The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, July 05, 1889, Image 4

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OUK AGENTS 'i'lie following agent are authorize ' to receive it i- * Tl J >t' o: i-,:i Ivei'tising and order:* for all Id .1M *ji of printing, ant r> eeive and cint for money on aceouj of the Toil -.-Joci.n.*, Our rate* ami ho*t tern; J ■> bo given i them : It. S. I’r; !.kk, K. T. V. r; G. n.ulv. ©flier, Joil 13 - 01 : vii !e, (■'!. J. I.. IToktov, ofliee Tippens & I ini ton, B:i\! -v. Gi. J, H. WiruKKix'jTn.v, Thompson & <;• , Cochran, Ga. . 1 . M. Cook f r- itJt Matt Cook;, Lum ber City. < lot,. J. W. Sr. ( j.aih, Kentucky. II. O. B:u .row, Lumber City. I>n. •!. C. MoatGOMK ity, < h;iuiu; -y. in:. J. M. .McYkj-l, Me Rap, G:i. " — IS AST M A X, FRIDAY,''.J 1 LY 5. Till: KMIMiii: AM GO. SfiiiK* ILicts anil 1 igiiiv- A. Lou I lllC IliggCKt 1.3lliii/< I’ f i)ll < f ru in (lit* - -.1 1 .1 1 1 prociuce , Hie ,, following ....... iuom iflU ,, Jill). n..Y-1-in Kill-I t ‘lb» He I Dl'patt \] no fz.I, ll /.<* Or » M week. 1 he Empire I.U tube r 1 'OIU i.i.iieiso 1 ‘ .' Dnflee ' ' r*onr»fv ‘ •’ r institution \[ ‘ am! il is not only . a credit to our county, but to the State of (Jeor gia and l lie Sonlh: Tlie stock of 1 lie Empire Lum tier Oommn.v is mvnpil by Messrs ,T. <'. Andoi on and J. W. 11 i b lowcr. Mr. Anderson is president and Mi'. Hightower general man ngcr. These gentlemen are Soul i: ernei'-' by birth—Georgian:-, if \vc mistake no!. Titey are yet young find their success in building up so itnm- use a business in so borl a time, is marvelous, uud stain j*- 1 ii( in as financiers oi superb ability. Mr. Anderson was for JW-wert of th. Wester........ At kill tie railroad, at Chaltaiioopa. lie and Mr. Hightower were, piv viorts to organizing the Empire n Company, • charge s of the , (>eorgia /, in lumber interests oi ihe Dodges, Oi New York Here they *‘ j £('([! 1.1 t ca that knowledge which lias Tved them as a foundation on which to build tho largest lumber btisine. . Soilliiern L xA ales . 111 MIC CttSl <>* Texas. They are affable, courteous gen 1 lemon, unpretentious and unas¬ suming, yet having about them that- unde fin able something which stamps them as master minds in their own domain, and which indi calos that resourceful reserve ]sower which all must possess who imiid up a gigantic business. They treat aR with that genuine cour ti-sy which is the mark of the true /Pi. hut which is soi.u tiiuv n.« ~ lackin™ wlio.M , uGs,-rI suc cess above (he common hi). TJliff TWO Ml 1,1.,S. The Empire Rum tier Company owns and operates two mills--the Nickel Pliite at Empire, Dodge r.«.nty,<;«,r s ia, a,„l Iho Umpire .Mill at S-. (idon, St. Clair county. Alabama, on the Georgia Pacific 1 railroad. The Nickel Plate Mill, at ' piro, was built in 1887. The main I..M 1 .S is«.* "le room is ’22 by 18 !) feet, and the 7 httll , mill IS . . .. , by ‘ of) ,, A leer. .. , “ MID room is 22 bv GO feet, and t i 1C p boiler .' t>(> t . ‘ by . , rn pow - room is th. I lie - el* is ftirnislied by U Stcurns Oil' ll battery live boilers. .. Line, Wit ll Oi The machinery is all first-class and of the latest patterns,and there is every facility to enable workmen to work to the very best advantage. THE PRODUCT. What do vou suppose is the pro¬ duct of this mill? Hold VOUr breath iv minute, while we string I lit> figures. s- East month the produced, _ miU on an average, <»(.- 1 GOO feet a day. . Hus . was not . an CX2 ’A‘ , iUE,i ] lOUlU'm,. Utl.t. 1 I J,,. at \ v fell do_the year round. l heir annual output is. Ul round i miinbers. 20.000.0CK) , feel r of r lum- - I I k 1 ,‘r. o.UUU.lhhi noon in I-Olw idUl . . (’an VOll stand a few more fig ‘ Bi-csf Well, the company own in neighhex’hood of 1,500,000,000 feet of standim” ‘ timber—enougiltolast ~ liearlv tnree quarters of a century, Keader, when you and vour grand children sleep beneath the daisies, . 