The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, July 12, 1889, Image 4

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Oil? AGENTS The f.d!o-,.-;;ig an‘ authorized t- !'• ■ i S.ori!,:!,.,,, tve-tt-mg a ltd or.F-r.* tor nil kind- of pi Siting, ?».:id ;v ooivi* it lift receipt for money on ftocount 131• * Tiiii:>-JorK:.'.ii.. Onr lowf'-t rut. -: and be-t term- will lx* given by loom: 30 S. Fri.MAi. . T. V. & O.Iiailwity o; 3 i" . Johu&j'ii vilJc. ‘'.u. -^•T~TT. TTou-n .. office Tfppeiw & Hoi- 1 BnxJo , , 0 . 1 . .).!•. V.'ifilK uxur >y. "!fu ■ A. x :11;, .11 A ( 'a., < Well ran, Ua . .1. M. (-ook *'\viUt "M iitt < ook Gum her i ily. rm,. .1. W. Sr. Claiu, Kentucky. 15.0. Hiiis J - ;vv, Ltuubor City. Dm J. i . MoxTGOMKitY, (‘luuincey. Dii. J. M. M Xi:Kl, McHam Ga. KA I’M A N", FiUJMV, JULY 12. - Svr j i . M > , r, , \ r ‘it J, >i. tjiit* Ill-Jar will long l>0 rcmetllbored , by inept op!e , or .. hmumiel ,, , eomil , Sti!lin<«e, a Iiev town at ihc 1 rmilJUS Ol .. ,, V\ T r v). . ... 1\\ „ , f‘ln _ . - ro:nl was the scene of tlie occasion wliicil will make tltHt ilav an 11U~ -I portent I period in the county's • his 1:srV. 'J hr -0 tlioiih-aud people were 1 lien*; WcV'Oli-:, buggl -. “>• carls, ]u)t 8 (» carts, rtfiid can ts niiclrailroad ( -ars were (hero, :tn«l all were Lar .... I •„ i <a i U 1< it '• •B.-.-SlflcS these, lumdvoils ■ OI tick- . JiiMvl! WUV-fjra.SS Jjonies . were leth- . . ' '■ blaok-iacks •' that 'OrdiC*! llu* , , ... Vvliorc . ,. lie* *{: sailtl ill* • *, imiltuuu, asowtnplea. n W] ll J. was I j,;,, lliC (lav, flic only picnic of tlK* sea Hi iii. Tl»w»« ‘ • 1 B C11S ' "L lUU run from 1101,1 Roeer« uo ^ 1 where \ '< mile V S roil' I intersect: the Centra), ai«l «,» riel, VFcro alike invited to make the j.assagc free of charge. . Xo i< HS 1 hmi 1.500 availed them, elves of lliis . . L. or. limtiy or /* nYUOI.I \ j imu « OH JUiVor honorOvl tho coin] (icior of a jmssenycr car with their presence. Kverv .-'pecimen o! hunuinity was (here. It was a mode! country picnic. ^i veil by the intelligence of 1 ho sect ion lor Hie mutual on joyinent of all. Knowied^e did not moan power, nor did ignorance mean subordination, the latter class 1 icing in the majority proved tin dr loyalty to democracy. committee on urrangemcnlr 3 where trees ; arranged, a J’ feet built Ui Lid an e!e f j nr Jj oy f jj fi ri 'd, ivm^* —IlHliN ' l - of lidding, formi*. { a square. ontnim-es every lew rods, Kid! sevc-nly-fivo feel long in Hie ■ idle of the square, oak coals bid lint blazing, in the Tedium of the pit, fifty odd male sheep of Hie first to fifteenth year balling above the coals,four stands \\ ; : 1 ; re lemonade was gratuitously distributed by the barrel, and many other desirable features show how successfully the mis . 'am of tire arrangement committee hud been accomplished. Dancing seem to be the first and only item in the programme. A bon! !0 o'clock the cast train arrived from Rogers ^ and brought a 0. B. B. from Savannah. i\l ..... first imfor tin It' since .. ? O'clock, • , . and t«0-thirds 1 ^ ol the people ran full speed in the direction of the queer noise <0 sec v?Ti:ra‘i+*ipoan!. ('. II. 15. st anils lor “Colored Brass Band." and as they ncTcred the stand, playing “Bonny nl \U ‘ Mug," thousands veils Were shouted and reshotlfed • . . Dixie was played as they , occupied the 1 v seat« provided on the rawed “ * l’eople , othei , ihior. ran over earn iu their frantic etforts to 1 see band. St wa a cornu d sight to see a thousand rt^L ly rjacl men and women gai big at a negro band with eyes and moutlis wide < , r|1 1 1 ii ‘ The programme was then taken up again and proceeded with, in the order mentioned before. 'I he din ner was ]>'enk'oiis. and wouL luvvo been a credit to a more eul YSited crowd. Time forbids a more account of Hue occasion. 11. S. T. A sale* liDiMineiit. Is one w Inch is Guaranteed ro briny you mitistactiiry resnit-. or ill CllM* 1*1 faiill le a return of puivtla.-e price. ati- Ui tUis sale plan you can Wiy troin hr. our King Yerli>>s! itruggi-t a bottle of > New Discovery* for consumption. It is •guaraMeeU to bring relief in every case. , when used for any atVacticn of throat \hnigs int!amation or cluwf;»»ncliuis,asthma. b a- cOKueiptmu. ot ninipang cougti, croup, etc. It i> pleu-an: and agreeable always to be taste, depended per¬ fectly safe, an*,' can upon, Trial Iiottie free at ilerrrman A llcrvmm s drug store. U is a crime for uu*u to prepare am; mhcrli ^* worth!; >*, inert leinetty as a 4-ure jHtison *•' in he; • i A.