The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, June 28, 1889, Image 4

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OH R A Tilt following s.-g-t.O MV author!,'. to receive siibseriptlons.advertising and orders for all kinds of printing, and re ceive and receipt for money on account of the Time--J ovns.iL. Our lowest rates and 1>—t terms v.-ill be given by them: ;!. S, i ■ TL T. V. & O. Railway Office, Joiiil-oiivUie, Ga. J. L. lfoiriojr. oiiiic 'J'ipP' m & Uol t !’• ley, Ga. . 1 . ! 1 . Withki', office A. J. Thompson A t o. fob ran. Ga. J. M. Cook (with alt Cook . Linn her City. ( Ob. J. 'V. Si. Claib, Kentucky. B. O. Bsistovv , Lumber City, lij:. J. C. MoxTuojiJiifV, Ciiauneey. Hi:. J. .M. McNi ei., Mcilae, Ga. 3 EASTMAN, FRIDAY, Jl .YE 2 5 . - 7 A U!yiitg A'it-it tf> Eusittian, In obedience (o a long expressed wish of the i’endleton brothers,we Stopped over at Ivi - man a (lay }»■■ fore resuming our journey to old ‘ ; KaicAuck” Theso lg men are Irue rep ' • ■ J" * * earnest, zealou- , 9 .U <1 1 "ii Ol r inn antlenlhusiMsm. When 1 am ,■ 1 ; t,J . 1 ,■ 1 (I , I 1 |: 1- s . lr_ J / ' 1 ' to be a native ol . In Pit Old St*:te: , when I am in Kentuckv - , I feei perfectly perie-u\ suti«fi-d ..U.NI1.VJ. Side ... !,v side . tlie people \ Iv _ Ot II rmiT am. n tuckv fought the bloody ' battles " , , | . which gave to lu.-ntUCKV her torie niune, 1 lie ”1 >ark and Woody Grounds. ( '-Allmls ” On-. On< m : n 01,,.n, ,,r ; d’l cm O..C Bi Rcntnm nt, one lii in an i ters, Hie tho . two fetai ... , 3 are bound , i togethei . , t hv the firm htmds of lasting friend Sllip and . K.lldiet.. ... , v Kasl man is a heautiful town, l.Miig • ,, a! BIOS- t. to ,]... t.ic ,il. Plv of Ol a fit J V'. 1 1.111 impressed With the unusual planting , ot beautuul . , .... rf] 1 * ) Of East , , limn s how tllai _ tlie» rOVCtl.C •<> J.* tifill, by jidorning their walks and Bl.v.ds , with ... umbuta , bin ,, t.v. Whose slltulows shall oil upon their grateful , children t hiilg a.U r they shall im\c •'•tit < ;ls ■ J am the guest of .di'. and Mrs. Coleman, with whom tlu* Pendle ton brothers have boarded lor a longtime. 1 have been treated liere with the perfection of a re lined Hospitality. Mr. .. ( I , Oicman , v, • residence should be named ‘*l.i!> (-lly ll:iil, ! ' for you fire at libert V to enjoy your.clf in your fashion without anv constraint. Oe>, 1 . the Kentucky rule, mid il is ;t good one. have been impressed wi ' We the air of thrift and comfort that AniTirpni >wn than any wo can find elsowbcre in the South. There is a world of parting from Hi:: era lie to the grave. YVe plant, we sow, we iv;:)), and, we build lor our childten staiely homer. into which we fondly believe 110 destroying angel will ... come: . ever Wv cement friendships 1 which we finuly believe the lounua- . , are as tions nuns of ui th«' in- everlastir.glull?; iwi.u when . lo! the darkened sky and ^ t ^ lie peal Unmder give of * the ing warning ,<*. 1 , of the coining storm, t me. 18» a fadiii;: .!«?».• wav in friends, high hopes and lovias l,eart> the hitler water, utter desolation sweep over.andin gull forever our fondest hopes. • my friends and to those wlio know UK ; through the medium of this paper, a fond farewell. One bit ter regret to which I mast refer, that fate ordained that I should not meet “Ltielle. Yet such IS life. 4 ‘Fart*well mv friputls* farcwoll uiy ]oc. 5 , My ]>eaoe with these, my love with St. 0. N— I li.-ivc !>«■«':* i-M jvrf to 1 >:ii 1.f,: 1 boil fold rarlinTn'li‘s ovi-r o.y ooffy the spring season, an ! after inevh fering and much useless doctoring I found a permanent cure in Swift’s cilie. It is the monarch of blood cines. K. J. TV 11,1.16, Augusta, Ark. —--- AeeidciiiitHy Shot. Monday afternoon at Rozar , turpentino * „i;.L TTOTo. ,1-r.D-c in l- ilii* - cmintv , ■ Casar Butler, colored, shot in other negro named Alex through I lie thigh, with a 38 Smith w Wetwon pi to!, ing a painful wound. Dr. man was s ummoned and ore.