The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, May 24, 1889, Image 3

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A R.\C»P< r> lk the brush. CRA" > :C Df c -Cr.lPT rON OF A FOX HUNT IN GEORGIA. "O '.’ *.vate ,# Se*Mit* Ib'j riunl and the Chase JVV' m—Over |Viece» sirwl IluiMtl fit-id*. !*»>y cm the Old Gray Mule. An «'•>’ ot!i. 1 a Steer. " i i • tir:i.,h! the i.-.-ut.’sl" It * ■ < the tormina'it>n_p -tie most ex citi’l; fox chase evge ffnessed in 11 ous toy: j.i > before daylight a party of eleven, all : united on li- ^ s. met at the Ir f Mr J E. An-irtW.s The fox lion::'- in tho neightiurhuod had ticen COi *1 the prev-ious night Tiiere v.-i • • t; i. ty-four of the finest dogs to be toy. .ny where. 1 r;t ray of light could be seen to til t when tho party, led I>y the three vet- r:- a hunters of tho county, Messrs. J. Andrea's, John Rountree an<i i, ail Hoso, started off to the north. Th I. 111 wax tooted thrift*, and the dogs ran i;, front through the woods. For thro*- .-.ilcs the ride progressed without a : BOli - roru tiie dogs. "IT'S A FOX, SL’Rr..’ H ienly tbe leading liorsemr.n reined up he almost distinct yelp of a dog c* h 1 heard in the far distance. The around tho horsemen stoppeci and •! oi,j Kate!" cried Andrews, “and It’s :• ! ;s. sure. She never lies." • -cords had hardly been uttered be- 5 ft ti remainder of the pack started .into the sound at a Juil run Tiie or... een followed, and as the dogs had nto npej the fox. but were only trail bp. >.n caught up For twenty u;in u. ■■ > ;-.gross was slow, as much of the v: ■o. : ! had Uvn burn -d off and it. was t. ••'t for the dogs to trait. However in a ort time the track was scented, 12: itii old Kate in tho lead, the dogs s: • ! through aa open ii-dd like the m ; n and every dog yet pin-; at each f * ! fox bad been jumped. N ■ ?'AiL>ic of theilo^a wus grand, wild. c\ • V; • ugh the great opon fields, imniedi a*-; !v i-oliind the clogs, eleven horsemen rnn hrctiUnock «peo<L There was a ld ,.i i, in the center, but over it they x'.'. ; like the wind. Both men and horses ( ■m f r . cited to tho pitch. Roun t :•<*« , u sleek black mare, was in the u ., ou,„. «CO*, I Ui-t *i ■ doys spcrncd to increase their speed The horsos %v«-e going at a wild ft ii- •t tho riij'-r.s xv. . a not satisfied, nn I i ;,:d their flying rir.minis on with ti” .eniy a fence tva3 set'll i;t the dis t. ■ The dogs v.-cre> fecramliiing over it. !:i t wo better reiu up:” cried ono of t - rear horsomcn. • <■: a bitof it,’* yelled Andrews, who v. ninniiig neck and neck with J r.’O. - ... on r lie c; ;■ and Lis fleet Id -rnv ••‘•d.d and ‘heV,..-,'.!! tho sloek black r-’h of Roun ti r 1,1 1 '* 1 f. -too ns .. . . r . . lh<‘" 5'ivl!!n.W il'kkn lie,'a J" . n :,,T".T .ii.Ti„t',...c:c. I.» Mr- ■‘■iug tac witii wliu :i tue }- hatred t'-.-y liiif.l'.i'.Mcl, ti- * horse and nvvtty they ut. Seven o' ' ' t»;h 1 *, V fc'"far'd b;. . i rn •- t l ,v 1 i : threw : tli E< •• which into proixably tl '°. Oeshly saved P^wed their v ' lit'r.. Hut neither I ...rues nor riders W ■ I:t:iand s-.iihou.-gh delayed they \v. nounted again ia an in Uir.t lMJd 1« •d tho cm ■ it U . loro i..: :-.h e:: i it it. t;:i: o?..vv won. V" horses run hur l, but the for: , were t.x> fleet for them. They tv oil in the distance and their were not distinctly heard. The to -an drew rein n :i<i rode slowlv rr h a dump of woods to a loioll v., • 5 they mounted. .’.eiily the yelps of the dogs Le ioro distinct. y have turned.” shouted Hose. s. and they tire coming this way,’ 1 C: Andrews. ■ ,ecp quiet, troy s, end we'll see him.” sun was up and the dogs could be* py ■■ u coming towards the party. Suddenly the fox. a big gray, with tai' CTfi-t and tongue hanging far out. passed th : ■ t of the knoll, lie was blown, but -Ll running like tho wind. hundred yards behind were tho a big red Hound was in the lead, \v’>;’.* it his ,tio \vr.3 old Kate, the "pr- r. Behind <.’.vr. 5n the pack came, for i i ;g almost a solid i.-tousle, extend in t .Uy twenty yards in theiccrof tho Jec-. s. But they were runuing like lip mg and gaining on the fox at every ji- ■ field for two laites. and I. » .13 an open in. , .his, right behind tho dogs, the ho- .-men rushed. Hoth men r.nd horses Ml : • wild with excitement. Every one ■w ! d the brush, and nil were running ft It. Spurs were pressed against tiie . ..f the already flying horse*, mid tl .. iors leaned forward and yelled ro ti. racers. 