The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, May 24, 1889, Image 2

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I5TJ2* TIMES-JOURNAL I «nics-.Iouri»it,l Print in;? Coni’y. — 1 — - — ....... - ■■■■ ■ | Silbbcription . V2■ .__ o0 A-V i pBT T- U2XX SIX MOSTi?S. *«.«>; TIlUJiE ?.!fT'\TK 8,50c FRIDAY. MAY 21. 1SS9. Democratic Organ of Dodge Connty. Advorti-i»ST Kafe.s. , Heading Notice• 50. aline each insertion, WKfcKLV. I Sfjv.irc* one month $ ■ 25 2 o> a ■ • • 2 75 3 F 1 “ three months. . I CO 4 OO 3 4 “ twelve months 3 to 2 > ......t-soo SEMl'WKEKLY, :n:nrc one month ? 2 OO ? a* 3 5 75 50 j : 3 7 *x> “ t\ree r. mths.. a 00 : « KC - k O ^ twelve months. -■6 - •* C'-u-e-VJ td SSI'S£3 o o"i “ . - inch, column, ! V A squire I*) one single special poeition 'J en percent, extra for 4 I.ove atul Spasms. “What Gull a young woman do wi’ en auld man?” says the old Scotch song. Mr :. Iliirmon, of Hoboken, decided that the thing tir to '■ten \)M q; 1 c. r j will Bof alcohol. , ufttof bL^tin 0 t.iroa a soud rook a ;ono in the upper part of toe o,.y. ir.e i.tuLiUoiis Ih; t have been adopmd v,J, cxploMrea require hat c« tractors enudoving them tilia.i < ive a 1 frt ^ J Tl ; I r-'on ong-ged la . tlie w -vk mu t fun; sh socuritio;. Tiic-j -Jlhng the oxplo.L......mstdothe same, k N, h ., u ol r ; J. an ! nobo ly v v „ K to sen or handle the to ;n c-mina . if,, . - , J.. , , , * A I* it Tier Vault or His? It lias come to «uca a past Jut aim v* ! SUf of a of is complete wn hoot its contn <u to the woman question. The North Review for this month dis whether women are to blame f r present ‘ unhappiness of the man d ‘ iLtLAnd of H ’v writ-: S -f their" li S ht en ■hth ■! there... The, ere It, becca Harding Davis, Rose Terry Coo Marion Harland, Catharine Owen and Amelia E. l: :rr. After this ion, the question rs to tho cause of matrimonial ness is indeed Jiopeies3. If it was :i tangle before, these ladies have don’ !y gnarled it. Hardly two of them agr: e either as to the cause of the disease or its remedy. As to whether woman or man Is more to blame for unhappint 3 in marriage, Itebecca Harding Davis Afiam and Eve arer-i^ it t’ie very outset of thair wretched tnarried life—wretched hecan-e she «aa sharp *• tar. • ■ „ oh and lie «ea>: a ail s glutton. V, i., wan Uj btame for the result? .She concludes that when women ms rry for money, marriages are apt to be uti happy, because the woman who does not love her husband w ill be tooapt tofiie! a m*n whom she does love niter she is fc.-t tied u> tbe rich man. to whom she sold lierseif. There is considerable in that. 'hougiit. A -aiu, where a husband becomes so engrossed in money getting and business t * iat he neglects t!ie old caressea and loving attentions, and lu.uifes !u nt grows cold and sad, then the husband is most to blame, All the ladies who speak of it agre;: cn one point, which is complimentary neillr’r to matrimony nor to men. It is t} ia t marriage is always a terrible eyo opener lo women, From living in Die elysiun dream of courtship, they wake to the hard and bitter realities of m;;r age. Tlto excitement of the chase has ased for the husband. He has coolly itcred into jiossessioD, and takes no aljout it. Tho young wife lUsband A like tho IMftiihh fp yn "1 S'.d 1 hovr Der craving sup all i:er K7 she can y wo- tJ K died away Prni.'i F. Butier .iking of New Or 'n years ago last April, white feather and ran river with his morbir ^^I'arragnt PpMG. with passed the rest up of under the R did the work that resulted in faU of Now Ovleans. r Oen. Butler sai s Vn substance that he wi. i U to put t kiss i ;xt-"ner.t on record wliii - Porter was ali ve, because he didn't w ' sn D‘ guilty raying anything Lad about him after he was usad. In this respect Beiij miin F. showed acoiwidera tion that i- unusual in mankind. 