- sc >d tho wound, and at last a" counts Spears „ was getting , „ r nicely. Mv. E. Slattery, of Delhi, I-a., sav¬ in r son. i 1 years of age. intd a time with ulcers, sor, - and which foHowcd clucki'ii pox. A t using many remedies without ~ .he gave him SwiiT's > 1 i ceiiic, v, rr cured hint sound and well. Reunion cf the IVtit (i corgi i*eivir.'c:it. The eighth annual reunion the survivors of the old regimerd ,, ;1 be held at < vnyer , Ga.. <0— an i >th of J uly next, plication has be t m ue ior a re duetion of rates for mend )V l families and guo 'LT a full turn-out as for a jolly good time ver tenng. Write me if ranking one of the nuiuber press on tins occasion. Glo. Yd. Maddox. Scc'ty.. . Emerson, lb*. If you feel any appr^hpEsion time, hut e* take t A'Ue. uou t ci< 'tiar any 411 -e of Lamar’- Diarrhwu . repeat if ncccs-ary, review of the quarter. LESSON XIII, SECOND QUARTER, IN¬ TERNATIONAL SERIES, JUNE 3 D. Importanceof tlie LenonB Hew Eeviewed. Alternative Pontbilltlce of Hapyine»* or Jii^ry—CondiCoa sod Popalatloc .if I’*i* e*£in<>—Jiur.iafj I-aw. Tti''ij for tbo second quarter of this y<- •ar de.-iJ r.i’.li tbo latex Uflcaiugs cr.d most nieme utous prophecy of Christ—that coneern ing tl s destruction of the Temple, the end of tt; world ar.i His second eon ling—and with tbo lu.t -fanes of his Ufa, and the thrilling in,. !!'. S attendant on his resurrect! ..U in all literature nothing u recorded that v, id compare for one aioms*nt in inter e with these ev< its. Tbo statements are so import ant that, if true, all other truths are by com jxirkon unimportant: it false, all orb r felse Ls arc by comperUon harmless and insig If we could believe that the writ-era ■jf the N ew Testament and their imeviiat slice ,rs baU , faencated Hus imprest,!na. rati vo v.e should at onco l>o driven to the conclusion that, far beyond all men that ever lived, they discovered tho art of making a ! dachood fer more vital in ifs spirit and more* powerful in its effects than truth, for all the admitted truths recorded in profane u-tory I.-.V hod Ie-Tocton the sub. iueut -- - Zr^Llt Hit! , •■!•;•'.•• narrative. Wo should, r.i adopt i:. ; ; tiir.t theory, be compelled to the uiterly 1 '''* inclusion that a little band cl Jews, nior i <4 th chi ignorant and nearly a 11 poor, j ;l ;N marvelous Ingenuity, v.ith a t id in e-uoa surpasdag all the mag. us ia. i;.«t fabrics i.-1 a story which revolution i;: i th-3 civilised world, forged a tc.-ologw wiii.tii fan-rived all form3 of government, and awT ur.ced a delcsiou which has fire d tho i!t a “ rt tb ' ■ f , ;i “, to desptso ! ' f .Unger “ flUo,lsof aad ^ 0opi v. : aa ;ao f . . .; •:;., Bach a theory is too prepostcrou>; 1 « dian»i-n. (tk'3 other band, admit the truth of this uaiva;,..!, rnttl wiut awful conceptions at orri-c t<! impn. the mind: God, eternity, an, moral ftTetmutability, rstributioa a.; 1 T ^ ,., LS , hen an incarnated b-.f-J*, s . f ft." ......Iv ...piu itinn .1, rcde-aptioi’ rcue. 1 t , r -u , ■ bility of such alternative results saouul, e.v:t on the lowest principles of self love, awaken every man to earnest inquiry. That tiwro rc isjints in the prophecy not yet detertaiuod. mei'siarnmaats in tho history not fully an llsll not weigh for oao m .meat . ; , ,. ie s (iwfu i importance cf is * "I Tlw teaenmgs of each , , lesson nave , n to sot forth a t few ' ie;r f facts t T i i in i, history “ ay and 1 Zi lan gv."g; which nid In making clear tho mean iug.'fth Go3pcl history. l'ir.-t-, it is to l>3 n«ted that tho four gos WTitten ta tho Greek language, Uoliell thevoL; cvidcnco that Matthew first composed btsm • Hebrew, ,T, oadthat - they ,t ,-v.txvx wo.o eftor the Christians had bccoiao sar IKioutlv anmsrousto creato a demacu for a co; : ; ;i; 9 to record, eacbgosjxd baing devised to niaet the oecvD of a Bpccial chtfs. Tliese classes arose as follows: Tho Jews had lost tho Hebrew language asa popular speech, wl at tho time of Christ spoke the Syro CimldaiC; the counu-y^ ruled by tho no mans, so the languttga of tho laws was -aitm, the scholars of Palastino and adjoining counlrlcs wroto ia C-rocY The Romans had conquered all tbo civilized world west of Persia, including Greece, Egypt and Asia Minor, where the conquests of Alexander the Great had motto Greek a common velilclo of t that tho inscription over the head of Christ upon tbecra* was in the Hebrew and G reek and Latin, to bo road by the priests ^ t , -Q poof -lo in Jerusalem who were net as well 5US tlio ro-xid ju Lg. giving it* name as the Jews had it iu Hebrew mid then the Greek equivalent, which their readers understood, Golgotha nr