The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, June 14, 1889, Image 3

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dow n at ty dim: Our ('orr.'sp(>nd:'!»l Spi ml ; Stiii - d lym TIi*- l-'nnt ussSeu-id' kcsoi t— Vv'liat H<- Saw and Heard. J I, p, Juno 10.— a\ day at Ty bee! Although What this can equal famous iC resort is visited by thousands of people thou every week., there are many sands more her. ir. o u o»n .State who have never seen > kian Pr--sort I. although its advantages as are well known through Ollt the breadth and length of the 1 md from the Atlantic to the Ua te'fic—from <ws« the Golf »i plexico. iyh-.-e aeoupicol I v. sited \;--ii. ago, before it had reached the pin ancle of fame when-it now stands, ranking with the best resorts in the world and excelled by none 1 — . hew resort tfiat I visited yes E and it was with an ippc ktHDlim of much pleasure that train 1 toarded HCtA-iark the Jesup yesterdity express . aUffJ f or Tybee. ^ EN R0ETK. On hoard I watched in vain i'oi a iaiiliJjar ftice. Every hotly w»> all bent on going to Tybee. but ,were strangers among themselves ami to me. If-eems (hat every man. woman and child was from dulerent i*/r 4 t and it i- lelt i f lorn a p ace, TiT^ Bome^rlMnally J struck up nn ac once with a very lung mcrcliant from Baxley, - Light W00<], lormerly of youi ♦ ( vyup and we ’“chummed it ” Nothing worth mention 5r< '.| im ,| HI route, excenl IF conductor, > l ) l ' ' JUKI " - " ti 1,1 A ■ the L, h.* conductor was using a liower wise, and the pus had no wav Jimned to get the a How r, sol J„ 4 vim •• oi iynee suceessnmy. it imii-t'mi 1 seen to hi 1 appreciated. All kinds of amusements are on the island, and a day at Tybee is almost a day in paradise. The wind was blowing almost a gale, blit this di i. jlot to interrupt or dismay the bathers; aiul the beach was dotted with bathing suits. To oik wlio has never indulged in a rol ’ in the siiri', it A impossible to ini agino the pleasure derived Rom it, and to all such v.e would say. “enjoylife—go to Tybee!" 1 noticed oiitv tiling at Tybee, which is, i think, a disgrace to our State, and t '< all people who up hold it. One of the first laws oi Go 1 and man is. “Remember tin Sabbath day and ke ep it holy. Sunday is the biggest day for the bar-rooms at Tybee, ami they wen in full blast. Do the iaws oi Georgia permit this? If they do. the taws of ei\ilizalion and com nmn decency should tin l some way to put a stop to it. The pavillions of the hotel were crowded with visitor? am i every train to and from Savannah was full toovertlowing. At 5:1-10 p. m. we boarded tlie train for Savannah; and were soon moving homeward. At Savannah we bade our friends adieu, am when the gong tapped for the de part lire of our t rain we were snug ami asleep on one of the seats in the smoker. When the conductor woke us to take uji our tickets, l left m\ friend J.iglit wood, and walke through tl.e ladies’ear on a vov.igt o. discovery. I s tw a vein p.vllx young' lady, wVose Lioo appoarCv» familiar to me. an 1 I went