The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, June 21, 1889, Image 4

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OUR AGENTS The following agents are authorized to receive subscriptions.advertising and order* for all kinds of printing, and re eeive and receipt for money on account of the Tim s-doi : n u.. Our lowe-t rates and he ,t term* will he given by them : I*. S. F. T. V. <A G. Itaihvay ol'i • -. J liinsonvilie, Ga. . 1 ifoui o.v, office Tippetts & Hoi . t«v^.Ayrr^f.’T. ‘xo.— . .. roc. .5. \v. St. < i vtu Principal II;. . . zl.-hur— Acailemy, llazlclnii-i• 1 >a. J. 11 WI r If K It IN GTO X, office A. J. . 'J'hoinp-.n A < <•., < ochran, Ga . J. M. Cook Avi.h Matt Cook), Dum¬ ber City ICO. Bristow, Lumber City. lu:..f. Mcntoomi.rv. Chauncey. iJn. . 1 . M. McNeei., McRae, Ga. KASTMAN, FRIDA V, .11 NE TI. • Olive Itailroud HiH. JtOl'hE mu, NO. 125 . A Bill to he entitled an Act to de dare it unlawful lor any rail road company, corporation, either natural partnership artificial, or person, to buy or or rail hold shares of stock in any r f ,a(1 L 0l ripany f C< l rp ° 2 atl ° n Jo t It is State , or elsewliere, or n r t • make any contract or agreemen. whatever with any railroad com pany, <*o rporation, natural partnership arti or person, eitlier or licial, touching or concet Iran nmg any corporaled property have the or cltises which may c feet, or lie intended to have the elleci, 1 o deleal or lessen < out pet ii ion in their respective bus mess, or to encourage monopoly, antl to declare till such contracts or agreements made since t i< fifth day of December, I s • G die gal and void, and to provide a penalty for a violation oi Ilie same, and iorolhei put posts. Section 1 . Beit en.udtt *\ l( . General Assembly ol the Na t o. Georgia, and it is hereby etia That c e< by authority of the same. . tin.-* from and after the passage of act it shall ho unlaw nil im ' ,n > iWUiW, company, corporation, partnership or jierson, either n.i - h '4 or aril licial. to an\ shares nr stock in an\ lailioai company or corporation m this or else-where, „r m*t* conl raci ot a^ieement wh ‘d ( ' \\ it !i any railroad company, ration, partnership or either artificial or ing or concerning francldj i hiive property or the elFect, ell'cct < ' i 111 ii ■: '' ■ "p'd. and / iiat IT' for l lie pari tract heretofore or agreeimB made tfl day Aif December, D f. A See. 2 . Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That fora violation of the provisions of the preceding section of this act, whether directly or indirectly, a railroad com pan v or corporation, chartered under the laws of Geor * 1: R a partv to sueJi sale, contract or agreement, whether buyer or s<>Uer shall thereby forfeit its charter Sc 2 Re it further enacted bv violation oj the ptoMsions ot sec tjon I of Wis act by any ml road com pany or corporation not char - Jered uftder the laws of Georgia. such rfilroad company, or have eorpo- the ration shall no longer lignt, 1 powiror „r m-ivileae pu\H« e e of o; doing business, or exercising their ltati chises in thl i Nwutroling St ate, or of holding, ownin'* - or sha!T>thereby, property forfeit therein, and any rights, powers ma pw of Iranehises under tlien chart*.l, go far as thev effeet this State. See 4 Re it further ejiaeteif l) V sr in? violation of the corporation for a provisions of this act, it shall be lawful for such share or stock t holders, not parties to such viola lion, to at once recognize such rail road company or corporation, original iin der the provisions of their charter, and subject to the jirovis ions of this act, without partieipd- 1 /■ tion . in . the same by , any parties consenting to such violation. Sec. 5 . Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid. That it is lierel>\- ma.lo 11 ,e <l,.ly of road Commissioners ot Georgia to make careful inquiry aud invest 1 - mitiou from time to time, and if at anv time they shall become satis lied that the provisions ot this ac av being violated bv any railroad coinuanv or corporation, they shall report the facts to the attorney general, who shall l hereupon, with out delay, institute and prosecute, to a final judgment or decree, such proceedings as may be neces¬ sary to forfeit the charters as aforesaid, and to prohuuf foreign railroad companies elsewhere and corpora- than in tions, chartered Dt-o.jj, ntxert fi*|)i)i p\erci^ wn. 3 JP v 1 heir ne franrluses in this y. tate, as uerem before provided, and that such proevvdnt,-. when begun, shall pke iness precedence tho court, of nnd all shall other stand *« 9 : in for trial atthe first term after the same tire tiled. See. 6 . Be it enacted bv the authority legal aforesaid. That ponding provided the proceedings and during hereinbefore - ] lor. the time mtervc’oiD'' ■ he judgment or decree of forfeiture ; and reorganization hereinbefore proyided lor. it shall In* lawful, in j the discretion of the court having jurisdiction - • of the case, to appoint „ ■ Y | a receiver to take charge ot and I manage and control the property 1 I Invrtlvod iiildeet 3 in til,* orders oi i 1 ttie court. AY i St*c. 7 . Be it further enacted bv the authority aforesaid, That ail laws ; md parts of laws i„ conflict with this act be, and the same are hereby repealgd. I ortho Timcs-Journal. Honest Debt I~ Not a ( rime. If vour neighbor •' * indebted To yon for :t j>e«-k of corn. Don’t get worried, mad and frettt lie >V not the first man born; Xcither was he first to borr ow Something from his abler friend, Promising upon the morrow To return the loan gain. No doubt he lias hard to labor. And, though lowiii-fj you r< dime, Don't forget that he'd ; our neighbor— l);i not dun him all t!.. time. Just wait patiently upon him; Give him full **thrce days of ^racc,” Do not growl at him or dun him Every time you net his face. Pl ace yourself in his poy.ition— In his favor make the deist, And you'll learn from your con dition Ec>smis you w ill not rorget: For, before you pay your neighbor. Though it may be but idime. You " i*i say, as hard you labor, •'Hunt t debt is not a Crime.” —JOHN D. Carkoit . SDiteiiient >>t‘ the & U.:il road. There has been tiled with the com plroller-general the annual statement of the \s estern and A 1 1 antic railroad for the year ending ' Mav j jsss. The gross receipts for the year were $ 1 , 359 , 0611 . 44 . The expenses iv )r the year were $ 1.1 A, 21 s.If*. The net income rejiorted is there f ore $ 189 , 459 . 25 , on which the company will pay an income tax 0 [ one-hall ot one per cent., which amounts to $ 922 . 25 . Among the items of expense re ported is the pay roll of officers . i;u ] employes which foots up the jiandsome stun of soT 5 . 598 . iO. The rental paid the .State was $ 300 , 090 . The cost of coal for the engines reported *<d $ 101 , 320 . 71 . i lt<* roa ,j paid 0 u 1 during the year oil< t ,,iIow and waste $ 25 , 113 . p eya i claims were settled to amount of $ 25 , 000 . The whole expense incurred the year, on account of gi nes and cars, was $ 2 , 250 . amount expended lor track was $ 9 , 821 . ^ vvoman’s l>iscovery. “ Vnctiu r wonderful discovery been made and Unit too by a lady in this county. Disease fastened ciutelies upon her ami tor sewn yea she ^-ViVii jvitliMiwd seeme'd in , 1 '^;,‘V 1 . 1 1 , 1 , | , innuiiient. for months kIh* couyhctl imv-Guitly could not sleep. s*hc bought 11 ■ ;l l>«>uU* <d n j, r iit, and with on** bottle has Ihtii cured. Her name i* J;’ 11 /- Vu/.mv' ] \ < Uorrman & ice that the ^^^^ . Southern 1 . Haim Htv A' Go., vel ■Vf-ctyers at Long •? SWrrp.nched out ill the ^^■jies Irii siiu* IiaunsOll has Him WffnTp and probably wants to dB risdtisfn for eaci« *d * the children, lie has joined willt him Gapt. .1 oh it 1 >. llichtito-cn. who was formerly, as was Mr. Haunson, G. railway. on Ilie E. T., V. and They have pul in a cypress shingle mill on Swan creek about one and Three fourths miles from j and have a l'erkiiL automatic ma j chine thing with power feed holtei lor first | every necessary will start a | j class week business. with 1 They 000 good next , j HD . h. .* Deft I »eiY*D o,m„h I* Jg the *u< 1 t ne i imimni.iu. The \ ei-riiVf l iitiiitinniis. I w. D. Suit, druggist, recommend r.ippus, testifies: “I can Bia-rs as the very best remedy. Kerry | bottJ <ol(1 h ., s v< .