Everybody come out to the Baptist church tiexi Sunday ami bear our in tended l’rini'ipal preach Res]>eet fully, J. I. I Mu.i.kii '■’he Mon iii Kcor^la CoiilVrciicc. At the session of ibis body, held in Sandersvillc last week, Bi-hop .Aie Tyeire presiding, the following ap¬ pointments were made for the nitrxswK k msTiucr: J. D. Anthonv, presiding elder.— r: uuswick, M. F. Cook; Blaekshear, g: J. Si ~ >; Il"i-iense, A. Clark; tesup, r, 27 1 s; Broad wood. E. I), Phillips ; — k y. J. II. Ilurd; Oc iiMilgcc. J. L. William BaxIev.J. F. ^Graiiam, AV. F. ILxoit: Soring nil,, ™.H^ ll „-s si j; M . k , 0 ,. v i 1 i P . u. M. C. Conley; MiTvci', ll/NL^MbflY— sou; Dibupscy, John G. Flanders;' Ea-iman, T. M. Chri-Fmi; Towns, C. Hines; Biiekhorn. G. P. Roberts; Abbeville, B. F. Miles; Irwin, C. AA'. Tysinger ; Crisp, C. B. Bieklev ;Spring Hill lligli School, C. C. Hines. It will be seen from the foregoing appointments that Rev. J. I). Anthony ha* been retained Presiding Elder of thi* district, and that Rev. T. M. Christian ha* been retu^ned to the ] pastoral care of the Easlman chureli. I Ea-lman < as selected a* the place ! meeting = the Conference next j ar (ioNiag IKcri'isrs | The closing exeie'scs of the fall term of tlie Eastman Acndemy on Friday (lie 10th itisl., was an oeca siou of considerable intcre-t to our ettizens, particularly tho-e \\ ho have reason to be interested in the cause ot education. In opposition to the enhl wind and rain, a large audience gathered at the academy iu pleasant anticipation of witin's*mg’tlie result of I*rof. Strozicr’s well directed efforts. The recitations etc., by the scholars, de-erves -pecial mention, and we had sharpened our pencil for the purpose of mentioning the names of those who have best im proved their talents to entertain an au dience. but when the venldicto**v was nnuounced we found tliat we had the namesofaM f«r special mentun—some who did well,otheis exceedingly wed. and a few still beit'-r and our limited space forbid* such special coin incut but we would be glad to know that! m T Jar a 2 di" - the liio-t la z a |,|, ter r * of = a’.se to him or zr It affords u* pleasure to voice tlu* sentiment of the audience in saying that the exhibition atto-t- the ability. skill and Indefatigable labor on tlie part ot Prof. Stroz'.er and hi* a**i tants. Mi** Fannie Harris and Mrs. ,J S. (Marshal). The exeinpiary eliara.’ti'r. integrity and di-tingutshed ability of Prof. S'rozier i* a fai¬ in Ihe pr >g *s of j th i* school, we ; glad to see tvcog uized, not oiilv by otic towns folk, but in all parts of thr iTeunding c mu try, and it is easy to pic liet f *r tlie sM-hool a bright future under this iiian agemenf. It wa* laic in the afternoon when the exercise* were enn, lnd d, but lift' ait< || cn< . ( . wa< „„ t ilDapimiuted in the piolll i^. oi Hll address from Hon. lien r> Coleman, whose zealous |.,!)ors in «he capacity of < ’minty CJoinmi-n'otier ! I»«* won for him unprecedented ]>opu larity. j Mr. Coleman’* speed, wa* short, owI , "8 *° " . ,0 . . „ “* .... »•'** l,oar . » , bl,t , in a concise form he stated a few fai t* tlpit are sufficient In Hjetnzdv s lo lit-- Hill*.;v<‘>i del i r< * nM!S ol *335 makes the a'ai uti» «r ex- j l,ibU lh »* " e 5,ave in Georgia, 12$,UOO while persons over ten yeais of age 01,0 ,hinl ° r {hc papulation who ■ annot write their name-. 