1 he admiral of the liavv fives indignity and repose at Washington. But he lias uuuuit mirat Pi.rtcr'g to^ivo heart. Both ^ L-t and lively Porter K ; .. , r ia hU foul throat that lie novel w< ui*i i’.ru* S'liil *i ii rp i -x*cri s.l «r. “t cl>• * ’v*ar thrashing . , v»hen ... lie , aa -as 1 mi.ita.-y ‘ "..... : • c of . ^" v * Orleans „ , I X ** ! " nadtoap......giro. “*** ,* T? her " ( “' a ‘ u! ” r "" ; v bnuii. o>en ‘ . i; i I that Staton:, at. L, ■ must have been dreaming. If be try3 I ever made an abject apology to him he lies.” Of these two het bloodeJ young fel . i k ner 77 years old _: v - : 27. f SCO i. .led naval : d States t O: leans, in the 2 was u tint the Torts should be first attacked. I . ,. r ,„ 5t dia :lo; lio this, however.’out wan lire batteries. » already mentioned. de.:reved the fleet and pushed on to New Or lean-.. Ruder landed hi. troops ill Use rear vZ F^rt St. Pliilip and mauo Portcrs 1I,or " r ‘ u<!t '"•* ’ ■ “* ,tnU L • vender cf New Orleans. And now these two grizzled veterans are into each other’s whiskers over it l;ke a Ioir of cats. He. fie. hoys! Cha ;e and Lincoln. Yin: controversy between Mr. J. W. Scbuckers, who wrote toe i.fe of Salmon P. Chase, am! Hay and Xicolay, the hi ogr::; ers of Lincoln, is a very unp>eas ant one. It recalls how, in December, 1W2, there were two factions in Lin¬ coln’s cabinet, which threatened to de¬ stroy the IDpo >lk*:iii party. The radical f.iet;. n was beaded by Chase, secretary of ih treasury; the conservative faction bv Seward, secratarv of state. The feud ,^ ' ;aQ ^ b;uer t hat at ienfft h both ?entlemen tendered their resignations. Lincoln adjusted tue uifficulty by re questing both gentlemen to return to their places, which they did. Then Lin coin said: “Now I can ride; I have got a pumpkin in each end of mv ' bag.” But IIav and Nicolay sav that the ^ en , a] attitude of chase towards tbe p re8 ij CD t thep and afterwards was one i< w ] 1 j c j 1 varied between active hostility anj benevolent contempt." They quote jome letters to prove their position. And now Mr. Sciiuckers, the biogra¬ pher of Chase, writes a long article deny¬ ing utterly the truth of thia charge. lie says Chase was loyal to Lincoln through¬ out. Further, he makes very grave charges against Hay and Nicotav them selves. He prints tho rest of the Chase letters from which they make extracts, going to prove that they garbled the let¬ ters in order to make the meaning iean their way. This is the most serious matter of alL If Messrs. Hay and Nico lay would do this, then are they reliable historians? Angry Majesty. Back rtaii"S telegraphing has constantly given tho information that Queen Vic toriaii very easily “riled,” and sometimes becomes a holy terror to her devoted at Lendants. jraltoraper rose to the vc,Y.uic It able kicl e of ■ed, ■?adiiy W>q and onal Ar jarters in Its