„ relief in ev-ry ( man took six bottles, and , V)ls ’,-.ure«l of rhwinimtisin <>f ten 'Iruy-ist. Standing.” Abrahi«m ij»re, The best BeHville, Ohio, affirms: ■ luy mf years’ experiruce is Kieet tie Li <> -| hojisata s of others have their test......... so ttuath is unanimous that Fleetrie Bit.,., . . ...........* On Sunday aft ............. last,C 0 f'i«oon . Bracetvell shot and painfuliy Mark j wounded Ills brother-in-law. Robinson, at the heme of the for mer about twelve miles below Dublin. Bracewell married a sis ter of Robinson, and Sunday ai ternoon Robinson on going - over to Uje ,V Jiome of Bracewell, found Bracewell luting Ins sister. „ Rob- i) l, mson at once knocked Ltacev, c,l down with a chair, who arose grabbed his pistol. Robinson ran «wl *pm urn, shooting him m the back, making a painted but rpliablv not senons informed wound. that We are Bracewell visited the house of Robinson hat night ant after fir mg several shots into the house, drew the shape of a coffin upon a piece of paper, wrote thereunder that he would kill him, and left the paper tacked to the floor. Dublin Gazette, If you b;*ve r discharge trom th j osg t> ^ t j le of >inelJ, taste or in^, eyes watering or weak, feel dull or debijit-ited.pain or pressure in the heath take coin ea*,i!v . j ou nia\ re>t a>>uie i th:U you h lVl , lhe i* at;irr ] l . Thousand 0 f ^ annually, without mmwA . ‘tin^ ijalf of the above srmptoms, tenninat }® ^ ttH j }(V J.j, v -iei:m-. The man of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem •dv have, for mam years, ofteied a -ta.utit.g regard ^f.*r a ease Of ou ,,...* itemedv - Id bv druggists, at .’•u cents. — f — r ~ .^VovinWon au 1 1 * .— * railroads “have nul ; 0 1 , ie ^ a f ,e!>t timetutli tvatei “ eIo “ /hip.uenits on record made 4 Io mi es more m <2 1 1 ’’ li v - , r ■ R . ,a •* conte't. The continued use of mercury mixt ures : the -ystein, cause- the bones to decay, cud brings on mercurial rheumatism foe up s.t - u-e y .,r,-. - trom the Wood, gives a gooe j l"rawer '"s 1 .U‘iV,Y - ..mpuny, ». Atlanta, for Treaties ua Blood Diseases. .Justices and Notaries I»:ii>!ie *ri I bulge County. Rawlins DDtrii t. So. -i 5 T. G. M. .s. E Home. J. Ik. J. (’. Thompson, X. P. ; i ! ex* .!!*<•;< J. P. E Mir.s District, No. 381 , G. M. D. M. Pinhan, J. P.. M. A. Lancas ter. N. P. and exoikeio .!. P. Pond Town District, No. 33 :) G. M. G. W. E; : .J. P.. H. F. Clarke, N. P. and. i xofficio J. P. Olhomcev McCormick. District, No. 12 ** ! G. M„ (. D. J. P„ :.ri 7 . iv. [iiu-cy, N. P. and exoiiii io . 1 . I’. Kastman Di-irict, No. 340 G.M.. '/s M. Arthur, •!. , 1 . Jon. l. a „ v ,r I* -•;»_! tcheil S J 'istricl.No ->o 4 . Nl. ('iarks District, No. 113 b G. J. W. Coleman. . 1 . P.; Notary Pul lie not appointed. MeXeel’s Quick t'urc Liniricnt Is a new and most remarkable medical discovery, i lie ingreui ents are pure atld SO costly that we cannot afford to pay for long advertisements It must be intro duce.i to the pin die. however, aim we have decided to oiler two bottles for iifty cents—the price of one. This offer applies only to tlie first order, after that the reg (1 ] a r price will be charged. Write for circulars, testimonials, etc. Agents wanted wherever none have been appointed. Address ail cointnumcalions _ _ to , Dr. .1 . M. ItlcNt i t. vV t o., may DI -It. McRae, Ga. A < OntliuTor .'■Iiirilci c<L ('onductor J*’. S. B. Wiglmm. on , ]l2 s A. A M. railroad was shot through the brain Wednesday morn i ng b y a ne gro who waesteai ing a ride. The murderer escaped j n i 0 (he swamp near by. Last Monday Deputy Sheriff' 1 *. S. Tat |ed tnin> 0 j- Wilcox county, telegrapl? ji from Americas to Judge 1 ). Roberts, of Eastman, that Willie williams, the murderer, was He had in j ( {j e Sumpter county jail. j been traced and caught, in the J swamp by the use of bloodhounds, The deputy sheriff was promptly instructed to have him committed to a safe jail. Tuesday a no.-.-e headed by officers of Wilcox CO unt v took the prisoner in charge. j It was thought then and there that the citizens would lynch him. A j lei rected Jer was his found mother on his confessing person di to the crime and cxolaiaing that it n «.t l,k mtonlion Io kilt IW conductor, blit the pistol beinu self-acting was discharged as t° i ) uneli ixini with it. j X’nfortuuiites who are seeking tliciv health arc iiiany. 