1 , , \;„tpj I'l-ifc Mi! 1 unless it increases its productive power— will still 1)0 sawing away on the timber now owned by the com pany. The logs are hauled (0 this mill by a regular broad-guage rail road. This road—which was about a dozen miles long—formed the nucleus of the present llawkins ville. Empire and Dublin railroad, ll will extend » j ast and west until it roaches Dublin on one side and Hawkinsville on (ho other; and it may not stop then. THE YU.!. AT SJ(i'T>OX. Tlie Empire Mill at Sodilon.Ala.. is a llttfe smaller, wo believe,than the one at Empire, Ga. It sti k however, -. a mammoth atfairomd is not small, even by comparison with its Georgia brother, 11 is under the management of another young Georgian, Mr. James K. Port or. who, we are proud He to ha say ! was once a ability, orinter-hoy. a business which enable ! Jiim to discard the ‘'stick, rise above the “case,” and abandon the companionship of the “devil" for ever, lie too is a thorough geutU wh man. and makes friends of all • » come iu contact wiih him. samuel called of god. LESSON I, THIRD QUARTER, INTER NATIONAL SERIES, JULY 7. Text of the Less ol, I Sam. ill, 1-14—Com¬ mit to Memory Verses 8-10—Golden Text, I Sam. HI, 13—Commentary Ly tlie U*v. Ti. !Jf. fitearu*. Compiled ft \ ! - .rt I lelper Quarterly byper O- L&Tman, publisher, I-LlLidel I Mo-1 Having spent she months upon tbo Hfe of our Lord Jestn. i ■corded in t ho Gosp:l by Mark v, < now return to tho study of the Look which Jests loved and from which Ho always- pr. ached, “expounding unto them in ell the Boripturestha fhlngB concerning Him i't. (Luke xxiv, t’7 L “And the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before Eli.” Our last Old Testa¬ ment studies were m the book of Jude i closed with theineidi iof the book of Ruth. Wo oro now alxsut to study tho life of the last of the judges, who was also a prophet, s - j. written in Acts xdi, SO, “lie gave unto them judges about the space of four hundred and City years, until Saiuael tho prophet.” We must think of ].-.rue-1 as bavin in tho enjoyment of that good land which God gave unto them over <C 0 year’s; the tuber liacle is still at Shiloh (chap, i, 3, 2$, where it had been set up in the days of Joshua (Josh, sviii, 1); Eli is the judge, and UU sons, Hcpbni and Phlnehas, are priests of shall the I i v i a 1 ,.,| «... sue in our sou tooay they are fur tn-m being £<xlly men. In these days of aposf.?i.‘:r t EH L»*i!i-A <*l cm! b;.; .•■ -ns wicked, a (.-.•rlaia named tab asks and front God a eluld, whom sUo promises to give unto tho Lord all the days of his life, calling hisimaie Baicuel, v.giich siguifies “Aukc-d of God” (chap. 1, U, 80>. ’ ^ , ;i 3 ; f "o 77 ”“Ur ^ • 7 ^’ ' tioiied Hi toe tabernacle which Moses had built in the wilderness, and which had now been for so Iod;^ a time at Shiloh, in the inner room of wkich, or Holy of Holies, was tho Ark of tho Covenant of the Lord of all the earth (Jc.-h. iii, 11 ), and in the outer rc.. 1 or Holy Ida oo wan tho table of shew bread, the golden branche*d ; # ltar of int*? hg-o, and tho golden t-.-vrn candlestick cr lamp stand, the lamps of which were lighted every evening and dressed every morning. t. “The Lord called Samuel, and lie an¬ swered, Hero am I.” Samuel is supposed by Josephus to have been at this time about, twelve years of age. 5. “And he ran unto Eli, and said, Here am I, for thou calld 1st me.” Thinking that Eli had called him, he rose up quickly and ran to him with these words, but l.ii not having called him and not seeing that it was the voice of the Lord, bids him to lie down g*” : : fj £ call of Eli; what promptness, what denial to self of the gratification of a little more Hum¬ ber; a grand lesson for all. 7. “Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord, neither was tho word of tho Lord yet revealed umo him.” He knew the Lord through the words of Moses and Joshua and ininisterod unto Him as thus revealed, but up j-h| s time the Lord had not spoken directly to Samuel. 8 . “And the Lord called Samuel again the third time.” And again he arose and went to Eli with tho same words, “Hero am I; for thou didst call me.” V* hat parent’s heart would uot 1>C made glo ' by such a sou; what uuwearied though apparently fruitless obe¬ dience, but it shall be rewarded. Eli at last perceives that it is the voice of God and that the Lord has actually called the child; the only recorded instance in which the Lord spoke in a vision in uu audible voice to a little boy; but let all the children know and believe that when thc-y road the Bible or hem it 2 *ead C od is as really speaking to them in His word as when Ho spoke to Samuel. 