-.'V : ‘!::v;;r , 'v use t\ hundred hollies liefore tic tiud euT ii- w irtlilcs>iic-s, ami yet then ar, some w lo do. Botanic Bloo *1 Balm I*, Ii. B. i- nor a reme* 1 y of tins kind. 'Hie fir*; Isottle !*cgitis to tJo good, am’ r. yj-re ns::a!r\' follows l^foie a Uoz»-i; rV, an* r.-ikeij. < Her filar yea ago Swift"- S; cun • t iuc of a troublesome erupti- n w liistii eoveretl i;iv sluuilder-. t*a*-k an,! Unit-'. This w a .'aft, r I Lad been tv. at . d Lv - ix H ’or-. some of whom said • never would g- t well. E. M. licustv, Sberuigu, Tex. ' ELI'S so iutU u I 1 t-S. DEATH. LessON !!, THIRD QUARTER, INTER NATIONAL. SERIES, JULY 14 . Text of the Leeson, I Sam. iv, 1-18 —Com¬ mit to 3 Jetoozy Verses 17 - 18 —Golden Test, I Sun. ill, 13 —Commentary by the D. M. Steams. [Corapibyl frenn Ees>c*n Ueipcr Quarterly by y ■r of II. £. Hoffman, puuli thcr, Vhilnd- i I -v j When Barjiuel told to Eli the message from the Lord the attitsidp of l is heart towar-s Ool hi made mat»ife*:t i:i his reply: “It is the* tools I •: HlaiUowhftt «omeUi HimgowL” Hi-, nv rk f-uumiv«>n is coiKnieudable, 1 ut prompt said decisive dealings with his soii 3 would have been better, i. ‘*Thc word of fcamusl cam© to all Israel. • That i.- the word of the Lord through Samuel, tor ho, us the lord’s prophet, would spfiak the Lord’s message (Hag. i, Id); and thus all I rael would Lnovv through him the will of tho Ivord. 2. "hrucl jsran smitten before the FT.ilk tines.” Thi.*- ^dierdes that God was nU v.:.h thsm, for had lie L*«»wi in then mM*t \ . would have been certain; “oneshould d:; - • a thonsaml and two put t a ibouband t<> flight.” He bad [ r. . •'!. t', fght for t : W ;,„ D {loscottUei fori:.] (I)eut. i, 30; iii . SO),s»«i:,f thi* ••o:n : * *,utasaiu»r tl:e ebbs:/ and ti.e defeat ■•a. uottbe result of' u^vic -ling. “I^S. U* tetr b the iu-& of tbc covenant • 1 the I.ord; * * * it may save us.” They d:d n 0 * look totht- r.ord to save them, they ‘ !!:f ot tuk 'g' 1 ' *o»>!**ping Hun, w a . a?id they , speak of tv holy v*«f ; as u u Li: Mol which perhaps may have more i-.•••• - ^ ttonih- 1 - which f,-y t.• r ; hbipetl; but their unqtnues had sepanu- •: belv/cat them and God, and the.r Kins, laid hid Ifii, face £j-oia Uisin. ■!. “So tho people f*mt to Shilob, that tlicy ^ nr,.!.t - from th.-.r-j t!io urk of Shac ; •.••• cast of tho Lord of Ilorts, wtoefc lv,t«voii U® cL rufcua.’- Thu-i they u.1,1 • hi tosm and wo t.i_ U:i, k, Windcl that they mj; t'y ‘/'".'V.: U:n- m tins 0.1 '■■'■■■"VT r, «i:G:ut ': l'*V‘y-- • th© labcniiic.k* t.'.is ri the Holy ot xiohe.-. 1 ;;ii which th" Hi;;h Pri,„: entered but c;:-« a y®>- and never without tho blood of tUt Vi!i, , (ytMfyin^ tho hiood of cousidor also t hv '• XDr..'.4.‘*-ion u d ’.valiet-h between tbi boii*ubim” f ind here for tho first time, and oaly jiKInji.-iL’t, sev«a tunwinuU Scripture (II Sam. vj, 2 ; |.>;lChr. xiii,0;r». 1 -. xclx, l? ba. XxxvU, IO); carryii^ ns hack to Ex. XXV, S 3 , where tve flud its wlsin. Tic rI of Ilosta -.Vlll !. ■ entreat “J My, ran! ' ■ i ;KS'£S3 idg^pUcmoiM Lands appruivh iiimiE v caa only expect Ills v. * a 1 h. 5 . “All Isi‘ax -1 hT outed with a great shout." it was not like the great shout when tho wail: of Jericho fell, or when the foundation of the ^adtgmplo was laid (Josh, vi, 20 ; Ezra i:i, I *-!•>>, tor then it was a shout Lg.musj the Lord was ui their midst and tho work was tor Ilia glory, but this was sbaply th© shout of Israel w* the tit reference to the g!o”y of God; it may have boon a louder shout than 0:1 the other oecasi but it v all r. >;. • with no P- power to it. (5-0, “God k come into tho carap.” Whei tuo PhUistinosbeard tho shout, and trader stood the causo of it, they wore afraid, 8 i:p poS'ing the ark was Israel’s God as Dagon theirs, but although they tremble at the poa siblo IV.ildts, rcmtdllG * i,, ; .t t’r y !; ) heard cf tho v.oaders in Egypt an 1 in the wiideruuss, thoy are ready to make trial of tho power of their god against Is roofs God and urgo their soldiers to bo strong nod quit themselves men, lest they become servants to the He¬ brews. It is not to be wondered ut that t v Philistines know not the God of Israel nor Hi mighty power, when Israel know not their own God nor relied upon Him. 10. “Israel was smitten; * * * there Cell of Israel thirty thousand footmen.” i j I'acJ was chosen to it iy upon GoJ that II© might shew forth His power, and whenever she failed to do so her defeat was sure. Two things were required of her; that she should 1 •duvlienco to her Cod, magnify IL ua::in. -pi, , . pH.' t w • thing' are required now • every Christian and of every church. 