Newspaper Page Text
Away’win. him' r t A u.-ivjwith him' ’
shmsotthuraoo th , -h of ,|,
wrathof t.isl.tho m. , uv , i I..-I,. f„. -tu
pemlous interest* ..r .-.n ini-n hug
hie, and the d.-ad "oh > i s > m ih-ir «indm
STpSL'toHT'm ;Z ' n:, ' 1 u r,',;;.'o 1 .'il a
no u. o,
There Iw Bangs! Wh .t has that hand done
that it should bo (mis .ni-hod m
jMilmi wiping away It has h«ars. u' hu"io.« l fV. it i*nu!
doing that it sltould Im so; Il lias
lieeu going about doing go "I. "fwluit ha*
the victim 1«’’U guilt . SSbiilty of saving a
tcsa^'Ssirur.Ka&'ffia ........................
esa-tr”*......... v *\ Mt ' . rru
, Vrw!.r .; ti v,:i'!!l '.mtsowkK i
anus' o| l i
that when lie brought Horn b.gothor
auain th.v ; ir.litht emhiaeo tho vrerl.l.
»' lit It Lirnt ~
mv !^ir U o!"Tt.,t , aU k theTtn,mha| t tcto
0f i, iu!.v o"| V" , ’ ',' 1 ” UI ‘ ’ K ' ""-'d 1,1 ,, ’”K’"b'w.iy. in
i ill, that ad t,i I,i!|.- ,m t • u„.|. t> and or
g.mscuiiih ur,-. ..pit, in.......mill,.,,,,
ripe Ik his pmix •!
Ijui wli-.r », r,. ...•»,n. iv flowers t»liim -!»•'
rai III M
Ka , insicr.:-%fc w fs
one side, and tn. cherubim, and seraphim. side, nml
and arehange's stand on Hw other
nil tho siHitv irotwtM n t* lilltMl with ilwilov
ologies of ei«>ni!ii the jubilee!—the ImlUIujah hosanna of
a listeemwl earth, of un fallen
angels, song after song rising about tho
throne Of and Of the hmiih. In that
Again, m or,lor to have a right .... heart . it
S..V-- “To ivnTi'e'-'jpsl'i mr evil',s i'LTiJu;
pssl hi, " for u K”“d is of nun thes tike, n»i ev,’ lire-, for g«.«l imv d-vil o,” ■
alTss,,. h,.it..Vm! at h >ut. Then- are
l ••• |d- who di-liko us so much that u we
U...I I eon,.’.l..o„ to poverty an i ,!,^r.ue
,l ” him Didn't I
*"" '"" 1 h*-y have nil lerst.Hvi
ti., and n«vcr will.
OX 1 ns,.....rifled KU,
ttd you (ji.t a gi**i eraek nt inn., and when at
as you till i mill in a tuut . K ivo ■» to
IT- JW. W. . J.;* >;;■ ... I..n„.
heart No rnun ever did m iiftvm a thing
z'zizzz. giving heart. r^Si'iri’as:
thit'nwn 'that'man " ,w i ,,f V r|! h T *
house and lot I w,forgive who
overreaeheil me In a .ueJto birgaiarj will forgiva
th-t.rnan who sold VW co.t ; f
Ksgs S=Trl
done and frit in f
■ 3 ” 1: ‘‘f t>rgb> *
it or not.
an expe-'tsnt heat*. . . .
h Imlldins cast l»w ln
a lux e now. Don’t
th« fm*(l lion*J bo
, na i*.’" 1 f rvt
BttfasfrJK .. ,
2T’Srr^. the better
gets In lliink the
Bfffltfscst the air, hut on j
•iige heaven. He
islieaven. Home of
(bo SS^Tm^iiU, eood place open
»de. pal aiel the clap- And
J triumph. that all
F Ucl our
■ff Hu- burdens liter, wlutT done
Htbe H'liir eyes and saw
■ 'fb earthly have mom- sight
fistw Hiur m witlwiiiis pmjation* expec- and
I Eone. T.abl'nu^r
Ho that talked
n roo.1 to measure tho
furlongs”—that is,
a. "eoru-r AIT heaven is not a
of Col’s do
&Wi£?bSl entrance depends upon
Ho** ^
| kf»US KO up to
kb(4 Ihesthelast hzs snd
!■ sails up
-Sn «
of Unft
ign the t
•-ft ,
dling of
rtrapen- leonfhi
^ and
ah ier
■ ■
■ K
m-t u'«m an
Ini' i.-rt Viafi
10 i ! liis
ho wr.,m
'thing thou
K<vi Iasi.’ i{!?„,, 'light X,
1 may to .lav
r If U n"trT’*"i‘ ii u'lfij
HKo _ jo, let in
lte**,lX tiling thou
Nn.r4.ul has
o I ^h'f,U^r
‘bv^rii'.' '' *! ‘ I'eJ'inlVshould'he
thorel""*. UWtnnt' «.me A\* In Wng thi
wry last one tlrnf should tiko tho oath. He
p-^tponml Htarting lor this rtriswe untif two
\\ |,iU. Uvotinrs worn sot &&&" (yee, M-vlnn was
».* •! « - tato
”, !g ,»,* ..J.,, f
' y bo late. Jhutf of you are
g„,og to for.-.or to., MaclqjfT «Bemember the
wreiwa' lo mi-.t ike of
Mnety-NiricYcar-OliWruiiis. n&JWin Twins. /
Sail v and Henri ball •in y-tern, y ters,
ui!"'a,:sr •«“«......... £^ j^i
5 M,,oo. f twins th%v ; *,u.
but in their nuiv !W Jr ot lloiljibuh are
affc Colburn. tiomb-dy Thc^.Xhe^Tsaic **£5*^ Cofl^,
, / ^,
fife )y \tgHHL L I 4
Jr^/vT -f., »
>"%:'*• " ‘' sl Dedham, ..... ■>«, wheie ........ tbn >» wore
Horn May 2S, 1.1G. Hb wHBi iBglyite
from tho st:\rt ;i littli* 1 > tu
Sillv Vt but 7 the rcsemhlHcce sMUtfirr- WaSWOWn- or
ttnguish feet # . that them .1 <pi iintiuu by cs cm.ld onIyluj|
""'^,1 W i, durio^ tloSKMlfw HftKtoft
uidow time now married re elves. Noah '^alBbUt^Ihe r 'olSDr«bTlfl> u> D
same t)9SEj3|g'l ,n
t wins o etc sii>ar,it< d but
h« ated in West Dcdh am, wli||A«'l#’is siUHtesiSd. •resiSrl thoAu
were born and have ever XTCrA* svsKbd.