10. “And tho Lord came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak, for thy ser¬ vant heareth.” The Lord knew that Samuel did not know- His voice, and so IIo came again and again so lovingly and patiently until Samue l, through Eii, laid been taught that it was tho voice of God, and then with entire sum ne’er of y ;ul tlie boy yields hi:-; tyi Mi Vtl: ;! t;.-. 1 will ,.f Pod. I),- -■ i; rot retuiml >:u« f Jesus HimselTi t the age cf 12 , saying: “Wist j»not that 1 must be about my Father’s business?” When woaro thus yielded, God will reveal Iiimself to us. 11. “And tho Lord said to Samuel, Behold, I will do a thing in Israel at which both the ears cf every one that heareth it shall tingle.” IIo announces that a judgment is about to come iu Israel and that people shall be atti ^^SSSlSSSSSSZ (II ICi. xsi, lJ; Jor. 3) and Bible ax, UU! each easo hi coimc-ctiou with coining judg men to. iff. “X:i that day I will perform against Eli, all things which I liavo spoken cosjccru ing bis house; when I begin I .will also make an oud." Having made the general .--tate AS Lord? In wliat tribe, or shall it reach the whold nation? Ho immediately iudieates v/ ^ oro it, E ;ia!! strike, oven upon tho very head of the cation, Eli and his bouse, and Ho inui cates that it shall be short and complete, j- “For IhavotiM him that I will judge house for ever for the iniquity wliiot) he knoweth; bocause his sons made theins Ives anti he restrained them uot.” God cover exercises judgment without mercy. 14. “And therefore I have sworn unto tno i J0USO of Eli, that tho iniquity of Eli’s house shall not bo purged with sacrifice nor offer : ing forever,” not because there is not atone ; ment suaicient to reach and remove the sin of Eli’s house, but because of tho lack of re¬ pentance on their part. Jesus Ilunself said (hat all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be i forgiven unto men; but He also said that the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall not ; be forgiven unto men (Matt, xii, 31); which if I understand it signifies tho persistent and continued resistance of and the Spirit leaves until death, or until He vvithdraws to himself the p-r.-.-n thus resistuig Him; and wee-n a person is thus left by the fcpmt it win be ! found impossible to souls' approach them upon the mattcr of Il.eir welfare. Israel as a uiuion afterward sinno.1 so greatly that it u . ;ls sa j,] by lha Lord: “Though Moses .aid Baunu-1 Stooll b-foro me, yet i:iy mind could " 2.1 t-hese three ‘his people.” booh, And Daniel again: and Job, “Though in it they should men, deliver but their were theii own souls bv righteousness, saith the : Lord God” writ-ifa: (Jer.xv, 1; Ezek. xiv, 11). And go it is “The wrath of the Lord arose against IBs people till there was no remedy” (II Cbr. xxxvi lGy not be ««uso ( 1 ^ W.W not wiling and abD to ^u^fucfaSte^d j^JSsdng His mlssengerLdespisiug we^^ His worf^ sace as this to Eli should be given to the boy Saniuel: but it was somewhat similar in the caseof Jeremiah, whosaid: “Ah, LordGud! a%VS^SkSr&’‘JSBSS him,and from that time he established was to be a prophet of the Lord (vs. 18-21); how it would have been with him if he had kept back something for fear of hurting Eli's feel ings, who can teUi “7 ' ; | RECEIVER’S j j Sale. (o) THE STOCK OF >!ERCHANDISE ; OF I’oiulloton Bros. AT -.yXUilL R S T CG^ 1 . (o) tal 1 early and secure lirst choice, is ever a; ]ro,g is being sold as US. i3, hllul'Sc, j RECEIVER. of ^SOKtatLSSS: the whit h and system grow are .-onf rm.’-<l h: lc-dect, Ur. J. II. Stn heuim: Cordial and Blood Purifier, by its tonic properties, cure indigestion ami y j tonic to the stomach. | 1.00 :T 22 -tf i.t) T a Vf t 1 i K 1 &. - .-4 : MOUSE COCHRAN, GA. Mv hotm-i* now open to th-- public, ft has hern thoroughly overhauled and renova cl. Ifliers’ bttggago bail j;,..; iree of ansi ample neo Good 6 #n modaiions for <*i. i-lavin'' samples. ( romforhjbie i .