'i'he eleven horses were rv S hi a hunch, while far behind e>' • i i,o seen two boys, one on a gray iu ■ end tiie other rhiing a steer— both wi at saddiea. Tiie field seemed cov er. ith small di; dies, but tho animal? j :? . . •<! them without apparently notic i;- tie ground, were v. itliin fifty yr.rdsof the dogs ; .he fox was not ten ahead of the But uti they w< ;>nt Suddenly 6C*eil3 'd to lag and in an instant th;. '■ -four Clogs were piled an on top of J)5:u r.nd tearing him to places. v JiDiwnicn were then a hundred y: behind, and that hundred yards v. - rein for the brush. It was a wild ru-,- ■uui eleven hors-es were throw n on the hiumelios almost in line riglit at the . ogs, hut the rider of the fleet gray s mere a nick ahead. Ilesceiu-*u logo over the head of his horse into th<* . lv. eg pack of dogs, nnd in tin instant la i>:c body of tho f.»x raised above hi* 2u in ntr.mnh. — Pov. ersville (Ua.)Cor. A. . Hi 'Tt. Aibiirufiou iu Ccmra! Atucrica. Tlio five Central An; ri ;n republics of Gostu Us a. < JuM'-.-umia. Nicaragua, an a^recniont arbitration. When tional difficulties to tiny n.isundersrnnt 1 ing among t'oeir little 8 bv |i) republics swells to such propor¬ tions tUsv-f they cannot settle it them pelves*, then tt : “ to be refcfireei to the tie Vision of Hie f.Jk.u'in;; nations: United K-ttes. Argentine Repjji.dic. Chili, ilexi B Switzc: lan* I vi • >:»e of the preat Eu -gn powers. Further, they agtop r.ene of tli ui will form a treaty a f,.r. itri power without the con c-yher four. D iegans from meet once a yc - il oon;mt to decide mat St* :tual Intercast. Heretofore war ano *•"•>• “Y X 1 'e - R ; 'vR** ** V '- u ‘ :r vo’ca. Lie victors a j».l hsMt «f et:»u u. 'g ‘ vanquished uj agains: the r. -jre ! y.-JJ and shooting them I-' t he in i vi's’s: - of» better drill- Taking » Urlnk, At a Park I>rinking Fountain—Have a Pheebf “No, you drink, Sadie " “No, you drink.” “Ob uglc You drink.” “Brink 1" I “Brink vouraelf.” “Gh'-ugh. I’m not much thirsty, anyway. i “Well, l m in no hurry You drink, Sadie. ; "Art before beauty- He! H'l Brink, IT' x.” yon driik. I drank first at the other toon tala. ” That d< s.r/t :-.:o any difference I got the cap first. You drlnk. ••>'0. you drink.” “Yeii drink ” And - on for about Ova minutes, to the rap.irons -'slight of the thirsty crowd wait¬ ing for tbe two voLing women from (heehaw t-, s-rd’t uo question of precedence. —Chicago Tribune. A Wikeffli (*aardi»n. to u t- I '- r- M r lff -fac.l ltoto f —1> . 5^f r~ZT O/ \V - M 1 ( U _lliXTil iiJ--- i s^T?r ,K-------: . -l ■ ^ JU ■J, big if A 1 ' ■ % A’ ., > ! , H JUP/J’^r-J- i * 2 BzJ*LJZ£Zm t i rnf V Tfct'/ II) n 1 j '-jyjjjf' r*w7-i ’ I * I Ug*~&0s£? 5 1 I J ^ V; ' g^**® 3 *^ -a \ •' • ij.iiH *' ! “——‘ W—-4 Joimsim—•l-.-n's a mighty p«vre dawg ob yours, X'allcrbv He's bones nos’stick out . (rough tie's skin. whad tueks YoHcrby—Huh! Dat’s jes’ hi a a good watch d:>.wg. Fie kain’t lie down wivout hurtia’ ob hiseeli.—Judjre. Dlxctitz ut* It used to be the custom, and is now in mc.nv localities, to “beat down" in all trades with’storc: eei- rsarrl merchants. An am us iu;; example of this practice is given below: Ini or- I haggling way of trade it was cus tonmry to,demand a great deal more than the as:;er hoped to get. One time, on the Texas frontier, a man came into a camp riding on ano '• mule. “Tlow much for the mule?” asked a by stanBer. a hundred dollars,” answered the rider. , ‘Ill give you five do liars,” said the other. TL;-' rider stopped short, as if iri aciflk^enjent, an*l tlien slowly dismounted. “Stranger,” said he, “I ain’t a-gcln’ to let a little i.-attor of ninety-five dollars stand bo¬ Ween me and a mule trace. The y „ Another story, somewbat of the same sort, is related of an oil tenant farmer v. ho, on ES sr&r ^rmistoLtTL^!townAhir^tod e aLw 1 S for the purpose “>.<*• said the landlord, sharpiy. “W e.Etaen,-ir, tue farmer went cm, WiU ... you gi vo me eqgugu to builu a Umf £ , -cd-EiA ..f,'.’I,. r u 1 . e^-cvd ........ “ ; -aid ’-EtoL the farmer, and more timn - 1 l exp-ictea. xaimee Blade mauc. A Severe Shook. Tirsf; ExquL^te—Bflh Jove, CuOtiy, , you ai€ , looking Second oilbroitejip. Ditto-! t\ nat s u;> down streev was walking jc-i. now with my chmc-st, suit on, and a fol low liiMiited mo grievously. ■»» »r- Wb * t “ , "ck,................. of iHim-tly tm-ee-douarq-ants^ h ,,-' 1 Sh ° Ul " si.o i. Boston Tran s, n^t, _ r,,H Sevt *‘S e of T “"'“ Tapeyard-WTto bthat ttunnmg girl you raiae a your hat to? xubbonley-Mtos Goldia Bullioo. • Tapeyard (timidly)—She didn’t return yow j court.' y. Perhaps she doesn’t know you. Ribbotikw (bitterly)—No! site dees not ' "v me now : but when I uni the only young man at D.-. an Foam next slimmer she will not only know me but pine tor me in vam.— Lowell Citizen. \ .\lw- Mu»ce ft G«>otl Rcgsnniys'. Miiiir.i jnow where the folks of this i Iioumi mi'ytc. tol They owe mo $2 for milk. l\>i-emau—Don’t know. F’resumo v,-is 1.50 worth of water ia tho milk, wasn’t therof Milkman—No; that’s what hurts me. They wore new customers and I hadn't begun to water their mi! : yet. 1 always sell goods for tho first ten days aud make it up : the uext ten.—Omaha World. Thoy Made Nothing Useful* XViggics (reflectively) — Lord MaeEnociil Lord HnoEnoch) 1 don't remember any one of that tmme in the British nobility. Who wns tho founder of his family! Baboon j (haughtily)—My fwiend’s family, sir. includes no founflers, nor any other kind of matiulacturwers. — J udga. ITemlins Her Ot TrnvK-Ah Johnnie! I have caught you wKh a ush jwle over your shoulder 1 s.ia«£ori 3 htaml tell your father. » here i ,-hr-to * diggin’^the Dumnsey—Down at tho foot of the "■iwden « bait.—Burlington • Free v. 1 A rroeoctoos Crattoo. rncle-Bhby. don’t you hear your mother <*>’; T'"Uf ,y—\ ; esr. ZViZ^S^S^SSt Siifrens DISicait. Sir. Lytew ;.te—lt> ton baa about poor Langley His publisher ho*sold only twenty copies of bis inx>k of poems. Bihr!’. 1—lmlee.1, I'us surprised. And he is an excellent p -t l.vre va.u-—G:i j-tss. «a excellent poet, but vou see lie doesn't known dialect.—Time. l'dison Ec!ipspi!. **TTho is that man ouer tiler? Yrbo is ro ceiviirj; so niucii attention^* “\v Jij, haven't you heard of lir. Clorcr heatl, the great uiYentohi” “No—what dal he invent?” “That groat puzzle, *Fisiws, in tiie TYog Pc:dI. ’ ”—Yankee Elade. ‘ How tiie World I>e5enerate« Ono hundred years ago not a sing-e game of basebal! was plavcd anywhere in the Unite i Ktatea Nowtook at us.-Louiavule J Courver-J ou r na'. TNey Cannyt. TTl-.ou an feuiau dies his relatives pay his debts. A:j.l vet some people think luuiaiis can be civilized.— Life. Tho Socialistic Co-oporat’vo Fcdera don oJ London ia to establish several 5tore%> They will be on tho plan of the to bur day in them will be tight hours, for which the stores will pay full trades union rates. Every ton years tbe pnvilego of run uLi, th- differ, at New York ferries is re¬ sold to ti:e highest bidders. There are thousand*' of lioomers on !>, . ^lors of Cherokee strip and No M; n> Land, near Oklahoma waiting f or tluvse districts to be opened by the ,,, v >;-a-nt. which wfl! not be sniii j u , e y;.,,, Merritt with fourteen com j, endeavoring to pro wnt the s.,uatters from « ttunig V* ’- h< ' aims ’ re they are opened. Lie has ;*!!*,» to steep t»w" ;>t*aoe between thebtK»m r* and the Indian* to .vlmu? the lands -efivc >. c.u i this is not always easy. An eio'-.f -Too much ^ STRAY BITS. 1 Savannah is mid to be flooded with counter ^eit Silver dollars. A man }p Harney Valley. Nev., has been arrested for stealing a frame house. Cora! v >ra. is IS said --C! to bo a coming ° rage. It is to , , be worn m ao _ • • s . ' A copv of John Eliot’s Bible has just . been rmrohased by the trustees of the British mu soum. Tiie famous botanical gardens at Edinburg, Scotland, have just been opened to the pub Lie on Sundays. J.. t/ , tvjo present time th<> V lilian gov sa±~“* jssxs^asjsi&si days of the centennial. ft is estimated that Americans will spend *40.000.U*) ;n Europe tbi- season, of which probably 80.000.000 will go for tipa An authority on the subject says it is safe to sav requirement* will call for I50.000.000 to railroad ties this year More than 1,000 empty patent medicine ^0,^ were found in the house of a rich bachelor who died at KnoxviUe, Pa, lately. , . Sft >; °r more ambttious ... write., ■ who , tave attem.iteu -<• *'•' i noi rme has «»<-«ed8d •« attracting attention. t About the only call fence in Cleveland, , curious to say, is in the most aristocratic portion of the city, on Euclid avenue, near Case. A Milwaukee mars has designed an appara tus by