The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, May 31, 1889, Image 4

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OUR AGENTS Tie following agent- auiliOrizeu . arff to receive subscriptions,advertising and orders for all kinds of printing, and re cc*ive and receipt for money on account of the TiMKs-JoriiXAi.. Our lowed rate- and best terms will b< given by them : H.S. Fclijsr, E. T. V. & G. Railway office, Jolm-onvilh'. Ga, J. I.. Horton, office Tipper;- & Ho] tr i, Baxley, Ga. r,,r„ . 1 . Vv. St. Ci.aip.. Principal Ga. Ha zlehuv-t Academy, •’ Hazlehurst, J. II. IVn ;r;;i:iK';rox, office A. J. 'i"i. , i■ n A Co., Cochran, Ga. .J. M. Co ox 'with 31 alt Cook}, Lum her CitV . B. O. Bristow, Lumber City. A) It. J. C. Montgomery, Chauncey. TH;. J. M. MrXKKi.. McRae, Ga. EAS/i’M AX, FRIDA Y, M A V .41 G'Bf \ Yrilk-t Unanimous. AV. I). Suit, ilruggi-t, Bippu-. I ctrit* ml., testifies: 4i I <*an retrouiineinl IC1 Bitter.- a- the very best remedy. Every bottle -old has given relief in every . One man took six bottles, and was cured of rheumatism <’t ten year standing.” Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms: “The best sidling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years’ experience,N Electric Bit tvrrt. Thou-ands of others have mi¬ lled their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that, Electric Bitters de cure itil discuses of the liver, kidneys or blood. Only a half ilollar a bottle at Ilerrrnan & Herrman’s drug store. J. Van A Co., Macon, Ga., repair old 1 ruiiks. Charges very reason able. Good rains foil in (ho vicinity of Chauncey on Tuesday last; about a thimbleful also fell here on that day. A Woman’s lJiscovevy. “Another wonderful discovery has that too by a lady in -o fastened it. .1 [- seven year ' tests, but her Llcnniim u nt my child I'll Ihink tlioinB^BBN and wait the liberal hour that lavs' tho 1 eggar by the side of Lady Kings.” —Mens. Deschappelles in of Lyons. O li.-lci)! if within your home Take Home gentle one is fading; warning, ere a summer comes, Your happiness invading. For all the milfering she endures 1- needless, did you know it: The “Favorite Prescription” cures— Unceasing praises show it. - Truly “a household blessing” is this specific—Dr. Pierce’s Fa ji tU'tho-dIs- of wo¬ man. Who that sees a dear face grow¬ ing each day more ethereal but will ce¬ joiee to Imirr tliat the wife or daughter may yet be saved, and the family circle Init preserved unbroken? Don’t despair, try it, even if the doctors say there is “no man’s peculiar weaknesses ami ailments, under a positive guarantee it will from t'ne manufacturers, that give satisfaction in every ease, or money will be refunded. Read guarantee on bottle-wrapper. “In all cases of heartache the application of another man s dis ajipointment draws out Ihe pain and allays the im itation."—Glavis in Lady of Lyons. The programme for the second •ibnual convention of the \onng Abu’s Christian Associations of Wf* Central Georgia District to (meet in Hawkinsville, June Ttii. U. h and 9th, is being circulated. Fforin Cancer of blood poison which is not Lvlttit ■ by the medical profession but a- it Hdently real nature and cbnracter, hereditary in itself its nature, without it !Tv ;ic cidcntally develop of such predisposition or evidence fisting poison. The knife or caustic ^ heretofore been the socalled Piedic-s •»>< have -ti for it, but all honest pra mers v. ill tell you that this treatment fiils to cure, and only hastens fatal re¬ sults. Thousands of and cases oi great epithelio¬ ma (skin) cancers, a have been many cases of