-on)-and free omni .1. A. IXCBAr.I. CiOji’r. lv fri — Yon Caanot Afford At this f on of the year to he without < i good reliah: siiarrhfca balsam in the noiiM*, ii- i iu j ii; colic,(liiinho ;iand ail iiii:iii 1 ;:iiu of the stomach : nil bov eL l "‘ ' xceeuingly ,. cmugciou; if not attended to ut once. <>•)<* bottle of <*i:o;;.y Viars.uea Lai-.s-vm w.'II do more »' «i 8 C« nl inis kind than any other meuieme <m earth. R e guarau t«e it. !!i:i:ioia:: A !'i:nh.v ■. v. Jtli.._->r. », - ,- —- f —~— A* - t. v~ >Ui 4 itR-ii s bit TllM Bi:st Salvf. in the world for bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever, sores, tctler, chapped hands, •liilblains, corns, anti all-kill eniji rious. and •msiiivelv cures Tiles, or no i»». v re<inired. It is guaranteed m give prrfcet * satisfaction, or money rofunfl • V* -, F™ 0 2 ° cls P cr boX> 1 01 K l ' . e ]’> , - Ug^ibts. uo\ . t J jt ____ fF ’ [ 000 A. MO B H A 1 ? \ ’ 1'are bleed is wkr.t oils the machinery of life, ry movement of the body, removes stiff t.,.u of the joints, drives cut gain from the nerves, -,t c brain, r-iuttcts tlie liver end fei.iaeys from rrrit-.tiri.n,c-nablo.-: physical exertion vitliout f.tig iii;-, rid e:... l:.-s in end wolisen pcik-ct in li..u*i,i ar.d feature. Good blood and good brain eu i.-.seper;-.! Aim to ker n tire blood by u ’ tii - on !y true bi^nd remedy, 11. it. Ii. . (Botanic hi i I: ram) Jii-.s «. •fomliu-ioi!, sMlanta, Ga.. rays: “ ['or years 1 have bion aliiicted with niat.Am combined with sovore kidney troubles, indi gestion and nervous prostration. Rheumatism Sever*! and pliysickas were patent ein ployed numerous medicines resorted to without berrol.t. At List I began the use of Ii. Ii. I!., and its effect was line magi . Rheumatic pains ceased, my kidneys were relieved, and my constitution improved at once/’ 7. T. Hal'erton, Macon, Ga., writes; " Three years ;; t * I contracted a blood poison. I applied to a physician at once, and his treatment came near killing me. I employed an old physician and th n went to Kentucky. I Hot Spi’iilgS 1 ° th - n v.-e: t to Hot Springs but and two months, ing - seemed to cure me permanently, although tern* porary relief was given me. J returned home <t ruined man physically, with but little prospect of ever getting well. 1 was persuaded te try B. B. B., and to my utter astonishment it quickly healed every ulcer.” AV. C. McGaughey, Webb City, Ark., writes; “ 1 owe the comfort oi my life to a v. e of l’>. U. li. i was troubled with blood poison Had BloOil 1 v - cr ‘- o years, and found r.o relief equal to that given by this valuable remedy.” Mr r . Griffiths, Unitia, Tt-nn., wilics: “ The d;,':b)ia my boy twelve y :rs old liad -.-.rcfula. His knees were drawn up and joints worn .I for three Gmigo Rawlins District, S. K Home, J. 1 ’., J. G. ! .N. %» ^ . ana , exomcio i* ■ 1 i I I> A. * . • Etldins District, No. 384 , G. M„ D. M. Pinhan, *J. P., M. A. I aneas ,»• ; I : > ter, 1 . alKl UXOliirlO _ •> . ±. l’ond Town District, No. .TI 9 G. M., ( I. \\ . liVtlls, .!. 1 J ». r . ( iarke, tN. J . and C'XOl..ClO No. *>. ! , Gluumcev ’ District, ‘ 1254 G. M. r I. D. . McCormick, n . J. . , 1 ^ \\ Iv. r , . Bussey, N. R. and cxotlicio -!. R. Easimnn District, No. S 49 G.M., •I. \l. Arthur, *).!.,!. »). Jones N. R. and exofficio d. I*. MitciieSTs District.No. .‘hi I. G. M. ( ... larivS , iJiStriUt, , , . ^>0. w- I i A t i*>o «. 1 W. Coleman. J. P.; Notary Rub lie not appointed. Croupy suffocations,night coughs and all the common affections of the throat and lungs McLean’s quickly lar re ileved bv Dr. J. II. Wino l-un s Uu lm. 2211. Tlie Love rlia! I.ives. "Youth fades, love droops, the leaves of friendship fall— outlives .V mother's secret hope them all.” 1 she will not Believe her dimpled rlnr !k b .,,, v ov ,, s look to I . *'er help ami there •. •. help. . fI H.-i~ - tor .» | ten n> tne nearest druggist and procure i)r. Pi life’s Golden atedieal Discovery. ! :uul your child mav lie restored, for il eure '< consumption, imL which is only h'-.M r„i v ,, Miit L Uie nm.,-. u if taken lauui in m time urn. . ... : readily as it cures scrofula afteeti.ig j other parts and organs. Don t delay. A perlect specific. Dr. Sage’s catarrh Remedy. * I --------------— For sick headache, female les, neuralgic pains in the head f a ke Dl \ lk r ‘.It . cr ami ivldnei , tl.iels. -><tnls — vial ‘ 22-tf ___ ...........-.Crime.” A thriliins bIo^ of red life be Is‘in , W it 11 RlimLei 4>. -Ulld bers mav lie obtained, or the storv ' 0111 pit t i t, ill ■ t-i Lini.llt „ td.i.ou 5 ;,- , r only 5 cents. Ry mail, postpaid Eastman, Ga. The Swift Specific Company, Drawer •'!, Atlanta. Ga., oiler a reward of one thousand dollar- to any one who will I find by analysis a particle of poisonous mercury, iodide of potash, or other j substance in s. s. S. In all cases of Cholera Morbus, go at I once and take a dose of Lamar’s Diar rlwa Mixture. slicrifTN Sale.. Will be sold at the court house ; door of the county of Dodge on tiie lirst Tuesday in August. 