Hebrew \v:u; Calvaria ia Latin. Mark, I.uko and Paul wore Greek names, though borne by Jews. Simon, Levi, etc., were Hebrew names, wuiiein several oases tho writer gives tbo uaine oao was known hy in het’a lan gr.ages, whether a totally different unmoor merely tho same name translated. Simon is Hebrew; Peter is Greek, from “petros ,”a rock, As jajgm; Ije expected from their age, neai-ly ail the towns retained thou- old Hebrew names, as Nazareth, Bethlehem, Capernaum; 1; . it to , VIla rcceK tiy built had Latin names, as cwsaiv:-., Phuipjd. hkomannercom Thegovarnment was ia . It was the practice of the Romans to slaughter without mercy till a country was conquered, then grant universal amnesty, c. 1 ;.. t.u l-milng n#« Ot the conquered conn- 10 C ..4 customs as long as government was ro wCrc not only instructed, butitwnsobviouHy I p n .j a die.s, rnd they often yielded to what they coil idered toVy or kvjffls I tA^neOons of ! local governor and judge advocate repeat y l; : hoga. n j fije laterloek Ot local and general law wa* yerv Kimilar to thnt in British India and t»io tevviloriof; belonging to the United States: ,/V,apiii^t tbo ordinary laivnio 1 the"accuued i a Roman ci« <>r TV.D4 char; vtI trcr.soH to Iv-.'HC, he ; - :J higher court i'iki.u ile ^ : L .fosu.i had douu nothing that Ko . ; nians ,*iu’od to punish, and us to tho root be i w ,, s to please the Jetvs; hut Bt. ; p au) i ; fR.riled Roman citizenship from his fatS:, r, so thj local authorities "dared not Umvo him bound, n nor could ho .bo put to I death tilt bo had had his appeal condemned to Home, Liven waeu the iuferior courts the Uomaasoften executed the sentence, as i,, tin- caso of Jesus; crucifixion was a ilo nnai method, as Uiat cf the Jews would have been ! by stouiug. Pespita Pilate's anxiety to tho iafiuerihl Jews UL troublescoa Liuitiy iacreased (for they finally were erde-.-ed restisro under lUm;.u 1 P, and ho a m.-s sr.cre ia Samaria, for which lie was recalled to lieme. He was found guilty and baukhod to Vienna, in Gaul (France), where ho died nine j cars aftor tbo crucifixion. Ilk cue r.v.xs b; Itomo averred that he committed sai eide in cousin, ucacoof his disgrace and there is IU1 old tradition that lie sank into a hope less melancholy, lived eJonom a hut on ilfc pqj atl!S , aut i tiaaiiy drowned hircseif iu tho lake there. **' 'RECEIVER’S &ale> ! O )- the stock of MERCHANDISE OF i !. 'iclletoii 1 r os. S T* p A : •! kvi - a 8 .--VI—-< ga V 3 KjUU " a ii ; cure first cli OICC. t 'iuiv «T1 :.-<x LAs zJ- MldiSl 3 RECEIVER. of the system which grow and an .•<ii firmed by neglect. Dr- ,J. II. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Curifkr, by its tonic ■ V‘ C X j‘t] ■ . CIU'CS intiicCbtiOIl I 1 Ilk givCS tOTUC tO tlie SitOEl&ch. $ 1.00 pt T bottle. - — "if * "" " —— INGHAM HOUSE, COCHRAN, GA. My house is now .ughiv open to the public. ll hit- been tho overhauled and ............ renovated. Drummers’ baggage ample han free of charge, and aeeom in mation- for displaying and s: ’.tuples. free omui- Good : fare, comfortable rooms l>u ,i. A. INGRAM, I’top'r. Sept. 15 , ’So. ly fii j — You Cannot Afford At this season of the year to lie without ; ^ j reliable diarrhoea balsam in the j cramp", colic, diarrhcea and all j jlapiination of the stomach and bowels mv exeeedingly dangerous if not ' bottle oi i ntteuded to at once. One j Eeugs’ Diauh.uea Balsam will do more : good in cases of this kind than any ••'' ,l,c i 5;,;^ { 4 nEBiwtv 11 ' i druggists. | Bilfkien’s ______________ Aruica Naive. | | rp nE j; KST g ALVE j„ the world for out“, Joi'iii»es, sores, ulcers, saltrhcum, feycP, sores, tetier, ( iiap}io;l hands, chilblains, corns, and all si* in crup tions, and pi, isil 1 v < 1 y cures Piles, or no pay required. Il is ginuiftHteed refund- I ogive j period satisi'aciion, or money ul. Price 25 ct*. per box. For sale b> all druggists. iioviOjf ---- dlGOD Ai 4 L) DaAil\. 0 „ ----- J ure blood is whit oils the machinery of life, j ea -wry joints, r .iovsn;c diives .t of V-.e pain b ■ ly,removes f.o:a the stiff j r.e.s ol the oat nerves, rt:i;.uiat. : s the l-r-ia, j ; u tc-cls the liver and kidneys , f . bics rbvNad exertion without e’K ; „<j women j ;; ar ; d Good blood and ood brain are Sparable. Aim to keep the blood p ;l;e by usin-y tli- only true blood remedy, 15 . 