scirrhus cancer, en¬ tirely cured by the use of Swift s Spe¬ cific! It forces the poison out through the cancer itself, and the proes of the skin. Mv father had cancer; my husband also bad cancer, in fact died with it. In 1875 a lump came on my nose, which steadily increased in size, and alarmed me. I used various remedies—salves an 1 other applications, and finally tried to burn it out. but the sore returned worse than ever, growing larger and more angry, until I determined to try Spift's Specific. I took the medicine, and it soon made a complete cure. I know that S. S. S. cured me, because 1 discarded all other remedies. This was several year- affo, and 1 have had no siirn of a return of the cancer. Mbs. M. T. -Mabkx, April 5, T!>. Woodbury, Tex. Treaties on Cancer mailed free. Swift Specific Co., Drawer 11, Atlanta, Ga. Why Is It That people linger along nlway s com¬ feci plainiinr about that continual tired in r One bottle of Begg’-s l ‘ioo!> Ft - in: in: arc! Bi.oon M asiir will entirely remove this feeling, gi ve them a good appetite and regulate digestion. Druggists. IIkp.rman w Herrmax. Bnehlen’s Arnica Salve. Thk Ukst Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, uliers. salt rheum, fever, sores, teller, chapped hands, ;k 1 :i:a,Si.y ^ Yon Cannot Afford \t this season of the vear to be without a good re liable diarrmea bal-am ia ^tb Llmatfim '.-f the stoniach a:, i if t • ■ ;.r .-7 e.' iugly dangerous :. - U K,, Fr. I -‘LU< e oif . 'kind '’,'7, V , h thD th. n any other medicine on cartSi. "'*■ guaran tec it. IIerkvan A Herrm-vn'i DrugAjJs. 7*57 w^kXi^bSefladigestion and tbon-bitters ah dealer* to It cure® quickly. F or tele by Gzi lbs ctaoiae. CYRUS BAKER’S COURTSHIP. So ye aat her. d! l ye, Cyrus? An" she ansvrerel with a “No?” An’ ye think the world a sandy desert vriidsnie.-a of woo? Arc tbe wind Is full uv groanin’ an’ the air is full ov pizen, And there ain’t no blessed star uv hope peeps over yer horizon ? An’ thepurty smeain’ roses loot liketoeneU on a hearse. ^ ti UTthi3pr **'° nyouarefln<lin ,ry s‘-uw An * the birdsrfng funeral dirges to tho ears uv Cyrus Baker, An’ the universe fa lyin’ ready for the under taker? Cyrus Baker, yer a flat, sir, an’ you couldn't wUl be ttatten Tho way to git the gal yer love Is Jest by keepln ather. All the party d«srsarecur’us~thls is jest the way I view it— That the gals would like ter love yer, but ye’re got to make’eta do it. Don't imng round a-lookia’ lonesome as an icicle in June, An’ go a-janglin’ thro 1 the work, a fiddle out uv time; An' call an’ see her now an’ then, but don't get Ben ti mental; But drop in once or twice a month, as if 'tv:as accidental. But don't do rcg'lar courtin' gd' don’t haag roue' an’ haunt her. An’ don't say auy words uv luv, however much yer want ter, An’ ten to one she'll sweeten up, for Nancy can't stay Roared, An' ncx’ tlmo she'll say “Yes” so quick that you'll bo overpowered. An* then tho universe’ll be brim full of song an* praise. The sky will be a flower patch stuck full of star bouquets, Tho wind’ll be a fiddler playin’ tunes upon the grass, An 1 lie'll play his jolllest music w'en you an’ Nancy pass. —F. W. Foss In Yankee Blade: Tho Captious I’uhlie. A shoemaker on Grand River avenue painted his door tho other day and hung out a sign of “Paint." Pretty soon a man came along and opened tho door and asked: ] “What sort of paint, and how do yon sell it?” I “It's paint on the door,” was the reply. “Oh, that's it. Better change your sign, then.” The shoemaker took in the sign and hung up one reading: “Paint on the door.” He had scarcely cto.e so