TI,o edes had no . |,d i .
had one duijdi'er, with wit & 2d the b^Sc t'f4f»s
anathre^oy^lih^^raP’ uow rwi ,p. Theiri.,w il ! «s
still live. :' A!is.' Mrs. M s s N d.l.v Snd: Uml^pe OedsK.
nee I I ms -)il; Ahiathn At,;.,thn Bid .VJl Mr * rtC rtf l*\- lied
be In ,. , i,g. ,, ft Il ms; a „ Mr*. Mr., Li |.i o', of .«*»-.
air ork of Ihcir Iv d to Their 'uh
w cur wS re
tho old militia intereS-fe im.rtci, «Bw»pWN? xml the dika
But it is of lik^thc^
lical,b >’ <'onp)e das? And
«*•'”»' no try -when tligy
rode the farm horses a.iekkjad did othri
*»• V
teXZZ S^nj 3
3 **^ ' II
Of feted, there doth fe* -■ ■ ’ - I
"***• befoft ot 1(1 *ig**£d rMjipil now flSqpei; ...
^ R. Wrth^ 1 ,
^ r o ^
tiota^a,-^ «, b.g ^. bpto ™
,* AIMy^to^a.tJfjto ntr ^y >m * n ', V l W ly» *^t ni rth
hm^flfcaKlows, 1
And . eni^« Y\ hen great OhristgUsfenw*. soul , f
* “OM
n Christmas , . on
by Charles kgMCRT OHADDocE.
Th. T brii*ci J jh... a, t i,„ot
h is great red disc above the sombro
woods and snow-crowned crags of the
opposite Jirtcinhis ridge, when Dick Herne liis
father log-cabin, Rand, stepped out of bis
the precipices • perched high among
of Old Windy Mountain.
]I <; waited motionless for fc Mbmcnt, ami
the ® familv lajniiy tmom-d tiooiica th totbeuoorto thclnttri,, as
* ... ,8 .f nt the. time-honored Ceremony of
Bring a salute to the dav.
Suddenly * the whole fandscane ,JJ catches
a mt rosy of flame plo dirts m k swifilv whi , L
out ,..w,
-'she began to reload his gun the
*biall hunds hoys clustered around him, their
in the pockets of their l'a"gy
i«a n g* trousers, trousers their tlicn hcula Jieaasmouinugly inouirirndv
| “They air het'^vpief prwa ••
n-goin'ter low >
........... .
nob that he knew how pea-fawc/ tastes,
*»li i K 111 imuuown thar ler alnlviu\ *
house,” said Dick's mother, as slit) stood
iu the doorwwn 7 and looked ; -mviouslv ■; -.t
a representative of the family, hm father
ntollL btiug disabled by “rhcumalies,” ami his
k, ;1 , », h„ r ,l„ ttvctttwM;
O' >ys. icr
.....ain’t I done promised „ n„,
Ihatsafac, - . „ his , . mother . admitted. , f ,
But boys, an men folks ginur.dly, air
scandalous easy ter break a promise whar
whisky 'Til. is in it.”
hev ye ter know that when I gin
tayjpwd I keeps it!” cried Dick, pi id?
fully. ^ j
He little drc inu d luuv ihat .p’o ui -c
was tube as-ailed before thoikup went
down. ,*$•
lie was a tall, sinewy boy, deft of foot
| as all these mountaineers are. and a sev
j ca-milo walk in the snow to l»irk«8 Mill
•hfteottsidcredamcie.ritle. He tramped
Bpitate„r *%long cheerily ,h, enough through the silent
I long intervals the stillness was luCkcu
by the cracking of a bougli under tho’
|U6t'Of weight wind of snow, through or the the whjttUlg of a
OT^al Pisc-d.c onec-it was was sinking.’ a tcnibic Whs shock tlv of
idhmg of bem 0 him -1. it tin vague
air to tin b i c of the nioun'.ain;
lie realized witli a quiver of dismay that
hcha.l mi .tnkcu a Inure drift Idled tis
-sure, between a jotting crag and the wall
i *of the ridge, for the solid, snow-covered
ground. wildly lie tossed his arms about
in his effort to grasp something
|' firm. 1 he motion only dislodged the
pWas going down—down—down With it.
' fto saw the trees on the sumrnitw Old
i . *udy disappear. He
i««ips <5 of^ the m*lghlK)Wli^ |Mr»
he was blinded and !,.,.S
.. ; ,ui„„ !
,h0 ‘pea-lowef,’’ and he seemed to slide
, away from the world wiilt the
i iOOW. •
He was uneonscims probably only for
' few
a minutes. When he cams to'liiin-
1 acJfhe found that he Wtw lying, half
submerged slope in t)io great drift, on the
of the mountain, and the dark
tie stretched hts limbs—no '?»»«■' bones sw. broken »w». 1
'could iprdly believe that he had
did fallen unhurt from those heights, ip
not annreciute how 15ciK ondunllv m,.
sn0wlmd aWdo«-«- SO dense; V
packed, too, it had huoved him the-Ltrn im anil
kept him from ilad.ingagamst
™»*lou jagged edges of tho rock, t He had-lost
OT , ; .< in p.o j,r «lion tlw w,vi*
L n,as ? wus abruptly arreted by it knoll ot
St,' md
^or'hD^oimd'him 1 ^was^m&tmiii ir' 11 ] ' 1 . 1 ;
1dm wildorncss, into this vast, stiowv, track Is,
that stretched out on every
g id c He would be half th- dav in ’tiiuU
KhS 1*«
next towWcSky^ OMMH| »thrill shot through him, ha,i
unaccustomed, no
. «»«vcr slmKor, except xxith the
‘Old-Jmtthis was fear.
Kdr he heard voices! N t from the
1 ydms above, but from below: Aot from
the dense growth of young pines on tho
slope depths of of Ihe tlw mountain, but from the
earth beneath! lie stood
n .......
1 ^«iong tue uark green branches, and
” needle was c.oascd in ico.