13 . B. (Botanic Blo-id Balm.) Mi-, S. Tomlinson, Atlanta, Gi., sir?: «* F-r many ye-rs 1 haw !.• ,.n afal.t d with rheu maiism combined with ,-ivere kidniy troubles, ntdt. ...... .-.ndr-n .as'-vt-ation were em. ployed and numerous patent resorted to witllout benr t. At last I ^ ti;t . uv . OI - p. n. jj., E! .d iu ei. -:.t was like Rheumatic pains cea .a, my kidneys were v :i.. V ed, and my ' constitution in. proved at once.” --- llalkrton. Macon Gs wnGct . Z. T. “Three years ago I contracted a DiooN poison. I J physician at once,and his traatmeut ca ^ ie r . ear killioe n»--- 1 employed an old physician and then went to Kentucky. 1 Tint. then v»ent to Ilot Springs and * ° remained twomor.ti<s, but incr scorned to cure me permanently, although tern purer y rehef v, g:*.,n nv . I returned home a ruined man physiciliy, with but little prospect cf ever getting well. 1 was persuaded te try 13 . B. B. t and*to my utter "astonishment it quickly healed every ulcer.” w. C. McGaughcy, Webb City, Ark., writes: “ 1 owe the comfort of ir.y file to a u ; e of If. If. It. 1 was troubled with blood poison Bad Blood fot or six years, and found this no relief equal to that given by valuable remedy.” Mrs. Emma Gri/Sths, Unitia, Tenn., wi ices: . “ The doctors said r..p boy twelve years old had verufula. J iis Jrnees were drawn up and joints were 1 Justices a \ )<>•>.7 Rawlins DisfricJPHH 071 s K Home, J. P., . 1 . r N P, and exofficio J. U. Eddins District, P., No. 384 , G. M.. 1). M. Pinhan, A .L M. A. Lancs: - tei*B -N. T OMOliiClOrf. i i i . Ct Il( l . Pond Town District, No. 339 G. M.. G. W. Ilyals, J. P.. IL F. ... • 1 !> (-IJirke, JN . I • and OXOlilClO No. *J. I , Chaimcey District, 1254 G. M„ I. D. McCormick, J. IL, W. Iv. bussev, JS U . 1 . and ©XOlllClO A . i . East man Dist rid. No. 349 G. M., J. M. Arthur, J. P., C. J- Jones, . A. . , , and t eXOTilCiO ri . • r .> ( . Mitchell's District , No. 364 , (5. M. (darks District. No. L 13 sG.iL, J, _ V. ,, r , oleinan. , ** . iNOtary xr i lib . ( • I- A lie not appointed. v> . l ave S0 JJ s, s. s. since the first day wc-commenced the «lrug business, Siun'y KX&'XSSi use it with hes't ich diseases it is without a rival. ^Coi.dkkwooi> & Co., Monrov, I.a. Croupv jj suffocations.night coughs an( j a t ] )e com , n0 n affections Of the throat and lungs quickly re iIt-VO<l n.V Dr. J. II. McLeSIi S lai* Wine Lun*'' Balm, 22 tf. The Age oi yio.lctn Men. People are fond of saying tint “man kind is growing wiser and weaker.’* But it is’reallv so? Let us glance at tlie facts. According to the latest sta tistics there are more Centenarians now living than at any j reviotts time in tin history of tlie world. Win ? Because of rhe'great discoveries iu medical sei cue wliii h ati’ords immunity from dis eases that formerly devastated mankind. Greatest of them all is Dr. Pierce’s , , n Medical Discovery, tile h-'.-t ij,ood purifier and renovated of the age. Scrofula, a'u'd fever soivs, tumors, unsightly uj t vrs eruptions vanish like magic , . netkvnt influence. _ ____________ y 1 u gick JjeaJache, ; female troub les, neuralgic pains . 111 the head take Dr. ,F. II. McLean's Lit tie Liver and Kidney Fillet h. 25 cenS? a vial. 22 -tf Mr. TV. A.Tilths is a printer in the office of the Jackson, Miss., Clarion I.e lgcr. He says that three year, ago he was a victim of bad blood, which tie priced him of health anti threatened se rio::s con-e jin*nce<. He i'urtht r says tha: he took 8. S. s. and it cured him. *‘A r.Oilicr’s (’rtiiie.” A thrilling story- of K-al life be m with number 4^. Back mini ber may be obtained, or (lie story complete, in Library edition fo only 5 cents. By mail, postpaid for'three 2-ccnt ttaiuj's. Address, Tiie Times-Joi-exat., Eastman, Ga. T? • Svvif; Crc-t ific ConipaKV. Drawer ;t, Atlanta, Ga. >ffer a rewa.-d of on. thousand dollar* to any 5 ’ c-ue who will 1 lit by analysis a part it of potash, ia S. S. S. li. bstance In all eases of Cholera Morbus, go at once and take : >f Lamar’s i'iar rhtea Mis Cholera Mart >u - has no terrors to tlie family t'.iat keej»s I.amarN Diarrhea Mixture always at baud. W§, to Central liaHroad CF GEORGIA. noth Meridian Time.) SCHKIH LK IX KFFKCT M.UlCn lit, 1 S 89 . I COCK UAILV ' 1 ■M TO ATLANTA. Lv mat 5 a i jn p i a. jo F IB. poara \r Atlanta i id p in. 5 45 p ft». JQ 40 P nt. l 7 °° ;t m t'l his [rain ^ ps iy of Ha jilt*. Origin and East Point. TWO FAST TRAINS I,AII.V Between Macon end Montgomejy via Columbus veil Colon Springs. a J 5 a 5 9 35 a in ! 