when a second man ac- i costed him with: “Is that alii Why didn’t you paint tho | casings, tool Looks mighty stingy, and I’d : change that sign.” The shoemaker reflected for awhile and 1 then made imiew sign reading: “Look out for Mil ■G/ft wasn’t a quarter of an Lour j pier came in with an old boot to ^^Qlbbed his shoulder against illy ■Aro exclaimed: to look out for this ovod the sign i kaL to ty ly! le h’d fit to j notiicr Great ITead. , Indulgent Mamma—Really, I don’t l:m w - what you’ll do, Bridget, to kcey the ehi'dren out of tho sugar bowL VFocan't punish them. Bridget—! think I can prevent it, mum. I. M.—What do you propose to dol B.—I’ll keep the augar bowl 11 of salt.— Omaha World. Complying with the £ i 4 4?/ Old Mr. Fheets—It’s a pesky ^ of gittiu’ oa th’ cars, but I s’poso has got tor bo fcliered.—Judgo. X.ovo Mo, Lovf) aiy I)og. Young Wife—I’m afraid, mother, that John doesn’t lovo me as much as ha used to. Mother—Why, child, what could have put such an idea into your head ? Young Wife—Oh, mother, you ought to see how dreadfully ha beats poor little Fido, —Yaakeo Blade. A Dramatic Catastrophe. Supe (tc stago manager)— 5Jay, guv’nor, have you got a life preserver f Manager—No; what’s tho matter? Supe—The Roman general toll overboard into the tank with his helmet on and lia is floatin’ around head dotvu.—Time, Suspended KvofutJon. Kc—Aw, weally, Miss I’lossom, do you bo liovo man sprang from the ape? Sho (very tired of hiA atu^utions)—Y 03 , I presume some men havo, but there aro others who have never yet made the spring, or'at least never sprang very far.—Omaha World. Shocking. Aunt Susan (to Boston girl who has just returned from New York)—And how did you enjoy yourself, Carrie) Carrie—1 had an eujoyaole visit, aunt, but it was positively shocking to seo so many people without glasses.— Boston Transcript, Jt Won LI Break the Lnsagement. Miss Crimp—People say 1 look like my sis ter. What do you think about it, Mr. Softy) Mr. Softy (her sister’s beau)—I think you look very much like your sister, but pL-ase don’t toil ii.r I s;uU so.—Yankee Blade. Affinity. Miss Maud Hogg, of Northampton county, Pa., was married a few days ago to a Air. Aiudd, of Maryland.—Exckanga That's tho Trouble. Harry—I always pay as 1 go. Lurry (.ieeiiiigiy 1 —Yes, but you don’t go!— Til no. All Bettled. Hvery claim has been taken nt> in Oklaho ma. Thal stitles it —O ic.eyo Globe. A # interesting fact . regard to very in tj,e long distance telephone has been nott-tl. The sound of music from a , street brass band in New York has been distinctly heard in a telephone office in Philadelphia. Thus new terrors are add ed to civilized life, It has been observed that the fashion »» IKr*. h* hair and beard appear they will ba thought to be growing old and lose their places of work, i ne most formidaoie navy cn the seas yet be that of Italy. Last year she launched fifty-six war ships, aggregating -’"00 tons. She now has a navy of 236 vc^Jsof all classes, with others nearly completed. She lias thirty-seven torpeda for use on the high seas. She has several ironclads of over 13,000 tons. In her national naval academy are 318 young Rita, j a xgST the whole number of student* hi the United States Naval academy % was 1:4 Jt » ■ S. PARIS SPEC uiAL LOW PRISES i Inform my patrons and the public in general that I have just received a large and select stock of DRESS GOODS, SILKS. WHITE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES, LACES, SHAWLS * SCARFS, HOSIERY. GLOVES, RIBBONS Trimmings, Fans, Handkerchiefs, Notions. You will also find a large and fine selection of