The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, May 17, 1889, Image 4

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rC h f d*x*4 V r \ ffiL? L 1 -7#?*— - M t r •• -~ >o. __________ Lufulr lUvUfon. A fy-nii-wan rented n farm an J contracted to give to hi* landlord t.vo-tiftlis of Hie prod but prior to the Uim* of dividing the rnrn tho tenant used forty-five Imsiiels When the general division won made, it wins projiosed to pivo to tho landlord eighteen 1;labels from tb® hoop, in lieu of his shore of tho forty-five bushels which the tenant had used, and then to begin and divide tho re mr.iader r.s though non® had lieen used. Would this method have been correct? No. 430.- A Concealed Proverb. Take ono v ord from curb of the following proverbs and form another proverb of the eliminated wor-ls: 1. Three r.-moves nro ns t>ad as a fire. ill tliut .* of ri merry heart hath u con tinuai fuast. :i. When in Homo you should do as tho Romans do. 4. Make hay while the sun slflnea. 5. Every dog must have his day. (i. Least said i s soonest mended. 7. It’s a long lano that has no turning. No. 437.— Iwttor Ki Ihikoh. ta) lag a.; c la C id T junction. No. 4‘TX, Smnll niamoml*. tut A letter. tho cry of a sheep, a sweet tnettt; ft girl’s name, a lottcr. (hi A letter, cured moat, a boy’s name, an i^ht'vlation, a li tter iNo. 4 h!f>.—An (hUllty. r»ml and ono, add fifty twfco— liiu^s coarse are made fine in a tdee. 'No. 430.- V Mm «f I.i'tlei*. m a avf. flW J c: on. v is I. u. > MW. liifiUlJ OTm UbiiJii H. .1. BRINSON, ■ has, or TSSE (U.MKEIUTTY, GA. March 11, ! yr tu Dr. J. M. Buchan & pms fjo druggists, EAST.M AN, O A., Oiler (heir profc-sional -services to tin people of this- immediate and itlg eotuitie*. One or the oilier can fount] hi their olliees at any time. calls promptly attended, day or Patient* at a distance visited by contract. jC*-A!l chroMic and privah _ either of male or female, a \o ciinruc for consultation. If by ter, send lamp l'or immediate yp consultations and letters A good supply of drugs are kept on IiiiihI, iiicludiug nil of new remedies. 7-5-1 v tu $60 for $30. JUsT THINK OF IT! The Elonopoly Do you want a SewingMacliinc? $17.50 to $30.90. Warranted Five Years. With :>, 1 .A t (ahmenls. \\ lor Illusirated rin-ulars of •‘SINGERS,’* ‘-NEW Etc. X i $10 to $30. ^ by ordering direct aiders. Needles for b. 25 centf a d< • n t Address .v’dftf Sewing Machine Co. Il'ont'DI A YF.N < E, isvilie, Ky. March 1 \sS-'VC,t. Ill . i r.c ’S b i IT " •- ». n-r* ti tint it n - ' r* in ’ • ■ t' ; -. Ttly • V or f L . e‘ ' P'-*i V j lA*srx,'\^ . :rd ti ,! , Kd Vi f • 4‘ • L V --V, T u. ,-r d \v. a. klrwnm. W. P. BALDWIN. REDDING & BALDWIN, eisa.cS. o~ Win isij, cj < iiiiiiu;:y’s Old Stand, Keep .( full <if tin: at the Jowc-t price'. Give us a call. 308 Seccr d 3£;-eet, f.iscon, Ga. Cpt.l j, !>> 3a [ y tu r jtuMam ■ Cm ] OLD AND RELIABLE c \aie l Lee i .tables! Cl s n A -Lv r\ a *. ' .. A Large Stock o r V ■; ' Horses and Mules, Kent Constantly oa Hand. Frcm the CJioap to tlie . kb; High-Priced. * --V., i! . & M . Yv A T E R M A N , 22a itfce nsn J Ih \ &&■ As vte procure our supply direct from the WeM m car load we arc prepared at all tine s lofurnis:. -aw mill and turpentine firms with first-class mules at lhe lowest m rket rates. We make a special on! by mail . will . . prompt j y | n (}|jg trade. Information or is receive at lent ton. april 12 >8 Jy Li I M ' ' ft k\\ k&k L A P EJ i A If^ \5 8 li is our pleasure to announce our usual SPRING and Si MMER display of 6 «« & nt%, Youth’s, Hoy h and Chihlren’s* WiWti ? Funiislnugs, I’nclcTwea.r, Neckwear, Hats, Hosiery J:e„ We do no! exaggerate when we say that our present season s ex Iiibil SURPKSES anv slock EVER shown by us. in QUALITY, .MA¬ TERIAL and PEREECTIOX of FIT. MAIL ORDERS Have your most careful attention, and rules for measurement and other information cheerfully sent on request. -(’. (). D.- Shipments with privilege of examing before paying. EXTRA SIZES, For STOUT, THIN, i AEL and SHORT gentlemen a specialty, Gan, ’><v virtue of heavy purchases, and extraordinary facilities, obtain BIG TRADES in SUPERIOR Clothing. We have some job DEALERS. lots that i •mmel fail to prove profitable investments for COUNTRY IBB. Ijsew 3 The Clothing Palace IG6 Congress Street tu Savannah,Ce ^ssULtlas. t&o X%SEea.