5 cl we; "*■>* feel gratified over his report for | I lodge eotintx, which shows an av-! t'rum our T m % rlllis ('oric>|)(in <len( I'xtox PotXT,(» a.. Doe. 19ih 18S7. Eiutok doriiXAi.: The Woollolk trial and the President “s me ‘sage have been the , absorbing topic every where for the pa-t week, Judging from the evideui •e as given through flu vai ions J pa per-, the opinion generally prevail¬ 'd that H oo!folk would be found guil¬ ty by the jur\ usl on account of con¬ tin tin«' evide nee and the probability of more than one participating in the murder, and considering too, tliat lie was oil trial for the murder of his father on! v. would be recommended the merry of the court i’lie intelli genre that be xvas found guilty and seuten-ed to die w s not at tirst great j v n lislied bv the tnas-e \ review " r "•« orilCtoal «««• ... ............. l.y M it lie-s. s, the pal he tic appeals of si die itor Hardeman for ju-ti e to the dead and the tuianmieusverdict ofan intel¬ ligent jure howevc , have ab ated mm h of the sympathy expressed f« t* the ac¬ cused, and had the excetilion been or¬ dered public, thousands from all parts of the state would have witnessed the sa d secne srladlv. Purely flie death ol one stubborn murderer cannot repay the hiss ofnitte luuoeenf .ives! Kemird i„g the condemned as . uiHv, lnu lew a „ „ tl<!r „ ie <lf th( ,.| e w | 1( , feelingly stud "ihe I, rd h e • nefey H „ vour , 0 til." The mes-age of the Pr ident is not creating Ihecoufitsion among the par tv leaders that s. >me ol our journal would have von to mink All the New York paper* have declared for its defence. The absurd oredicth r of some that it will in-ure his dele Z ,n in tl... 1111 next ratupuin has been shar r, enue iscd by the prominent politicians in the west. A New England paper illus¬ trates the situation and opposition as the millions against the miilionairsto wlticli a Georgia Gazetie adds the robbed against the robber Gov. I5ol> I ay lor, <>/ Toiiiicsm says ‘•Piesi dent Cleveland’s uluiinislralion i » heartdv endorsed , m ... ... 1 unnc*s >e. „ lb .. t will bo the next nominee of the dent , ocrat party and will receive a large ly increased vote in this -tat As lo the tarif! Tennessee favorP tariff it form but in-isis that there mu-t be proiei tiou enough lo cover tiio dill’ereti ■e be tween tlie price of American skilled labor and that of Enrone. A corre-poudeut from your town to the Atlanta Constitution writing uu (1 date of December 1 till, and telling ! limit Ihe muiiieipal electio^i inlimatcs that the county of Dodge will go wet ! at tin! next local option election. agree heartily \\ =r this cone spomicnt when he says !■ an'* intere-ts are safe in tie cu-tody of the gentleman nominated, but when lie says "it has been confidently predicted (hat the county of Dodge would go ■z ret I must say no. That such lut ■eii pre dieted I do not doubt, but that i has been “ ronfldently predicted" 1 must dispnti . If with the influence of lif teen o twenty bar looms without the proof pr - lion's good effects the county vot - 1 i',v” two yt ,r.s 'n°> how can it be ‘'eoiitidenllv predicted” that , , the i Very same people , . in . of view the promoted interests of Eastman s society, and , the . morrals , of _ Dodge •onnt\ willea-t tlieir hallols different ly at t ap]>roacliing elecCou ? The fla# s etnpcruiioe. stained with tHr* ^t s - blood of idi reated niothcr. , (|i ** -s babe*, will never again float v- i legally a.vfV.TnfcPe.igvog shot>. T. t the time hasten when by the well cast vote* of honorable and law-abiding citizen* of Dodge countv, j .hi* cursed cup will bi taken from the nioittb* of those who drink to their 1 ruin, ami the Ira (Tic forever snowed under. Mis* Gt argie AVoolf, one of Laurens county's brightest daughters is visil ing her sister, Mr*. John Walton, of Danbtirg AA'ilks county Miss Geor gic lias many admirers in AV'ilks coun ty, and if the Judge does’nt want an¬ other