1S8!*. be tween the legal hours of sale lots of land Nos."281, 282, 2>9 in the 15th district of .said county and N >s. 2<1 and 3t)7 in the 20th dis¬ rriet of > nd county, levied on as of li. II. Harrell to satisly an execution issueu trom the Superior Court of said county ! in favor of C. 11. Peacock *Sr Co., against the said >. H. Harrell. J. T. RAWLINS, Sheriff Dodge County. July 5, -1-t. I "CaggoH^ Central MaiIrasil OF GEORGIA. (DOth Meridian Time.) SCHEliCI.K IX KKlKCr MARCH 31, 1880. !OlK DAILY TRAIN-—MAtuX ATLANTA. I.v . i jo p :n. u _jo j> in. J t i a in Ar Atlanta f to p 545 pin. iii 40 pm. *! l~. ~ ~ > 3 >M " fTiiiS _____________ and East train I*« int. ate at Banuys .....I • TWO FAST TRAINS DAILY Between Macon and Montgomery via Columbus yi;d Union Spring rv- ......< *5 a >n 9 35 a ni ..... 7 25 is a m 2 40 p in ..... 9 4 4 ; P u -. s .... * i 35 a in 6 j 5 p in 1)01 IS I. K i »A 1 LY SERVICE To Savannah and Jacksonville: iS ArMacon...... ... :u *5 a m 11 p m I^v Suvaanali. ..... 230 p .11 6 30 a m Ar Jacksouvillt 7 io :i m 12 to a m To Thomai-villc and jacEt ■Vmvilit- via Albany. :.. -.i cat ... K>45Pni io *»5 a in Ar Th.-.iiak,. Albany. U° *15 P **> 225 p m ar ..... 5 20 p in Ji?l‘Ec-'f'ii'iS-• between .....7 10 a m This train doe not ..U>p Macon and Fort Valiev. Bctv M .fon ard Augfustavia r.nllcn : . ..... ..... ............... 10 45 am ‘ »5 P s Ar M.lien .............. 2 40 p m 3 IO P a ........... j_4 M» P m <' 35 . io( - olamhl 1 . : ■' ■ ii :i in : ......... 32 c a m 9 35 ;l 111 ... t . ......7 a in 2 40 ;l m ..\r ninniu^hain. ........ 2 IO J) Ml ' To~i [; 7771? \7-k-TTii dEuU»Tit ~ou7 ' Lv M:lcon * l ° 45 a 5 MiUcdgcdile. ...... ....... a 45 P S .*r Eatonum. .......4 *5 P £ ! arrivals from Y i,;r v ! e.-,oam ioopm 615 pm II OO p li! Savmmah....... c;: v; ‘ f.VopYi 11 .*!’sYoV 2 Eutonton.......... » P m ?. .5 u = 20 pro..... : - *Daily except .Sunday. SOLID TRAINS arc run to and from vaeon and Colum bus, I'uion Springs, Montgomery. .Sleeping Alba¬ ny, Savannah and -Vthuita. car on night trains. L.i- -engers I- ;• Thomaston take cither 0 :05 a m, or 1:40 ;> in - . Passengers for < V.rrelllm take . 2 r a m in¬ !) ;05 a m train. Passengers for Perry take either f) bid a in or ti: i.T p m train. i’a--. iigcrs for l-'m't G.iini-.-'-. Hum.a Vi — la, Llakely and Clayton should take lOlOd a U 1 train. 1'as .-cllge i’s tOl* Syl vania. Wrightsville and Sandcrsvill. take 10 tin a 111 train. 'i n : ■ ‘ ei:x I a A I. is the only line from Macon makingeon in Union Passenger Depot at Atlanta with through trains for the northeast and northwest. Jt is the line to rely upon speed, safety and comfort,. Therefore look to your interest and use it tv lien you travel. Tor further information relative to schedules, routes, ticket rates, etc., write.or call noon J. A. K.Nni.Kimr, Agent Ga. Keeeiv'g Depot, ieket Macon, Ag’t II. TIkow.n, < 'iiy| l Hotel Lanier, Macon, Ga. J. T. Hook, Ticket Macon,Ga. Ag’t (,‘eu’i l’ii-'s. Hc"t, K. T. Ciiakltox, <i. J’. A. tf Savannah, Ga. 1 ‘ A SSENGER SCHEDULE —AX'D— FREIGHT SERVICE In i• H\• t June. 1C, ISSI), \ ithe GEORGIA SOUTHEflH and ELOHIOA It A 11 ,BOA !>. River Route to Florida t: 11 ;• s.une as M aeon city t ime. TII. (JOIN'D NOIMII. Lv. V altlosla A am Miiitmla..... 5 am :: Iiuhira....... 5 54 am cv<-n..... . .b 00 :tm “ v.'< iist..n. i i; ,.m - ach ■> io am *’ l>on;;iiV.....4 t,8 pm * 4 Sparks...... C> Gf aiM “ Kati.U-.-n “ l,d:ox ......7 If ” y:,Z “ gQ:: *• l ihiko..... 547i>«» ** cimia Inali;'.. •' . . AM 7 J ’111 “ . . a m ** I'inehurst. ..." .:<> pin ** Svcainort;. . . '• . ; am ^y ; • ^ “ fe." Z •• BiUTwoml.. t,.| , iM n “ Arabi...... y. 7 •• WGiiona.....7 35 P” 5 “ It) nm " ks-: " «>■•••• «•■>•»! •* Dakota......So; pm “ \ icnn;i. .. 944 am •• .. .S 14 pm -- l-in.ll;n " --.| a Ml ” r,;.‘.V;=VV'. ri ‘. ..^1 Z am 7 i. 4 lO 2 c ., .iii ;;S am • fm ;•:»,!*>. 02c pm •* 'livoi. .10 53 am j “ ^ . 11 03 11 nm am " ’ i - - iuii c.r. .n ' ( •'•‘1 .........D)2.;pm “ Am mliiiv.iit; ;nn •• '’ur ......!« V'pm ** sakvu... 1J |M pin --f- 7 r ■;E«, 2 Fas-i-ngur trains arrive and depart. troia 1 uion Depot dmly. !