up am spoke to her. She did liot recog ,ui/.e me, and I found that wewtn total strangers, though her resetn blaiu-e to an old acuitaintanee was jin 1 -'it t v>r>; -i- td-1 > l aii- v^ w. t - Miss Sal no I,. Jackson,oi N at dost a. We passed the time verv pleasantly until Jessup iv,t reached, when l steppe 1 from tin train with many promises to go u Tybee again soon. Tap. Hket. Tvpo. MeNeeUs (Julck Cure l.hiittu-n; Is a new and most remarkabh medical discovery. Tile illgredi ents are pure and <o costly that we cannot afford to pay tor Ion; advertisement^ It must be intro dneed to the public, however, and Il lVO ileoidi^d ?*» tier t^O trill hot ties for Jiit V cents—the price o! -sne. This Otier ;i(T applies onlv t« that ,va liilir I)fV‘e will he ohaiYrOtl. >> rill for eireu'i^ c. eto. Agents wan bad wherever noiw Lave .been appoiateJ. Address all. communications ti Dr. J. M. Mt’NREi. A- Co., may 7!!tf. ifeRae, f ui. ■U'H’X D—a the par;!.; .-atis'Mc.-f.iy owner can - litre - tit * by do cription and payuicat of advci tisiuci.t J. B. K:xu, tiie Jeweler. THE RELIGIOUS WORLD. CHURCH NEWS AND NO 1 ES GATH¬ ERED FROM ALL DUARTER3. An Account of Cliurtti at Duisburg, Pa. — It V. as Organ Ized Ncarlj 150 Ve.rrs Ago, amt tl.c nuildiiig I« Over 100 Years Old. Lyj _ a£ the foot of the souti* or Blue niOUnta ; ns at a point in York county, , Pa nine m|les ( , lStof Carlisle and about an ( ,, un | distance south of the state capi tai, itl.e quaint little village of Dilis town, or more recently known as. Dills burg. Tha region roundabout thu place coven 1 to atxmnd with a superior quail ty 0 f magnetic ore, from which a fine s tw-l c.tild la? producctl,and now several a „j paying mines have been de vetoped riiis has, to some extent, changed the pursuits of the inhabitants ..... ....... ... n " shbor 7.!;nS“ Jand DUL-t.urg is uot the most progressive , r , iV-misylvani-:, and there is but little chuiigHTi t!*e town of today from ih.-.t of —veioy-five or a hundred years ., amt there is nothing really to inter¬ .. est. except a 1 ’resbyteriau church, which ..•Sedates by more than a quarter ue.\ tin the Revolution, and with which is ■ cuneeted a great deal of historic remin j SC( ,__ organized in 1743. it The church was is m-lesi-vsticalljr known «3 Monaghan, n-civing its u^une from .ts Kcotch-Insh fouiHK'i's in memory of their forme! |)(i; h . in LTlstw . ilt l!l0 n „ It i. ,ff Ireland. Tjij ; c | lurc |, was for many y { .j, wt j u , only one inatltlmtcommunity. and tlierefore was the great conservator of the morality of the settlement, as from it3 pulpit emanated the only words of religious instruction hoard in the wide surrounding country. Its congregation to' k a very promint lit part in tl.e eitucational interests of the day, and in t |,, 0 |,j church was a room called the .- st , u i v ,” and for many years a s-cular ... .....i was kept. The first preaching services at Mona ghun, says The Fhiladelptua Press, were held Urn year of its organization. 