11 “The ark of God was taken; * * < . the two sons c? Eli were slain.” The nrxf two chapters toll of the journeyings uf t'i ark in the land of the Philistines, and how tho baud of tho Lord was against the people wherever it rested until they were glad to l turn it to Israel with an offering. 12-17. “Eli fait upon a seat by the wayside, watching, for his heart trembled for the nrk of God.” Only twice outside of these first four chapters of 1 Samuel do we find the naiad of Eli in the Bible (chap, ziv, 8 ; l Kinf-s. il. 21), yet lie lived lo ho W years old and judged Israel forty years. lie does not seem to have walked very closely with God or to have been very intimate with Hiui, Dr tho only two -spoci&l messages which wo read of Got! giving to bin were not direct but through others, as in last week’s lesson, thiougb the child Samuel,and iu chap, ii, 27. hrough a man of God whoso uamoisrot •.n-uiioued. Aud as wo tiiai in tb-.-u vorso;;, watching and tremblingly waiting for U,lings from the army, his heart, Ii!:o the beads of tho people, seems to be more upon tho «* awl its safety ito upon Ood aad ilk glory, as ir a. minister should now say or think that if his church, or even dcuomiiKt' ‘r&F&VJSt- . ii ;..v:«s tu liavo been t. ' T.rt of (!ie5e of l'l:i::e!:::s rtoii: J tlifit ^..^tlns the death o{ Uir father .n-Mwand ber bustauid, aa.l that thoari of ixlw^tafcn, savins “The giury is depart *1 from SUa and her Cather-in-la W ,v-i 0 v.cud 1 r.'J 3 ' i..e-restu! in tl’.e aik aaj ,U safety ail at (Xico, wliilo it sseins to tiava DC itiier troaliicJ nor bencflte .1 tbcw much Aliile it v.c. in its place in the Hotvof Holies; t)>at !: JO ImI v v,;.->t'] should Lai into tL dar.u.’ <•;' the Tbilisi incs scenis to lmve IT a •atl.-ir M.;i;t a farm, re grkj.oUji tidir; than that lie.. 1 ’mi ana n.m'.-iics ..horn.! umlv brcr.k : ; ,i v \,... limuitsof Go t, written by u.;or.-a s,..- mt: L of Hone ( :> • aiiK'J 1:1 tlio ara. I ho i,.w; v of Israel waa iict \ 0 i, :..o of km of win- af ... .dcd that a tt'fTr.i.a I M - diesisumi pi that ever lived could not MM'' : il* *! JO. us, rely .y up x*ii.n:aiHlnK*nls t His iiame, si, 3 pT'i'y, ami losin g f-t of or ehui cii or dv-noi:»iiiation. ex~ , ;t in so far os they mny i r.or Hio:, e*‘k with the whole hom toi: ] olD ur niiyitt to bast on Liis a or. uf His ehureli uud tho eoic-lug t f iliski.tydoiM. 1A. ‘*VVheu Lo mention cf the ark cf gL* 1 - * * ho died.” TboniauofBenja miu who Frcn^Ut liiolidiugs fr» :n the livid of battle broke them to Eli as yently as n. »s sible, reserving the worst for the For. ‘ Israel is tied, * * * a gre^t slaughter, * * thy twofioris are dead, * * * the rk of God is taken;” Lut i; is too much f* r the old man, and when it is mentioned that thetiik is j;one he falls backward and die*; and now the oars of ail Dra l are tingling l e -*• I. * of the judgments of the Lord upon tho house cf Eii, on account of sin. | \ .L't ii Fj SL u « Sale. • (°,1 T , |E sW ,*K OF MERfll-AXUlSK OF Fomlloton Brox. * AT ACTUAL COST. (o) I’ali early and secure first choice, as everything is being sold as rap idly as possible. E. B, Milner, ijr R. Imperfect digestion and a«simi , lion produce di-order Mouditfon ■ i (he system which grow and arc confirmed h,v neglect; Dr. J. IT. McLeiu'.'s Si renalheniug Gordin jn I Blood I’urifi r, by its tonic and r oportks. cores iv tonic to the stowads. $J. 0 pci ) it:*-. 22 -tf n • XbibUl HOUSE. COCHRAN, GA. | , JIv bouse liron thoroughly is now ojifii lo the j-nhllo. It overbanled ami ivnovated. Drummer.- * Gurgap* ban died free, of c!u*rgc, mid am pi* aceorn UMiuatioi;.-for displaying-ampler. Good Fare, comfortable room.-- and free oinni p,, ^ .1. A. INGli AM, Prop’r. Iv fri Ton Cnisuof Ai’h a! A tlii.- season of the :ir to wUliont a g.axl rcliahic iHar:‘bf.-a intis.on in tic hou.-o, as < : ;ii; . j» -, cfdie.diarrbu a ;ind all ■ Milammatcc! of tin* stomach and I»o\vds suv exceedingly dangerous if not at f,'tided to ill one,'. One hot tie o! DiAPRAct:.*- Hals.vm will do itior . 