which he claims that water may he successfully burned in a cook stove or ordi nary beater Brussels has distinguished herself by a boa ne’ show The first prize was given to a ov-.ter shell sort of contrivance, deco rated' vviih raspberries.” mu *S,5SSl^!li5IS5tAi5IS lessly as in the lethai c lam.x,. ■ The largest circulation on record is that at- ^ rained bv the voluive "iiyrris. Ancientaatl Modern. ' Twenty r^Iuou copies have been sold in the eighte^f-fears of its existence. A reporter for a Paris newspaper entered a ,l e n of hyenas to prove that it did not require 9n y particular pluck. He was so bitten and torn that the surgeons doubt if he can re cover. Several head of cattle were bitten by a mad dog which iwssed through Merritt township, Mich., the Other day Some sheep which were attaeked by tb8 animal butted themselves to J death. 1 O 110 Dr. Thenius, of Vienna, has inrenfed ri process by which he declares tir.t good □ avv sole leather can be made from the wood of old red beech trees. He has applied for: patents. An Atlanta, Ga„ burglar has a pistol on : 2 XSTZ ^zspsssT. \ ° “ j twdve times. snuff taking connti-y . tbe The greatest in , world b» France, tbougb »t shows a decline in ;he „ a bit. In W the consumption was ! 115,000,000 pounds, or seven ounces per head. Now it IS five ounces. | The making of veneered diamonds ts anew ; Parisian industry The bony of the p.-m i.s . -ut from quartz and then by galvanic action ,. oateii wi th a solution made from diamond | chips ami Stones too small for cutting. Mr. McWilliams, of Columbus, O., objected i ^ j lis } r ;,. e( ] o j r l being out every night untii midnight, / ’ and so she set hia house on fire and - ^ fcke f bcr b^rfie and departerl to find ou( n - ith more humanity in bis nature. | . t } YUY;::;;;-';::; |Xi.n 1 T™;rr iris S r! -Am Am , '....... oui . SAn t in all a sin-le plate. ' Daniel Davis, ail old man living in lVclds port, N. Y wanted to be tuned ... a barrel t when he died,and although^^he had had too barrel his wife to managed hie house tlw for (uneralto ntoeteen saltherself, tang years, | - and ho went into a fifteen dollar toain in stead of the barrel. Tho luc kv ticket which ’feror» a horse at a ra(i , 0 in ttl8 First ward at B >y City, Mich.. the other day, Was held by D. N. Truckle!!, who, when he raw the .nil blooded Htiiniai \ which had been advertised, immediately ae cepted flu offer ofi for it. Iho trottei will pull a garbage wagon against time. ■ An esteemed contemporary prints the fol | ow j.,g advertisement, apropos of the sale of tlie Jjj p oe house: “Wanted, by an author i about to become famous, a small bouse, rent f ree for life, in consideration of the large price w i,jcb may afterward be obtained for said (j OUBO f ro m some admirer of the author.” The smallest oil painting in rbe world is en titial "What an Awful hie,” is one inch by i an inch and a quarter ia size, very handsome- | i ly framed, and was painted by Mueller, a celebrated artist. The picture represents two nionks in conversation, one of them evidently g e ttiu<* off a whopper to the other. Itisex habited in New York. Two reached wheelmen, Constantinople Messrs, Bourator. from and Stokes. Egypt, | have after traveling 4,000 mi!es ou bicycles, °o ; their way to England. They will proceed to Italy, and thence continue their wheeling ^ J,, tUe channel. After visiting England thoy w a 1 return homeward overland by a j newroutoj^^^t* the tnp “ l9 “ follows; X'arioa, The (tovernmento United States. W .vA.OOO tte^ch.efs^ a rear; . Persia, «3>,000,000; Russia, $10,000,000; Biatn, $10,000,000. Spain, «3,SW0,W0; Italy, SkiKKl, 009. Great Britain. S3,000.0ft.. Mm-oceo, cA ?: n; : U0 °; Germany, «*. ' ’'' . - ’ ' ' r> , heir looms. - L. B. Crown, of Albany, Ga., has a four dollar shin plaster bearing data of 1,77. T. Harwell Green,,of Washington. Ga., has a biscuit that was baked at Manassas June tieu in I SGI. It is a little »h.ia Mr. Hail, of Moadville, Ta., has a wooden 1 watc' gharm made from a piece of the oid ca-ryiag ta'-.'e which was used in old John I "r ivn’s tannery. hr P. G. Moore, vbash, lad., ownsan icrican flag tha. & carried hy Gen. ayno in his expeditu fcgaiast the north .Deni Indians'w l»i !drs. E H. MvICoIty, cf Dawson, Ga., ha* he diploma given to iur great grandfather . at Fiincetoii college and signeu by ono of the signers )<** of the Declaration of ludepeudenco. -\ of Moravia N. Y„ has in , b:s ,x^mn a rocs yoke w.uoh has a tos B onymaBy l*.onpslto May. Gen. Er edemck W iliiaci Ai'^ustfts dkwc ae »Sceu Jyoti, wbo came to tbe United States It; 1170. He died ia 1^04. po it will be seeu that tbu> neck yoke quite a relic. The wool appears to be white oak. NECKLACE NOTES. Necklaces from the reign of Charles I wer* made of amber set in go'A Pharaoh put a gold chain about Josepus SESSSsSit teeth. In tiie reign of Henry VIII any one wbo had not- £2U0 per^ear income could cot wear i neekiaea. Tbs southern negroes constantly sw their bead necklaces, looking upon them as genuine charms. One of the most valuable ar,.’. coveted pos¬ sessions of the western Indian, is tbe neck¬ lace " of grirxly bears’ claws. The Puritans ab-jlishod necklaces as they abolishfil everything they Lid their bauds on which savored of cruameuk Thousands cf people place necklaces cf coral beads around tbe nseky of babies with toebekv: that U y w;U assist thachildren to ; When the Saxon druastv was overthrown b y ^ .W.nnan*. all persons below a certain f ^„ g we[ ^ forbUdea to wear uscslaces under heavy penalucs. |b Sooth America the natives wear neck lao««f a ttoidtorly maikedseed which be- H; HCDE FREE. Tbr Man Who lirt lla Could Beat the Conductor i■* Now President of a'l.oad. Six or ei-ht cf us were sitting around the rtore in the old Mansion house m Buffalo one finally • turned *«■.<* upon oi ?«;'* railroads au<i “VST how con ductors lia-i been beaten by deadheads. One nl3n t „; d a story, to be followed by another, and a Ne . Yorker finally observed: “Yes, but this was in the post, before there was anv real system or much sharpness. No one <-:i b-at a conductor in the*- days!” ..-ri.,,. 3 ver > - rM . - .j H-'i.iase ivi« secnniL -nu. "You iuu have gotto eif.hcr come down or get off. isjsi tssz farf ,» -Got a paw. mayhef ..^o, 1 haven't.” J>,, eon mean to say that you can ride without ticket or money f" “1 nave done it.” -‘Is the conductor a relative of yoursf” “No, sir.” “Iiou didn’t put up any personal property C “Not a thing.” . “Well, ^ if it can be done I’d like to see if. . ^ ^ of us £ , :ng doml , anJ 1 U put up ^ *25 that you \ can’t ride for nothing.” won put tbe conductor on to me?” .. Xo .n “Well, I’m goingThat way myself, and I believe I’ll cover that bet. The Und rstand tog is that 1 show neither pass, ticket nor cash, nor secure the conductor.” “That’s tbe size of it. Put your money to the hands of this gentleman. Judge Davis. who lives at Batavia.” The money was put up, and next morning we all went down toff-he train together. The man who was to heat the road told us to go into t! ’° smoker ani1 bo would presently ’ »•«“•»»«*• *“■ r opened and he entered with the salutation: “Tv. kets, if you please 1” “K a y. if you keep on youtll be general man asel - &) me day:” sne red the'loser when he saw that he had been roped. He did better thau that. A year ago he was made president of a hustling western road, and is uow drawing a princely salary —New York Sun. —'---- ^/-.r-y Pkl'ikJ a NTH D<u\lix. PpAlM _____ 1 are b’o ’ is whid oi’.s the machinery of life _ . .. y, every movement r.f the body, removes stiff of tire j: in:;, drives out p:.ia from the nerves, -tir.-.v.btes the brain, protects the liver and Kidneys from irrit it; n. enebles phyical exertion without ffi' ,Vj" V’’ ’ : h';” Nat A* th -d Hood and BSSSr Aim to 1 ecu the hkjod *• B - “ l^ JS’te ^Lsic^ with rheu colnbined vri th some kiJnev troubles, indi festbaandnervoasprostration . ^,9 physiciin5 vU^. 4.-1S4JJ were em — aRj paten t numerous medicines re-sorted to without benefit. At last 1 tagan the uie of B. E. and its effect was like u , ic KheunK . t i c F aios ceased, my kidneys were fC , llewed , and my constitution improved at once.” - Z. T. Hal! nor., Macon Go., ivrit,-s: ’ 1 iiree years a?o 1 coi.tracked a bu.od poison. applied t«. a physician Ltccce.and Ins treatment came near killing me. 1 employed an old physician and then went to Kentucky. 1 Hot SpriQ^S A w then regained vent two to Hot months, Springs but noth- and ......J I. 1 - : he tied every ulcer.'' __ c. McGaughey, * fj’ XVebbCitv, Ark., writes: : .., owe thet0 t c{ mJKe loa uiet! / u. b.B. , ,, , .. . ^ wil h blood poison g OUU j blBUU^ TRooP for five or six years, . and found no „ f ( ^ ^ £iyen fcy this valu ,,_,.,, ren ,, —*— M(5 GrimtY. i.’rdtia, Tetm., wriu-s: .. d .. v -j, : . twelve wars eld Had I i rofl , la . ,r .. .... ; y. : , „p and j.iims had were b j .:. ,,...