1 hey should renietn I Lerthat the very best advertisement of a rentedv i> the true testimony from people who have used it, Write to i}i,»xl Balm < o,. Atlanta, Ga.. for tlv-ii •‘I’fiuk i t Wonders. 't is (i'hAi with convincing fwm leV«hvd ,. ||y gruyi „ v , ni puiu- i„ pu i,iV fa v ,,V. In lot ilitiwN whuu''-i;s u xtuan 'i-di Iinry D.ii-rils luivt* b<*r«»j ut 'DR M **th. imiA’ r.i-'m-diJ U m 1 — h. aith.v ■1 tton. liuty* otal. W% J lie Rev p man, and Mi ^ ' P. "<i« ( l llK>, .k v inaiiJLU < will Wednesday morning at the rest denceol 1 liehnde s parents, Mr. |>n‘| Mrs s. L. otead, the Lev. G. ti- .fonnMon oli.^ (lie new 1 > wethled pair left the same day lor Q.utraan, where the groom is lo “SS-’Siut. this eitv, whom join Folsom of we ^ . ; (>ar . CUI1 , riltulations . - _ _________ Swift - .- Socciflc eu:- ■,! no* of ugh 1 and very painful boils or rising-, L had twenty-three on tuy back and neek at j one rime am! a great many «»u my !>*> 4 y. 1 took S. s. s.. ami two bottles eiuv,! me. This was live years ago, ami have had no boils sinee. \V. M. Mn.i.e#, i Arlington, Texas, j “AnollK‘ 1 * S i frinu*.’* A lhri p linJ , Morv of real life he ■ • "'dh . , number , 4 (<! \ Rack f > num hors inay be obtained, or t he story i for’tiSw iw*, ! *■ 1 r . r ' *.' vu N Al ' " 5 i.' „..-unan. 0 . <a. . , YV. II. AViglit, of Kogm. Ari;„ a pro T-t t ^ r of tw ., nty years* standing. Of course j in treatment, that time am! he says liml a the great \v..;»«ler umouut i- tlm: ot be bones, ,tid nffi h. ^rffieh n. m cured tbe hull b^h <ic.icm L;om ami t m perman , ntly . —---- «j » 0 y C u vveai f*ai»ts?” ,^{* Ti Athen- Woman's Umw , „, n , e( l „, lt i,* li.-i of pant s consisting of some 1 , 0 .»J •* "-- j The swifr -ptwiiie t’ommtny, Drawei «m- who 1 fimihy ; aua i v .is a particle other of poisonou.- mercury. 10 substance , 11 , 1 of potash, in H. s. <>r s. I YYoo before* ] fo!k has made his slate ment the court at I’errv. : which ic --'hstantialiy the same as 1 re ml e red in Macon. In all cases of Cholera Morbus, go at once and take- a oo-c of Lamar's Diar rhcca srix: arc. ilrs. M. V. Cobh . . j died 1-7 - 0:1 4 10 th inst. She was the wife of ji .. m statutes ( i 0 rl wlio l f'vi-ed the general of Georgia in 1 S 59 _• Cholera Mori,:t* h-- no terror- to th. family that keep* Lamar's Diarrh Mixture alw::;. -'»» hami. ----- Mr. II. H. Smith and Mi- Gus sie . Oo<*kof Dunlin, were married June 12 . ~ W i 7 a riut ^plo Huger along a? nays cum lainlug ab ait tl*.-.t vniin-tai tl; -d f.-el 0n , „ f i: K „,v KI1 , KK a „.j Makeb y n entirely remove tin- tcelmg. give them a gooe dig,- - , n. ii:.:;nv*> A Hk.xkvan, Dnigaisr-. uji- j - - ■ --------------- - „• L . clakkk. hoot. u. norm an. *• LA it It & NOKMAN, y Attorneys at Law ‘ ’ ’ ' ' " 111 !>racticc in all -tare and f ederal • Courts. uov.^t. Imperfect digestion and assimi¬ lation produce disorder condition? of the -y.-t, m which urow .am! art !>y n.-gleet, Dr. J. Ii McLean's niobd Strengthening (. i-nliai and Purifier, by its tom prop' rties, cure s indigi .slim giv > tonic to the stomach. .-bM" per bottle. UmiAX MOOE. COCHRAN, GA. My house )* now open to the public. It ha- been thoroughly <>v. a an renovated. Dnumaers' baggage ha:. died free of charge, ami ample aewun mn.kiMons hr di-playing -amp! •g, fare, comfortahle ri>oni» and fr-. • onuii inis. A. INGRAM. Proa'r. SfpL. id, You Cannot Afford At t)iis Rea , on of the ye;ir to , K> wirlumt a good reliable diarrhoea balsam in the bouse, as eramp-. colic,diarrhoea and Hi! initauimationof the stomach und.howcl , '!7 bottle""! bkg<. ’ 1 )iarua<ka Balaam will do moo good in cases of this kind than any tnedicine on earth We gtmrau- 11 ‘ l! ' ti.i.r .xe BuelvlHl’*: AnilCil Sillvo. Tni-: Best Sai.vk in the world for 'in-es, sore-, tt.tcr-. *aU t iicuni. !'m ATiu-! Vvun lions, aud p.