1.45. in a house of worship constructed rudely toction against bands of the hostile i; ; :k;:kftl 7 N:kS; ,, ■■Mj^yhi^jtocffiide. Rev. 21 . f • the commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of Methodism in New Eng land In this church the first sermon was preached and the first class formed. The (clelgatiim will txs on July 17, 1S89. The Forsyth Street M. E. church. New York, celebrated its ninety-ninth anni¬ versary recently. A Methodist Episcopal university is to be founded in Utah A committee, of " tii> n bishop \v ai. en is the head, lias decided to locate in Ogden, this being the only town in the territory of any co.lseipieiu-e, except Park Pity, free trom the Mormon -lietaiion. Udctu-.ens ofOgdrm offer alH.u ^O.OOOm cash and an equal sura in land. The Methodist Episcopal church has nv.-he tlieological schools: Tlio 1 lost on School of Tlieology, Post; i, V ss.; Drew Tlicological seminary, M an run, N. J.. Oarrei Pdblical institute, Evanston, Ills., (Centenary Piblical institute, Baltimore, Mil.; Maclay College of Theology, San Fernando, Cal.; Gammon School of Theology. Atlanta. Ga.; Swedish Theo¬ logical seminary, Evanston, Ills., and live others to \ ted in foreign countries. These institutions were endowed to the amount !' 81.250,COO, and last year 833 young men studied theology within their halls The denomination also has fifty-six leges and universities, beside a large number of other schools and seminaries, tiie property thus devoted to the cause of education being valued at 810,083.725, with emlownient amounting to 811,070, 082, and students numbering last year 32,27 7. —Christinn A< l roeate. The new Methodist Protestant church which was dedicated to the worship of Almighty God in Toronto. O., March 3, to take the place of tiie one destroyed uv (ire Oct. 18. 188 ?, is one of the finest church eddices in tiie denomination. ti u . . f < lmy* os. ‘ #hlWiJ in The Trinit Recc d. that only three well known English churches ex cce q Trinity clutjiel in the interior height of their naves. They are Westminster abbey. 101 feet; York minster, 90 feet, and St. Paul scathedral, London, 88 feet, l!l " |*®b?htoi thor.iweof !lin ‘D Misar-“issS‘ "Si:: Canterbury, Winchester, Ely, Durham, Exeter, Worcester, Gloucester and Litch Q e ld. His Apology. Mr. IT!us was standing up in a street car, bolding tightly to a strap. Tbe car gave a j sudden lurch, of pain be lunged from forward, the and lips an of ox- the t came lady sitting next to Mrs. Biilus. ! “If you didn’t keep your great big boots sticking out so carelessly l wouldn't stumble ! over them," growled .Mr. Bitius. -w u a woman hasn’t any more sense -1 ^ your i [^wffeTtYt j' 8 t ep|sM L cii.’’-ChicagoTnb una ____ j Cot the .arter. ^ fto cba!i; , 0 cc . quaiDt:inC0 ,-Th a t itjoting fellow is making right for us. Bet , ho wants to Form; -:ouey.! I’U get ahead ..rutm. n =>. «r, can t y<n. lend n» quai . tt?r .i Now, young man. if you are through U’gging of this gvntloman, l ute to speak to him.