It was no dream
?iS¥T' c y^ hHfl et ~ b,,t OUt 7 fa,,, ‘ 1W ' T ly ? from vn
!\.- M Wm. m A Ile Ho fa9t oast W superstitions a !l fiarfu. j- 1 ........1 *•« upon *1'”
-. covcrcl woodsand sheeted
• etrtli. He was rctiicmlHi iins.cic
: , legends, ^ . horrible , .. enough to raise thc h.ur, civiliznl, educated clueatctf hoy’s hoy’s iicml: head; iniiVl. much
’ horrible, then, ton
if* Suddenly those voices front the earth
Again! ^*-?S2a2s One was ringing , ij!a3^ a druuken catch
—it broke into fftlsctto, aud ended with 1
1 %n »n Dick’s Dick’s uomistakabMrhiccup. uumistakabJcTiiccim blornl blood bJ^t
“I^ev . ‘ came CHino rime back back %ith »hk with fi a rush. - ru s ]i. i
! ffittin : # never never beam beam tell tell o’ o’ tho tho hoobiea boobies
. “That’s hoozy!” boozy!” ho he said, said with with a a laugh. IhhtK ^
whar " ‘v ir they lh ' 3 v hev hev rmt " ot the the t,lc upper upper imncri.n hand hand
lYMma - °
he gazed again at tlio thicket, he,
T*** what he had beea too much air
to observe before, befor, ‘’ » a column column of of
j 1 ! dSXS5°Si ' ! "H.,* n * 0k abri !} , b 2L ffOemed * t ,,|>s ro “ e 5 from {mm to fo fw ^ down down the the
! l»t la Itself n,akc make haste ha®' 0 to to
amimg lltc low.hanging boughs
i " r IHck^am^Lf; ,'j «?*rbwljr*« house down tl th«r J** Z ”
was m.* . 18 M “delusion. V “I* * kin kin find find out out
| - a,.,,,.,, tticway 7^: to U «, Hlrk’s '* ,rK , * 3IIJ1 from fr ” m the- folkso*.” folkse*.”
, \ -w^i When ., he neared ^ the tbc stuokc Btnoltc fee he paused pa used
, t -
‘ ’ “ “ rin 3 once oa « more. moW’
fro^Zg iK?^^ an»ong W°7ne loTf,pine jJ?*? I bushes. h"* The 1 ®- Mupko Above Above rose
»«-• nTf^Jru i 1 bp “ ch ® f of <fea th * \ fir.
jgSg. *EZJd&. XlyAWT— oa ,4 ’
^ ; l.mkMl ?s:jsjafe^-,.”VL k»* «K ^ ? 0t ^ V’ ,>u *
... —
! sislitsffisgf.'isss h*<lmdtcUuay fromUretiM ipp i? g ’*^
° r
, f
There j' ' ,lt H ,ou " T- r,a!,,l '’ a Bfr,, n g
b , ‘a‘. and H’body . ’. keeping ; the
. ®o B was lire .
“i.T2£. , ’ Mk y« w 7 l - - •
wS < SfK*"i‘iS
fc5?sry«asira£ fo.
l^^ajii l.op.^1, stra n^ J* place it *«,, were the even inliaM- more
3 '
MM i took ml
pale face, terror
os on
young stra
T .....Mill
lot,, otottolaoi. ottl, too »1» Ctwnon So hitli.” “oS (JEmX ttSe I
*b« definite €kir#etnment, and running
their S»ilU in JUdJfitlizcd of the law and
uhi>sk v 4<ix,' that in rt;«_
A.a he ^.inaS
!»ower, nt their mercy!
“Don t shoot,” he faltered. “I jes’
ldl - ll ‘‘:
%{if r U K
wo,,l,i ,, «« , have given . to . be on
t! ., ‘c ,, bk 'ak mountain outside?
P- 1 «^nnatSitTo^^Two t n « an atteni[,t torun. 1 n o or orThrce three,
n f t" a low toned collo.piy, took then
r,fl . " s 1 nd cr r » n 9f ut, P UJ,T I ***»*» to rc '
connoitrr the t situation. Ou k eomp»
i, Pn d e d their imiJined suspicion with new atiak*
. Thev 1 imagined that t.iat he hi tfane
f” ,n 1 -. ' 1 • had '[‘y been sent among them was was*spy, dis
P y "?" th /‘ ,r f V rbM ,dc *
,,on - Flic penalty of their , still . was tm
ca ^£, gtirrin ‘ , ’ „ “ t .. (J leader,,
, ur J
I , misdoubts,’ '• . . . ,. muttered .. . another. «ast
it look of deep suspicion on [lick. ‘Thar
' ,?* 4 r » 1 m '‘-tuinkub L .j_i bid lj.i
^Tiir . f«d« •- a it.iiooff,«...
1,e V. ' . ao^mueh e/. a bush thout
. , it
“ .' >
safe r enough, . ■
<■ rc boj^, , safe .
1 '. ; cant tic
nol ,., ‘ ,u ; \\ ... c ltc \
4* 1«««W .» *
breast.'and \ lie bc^an .•'! to troll armin— ‘ *” ’
t( dd . Adam nekem loafln round,
H’-li- the prei.n son the ground!”
ne of tlic nmre sober of tlie men hie .
®*. '."r 1 " 8 t.te hre, # that they
,,' in omer
ut'ght not be beyay edby the smoke out
sole, to tlio Pl acers whom they fanciec
" , ,L ‘ ; S ' ' 1 ° puicc, cbillt
enough . at best, sm growing bitter cold.
iMekgbsem'd that they were
h’ c P‘* r « ll< * ,s for night, and once mor<
J, 0 ar ot what they would do with bin:
hlutchc.l , at lus heart. He wasso«u”hin{
^ r ’{ V 1 '’ ’ < ‘;’ 1 l< ’
1 lus “yar cub n ill go blab, was thi „
j He will Keep mum, said vocal
! b»|Hf . lancing at the boy with a fovinlly
of leer ami wink,
i . ** JVjVtttO-pflrsuadcr!” He
shwrwy.tfnlusfastol. “This’llscotch wranpec
^ nis
{ ■ " r *^- “ . ^r . , . ^™I! , kcU ^
, n’^rtccl aaothor
«C -ttre K ro "P ;
yc tire Off that pistofein hyar wpll
hev 'he all these hyar rock^-he corfajhadca jkjIo
| walls and the long
s,v, ’ ril1 ’ hack an yowin’ fiko a pack#
hounds on a hot scent. Ef thar air folkr
outside, the noise would |btch’em dowi
0U l Dick H s [. ur , breathed truc ,', - more freely. ■ Thi
; ' on let liot lie harmtet with all these tell
i “dc witnesses at hand. f-’o silent now,
1 but »u'unt voice strongenoughfor
the dread of it to pave him!