1 good ? i I < - •- of this kind linei ary ■ 1 h'-r nr :: i * - ■ 1 i' ■ on (*.»i \ )\. \V <* i 1 J-lllHuA >. th 11 i ! iiMAX, KaCniCii's AifiiCil MfhC. U'i 1 k 1>F' T Sai.vf. ui t'.ic worltl f<*r <-iifS l)Mi;v--, >on-'. ukfiv. '-.ill liicmis. iVycr. drJblains firo. U-Uer, all Han coni?, a aft crap lii>t*>. and }c silivcL cures Lib -, on;:. pay reqiiiird. II guaranteed in porfccl siUisiaf'linii, or mon<‘V refund , I’i ice i I -. 1 J- >«!<• In ,, • all diuga-sH. uo\ 10,1 ,. ---- - BLOOD ADD BRAIN, r , „ . , M __________ rore blood ii wtet oils the mcidacry of Me rz veo.oot cf lb; b;,: , : .. .vei st:, i: •; ot join 4 o::., - h-.;*n to** nenvs, t ibtesl . braia, protects the liver sad fcidrey* froi..... aitea t-hyJecl tsxrtlon without i ... :!olm;rs 1 rr.J v.u.-.ffii; ; ; t ir. lw U’.> end.feature. Good bl 1 sod good bc-in c: ii.scpsra'. G. Aim to Ue.-p the blood , ;:.':::i; , true L. >,■ l re:■■■ rfy. M. li. C. | '“'“'“I s. TomllB P""' on, Ailant.i, G:,., says: rBmny5 -r* I have lx n ahHcted with rheu. matisni combined with severe kidney troubles, indl* EjliQUIBCtliSTII gcstioiiandnervoasprostration. Several physicians were cm ployed ai d'.ous i>atcut medicines reported to withv.u Leneiit. At lid I btg-.n the u;;e of B. B. IE, and its c.icct was ii::e ma-i-;. Rheumatic pidns cerised, r..y kidneys were relieved, and n:y constitution bnprpved at once/’ --- Z. T. llallerton, Macon, Ga., wiit&s: “ Three years ago I contracted a blooi poison. 1 -i >plivd io a physician at one.*, and his treatment ir killing ma. • andt’a.n went to tucky. 1 Hot Springs t then went to Hot Sj ... sand reaadr»ed twoittontF. ..but not!. iag seemed to cure r;.e permanently, cllhuu-jh tem pc ; ,ry ic . f v ;;iwn r.'. I i ! li->, - .t rained man physLAiy, with but little pro: pect of getting‘.veil, i was persuaded te try lb B. B., and to n.y utter astonishment it quickly healed every uU et.” W. C.M cG • • writ m : 44 I owe the comfort of r.r/ K.’e io u .e t-f H. 1*. ik I was trouble.1 wi.h blood ]>oB-;a rj a{ j EXood ^r Eve cr ye:us, and found no "relief equal to that given by this valuable rcirtdy.” Mrs. Emma Gr: flit ii., U r.itia, Tear., writes. 44 The doctors said my boy twelve y:ars oi.i had ; sli ana : t - \ - has clone id o\v walk, and Ids pa;v. h. -> isstiu*rs ;;nu N<>(a>*> I'eiic;<‘ C'eiint.v. Ihnvlins District, Xo. .‘H7. G. M. /- E Dome, J. IL, J. C. 'Thompson, x 1‘. and exoliicio J. i'. Eddins District, Xo. js I. G. a!.. D. 3». I illllfllH . 1 .. M. A. LtlUCfiS- j ter, N. V. and exoliicio J. P. j> om | y own Dist l id, Xo. 3?)9 «! >f 'V i.\.i { > , 1 *). , *, I ,> i, •'*-■, Vf. . . . Ciarkp, A. i \ and OXOfiido J. F, ( hanneev District, Xo. 1‘2.”> 1 G. M.. t. 1). McCormick, J. Vf. K. Russcy, A . 1 T , . ana , exomcp ... ') J. i*. j.asl mail District., No. ‘UiRl.M., j M. Arthur,* G. Jones, . 1 e.\oin< .O . .» 1 '• - • • ■ Alitcheli's !)is!rid.Xo. 15(54.<!. M. ('larks District. Xo. ! ids G. .M.. .}. (V. Coleman. J. if: Notary Hub tie not appointed. ( B’our.Y sDirocations.i;: ;]ii eon;.lis ‘ • '■ •aim ml the common auecuons . . oi ike ilii-oal and lungs qiiicldy re jleved bv i)l'. I. II. McLean's Tar XVinO L iin-IiaJm. 22tL T IN* I f*vr that L:v< “A'ouili fades, low• droops, the loaves cf friendship fall— outlives A mother's secret hope them jiH." I Stic will not I'u’icvc her dimpled dar liwg wiil die. Tin- haby ey< look to her for heiu—ami lic-rc " iM Ip. ! - ren 10 the nearest druggist and procure iir. i iricc’. (t-ohien Mod I >iMnV( yoitl* child hU!A be * stored, foi cures coiisiisnp; DDE \v!.it-]i is oi:ly luty ot the luuys. if taken in liutn, ; > ri ill]ily its ii c 111*4 ■ s sc n > fu I :i ;i fi t * : i n ^ other i;H.rts aivtl orpins. Don’t deb A perfect speckle. l>r. Sc.y.v-*s v;tt *.• 111 Kerne. «y. For sick headache, femaleirouh lea, neuralgic pain iu the head , ke : Ir. J. 1 i. McLean* I idle l.ivc-r and Kulnev Fillets. g'» cents ii vidl. 22-tf “Another's < rime.” A thrilling story of real life be gnn with number -IS. Back num¬ bers may be obtained, or tho story complete, in Library edition fo r only -) cents. By mail, postpaid for three 2-eent stamps, .dddre Tin: Ti'.ti s .b'ii R.v'.;., Eastman. Ga. T!;e Swift specific ( oinpanv. iirnvv. r Atlanta. Ga., oiler a reward of one thousand dollars to an y one who will tins! by analysis a parti. ie of mercury. _.,1 J. , f , ,, or other poisonous q, - s s. til at! case- of I'liolera Morbus, go at oma* and tak ■ a do-■ of Lamar's Diar¬ rhea Mixture. Siu . ill's Sale. Will !