Men’s and Youth’s Clothing, Ladies’and Gen¬ tlemen’s Shoes, Hats, etc. A Large Variety Combined with Lowest Prices! I invite an inspection of my stock before purchasing. Respectfully, B. S. PARIS, marl 2-1 m Eastman, Ga. _ "% ts pzazz : 1 VJDJj “ ’J a 3 u a A n WE SELL THE BES • PENDLETO N BROTHERS. DEALERS IN ^ , , as*31 V | * tar«=53/- 'jo j PJcrerrevwr 1 ' m ©Clio '"j WQmarnJm BXSB Tinware, Glassware, Crockerjwvare, Fine Cigars and Tobacco, Jobbers of Ct does, Oranges And GEORGIA Produce solicited. i i? any, a. mothers. -•«. j 4 lounce our usual SPRING and SUMMER »% Boys’ and Childress’s V.J s 1 » & 2 hi nJIA Q (1 ovwonr. Neckwear, Hats, ^fosiery &c., We do not exaggerate when we say that onr present season’s ex¬ hibit SURPESES anv stock EVER shown bv us, in QUALITY, MA¬ TERIAL and PERFECTION of FIT. MAIL ORDERS Have your most careful attention, and rides lor measurement and other information cheerfully sent on request, -C. O. D. Shipments with privilege of examing before paying. EXTRA SIZES, For STOUT, THIN, TALL and SHORT gentlemen a specialty. Merctia-nt 5E&. Can, by virtue of heavv purchases, and extraordinary facilities, obtain BIG TRADES in SUPERIOR Clothing. We have some job lots that cannot fail to prove profitable investments for COL N TRY DEALERS. 9 The Clothing Palace 100 Congress Street. tu Savannah- Ca M. Ferst & Co ■3 -'WHOLESALE DEALERS IX GROCERIES, FLOUR, j Liquors Tobaccos and Cigars, 145 & 147 Bay anti 1 Whitaker Sts., SAVAEFTAH, GEORGIA 1-38.140. 142 and 144 New York Otlice: Bay. Cor. Whitaker St. 50 Broadway. At I J.V 5 .ill. GJ 7-5-1 y-tu Seliofield’s Iron Worl QC ^ Ha™™* «* TRESSES.' ! STEAM EXGISES, BOILERS. SAW MILLS, COTTON General Machinery and ail Kinds Castings. Sole Owners and Manufacturers of SCHOFIELD'S FAMOUS COTTON PRESS, Tack by Hand. Horse. Water or Steam. gfJSS GOOdS, Plp8 FltlilJgS, ..... LubfiCatOrS, _ Bcltlllg. n PSCKing? i • r SflWS.CtC- r. General Agents fcr Hanccek inspirators and Gu'lets Wrgm'ia Gotten Cins. J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON ! my31-l MACON, GEORGIA. & flatau, 412 Third St., Macon, Ga. -WHOLESALE- 3LajlQi*U.C&3^S» 9 Tobaccos® •i.Wi CIGrlRS, WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF ANY HOUSE IN MIDDLE GEORGIA. Solo agents for Export, Kate Clarion, Bak-r and Club House, pure copper listilled Rye Whiskies. Georgia and North Carol!.m Coni. P«:avh and Apple Brandies always on hand. Sole Imported wine; and brandies a specialty. agents for the celebrated RICK BEER, non-alcoholic. Sole agents for Val Illatz Milwaukee Beer, by the do/.’. n or cask. TRADE solicited, and a liberal discount given tv> the trade. Orders promptly filled, packed and shipped, according Book to din -t ons. application. Price List and Order funds . d upon Send for our prices before puroha disgelsewli-re, ami you will save money in any line we carry, such as Liquors, ’l'Yiaceo.s and Cigars. ALTAI AYE 1 1 & F L AT AIT, -112 THIRD STREET, MACON, GA. THE OLD RELIABLE WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE 3? GEORGIA. L. COHEN & CO M 451 CHERRY STREET ' MACON, GEORGIA. In connection with onr LIQUORS, we carry an immense stock of TOBACCOS and CIGARS. The merchants are especially invited to examine our stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. A Word to the Wise : Shipping instructions st rictly adhered to. Take due notice. L. G011EN & 00. my24-lm A a J c< mm a rt s f 419 AXD 421 THIRD STREET, MACON, GA. Successor So Small mifl JflaSiarff, Is still in the field, prompt to furnish merchants, millers and traders with all kinds of Provisions and