■ He J so ' ,e ° f *9® de?0 ®' :wrs i;i Iu V taBk — Ncw ' ur!t WeeUy - It is Weary rteturii. j “V*heQ CD you get back from Washing | “ Cum? tel ' k 0:1 “No. Tliat was my finance* t vroi keii my was back on tbe freights.” Chicago tieraki. -: y-r Rife 'tr CA. a •w3 5 SFliGiAL i mi I i * h £< GEE! Inform patrons and the public m general tlut 1 have j<«n iv-eeived my a large and select stock of DRESS GOODS, SILKS. WHITE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES. LS. LACES. SHAM SCARFS. HOSIERY. CLOYES, RIBBONS Fane. Handkerc is, .lotions. - You will and hn clion oi iVlefl , S 3HO , v^.ul-Vf-V; mud Si n-~r \ ?ies’ 3.11 d Geil .- o -y’•" tisniGn biiOeS, DatS, G’A. .. S LSRP'S XTnn~nA-ir Vaii 8 Cj Combined with Lowest Prices! I invite an inspection of my stm Iteibro purcintsing. Rt-specifully, B. S. PARIS, mnrl2-4m Kastman, Ga. •wg'r% ™ vi'v -M |M vMf b A, “A ft jUi V.9 *>% . M ti U a feri S I’. ES WE 8? ELL TILE PEN Di .ETON rUOTHEHS. DEALERS IN &H9isi3 ana ”.1 T¥ tin. A 15 PCJ /Ski 1 ^ 0 „ pgr ^>4 . ft £ j 9 A llj £ 10,1 M V(. j, ^ _ j-U y Wl ^ » Int »a $ f-ij 4 O iS-, S,C Y'; | S if \\ A r»iS^ | ^ ^ i i S 1 i 5 4 | Ej ^||! cJa “3 fi g ,/i, | ti D \J : WHS * hi A , U , Vn/.Lr.WW‘1TV> ; LillWtVTR, (jlltiEftW ...... <li C, V I ,)( »v( l > .ull( 5 Tobacco „ -3- Fine Ciasirs end Ji Jobbers of Cabbage, Potatoes, Oranges OliORUlA sntl-r. (•-*!— of Rrodtice „ j-n ~ ’* pV-O'f-j rren l... liowcist Cash Prices. Ayr., Eastman, (M * - < ^i 11 1 1 LLIAL ami LlvUl'At iiv),\ oi .''I I . I MAIL ORDERS Tr HhVG most . Ut'I „ , df . U lit lOE, :\\.A , , i()l „’.lClUOIit , dlifl A your e ih other information cheerfully semi on request. --(b t). 1). Shipments with privilege of exams’ng before paying. EXTRA SIXES, ForSTOl l 1 , THIN, TALL an-.! SilO’li gentlemen a pedal ty. -ip J,-A- .yr.n^;—, - 7 - A‘v .c.----cc.c »,'-'V' sc.fcaKVe.s-.» L'.'~.s. „yy “— - --x. w• >»--» Can, bV virtue of heavy purchases, ainl extraordinary facilities-, obtain HR} TRADES in Si RERK 5 R t'lot !lil;g. We i.A)l’NTRV have some job DEALERS lots tint cannot fail to prove } profitable investments for y W The Clothing; f-alacc ITS CostsroS3 Street jail. 11-lvr g nvannah- Co Jl\ _ Tliw : jL [t-A ^ xjLa *** x 'Y-X> /l *•' •s '^>'w ra '-4 ^ v* tf <fA • S a -U -ts. 5 VI. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES 9 FLO L I Liquors Tobaccos and Cigars, 1L~ A J FT liaj ;»».! 1 Wbitnlver His., A.IhOSTA-IrI GEOBG-IA 13S, 140. 142 and 144 New York Office: if«y/. Cor. IViiiUtL cr St. annul tea y , y j yy j j/. C A 7-5-1 y-tu ' Schofield" Ml 1 iron Works - 4» FACTFHEilS AND JoKHLKS OF sTEAM ENGINES. liOILERS. SAW MILLS, COTTOX PRESSES. General Macliinory and all Kinds Castings. Solo Owners and Manufacturers of SCHOFIELD’S FAMOUS COTTON PRESS, 'j’ 0 |» {U .J i j, v Han’t. Horse. A\ ater or s'emti. Brass Goods, Pipe Fittings, Lubricators, Belting, Packing- Saws, Etc CEXEB \i. FOB Hancock inspirators ant! Gu lets Magnolia Gotten (Ins. J S. SCHOFIELD & SON my31-lyr MAEON. GEORGIA. mm 1 1ATEMAN, --REPRESENTING GEO T SUIbMo i5L*«i3, THE OLD RELIABLE WHOLESALE GROCERY HOUSE, ^a. Will call on the Merchants of EASTMAN every two weeks. Tliis house i- agent for