organ, pdjjgjdin that * 8 WCT rs of >k confidently "wished mci^pU^O- foF.vard to mon. [; 1( , tiin^^vlien all misunderstandings between nations will be settled by peace , f u j conference. Thus England, Ger IEanr am j the United States are now ar , bitrating tbe Samoan differences. The soo i,, t j. will hold an international fierce , congress in Taris during the exposition, It meets June 23 + , fb e French government has taken an official interest in the congress, and ap pointed a committee of prominent per sons of both sexes to make arrangements, The congress will esjieciallv consider - U ethods for ‘'substituting the rule of law for that of force.” They will recom mend that rivers, canals,channels, straits, be considered neutral territory like s-sir* -—- - The Eight Hour Movement. The National Federation of Labor Ma“ has rreolr ‘ rf l that on the fim* dav of • - I's'QO a dciiKUid . will ... Im? made aJI ever tilt, t Piiion c.uo.i for *or tIio<*ij^it u*. «i.^uwiih hours workinsr »iraui n dav uni. If the movement is heartily entered into >v •“ C,aa f : ‘ ' P*>V* » '‘ r '- elr 15 ^ tiered thev will gam the ^ dav this time aJthou 6 U a iu O:.o of the leaders of the niovetner? >a ys i: La “[>ca. e/ul. thoughtful an, i^«s elute c-xpre-iiian of the extinct* cf Itu ing for the Uturn-.eirt of thoughtfully an;’, intelligently irVto tue wl: :<'h leave hundred* of thAu simis unci'; ol-u and in patipedua, even Lu America. A On>? of tho cause* I3 lieliered to »loo tbe f act0 ry system. Mr. Cam'll Xv right, the f.V>- ccmrais-ioaer, sajfs it is esti mated that each emmgtg under tb» fac D fifrr ry system employes rvprej(f; uu(fi ltj j n 'S82 individual at least er t b e old 1,100 threads are ■ - "The Closing of the Door*." One of the most pathetic stories ever told is that hr James Paya, the novelist, »n the Kay Forum. He writes: to be «rptaJ&9d to them, wai wbtt wa? the m-sji Sow I know, for i r-ra r™** **cr <t~L He analyzes the progressive oncoming " *• **““ «** ih * 0 ' * own life fading out At the first lie heard everything with abnormal keenness. He heard far too welL At night thero were sudden explosions In his brain, like tbe bursting of a powder magazine. There was a sound about him like the buzzing of a hive of bees, and sometimes iike the roar of breakers, though he lived inland. q UQ grinds, thougiv, were within his head M he learned. Just ae jj-adually he found that external sounds were growing duller. Than he found himself saying aharpiy “What?” very often. People had somehow got into a foolish habit of tuuuiblLng their words. At last, but not for a good while, the hor¬ rible truth !lashod on him that he was becoming deaf. He consulted a doctor and an aurirft. ! Tue doctor told him the trouble came from nervous prostration, The auris-t i "What is the matter with is ■ you ner¬ vous deafness. Something has occurred j to shock or depress you.” “He was quite right.” says the novelist, quietly. Then he refers no more to this part of tho subject. The aurist told him what he wanted was fresh air and a constant supply of good news. Then Pavn continues in ’.he ' right complaining could be: Since then I have been getting gradually worse. * * * The pleasure of conveniation I have Vout forever, which, being so, lean write of it, as few others can, without passion or prejudice, as the true biographer