Produce, Bagging, Ties, To¬ bacco and Cigars, small groceries, such as can goods. Lowest prices. Orders will have prompt attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. perity. •Captain Mallary will insure your life; 1 will insure your pros my31-6m I HACKERS, m ANDIES, i ONFECTiONS. Ei3 We are operating one of the largest Oriieker and Candy Factories in the southern states, and our goods are now so well known tor their super¬ iority that they need no fuuher recommendation in their favor. We are constantly getting out new designs in the same. We also handle cider largely, and are the agents in th*?- section for MOTT’S PEACH CIDER AXD THE T. L. BRAND OF CELEBRATED ORANGE MEAD, RASPBERRY XEOTi.KEEN AXD FRUTO, OR FRUIT PUXC1I. Macon A samjfle invited order to call solicited. Peanuts a specialty. Merchants vi-iiing on us. ’TTF'F i V JMM J [ OHM SQM \T f / > may 24 2 m j 1 Oily OlotMuy laassl THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE STATE. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE CLOTHING, FIATS AND GENTS’ FURNISHINGS. ■ 1 515 Cherry Street, Macon, Georgia. nay 24 3 mo —DEALERS IN— OP EVERY TEXTrTjD. Stea-m o33L^*t2ti.o^, Boilers, - saw - Mills, - Grist - Mills, - Cotton - sead - Grinders, - Belling, Lubricating Oils, Iron Pipe and Fittings, INSPIRATORS, BRASS FITTINGS, Etc. SMITH & MALLARY. Jan. 15, 1S89. lv MACON, GA. CMSTMPEM & TDiLMAN, wuoL,r:smiLE gsiocers. 45S AND 4G0 CHERRY STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. | Dealers in Flour, H-ay. Corn, Oats, Bran, Meat, Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, and full line of Case Goods. Remember the cheap freight rates from Macon and save your orders for our traveling salesman. Capf. C. M. Lat.mer. mT 2 J jmo . _____________ _____ | |M n : ti ri _ — Geo. S. Jonhs. E. F. McRae. GEO. S. JONES k €0 •9 WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS., ! LIME, PLASTER AXD CEMENT. my24-lmo MACON. GEORGIA. AY. R. SINGLETON A- CO„ 558 and 560 Cherry ?t. Macon. Ga. ; dealers is boot.4, skof.s, hats, trisks, valises, umbrellas. Hand work of all the leading makers, especially the CELEBRATED ' ZE1GLER BROS,' PHILADELPHIA SHOES. * my24 jmo j liv i k ■ (Prickly Ash.. Poke Root, and Potassium.) CUKES SYPHILIS toons. Vices* and Old £otv$. Rheumatism and all diseases of the blood ; nil those that have resisted wonderful other treatment yield of P. steadily and the surely to the power P. P M great Blood Purifier. SCROFULA la an impurity in the blond, producing Lump* or i Swelling, causing for the Running of tSore? which on the P. Arm*!, P P., . the Lees, greatest or Feet, blood medicine cure earth.- use Ail thc*e j j cn disciiscL yield really to the power of 1\ P. I*., • giving new life and new strength. BLOOD POISON Cured in its worst form ; sometimes «n casr* v U w Erysipelas, where the patient was in Eternal 1 aiu find given up by the physician*. In eoimp ca es Scrofulous ulcers broke out till the puny was a mass of corruption; disease a boitto yielded of quickly. P. P. 1\ was procured, and the RHEUMATISM And in a!! Affections of the Bicod. P. P. P. stands alone and unrivaled, and some of its cures ero ready wonderful. fula, 1* you suffer Poison, from anything OLi like Syphilis, Rheuma¬ Srro Blood Ulcers, Bores, *Yve tism. or any disease of ilia blood, be sun: and P. P. P. a trial. P. P. P. (Prieklv Ash, 'Poke Koot. and Totas sunn ) is no secret, patent medicine like tli p uia 5? cm t 1 Le market. Its formula Is ou every bottle, thus giving a guarantee of its purity and whole tomenesa uiat no ether blooit purifier does give. jt 4 $ J I « ‘p V; fi sy .y *j K; .