• uciglit : ceivt'tl ami didiveretl at Central railroad warehouse. - 8 :.lf) o riock p. m. j Ma.con, Ga . vsamsi 1 ; I ! ! ..., friMi , ,, FAol , v „n 'fvv\Tl,'i!ct’i,' 1 G-'Axv. . r.iff. , \ •. i U- ., (■ ! AIA A \ vn M > ci,Yq)cr Givi ,K( ■ 1A i H\If\\ \Y ‘ _ via- BBt .s.sVi 1( K. .. I.M . . . M A < * N. A1 LAN; A . i... - - ox, ' Y i, (> l BT.E ll.MIO r sr..-.T.BI.,(i ^ ( . Ak ‘ SEKVIGE * < IN. I.TOATI JACKSONVILLE . —soi.iu n:\iNs E r. x \\ r. i x rlI iIAl 1 A .v ()() e jA . \ r> . .1A( 1.. N\ .IH.E. _ C i.osn.v coxmxtixg wnu— DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN'S, —WITH— PI LEMAN SLEEPING GARS, —TO AVI) FROM— MEMPHIS. NAS1I\ II.T.E. KANSAS j CITY AN1) THE \\ EST, 1 —ANI)— KNOXVILLE, WASHINGTON, NEW YORK AND THE EAST. THE SHORT LINE BETWEEN Atlanta and Jacksonvilk*. Atlanta and Savannah. Atlanta and Brunswick. Atlanta and Macon. Atlanta and Rome. For, Rates. Time Cards other in forination. apply to agents of the EAST TE\X.. VA. & GA. RY. B. W. 5VRENN. Gen. Bass, and Ticket Agent, Ksoxmii!. -. H. HARDW ICK. A-si. Geu. Pass. Agent, Atlanta. T. D. LOYAL. Ticket Agent, Eastman. G i. y» rl&nUd n Bin® C-# L&B.S.H CZ .a. Sl3 FIFTV ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE June 1 to Sag. I, ISSS. $257000 ’W orth of i’ijtstos rg?I Organs front beat makers to be tlosed out regard less o/eost «c value. Stock too large. 19 lutconvcri Into cask or installs ue»t Some, entirely M1W INsTicU DIJKNTS :iot u.setl a *1.ry. Some, Nefti'ly New—used u few i&oi’tlis only. Some, used 11 year cr mo,—S ome* used two io three years. Some, line Second llamls-tukrn in cxcbiuise, and made new ia our repair Factory. -lie-Mlrsins. Restored iu Tone ’ and Action, ami uiude good lor yearo of service. BARGAINS. EVERY ONE. EASY TERMS. Your OWN TFILMS Si ]* a oBt. Very light ivfor.fhly Payuients, or Small Cash Payment andbu] nnee when you gcc ready. CASH BUYS mm. Give you all lire time wauled but SPOT CASH vviP save .voi; money. TRY I S RX. We v/iU meet you every P sMiM XJZS- $I50J $50, $75, $100. ORGANS' j $ 24 , $ 35 , S 50 , US. V.'RiTE FOR CARFSIrl SHEET* I zmmmt sal t»; ! smmiEn mm. MEN & BATES, S.ftUi. SAV.S.MMAH, TM. piypffWS:. After ten years exclusive sale i can now he obtained of all OriifrjjrLts and Dealer.* in Medi¬ cines. it CUilLS-iake notice-not. ro;.irr.\iM’; siinpiv Leins but cuuks s.ivrAi B£i!ou 4 «e«a rout l%y«p^!>ssa. Is a strictly vegetable all preparation and tronbles. will CUItE Malahia, and IJalauial Dr. S. H. Wise, of Uoeton, liy f'U.'s : “Have practiced medicine 15 year^, >ihd find no equal to Herbike as a Liver Regulator.** Dr. W. A. Baker, of Madbon, Fla., nays than : “A bottle of Hkubine is worth more §5.00 worth of Quinine Liver in in any different, family ” from Acting on the a way any other medicine; it in a positive cure lor Chronic Constipation composition and in cheaper is such, than Pills. Uh peculiar of Chills and that Fever we guarantee Bilious to Fever cure with any case bottle. or one It costs but 75 cents and each bottle con¬ tains over 4 > average doses, making Would the co."t less than two cents a dose. curc-iilL you ask for cheaper medicine ? It is not a But will euro any Liver, Bilious or Rain* rial Complaint* Manufactured by c .i ;, Lxo HorLiito CAo., (Successors to Wm. Foil dell.) S t. Louis, Mo. m n fj. m uiii ,.vr, rutiii' 'Vtel 7 S . IT S i I m f WHK>W^ MK t. .*% v ■ * k . J. E11IN80N, dS/LbYPT jN-GMETaL' ISO.o E OF THE mu: mm een. LUMBER CITY, GA. Marcli 11, 1 j r 111 FOR A CATALOGUE OF TIIE BEST JiiUlIU ‘1 AND C C : MILLS, AND RATORS, 7 ALSO House Scales. Etc., WRITE TO Clmpmmi A’ Co. t oct21 tf. fri Mti tii son . hid. Take a Hest. Excursion tickets at low rates will be sold to all Sumtnt*r K«;sorts throughout (ieorgia the country Hallway by the Fast Temu June ssee,\'irgiKia good A before coinineiicing i st, to return on or October 3)si. Fast train service with Pullman cars. B. VV. Wkenn, Gen. Pass. & Ticket Agt. xfe L e H, he MARK. Be sure this trade mark appear- on all the goods you purchase. ( N" toi.LARS 1N md-!-! AM) I.OID, sl.KKVi: whh--h^'can BUTTONS never 1 <”ltar iu litany varieties and colors, from 25e. to 50c. j»er pair. All »ood« warranted strong and durable AVe M . n( ; . lhV ' "‘“Tr™ A-W«5 N £ S. 7v! ! A. , --------- ---—- 'k- / H.AIiIv 1 • '.'A', 1 .' 