>-;tiv«*ly cm-es t , i!e-, or u«> pgy rctimivd. It i- guarantied to giv< perfect satisfaction, or money .refitu<t ul. Prtcc 25 cts. per box. For sale by all druggists. novlOif A REQUEST. w F. trust the reader of this papei tv'il gknee over the testimony giv¬ en below concerning Atlanta’s great gift to suffering humanity, the Bo tank Blood Balm. Sufferers should write to the Blood Balm Co., of Atlanta, Ga., for their illustrated “Book of Wonders,” filled with additional true testimony of wonderful cures. At their office in Atian ta, the Blood Balm Co. will be happy to show seekers after truth thousands of lct ters in the original manuscript, received from happy persons made well by using Ik B. B. b. is. n. b. b. b. b.b.b. f r\ J B. SHELL, Wanrenton, N. C., writes: “My eyes gave me great 1 trouble and vvhen rubbed would inflame and become swollen. Two bottles of Botanic Blood Balm made a firm cure.” m E. Ii. B. E. II. Ii. /T RS. BETTIK GRAVES, San Saba \l Texas, afflicted writes: with “Our white little scabs daughter and was dandruff and small sores on the front of ) herhead. Botanic Blood Balm healed the i sore g ) improved her general health, and she is now getting r-.s ft’.t ns a pig.” E. Ii. R. B. It. B. E. Ii. R. T \i T j T ll.UENDKRStJN, Macon,Ga., 1 writes: '1 suffered six v V years * f rom blood poison. Four bot t! es L. L. B. did me more good than a’! otlicr medicines I have ever tr.ken.” 15 . 15 . Ii. j*. ii. IL B. B. KnKS & SON, Lutes Hrs: : iV, ■ ,«;< }\ twelve r , Tg to one oi another times as widely adver ^ b. n. r.. LLSON, Clover Bottom, renn., writ ^' “I had an vg'y ntr.nmg I J- , sore on my leg. My daughter had a similar «ore below her knee. B. 15 . B. cured us both. It is the only remedy that ever did her or me any good. ’ I!. It, J!, 11 . It. r>. it. n. T L. CASSIDY, Kennesaw, Ga., writes: “My wife was a great * sufferer from scrofula. Three bot¬ tles of 15 . B. B. has made her a perfectly healthy woman.” E. It. IS. 15 . d. n. li. 15 . B. A 11 . PARKER, Willow City, Texas, writes: “I have taken 15 , B. B ; fer paralysis, and received great i benefit,” j I?. 15 . B. ii. i». r>. n. n. a. 1 s AM M. LEEMAN, Ridgeway, Tex i ’ writes: i- f was afflicted with sores and bolls a'l over my body! heard, of i Botanic Blood Brim, and gave it trial. ! Under its use the disease entirely disap Peatsd. •> ; B. Ji. B. B. B. B. E. B. B. R. bYILSON, Glen Alpine, N. C u writes: ‘My leg vew amputated below the knee on account of blood poison and bone affection. A big running sore, four inches across, came on me after ;t was cut off. I was given up by the doc j tors but have got well bv using Botanic j i Blood Balm, and also gained vet v much ia weight." | n . KtI! . n , „ n '*• „ ; \ unppMr»n S! ; V." 8 h/| -*- writ ivast s: Main ‘•irec-eivedsomuchbcn- b-rcet, Nono.t: \a. t efit f.-om a use of B. B. B. Uagrvat ■ : -r'sovTn^RT n . r 'V l( T \A/ x and - Y■,*, U \l do , c rnic ‘ h • » '.T Awriw ..... s Lotsu " c ......... rm-v u ■ A , T “v r . vp j / \J / vi;i ,, Kv {, writes; - - G:, ; bottle * » B 7 p cu . d c£ " r *’ „ . 15 15 B. 15 15 B. * 5 li. E. . , . . . II. GTLAYV, Mt. O’a e, N. C., writes : “One bottle of 15 . 15 . B. 0 , ent:r ‘J cured me cf rheumatism.” B. B. P*. r>. is. a.. ■3. 15. E. E\V JOHNSON, Beimont Station, Miss., writes: “My bodv, Et-ck, face gad pr. rs pad s rio, wet-? all covered witii seres, and n.y hair out. T I t .ost my apptwnj .. _ , v. _ 1 came very feeble. I am using I . E. ib aac tac w« g and going away« r.. u. „. r r- ” » T OHX MATTINGL, . L< uisv*‘le, Kv. writes; “1 suffered from pains In T ^ back and severe kidney d'seasa. AU t hcmer-fcc I had take did mono gool , tooU< ,,.- bottle c.f B. B. B. and Save not had a p:.m since. - d. b. b. e.e.b. b.i;.b. lfl„ j\/ ROKWW ***&. Zy XVXi cn ^±^4 •■*• - d^e ■* l Mv.-vcnt'- 7 g ..... ’ tm* - g it has meD ' B . B . B . r „ r .. b. b.b. ( n\ \\\ MESSER, IIowcD's X Roadf. Gx.. v.r : -B.l B. cured me l T **f • • • c- and - ; : *r. «: i me for years, vvajc.t OUerrcui edks d'.d r.o good.’* B. B. u. B. E. R. B. B. B. T *A. CA-YCE, Pulaski, B. B. Telia., i writes: family -I have used B. valfaUe t my rf and .consider it a blood O | purifici. DJ I t - wis & s 5 i £ 41 is W ^ J ATEA a 3 • ; -f:* ; A v ' V k&M I be* m ^ m ItTS u £i 3 St- 8 -u F 3 F 723 ANNUAL CLEAFmriCE SJLE 1 H3 i to Aug. I, ! o-' n I Zzzz ‘ r ' ^ ^ * : \s? Vi ortli uf j'htt.oa ami O^ana ffora best makers t.» 5 >e cit..;etl (•Hi regardless of tost or value, '-loc k ton large. Mnstconvcrt iulocanl; 0 ! £a.«lu : iment a t ;sc?s. 1 Souie, c-n.