writes o? a dead man. For the re-*: of my life ah that I shaii get of it is scrap*, such as kindly guests at table are moved to throw to the dog whose importunity in cilsagreeabJe to the rest of the company To some jwople it may seeun a small thin# to know that they shall never a;;nin hear a bird sing or even a cuckoo clock strike, or even Lo lose the conversation of their frienda But to me the re¬ flection is a very sad one * • • People seem to me to be made to laugh so much more easily than they used to be * Heaven knows I do not grudge them their mirth. But it is sad to have to aak my sweet, patient companion (at the [day) what lias been said, and while she is telling QMS to the great discontent of my neighbors, we lose the next upeech, and perhaps the thread of tbe play A deaf man is always at least one speech behind the rest of the world. Let as hope we get our hearing Invck, with ail other good things we miss, in boaven By tbo by, I wonder who Liae got ray hearing? Force of any kind, men of neience tell us, ij never nut must needs go somewhere or other. I h* vt-r ’’.an my h-uvriug v*ill Lsve- :.,e sama* and make -sh g'* >j use of tt us I did and genial utt^ranoes, assur love mi j friendship have at those opt*n I have listened to speech that has been better thau “silver,'* and now that 1 shall hear It uo rugiv, how Inestimable It seems! As the man who had lost hi« Hlfht pictures with the eyes that are slUl left to him the “ph^vesnt (arms. " the ami with It© “Innumerable the well remembered faces of his dear >mlure up with tb© same tender sense IjLflancho!/ Joy th© conversation of kes« Ocean Trip. K>.. r i voyage which doc ►cribe for invalids is a a No more will they r.a:l ■Bk* dreamily watching droning tlirongh pose left anywhere, r goes thundering at railroad speed. ■hJ^nonster that puds Pt’S. If years this re record. i? the . in rcvV .cdAo-Br HHP * ,Vn.l b-if : reached StaH HP'S he's Point, i Qneenstow rM p days, 23 hours and 7 minutes. pe quickest time i ever made by 2 Ho and 4S minutes Thus the cliampiijnshjp has panned suc j . cessively from the Guion to the Canard, alv ; from theCunard to the Inman Bteani- 1 ship line. i Tins was only the second trip of the Paris. She may be able to exceed even ■ this time. In one twenty-four hours' rua e c, ? c-^de Oil miles. These rapid ocean trips are very expensive to the : companies, however, on account of the great quantities of coal consumed. CJieap , fuel consumption, if it could be invented, vrould lessen the cost of ocean travel. At tho opening of the Paris exposition exhibit that was farthest behind was that ol America. The contributions 13 lustrating our public school system were the most important of ail Tho world locks up to America on the matter of free national education. Yet when the exposition was declared open our educa tional exhi' it had not even been lifted out of its packing boxes. This is not a credit to the fastest nation on the glob?, One of the many minor morals to be drar, ' n * roa ‘ th * fai » ou « c -*i«ggo Carte? divorce case u that :t is pot safe to keep old love letters or potu^caieffuaioos <icai mg with toe , tender , ^uon that , bare Bum the mtters. - S ,TT'" ^ Before its passage toe taxation soiling r formea _ » the main source of e mura Jw • * revenue in • many of « the *. towns. __ this tourm is cut off and