1 & ' XOIDIAA .... .’i'l'T- xokma.n. ^ Attorneys at Law. „. VEBNOX, - . . GA., will practice in all State 2!), and ’SS-ly Federal < oiirts. liov. McNeel’s Quick Cure Liniment Is a new and most remarkable medical discovery. The ingredi are pure and so costly we cannot afford to pay for long advertisements. It innsi be intro duced to the public, liowever, and we have decided to offer two trial bottles for fifty cents—the priced’ one. This oiler applies that only the to the lirst order, after reg¬ ular price will be charged. V rite for circulars, testimonials, etc. Agents wanted wherever none have been all appointed. communications to Address Dr- J. M. McNlel A Go., may Bl -4t. McRae. Ga. Why Is It That people linger along always tired com plaihiug about that contfunal ft 1 ing'r one bottle of Btms’s ^-oooi) Pv RiFtEKand Blood Makkk v, ill entirely remove this feeling, give them a good appetite Hkkbma.v and regulate digestion. * HKjixiilAX, Dniggists. 4 LTMAYER & PLATA!, T i'i 412 Third St., jlacou, Ga. -W lit MESA LE oib 9 "roToe.c^O’S, •1*%*I* CIG'IKS, WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF ANY HOUSE IX MIDDLE GEORGIA. Rule agents for Export, Kate Chixton, Raker and Club House, pure copper* distilh-r! live Whiskies, Georgia and North Carolina Corn, l’eaeh and Apple liramiies always • ti hand. Side Imported wines and brandies a BEER, specialty. non-aleoliolic. agents for the eelehrated KICK Side agent.' for Val Blaiz Milwaukee Beer, by the dozen or cask. YT'ltTGv- 127KS.^hK»3ES solicited, ami a liberal discount given to the trade. Orders promptly filled, put ketl and -Lipped, according to directions. Trice List and Order Rook furnished upon application. Si nd lor our prices before purchasingtdsewli-ro. and von will save money in any line we carry, such as Liquors. Tobaccos and Cigars. A LIMA YEll & PLATA U, 412 THIRD STREET, MACON, GA. my 2J-0mo TIIE OLD RELIABLE WOI.ESALE UOBOB HOUE OF GEORGIA. j * t / .j «, M. yi N & CO., 451 CHERRY STREET, MACON, HEORCIA. In connection with our LIQUORS, we carry an immense stock of TOBACCOS and CIGARS. The merchants are especially invited to examine our stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Shipping instructions A Word to tiie strictly adhered to. Take due notice. E. COHEN A CO. niy 2 l-lm f a ATM i i Jr > r j r' i ^ U .j > VJ? • muuLAir.-jai 'vjvjHsutr * 'mmmam i y 1 419 AM) 421 THIRD STREET, MACON, GA. Successor la Small a ml JllallarM* It si iii in (lie field, prompt • (o furnish merchants, miners and traders wiih all kinds of Provisions and Produce, Ragging, Ties, T« ) bacco and Cigars, small groceries, such as can goods. Lowest prices. Orders will have prompt attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Captain Mallary will insure your life; 1 will insure your pros penty. mydl-tim A ^ RACKERS 5 A 1 ANDIES, Vs5 0NFECT10NS. J We are operating one of the largest Cracker and Gandy Factories in the southern states, and our goods are now so well known for their sujier iorit.y that tliey need no further recommendation designs in novelties their favor. in the We are constantly getting out new in section same. We also handle eider largely, and are the agents in this lm MOTT'S I’KACII UIDEK AND THE T. L. BLAND OF GEI.EBRATED OKA NOE MEAD. !! ASEBEItIJY N E( TEitEEN AND FBI 'TO, OB FRUIT PUNCH. A sample order solicited. Peanuts a specialty. Merchants visiting Macon invited to call on us. N IKK \ | If : OHNSOM bO. J may 21 jm WACHTEL'S Central f?-j ! ‘'Z?V? «3 *4 lothing louse! THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE STATE. IIEAD<)DARTERS FOR FINE CLOTHING, HATS AND GENTS’ FURNISHINGS AX f 515 Cherry Street 5 Macon, Georgia. my 24 3 mo cgfe Ma.llary ? —DEALERS IN— IMIA.OHIIlSrEIRjY' CAP EVERY KZIlsTID. Steam engines, Boilers, - saw - Mills, - Crist - Mills, - Cotton - seed - Grinders, - Belting 1 Lubricating Oils, Iron Pipe and Fittings, IN3P2SATORS, BftASS FITTINGS, Etc. SMITH & MALL AHA X , J:Ui. 15, 1889. ly MACON, GA. CAESTAF.PHEN & TILLMM, ll *I10MES*lIsZ) GROCERS. 458 AND 460 SECOND STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. Dealers in Flour, Hay, Corn, Oats, Bran, Meat, Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, and full line of Case Goods. Remember the cheap freight rates from Macon and >a\c your orders for our traveling salesman, Capt. C. M. Latimei. VUArno <,E0 S. Joxvs. E. F. McRae. - xL 1 ¥ A 0 . 