7 -*5 a 2 a 40 p :n j • 9 55 * ! - 3 4 47 P m • -35 « 3 _6 45 pm j DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE To Savannah and Jacksonville: 1? i ArMacon.......... .... 10 45 io a m 11 pm j I-v Savannah...... ......* p m 6 30 a m Ar Jacksonville. - - . .... 7 10 a m 2 00 a in J • (Tv Maeon.... Albanv......... ......t ... 16 45 p m w C5 a m ,n j i Ar 10 45 P m - ^5 P ar Thom as vi lie............................5 ao p n* A r Jacksonville........................... 7 1011 >n j This train dots not stop between Macon and j l'art Vallt-v. l?et ecu M:»con ami Augusta via Millen :__! Lv Macon... 45 a m 11 i 5 p m A r Miiicn. ......... 2 Jopm 3 ic p »n Ar Augur tn.. . .......... 4 3 ° V m 6 35 a m To Columlm iid Birmingham : ?.iac ~~~..........3 J 15 9 o 5 ;i ,n Ar Columbus ............. 7 5 2 a in Ar Birmingham.... = To Milledgcville and Eatontor.. Lv r.mcon.......... *io a 5 a m ai MillcdgeviUe. . .. ...... i 45 p m vr liatonton....... ..... 4 *5 P m ARRIVALS FROM Atlanta. 030 a 111 1 00 p m 6 15 n m 11 ai p m Columbus 5 iu p m i) 10 p m ..... Albany... Savannah..........t .0 10 p in ....... ^ 40 am... 20 p m 3 15 am... Katonton..........*1 20 p m...... *D;iily except Sunday. TO!. U> TIiAIXS arc run to and from Macon and Oolum bus, Union Springs, Montgomery. Alba ny, Savannah and Atlanta. Sleeping qars on night (rains. Passengers for Thomaston fake citner l ):05 a in, or 1 ;40 p m train, Pitsseagers for Carrollton taive either 3 rd 0 a 'n or 9 take :«•> a in train. 9 : 3 s# Passengers 111 °r 0 : 4 o for p m j tt»m. l 'i t v Passengers for r ort Ga lies, a.iu b.l A > t:t, Blaaelv and Clayton snonl'.t lake IQ vania. :05 a AVrightsville m tr^iu. Passengers and Sanders for villc Sjl take 10:45 a ni truin. the ‘‘ CEXTKAL is the only line from Macon making con maTion in Union Pas .enger Depot at Atlanta with through trams .or t. 1‘0 northeast and noithwe.-t. It i> line to rely upon speed, safety and comfort. Therefore look to your interest and use itwhen yo.l travel. For further information . relative to schedules, routes, ticket rates, CtC., write 4 or call «non . J. A. Knui.kI’TII, Agent Ga. - IBvciv’gDepot Macon, R. BstOWX Hotel Ctty.iieRet MacOll, Ag t idlHlcr, (. 11 . J. T. IlotlK, Ticket - Ag’t Celt’! Pass. De’t, Macon,Ga. K. T. CUAltLTOX, G. P. A. up] 10 tf Savannah, Ga. ------------ 1 T> A * o c l' \ T D L f." Av I» QUTT 11 1,’ L 1 J W 1 I 1j1j U —AND— FREIGHT SERA ICE In effect June. 10 , ISSU, via the gfQRg SilJIfiERN , . 30(1 , r)nntn FLOmUA , RAILROAD. ■anoe River Rente to Florida d Time same as Macon city time. SOUTH. (JOIN(r NORTH. 1,11 • t JHH Ev. V illuti.SlH . . am Ai - 5 HHr ! Let 11 ;il;ira..... " 54 am ntiuk-... 4 y, mu •* Cecil G oq am ...... |~“ V/fcllston.. Adel........6 49 am j *• Bonaire.....4 58 pm Sparks......6 54 arti Kathleen. pm I.enox ......7 13 am I « .. KUiorado i if ton.......74-' 7 - 7 am am * ;; pi;.. ... 5471>»- •; ehuia. ■A 57 9 tn “ I.-n»till.a . ' ■ 7JMV. Inaha... 12 am 1 i uchurst !>tu “ St camorc...N 22 am Ashburn.... S 30 am • •8 43 ■; m,hv.,u i ,i,i.. . t> 55 am L.DNielc.....7 22 pin: ** Cordelo......919 tt enona.....007 am •* WcHina.....733 pm •• am “ . 7 “ AMtan, . . H pc. - • •• In.iha........S pill »*■ Unadilla .. .10 14 am “ m-oA.e, .io j! Z ** wjcTb, ..^shc '• a : '?v' ...... I0 ^ am “ i-cnoa..... c 4«> pm, * Katnleen. .:i 03 am “ Spa.rk:'... IO off pm “ Bmiaire. . .. n 11 am .V £%;;■ ..... % f«« •• ibiiur-i.. io.?-pm,. .u..-> pm ' hneci.!. 10 ii pm u in aeon )un..L< 1 Ar. \'ablosta. ..Il j 5 pm Ar Macon...... i2 45 pm i-nCeiTger .min- arrive'Ymd "d.