council are at their wits' end to raise city funds. . € I'raoce Stands Alorio. A strtuig* thing happened at th* open t-,g of the Paris exposition. There was not present at tbe ceremonies ar. ambas trader or delegate from a single one of great lowers F.u-ope. away on i-.rincijd.e. The Baris exposition commemorates tb*> centenary of the ^cofiili of monarchy in Frorjoe &iio ,; ie beginning of a “govamment of th* neople. by the people *vi for the poo pie.” in the immortal words of our own Lincoln, I Therefore, the represenative* uf taon archies and empires studiously remain away from that opening. Lordly* the Ekigiish rainister, said -- ! i » - i . i K J^TAautawtffl ' — Ot *r<'i 6 : j : j All kinds of Job Printiiui i Executed with neatness and ; dispatch. ESag—a—fli :r^ S9BMHI 11K ■ 9 . I tU«! M m ££o;rr,. isss i ; KEPT IN STOCK, AND CAN BE FURNISHED ON RECEIPT | I i OF ORDER. j ! . I 0 iSsQ9<ai Pamphlets, Circulars, Sawi4 9 nSfAfC 1 I UaClMi * NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, PROGRAMMES, ENVELOPES, ; VISITING CARDS, INVITATIONS, ETC. ! , ; • ” & I (Vwrrl KE STOCK OF STATIONERY. Fe carry a full line of the best Stationery, anti have recent y re of the modern 1 t:ieev, . ceived a number of fonts of new type moat which beper enables ys to compete in quality and price ot work 'vith job printing establishments of the larger cities, arid refer to t!*ose who have patronized to the quality and price . ol . the . won?. , . ns as -^-address all orders to • ERB(A 2 : Important to Advertisers. From this date all legal notices must be pa ill for in adranee. os required ho law. Tin: Tisiks-Joi'rxai. Pjuxtixo. Co. Dec. i, iSxS. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a HU n il’ be introduced at the adjourned session entitled of the Legislature to meet in July, I88f>. ‘’An Acttfl extend the corpor ate limits of tV town of Eastman, and for other purpiee-." Also, a bill will be introduced, enfi tied “An Aet to incorporate December the town 15, of Eastman, etc., approved ISn. providing that the County of Dodge shall pay jail fees in state cases." By order of ihe Mayor and Conned. -41 6,18S9. my 7111 St. Louis, Mo. Post- Iiis patch says: "Indian wo men lire pro verbially healthv and strong, buhio often marching for backs.* davs wirli their upon their Ih fact, th-y tie quently go the day before and after cou tinement, with their tribes, upon the march. These women acquire their great strength and power ol by usihg a weed ttbich that grows medicine in their is cality, being outef a tl* druggists, now made, and kept by under the name IN 1)1 AN WEED Female Medicine.) INDIAN WEED (Female Medicine) weak, lias proven a great blessing to the delicate, over-worked women of our large cities, for it is said that all who use i> keep ro'mist and healthy. Drs. lleii'inan A Herrman, cite, and M. 31. Bush A Co., Chauneev, keep it. :uig 80 ’88 s-w ly LATEST ACHIEVEMENT CELLU LOID COLLARS, (T FI'S, AND BOSOMS. A m\'. & '' Geo* Clement <T 1 c». The Celluloid Company a'sert that they have attaiued the high est improvement in their collar.