>e sold at the court house { ] ;oor of the county of Dodge on the first Tuesday in August. lss*«. h t . ween th.e legal hours of sale lots 281 . 2 S 2 , 2 S 9 15th district of said county am ' X.,-. 2 G 5 and n -7 in the _oHi dis trk-t of county, levj. l on a the property of 1>. li. Harrell to sutisfy an execution issu^I from the Superior Court of said county in favor of C. Id. IV tu-ci •!; & Go.. against the said IL H. Harrell. J. T. RAWLINS. SherLi 1'txlge County. July 5, id. **"-....... oV:^ ■ Central MaHrotr.: CF GEORGIA. FA My ;.:! ;:! Time.; s< IN I.K 5 Kt T M.UK U HI. jSyH. FGUit DAILY T* • f IS*. MO pm* e Ar At. ;■ m. 5 'J p j s only -.a i; . . ; illc, vbith ; h c.n-.i. , > . m ynd i.-. T i n Springs. M aeon :i:: 'J r Coiambns. \, r ■’ -55 V 1 DOC HI. K DAIJ.T ■ r. 1 jackscnvdlc:^ a m ...........- .v * p m J .......... 7 io a tu t <iC k: 11 i« AT 4,\ |* ill A iT> 45 p m * P M ! : iVlilij VII > }:u ksi-nvi!!;;........ 7 : ' i bis train does m : etrs Mac \ \. .Jet»vt*t ji M.icr ;a vi.i Aii.l.-n : l.v Miifin..... . so 4 ; a ?. 5 j» m Ar .vi.oen...... . ;> 5 3 ;c> m A r Aecest..’.... 4 p = 03 .-. m TV Columbus Pirn •> n u ; : : MHO I,* m 935 a in \r C « ammis............. a in !;i trvinglnun.......... r w P »■ to v.iiivTgc*.iiio anti I*, f.v Mu on ... IO45 a : -\i a; .....-15 P 3 ....." .... 4 -\5 ;> 5 A ii It • V Al.'.y li’.Ojr , o p m 6 15 p m 11 co p m I'lUinni.'.is ; i«» ;» m \ i 10 j> m S:tvaj:ii;ili.... Albany... .6 xo p m ......... . 8 40 a m 1 30 p m 3 -5 o »*>• i-nl . . . , 4 T p HI..... 1 BOMB '1 HA INS itro rm to anti from m ; u-oii ami o.lmn h.K. nv.Vn.n:^ ri.M.n i'.i.Whi-s .. ............. Alh:, ;1 ;,i aiLo;,. si,,;,;,;.. . rr::;, , > :u r. . , t -. . , ‘i 1 ‘/ : , •-Hm-r "' • .»: 0 «) 9 .il, or 1 :-.0 j> i.l 1 asM-i.g.-r 1 " -I, 1 , >'!■ ■ ■ , ;i;:i i,, _ ........ *•- '••• - ! g * •'' - - A " ’ ' ■ yy lake Culmr .):.>.>« in or 0 : 4 ;. p m tram. I a««*ngf.r lor y or Games. J-nena \ is fit. [■'•■■■. I., tllltl < t! take 10 : 0 » a .,i n Tassenjfcrs for hji vama.!it.-> . .!!■• ami Sami, l-.-villt* tilKC in :, > a ,.’i tl'.l, .’1. _ i* the. only line from Maeon makinovon nect ion iu Union Passenger Depot at Atlanta with through trains tor lio northeast and northwest, it is the liny in lvly upon spccii. af. interest iy and yond'or:. Therefore took to your and nso it when you travel. for iuGbcr information relative hi schedules, routes, ticket rates, etc., wi’ite.or cm .11 uijim .1. A. Enci.kuth, Agitnt K.ccciv‘g DupoV, Macon, (■ ;i. j*. Ui.gAVN, ( ,Ti«*kct .\g’t Hotel Liiniur, Mac oil, Ga. J, T. IIoaE, Tic I ('cit'i Ik*. -. Dc’t, Macc J E. T, ( ll.VU.TOX G. I’, apllG. If hkivaiiuah, («a. — - ^ * ^ D Vj A U / |; n iv o c’ V ' ' I *1 I 1 |F I ' T ' | J.' .* . v -j w —akd— FREIGHT SERVILE In efleet .June. Hi, ISSO, via tlie SEORSIA wmm and FLCRIOA IE iLROAD. / : River Route to Florida ki■* city i in. ' .on ii. (.• >! N.. MU: I 1 !. ITl . . r OO Lv, Vitlt • i :.i Ma. -»n juii. ‘*5 *• M im-ohi.. . . ■ ■ Stu l.fc “ ]«::hir;t. . • 5 ;•} a ** Avoir.lale “ Ci » il........ “ \V elision. d 51 *• Add....... i ” IiOIMti . e . . '' Sparks..... "" K:i' 'li -. i ! . S l, 7 • 7 *3 “ 'live i.l. ... f ■' !.l(! 01 a<!* 1 . 7 27 am rovania,, .. ; 3-1 *• Tilton. . ., 74 a am IV"..... 11 .. .Vb “ Chula . C' : : OO 7 z. r i .'.chili st. ../» 20 ar " Finiilav..... t> 28 skburii S .o am 40 •* Dak.Ha 8*53 icn Ui a \ * h! . - \r-tbi..... 55 C(;!- \‘. cm turn.. . '•* Coi-dch-... 5 : •• y *; t '] ‘* I’ll'hv, tM .J - ii - 5 1 c. =; ” I •• Klko....... f k / («rov a*»ia. .. : j„ , Tivt»! :......!o •• i, . . . Kathleen .ii . io cm - A *L*L ,i*i 05 AVc c .. ;i “ A . Hale - 1 i tu -• Si'fLcc... 1 T *’ M.i.cola, *■ in aeon jnn.,12 c Ar. Yai. Ar Mac- n Lf'H.n B^.GDytr trains ilnilv. luvivc ;mt! I loialit J(*p:irt t !:!fin « < v* LcJ ‘L itv. i.*.! ut r. ;: ;ral miln l ’ wjirciwuc-. t.u--.; i’ trrhi Mrcmi s.ity .if i : ii’i-iut'k a. in,. :: ;,j jin-Tv. - s :. o'clock !>. in. For furiiiiT iiiformnliou To A, i . Kxai‘ 1*, Trni'.if Manager, M r |:MSfeJio*S&l(ci Tin: EAST TENXEME.EE, VII’ Gi.XiA A ND GiTHhDA RAIL A V. ::::i :: j i-y.\ : > MAT .\TL.-\XT.V, 11 Am F. ( ii ATl AXi- 1 —OXI.V ‘.INK — i» * ! :.!: i; \n. SiHiVIDK —r.i.T .v— cincix','ATI and .1 a : h.-< d. v — SOLID TilAlX hex *vK.i:x— rHATTAXOOGA A N i* KS> -Wild !■:. —CLOS EI-Y COX i iNii wrru— DOUBLE 1‘AII.Y TKAIN.S, —WITH— FI*MAI.AN SLEEPING ( AliS —T< AND KKOM— M KM I’ll is. NASilVli.!.' . KANSAS i it v and tig: n i;.vr. -VXD- KXOXVild.K, WASIHXt;TON, NKW YORK ANMTMi: LAST. -nu-: short line retvvkkn Atlanta and .