The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, February 01, 1889, Image 2

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■fat ■ Buld „ Berest brts •e no. he "in- imnuT” BHH^Blinrly known. •. :i bn -lit I'u 1 V< ll!l;; !ad V of Spring ™ semiring the community, 'uesl of the Misses Harrell. P^ir. Wrigid Harell, Jr., has re¬ gally invested ten dollars in a jkshephe) ng, and is happy, for ,ne can the “lost sheep.’ - :d i‘<> ui* icotinl of Vie!-. ■ an iCK. Eotes Hand-Book ■OF ,TH-HINTS - y Recipes. ling information of the ■xirtance to every body ar their daily habits of <>• - Inglewood. I NO LE woox>, Orf-1 January _ ' * l 1889._The f, farmers Jiving near the nver hive , had I, ,a „ a busy and »r. t. v citing week in trying to save lio n the treacherous depths of the rapidly rising wafers, tlie stock \subsist in the swamp. Not \ding Nonsi'ferahle, their efforts the among the are Messrs. 'urrell. The and bids fair to depth than it has b past.. The Inglewood Sunday School RT * organization of four or fiv< Ti.....-i— standing, itmtint^Jfgh^fl . Important to Advertisers. y r t>m this paid date <Ul "legal notice# must he for in advance, u* required by J ^ TlM14rt KXAL Prin . ti!<0 Co , Dec.i.isss. --■ GhOKUlA—D odok County. To all whom it mav concern : W. B. Sapp, .1. W. Khans and others have made application for a second-class public roarMrom Cresstou to the l’lila.-k* line near I>. C. Daniels; to run near J. M. Buchan's plantation and near W. 15. Sapp’s place, .said road to be laid out as straight as possible avoiding bad branches and bad hills, w hich new rea l has been marked by the Commissioners, and a report thoreot made on oath by hein All persons are therefore noU lied that said new road w ill,on and after the 28th day of February 188!), by the b, finally granted, if no new be shown to the contrary. This 1889, sK ozak, . W‘ry. I>. C. 'form ap permauent tin; estate rygmnty, ap ,rst cr py ~c. A-b 1-w-lt. y. Fi-t-m : ^^Rziuiim-tr.tor •rani.-, of applied to the sell all,the lands ^Btc Be. ill of be said heard deceased, raT at my m, on the Hist ,1889. This J an. 28, John J. Kozak, [ioun, 1-Petitioner, Ordinary, febl-w-4t. D. C, ^ieriff Sales. GEO KOI A—Dough County. Will lie sold before the court house door of Dodge comity, during the legal hours March of 18sSt, sale, the on the lirst Tuesday in Lot following No. property, to wit: of land Hi, containing 202‘a acres, more or less, and 23 acres in southwest'corner of lot No. 191, in 19th District, Dodge county Georgia, bound¬ ed oil south by lot No. 193, west by land of Emma Gadi V. Morgan, Braswell, north levied and oast by land of on and to bo sold as the property of J. J. Fra¬ zier by virtue of a li-fa, issued from the Superior Court of Dodge county in fa¬ vor of Kerchner A Fabler Bros, against Frazier A Hines and J. J. Frazier. Also at the same time and place eight acres of land in southeast corner of lot No. I t, and two acres in southwest cor¬ ner of lot No. 13 in 15th District,Dodge county, with houses, out houses, build jug* and improvements, and UKISj acre*, ut.-'-e or less, of lot oiTand No. U in 15th Distrutt, Dodge county, with houses, out hmuvy, leaded buildings and improvements thereon, of upon and to be sold as the proper* ti-fil J. M. Woodward by vir¬ tue of a issued from the .Superior Court of rod ge county, in favor of George Woodward, MwMIH^og.