-, cutis and bo-oins, which ha eve- been reached in this line of water proof goods. We have examined their latest improvement-, and tested tliem by every means at our command. We are eonvineed that they have never been exeelled, ami we are ready to give tliem heartiest indorsement. They an pliable, most durable of any goods on the market, and resemble linen more perfectly than am waterproof imita tion. Some strangers wlio have little acquaintance willi tlie.segoods areuudei the impression material. that celluloid is an ex plosive This is an entirely erroneous idea. 3Vc can hold celiuloi< upon the lmtlc.-t argand burner, and i' will melt, hut never ignite. The linen interlining makes it rnueh -trongor than any other goods have-ant’ in this line. We slut!I be glad to and all of oni former patrons try these goods uml write us their opinion of t!n> same. A full assortment of Celluloid Collni Buttons at 5 cents each by mail, posi paid; and (’nlD Btmiri- from 25 cent to $1 per pair by re.ait. These button are durable arid never tarnish the col tars and cutis. . Celluloid Collars and eufis cost no more than linen-look boiler and wear longer, they never wilt from perspir¬ ation, are always white, clean am! fresh : require no kiuiidrving—are munifae soiled, 'LisdL'dL simply wipe S, .f tyl'VH tliem off with siiajj and water. They save their cost in a week’s Wear. Try them. Keep tliis for reference. Celluloid Collars and Cuffs arc as economical and desirable as represented. < an always obtain the same, tie of postage, by ad dressing George Clemen! A: < 'o.. iiii' Last 22(1 street, New Nfork, at the following I prices. Gents’ Collars, 25e 0 for £1.00-42,25 do/ “ C’ults, r.Oe.0 fov rj.p~l.75 do/ Ladies’ Collars, 13e,a for si— dor. “ fulls, :«.v.ti for 1.75—3.00 do/. Small Bosoms, 50c. Large Bosoms, 75c. Remit In Postal Order, Cheek Stamps. GEO. Address CLEMENT k CO., 33 East 23 i .St., Sow York < ity. SPECIAL NOTH V ' J K i T« < »»•!• A«a~, «m n. w! FRIDAY, next, 31st in.-!., in Kastman. I Large attendance desired . Important bu JOHN TyllOGERS, President. J. D, Tav; a -1 f HO O V A X P i EKXTS Allow tl-eir/liiidren toeongh am!-’rain | ams dange’.chs medicine?, until are /own v> 'Ji bmg fever or eon sumption Avlit-u they can be so easily re iieve.i by PKoiis CiifcKiiY Got cn ,-vi ( !■? it lu-- nosunerio; ^ud f< e.;;. !.-. I’m -il ■ in F.itHnuu by II. J ism v. M. !>., Druggist. l-3m fri. NOTICE, Notice is hereby givey that r.ii eleciio't w; i ire held in the to^n I of East man on Mostday, the 201 fi for an ALi< r;ii ■ :i of '••aid town, to fill the vacancy occa¬ sioned hv the resignation of lion. \» . A. Xo'Y-n. r. - "ir h. By oAiemf Cotincil. 1 Clerk. j.y p; y[r:.M;n. r.iyl 0-4t ; F~>\ ■ Watch, A fine gold watch just from one of I Lu u; i-t E-'iable jewelry <tor«-- in gi ( rht of anj wider for 1— than $7*>.fi0. ID avy solid gold ea>.». Elgin Jfovement, Fti'I-jew ■d. Guaramned bv the time-keeper of rbe Savaimah. Ffonda A V, c-ti rn rail road. 3Vp oi r it for fifty dollar- cash, t all at theoffiivand k : »p it: The Times-Ioi lhuvrixo Go. !’<■•• 81;'.!* < r Ileiif. Th'- Dwelling H( “>e of A. L. ITo’A.s, eexf , ■•!;• >-. n : of J. F. Velaey, i* offered f«» fie or rent- to »py fertwn -ibie w Life pcifOti. For particular*. ta B:-nop. . iu i’r-tf - Dr.T.Acr A X'); loc. an:« for teachers’ License can Kim*tion, :•• ■ ‘ft" the ■hocl Oommissioner. colored, Klmsdav. Mav 2bth; May 30th. Hf.xrt C'oi-cmax, t.D. C. Ga. I’noi i:sstFs.ll < a \fts. 1 AK. J. i>. kerkmaxA -X s la-aiTitiouer of V Medic/no and Surgery^ E A STM A X, GEORG Office'at City Drug Store of A Herri.r.