*,.cksonvSite. Atlaula and Savaiuuih. Atlanta ami Brun-w ii k. Atlanta amt AI:• c-c -i. Atlanta and R.uoc. formation, apple to agents of the i.AS-i .1 KN.V.. YA. A G.',. i:Y. B. W. V. RKNN. G* n. t’a-s. and Ticket Agcrt. kii.xvn.;.r. s. if. HARDtvn i-;, A--t. G. h. Has.-. Agent, A 1 [ A \ : a. T. IN LOYAL. Ticket Agent, Exsiiixx, Gv, a 1 is 18 ^ § G- All * . - t wi s f~& - - _ . . . ■ & i'i v£i> il ;•* ;'/g LmnMA rTvy f-mwAL CA t! F'-; 3 ^ 1 to £i:g. f ; , i 385 . w s W n-rif* v ^ V* of f'.'-.c.; -.iuZ Organ a fwr.’» hrvi Dtekcrs Io t:o :-ti c a -I ic^aruh • of.-cst or vuhie. S {o.-li tee*'' r : o. A.l “it convert ! ioPaea .ii or .-sitr Sauie. ;-r: - 'S\:\V INs-VLL ;;e.. £is; cl a (‘ny. Senuc. Nearly ?h*',v—u«s d si f. « inaerl: , r :-« Seine. i».i« tl ;t y. ar ar so. I*- Gti il.l. J.y t : .1 < «* v j •« 3 * ^ Y-omc, *m.?Hcccr:d IlandM— t.xlu*: entrcimir in c\chrtTigy, sceiary. j-_r«d i-:n:*, (h*- e lievi- in —5*y-.-rr•»:rry. end Ai-Ho's -md lie, uiudL* tc-i.'d Lj ‘Ik;nc | ,*;*od tm yc.-u«of <o t’\ i isAiUi\iS£. EV Ci-.\ Mi.;. V-.? y_ j r, yAf : > v ? Vour OtV?r TAKTfs cJn-r.vA Vcrv ffsrht ;* r *a-l:dv t or SvrJi ( u-vu **n., n-i::: d * aact; vviit'n j ;-n yet ler.P.y. mm mm, iiir:* yc.-.i jJl r*-.c rho-. v—* y. •i-r S-?or C-A5M win ■ ;; « r mo:r. g hiiiY »*.• i <»*, Vi j : I’.' st jtn over:- '.Lug. O h b -G as: aj a- — ! a < j. r 1 , Shi $ 100 , uni I’y Skfi h si ! i 2 s It:. • 1 I mn w | > i o i o FatX! T:a s " T,-. | E A:GGS.S.G.H I- rr“l M ' ■ I Sli ! 1$ g t A Lv » 4 k ■ --mA; 1 a iter ten yerrs (-xciajive r-nfo can Tit r*w b® • >r Vrne-rUu hi-H iV il/ in tunc ’UhEH-’.nkn liVAii-e-tiu: pimjjly helps but. crpi-.G! bG’Lg .<\»fi*iF!.,i 2 'iVr, »*i* --t CULL Is a sti ictly v.' gci Tble pr«-pai-..;iou ;ind will Ma: a- ia, And n!.’ JCa: ataaj. rroubf ■?. Dr. S. H. V/i.sp, i»f j I. :f T o;i, By sjiy,- • “Have practiced medicine \ nji,! fin l uo com**! to Ukhp.ixe as a Elver k«yruKunv ' Dr. W. A. Baker, of MadisoiL Fht., pays : “A bet tie of Ur.i:uiN'« is vv.*rth mere than $5.00 worth cf Quinine fdver in in any duforsn* family '* from Acting on medicine; n'ealicine.; the it it a way Eire any other other is a positive for Chronic Constipatloii i .’oimtipatlon :-.m» ts ciu-.qo r than Hlls. its pcca-i-u* cah-u* composition com 1 ig sneb, that, we giiftrnntce io cure any case of Chilis and Fever or iliikiiis Fever v.’ith one bottle, ft c.i is ?.> cents and each botllo con tale iOKa . 1 over 4') avotage dosceq d'»«e. makii'g Would the cot th>i.i I two t-niLs >i curo-itli. you a- k for will i-lieirpei-mediciim I.iver, ? It. is not a But. cure any ar xial (VoiiiiiilHiiit. JdauiiJactiD . d by T j b.c SSoroirAc (HcCvee-vG-.- to V.":n. • • udeiJ.; M?. ILc-k! Jli'a .... --- ip| v twivimfi: • E-» , •v,Hr.'w Ii mpy •'«-* Lti i mb] Ui MX i s l n yV'T-.vVT rZ* l m* Jj»3 pom »v i? 1 BRINSON, - c i\dI_/w.LDNA .Gl-’JgJK/ UOME tsik a«r>iSti-:Hw. Lik’d LEE, CITY, GA. "nivli il.l yr In VO\l A ( ATAUH-ri; <;!• TJ!!-: THTijS'j:' m c:; i.: ! - AND E V A POIiATORS, A I,S\) 1 eo’*))' F VnVSb K t'iJes. E W IDTE TO Chapmmi A ? , M<!*; isGli , illtl. Tube a ut 1 ,, •bl :ill Sumv iD h*: . llu- E: :-i I vn v c 5 ryir- i, v (d or ■;, 1 j i* bt;f< - b*lf»!»t-r 11 M. i Ti.-d train with Pti!i;n. - r r- ! _ lb VUc.DEr r-*» 5® M r-.UA. He a tv;!. v:\ le mark up; it r ; on all the yood v»»i pure! V> ( G>I.FAILS » > u yf/RFVF R: TTGHS i \ CKLL lc »n>, v. hlcli <uin never ralUc or 1 ire lhe coiki colliir l.m tiili -- icp, S : ’;t! tons in many v.-ru n-^ x 2 .from 2 *>e. . . -,p ( .-*■ -JD5 wan. lift (l -g in i; <* m ::*! T> am Ji J s f r • . i .* i ’(>., . v. (; >. N- . i t r.Ali KF. A‘*V * la gc. c*: :;b:F; a Attorneys at Lav,--. MT. VKhXOX, C.V.. •aIH jii-itctii c in all slate 2!*. si:nl -ss-lj I'eileral ■ nov. A'cNeei’s t^uici-: f ;irc Liniment Is a new raid most remarkable medical discovery, The ingredi cuts are [<ure and so cosH that we cannot a herd to pay te. long advertisements, It must be intro dneedto tl ' .... i a ; . . hmvever, and we have dec ided to offer two tria J bottles for !.:ty one. This , the first order, after 5 . l ular price will becinuged. nte t,'timonio’s. eic. wanted wherever none have been appointed. jnmnnicaBons to Addtvs- :••'! «-i l)x. J. M. M< Xkp. A: < •*.. nu:v 31-4t. McRae, Ga. dhv :t That people Huger aim: plaining a' ’*Ut that -■ Bred f. - lllgs Dm- l«stile uf IK'-.