The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, July 19, 1889, Image 2

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TIMES-JOURNAL i Tinies-.Tournsil Printing Cwn’y. Subscription $2.00 per Annum Six MONTHS,?,.®; THREE MONTHS. 50 c ------ _ . . MUD AY, JULY 19,1889. f Democrat ie Organ of Dodge Count}'. Two Mischievous II l’s. A large number of citizens of Dodge county . met f a( 1 ,1 the com. liouse in Eastman on Friday arnl unaimnously adopted rcsoiutioil.-. condemning the Olive bill and the bill ... to 1 oriel . (lie ,, charter , oi ,■ Die r . SavaUQall and Western railroad, noth of which are now pending r an • the legislature. The Morning A v . has , 1 , bought , that 1 there , ows never w, H any probability of the passage of the olive bill, and there m cor tainly no good reason for the pa sage of flic bil! to forfeit the enai ter of the Savannah and Wert™. Tl “™.....I,ce» » sreal del „l talk (hroucliout the |.Slate7ubout 1 he Olive bill, and it is probable lhat»tlholast 8 c SS ionofU,o les Tliev were illlluenced lo do SO. perhaps, : . by the tear ,. that ,, . ail n me railroad illteresls of the Slate danger .... being cont , rolled ,, . were 111 01 by one r.r more great ° combina lious, and that these combinations would check the State’s prosperity 1 1 ' nnd roi) the pcojile. A few . moldbs’(“ircflll mourns < an nil consideration ( imsmuduun of file railroad situation has ed the most of them, doubtless, that (heir fears were unfounded 11.0 Olivo mil jj cither I han benefit the State, !f 11 there liltlt are .lit 1 mo ho t e who H no si Will, ill fa i.noi vor 1 lie bill the conclusion is almost inevitable iliat , ,i they , i have not . given in, and its probable effect if it, • j, should I,, become law, i careful | a as and conscientious consideration as they ought. If (lie hill should become a law it would have a most disastrous effect upon railroad building ill lllO . Kill I roads trial . pilllO. an* projected, 7 would be abandoned a! once. r J .„ hose , having money lo in vest ill new railroad enterprises 1 would avoid (lie Slate, and conn railroads (ic;e that are would s „„.ly be deprived in need ol of the . i benefits i ... and | advantages , , which .i-i t hey Confer. ... li there ,i weie no . pioteili , , . n against railroad monopolies and combinations, .... there . | , . i , i something to be . ion i it time tho commission existence ’ the people 1 have not * boon oppressed by the railroads. When they have felt tlmt justice was being done them, they have sought ^ redress from the commis siotl and obtained ^ < it. As long as ttir> t tie emnniission < omnnssion roticiins u inams — — and amt there is no doubt that it is here to Kla.v—(l.cre will 1,, „„ ,«-o SS i(y for legislation to protect the peo pie i against , railroad -l.i combinations. i • , • Til© Olive liill lias already done a great deal of harm, because , it •. lias caused those who had agreed 7, to invest . . . railroads ., i • ji this • btate j m in to hesitate to do SO. Thev * niav * not have thought , , tnere , vas any great nrobabilitv 1 that the hill ‘ \ WOlUu ]>HSS, ullt they ilitl not want to take any J risks, particularly as thev sought legitimate . . enterprise . a r»yi»5 • f* rro« and not a spe dilative undertaking. Besides, UK'!- vorv na(t,rnllv argued that if the legislature would enact sucll a law as the Olivo bill U.ey might more Illiberal 7 and ! hostile ?*£!*“;.....j! to rail- 1 1,1,1 • .Nn thr. r oo,.lc,ln no t «a'" the , Olive bill to bccomo JI aiui neither do they demand the pas sage 0 of the bill to forfeit the tor Oi tllC Savannah and u cstom road, , Or any Other .» roau. i an 1 lit} want all the railroads they can fret, and thov don t want those crippled , , which , they iuivt'. m i iu y JUVC 1 coni -i dence in theil 4 i • I.U.K .. ou , 1 commission, and are willing ^ to do pend 111)011 that institution to teet tiiem , amun-t railroad ti polies and comWnaUons. SAMCEL THE REFORMER. LESSON ill, THIRD GUA'ITER, INTER¬ NATIONAL SERIES, JULY 21. - j Text of the !