son-in-law in Danbtirg he would do well lo advise hi* lovely daughter at once, R. S. T. Wonderful fnrci AV. I), lloyi & Co., wholesale dmg gi-t-of Rome, Ga., say : AVe I.a vo been seliitigDr. King’* New Discovery for j I Consumption, Electric Bitter* and Biieklen'* Arnica Salve for four years. Have never handled remedies thut sell as well, or give such universal sail*' faction There have been some won deri'ul cures effected by these medi¬ cines in this ciiy. Several cases of pro¬ nounced Consumption have been en¬ tirely cured by ti*e of a few bottle* ot Di¬ King's New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters AV, guarantee them always, Sold bv all druggists. It AoiIcp, Tax Pajcrs! Mv b. ok* will bn ojien until Decent liei Feting , 1887, for the purpose of eol he town tax. S I f.u it M ax. Clerk a nd Treas’r. E an, Nov. 9, 18.87. tf AVu n toil. A number of stall-fed beef cattle the Eastman market. Parties having. "i‘ contemplating Inn ing, the satin on hand during the coming season, would well c confer with AV. B. Daniel. astman C a. tf I-Inti anil Oysli-rs. I desire to inform the citizens of Ea«l man and vicinity that 1 will keep on band, during tlie season, fresh fish uni oysters, and at prices below coin ! petition Call at my placi No. :i I’liird avenue, wheu desiring these luxuries, 8 am. T. Rod Kit* Eastman, Oet. 9, 1887. tf Bniklm’s Araien Nnlre. t j Tin: Best Sam e in the world iii cut*, brimcs, sore*, uh ers, salt fever, sores, tetter, cliapped bauds, ebilblains, corn*, and all skin ernp t:on*, and ]K»siliv, Iv cure* Pile*, or pav requtred. It i* guaranteed to give i perfect ... satidaction. ... . or money P , cd. Price 25 d . pci box. E -r sale , 1 all druggists. tiovRjji TKHJHBS UV'-KlTb ! or Mrs Ta,: :'„v ■ in Jatmi in ''utl l iwn'V.r*''Fwmt.leii L K,J during the legal hour* of l ' l ^ tv i t ,, f> J l , ;" uar y' 1 One 11 ny lit center crank Xo.] V"" ?"r.' T 'W' !'a m otions lor strum. i,ais. water nntl W ( ^0 fc-'t is r.v dust nil fltthij Mires for No. 2 saw mill, .‘Wt’ oar® tensions eaeli end, :i racliet hai one main pully extra Imavy audi |>iiiion “hack” jriing,* roller, ;V)’t i leinrths, Piston). ti-12-4 piv belt, 1W.2K w 12-2] oiic2* s plate eo plimf •1-2’; collars. 7-2k.. clamps boxes W* wiiii holts for in dm her, one pr met 20’’diameter, 4 " width of tooth 2*, bars key seated with key, one mandrel No. puller by’ in centre. .‘‘(I l)V ” cut om 24 " 12 1-22" *, t If. pulleys, 2fj bore kei sealed wit M<>" saws pat. sliint'le machine 00 ply and 4n"-12”-1 pl> rubbil belt, al oxime* track wheels, u-tially ftirnislbed. 1 set * axles and lioxes, Gj *«" hull machine >*: levied with and shal’tiiir, to be soldi lieltj on propo rty of italk Oil, \ 111 sou ' iruit ' «>f u lien ti fa issued fro or court in favor of I, M. t‘, said lialkcom, Vinson & Litel J T. I November .‘Hi. is*7 Twolvo Months’ tiKOKuia -Dodge County : 1 To "bom it may concern.! Hureli. ^IISIUI » . Hindi, widow I do ■cased, having upjdK twelve mi otiis’ support for her nor c hi Id out of t Ik* oHt ito of Hit ami the apprais rs appob.ted t |>"M' provided Inn ing by tiled the r return ijH ctW a * law. I nis is to ! bine allowed by law, il an. they 4 t'i!,'' l l ’M,'o,'«la" i!r.Iai!uan l M itw5! hrM the . return f until iiisers uPuwe corded tiiveil under my hand ottteialty Hai 1 2i», 1**7. John.I. Dee. I-ft. Or H. K. t'nlhonn. attv Notice to D CrccJL tJKOKOIA—Dodge ( '<<J ml I'u all whom it All persons indobtec II. Shulelt, lat ut sa are n quind to make ,\tjd il and those holding lat(> are requested t'fl the undersigned at* Nov.2b.Ct Admin: Notice to. Cr< t! hoiks i a— Dodge i To id I whom inJ it. All persons Itureli^ William ‘eased, ar settlement, am estJ against said rSsso known to tl Nov 29-Gt Letters To all Cuij t| L. umlei'HiJ M. I lie administna rv, late^fl i-fl 'I ‘>^H ii auetibliX eollllty, witj e next, lol lowin'! mm] land -eetioir}. wii of ( ot \V. I* ceased dee *-l« Forth at Kennesa 1 ai» TO i is t inter the mauagcB ill has One Hundri which n ib he let at rhe cat.aeitv f the the pnhlic ' s. two lid ctlicr iii the — iiy Bill he fed willi'tlic ilav ot nigh i " and best I th u Attentiv Hie best uks and will pH ■ieiks w im s, w hi-!