‘hv»y N.AV INSTKU flENTS wot «i di’.y. Some} Nearly Now—used a fe»v •.ao .ths Some, siHi'tla yeoror o.-Scme, used two io three y«-u.r.s* ! Some* fine Second anils- tnkei* in escUimpp, st::d dc now i;i ogrrepiiir if actor?* lle-poiiNlu'd u e- is l c Restored iu Ti ue :*nd A-.'tfon, ami inude good lor years of service. UAUGAiNS. EVERY ONE. easy mm. Your OWN Ti liofs almost. Very lig*it IHontbly Payi^eiits, cr HiiirJi Crjjis Pay meat and aace when you ?ei ready. GASH BOYS ?M£?. (•ire you ?•!! rktime war:led ’>ut S; 5 OT CaC r will save you :ncmey. TKY CS <)>, Vie wiii ;iicet you ovtvy n'ruc. • r* 7 'X " 75 7 Y ?: i i t‘\ i w-; J bS 0 ,$] 5 ,$i 00 ,$!i 0 $24 S35, S50, S chit ran ofth shelt. ij»«, •* » *■ 2 A., • -J i Si-. ; -...Vi.. iS i ICKS.. f v t O ”3 , *>.. n.%. WI 41 « -J 0 eSW t. f%nm -;ij a ti it, p r^;... a sas* san.VM. aiifr^ , After ten vc-irs exclusive Dealers pale, can now be obtained of all DrupHsts and in Medi¬ cines. 11 GUKF> -t«ke notke-not simply helps but (TIUKS anil MVEJl i>y.G;t€j><»:». a>;:in.AlST, Kilioiisne^ Isa strictly vegetable and all preparation and will CUitE Malaria, Makahiai. troubles. Dr. prneiiced S. H. Wise, medicine of liosfoib I\y find says : “Have If* v? itr ,, »nd to equal to Heubsne ub a Liver fttcgrilator.* # Dr. W, A. tbike.r, (.f Madison, worth Fla., snvs ibau : “A boftle uf iltiioiNE is mere $ 5.00 worth of: Quinine in any family ” from Acting on the Liver in a different way any other Constipation medicine; and it is is a cheaper positive than cure Fills. for Chronic composition Its peculiar of is Chills such, and that Fever vve gnurautee j>niv)Ls to FY cure with any case bottle. Or v*. une It costs but 75 cents ana each botlle cor tafosover40 average down, mak'* rr the cast loss than two ceuta a close. Wai; : v«,u n»k for cheaper medicine ? It i« not a cure-all. But will mo: soy r.ivor, Ifilious or Maia* rii*i Mnnufactured by •CClio STorL>ino Oo., (Successors t » VYm.l oudell.) St. LouiSi Mo, ^ jmMRXKt v T| j OB n i ! J mu t i : 1 - - - MMi L| ■« *r ^ ■■ jjUJj iiUili \ i ■ i II. J. BRINSON, 51 Oil US OF THE mu -iiMKRs. LUMBER CITY, - - GA. March 1 J, 1 yr tu FOR A CATALOGUE OF TJ 1 E BE ST a 1 * 11*3 it: m cx=z 'ill C 'N> AN!) EVAPO IbATO^S, ALSO C D«t}id , IfniWO Lviov S<*d]dc L/t ti .fh< Etc.. WRITE TO ([ i ff £} 3 (?.*,$ $ Vb oct 21 tf. fri Madison. Jnd, 's':*;,*- n IS'Wt. ' Kxcursion tfrlviits 1 ow rales will Vie sold to nil S i iF.Mier Resorts thronjrhout the counti v bv the Lost Tennessee.Virginia ffot-d tV Georgia Kailwuv before vomniencir June ifct. to return on or October . 5 '■ i. I hfC train service with Pullman cars. 15 . \V. W it kvv, Gen. I’ass. iV i ickct A art. - ■4 v trade: A ' .WtOlQ mark. Be gore this trade mark appears on all ( ’OKI.ahs ti:«. AMi v. sLFEYK u purchase. Bt'TTOXS Kbrxi.D’ w, uhiebe.m never ............................. sleov,- imtoms in imuiy v«ri ? ti.-s amt colors, from 2 .V. to . - t>e. per j.alr. .•..!! goo< ! - v* a rr»iuf imI strong mid otirat.h*. Wes, ft-iul to any iiddiv.-.- five of l-f'-tagc. Vddr----. GKOKGK CLLMEXT A CO., Stt E. 22 sr., Y. i ity. io-i;gions .Yp|i**i:iiiiicj|{>. Rev. 1 ’. M. (.'onncil, a prominent eolo!vd divine of ii,** tlapti-l r-lnnch will preach at Godw itt ? viii- .-very s.r ond Smnhiy and at M«-Raeevery V.mrtfi Sutday in cacti month UuritigthD v.-ar. Little Yt omen t ., arc as a -u.e. <•*. (n nappy cu^po .............. . i,.g,.. ; ,t = i-n-m - :!*-• - .«u»j;iaint It eoiupautonaole to swy the least. is the dm . ’ <mL lr ' 2 ' " V''” '• % frir { r ’T Zl^nTfr.u’S^t T. T-TilY x , i L;* anwr::-’; r th- t - - I>r. i*n ;• •• j i- .; V . ,. <• i’-. - .. j*: n. tie* gie.r-p-,-itie IS -m ■ ■ «f j .lowing.: •dmu! m.-ii-U". - > <>. « !-; ; i ”>••>* .'<'. 1 * • - - ;• '? ' : ' ,' ' ! atif k : nei-ion, T.^.vS t ic, 'hm KrinL t ini’.uii • • •, -'t a . r -- k:, ■ •• vi ur«:r-: gt-t*, Hazlehiirst Hotel. Mrs. E. L. ROrXRS, Vr<*|ii icfrrss. Kates day. sg.nO. — • ial tn'tucc- : pc* , ment; to the commercial travel. Ju-wtl ALTMAYER & F HR JiJ. i ■ 412 Third St., 3Ia<*on, Ga. -W HO I .ESA LE lLii.€S , UJSLO? 2 ^S TotoaccoSf ft A 3 IcViP WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF ANY IIOl'SE IN MIDDLE GEORGIA. Sol» aai .nt.