***»., I Sam. »II, I-18-Corn mit to Memory Verses 3-4 —Golocn Text, Tsa. I, 10, 1 7—Comments !tj the I lev. I>. 51. Stearns. [Compiled from Heston Helper Quarterly by per mission of II. a Hoffman, publisher, rhiludel piUia.] Kirjath-jearim 1. “And the men of came awl fetched up the Ark of the Lord.” Thn holy vessel, the Ark of Jehovah, which was the most sacrei vessel in the Taberaacie, or ln the Temple, the ;;e,io Ark being n-d hi each,and which i mentioned now at leant . onool - the most interesting of Bible . idion, andq»akstfj nmof Jt&ns bothaa f. l and man, God’a law In Hla heart, delighting to dp tho will of God, fulfilling all righteousness, the end of the law I r righteousness to every one that, our mercy neat, our hidden rn „, J!ia) tmr m g i , ivEst chosen by God, the great head of the church from whom the cherubim arc formed, tho revelation to us of the Father’s love and eternal purpose; and know,, till tho temple of God is opened in ““ 2 . “While tho ark abodo in kirjath-jearim 1 ‘J /'C Ad longerthantwenty years; Vint tho loefc j clause of tills verso may indicate that this proporoyour hearts unto tho Lord,and sorvo Him only.” This was tho exhortation of BumU( .l to Israel as they lamented after tho D)rd,und ho assured them that if they would thus sincerely turn to God Ho would deliver thomout of the hand of the Philistines. 5. “I win pray for you unto tho Lord.” In Jns. v, 16, wo arc told that “the effectual, Icr ^ prayer of n righteous man avnileth much,” and we know that Moses by liis ill torcosBion Bavod Israel from destruction moro than once. In Jor. xv, 1, Moses and Samud arc associated us men mighty iu prayer. Cod told Abimdech that Abraham would pray for bunand thus bring blesing to him and i his house (Gen. sx, 7, IT); and Abraham's in¬ j tercession for Sodom it ((ion. xviii, 20-33) E a momorabDoccasion, l to bo feared iimt heart,in tho name of Jesus, for that which wc ren,, y <leslro tor nifi e lo 'T , & “They gathered together, drew water, ; potmd It out boforo tho Lord, fastod on that day Y mid said there, ; We have ninned against % - th ^ „ Tho IK urinff outof wntor n . I bolizod their holplosiraiid penitent condition; I they &li w«ro as water gatberid spilt on tho ground, wh cannot be up again (11 Bam. xiv, nj; tiioy had nothing to piemi but their guilt and thoir f real uood, and convincod of this they turn with fasting unto the Lord. 7. “The Philistines hoard.” Lot tho poo pio of God come together iu true humility to s<’(;k Him and the enemies of God will ho sure to hoar of It. It issm-cly true that “Satan trembles when ho boob tho weakest saint upon hig knees,” and if ono praying saint makes hiul Remblo a nation in truo penitential prayer iimt must make him awfully afraid, bo wo ao notwoiKim oigl cue j/iiiiistmw Rather against Diael when they hoar that Israel have gathered unto the Lord, i It is not necessary to suppose that tho Philistines citejtherhiiistiuosonward. 8. “Cease not to cry unto tho Lord our Go;lforus .,. This« thoir prayer to s,u„ uel It is good to hoar them say “the I_,ord our Ci<«l,”aii(l they havo a right to say it now g ) nee they have truly turaol to Him, and lie will undoubtedly prove I-Iimself to lie “tho Lord thoir God,” for lie says, “Call v „ lll the day of trouble; I will deliver thou sli alt glorify mo." (I’salms 1, r:i ■ tluit when Mosos’ hands were J s ,-ae| prevailed, and ulinn tn. y were let down AmaEk prevailed (X.x. x\ i i, 11). 