>:•} Yi % © -.4 $ r D V S ; . lliiiouMRieMS and Pyspepfiia. Is 2 i strictly vegetable preparntion and will CUKE Malaria, and all Malarial troubles. Dr. practiced S. If. Wise, medicine of Boston, Ky. says : “Have -25 years, and find no equal to Hereinh as a Inver Keglllator. ,, Dr. W. A. B iker, cf Madi-on, Fla., says : M A bottle of IIrubinb is worth more than ; $5.00 worth of the Quinine Inver in in any different family ” from Acting on medicine; it is a positive way for any other a cure Chronic peculiar Constipation composition and is cheaper is such, than that Fills, Its we giiarantee to cure auy of Chills and Fever or Bilious Fever with one bottle. It costs hut 75 cents and each bottle con¬ tains over 40 average doses, making Would the cost ! less than two cents a dose. lor cheaper medicine V It is not a cure-all. But will cure anv H.lver, Billons or Slain, l-lal C omplaint. Masufactured by T T s o Vnr’tsino Oo.. (Successors to Wat.Condell.) Nt. e.oui-, Mo. i { j 1 \ m A & FEVER, "U l yy-C CHILLS ! Mi 4 mi i itsi^ I lippman’s mmm 15 CALLED TI1E V/cnderfu! Ohiii and Fever Sxpe'Jer the .It cares the chills oral fever, tones i:;> ryrtem, gives an appetite, bringing strength and health to tho sufferer. Lippman Brothers Wholesale Drug¬ gists. Sole-Manufacturers and Proprie¬ tors, Lippman Block, Savannah, Ga ‘ | For sale everywhere. fri 1 July 19-ly fJ &86rr ■^zsrsKXKrrrrnz:rTurzzsss^^ iv r rv to C; c- ‘ 35E 'L---*' ■ • Combined With Croat Refracting Power. THEY AKB AS TRANSPARENT AND COLORLESS AS light ITSELF, And for softness of endurance to the eye cannot be excelled, enabling the wearer to read for hours without fatigue. In fact, they are Perfect Sight t]\elcadim? Frecerverr;. phvsi. Testimonials from the United States, governors, of all senators, professions legislators, and in different stock-men, branches rnen of trade, bankers, mechanics, etc., can be given who have had the sight im proved by their EYES use. FITTED, ALL And Fit Guaranteed l»y HER.KM AN «fc !i EHUMAN, KASTMAN, GA. These.glasses are not supplied to peddlers at any price. A. K. HAWK US. wholesale depots I I Atlanta, Ga. Austin, Tex. Feb. 8 . i8Pq. .On fri _ ■ L. n s kda Lawrence’s LIVER Stimulator A CURE FOIl CILUTOIA FEV ER, DYSPEPSIA HEADACHE. URIELS AND FEVEIl CO- I I VKXKSS. DYSENTERY. COl.IU. ETC IN Fact, fill Billions Diseases, FOR SALE BY j. J. Buchan, Physician Eastman, and Surgeon. Ga. eep rfri____ Dr. J.M. Buchan on FilYSiClAaS AND l c A C r-73 a - EASTMAN, GA., Offer their profess’onal servlet s to tht people of this immediate and surround ingeounti -■ On<* or the other eai: he found at their oiRces at anytime. All calls promptly attended, day or night. Fatients at a distance visited by special contract. II chronic and private diseases, either of male or female, a ft by Xn charge for consultation, send stump for immediate \11 consultations and letters A - .y -ru- ar- k aiitlv on hand, including all of the new remedies. 7-5-1r tu » »s I- the reason people will not. cannot, or do not see any difference in eheaj trams put up bv ( bean John » ouaeo <1 irresponsible parties at enormous profits. rather than _.j take a medicine of world wide r<*]i utation and one c*qunl that is giving universal 8 uum;iyuvu rl price . 7 \o medicine In tin* world is j;i\ in<j 8U. w unpanillcled ^ t Hr ' i • r : p ; u r 1 K^'^uS^ndt'luft wiil L does not do its work cost ym ion £g- For sale in Eastman by U. 1-Jin l ISHKR, fri M. D., Druggist. HH i MMSi * • *». tW fe, ; “ysA v.