(1 , tiiteu years lie <- 1 > p j a; . .- d . tu v , ; ; k . Onebottk)of to 1UI. ^ ^ ci >r.o h.r’ >o much good he car now “Allc, one bis ;■ in has c ased. Its action 6. jny b-.> lots but-.i ...o t wuuuenui.'’ ■ ■SJ N -4S'S H q q q « q k P 1 &K 0 FREE! Yss, We ieaa If. GIVE IT AWAY TO AHYEETISE OLTt BUSINESS. WltrTK AND Leaf.X” PARTICYLARS. « rlf* We sell alusic for 10 cents jUjmU g » Sold f-I-owhere for 40 cents to for ('-.tflloerc f ef ££ over 3 000 to nareuis who are giving their Daugh a ediK . aUoB . A i 4 Guitars. Banjos, Vio- 4 i. li..- ami Music B xes nimpnP 5* u sold on -mall moil i.Ulv puvmeiita. CaJalogue- free. price. If you wish 1o save money and a musical home, call Oil or address q’JM’ G BORGIA MUSIC HOUSE E. D. IRVINE. Mulberry S.rPCT, Tlneon, Ga. p-iF" The enterprising Music House 0 __*_____ fT:i,- South. my24 W . «2 ¥. TO 1 —DKALF.R IV— 'p/\]> 1 U bAL I r/'n A U, CIGARS and al! grades fine hand-made and clis -tiled 1 make WHISKIES. special feature of FILLING I j a S. Orders prom; t!y attended to. - 1 12 Porj.AK Stkket (Or.n Stand), my 24-4m M At ON, GA. i, V . C. LYONS & CO., Leaders and Controllers -of the DRY GO OPS —AXD— CARPET TRADE. ; 553 Cherry St. Macon, Georgia. 1 !mo pccial attention to Express Orders. taTliss Ut cfZ&rris, mwim iL , a iA IL£iI*VEMt 1*. i 119 CoTTOY A VEX UK, my2-l irn MACON. GA. ffi « r Lll)\ } tjo 'VfPY’T ^ 1‘jjjL f, HA * (;• 3 At C i LEADING CLOTHIERS, j"- . * . MvC , x. Ga. . Piedmont •Hr Line I^asrte. - RICHMOND AXD DAVILLE ROAD COMPANY. Condensed Schedule in effect Septem¬ ber .>0, 188#. Trains run by the 7oth Meridian 8 v °i iVu ’l Sot TH Bound t.H Daily f. Daily Bully Daili r* leave. »m am pm pm Washington. .. 8 .«• 11 id o w ll w on Alexandria.. . . . » , w m M “ r *< 0 : JV ti 11 " srr^sfs ids "™ 2 " ..... %“ 43 40 10 30 3 00 Charlottesville. 12 3 akbive Lynchburg.... 3 00 C)« 45 1 00 i»t Franklin June. -| 23 cu 45 Danville...... Ff 30 -i 45 am Asheville...... .. . 7 28 .... 31 Hot Springs*... . .. . 9 15 . ... c. 10 Atlanta....... .... n 00 cr- 40 am )mi Chattanooga. . 5. 30 .... 5 45 .... am pm Memphis 5 30 .... 5 45 .... pm am New Orleans.. 7 55 7 55 7 20 7 20 Louisville..... ........ 7 10 .. • • iuein“ati.. * No50 Xo53 No57 Nona ' ' Daily Daily Daily Daily I.KAVK. am pill aul pm >anville...... 10 05) 10 30 .... nmklin Juue. 11 30 11 30 .... 1 to*- c: .ynchburg... I 40 55 25 L5 00 . Ljrlottesville. to- l 55 co 05 'C 40 'I 3;. c 4* 20 -f 00 l- 40 - - 1 t , ”“' 40 i-: 12 a 15 I *“ 5b T. 10 10 55 50 f* 2( 7 00 tor 35 1 O 4S •ff 15 uu.-ivt; m Vasliington. . 33 i * 00 11 13 o 4( a jtimore..... •'*<) Cf. 30*12 40 1 23 a m in ‘hiladelpllia 3 00 © 47 *3 20 cc 00 . s ,, 13 no C5 20 s ' ------IL’-l----- ew York ... . 0 20 1 20 *6 50 . .. . ---- — MANASSAS BRANCH. ———— Eastward. --- w ' ■V.." 7 T ~ .inly xc pt , L .ulj l .. unuay, UDOa .y -_ _____ .) x’rl. am pin 9 45 Washington 2 30 all) r5 <X) 9 20 Alexandria 2 30]V2 4.3 40 8 ]5 jjannassas aid 00ur4 3.7 am pm 7 35 0 03 Front Royal 0 30 12 20 G 50 a 45 Riverton 1 ; 43 12 50 ,v5 40 5 20 Strusburg ar7 05 2 00 XVARRENTOX—Trains Nos. 50, 51, >1. 55, 33 and 59 connect daily to and rum Warren ton. FRANKLIN DIVISION—Drily, ex •ept Sunday. Leave Rocky .Mount :50 a. in., arrive Franklin Junction .0:45 a. in.; leave Franklin Jnnetio: f :30 a. m., arrive Roekv Mount 10:30 m GORDONSYILLE—Trains leave u ',r e for Gonlonsville 11:40a. and !) :20 p. m. daily, ^'a^Gordionsville ,iiv execut Sundav for Orange fi 50 a and ... ( i 0.05 , n RaUv ? * 1 * * ’l clailv except Sunday. SLEEPING CAR <* A i» SERX On trains Nos. 50 iUitfet Meepers between .l-cts»i.,cy. xU n<l New Orleans .m,: On trains Louisville, and Chi ' trains Nos. { j i.m I Buffet > lem Sleepers ' ( u UH , ph 8 Nqi v o.i trains Buffet Sleepers y md New Orleans, Ivennesaav Route, C. M. BOltI'M JAS. L. TAX SOL. IIAAj DRUW1 V. ll.'HEl —j, soil & II LIT ’ioli‘»alu Grocers, Macon, ( la. l\ II. HENDERSON, represonting-S. Wholesale H. Jaqiies & Tinsley, Grocers, Ma.’on, Georgia. 