The niiui Who bad "■■.U.oitcrmg put out the fire,
»m w *. P , rtJ ;
'-f ,U) UaU alt the active preparation!
Jo»’departure, »* aa i executive who committee seemed, \ n of short, tc
■ !o hnk, cue—t
?^’ decision # l:«y-lookiug of mountaineer,
}, | -contrast w,t ® a to hts whole action aspect, in startling
th.s in hand. .now took
“Nothin’ ea ier,” he said, tersely,
' r »’sh b ilcd ow< 1. rhea tend 1dm to tlu
t‘<j{hcr cem 1 o’ (he cave, an’ blindfold
him, an’lug him off five mile in the
woods, an’ leave him thar. lie'll never
^ow what he hev seemnor done.”
i “That’s the dinetnntf’ «n«d the red
' hywdcd man, ,n delighted approval.
i 1 * left £ * D gi';g in his high quavering
’ I f '2g‘£Z‘« tima >« .* ef ImlV <ag|<riBk!”- «
. iuU’p^&ioSto^^
gliiimuT of* l
^ indisti^Sl^ic.diaS-^ tlm figures tho iucn loomed'
h ^ly scenieJmen at ail to Dick;
'athcr some evil under-gvouud creature,
neither beast nor human *
r .}»«-k£S5J3feflfc «way, and he should tememi^r no
^fprchimsovividan 1; ‘w l* <n ' cr that swayed lBggS«iofthf them, h«
m, o" ,r n °t have experienced so strong an
! ' Vurs:on to ^ >t- Now, pricelNM|^Vld« t»b*h||plp like
S C< '' H 11 ,u K h
, And . there 1m pMMPFfia Ms
1 was
™“V* , c r! As thc lon ?
r,.^. zzr-ii'n or " M “ , th '
,ra ^ inentff ’
n . . . iW^him’wi^
Vl f , ,
n .an o sc * sDouggrto S
wildlv^ „ th bo It2 V
Hu iookod .reBKEiS de^2
{gf' bl ““ °Xlh iviin^ drCadod tb a ndtculr
more than the U • >•
1> it there neither . blows f ndi
were no#
. * "‘i all^.t/.ul , athiotwaonac^. , .
’ ,
Tl T,lt Thc " “ u i ^ change, n Sr, which " hich IHelMWMBwmx-’
prehcmUtrt, tutted ncros-sthe fafe of
who had grasped him.'wHo turned
uua 'r^X - v , abniptly, with a hitter laugh
i Cnctl “It good that -a-: she’s ww
- air whar she
can’t know how I hev kep’ it.” *
Atifl ♦),»*/. n .,,ri d i en n ■ i 8, „*i ^ nc ®-.
1 r* ft teemed to >.■ Dick, i. strangely \ " ,
j 1 ,! ko the sudden silence that comes after
a pn , ycr . He was reminded, ns one of the
“on, kW-**.—J-lk» of the creakmg beuches,« the BUfe
SSSfSI^flifclSo^AJdf^dSl^ teit sil f» ka f a}^ ?°J2f''
f ?' blc te „ “oner » prayer filled the
sL?* recovered recovered *Thc “executive j tf hiinscTfr hunscTr. commutes” Hut Bat 1 be he made nude promptly Vromptlj no no
further ‘ ‘ fnr.c the whlikey am
the boy. attempt to a poo
Under some whispered Instruc-.
irons which he gave tho others, Dicfc WM
menseiv % long htack halls ct the Ot%.
While one of tho men weat befOM Oorrj
!■» •’ - •■•*■ .
,uwl vtered, and ^ldenUy^rjiilss
r: 7 ,, Z ^1^
They stoppsd hcrewua 7 BHudfrtided
fee bo^f ^ flow for ted ’where-(fee}.
1< ^ ew ? e * a out ^ 1<>e ’ Dlck 1 ev6r
I J* was exhausted, when «{
swwfeat^ O.Ok. ^
p^Ttay. m Dick could
■ ......
* *££-Jn
I .
No man knoS^^^^^^^^KijflRNTtM
Jim ir&S&tfSBEs agMCTWiiiw Browite 1 ' i
Hwir favqra#a>fer r vt-etHMKmk HWttce I
was Jiy prwjMfca gy atrtbjpai-, i Ma Tafcahnd BSJ” ewa
y I oral sMB tltttf «h vnort Mf 1 ttwl .
to else show than j^t^deftejMpBHHH^HpteM ht % plnoe g^the alleged fc*e iged
al ways forthconung fr«» j ji» y ioatBs of
mtnesses who fhifl ljtf in their 1th.
camuuimtYjp ahl» Jim Hhown . Wa# ?» norMDaok .prove
raStMlatiTlii ooco i
irwnikitv Pittaburir j£flKrfj?rJu^ion Sima 1*®™“ . it |
OOOpty, Utao, unfe^^^HMoerCar- MMMUf SOOTIVIW Pp® I | i
f hours ^ rt^wtoa af»r his ^-| ^rtadB^^^MTW ^f| [^ ^ me , ^BW ar- 1 |
1 |l|f ew^jSgjppaoBIt^ ^ gooa ‘
“ ""5 ** waa a *.V s :
Of the morning . of h|S a» . omd that
his horso was«eek Sod fce* that day 1
as thnnwh S it luul not hcen riiMcn for a i
gA*ym&i^L^LSSS .. . r that Ttrnvm
- FiB^^'lninself certain to
nicht ,nllea litarted out on liis wild ride of 100
ipr rn,- +h« the first Arat thirty milos m ,i,w x,:„ his
,.. 0.1 r«Sl , syg: ». ® t
fe’SBWwSS.'iSiSjX Brown n a nint of wl.kkv and
^, r S" “llSiS? ^“.fcrytiU
horeo tivqMM tho ,JpM^dLjHKJM and
away, his iiorso to atop at whisky next are^infter tavern td give
way^sllopiigfiS2r more In
this running fool'WrJ^l Mong
jjjji- levels, on down
and with all
the caution a skilful paticdA’d^feily pbrsiiMSii would
H. stow upon a homa-^SRPP^avhn'nk, sick__
j„. his
; whore a confederate wag tfclFiaded ftnucfto devote
! big entire attonUon to horse,
while Brown ncigT^re^ks pCTMMHpwed pr^eible, himself
teas many sUOflS'w who
as before
! Fifteen vears ago a street daylight
: w | i W as eommitbul in Hincklev
Qav was tho victim He was at home
alono, the rest of t!m family having
anno to a picnic barri About noon while
. going to tho ho was mot bv two
men woods. coming froin. the direction of tho
j The men were well-dr esse. 1.