£ —DEALERS IN— isdl^CXaiT^I'E^N 7 " OTP EVERY RCxYTO. Boilers, - saw - Hulls, - Grist - ills, - Cotton - seed - Grinders, - Lubricating Oils, Iron Pipe and Fittings, INSPIRATORS, BRASS FITTINGS, Etc. SMITH & 3IALLAEY, Jan. 15, 1889. ly in 5! A CON, G A. /\ wmmm fisse wabl ABSOLUTELY ONE PIECE 1 Hr Neither « mo Lir.rY'gT ■ ‘' pa1?sted gb varmsshed ! NOT AFFECTED 3Y HOT WATER! Mm i ri WJLS. HAS TUB'S, APPEARANCE 3A81S3, OF PANS. POLISHED REFBIStRATORS, FEELERS, KAHGGANY. SPITTOONS, &C., &J. E SLQP-JARS. V/.-.Tcft-COOi-ERS, t L/tiloc ^opr* uinj V,,Ki-M {;tv nr Lb pnanc u JO. nnSOL^V A &. ty H.-’-'ES New ret,vv York Sole oo.c Anents. i-tj&uo. Facterie*: Portland. . Pete-boro, N. H . Watertown, Mass., Ot.vej.e, N. Y-, lock port, d. Y., Clevelani. Chia, Winona, Ifiinn. _ FOR SALE BY ALL HOUSE FURX1SHI.YG, HAROtVARE, GROCERY AUO CROCKERY DEALERS. FULL PRICE VIST AMD CATALOGUE FREE CN APFLiCATiON. Ol'l'K ), <;* » uMN.vnv I D-ulgr t or,m • . <ioorgia.\ Taiill whom it <■< ,K. n;: Yntiiy Marsuivt Iliirn il.oi—ni,I S . <> ■uul county, having to me for :tcr- of atlnuni'ii , ;<m. with, die v . o; , th, , - J. !>. li county, dcccasei!. This is angular the creditors ami J. l>. liarrcil to U • Bhpm next term of the ■ K. ■ V ■ WAK. Tv. 6a. l-d fri. -jKsr-r^ysfsr^nrwr^—ir. i\ II. IdtOWNE, UointAT* ortfl -Fpfl*T!PP ^ u ctllllUl CliiU V. 1 Clillvi • Eastman, Ga. I desire to inform tlie public that 1 inn fully prepared to do all work in in\ line in the neatest style known to the art. Work at a distance taken, and ai correspondence promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. Addre-s me at Bastman, Ga. T. II. BROWNE. , -o-l v tu 9 s ■ u ■ WE SELL THE BES K PENDLETON BROTHERS. DEALERS IX » INI I M ii * ufcaulc m si I y Tinware, Glassware, Croekeryware, Fine Cigars and Tobacco, Jobbers of Cabbage, Potatoes, Oranges And GEORGIA SYRUP. Consignments of Produce solicited. R B Baiers great Lowest C 1 ash Prices. Eailroad Ave., Eastman, Ga. Pendleton Brother* July lf>-,89 I rejr A NS, : v, JL. a ' w ■5 -WHOLESALE DEALERS IN { Liquors Tobaccos and Cigars, 145 & 147 Bay and 1 Whitaker Sts., S-A-.~V~-A.3Sl JST.A.Izl, GEORGIA 18S, 140, 112 and 144 New York Office: /»«//, Cor. U hifaher St. 50 tiromUriuj. SA VA XXA It. 7-5-1y-tn ' 1 “ 7 —. Schofield’s Iron Works » 1 j Manufacturers and Jobbers of §fggJJ| EligllieS^BoilerS, SSW MlllS COttOll piBSSeS General Machinery and all Kinds Castings. 'Sole owners and manufacturers of To pack by hand, horse, water or steam. Brass Goods, Pipe Fittings, Lubricators, Belting, Pacy General Agents for 1 Hancock inspirators and Giblets Magnolia Cot:^ J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON, Mac in V 24 ’8 Tu V&o,c-a«i m Only $3.50 -M§ —FOR— Si T iie Ti mes-Journal - M LSy l! Esmorest’s Monthly AND ’ llagazino. A WOXTIERFCL PUDLICATION. Many suppose DEMOREST’S MONTHI^T to It be a fashion magazine. 'This is a great mistake. undoubtedly contains the finest Fashion Dr/ "'C' ' pautmbnt of any magazine published, but this if 7 TV the case from the fact that great enterprise and ci-^ | periencs 6qua| tq are magazine shown, ip so jtscif. that each In HemoheST'e department yo\j| iff {j u | get a dozen magazine* iri one. 'and secure itnuirq*'» L&g-\ ^ ^ Vi “fw^^i^'steemfe^: • kVsSSSj: . a fi . Ry .j J Wfttvr-G«tor*, and fine Woodcuts, ■ -V*aocuj.t«avt». z makiiu; Photostavure*, it the Model Magazine America. op Each copy contains of a Pattkrn Magazine, ohdeh andI entitling the hot’ rt0 the selection of Ayr Patthb^ illustrated many number the in ant cr7Pn ., rj nuumfactured, each valued at i rum 20 cents to UO cents, or over *3.00 worth of paiicrm, ,, . r lrce that get tea times . tho va.ue V ■ v sabscription, c d.f>0. A trial vrVl convince yon yon ran o/tho L,c 2 ey paid. SiugW copies (each coauioiaz Ptttem Order), SO cenU. Published by W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, New Yolk. The above combination is a splendid chance to get ont paper and DesaarsT’s Mo Terr at a reduced rate. fceaU. your eubatfiptious to thm oLice, GRANITE momhrnn FOR ErSOIJLI^G, bakisg, BOILING, PBESEUV 1 S 6 I. LIGHT; atNDSOME, ■WMmm WHOI.Ese.TIK, Dt KT.BLE. The Best Ware Made for the KTtcfcw Manufactured only by tho StLouisStampmgCo.StLouls W For Sale by all Stove, Hardware House Furnishing Dealers* Cook Book and Price List Free on Application* fie Sore to Mention this Paper. '88 Cm