4. E MALLORY, Grocers of Small and & I’t-ovis- Mal¬ lory, Wholesale io;i Merchants, Macmi, Georgia. '• 1 ‘- SHELLEY, representing M F« P»t & Go., Savannah, Georgia w hole-ale Fancy Liquors, Grocers, headquar- Cigar* Tobaccos, and tc.'S, Easiman, Ga. ’US HIRSCHMAN. representing grfw <Hbian A Co., wholesale Macon, Ga. Specialties—I’ai fcy groceries; the celebrated ’ M ail ,i e to!.an , ,,j . |( nt ci«-uE t m - " Tabacco ■l aD .’ ,( and a g l> .± ? r “! ± . . .1. XL BATEMAN, representing th. oltl reliable hmiM* nl («eo. i. Rov ..... ] fri SOL II. ROC If SCIIILDS, with Frank Jt Co., Wholesale Dry Goods and No¬ tions, Savannah, Ga, New Y ork otiiee, 3! Thomas Street. March, 14, G mo. fri __ D. B. LANIER. witbGlaube*& Isaacs. lVholcsale Dealers i;i Grain am: Brunswick, Ga. * March 14, G mo. fri BATEMAN. whh W. B. Car Shoe', Hart ic Macon, Co., Ga. Wholesale Boots and | •> March 14, C mo. fri ; : ^;/\Snutoctural4 iff’Tandira and ' ('Bickers. Also dealers in Frtits and . Peanuts. ineh29 bm 11. GOLDMAN, with II.Mvers & Bros.. Tobacco and Cigars. Savannah Ga. : “W” TI r A. MORGAN, Real Estate Agent, | : EASTMAN, GEORGIA.' . Valuable farming lands and hatid- ! <ome hoine site* near and adjacent to Eastman, for sale at rare bargains. Ad dress or call on W. A. Morgan, 7-V! y fr Kastman, Ga. C. & J. \V. SHELDON, t Contractors, t EASTMAN, GEORGIA Plan*, specifications and estimate* ’urn iehed for brick or wooden buildings. Correspondence solicited and promptly answered. Address Box 50. Eastman, Georgia. „ fri julv 5-ly INGRAM HOUSE COCHRAN. GA. My house is now open to the pnblic. and It has l>ecn thoroughly overhauled renovated. Drummers’ baggagi- han died free of charge, and ample accom com fona J omni* 4 v "“““lTffl j ' a, ■ "i ’ .. 'V ^ .v ♦ 35F? r ZZ-a* 2 §Sm§shi t*»s ySRA '-waew* Central Slailrotttl OF GEORGIA. (POth Meridian Time. SI-HKIU LF IN EFFECT MAIM R 31.1880. DAILY TRAIN'S—MACON TO ATLANTA. - !■' macon g 05 a in. 1 40 : in. f-fi i m. .330 11 m At a*.'.u»< • I'.opm. ; as era. u ■- fm. f&m:::::::— ~ & Ar At Union coW.bW Montgomery Springs .. i - "j - . ; 5 3 3 3 3 i.-i-i-A in m j OLBLE DAILY SERVICE Atm To Savannah and Jacksonville: 1? aeon .. .104s a m 11 p . I.v Savannah. *30 pm 6 30 a m Ar lacksouviHc........7 10 a m 1 2 00 a in ---- ia Alimov. oinas villc and Jacksonville ' - ----------- - I.v >iaeon ... 10 05 a in Ar Thomasville.. Albany..... sip j 25 p m ar . 5 30 P m At jacksoh ville ..... .......7 10 a tn Phis train dot n Mat on ai.;l Fort Valiev. _j Between Macon and Augusta via Milieu : Macon................10 45 a tn li 15 p m Ar Milieu................. 2 4° I 4r ' ;’ Ar Augusta........... _•_4 30 p «n i'o Columbus and Birmingham : Lv M:icon...... to* a m y 35 :l \t Columbus «-> a m 2 40 a m \r Birmingham i- p m To uiltedirevine and Eatimton. Lv Macon....... \i .villtdgeville ..... 3 45 P ,n xr Katonton......... .....4 *5 P * r - AltUlVALS ntOM Atlanta. 030am i 00 p m 615pm 11 00 p m Columbus 5 10 j, m iiiopm : ilbanv. ..010pm o Savatunali......... r .-o [i m 3 ^ Batonton ’iioptii. i: *I>ai!y except Sunday. SOLID TRAINS ire run to and from Macon ami Colton imk. ITiion Springs, Montgomery. Alba ay. Savannah and Atlanta. cars oil night trains, Passengers niTor for Thomnston take either 0 ,,Y :05 a 1 :■40 p 111 train. Pa -cngi r t CarroIIloii tak( cither 3:30ainor i) :05 n 111 train. Passengers for Perry take ciilicr 0:33 a m or 0 :4u p in train. Pas-:ciigci's lor Fort Gaiur*. Rnciia Yh t;1 ^ |}j a j £e jy am | Clayton should take i0:05 a in train. Passpngers for Syl vailla, lVrightsvillc and Sandersvillc take 10:43 a ill train. THE “ CENTRAL” is the only line from Macon roakingeon- Depot neetion in l nion Passenger at Atlanta with through trains for the northeast and northwest. It is the line to rely upon speed, safety and comfort. look to your interest and use it when you travel. For further informatioif relative _ to schedules, routes, ticket rates, etc., write or call unon J. A. Kxqi.ekth, Agent Oa. Keeeiv'g Depot, XIaeon, R. llnow.v, t.'iiy"l'ieket Ag't M ^ijutel Lani^. k. n.i ... a KiiuIfB itichvJ V'ieniJ kk Cordell “ Wcnoil kt A rnbi.. u Dakota u Ashbuf “ Sycanu; “ Itiaha.. kk Chuli^i “ Tift** “ Kit “ Li's l “ s r RfM •• A "5q pm iiOtmirc n am tt .,.. ' L40 pin *• We! 1st on . .12 05 pm » i • 5S jW ki Avondale.. u !?> “A 'oJa.*i-'3 t “ Sofkett.. *< pll. Kxf Valdosta. {-’Hi 02 2 pn, ; ' . 34 pm .<\r Macon ..1243 pm Pas.