the following celebrated and brands of Hoar: | tVABE HAMPTON, LEONA PATENT, WIH1E VELVET. The RARTIDO i> the best 5 cent Cigar in the market / lSO ., gont f or the famous MISSING LINK Tobacco. i'Ti u 3 s } e :?mosgt tlir Isitte £$os*le. - RK 1IMOXD ANDDAVILLE RAIL¬ ROAD Company. roiitlciised Schedule in effect Septem¬ ber 30, 1888. J 1 rains ran by the 7oth Meridian lime. Xo5s Y: .5 .1 Xo.54 N o.i2 SnVTii Bound Daily Daily Daily Daily I.KA VK. am :ttn pin pm i \V;ishing:on 8 30 11 24 5 30 11 oO Alexandria., . ., 1 o JO 11 ,1 ) 1 ’< pni 1'- *"*_ be >funass:is...... 9 o0 1- 40 1 1K1 * I Wa moi J u i 11 * 10 IS I 08 1 * 50 12 40 i Oramro. .11 3S L> 2i » 05 1 50 \ P ' 11 10 «>0 0 00 /w, ! (’hsirlotto-viile. 12 IS v 4!) •> AUKIVE 0.) T.vuehBurg;.... 3 00 5 45 1 00 o Franklin J - une. - 7 23 (; 45 Danville...... 8 30 7 45 .... am ]»iu Asheville....... 7 28 , . . -r 31 Hot Spring-...... 0 15 T 10 Atlanta......... 11 00 Ci 40 ■ am Chattanooga. . 5 50 am pm 5 30 .... 5 45 .... .... pUl am New Orleans 7 55 7 55 7 20 7 20 . I.oui-t ille..... 710 ... 'ineiuuati.. . . Xo5(> N o53 No57 Ng 55 NORTH 3JOUXU Daily Daiiv Daily Daily I.KAYK. am pm am pill Danville...... 10 ot» 10 30 ... Franklin June. 11 30 11 30 .... n~T! m a!n Lynelibiu-g.. 40 1 .v 55 -ic.-n 25 :a 00 i . . 35 l iiarlotti villi*. r\ 55 ci 05 40 Grange,...... -- 24 — 00 40 -a 30 Warren Jui'.Ct 40 Y< 12 w 15 : . 50 Miiuas>sa*..... 'A 40 D' 40 12 50 x 20 Alexandria. 1 - 00 r ; 35 —. 18 r. 15 . . . akjuv i; 13 40 Washington... 7 35 7 03 11 0 Billtimore. 8 50 8 30*12 40 11 2.> . . am am Philadelphia 3 00 10 47 *3 20 3 00 . pm f."> 00 G 20 New- York 0 20 120 *0 50 . . MANASSAS BRANCiI. Eastw ard. - ---p ; Daily exe’pt Daily exe’i t Sunday. Mx’tl. am pm Mx’tl. ]HI! 9 45 Washington 2 30 am ar.) 00 9 20 Alexandria 2 301\"2 45 2 411 8 15 Mannassas ar4 00ar4 35 :i:n pm 7 35 (5 03 Front Royal 0 30 12 20 1! 50 5 45 Riverton 0 4312 ly5 40 5 20 Strashurg ar7 05 2 WARRKNTON—TrainsJj 59 rni^| ■■ Slit.. HAAS ’f. JT DRUMMERS’ COLUMN. \V. 11. REEVES, representing John sou & darris. Wholesale Grocers. Macon, Ga. _ It. I! ENI)E ItSO.\, repi c-enti ng ->■ [_> Cannes & Tinsley, Wholcsah Grocers. Ma-imi. Georgia, ! F M Wi'olosale \|| OliY oi Small & Mal ‘long Grocers and Provis im, Merchant-. Macon, (ieorma. d. I'. SHELLEY, n pre-enting ,M i", rst A Co ., Georgia wholc-aio Fancy Groters. ( igars Tohiuco-, and Liquor-, headquar l“i j'hi-imni!, Gil. GITS III it St UMAX, representing A. Gibiuti & Co., wholesale grocers, Macon, G a. S peri a 1 ies— F a IK y groieiiei,; the celebrated Cctral t ilv th ur; our Mamie tot acre. General agent lor the Metropolitan Tab.u- •<> and cigars. SUE II. nOTltCUlED, with Frank A ! V-'holcsa'e Dry Goods and So lions, Savannah, Ga. New York office, 31 i’liomas Street. March, 14, (i mo. fri B. LANIER, with Glauber & Isaacs, Wiiiie-aie Dealers in Grain and .Meats, Brunswick, On. fri March I S, G mo. W. T. IIATEMAX, with W. B. Car irart A Co., Wholesale Boots and Shoes, .Macon. Ga. fri March Id, it mo. 1L T. ADAMS, with Rogers & Ad riiis. manufacturers