-iiTiri from Union Depot dnily. Freight re eeived and delivered at Central railroad | wareliouse. Local freight train leavesMaeon daily ! at 0 o’clock a. 111., and arrives daily at Vo? SmSg'leftr............. .... to A ' ! • K —• ' MC £ n onfGa. G2 THE EAST TENNESSEE, GINIA AND GEORGIA RAILWAY. -VIA BRl'NSTVttK, JESUP. MACON, A 1 I.AXi’A, ROME, CHATTANOOGA. —ONLY LINE— DOUBLE DAILY SLEEPING CAR SERVICE ' * —between— clvCINN irv - - - VTI ami. JACKSONVILLE . -SOI.ID TKAIXS benwees CHATTANOOGA AND JACKSONVILLE. —CT-OSEI.Y OOXXECTIXQ WITH— DOUBLE DAILY TRAINS, —WITH— PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS, —to a;>d from— MEMrin^. NASHVILLE, KANSAS CITY AND TILE WEST, -AND K NON VII.T.E. TV A SHINGTON. NEW YORK AND THE LAST. THE SHORT LINE BETWEEN Atlanta ami Jacksonville. Atlanta amt Savtu.nsh. Atlanta and Brenswiek. -Atlanta ami Macon. Atlanta a:n 1 Rome. For, Ratos. Time (.’arils ami other forinauoii, apply the to agents of EAST TENN.. VA. & GA. RY. B. TV. TV 5 ’ ENN. Gen. Pa--- and Ticket .'.gent. KbliiVILLE. '.It. Il A HDTVICK. A.--t. Gen. i’a*-s. Agent, Atlanta. T. D. LOYAL, Ticket Agent, 1 Exsxhax, U v. ©Oft mmm i pjfai uxS .* u • ps fed if 3 ^ '>3 |>£j Softs l iSS <3 j FIFTH Aft**UAL CLEARANCE SALE Jane I to Aug. I ! f OO $ 25,000 VYonli or PUaos riuI Organs from boat maters io be closed out nganlluM ofcostorvulr.e. §«oik *00 Iar^e. Biirstcorirert lato ctibh o: Lj sUIbaeat assets. Some. patsTo’y NF.V/ I?:.-;TilL) dll-ATS cat (ii«ed a day. Sotue, Nciirly Now-nsed a few months erdj. .Souio, n.M-tl c. yerir «r so.-Sciae used iwo to ikk-ec years* &c: ne, fine Second 27 a;?j!i— la^cr- 5 ;» excNauge, and serntie r.u-vr i oar repair t'aetory. Hf-poli-het. -ltcotrpag. iUiel Acsioa, and Kvj-t made ayca in cd Tan it., • gc yesrs of service. BAlt&AINS. EVERY ONE. EASY TERMS* Yon? OWN TI’RSXS ulmos:. orHttiaii Tory ilifht rdcnthiy Faynuhti Payment and ha. acce when you get ready. CASH wm CHEAP.. j but Cih'e SPOT y«a CASH all t he wiil time wvnie . 1 * * ve yo-\ j money. r fIcY US ON- »/e ivi . :uoet y on every ti-iio. PIANOS: j$50, ORGANS $75, $100, $150 . $24, $35, $50, SI5. ] WRITE FOR, CAfS 0;.!3 SHEET. CIBfiMOE SALE mm. PAVABSrt&», m. I Timm i .4 Alter t* 3 n years exchiMve , , f-rd , » t can nc,v: b obtaiaod ot nil Dru^2’l»t« and Ddnlcis in &Ii*d! dues. It CUKUS-otke notiee-nof simply holp - but CURUd U 3 Y£U SSilioaaness asst? l>yAn. j Ia n strictly vegetable j •reparation find will CURE Malaria, audit'! Malarial troubles. Dr. S. 11 . Wise, of Boston, Ivy find t-aya : “Have practiced medicine 15 years, >>ud DO equal to 1 Iekx»x?*e as a Diver Regnlator.* 4 Dr. W. A. Baker, of Madison, Fla., says : ,: A bottle of IIehbink worth move than §5.00 worth of Quinine Liver in any different family ” from Acting on the in a way any other medicine; it id a cheaper positive than cure Pills. for Chronic Constipation and is Its Deetiliar composition is Chills such, that Fever *,vc guarantee to cure any case of and cr Bilious Fever with one bottle. It costs but 75 cents and each bottle con tain.4 over -!<) average doses, making the cost lee3 than two cents a dose. Would you ask for cheaper mediciue ? It is not a cure-all. But will cure any Liver, liUioos o? rial (VviMpSair.t. Manufactured by (Successors to Wia.Condel!.) Lctuiy, tins' ttasrjhWJGu.i fiyutaHrEnrijrl -i n n VJt*’ f*aasw>’/»v( A ’AS IMt n i If - rvlw* *■ i I glKS 5 flU .Oil 8 ’■w» !_2 Umi *e.A# . J I IL J. HINSON, | LT _A_ G'r'-S ED i I ! mm e ! OF THE PISFMMEKS. j Ll TTHmV! MLERCUl, - ) / -rmr GA. March 14 , 1 yr tu FOR A CATALOGUE OF THE , ! 13 ZEST j ! nanui i m IL C^> , AN D TP A7~ A PGRATOBS y ' ; ALSO Sugar House Scales. Etc., WRITE TO Chapman *V €g» 1 oc*t 21 tf. fri Jldllisoil, Inti. Take a Rest. ' Excursion tickets at io\v rates will be sold to | all the Summer East Tennes.see.Yirgir.ia Resorts throughout A Georgia the country Railway by ! commencing June ist, good to return on or before I October 31st. with Pullman Fast train service B. cars. Wklnn. W. j (■cn. ■’ - Ti ' '-t Agt - jgfa ltl \r~ -* V k v *4 K MARK. Be sure this trade mark appeal's on a!! r the goods von purchase. BUTTONS DHL A i.’S A X!> Nl.EEVi: [\ cELI.Ui.OID, v.iiii'i'eaii never raittl« or tuniisli the collar? or unlis. i-j collar button.