-tiust ' r said J. M. Also at tiie same time and place, one acre of lot of land No, 8 in ]f>th Dis¬ trict Dodge county, fronting on Chaun eey avenue, bounded on south by lot of Mrs. ('. W, Kawlins anil on the north¬ west by land of Mrs. II. Herrutan, being tilt- place whereon J, M. Sapp now lives, levied upon and to be sold as the property of J M. Sapp, by virtue of a mortgage li-fa issued from the Superior Court Brothers of Dodge A county,in faver of Smith Co., against said J. M , Sapp. Also at the same time and place, lot of land No. 191 in 16th District, Dodge county, containing 202U be acres, more or less, levied upon and to sold a* tin property of Sarah J. Evans, by virtue of a mortgage ti-l'a issued from the Supe¬ rior court of Dodge county in favor of J. Evans. S. Thompson against said Sarah J, ‘ Also at the same time and place a cer¬ tain tram road engine mounted on wood¬ en ear. Said engine twelve horse pow¬ er with locomotive boilor, car wheels, gcaritnj^shlifting, etc., pick to run Levied on a four II^^HB^k.F.^rty l uiion J" LV<*. .In* is \% hat Is » .1.(1 i> |> rick- ; - otassium) k. is BL the , CitV . k of tlo yton-s r> 'nee and |t*s. For scrofula, ind rheu It cures -ist cure. I^Qi and To Oar Patrons. Statements will be sent out at once to all patrons of Thk Kastman Times and Doduk Cointy Jouhxal. Please re mit on receipt of same. Wo can’t pay our printers, paper bill-, fuel, and a thousand, and one other bills that stare 111 die face every day unless you send us the amount you are due us. the amount along, and also one , )r two dollar* for the consolidated P a P l ‘r. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The ]> KST Salvu in the world for ^ 1jrui sores u!( C r.s. salt cheimi fever, sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corn*, and all skin erup lions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refund¬ ed. Price 2.1 els. per box. For sale by all druggists. novlOtf Kinging Noises In the cai% sometime* a roaring buzz¬ ing sound are can.ed by catarrh, that exceedingly disease. disagreeable and vary common Loss of smell or hearing also result from catarrh. Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier, is a pei eliarly successful rem¬ edy for Ibis disease, which it cures by puri/ving the blood. If you suffer from catarrh, try Hood'. Sarsaparilla, the peculiar medicine. Dissolution Notice. The co-partnership between 0. K. Parker and S. II. I.owther, under tin firm name of Parker & Lovvther, is this day dissolved by mutiial consent. Low- All accounts will be settled by S. II. ther. Lovvther & Wood will succeed Parker & Lowther in the naval store business. dec2.j-it Pabkek A Lowthkk. Fab better than (he harsh treat¬ ment of medicines which horribly gripe the patient and destroy the coating of the stomach. Dr. J. TI. McLean’s Chill and fever Cure, by mild yet effective action will cure. Sold at 50 cts a bottle. 43 3m. Milkkii, Ga. 1 have suffered with an affection of my throat, and recently contracted a violent cold. I was induced to use Brewer’s Lung Kestorer, and I must say I never experienced more relief from any remedy before. I regard it as one of the best medicines I ever used. Jno. C. Dkakk, Jk. Persons who lead a Itfe of ex pense are subject to rheumatism neuralgia and lumbago, will find a valuable remedy in Dr. J. H. Mc¬ Lean’s Vocanie Liniment; it will banish pain and subdue iuflama tion. 43-3m LEMON ELIXIR. Iis Woiuierfnl Effect on the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Kidneys, A pleasant lemon drink that posi tivilv cures all billiuiisucss, consuiiip tion, iniligestion, headache, malaria, kidney disease, dizziness, colds, loss of appetite, lever, ehills, blotches, pim- anti cd by a disordered liver, stomach fatal diseases. Fifty cents and $1 pe< bottle. Soid by dnigvisls. Prepared onlv bv If. Moziey,M. D., Atlanta, Ga July 19. ly 20 GOOD BOOKS Almost Given Away. By special afran^ment with the publisher, \u Hre a'»te to oli'cr the entire list of Twenty Valu¬ able Books enumerated and described be lows at • '• - . v*st fV’t'd. These books,r:n !