of Candies amt (T:n kers. Also dealers in Fruts and Peanuts. im tig;'! Cm H. GOLDMAN', with H. Myers A Bros.. Tohueco and Cigars. Savannah Ga. mvlO-lim __________ \\ C. IIAR\ ARD, with Hum Adams . A Co.. Whole-ill ■ Grocers, 455 Third street, Macon, Ga. \ i-its the mer chants along the line of tiie East T’en n,— ee, Virginia and Georgia railroad once a week. niy 31 fi-mo IXO. L. TURNER, rejn-eseuting < ieo. s.Joir- A Co., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, Ga. The oldest and most established in 1853. jun 7-lmio ^ •00* T A. MORGAN, Real Estate Agent, EASTMAN, GEORGIA. V; J liable farming lands and liaml *om> ■ home site- m-ar and adjacent to Eastman, for -ale at rare bargain-. Ad lress or call on IV. A. Mobgax, 7-5-1 y fri Kastman, Ga. Wrlj C. & J. W. SHELDON, Contractors, EASTM AN, GEORGIA Plana, specifications and estimates .'iirnishetl for briek or wootien huihlings. Correspondence solirited and promptly an-w-ered. A.ldre.-S Box 50, Eastman. Georgia. fri jiffy 5-1 y Old people suffer much disorders of the urinary un i ar.' always gratified at • uderful effect of Dr. J. I..-an’s Liver and Kidney hunisliing their per bottle. flu --- Centrul Railroad OF GEORGIA. 90th Meridian Time.) SnlKW I.C IN 1 -. Vl.l 1 MARCH 31. 1889 *!£iK 11 A 1 LV TRAINS—MACON TO ATLANTA.! _ , ,rj , I.v maeon 9 0 $ a in. i,opm. ( 140 pm. 3 _ oam „ A , \ . - 5 (5 p m. 10 I- p m. “ J tThis train stops onl> at Barnysvitle, Grithn and East Point. TWO FAST TRAINS DAILY Maeon ami Montgomery via Columbus vnd Union Nprin^s. Lv Macon. columints 553 9 35 4t »» \ r 2 4 O p 111 Ar Union Springs. 4 G 47 P in Ar Montgomery . . .. 11 = 45 p in DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE To Savannah and Jacksonville: ? ArMiicon 1045 am ir 1 pm Lv Savannah 2 50 p m 6 30 a m -1ville 7 to a m >4 00a ni N Lv Macon . . ~........... 45 P *« 10 °5 « 1,1 A r Alban v.............J 10 45 p m 2 25 p sn ar Thomasvillc......................... 5 P 1,1 ' This train does not stop between Macon Fort Between"Macon alley. am! Augusta via Mill* n : Lv Macon. . ..... 10 45 a 1 > 1115 pm Ar Milieu .... 2 40 p in 3 10 p m A r Augusta 4 3 ° P n> 6 35 a m To Columbus and Birmingham :_ Lv Macon........... 33 9 3 ' ”• Ar Columbus 7 -- ;l 2 jc a m Ar Birmingham...... ...... 2 ivi r» = To Mil ledge vilie and Eatonton. Lv At Milledgevillc Macon 53 at Eatonton........... = ARRIVALS FROM Atlanta 030 am i oo p m 615 p m 11 00 p m 5 lo p in 11 10 5 S ....... Albany... .0 10 p m : : . 40 a 53 Savannah..... 3 3 *5 ;l Eatonton. : i *Daily esevpt Sumtav. Stil.ll> ! IJAIXS are run to and from Maeon and Colum Pus, Union Springs, Montgomery. Alba tiy, Savaiin.-di and Atlanta. Steeping ear-oil night trains. Passengers for Thomaston take either <1:05 a 111 , or 1:40 pm train. Passengers for Carrollton take either 3:30 a m 9:05 a 111 train. Passengers for Perry take either 9-.35 a m or 0:45 p 111 train. 