Oua.%1 them called Gay by name and
j shook 8 UooElmnds hands witli with him, him. ‘and and told told him him ho lie
fi®4ug, warrant for his arrest for counter
pphlofo Guy displaying had a badge Afca oomprelicud his coat,
timo to
What was being done lie was Iinndcuffed,
blindfolded and being led le tb the bouse,
into /rich he wan taken, plneetkdApon n
bed and tied down. A pillar was placed
over his mouth aud one of thevrobbern
operations upon a small safer which
TfeToek stood in tlio next room. Failing do force
of the robla-'r turned
it gnupowdrtr. upon tis hrtlTt'.lllljl’t 'nn’tliilliiiii hi r ir it o s t x*ji with
SWSMwSaEWi n .........ini *&-
1 * 0
and^SUO dowa.W. iirlS^h,ihh *oI^ers S. bonds
' fled, ns
the picnio party, alarmed Dytheexplo
Bioo,‘H»htim iug h?the ■, honse. (Jay
«ttjiiw|oii& wag-positive thatno bytln/ir jsoulijrldetttify faci^lmt the
. vdM&'wb soss^^hem by
thsir 1 had in
broad daylight, Ipce hi face, and they
talk while the njvfsj was undergoing
manipulation. GtvVr «OBter, of Parma,
nephew iunl Qmrles of QmhMk EMMfcjgof arrested. Brighton, Guy a
was Kisthcr ,i U^r^Fosfccr, shot a
year Cleveland. or so ftgblflfrjwrowwn Ohmflos Corner, tried in
1U Modiuft^eountyioe robbing .Sf Gay.
^Ki/Lla wiL .-5”,Sn ig
po^hlewilmw^jlto aworetJhe
Fosters wore disohwgeil, and to this
the knot,
*. A Tb« flmflflglfati TT Tt
uSSHfeifiaTj hclong’iSd^o^aVnrtjvin t hi/rhlv-fasliionn
^ --Mg" 7 i n
- »— - - ■
sir,” it had said novor^lou* C^imuiri ttMaking any labor. ‘‘Yes,
mSSBRSi ^his it for tho
hand ot» eye fell on
the ferainirfe'sBivh attached to it, and
ho confusedly T -murmured, “I beg * your J
"4S'"“if-aij«*»?*“ »■
mistake fc^jender brought •
m oI a hand
f te bft ' 1 a
huX^^ok^G^^ ?rf W)»nd and
’wife Sd
JfmL^lhps tooMt from I'igfkiJfeMpiiil him, tor Mr^ jKition.s Ul*coil|do,
, mti s flirtafrois g| *1**«JMM trt sm l tho ww man man
^MGpBo UiilfShitto lmt until
JH mi fto woman. Tho
rtfll «So«Kw&nctt
tho'cigarefte.Smd thereupou preShed ^ it
A) her Iip«, j^^yrioorir %i»aIDfcinrr believing ,.!l that
uiu; n c __
jwrtamqr , v „ 4 T)n iti, OTlhe darloiess. The eyes of
the wife w#i»-upepesl, metephoricullv if
nok plyi i a P; shOWstohed the pair~for
—MUM— -t— ... ...
, .1*1
l Esifc- '
*■** Aw#4Hi0^y^>eaH^arihrlA.whicles *■'- - 7 , , *u 7 ,N -7 . ,
JJ ? ti "Ag of
■**Ji r ”” 1 - gWPPH
77.777?. WttlffQBF L y6 ^f • 7
, .. HttP *?
.3aa pM fe$yy^ - ■
v.^ •-■fffe'io ’
K— r-i
KHv York^
oon the lest
Stole. A..oy Ofllt^ jit WriULMoTKi 4
iotgffiect '*«'
* e6t was completed
mold* and transformed was poured Into
into silvci
to t^wo»U3K%2StiSriS3S make with the whole
way number »f
tbit three and a half millions of trade
$ •«*• seven hundred >'»«*«* ”«!>•" melts”
werencce«ary ary. A A reporter reporter chanced chanced to to
b# be present present and and stood stood near near the the crucible crucible
when when these theso last last ^,^ representatives representatives of of a a dead dead
c and and “^» became became slowly lo a a shapeless shaneles* lost their h « ir glittering glittering ,.^!^««lit.v individuality mass. mass.
What AVhat is is denominated denominated au an “inclosure” “inclosurc”
. in in one one of of the the vaults vaults of of the the Assay Assay Office, Office,
doatains coatains over over dl)0 400 cubic cubic feet feet of of trade trade 1 dol- dol
lars ** i ura rt .."hh ri.;,.!, which h have have passed passed , through .i through v the the
crucible crucible and and arc arc now now sta-ked stacked up up in in the the
shape l hai it )e of of _ jiaid silver silver bricks bricks. The The Govern- Govern
meut me has has paid about about $3,400,000 $:),40ft,000 for for them, them,
but but they they are are useless, useless Superintendent Superintendent
Andrew Mason says; and unless made
into standard dollars, of which there is
now such a surplus that the Treasury
Department U.em cannot find storage 1-ent room for
be sustained a >ss of disposing about ;r, per of the the cent metal metal would would
in or tc tc
manufacturers manufacturers nnu an artisans. artisans. The The fur- fur
r ..f.SinL ,ishin-r of tr ,Id and silver s,mwlntImbM liars bars for for man¬ man
Mason ufacturing ‘. lcUl1 ln ^ purposes purjioscs .r.™ is, is, U Superintendent bupinntcndent
Mason rays, £a y 8 » a a growing growing business business at at the the
Assay bars, Office. JSFS%TgSS'PZ During the past year these
to the value of $10,000,000, have
been sold for use in arts and manufact¬
previous urea, ures, an an increase increase of of $2,000,000 $2,000,000 over over nny any
When year. the last of the trade j
dollars <l»llars had It. 1 beeu I,.™ poured iHttmtl into into thc ,ht- molds mold.
auf ,na( ^ e 1M ^° brick, the reporter ob
served that two .small uuantities, ' per
, , • , , were nut
samples for assaying. Two are taken
from each melt.’ They arc each assayed
««%-<,r- - •* "«* '™' k »»;•
^ iSi bS-lS! AuJC.SS
“r„,S''" ;;.‘- v hc ....................
rite greatest 4 , care is taken, , said Mr.