9. “And Bmnuel took a sucking lamb and Offered a burnt offering wholly unto the ^ m offering ^^ typiflos tho sacriffce ot the Lord Jes «a one, tho only sacrifleo for ?in; and reminds us that without shixldingof blood there is no ronvUsion, and that only in tho nsmo aud by virtue of the m „ ritaof clll . ist Cftn „ , , !r ., w , r com o toGod. (ileh. is,22; Actaiv, 12 .) Samuel Mlcvixi God and canio trusting inthosacri floe; thus trusting ho came with confidence jllGocl aa<l W as heard, in I John v, it, 15 , We read that “TWa is the confideneo we havo in Him, that if wv ivsk anything according to Hb w m iio hoamth us, and if wo know that Uo boar U3 t whatsoever wo nsk, we know ffint. wo have tho petitions that wo dosirod of Him." 1U - “The rhiiistiuos drew near to battle against Israel; but tho Lord thundered with a great thuui r * * * and discomfited t that j ic:u ns ” The they l'hitistines conquered may have when thought tho ark or^n was iu the camp of Israel, so they would con aucr but cUvum-nmoos. had changed At that time Israel relied on tho ark, and i t was simply a battle l* tween men and men, God of Isqiel, and consequently (hey could John 28, 3D) and when He SiiCiX xii, speaks lu judg JS^^“gJ5SS^V*JK ELL’: ‘Ui-'A: v. mfnts ar ,;, n „ t vet nv.D mv.iiegr;butm . every t. v.-hcr show tho s-eb loi-s from tin : word of l; Ithutthcr U wwath f-r a.l wi. ur^D every one to turn quickly t > ( vl. re '**** n. ii “Ebone»>r, hiibcrto hath the Le-rd helped Philistines, us.” for Israel the Lorti purs»ued fou£htfer ana suioto them,r.n toe ! Samuel, ro Israeli commemorate faith in tho the future, victory and strongthen ^LThc'Ljid sot up word EIv..«L. r is only four. 1 inth.-so tliroe places chnps. iv, 1; v, 1; vii, 12), tho first two r G rrii _ to tho Victory of tho Philistine but tins one to tho victorv of Israel when they tmly roptnUxl and relied on Jehovah. How ' 1 k l>aok h th 1 v u '•'•'t*' " ,0 " ' n : ? enemy (xmquered because we were sinful and disobedient, and in how Ebenezer many [such to mark places the have \ve now s t up an fact that where cnee wo fall ot sin jb a3? 3£^a m h. a * Q 9 — ...... ■ — 1 SUMMER ^ It is our pleasure to announce our usual SPRING and display Of Boys’ Sill Chil€li*eil’s» 4 Si •, Yoiit VA ft (3* 'J wu t&C.. aL tj UiK^'l'WGfir I~' , " Tr liuts . Furnishings, ^ x ’ T CCKWCc!l% 7 IT..,' IlOsIU W-t Oj fi j ., We do not exaggerate when , we say ^tuisni.nrsssnlcpWuM that our presen t season sex hjbit SURPES.ES any stock EVER shown by us, in QLAL1Jx,MA .j.,;,, | , r ,1 IM.-RKECTION of PIT. MAIL OilDLRS it . your vnnr most most careful careiuiaux attention, and rules for measurement and Other miormation cheerfully sent on request. (j (j l) - Shipments with privilege _ of examing before paying. EXTRA SIZES, For ST01 T, THIN, TALL and SHOill gentlemen a specialty. ll.SbXl.tS f 1|Pavv Sf«()K/1«thing. I)!!r chases. and extraordinary haveime facilities, obtain TliADKS in We job lots find miiot fail to prove profitable investments for COl A lit 1 JL)rjALLl\b TT. T.eVy«fe BTO, T(M> jai>• Clothlm, * V- * y 1 P.I.O. • ' 106 Congrees ^ Streep 1 AtrJL. f| fT "TIN jv — X b CSC Of, vO f -WHOLESALE DEALERS XX GROCERIES, FLOUR, Liquors Tobaccos and Cigars, J45 & 147 Bay and 1 Whitaker Sts., bA. *\ V 7 - AIN A "INTTnT JN iAJxt, A T-T C3-EOI^C3-IA. 138,140,142 and 144 New York Office: Jiay, Cor. Whitaker St. .7.0 Hroadway. SA VA .V XA If, GA i -o-i y-t 11 ScIiofleM’s Iron. IS Fits, 1 MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OF STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS, CO „ rirnr I JON ,,, v J HESSES, General Machinery and all Kinds Castings. Sole ()wiKTS and Manufacturers oi SCHOFIELD’S FAMOUS COTTON PRESS, To Back by Hand, Horse, Water or Steam. Brass Goods, Pipe Finings, Lubricators, Belling, Packing Saws. Etc (Ieneral Agents for Hancock !«sp.irators and Gullets Magnolia Cotton tins. J. S. SCHOFIELDS SON mv 81 -lyr MACON, GEORGIA. J. M. BATEMAN, --REPRESENTING m T EGSE1S’ SONS, THE OLD RELIABLE WHOLESALE GROCERY HOUSE, € Will call on the Merchants of EASTMAN every two weeks. This house is agent for the following celebrated and popular brands of Flour: WADE HAMPTON, LEONA PATENT, WHITE VELVET. The PARTI DO is the best 5-cent Cigar in the market. Also agent for the famous MISSING LINK Tobacco. June 4-fim ___ ft n if p § flffAuUMil Efx u Q S - 11 m h y is y ^ mi g:.