- eys and liquM M stoji at the Kennesaw. .0. t llicli Sept 2!I-Jill NEW PJ&ICES ! * J, \\\ CALLAIIAN * & CO. UcVlMj;, CiKCPFll, — i .\ui:hs General Merchandise. Ouv stock consists at everything usually found in a strictly First-Clans General Store, and our prices are uTSlfw ns the lowest When you come to McVVitc t Sill to ill and ox inline our stock ary) prices I v.irutv save unmet • by (C(ing so Me Vi Be, (i Oct. 12. IS<7 hn DR. W. M. EYALS, OFFICE 3 nd DRUG STORE, LUMBER CITY, GA £3”C’alls promptly attemled day or night A full line of Drugs, BSedicines, Paints, Oils, BOOKS. STATIONERY. *'»***•> (>oods and'l’ollvt Articles always on hand, Oct. 12. tf 4n. H. H. JOHNSON, X3E3STTIST, IIAAVK1N8VUJ.B,' GA. jrTf'Oflice out A mold's-jewelry store (let. i«, 1**7. h 11. M. BozkmaX, R. A. Rauan B 02 EMAR & RAGAN, A New Finn Made out Marsh’s Old One, AVe e gone t< I her, II Bozeman and K. ItHL'ao. i the mere n He bust j ne*sni we will t \ on w hat " t! (lilt the j 'iFVi.r Me madrt fl 1*1*1 new w tin., onl sold our. mill \\ at!, 'il it I luxe j nuni i 2 ;Ui—old Fitch* I, Kagan ml ztiinu. Hu* n — ay I'll tell you we ilal Mill As best not \ to milch for I've heard it said that a still tongu ! make* a wise head,hut did make our ihttforin tlm next day, r.liieb this: We agreed to deal squarely and j |y with all bushel inople: it shall We sell surely yon get a it pound weight or and you Our mile* t'ull measure. yard stick and moasii ire { m 4 C 'TiTTH* <T!inp Pn'll IS till 1 1,1 T.Z rongest > in th wui’M, its on>11 ! oxl a -'-< i-n .•'iii' in- [n lie* ciionuouii ......... li. 1>. HKNTIiA’, Sept2!t-:iu;, Kiistnuin Ha L- n^-Zb J C£ACOCl : r, A 1,1,11 IN - General Merchandise. I have in sto e t L 1 most con plete stock of !,'< ii uulit to Hi market, nml I pi I t I r k-l tom price*. All I ask i- uu \ i ination < my stock and price*. Tlmi I ihe puhiiii for past patrm •e, 1 ro-pccll'uliy solicit a continuance* d th oct!2 Mm b. M. PKACOCK CldtltY N ('AIJ)KH, ( Vifftntrci/, (1 ('Oi'f/irr, Arc now ready to fin u fi li meal it prifu* that "ill a-toi M ii , llat mg thei unpreci t: nt,al ad\ ycs iu buying rcorn,i n fresh meat in all v quantity to sas \ i; nicy, and guar oitee Hutisfiicction. Send in yo ir orders, and tliev will receive “aN *• >t in attention. connection tl ■j have one of the BEST IMPROVED GISTS in the south, witli ton Idevntor. unload ing your It ten i x\ agon, il by h»> ing on t ti ml l out y our seed is the en loaded by ljui'Iilnoiw lor voi (ii\ l! them a trial 1 12 .‘tin E. S. 1MVEOU, OK.M.KII IS Mra^l'^mrjLard Sl’ti AR. (T)I'EEf TOBACCO. Staple Dry ( I its. Sh<,.'». II at s. Kte and a geni n i "ell selected slock of FAMILY GROCERIES, •red to tl) • public would ut the he „„..., Im h 1 l<‘. ! V..V"r'..'V.. 1 ,';'Y’ 2. di troiu all tli os,.• who : = lay Hue, and will i liete t>'keocea*i»ii ( f ate that they can* ^'* <’ i l else"here in thi* ; N and see for vour ■1 •tl'ullv, K. 8. TAVI.OIt. oct i:;..7iu Hawkinsville, l*a Fresh Fish and Oysters. FRUITS and VEGETABLES. p „,,|; c n ,. ( J.v notltted that I huveupeiu.d to yi rlL»«^l np ■^KoiiU ^i next door c it r w tiyr