M r , ildtr, “to guard against inaccuracies.
The assaying is done by the f.’ay l.ussac
method. The exact amount of metal is
weighed and dissolved in nitric acid.
Then enough chlorine is added to pre
cipilatc The precisely a drachm of pure >il
ver. solution is then shaken for
three minutes in a shaking machine miu
by steainl, niter which it is allowed to ;
sc tie. Moie salt water is added, every
atom of which is taken account of, and
if anv silver remains in solution it shows
a slight «loudinew. The operation is
repeativ 1 until no cloudiness appears,
ti<>n thal i lias ail been precipitated.
Tl.mi a calculation i« made as to the ex i !
act fineness of th- samples of silver in
the trade dollar, whi h is corrected by
silver prroX W hen the lineness isthor
ouglilv the oughly bar asccitiin invert ick tin which d d it it is is has stamped been formed upon 1
or b
l>y th ■ melted dollars, together with tho
va uv, weight, ujcIt number and number
of the bar. Tlien thc bir or brick is
sent to the tho‘inclosurc’beftro mentioned,
where other ’trade ilollgr’. brivfc ?,”e
Went w\«t a eombinntlon sufd lock. Thc
combimition of this, as well as of th*
other safe locks in the building, is kaown
only to Superintendent Mason and one
— -----
A coxcomb is ugly all over with the
-f'«»>••» "f«-«- ............
There is nothing so valuable, and yet
so land cheap, as »iviiiiy: you can almost buy
with it.
Give e e v nv.n thine car but few thv
Tike enh man’s censure ’ but re
gerve thv iud^ment
W ‘nd the , simple . cop
J 8C !’ r " v V ; j
. , j’s{r™wlw^hWi.T' .
I>>o>mcnt ll is the only Ule worth lending.
Were we determined resolutely to i
avoid vi. <-s. the world foists them on us,
as thieve - p it off tludr plunder on the I
if doing what ought to-be done bo
made the first business, and su ness a
sccouihrv consideration, is not ibis tho
w„, to ,«lt
Tlic b rn -' at ,h,lv of lif( - ' s »»>t to
S’^ line wim^uSS
capacity to grapple with ihe difficulties ,
of being just.
t tcr A ‘‘ s t i simple, • * i " innocent * t.vato and an lnex- m- ’
. pleasures. Wc thus aid
pensive may in |
%_ _J
,f ,lie " n v ln wb *ch men express their
th0,, - h ! s U sli H»oland mean, it will be for their thoughts to
escape flown bong the same. If it is high
an<i bombastic, a character for
national simple ity and thankfulness
caunot l"Bg he maintained.
— --
A Great lleln to tlio Sneaker
H<. liismido M ntan. nf hi? own o nr i u iJ
no idle.state,neat to say that there is not
fill a man it, should in thc he country retire. "to-day he who could
1 ebb of the j
Into ut' J col!rVoM° T' ^ e wodir f °m ^
alone remains’ an unconcerned observer I
„f |S„|.„ ” ot factions lattion and an<l the tlic hitter bitter
coiitrovciMcs • of jarncs. 1 have never
j„. .pc,, to ascertain whether he is i
p,.„ubiicin or n Democrat
3 tbe :
7 ( 1 t .°. ! ' ft P««nt,
kcr Iom , , Ins head, -. and the
• | -oresof ,< , ’ l precedents m»j in
s thrown at luru itiRy, I
for the moment, be thoroughly‘Tattled.”
I, Uthen that ‘ .* Mr '. Sm’tb n, ‘ nrov'es * • himself himsc f A a
lt . of - Mt,,:U, . his
‘., on. - viaug
Shnduw of a ,Oubl. Thus :mnr-l tho i
Speaker ofyulei almost and always sticcce irnishcd l> with the
array Hr. Smith, in practice, f by
|»g alltheprcttv tumbling over or demoiish
structures of mingled
^n building sbom them. Speaker Car
lisle relies upon Mt, Smith's judgment and
predccdssrtr;4ina knowi.-dge almosttfnplh-itlv. it kprobable as did hit
lio«3* that a por
tion of doMJSrg, ttro long Speakers Whether to come
Jill Republ:cnn#or Democrats. Mr. Smith they be is s
a native of New York, I believe, lie but his
' prrsent homo is hi Mi. lii^no. «„od
'‘HAte” Mithtn His friends, jftld of the
........... *•-*
Mokluf^ancJ c r — Caudles. - •. ’ „
emrdmXJJwapUestcd Mskiojftfee wioiis kind? if ThsSL fancy
dSttner/’ttbosefeisinesA matter.
tinitt^inw^^dc H is to con- ”
fxfe vices, nrtiatk
^21- iSSSaf
g»E “.t“J
placed in ;mu$ sq<I
the eye as wi
n Analyst *
’ *
“Mi of
it*: day
we t *n
SSftiSiL, r b u ».i,.
Hint rfty and picked tt.*iS5pa«“„ Relish r t
hVMOabltt® a crew for
Wallace championship the renowned the world.
now, present oars
SsralSa£L" Sara
, ^ TO
Excitement wae at fever heat.
!C^^lKaBSr“ . Bt»t three hundred yards of the comae ha«l
Harry ‘■Give Kelly, us a ex^hampion <temn. JlmEsaid England, the veteran
of who
^ and' m Pulbng ^l3^S£^gLSS^ No. B o«r,
animate “He haTbeen heap its ^boa*.
"“^ecry, •«*W notoooed by book makers/’
Everything that science and , skill ti. could
biggest for Ins restoration was trial; bul
after terrible struggles of agony, the strong
man, the flower of tho athletes and pride of
bis countrymen, pimed a wav.
trace of rt f onM *^ h wasamUyssil ,-,,uU but no sign or
jmiaon fouml therein,
a?SSi _ A I
" ^Td^fore.
departure in J«*
that state when the most simple
from ordinary living ami exertion was of
momsntout consequent His wonderful
strength dreadful ami onlymadelds .lying paroxysms more
Hanlan the fatality more certain.
i* now in Australia. Beach, cham
heart, blood and kuineys, as shown by poor
vonts blood effectV.n congest ion in them and the con
sequent ill the heart by using "War
ncr ’ safo th sportsman’s uinversal I
s cliro i e
boone ot the flnestof specimens of manhood .
andonoof the most successful’of trainers,
%ZtX7% ’SlXSST^S^S^ ,
fi“ft A’'SilSSSySS
alwaysa Beach thrac-time winner!"
sand IV vatt’s method of (raining is
sound and should be followed l>v all.