10:05 a 111 train. Passengers for Syl vania. Wi-ightsville and Sandersville take 10:45 a 111 train. T1IK “ CKNTKAL” is the only line from Maeon making coil neeiion in Union Passenger Depot at Atlanta with through trains for the northeast and northwest. It is the line to rely upon speed, safety and comfort, look to your interest and use I v e i,i<lfm--.vLilive 44 K : t It Iccn •• Ti\ *Ia . ..<^ (irovunia. “ *• Klko ** I'pudilla . d P inchurst . ** Findlay. 44 Vienna.....b ** Kichwood .. 44 Cordele*.. ■7 12 i 44 Wtnona.. rahi..... 7 J 44 44 Dakota... Ashburn i n^fi Pi 1 11 1 'in 44 Sycamore In.iha.. : 44 Find Pinchurst. lay. .1021 am *• . S _’i. prn 4 * . to am 44 (‘hula .....- 52 pm ,4 I'liadilla ... 10 am • Tifton ...uiojnn; 44 Kiko....... 11 oi am lihlr<r..tii) <) 40 jiivi •• Grovania. -. 11 10:1111 *• l,*:u.x ... ... lofoo pm * 4 Ttvola..... .1131 am ** Sparks.. A'lei.. 10 1.1 pm 44 Kathleen. ..11 42 am * 4 1020 pm 44 lion;'.ire. 11 51 am . . . . ** Cecil........ 1040 pm 44 WelJstoji. ..12 o? * 4 4 liahirtiy Mincoui.. . . . . 10 55 pm 44 Sofkee...... A vomiale. . 12 28 i> pm • .11 13 pm 44 12 pm . Ar. \ aldosta ...1135 pm Ar Matron .1245 pm Pas eager trains arrive and depart front Union Depot dnily. Freight eoived and delivered at Central railroad warehouse. Local freight train leaves Maeon daily at <1 o’clock a. m., and arrives daily at -> :30 o’clock p. m. For further information apply to A. ( . KxAfr, Traffic Manager, Macon, Ga. i «i v i £ si 1 TIIE EAST TENNESSEE, YIR (JINIA AND GEORGIA RAILWAY. --VIA— BRUNSWICK, JESUP. MACON, ATLANTA, ROME. CHATTANOOGA. —ONLY LINK— DOUBLE DAILY SLEEPING CAR SERVICE —BETWKKX— CINCINNATI am> JACKSON VILLE — TI 1 AINS BKXWKKX— CHATTANOOGA AND JACKSONVILLE. —CLOSELY CONXKCTIXO WITH— double daily trains, —WITH— PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS, —TO AXD FliOM— MEMPHIS. NASHVILLE. KANSAS CU V AND THE WEST. —AXD— KNOXVILLE, WASHINGTON, NEW YORK AN D THE EAST. THE SHORT LINE BETWEEN Atlanta and Jacksonville. Atlanta and Savannah. Atlanta and Brunswick. Atlanta and Macon. AtlanUt and Koine. For, Kates, Time Cards and other formation, apply to agents of the EAST TENN., VA. & GA. IJY. B. W. WRENN, and Ticket Agent. ib XT A. AT MRS. SUE 0AKX3S Hillinorv 0 Store. (0> ATI NEVER HAVE BETTER 80018 BBEH SHOWS. GROTl !? VARIETIES A. BEEN OFFERED. NEVER HAVE BEEN PRICES SO LOW. Huy Now Your Spring Hat. New SiyKSj Now Goods, and Trimmed F.»y a Fire> Class Milliner from Atlanta vr Hu Five Years Evperienee. Also Dresses Cut and Made and Satisfaction Guaranteed by w P tn ■J -a (A Da a . ii a nprl D 2 m C ESTABLISHED 1 ms. - OLD AND RELIABLE j X L fix’s* v and Sh X • -ik A feed fE’bks .ffu ’ .ffr- ~ n ^ LaFOC StOCK O', . VC Horses ml Elcles, I J 1 | Kept CODStailtly Oil ' 6 " ■ ■ ■ m Hand. From the | Cheap tO thfi m yp;.? . Hijjli-Friccd. j id V S* hi'' 7,7e - A-j*.—-' j II. & 51. W A T E R .VogV.Ni . : j j ^Hawkinsm j^^remreil As tte procure ill our^ all It iiiiiSiilMife' ut. t Hers Crackers cannot la; excelled fur their nil. it>. . or < ider still leads. We also have I'each and 1‘eer ( : r . Grape Cider, Orange Cider, Ginger Ale—in Kegs, ft;;! R.irn i jffittles. Inal All orders will have prompt and < art-fit) Co >. anil satisfaction guaranteed. Feud n- a irk.I ord< r. I (JHAPPELL, Popular St.; FACTORY—loll, 158, 400, lug, PH F'.mi-.h .1 une 14-3 in LOANS NEGOTIATED —Oil— Farms and Town property ■ l IN B11!B on ADJOIXIXG < Ol XI IE8 KLLIOTT I-TSTITS & CO., 138 Second 8t., Macon, Ga. Apply to C. JL ailmst;,*g.