< for Export. Kate flaxton, Rak r ami < - lub llmnc, pirn- copper •listUlc’l live tVlii-kies.'Georgia and North Carolina Corn. l’eacU ami -'IT*' Brandies always < u hau l. Imported wines and brandies a itivlvil. specially. leui-al lholio. Sole audits t; ! the celebrated lilt's, Sole agents for Val lllutz .Milwaukee Beer, by the dozen or wok. «FCF«K solicited, nnd a liberal discount, given t<> Uie trade. Orders promptly , inieil. , packed atul shipped, according to directions. ' finished application. Price List and Order Book upon Scud for our prices before purchasinirelsew h-*re, and > oil will s .iu nio.u\ a 11 v line we carry, sueli as Liquor^. Tobacco* and ( it*’ai>. A LTMAYER & FLAT AT,' 412 THIRD STREET, il.VOON, GA. my *2 l-Cino T p mm P—* g » E OLD RELIABLE WHOLESALE L Wl QDOS HOUSE OF GEORGIA. L. COHEN v'c CO M 451 CHERRY STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. In connection with our LIQUORS, we carry an immense slock of TOBACCOS and CIGARS. The merchants are especially Invited to examine our stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. A Word to the Wise: Shipping instructions strictly adhered to. Take due notice. L. COHEN A CO. my 24 -l in m Vo , \ \ ^ i p - r s xemmmcm !J ^K-^SLl _y *s&dBaaeG& j™ •qtt&xmca i 'wcnv'pi j 419 a Xb 421 THIRD STREET. 71 A CON, GA. Successor io SmalM an& •lHaftarw* Is slii! in (he field, prompt to furnish meivlnints. millers and traders with all kinds of Provisions and Produce, Ragging, Ties, To bacco and ('igars, small groceries, such as can goods. Lowest prices. Orders will have prompt attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Captain Mallary will insure your life; 1 will insure your pros perity. myd 1 -lint m tfFxi. HACKERS, g ft 9 ANDIES, ■? ONFECTIONS. fia*’-' We are operating one of the largest Cracker and Candy Factories in The southern states, and uttr goods at e now so well known for their super¬ iority that they need no further reeonnnendarioii in their favor. We are constantly getting nut new designs in novelties in the same. We also handle eider largely, and are the agents in this -action for MOTT S l’K.\< .; C[DEIi .VXD 'I'll K T. K. I 1 IUXI) OF < - Kf.FCJLVTFt > OllANtiK MF.'O. UAS I'll Fit in XFfTKILFKX AND FIJI TO, «)!i FFFt I' FI XCII. A sample order solicited. Peanuts a specialty. Merchants visiting Macon invited to call on its. j W r inn, Johnson y ......... &[ 1 T Co, / in av 24 2111 WACHIEL’S ;Ti Central n g City CloiMnes C 9 11 I- r . uvj h ousel I 'i HE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE STATE. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE CLOTHING, HATS AND GKNTS’ M RNISIIINGS ? *S A ‘ ’ "4 '* p ,« 5 ’ > - 1 -T & * jc£ &: J£t zs » 515 Cherry Street Macon, t Jeorgia. my 24 jmo w.r XWCa3iLS.fia.ar3r9 —DEALERS IV-- IIvLriACJHITISrzEiEEY- Oi -1 EVERY KIFTD. SSS'feosfcsaaL ©ira.ggfii.'Ea.oss 9 Boilers, - saw - Mills, - Gris! - Kills, - Cation - seed - Grinders, - Beiting, Lubricating Oils, Iron Pips and Fittings, INSPIRATORS, BRASS FITTINCS, Etc. At A' XI I ITT A 1 i I i A> ( V. » ■ I Or- >S i. V .a. It I -i -AM .A IY, Jan. 15. l.-fil i y .•MACON, GA. $> iiii.C £l£sjhh £<7 Ua ?4 TZLL 1 AN, if mOL, ESc IE E G nor Elis. ■ 45 s AND 4 uQ k'ECNMND STREET, MACON. GEORGIA. Dealers in Flour. Hay, Corn, Oats, Hran, Meat, Tobacco, Cigar- Cigartltes, and full line of Case Goods. Remember the cheap freight rates from Macon and save : your orders for our traveling salesman. Gap-. ('. M. Latimer. Geo. S. Jok* E. F. McRae. r K 1 pSO TyfkTVTY^Cl \ IbN At t G / j{) IA ^*-*^ ^ * ' '• ^ ^ sm , TTy| b AiSCQ y C* Grocers V? itUItJbC; 3 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LIME, PJi\STEK AND ( KM EXT. REiKESKXTKP BY MfliS L Tt UN ER. mv 24 =It. ul MACON, - GEORGIA. w. w*m rW r i —< i - N f LETT N & ? % •>-* s and 5 G 0 C berry *t. Macon, < A. FILERS IN BOOTS. SllOfs, H VlY\ THt-YKS V A USES, IMURELLAS. iiat:i| wcik <-i alt the leading makers 1 -pcciallv tlic l.'KLKBIGYTED ZLIGLLR BROS.’ RiIILADELTULV. SHOES. myi 4 3 mo § \l ii I a fk ■ j |A. 6 S 9 L Poke Root, aud Potaaslimi.) (Prickly Ash, CURES SYPHILIS Primary, Eruptions, Secondary, Scrofula and Tertiary Syphilis 1 , Syph- Emp iiitk and ^ctofulou* ti ms, Vlcon* and Old Sores, Rhomuavsm and all disea.