The Mouth.—A New Tortc photog
rapher poses the months of his fomnla
patrons befo-o tho camera by making
them say some word over several times
while the picture is being taken. He
has different words for different stylos
of mouths. M'hen a pleasant, bland
snd serene mouth is wanted he makes ;
the woman say “bosom.” If, however, j
a haughty and distinguished attitude |
of mouth is wanted, sho says “brush”
“I’hp makes a large mouth look amall, *»i
of interesting ?r melancholy caused
air is
h and 7 'ho p.’onuiicmtion of “kerchunk,” anil
for an cxpn ssson of sweetness
resignation “scat” is tho most proper
worJ - •
A Canadian phaltengc for the Ameri¬
ca’s eup is talked of, but does not alarm
our yachtsmen. ready Unlike the Yankees,
Canadians seem to take to, the sea
for the love of it, and their entire yacht
fleet wo uld m ake but a poor showing bc
*irt« thaMWany one af r. dozen American
“The ProperS*«<Jy or Mankind ix.Hnn,”
says the illustrious I’opo. If he had incluilcil
has made and them both a life derangements study, especially
woman, the peculiar >”
wcm'‘n I)r. Pierce tnflwi^mt only through who U his 'a^ “Favorite m'iunuuod witi 5 ]
thm,” bless Dim with all their Hearts, for h«
lrueorrnma. nrolnrans and other ss/sarx djsptnvo
met ts. Brice reduced to one dollar. By drug
K ' sts *
A foegy day in London caused the consump
turn of o.imo foot of khs more than usual.
a Wonderful f«imI anil Moiildnr,
Known and used by physicians all over tho
sffs^sra-’fiswaasssxsa properties; but oieatos aiipetiie for food
thatbuildsup the wasted body. “I have been
«r, l , n ^«H2S wiih^rsm •t f ioii. 8, ‘Mv“l» I uioViiH sa'y
it is pleasant and palatable, and all prow
SDTEiSl ‘it
dally useful for children when nutrient medf
mValVv ’ T^Kn^Vii" : le, 1 A " in. a. ’ '* • w -
——■■ — —
Dlowins 1|» Hell Gum
has been ainlKiriou* ami costly work, but tin
end imiMirtanrenannel im iiortantl .lust i fire the effort. Obstructions disaster. Obstrm iuanj
means -
lions in the organs of the human hotly bring
iucvitahle disease. They They will must must, he he cleared clean’d
away, liver in or order, idiysieal and wreck Hie follow. blood Keep tin
through the boily pure Itoulfli, course HI’M fth
and’^fte^let d life: let tt^^mrdi^rd.w^ it become convey disordered mg umVi'lm
u^wf thefirer ana ^jmrlfy- 1
the bhHKi.
, --''. "77 vT.-7 _ ,
•No Trouble fo Nwallow
Dr. Fierce’s “Pellets” (the original "little liver
pi Is”) and headache, no pain or griping. Cure sick or
bilious sour stomach, and cl cause
I lie system and bowels. 25 ets. a vial.
De lsis-eps says that the l’anoana Canal will
be open by 1S!W. ”
Pains and Aches
tn various parts of Hie body, more partCul.irly in the
bark, shoulder* and Jcdnts, are tho unweljoino Indl !
ration* that rhen natisui ho* gainod a foothold, nu 1 :
you (tlicuniatlsm are "In for is caused It" fora longer or shorter period. J
by tactic acid ia the Moo t.
aud is cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which era li
rates every Impurity from the blood and flit* it with
richness an l health.
t^yZj biiL?^.mpJnu. mueh. ^ To tho** ““ sulHr can
with reocmnonTZ-^ST^ „arre« pro^uoa or
r h e...„.u.m I h.^n,
^ KaUn ’“° 0 '
Hood’s Sarsaparilla ■ | ■
v.M by all druggists. $1; six for *5. Prepared only
by C. t. HOOD * CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
mm Time, l*nin, Trtsblr
nml wifi (JI IIE
S5^w^Apply yyJ 1 ^-Il‘^y Bros.,235Cf«snwl«li Balm into etch nos atril. NY.
SOLDIERS ” relieved; !2 yenr*’ SUSSES praetloe surer,* or no fee.
L*«. wni riot. x. W. KcOormick t Sob. V»*i«c'»»> #•*'
^•Tcr i life." iiP
Tkl* represent* a healthy Just rneb a life a* they enjoy
Throaghoot it* varton* **W M*» Whou ao tbo bniltb’B Hilo Beans.
directly __8 mjtl»’a and BILE ,>rompity BEANS #**J th* UytCebloiTT) U»er. Skin and ailing Hid- --— Th Clio orlffinnl Photograph,
fenr cpiwM ow nel of
to** p» y»- ■•jRPkl of atesettkle combi nation that t «iz«, receipt this of jilcture 1©«.
te medical Mlefmo. Tkcy enru < onrtlpu- on in
tlom, again** and Bright’s wlarte, nil form* disease. and of fever*, Dy*p«Mii, Send ailH* 4 cent and and postage fever, are a gall for K»r.‘gunrd atone*, ,h fflSs%s
ate package and fee TBtfTM * af u nam- ------ ---. |
■sailed tent wlinl we aay. Price, 5 Zf> cents per bottle, ...
Sonny address, feaaOTM: postpaid., obu, DOSE O.XK BEAN. Sold by druggists.
re* 1’UIIPlllETUIW, »T. XiOXJia, MO'
lCURE [ASTHMA IWO record snd we It not of by prrmnnrnt tt* silly <>f inslf. power *,709 give* FltLK cure, cure* to Imuimliain cure, for In since (rial. CO that days. Introduction, relief, wo It never will So but certutn send fall*. I* It a lm» It wrt urs to It s
EBB! suffering, aeu<l your name and addre** at ouce to
P. 0. Box .125. 30 Richmond at., Cincinnati, 0.
Subscribe A . .. for „ This ^ Paper
v “
Brimful of choioa reading matter for everybody.