-e.nger traW arrive and depart Union delivered Depot dnily. Freight re eeived and at Gent, U rail road w .tie,muse. Local o’clock freightfram nave* Macon daily ! at 0 a. in,, and arrives daily 30 o’clock p. m, ‘ For further iiffoMffaUo!l apply to A. C. Knapp, Traffic Manager, ________MaemqGa^ , mm THIS EAST TENNESSEE, Adi: CILIA AM) GEORGIA | RAILWAY. -VIA BRUNSWICK, 3 “SUB, MACON. ATLANTA, ROM E, CHATTANOOGA. —ONLY LINK— ryOUBLE DAILY SLEEPING C*\R SKKVh K —I? E T WE IX_ ; CINCINNATI >xp JACK- ONVILLE —Sfll.II> TRAIN'S BK.VWr.KX' CHATTANOOGA AND JACKSONVILLE. —Cl.OSKI.y CONNKCTlN'G WITH— DOUBLE DAILY TRAINS, i —WITH— PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS, j —TO AND FROM— MEMPHIS. NASHVILLE, KANSAS' ( ITT AND THE WEST, —AND— KNOXVILLE. WASHINGTON, NEW YORK AND THE EAST. -THE SHORT LINE BETWEEN Atlanta and Jacksonville. Atlanta and Savannah. Atlanta and Brunswick. Atlanta and Macon. Atlanta and Rome. Botes 'J'ime Cards and other ;n formation, r.pply to agents of the EAST TF.NN,. VA, w GA. BY. 3.5V. WRENN, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent, K.NOXVIX.LE. S. R. HARDWICK. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, A 1I.AXTA. ,T. D. LOYAL, Ticket Agent, Eastma.v, Ga. AT MRS, £ 3 - i )£ m Millinery Store. (o) Bs Prepared to be pleased. c NEVER HAVE BETTER GOCE&BIEN SHOWN. NEVER ILVYE G RE ATE I 'Of ri VARIETIES BEEN OFFERED. ; NEVER HAVE BEEN PRICES SO LOW. Buy Now Your Spring Hat. New Styles, ’ i New Goods, and Trimmed by a First- 1 ‘ \ I Class Milliner from Atlanta With Five Years Experience. . Dresses Cut and Made and Satisfaction Guaranteed by irs. P s J •TE & me J j 18G5. 1§«S. HJST^NSi-. ISSIEID OLD AND RELIABLE -4 7- ■v. r tables s. CU (\^ C.,hiu n, r ■ eco n Xi ' . I k v % ... ■ . .X I A Large Stock oL ib Horses and Mules, r*6j)l A LOSSiaElly r , 4 oil ■'feSv' A EanO. From the Cheap to ike Higli-Friceil. -_rk'. 1 II. & 5 f. ■ ; As V,ti prociu'oonr j vve are prepared v.’illl first-cla-s ty in this tn uttent iu!i-J ■■Plfs mmmr 1 % prompt * or- BACON jE: J’igJGUK OF THE LEST AND SUGAR MILLS, AND J i ~V <D BATOBS, ’ : ALSO I Sugar House Scales. - j Etc., WRITE TO /'/t/f-M'M'rfvi ** <5* oct21 , If. „ „ . jl Tosh/>on .. , , T filAMQ NFT ELlsD ^TT i IA t tas * Ts; ™ tm IX ». BB »n ADJOIXIXO COCXTIES ELLIOTT ESTES & CO., 1 l Second St., Macon, (in. ) i;,N ' A pply to C. It. ARMSTRONG. 7-12-88-LV fri Kastman, Ga., m HARNESS m J to'.'. 3 Oli I CO.. I F. A. HUMPHREYS, Proprietor. Having located in Eastman, occupying i the building next-door fully roT.J. Buchan's do, , drug store, i am prepared to on ! short notice, ail kinds of harness and > saddle work. < 'arriuge and buggy trim ming done in the Infest style and most workmanlike manner. Ail work war-j r tntcil. and prices below the cheapest. Repairing of harness, bridles, saddles, etc., a specialty, afidsaw-mill and naval -tores men should gi»° me a c:r1i. F. A. HUMPHREYS. 3-22 2m fri Money to Loan f \ X improved 1'arm.-and loa n prop t erty in Dodge and adjoining coun¬ ties, at legal interest. < . R. ARMSTRONG, Eastman, Ga., Nov, 20. l-s. tf fr ; , PEACOCK & FEED, LIVERY AND SALE STABLE-. 5 'Sffesre^nabTe/ atu-nliS ’ j given the commercial travel. LUMBER CITY, GEORGIA % v^iyta F OK SALE.—A three-year-old AVellgrown thor¬ oughbred Jersey bull. and gentle. Apply at the office of the TiiiKS-JorRXAL for further information. may2t»ls . _■ able, Apply to ! r -mavftf IV. B. COFfEE . j 'j YOURS TRULY. j Ever Yee, dear Public, yours to command! | welcome, ready I shall to greet you with a smile of i endeavor to make you | I goods feel good, and real loo, values. by giving you honest ! QUOTATIONS TO-DAY: Shiitlhgs„2L; Standard Glieehs^. ce/ts cents. to 6 cento. j!''? ' alien, yy cents afpl up. r “ lU< f Riee, offee, 5 poun.lA.r i; i. 2o pqnnd for $1. : Goods, Hamburg, domic Kg, etc*' Very low, SOME LTD V."'T ,, , .V .J.'-'Tin ’___ _ Ufiw’tfk- ^ih.i" dj , ■>- ; .X,;;!;,,., • - ] tbr^ fm* ....................... * W. T. ITLLEK i Maqow’s Old Stand, McH rr.x'To-tf _ $60 for m iHiSK cr Hi |' The Monopoly EuSleci Do you want a Bowing Macliine?. tpl dJJ ’J I «ow f{A tjpOgtUUi (bQA AA Warranted Five Years. With all Attaiiments. Write for IHnstratcd Circulars of our “si xc \ El “.x e w i i o.m k; > Etc. $10 to $30. Bavofl by. ordering direct from Headquarters. Needles for any ,lM ''■ in The Lcaisiilie Sewing Hachlae Co., >«• .“20 FOURTH AVIA U K, Louisville, Kv. March 1 'Nfi-SGt. tu TO RENT. A larlv wants to rent a furnished her in parment. Apply at limes office.