-.u Residence. eor. 1st au<t County Road Street. - ------- TJABCIS FISHER. .11. lb, ... iiy3iCI£LH, SSF^vOS _ , . Mu LCCOUCSCBl 1 . Ole.e , at ,, ,.a-U!'.;:n “2 .me. next dcor to post other. Ke-ulonee, cornet ly t ucs J AS. It. 35001), '1. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office In ba>cmei>.t ■ 5 t ’ 1 L nlgc. ioriiicrly occiijm-d hv Dr. , t . l. l-Umier. hesulemv muiiIi odeo. ( cult H >use Sqmi -o. . . -mo. io* gt R. KMNNEDi, DENTIST* Eastman, G.\. OFFICE OVER llEHUMANfi STORE Oib’i's hi- professional service' top.e : people of Dodge and adjoinmgetointies. , deices reasonalde am! " or it guaiantce.l. : Ofkicm lion:-—from s'PKi a. m. ti.i -2 m.: From 1 :!«) v. ji. HU ... : Dee l-semi (imo. ,oU w II. W. !.. S3IITII, 1 Dentist, | 11A3VK1NSV1LLE, - GEORGIA. Officr in Pulaski House. 12-1-88-1v tups | VoL.YCV A IIISIIOI*, Attorneys at uw. GEORGIA. EASTMAN. Wili practice in all the court- ol the State. Attention given to Convei inoing, Mxaniination of Titles to l.atnl, Kuruishing Ab-traet> t'f Title. I'.xecu rors. Trustees. Pai'tnevs!ii]>-,( 'ollections, Contracts, Criniinal Law and all other branches of practioe, Otllce at t'ourt. House. 2-1-1 v tiles I7VLI i'j AN t! EEK31 AN X, Attorney at Lav/, EASTMAN, GEORGIA. 33 i11 practice iti the diHeivnt conitie f 1 hi* Oconee and Soutliw e-i; ril Cir- 7-b-lv lues ! - , SMITH, ]-« “ * A * Attorney ct Law, EASTM AN. GEORGIA. Office over store of E. J. A Co. 7-5 ly lues f3 At . W. KTiiltli!(ili*& CO. . ; DiiALEHS IN’ | Fine Whiskies Wines, Etc., I III i 01'LA !\ St., A!.\( < )N, ,, LA. ,, , ! I V* make specially the . c: H 0! JUO TRADE ^r-Ail orders li.y n i’ rm’divi* proniDt attention, mar i’i-lv tu ‘ Sasimaa Mbst li’aop. ( , R R d Tt.ircl Av. lines, p \sT.\! 3 \ ii/\. arsHfisss in «a ii!.joi;2as6Els y j,' j- < j •- j* A!{ . Superior facilities, Lest workmanship and good company »©vt ay* I'c-onil in our * ' .laii.'ll ly shop. '--'V r. H. Davis, LIVEJIY, l FED AXD SALK bTALlLS. Snv Supply oftook. IliicLs.I’te* I.CM HER CITY GA.. y ,,,-n 1!, I! mo. tu. 3 () F F I N S. lie are /’ re pa red to I'irvnish COFFINS AND CASKETS i,F,iL XZ Order- pmmjdy attended to tin I Sm - I'aetiou Guaranteed. FOSTKII XJUVinS AH kirn!: of FrRNlTPRK-aml 3I» -|.m 1 ,,i erciuumisc k(*p. in Steel*. Dari t any till you get our prices. FOSTER ROUTE IS. Eastman, Ga. [.. SHEA, MERCHANT TAILOR. 31 At'ON, GEORGIA, vlvtii 1'Itmr 1 ITosir! Sir.vxn K ixc,, Out. Mai.i.oky’h I’lIIDK, 3VIIITE fjATIV, H.iri-r Joe, Ct VI !!A7.( (1 V. if..I, Rose, Bu Fe Tfimtox. The hot brands. .Sold by IYndlelon !>, o s. a' ihe lewc-t (a-b ; 1 h t-. yOL 31A SO N. i”) r. i smox. • n /.a r.t rir,:: Fonrll* Aviiue : r l’u.-'.office. ll;i-finj'.li, < First Ckis in Every Respect. Ticket, 10-Lav.-, 11.00. SingV i "■*. fri Mar. 22 C-mo |3 A F. JlltAN, « Oar.troctcr l '.C , ..A.,i .>1 AN, GEORGIA. Work ar?d prle «G!:trn;ii.*!.! to L'* \ o if Give him a call v > lion you jp in illt!. / V fri Conjh ! ml f ■ ?/, n, . o,(>)!:!!! '• ■ i th- ••.■■rid i- ' : \, a ill 2ii seal ke-p c \es. and -’ill tryinf it.l - uto tdims when Lively Bi • s’ relics,- CmtaEY CotesH cough SrHri-'t wi!I|>of Tlu-J your at is no advertising sehesie, it. Syt,an Vor -die actual m : ,»-t. nmi we g arautec Hrug* Kastman bv II. khkk, M. *> girt. !-5m fri. Hazkhnrst Hotel. rOVXID'. r«pk.cti( ,, , **. -,; rs L. 1 . menu ^•&fe£5USa«Sr