♦ T J^OW. 10 YljM 0 .
feM paper sod send us your subscription.
nvuinui xw»$rjnr
Dr. K law, Dear Str- 1 wrote Tom some tlms
ago about my c ass,without the least faith that
•' on c “ nM do anyihh gJtor-me, ae I had six dlf
* l>liy»lcla”rand got no relief,and wee re
pe.itedly toUl that I coji!d not b j our.d, but 1
was b <und to keep trying ns long as life Bute t.
I was urged by my wife to write you about my
case, as I did in th i spring. You wrote me to
try your Swamp-Root Kidney, Liver and Blad
derenre. I us jd it as direct A and the result
was, before I had tak n the tliird bottle I was
entirely cured, an l have be. n gaining ever
einoe. My casi whs a Hemorrliage of the Blad
wh ch had beon draining my life for two
years, and X can say to-day that I c m eat, sleep
and work better than X have before in twenty
years. I say God bless you, and may the af¬
flicted do as I have done. L’sj Swamp-Boot
and be healed. Yours truly,
Don’t neglect early symptoms. At druggists
$1.00 per bottle, 0 bottles $'.00, or by express,
Dr. Kilmer & Co, Binghamton, N. Y.
H ■■
Je®t m?n«*^
to constjp ,tlon. Aa these seem to be uni
wh^'sium wi, h d M p2rsons i.ur^mxM,ilisHc.<,which ^ram “hei^stomachs
sicken , uml debilitate, when such n pleasant
and sterling remedy ns Prickly As), Hitters
will act mildly and effectively on ihe liver,
kt'lucy,si..ninch ami 1 k»wc1s, and nt the smnb
.i^tre^ingcviisn.l.Sird^PP^' "*V* M I* ‘•rroriwrlicntli® whole nvetelB.
HON*. 1)R
hWAYNE & Proprietors, Philo By
mail for M cents. Swavm.'s <h> tmknt for
saieby druggists,
f’onanmptloii Surely Cured.
To the Editor.—rieoao inform your renders
that 1 have ave a a positive remedy for th o aliovo
named disease e. By its timely ely use use thousands of
hoped one coses have been nermnnemiy irmnneutly cured. i
shall be glad to send two not ties of my lii r remedy
FUSE to any of your readers who lio have con
sumption (on if if they will aend me their Ex press
and 1*. O. address. SLOCUM. Respectfully, M.C., Pearl HU X Y.
T A. )»1
Like rnlntlng l.nilii a fainting
dies? %\hynrc They pood should resolutions be lik«» la
can ictl out, nndjiarcnts
s s-aKte- ' ho,,ld noMorgct, ib e rcsoin nous that would
ant and. mdnlesH remedy for i aianb. He III Ml
S^^'.WMST.S^^ "‘"•l,, * f I’ ^ ! h, ‘ v'l'l" ir “'
The best and surest Remedy for Core of
all diseases caused by any derangement of
the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach aud Bowels.
Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation,
Bilious Complaints nod Malaria of all kinds
yield readily to the beneficent Influence of
It Is pleasant to the taste, tones up the
system, restores anil nreaarveB health.
li is purely Vegetable, and cannot fall to !
prove beneficial, both to old and younff.
s a Blood Purifier It is superior to all
others. Sold everywhere at $1.00 a bottle.
' M ‘
A N( KR Cl KF VO ft
Over 5,000 Physicians have aerit no their approval of
PltJESTYLIN, for that St Is the bt*i»t preparation
We Indigestion have that hoard they of have ever of usM. Dyop^pi sla whir#
never n rnr.e
DIUESTYI.IN was taken that was not cured
For Summer Complaints snd Chronic blander*,
which are the dlrret result* of imuerfert digentiou,
nqjsSta^KSnblii'lied'twei'tv'flvr'jeini WUr '° U “* " !
................ ...
%Vlio!)v unlike nriffirinl A)»r<*nis»
Sinti jtsSsSif^^aSwfe ,r *feriden' 1 VoreiJrSwmUheri!!;
0 “’2t
v^if j.o«t wldl^tten Void
.......** i
’‘ronpec P..K I.iisi-TTE, 2'7 r.lfth Ave,. New York.
AGENTS^a Send for _ , r \;v^ ,, „ b ^f;tT u ?
^ it.L’ MOTH hit, 11051M.
A-LOa iif. ay in p.(»v« I
| »nd poetry ; l y 40H
BrtUlhotfi. ^ cgtnli.f IP> iDltitld. K1
f tl foronlftt. 111 . $'.' AlffO.TQOQ A. Seinl j
Uii:)7~(i7ij ■SvCuriflfiiliBN «I M‘« \
.00. I>> lii EAT, \b 7 JJrouJw»y,M, .
Tn Clor C«nntrj| for onr Jlolid*^ Trfidr, to UV« lifH,
quietly infidr. work «fnt by mtil ftny diftanre. pnrticuUr*
frcf*. No ranvAMing. Adtlr^s* at onre rRKSCUNT AKT CU«
147▲ Milk St., Burton, Mm*. P. O. Bob &IT0.
BlOII Rlais^n S DSIIa lIllS* Great Rheumatic English Remedy. Gout anj
Ot«I llox, J i i round* 1 I I'tlli. |
S wV R Brewster Safety tiili &Z%Vt,T lleln Holder <’o.. W Holly. Mich. itE -
$ 230 iSffiSfflS£ '
■ PansioiiA 9II MIWil# Ham, au y. WMbingtop. i» a
^ MTTDV. Moo*< ko *p:/t(r IVuimannhlfj. A ntlimfth*,
rularnfres k ' l ' il; " > 1 liuSir, 1 4J7 V N ill* h/m iulTnU.' N. {I
By rrinrn mstl. Foil Dnsorf»tln«
rliCC C'siifiMr- MOODY A CO.. Cimcinnkti. 0.
CREE for f riLUMf lri s a S i p pp r ll \ r,u,t '
■ a^<‘. arul Join our C onundrum Club. BI j Brizes.
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cron ULtlt tho year MONTHLY, 138S Frank Leslie’s rOPlJV
which ha* I'ooii
aptly lies," styled will l»e ‘‘Tlio latter Monarch of tho Month¬
than ever. Article*
upon sketches topic* of current public intercut ;
of eminent ])cr*<m» ; sirens and
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recognized the merit, will fill its pages To
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liters will he added writers of nr<nnipf%
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magazine in tho foremost rank.
In the November number was begun an earn
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