-.Y ’NiKiI) i’l il!rna: and rSi.uOJv JfariKi: v.:!l clltir.-iv remove tin * fi . gi*t it-a a good appetite aisi i-.-gui ’Uehuhs, t:e Jlgotloii. Druggists. iltuiufix 4 ALTMAYEH & t | -> _ bird St., Macon, On. -\\ IIOLXSALK 1 ft* ; nors, 300 S» WE t/ARin: THE LARGEST STOCK (-F ANY HOUSE IN AIIDDLIi CEOR(iL\. s. _ n- f.n- Kxj-’rt, K:t < Titstoii. Biiv r ;ia.l Clnl> llnuso, pnri* coppov ! I ‘. i. \\ j. : Gi aii.i Vorlii ( ;i t! >! m :i Corn, i’cioli :ui:l r.» , !iiii: ; '. ny - < n lijniil. IniI'ork’vl v.:isi*s u nd brjuuTit s :i specially. Soli* :lui‘- Cor l lie releorat. :i 01 * I 1 ’ I! K MU. Moll-tlleolioUc. So!,' ajf.'cfc: Val i.latz ilihv ankee (lt‘cr, tiy t!ie ilo/cn or c.i'k. TO® •S?JBt^JLS.T»aE 3 -.•iii-iitMl. :i lib ral d' couni given tu tho trade. Order- promptly liHod, i •ui • .‘d ••hippo 1 . net ordlng lo dirootio>*ns, I'r:i d.-L rind Dr-.i: r Hook furnished upon application. S' i;d hr onr ic ier- belore pmvji:!singelse\vh-Te. and you will save iuom*y in any bn - v. o eurry. snob I/upiors. Tobaccos and Cigars. A \ T J r l ' A ■» L iL l j X & FLATA -m A iA. e y A A. 412 Til) Ui) STHKl-’.T, MACON. GA. my 2 -l- 0 mo r r *«ir-T< tlirVlA () ’■< A: RELIABLE a ; si mi 1 t A ? 2 n i Li ) pa mm OF GEORGIA. d r J# COHEN & CO., -151 ('UiKlciA STKKKT. MAOn.V, < 1 KoRG I A. In eonmetion with our LI< U‘< »I{S, weearrv an inmu'iireslock ol L'OHAGGOS iimi OIOAKS. i lie nicirlianls arc especially invited to examine our slock and prices before purchasing elsewhere.’ A 5V OR!) TO THIS W I S C J Sl,ii. 1 » , i-iii s lri , cli.»i. .tn.-nv fake due not ice. i:i_v 2 f-l m « Cf IV t fh \ E 1 ^ r 1 '.J m r- *** } l \ TflW’acua Vi --j '-ttS <is^ - C «SB i ia >a» gfi a -J id AM. !-i THIRD s'i RKKT, MACON, GA. SurcesKOv lo Small an?? *$ialltirtf. Is :-lill in Uio lield, pmm;i( lo furnish merdianfs, millers and li-iiders v, il li ai! kinds of l’rovisious and l’rodut-e, Ikigtiing, l ies, To leii'C;) mid ('iears, small ;;;ruceri( s, slid, as can uoods. Lowe-! prict s. (R'di r will have proinjit atleniion, and .salisfaeliou guaranteed. Gaidain Mailarv will insure vour life; 1 will insure vour pros ppnfy. mv.'!I-dm ^ — j RACKESS, I %5#' ANDIES, m wa, as (INFECTIONS. . Wc are operating one of tin- largest Cracker aw! Cawly Vaol.orios in fi;e souiliern state-, and our gootls are now so well known.for tlieir super ioiity {lift they need no fur tin-r iccoininendatit u in their favor. Vfe roustnuily lyettin^ out new design-' i:i novej.ies in Iik**--- id *. We also handle eider hugely, run! art* ili“ agent-: in this -e, tioii for vows 1»KA( •;! < 11 >i:ii AM) Til iO T. i„ I'.I.'AXI) <!!•' ( -- - TMlRATKl) ORASML M CAM, U Asl’l’.K!!U'i N KCi'KIltMCN < X 1 > i-’j.-nn, on !• fil l r i-( vrij. i in j >K- onl.T sdlii i’uaiiMts ;i sjiiviiilly. M ..•i’c]j;i:il J vi.-Ilinir Macon invited to call on us. Winm. p T OH NS OH & r Co. ) 0 i !uav. | 2m £ r l\ fr g ^ g V[ r6\7'"?i iii L ^ N 1 f f 1 aO_ I. [ 1 ygMrai ,» , , bliy J ClCtllillfl U) KOHS 8 !• ! iii:; LA IK i EST Gi.OTiitNG Doi’h'E IX THE STATE. MEADO! AbTHH.S Foil FIXE CLOTIIIXG DAT s AND GENTS* MHLMSDIXGS Aid* 515 ('hanw Si reef, ]\I;tcoii, (i( f>ry i;i. ;. -4 .pno Malisary, —ih;a lei;h ix— MAOHINEKiT OP BVEHiY -ps-T"NTT - ) Sailers, - saw - Miils, - Grist - ill's, - Cotton - seed - Grinders, - Belting Lubricating Oiis, Iron Pipe and Fittings, rx.::--0:is, F*?A3fi nr {.tics, rtc. S A t»ll/« - r •« ' N,'.r*w*j & D bml • Y % rfvV, jJj V v 1 •*»»“ * IV, .tan. V>. IssO. ty .* IA < ON, GA. r Sr WTViMkW *b» c>>sJ ,aA Kik } V 4 ’//O /, EA< SMj 22 to Si O C22SIS. AND 4(!;> SECOND STHKKT, MA<‘ON (iiiOli(iIA. Dealers in I’lonr. Hay. Corn, (>ats. Bran. Meat, Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, arc! full line of Case Good Kenn-inber the c!;ea]> i’reiglit rates from Macon and save yon r orders for onr traveling saiesnian. ( apt. < . ->b Latimer. —-•■ s. .j, (S id''. E. K. McHak. GEO. s. r 1 «M ar yi'jn IH ! W .'■t-Nv o., Wholesale 3 s 5«W ■ ; >,^ 1 ^ ^ ^ JL Cl ^ AND COMMISSION MEK< HANTS. UMK, Pi,ASTFR AND ('FMEN'I'. Hi STKI. I1Y dODX L. TVUNEH. (.EOUGIA. m v21—1 mo MAC* »N. 1 E — mi ' y \< (• . > e; i m ;■ X \ S- UjIj. 1 T -* r r > x & c >„ dd s god dOO Cherrv ot. Macon, i *a, KALE <:s IN BOOTS, SHOES, Mats, TKiNKS. VALISES, LM US ELI. AM. Hand work oi all is ■ n'.'liiie laakcr-, c - all. the CELEBRATED ZEWLEK lf&VSS.’ JPUILADELi MflA sIIOES. m %2a yini) r p.p p.p.p. — (Prickly Aah. Poke Root, amt Potassium.) CURES SYPHILIS Primary, feeondaty, and Tertiary Syphilis, Syph¬ ilitic Eruptions. Scrofula ami Scrofulous Erup¬ tions, I’k'cr;' uud Old Sooea, Rheumatism and tdl «*f the blood ,* all those that have resisted other ive itmcmt yield 1 sU \ stilly and surely to tho wonderful power of P. I*., the groat : Blood Purifier. SCROFULA la r.r. impurity in the Wood, ] rodnehig T.umps or Swelling, caFiny tho liunning of Sores which oil the P. Arms, P P-, or Feet, for curt' uec the greatest blood mwlicino on earth. All thcj»o tii.reuses y cM ivudil - to the power of P. P. P., giving new life and new tUvngiU. BLOOD POISON (•:*r*'d in its worst fern ; sometimes in cn^'s with Lrv.'!iH'tas, where iho patient iiUysicians. waa in Eternal Puia ftuil gnva up UteeVs by t:.e till in t-on e cu-t a . . rofuloua broke out the party wu a a '. '. os < f corr.g'tio:! ; a boitle cl V. p. P. \ \\.;d poxured, and the ihseuso yielded quickly. RHEUMATISM And in all Affections of the i».* od, V P.P.Ptands alone and unrivaled, and $011.3 cf ils cures are ren My wonderful. if you eulTer from anything like Syphilis. Pero fula, lllood Poison, Ulcers, O’i Son's, Kbt uimi lieoi, or any disease of the blood, to sun* and ^vve P. P. P. a tria.. V. P- P- (Prickly Ash, Poke Root, ard Potn* emu •> no si cret patent modicino like th** many ini market. Its fonuu’a is on every bottle, thus giving a guarantee of its purity and t\*»ole eomeite^ that no other blood puriiitr cloos give. July 10 M r WOOD. WOOD. Leave vour orders « for stove wood at the furnif lire store of Fos¬ ter A Harris and they w ||| ]„„•(. JflOllipt llt tf'iition. e. H. BACON inay2tf ■ CHILLS & I : £VuR, m m . f - • LtFPMAN’S PYRAFUGE IS CALLED T.IK Wonderful Chlil and Fever Fxpcller It, cures the chill-, and fever, tones nj» the system, fives an upp.-hle, bringing htrengtUuua hui.’tii to the 6 U if nr Cl*. I Jjiprmm Urol hers lioli salo Dnig jyi.-N, S ile-Mnnr.fuctimTs ami Froprie itirs, LijijiiDan Block, Sa\aimab, Ga. For salt* every when*. July l‘.)-ly fri * ^gjgK&ir^rssai M “ X VJOKIC ^ r - l - . C "V ? wm ' r - "NPhLiLg Combined With Great Refractiug Power. 1*11,1 AMI-. \S 1 MAN il'AKKN t AND C'OI.OKI ID :• th! ..It is u, ,!„• t In t xt c ii .l, enabling fatigue. the fact, wearer to ivad fur h.nir.s withoul In they aic r 15Tilled :c * :m States, : V: iio.crnoi 'MCA:"': m. G;': vt l , 1 -<<•« k-i.-iai, men inch of 01 note note in in all an proit-sMotis proit ami in itVcrciit hi ain hc!- of trade, hanker meilnttiic:., i Lc., can be yea n wilt: ;ir<»vcd bv tin ir t:r ALL EYES FITTED, Vnd J'it (jtiiai-:uit<‘cd t»> !! lei, IC.Ai AN II UltlC iUAN, K A STM A \, (I A, • arc not uj»I»/icd to pc<I <ller? at A. K. 1LVWUMS. wiioi.i Sam. i)is I A I LAN I A, Da. t AL I IN , i’l I 'd). S. 1 SP 1 J. Em Ii, Id s Lawrence’s LIVER Stimulator a ct 1:1: rot: nitddOl'S I’MVLit, m s-1'LI-SI A II LA MAG it K. ( llll.I.S AM; I LVLR cost m:\Lss, DVSL.VI LRV. ( f)IJC. LT(J IN Let, AH Oiliious diseases von sai.i: isv T. -I. Bn has, 1 !■;. if*;.; 11 anf! Sm oil. Ei - i man, (bi. «’[i r Dr. J. M. Buchan & Son PHISSCtANS UD HIKS 1 S. LAMM AN, GA., Oiler (lieir |>rofes4oil;tl si-rvieeii to the e,t'<tp)e this immeiifatv aiiil nurr# iiimI injrrcmiiti --. <>;n* < r th<* *i \her can be found ill .their ollb-i ;it any tiini*. All •nils promptly aUciide.!, day or nijslil. Tatii*nt- ai a dlsiaiice visited by iq»ccial eOUtl'lil t. \|1 .lip,ui*- uiul jirivati li.'-a-e*. itlii-r of male or female, u specialty. let No charge for cotisnlli.lio;i, If l.v t.-r. ...nil -iamj; for immeiliate re|i)y, Alt f oii.n’lHtioiis ami leti*-r- private. A good supply of .'rugs are kept con sl.iiith on Iiaml, including all of the new remedies. 7-i-lV ox KMiru I - tli** reason j>»*ojO** will not, cannot, or Jo l)of >t*c hjj V il?fb*ri*|jr«* ill r)l«*ap !*o? 4 - put up by ti<-eh*»rmo’.«-profiiH, < ViipJohn I ouin*« or i. •*i»b* p*i a lt-r t itii.! the 111**41 i« iut* of world L- i :t* .a and •»»*** that i- ariviu*^ mi' **-tl ^al taction at *-<j»;:• I price?— \ tl nn*di«di»o in tin- uorid <r»vin^ **nch uiiparaliclctl f**r purifying *). Mo***l a** Biititis' Blood i't’tilKlKit *V iit.tMPif M ik eh, and every l«*ftlc that do*-- not do »u work w ill voiiori tl» injg. For sale in Ka^tiuan l>v I*. I* ihhkk, M. fi.. i >r*11irv*-t. l--hn lir ^ V-.V EADS, NEEL A: 3 '1 LEADING < LOTH IE St S g -i',7 riseny s>., M*i({l %n i in i mu mffwwtn 121 j 2 A'jJl