-v'-s of the blood ; II tho-o and that surely bavo resisted wcn.jerful other treatment yield P. steadily P. I*., to the power of the £reat Blood Purifier. fra 2 -■e OF il.ji* £ tho or SwcU'mi. cwiiwinj: Running on Arnw, (.•a'-, cr r - -t, for thn can* of which i:.<o P r , the ^ivnty.'N l>lo(*d mouis'ino on earth, .oil ilieso d.-K'.^ca y <’M i\‘rtdi!v t > the power cf i‘- 1 ‘* l’.» lying "e.K l.'F.s r: -sjI nmv Kiwmcffh BLOOD -.0 POISON { , nK<l i n i. S v.nrstform ; eowetimrs incfi*-swith i:;,v..jvu.cvlm.'d •> l was in Eternal I‘an* boti ie uirtu^ of p. P. P. - ^^ co . r ^ , 0 ., ; was pioccted, a ad *'.k? yialdcd q«y L.y. RHEUMATISM Auv 'ii all Affections of the Ji.ctwt. C. P. P. etarus ah)no and unrivaled, aiul iowc t its cui'es aro really wonderful. RN*pbUw, (1 , 1 « Vou puffer from anything IPco Kheunm- > ero fula. Blood Poison, l leer*, O 1 1 Soree, tism, or any disease of the blood, be Burn and •■iv.* p. p. p. n tritu. V C P. (Prickly Ash, Poke lloot. nr.d T otas em iin) is no secret patent medicine like th“ many on ... tb** market. Its formula is on every bottle, whole thus piviukr a guarantee of its purity and soinenesd that no other blood purifier does give. julv U> 1-yr WOOD. *.r WOOD Ijoavo vour orders a for stove wood tit the ftiruittire store* of h\>s ter & Burris and they will have prompt at tent ion. E.H- BACON inay.’tf UPPMAN’S PYRAFU6E IS CALLED THE V/ondeiful Chill anJ Fever Expeller JL cures tin; eliills ,h „1 fc* 1 ,,*. t>,ne .3 up ttn* --y-t-’in, gi v, * :m uppetito, tjnuglng *t i-cn-thuiia hviitth lo ttio t iUQCerer. Li ]>1 >i 11 a 11 Itrotliers Wholesale Drug¬ gists. Sole-Manttfaettirers tunl I’roprie tors, l.ippiiiiin Block, Saiannab, Ga. Tor sale everywhere, duly I!)-ly fri M 2ICJ? N n DE-UN; /' , \-Zr*h r C;;;;... *c:cs Combined With Great Refracting Power: TJIKV A HI- AS TKANSPAREN A f, , <2 LOR LESS AS LI Gil T ITS I- I » . And for t-olim ,s of endurant - *; r<j tin - gyp cannot I '*'■ txccllt'd. c I Iin lit' t<» i<;td lor ™ 11 :t - 41 ' - vvc.ift'r Itoiirs without fatigue. In fact, they arc Perfect Sight t'roservers. I t t i tin mi a Is 1 rom the leading phy sirians i 11 the t ’iled States, governors, senators. lejj i -.1 ators, stocV.-inen, men of rote in alTInRTtt^ii,,• o. i nnd in tlilierent In anrlies of trside, bankers, uni - ha etc., can be pvtn who have Itad tin ij^lit ini proved by thefr use. ALL LYES FITTED, Ami Fit GiUiranterri G> II Fitir. 1 I A N A iiKWKMAN, Tin UASTMAX, supplied DA. peddlerb e qhtsses are not to at any A. K. 51 AAYlvUS. VVHOLKSAI.K DEPOTS / A hag •. Ha. i Al S UN, TEX. J < b. S. iSStf. U mi ¥ S ti Cl r :«t , « * :3 Lawrence’s LIVER Stimulator A (TKK FOR BILLIOTS FID Fif, DYkFFI'SIA liFADAf HIT CHILLS \ND FEVFHt COSTIV i:\fss, DYSLX'i l-.RY. < OLIC, LTG « !iN Fact, All Billions Diseases Fur SALK BY J. Bi t it ,.v, Physician oik! S .,c < on . E:t 1 .- jin, < *:t. sjp 18 .lv r Dr. J. If. Buell an Sc Son PHYSICIANS HI CROGGISTS. KASTMAN, GA., Oflt-r th.- it- pr<-f nal services totlie, l»*oph' of tbi- boini-' d; • and -in ronnd conuti'-. <toc or tin- ot her van b<t mu-‘‘Sanded n';, ‘‘!r ni.d.t All i’atiettls at •: oi-tant-c vi-ite-i t>y special T.C~xll ciir<c;i#' and j>: ivate Ji-erases, ■itlicr (f to;,!*' or n-toulc, a specialty. No clung,- for consullat:o:i. If by lct •■■r. -end -tamp for biun.itititc reply. * All consodtidion- and letter private. A go<. ! -upply of drug* are kept con -tantly on baud, in -'udiiig all of the new x. 7 - 5 - 1 v n ha r ox i:a urn I* the re;i~<m fu-ojib* will not. rarmot, or* *!*> ik t * •(* :ir*y <lil! r< i.i-f* in jkk truins ptn > li\' < Jofm > ou> ; .»j 5 or inc-j>oh'il !• f .o'tic- .t ‘•RT.iOib itlier ibtiii faKe a n»e<l’cin^ of worliL }■ t«* r*• j;f 11 ■ <t k»?i iiini imp Lwt i-s £ivinjf nniver al - iTi-liictiou ut pric*v f — v * * mt-M’d in - in tho nor Id '» such •.iitprivaHci - \ Hjiti'fuct«<m L r ? 4 !r‘fviu» the 1 »Dh>1 BE'ifis’ If I * it Hi.ood M \ k n;. and v« rv W.n “ that not o.o its work "ill 1 * 0-1 ottio!) th¬ in^. For sale in Kn*tft u <&} ii . Fi<ifkk. M. !>.. l)r'c^Xfj»r. l-.'hn fir SE®;c,; H tier ;ai!S,m:ela - (o. LKADIXO (KOHIERS. 557 C herry St., Jacvx, G.j. oerr n ^