8 . JOSES & OO. C Wholesale M ■ ■ V)Afl JL I 'I WV* || j vj AflC a k/ AND COMMIA^K-iV MERCHANTS. LIME, PLASTER .AND CEMENT. Rkckk-: vn.L) by John l tufiner. mv24—Imo MACON. GEORGIA. \V. R. SINGLETON __jj. & CO.. 558 and 5 B 0 Cherry St. Macon. Ga. E ALE US IN BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, TRLNaS VALISES, UMBRELLAS. Hand work of all the leading maker], especiallv the CKI.EBKAiED ZEIGLEK I5KD?>.’ i*H|J VDELPIUA SHOES. mjraf 3010 x. V / 1P.P.P.1 P.P.P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Hoot, amt PoUuis l nm.) CUKES SYPHILIS Prfmarv, Eruptions, Secondary, scrofula and Tertiary and scrofulous Syphilis Syph¬ Erup¬ ilitic tions. Ulcers and Old Sores. Rheumatism an«l j powcr of " P1 ’’ ^ «""* j SCROFULA Is an imparity in the limmin- blood, producing the I.umpc Anna, or Swelling, caujiug of sens which on 1'. P. I’., l.ees. or Peer, tor the curu the irreute.'i blood medicine on earth. All theso diserisos yield life readily and hew to strength. the power of 1*. P. P., giving now BLOOD POISON Cured in its worst form ; sometimes in c * with Erysipelas, where the patient w&a in Etc ual Paid and i^ivcu up Ulcers by the broki physicians. till the In sonic ca C3 Ucroruloaa out i-arty was a m i-s of corruption; a bottle of 1\ i\ U. was I procuretl, and the disease yielded quickly. RHEUMATISM And in nil Affections of the Kcod. P. P. P. stands alone wonderful. and unrivaled, and Bomo of its cures uro really I? puffer from anything like Syphilis, Scro¬ fula, you Ulood Poison, Ulcers, 0\1 Softs, ltheiuna ar.d Poras emm) is no secivt patent medicine like th“ many on the market. Its formula is 011 evorv bottle, sassawaavBRsisr July l!ll-vr MJm Leave your orders for stove' wood at the furniture store of Fos ter iS: Harris and they will have prompt at¬ tention. E. H- BACON may 21 f - • 5-‘ 11 gm-isr-,.;';;--..? r i.-t ■ '■/ G; a ou... . -3 i LfPPMAN’S PVRAFUGE 18 CALLED T1IK Wonderful Chill and Fever Expeiler It cured tlie chills find furor, times up the system, p-ives hu appetite, bringing strength and hoalth to the Buflerer. Lippman Urollicrs M holcs.-ik* Di-iig gists, Soli'-Miunilactiin-i-s and I’i-ojiric- toi-s. I,i\*juii;iii Block, .Savannah, Ga. For sale everywhere. fri .1 uly HMy >.► w>m?t Combined With Great Refracting Power. TIIKV ARK AS TH A NSPA It L N T A N D COLOR LESS AS LIGHT ITSKI.F, And for "ft hum. of untiuranuf t<> tlie eye rannot In- excel loti, enaMinjc the wearer to read for hours without fatigue. In fact, they are Perfect Oir^hi PreRervcsrs. the Testimonials from the leading physicians legislators, in United Status, governors, senators, stock-men, men of note in all professions and in different branches of trade, bankers, mechanics, etc., can be given who have had the sight ini proved by their use. ALL EYES FITTED, And l-'it Giiariinti'eil by HKItltMAN .V HHItKMAN, BA STM AN, GA. These- glasses are not supplied to peddlers at any price. A. K. 114 wki:s. WIIOI.KSAEI-: DliPOTS J Ai-sTiNyi-lx*' Feb. 8. 1880. nm T SJm s ■ Lawrence’s LIVER Stimulator A Cl'L’E FOB IHI. I.tors FEVER, DYSPEPSIA HEADACHE, CHILLS AND FEVER COSTIVENESS, DYSENTERY, COLIC, ETC IN Fact, All Billious Diseases FOB SALE BY 'J'. J. Bccjian, Physician and Surgeon. Eastman, <la. sap r Dr. J. M. Buchan & Son PHYSICIANS AND DRUGGISTS. EASTMAN, GA., Offer their professional service- totlio l«‘°I de of 1 hi- immediate and siirround mg counties. One or the other can be found at their ofiices at any time. All ealls promptlv attended, day or night. Patients at a distance vi-ited by special contract. diseases, ffiTAll chronic and private sjiecialty. either of male or female, a If by let No charge for consultation, ter All’ -end stamp for immediate reply. consultations and letters private. A good supply of drugs are kept con¬ the stantly on hand, including ;dl_ of new remedies. 7-5-ly uua r o v EAiirn 1 - the reason people will not, cannot, or do not see any difference in cheap nos¬ trums put up liy cheap John houses or irresponsible parties at enormous profits, worUl rather u t-ke a tiic-li.-ine of wide reputation and on- that is giving m, iver-i d s. list action a: equal price such ?— No medicine in the world i- giving purifying unparalleled satisfaction for the blood as Bwuis’ Bi.oon Pcrifikk W Bi.ooi> Makkk, and every bottle that docs not do its work will cost youon th¬ ing. For sale in Eastman by I L i' isiikk, M. I).. Druggi-t.. 1-iin t ir EARS, NEEL A CO. Ll AIMNG ( L 0 TH 1 EBS, 557 Cherry St., Macon, Ga. .'liyl’l-Om