- for 5 et>- Sleeve button in many varieties and colors, from 25 c. to 50 e. per pair. All goods warranted strong rent durable. TVe send to any address free «>f postage. Address, GEOIiGE ELEMENT w CO., J.i K. 22 St.. X . \ . < UV. I . (LAitKk. i.m;: i:. nukma.n. . C , ABK * SOIOIAS. Attorneys at Law, MT. VERNON, GA., will practice in ail State and Federal (-onris. nov. 2'J, ’S8-1 y MeNecl’s Quick Cure Linintent Is a new and most remarkable medical di- covery. The ingredi¬ ents are pure and so costly that we cannot afford to pay for be intro- long advertist ■rnents. It must to the public, however, and we have decided to offer two trial bottles for fifty cents—THe price of one. T;.i cifer applies only to the first ord: . aft-, r tb?t the reg •slur price will becharged^ \\ rite for circulars. testimonial etc. Agents wanted wherever none have-been appointed. communications to Andre- - all Dr. -I- M. & Go., may 31 -It. McRae, Ga. TT hy is it That people linger along siwey- com plaining that comiwml! tired feel | ing? One little of Be -. - 1 omn 1 t - Kirsi-K anu .. i I?Loot' Maker will entirely remove this feeding, give them a gooei appetite and regulate Herrmax, digest Druggists. t Hekumjis & ALTMAYER & 412 Third St. f Macon, Ga. -WHOLESALE- Sis § r jE E CSl 3 ^ 0 C?S 3 .fr$« . # £ ru €JG»1RS\ WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF ANY HOUSE I- N MIDDLE GEORGIA. Sole agents for Export, Kate ( Isxton, leaker and Club House, pure coppor distilhxl live Whiskies. Georgia and Xortb Carolina Corn, Peach and Apple Brandies always on hand. Imported wines and brandies a BEER, specialty. non-alcoholic. Sole agents for the celebrated RICK Sole agents for Val Blat/. .Milwaukee Beer, by the dozen or cask. «3-UT€35- TKA»E3 «olicitetl. and a liberal discount given to the trade. Orders promptly hlled, packed anil skipped, according to directions. Price List and Order Book furnished upon application. will in Scud for our nrices before purehusingelsewhere, Tobaccos and Cigar*. and you save money any line we carry, such as Liquors, ALTMAYER & FLAT A L', 412 THIRD STREET, MACON, GA. my 21-Omo TILE OLD RELIABLE WOLESALE LIQUOR KOBE OF GEORGIA. J* COHEN & co 451 CHERRY STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. In connection with our LIQUORS, we carry an immense stock of TOBACCOS and CIGARS. The merchants are especially invited to examine our stock prices before purchasing elsewhere. A AVobdto the IVise: Shipping instructions strictly adhered to. Take due notice. L. COHEN tfe CO. my 24-1 111 ip\ i B. ISM. ! 419 AND 421 THIRD STREET, MACON, GA. Successor fo and JTlttHaFtJi Is still in the field, prompt to furnish merchants, millers and traders with all kinds of Provisions and Produce, Ragging, Ties, 'io bacco and Cigars, small groceries, such as can goods. Lowest prices. Orders will have prompt, attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Captain Mallary will insure your life; 1 will insure your^ perity. C#- HACKEES, •v y? ANDIES, I %E# ONFECTiGN SH¬ TVe are operating one of tlie largest Cracker and Candy Factories in the southern states, and our goods are now so well known for their super¬ iority that they need no further recommendation in their favor. \Ve are constantly getting out new designs in novelties in the same, TVe also handle eider largely, and are the agents iu this section for MOTT'S FE TCH CIDER AND THE T. ! j. BRAND OF CKI.MBKATKD RASPBERRY X K< TKREKN ....... AND ORANGE MEAI). Elii TO, OR FRUIT PUNCH. A sai "! ile order solicited. Peanuts a specialty. Merchants visiting Macon invited to cull on tis. P T I MM j Johnson & ) w O B ■ . / may24 2m WACHTEL’S Central City Clothing House! THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE STATE. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE CLOTHING, HATS ANI) GENTS’ FURNISHINGS WBM & WM l ’ $, i 515 Cherry Street, Macon, Georgia. my24 31110 £3xxz2.-£laL <jS& —DEALERS IN— MAOHIFEBT C 3 HIATSLLY SZILTI 3 . n Beliefs, , - saw - Mills, - Gfist - Mills, - Coiloo - seed - Grinders, - Belting, Lubricating Oiis, Iron Pipe and Fittings, INSPIRATORS, BRASS FiTTINCS, Etc. SMITH & ]MALLATIY, »Tmti. 1 -l 1889 H* MACON, GA. . OAHBTAEFHEN & TILLMAN, jj*110EjES^IIjE GROCM2R8. 458 AND 460 SECOND STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. Dealers in Flour, liar. Corn, Oats, Bran, Meat, Tobacco, Cigars. Cigarettes, and full line of Case Goods. Remember the cheap freight rates from Macon and save your orders for our traveling salesman, Capt. C. M. Latimer. _r-; «— j _ __ Gk°. 8 Joxv.s. E. F. McRae. . GEO. 8. J0XES & €0., I*T1 WM , ^ ^ -.5 iiT >-• 0001 yf**- -PN VY r—a * * | j, lUiGtiiAw a , ^ AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LIME, PLASTER AND CEMENT. RkPHEMixTEo by JOHN' L. TURNER. GEORGIA. my24-Imo MACON. W. ll. singleton & co„ | 558 and 560 St. Macon, Ga. , Cherry j BALERS IN BOOT-, SHOES, li.VTs, TRUNKS. VALISES, UMRRItLLAS j Hand work of all the leading makers, e?