■ • !'«* o' coataiiia»eompi*t«nm-ci. wnoTtt or oCT.*r a«:i inu.»o tnj input.r mt: jor. are published in pad a nj i n.tjrt popu l»r wi it«*rs, both of " "Tfeh ou« u couplet*) ia lUelf : fry-Bt. tulrr UtcuwcnD, Byth**atHo» On* *>f tbs fuunlsst book* Its fstauua prsdsc«Mor, “ Widow |r'« n Advrntsrca i.immim Ibrsu." In Fu.l.ol York, Bidden is au4 rbllc aloud »• <>■, How to Bkhats » II tor IsdU-s #»<} ftu'.emeo fly log sut for kII occasions, scoordlDf to ■ iimIi. lbs retnarksldc sArc-ntCTOO Bi.g ®«nly lii« I.!i’iipu;.»as and UiocU. A cl «fi rtiff t«<K. Ir's NmIutmI )ll*>t4»ry. CouUlnlnf Hr (.mpsjited by l-tusii siioos of numsr* rr-r»tt'*s t * b<*a mil with much cut loo# Cgard n k theii IDs olid bfc’.its. ■TMudern Kccbn Hf-'or . A l«rco eslIodbMi Ifttiar recllstl -t>s, >u 1 r,,» c »Oti V*»*s, l>ulb tor oruUuniats and tlNSUUtS. Mu tffu'i Ucn’UgfN i KossL By U. BiubI No ««J. Wall Fianrers. A Norsl. Fj M*sjos H*olaku, Xo.Ml. TkeMerelmal'oCrUM. A Son I. B> W.KanO Jk Vo. 1 H. Isan tke **rrf. ASe^l. Bv STi.TA*ea Coob, ia. Ko. I»t. HesperUt Tan LiuaTUovsK STafc A By II T. K * i.r>> a Ns, »' Tfese llUsdtesDim ef John Nlcheloea. A By Twakliws. KfWT By tha *uib«T of M Dor* No. *U. A Navel. *» No, tn*. Br<a<i Vpow the W ttcr*. 1 Novel. By NU« p — a m. b, «... c«.v No. til A llcralao A NotaL By Mr^ KnvtitM No. ill. t loads and Nanslitao. A*»wl. By ChasabB No, !»•- The Prcaa Wamaa. A NovaL By \Yil xi% Va ii fart# C.aie.U-. J,ann. * KowL B, -» M. K. Bk»«>«>«*¥. 3>ov«L By . Kit w .V« vn Mary ilardalcL’a JliruJL A t voew. Send money order’ note to Tr m TiM asvJoc*n-«- Printing Co., Enitman, Ga. East Indian Corn Paint a ?w ift and painless cure for Corns. and Warts. Makes no sore requires no cutting. K. A. A1 botf proprietor: now controlled Ga. by Bcorauts, Savannah, nr If TB IKE MONEY. You must first iearn (o save money. It is Fact That you can save a large percent by buying your Dry Goods, Clothin Shoes and Groceries AT THE STORE OF M. H. Edwards & Bro • We have simply Knocked the prop from Under THE PRICES And let them fall! Our line of SHOES is complete, at prices others dare not meet. OUK CLOTHING STOCK Is much larger anti we are selling them cheaper than they have eve* been sold before. In ■ i 1 — 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 °'4 Dry Goods Notions &e. 000000000000000 o 0 0 0 0 0 are ready to meet any and all competition.—5,000 yards of calico at 4ots. per yard; 5,000 yards of best check homespun yard, and at 5,00tf t>cu per yard; 1,000 yards of Ited ticking at 8 cents per yards of white homespun at 5cts per yard cheaper than it has eve* been sold. m It is Simply Money Lost Not to Cal and examine our stock before buying anything you need. M. H. EDWARDS & BRO. Oct. 4-3-m. = a =’ CT REPRESENTING GEORGE T. ROGERS’ SON V THE OLD RELIABLE WHOLESALE CROCERY HOUSE. » 4VIA.OOLT; GEA.. 1 * M ill call on the merchants of EASTMAN every two weeks. This house is agent for the following celebrated and popular brand* of Flour:' % " WADE HAMPTON,” ‘LEONA PATENT,” “WHITE VELVET.’ Also agent for the famous “MISSING LINK” Tobacco. sepl3 flm IV. A. BEDDING. IV. P. BALDWIN, REDDING & BALDWIN, f Harts ! ■o Winship & Callaway’s Old Stand. Keep a full supply of the best at the lowest price*. Give us a call. 368 Second Street, Macon, Ca. Sept. *3, iSSS, It 'f M. FERST & CO., -WHOLESALE DEALERS IN- - 0 FLOUR f gfur A .1 Li in ifips and Cigars,