- • '' ; « . A , A fPSHBjEgBB$rJ| . fc; f { .jf. s ';A*V.7V." . - Kkhfii'mJtA Ale- 37 r si Aw.; 'tk A . ipfe F.i.'Yi't'Lr." vsrs: >; i. V * ---- ~— 2 —=***— ““ ” YOUR HOME ts not mworm WITHOUT GEL RAVAMNAST, Cm., Nov. I, 1ST-'. Forty Thowst'uul Sov.t'v-r > 5« no v'o happy with i: si:i:im'.ts h. ,>.c t :*J, siutl N* 1 U tiia v*m k < **• 3,000 t i;iuo 4 :ihi! Oi',<k - i i hrsf \fr k r. 5,OOOoana:irk for t!« ;v- ' • • >*. . > o m ItettPr Instrmne!ir»; Ur. ier 'iS‘i»si< igm' ttreattv Inducei.'j iiiltiwiil i .:.i .*:« crenm*<I Hale. Tli on nail <!n of H*«kich ye! • -t . U • i v ifli IiiHfrunientH Hint lo-de.y l e . "•.’(ioar them tlsroiiM-i our vn*y ny*tr « bU-r. C ASH to pry d«»»vn iiat Rft tied. e Uavo A PIiANiy Vilii'.’ii, HlTilD’ U *' • -gv oueciui obth'.ii nt t! i ■ * or PH, <, .nakLi^ rifUcr urn. I'iii.v, (‘niiTHiii-'! i.t . i nv.s No extortioaele arirrs. Nr”:.!: Vo T [ paid i r fil’dn'irK'GC: *• .1 i|{. c.:i ;m>’l I'i l!f by Wr ite m n nil wp will nclut t ebo tvny to f{l*t U f' I'll l ;*!»t : 1‘ V ” l‘.T b* ‘ nr Prit'O? VVoiitlurl'iil bur •t'**.**- ‘I lie’llthitti 2 i»;y l> ;;rj* *jfr«rcri, : ’t’a lv Ui'iliuuul, Ni’t'oo ifij*’-;* SUJtf’S \ L . 7~~TZ' Siprfijkt Piartci Of.?y Sti V/g ings—!:-.isewci'il-~t'nky Octaves—Overstrung f-eal..—Three naranteL'd ' ■ —Sweet Ton.'. Catutegub Price. ¥000. Psrdcr Organ - • -QK5 Four Pots flceds—tl Props—Cntlrdors — lI.Hiil-o ::!' 1 Case. Ciiodov'. o I’riee, S-NOO. • Stool, Cover, Instructor. Freight V'. Lb ! •• J- 'cborct and all Other Sj^dat Ojjt:rs jv.d tin !? ,U, T Lcrjest South to choose fi n ri. B.V CltA.VO MAJOdi.-i 800 Different Styles. Cm suit nil buyers, it’/i/e for catafo'iitr-s, circulars, and Free Cnoi of our new l><( ''Sharps and FLiis,” giving full and valuable information. RE fit EK Bait? op” ”!"Y-.pvttrEn. <;it’ «< i.c.'B > r.y i! A K BW * : E OV I ITU. I’tWT W C.Vil-.VTH. a .it cv >:iaiiT paiu. 15 KAYS’ TlttAI,. MOSKV iiVVRO ALL. ? » : •? U m r; ,.t .fcVia'G /■> "? a «j* J ^ *• A \ -wi . - -•■yu; ,v (JQU-C S;U7i?tSAH. CL Ds dv'J PS p!5 tjsr rzr ! l H 4 d 1 ?: PL4I0 FREE! Ysb, Uo Hean It. give it away to advertise OUR BUSINESS. Yv'rite and Leafy Particulars. i||L (f*j _ \\ r e sell Music for 10 cenls Sold elsewhere for 40 cents ■*’ to $1.25. Send far Calalcgce of over 3,000 pieces to select from. A great Hiring parents who are giving their Duagli ters anuisiealefinertion. YIl’W 1 71 Guitars, Ilau.fos, Vio i jlJ Him and Music B xes W * » i A niEs si.hl on -S • ■ mail moil llily jniyments. Calitlogues tree. Olio.'.vs, L’iAXOrf, from from $25 upward rd in in price. price. $1 S5 npv ; If you wish (0 save money and have a musical home, call on or address THE GEORGIA MUSIC HOUSE. E. 1). IIIVINE ' .T 11 1 berry Si reef, Macon, Ga. of /GST Thi^ enterprising Mmia 21-1 Houso (In 1 South. my y FOR A CATALOGUE OF THE EEST SORGHUM m SUGHn MILLS, AND EVAPO RATORS, ALSO Sugar Mouse Scales. Etc., WRITE TO Chapman & Co. i ort’21 tf. fri Madison, Ind. j TJWrrf h MMtt ■’n.rvrr t).Wi.««Vtj amor i ^ fmrnnuKt .Airier sj [wnmu blNB'fl'W'J *»>«» ifiUJ AS ^tW, ’ JtHBS* Lm*. Vs#.. Li ! j.. . - j tt t EK1NSON, jyl YV TST YY C3-EC . 1103! E OF T5IE DROIMER^. LUMBER CITY, GA. March 14, 1 yrtu LADIES’ FANCY HAIR MESSING. I make Switches and Bangs to order, I work your Combings for j onr head, 1 can U - rk your cuttings i to any thing human le. ir can he in:' >• into. For shamj uoing and cleaning ranteed. la die#’bair wtwfiction i leave vouf hair -oft, straiaht and dry as I found it. Kespi etfnllv. JDKKY ilOOI.T. Cliauacey, Ga. Tues. Mar. 19, 6-m. -•—“ |fsl Vi II ^ * Av | SI y you. Leave vour orders «. for stove w ood at the furniture store of Fos ter & Harris and they will have prompt at tent ion. E. H- BACON. may2tf