\g, I 7-12-88-1 v Eastman, Ga., _i j I Money to Loan / \ .V improved farms and town prop erty ill Dodge and adjoining coiin- ! ties, at legal interest. G. JL ARMSTRONG, Eastman, Ga., Nov. *20. 1888. tf - PEACOCK k NASH. FEED, LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. First class teams. Ojicn day and night. Rates reasonable. commereial Special travel. attention given the GEORGIA LUMBER CITY, apr 23 Yvjytu J..- IJ^OR SALE.—A three-year-old tlioi oughhretl Jersey bull. Well grown ij"j'j x ''YS' l 'r furtV""!-iff nieiGou may2tds __ 1-' OR RENT.—An eight-room favor- cot ; tage ill Eastman, IVnii ible. Apply to B. COFFEE. niay2tf W. Special attention to Express Orders. j e Wiss 2l< .Tforris, .12Iff.L,lJrJER 5*. 110 Cotton Avenue, my‘24 Im MACON. GA. : A flreat Clearance Sale. If von ever expect to buy a piam i or ; an organ, read the new adveni-ernent of the popular Ludden & Bates South¬ ern Music House of Savannah, Ga..aud t j 1PI1 vvr j ti . f„ r a bargrin sheet. This house sells hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of new instrument- ev erv year, and in so doing exchange. tak. - large 1 1 ,timbers of instruments in j Some of these are alinoff new ; others have treen used a short tiinf, oile rs 1 have been m active service. AS -MOD ' as a sufficient mtmlx-r of these accinnu ilate they are thoroughly repaired insure and are then offered at prices that j immediate sale. Easy terms to all w ho wish them. Wonderful bargains lor spot cash. Write for a Free List. S 5 E fl -s». r ■uiraa LT * : xr-.r » 7:-- -zu u ; J. Pm HICKS, (Hw'i-jJt nffth) I’. iniant^Ti 1 ei a ! J; Vf;; d street most J. id, Barr, It non, G.i. Noihjbg but t«; will • • . .. , . : ■, I quors and cigars lie hand if I C, the bar. !h the i?e>t:sur...nt i.her ■ is u:i. of tile best cooF- in Hu- ......—j>.-!:!■ ami attentive waiters. When you want something good to eat or drink coin : and see, me. l IliCKS, j. . Proprietor Rrilliant >ai:e an i mo taurant, .Macon, (hi. Eastman S. T. ROGERS wo m hi fri nds an 1 tin: 1 raveling p'lblic jeirii ■ uiarly tiie That he ha- op'-ned a fir-t-e'a- lie t-ui rant at hi- oh! stain! in Im di: ■ -s center •-> >k fit/ in and ^uor^irt m ar anil tiie <h .. la- n with !i •! t»e-;. lit*. ( ‘ 0< iir-r-t proposes to oiiti*rta!si in n ya! 8 tyJo # hrmnniors’ samp*.- r.t n,vl h i eare( | for free ofehar^e. mayiti-lm mm . J- Tte'ti r 8M'^ \ -I>KA I.KU IN T()r,A( ( (), (HiAUS and all grades tine hand-made and dis¬ tilled w iris KIES. I make n special feature of i H.I.tNG JUGS. Orders promprly an re d 412 Pni-L.vx’. S, in .i t a >i.i* JAM*;, my 24-4m S M A<'ON, L A. W. G. LYONS ft 20, Leader- ;i ! (‘outrollers -of the f m 10 mm ;oors CAlirETTOAi))-:. 553 (.berry -Sc. '.1 at i. Georgia. in, ^4 Is i