\ all - the CELEBRATED ZEIGLER BROS.’ PHILADELPHIA SHOES. icy 24 31MO 111 ; '"w ns m (Prickly Ash, Poke Root, and Potassium.) CURES SYPHILIS tkus. fleers and Old botes, Rhemnatitr.a and ^SS3^S?S Blood Fork-.-. SCROFULA Is on tapin': tv in the Hanning blood, producing the bumps Anns, or Sw.-Uine. logo, causing of sores which on I'. I'. V., or Poet, Tor the core use the geeatert blood medicine on earth. All these diseases yiel I ivaCiily to the power of I*. 1'. 1“., giving now life and new EUength. BLOOD POISON f*ured in its worst form ; sometimes in cases witli Krycipplas, \?here she patient was in .Uornui It in ftndeivou un by the phweiari. 1\» come cases SciMrulous Ulcars broke out till the pru wui & H1US3 cf corruption ; a bott’e < 1 V P. P , .U 13 procured, and tue disease yielded quickly. RHEUMATISM And In all Affections of the Kcr I P V. P. stands alone and unriAaled, aiul seme of cures aro really wonderful. like ^vphilir, fula,* It you Blood puffier Poison, from anything Ulcers, Old Bon Uheuma- Scro¬ n, tiam, or any P.‘ disease oX tbo blootl, ho sure and ♦ive P. P. a trial. P. p. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root, and l'oras. plum) is no secret pateut medicine like th 4 ’ many on the market. Its formula is on every Dottle, thus giving that a guarantee blood of iu purilie* puvit> doc und whole- Live. soiuoue*^ no other a July 10 1 -v r WOOD. Lome your orders V for stove wood at tlie furniture store of Fos U1 Cu cy TT*ivvia 11,111 IS ailll -mil (hov UR y {.,.y e Di’OlUOt 1 ilt ‘ . tOlltlOll. . E, H-BACON inayStf j unmwsmmm 13 CALLED TUB Wonderful Oh;" cs-nd Fever Expeller u cures the ( uiils amt If'-er. toma up the py-lcm, gives aaai'pctite. blinking stvc n”thai)U liualtu to tho sulfcrcr. Lij)|imun I’rotliPrs TV holt-sal:* Drug o-istH, ,solc-M:um*';!<• tui‘fi ami l*ro|-ric lius, i.iiipuiuu Block, .Siivuiniuii, Ga. For vale, every where. .Inly lb-ly frl ___ r.v-:v tr Teasi !^**w $f __ t ^ fi I I rMm? •- i ' y: ‘ ■-.e.-J k. 1 x ... ^ iSOfSTAUk J-HSoE^r :N - Combined With Great Refracting Power. THEY ARE A THA.NSI'AHI NT AND COLORLESS AS MfiHT TSP.LK, And for softness of riidui ;tnuu D> the rye cannot l>e excelled, enablin'*; the tvcna-r to read for Jimire without lati*» In fact, they 'Are Perfect Testimonials from Sign* the It arlii.q t'reservsrs. ph\siciansin the Untied Status, jroverm f.csuitoys, Ict'u.lators, different stot k-iiH n. brunches men of of note trade, in a!! bankers, protessiona mechanic an l_ in s, etc can be given who have hatl the sight iro I proved hy their use. ALL 1 £YCS FITTED, : A:i <1 I-’it (Jiiiivniitt'eil by llERltMAN &■ IfERUMAN, EASTMAN, GA. t; glasses arc not suppliei! to peddlers at any price. A. K. IIAWKE 3 . win. ai.m oio-ots j fun Keli. 8. i88q, I G » A a Lawrence’s LiVER Stimulator A C URE UOH P.IELIOUS EEV’ER, DYSPEPSIA HEADACHE. (Jll l I.f.S and fever COS'i I VEXES:-. DYSENTERY, COLIC, ETC IN Fact, All Billions Diseases POP SALE BY T. J. HIT IIAX, Physician and Surgeon. Eastman, < ia. 83 p 18 .lt r Dr. J. M. Buchan & Son PHYSICIANS AND GRUGGISTS. EASTMAN, GA., Offer their profes ; i :T service- to th® people of this immediate and surromnl ing counties. One or the other can be foiiud lit their office- a t anytime. All calls promptly attended, day or night. Patient- at a distance visited hy speciet conti act. (fjjy“A 51 clironk am! private iiw-ascs, I. . r of male or female, a specialty, charge for eonsulialio;!. Ii hy iet V .-t-ii'i stamj) f<-r immediate reply. j All coii'iultiition# of and 1 viUi kept private, A good supply dm« are ron | staiitly on ham!, itioiudii)^ aii 3 of the new 7 - -iv i; IL 1 T O X EA II TH '-at o tt - jf I irresponsible parties at cnm-ino pr.iflt.-, world i ;, Tot n i.a. n • ! T- > •....., cn that i giving ?•! V-T-'il • ..HlGJl Ml ‘ • Ml! I 1 No iiifiin .HL iu the world is g:v: z g ill'll U!i|»ara!iclc!! . idsfaciion f«.r purifying the Mood as B Uirt’ Bmmui Pi i i' I >.!: Co Bj.o'.hj M \kku, and wny l> H: tl*at lid,"- not ii<> its work will <• -t won t ing. For -ale in Eastman by if. !•: -n» M. D.. Drnggiot. tdint nr | EADS, NEEL & €0. % U A DIN G ( LOTHIER8, g .-..,7 n.,. rrv St.. Macox, Ga. iuy 24 -t 5 in