= m i MANUFACTURERS OF C BACKERS A a 1DER ANDY, J and Wholesale Dealers in Fancy Groceries, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Pipes, cte Our Candies and < 'nickers cannot be excelled for their purity. Tlw Ch.u,»™r rt.t.r ..nil.*!.. \\> also have Peach and Pear Ciders. SinSSin't-j,. ............. p^mp.««»«.». „„ rBam ,. Goods neatly packed aud satisfaction guaranteed. Bend US a trul order. S|0A __ lit 2. 1 £ _____ \ HAl TT^r A A ilildU, i P H i 5 >TOIVK—td:t Popular St.; FACTORY —!5 b 458, -MO, Fourth Street, June 14-3in = W A. REDDING. W. P. BALDW IN. . REDDING ^ & BALDWI N , _ __ -3 _ " “ {) , . Winstiip * Callaway * Maim, . Give . can. Keep a fall supply of the best at the lowest prices. ns a 363 Second Street, Pflscon, C3« sept.ij. iSSS. \y B. W. PENDLETON, Collector of E. T. V. & G. R’y. claims, EASTMAN, GA. Having been fifteen years in the rail¬ road service, handling claims for dam¬ age, loss, overcharge, etc., i am pre service will he' 1 obtainable represented'by in this the>st section of le^al the State, and at very little expense -- In formation of any kind will he supplied promptly. - --- Post-Din St. LOUIS, “Indian KSO., are pro patch rbiaIIy -ays; liea!tIiy and worn, strong, >n often vl , babies , nare },j n g for days with their upon their backs. Ill fact, they lre linemcnt, with their tribes, upon the march. These women acquire their great strength and power oi endurance by using a weed that grows in their lo cality, out of which a medicine is now being made, and kept bv the druggists, (Female umto the name INDIAN WEED Medicine.) (Female Medicine) “ENDIAN WEED weak, has proven a great blessing to the delicate, over-worked women of our large cities, for it is said that all who use it keep robust and healthy. city, and Drs. Herrman & Herrman, M. M. Bush & Co., Chaunccy, aug 30 ’88 s-w ly Important to Advertisers. Prow this date all Irani notices must be paid for in advance, as required by law. The Times-Jochnai. Printing Co. Dec. i, iSSS. ___ Sheri (l ’s Sale. Will be sold at the court house door of the county of Dodge on the first Tuesday in August, ISSt), be¬ tween the legal hours of sale lots of land Nos. 281, 2S2, 289 in the 15th district of said county and Nos. 283 and 307 in the 20th dis¬ trict of said county, levied on as the property of B. II. Harrell to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior of Court II. Leacock of said ifc county Co., in favor C. against the said B. If. Harrell. ,J. T. RAWLINS, Sheriff Dodge County. July 5, 4-t. Notice. Notice is hereby given that bills will be introduced at the July session of the Legislature as fol¬ lows: 1. An Act to extend the corrpor ate limits of the town of Eastman, and for other purposes. 2. A n Act to amend an Act, entitled an Act to incorporate the town of Eastman, etc., approved December 15, of 1871, providing that the County Dodge shall pay jail fees in state cases. 3. An act to prohibit the furnish¬ manu¬ facture, sale, exchange, or ing of spirituous, malt, vinous bit¬ or other intoxicating liquors within or ters in any quantity., five miles of Bethlehem Missionary Baptist church in Dodge County, Georgia. 4 An act to prohibit the sale,man ufacture, exchange or furnishing of spirituous malt, vinous, or other !5 anv church in-Dodge county, Ga. 5. An act to amend sections ten and eighteen of an act entitled “An act to incorporate the town of Chauncev, Dodge county, providing ap¬ proved, Sept. 41,1883,” shall that the county of Dodge pay jail fees in State cases and that marshal's sales be had in the town of Chauncev. G. An act to amend “An act to incorporate the town of Chaunccy in Dodge county, approved the punish¬ Sept. 1 , 1883, providing against for (lie laws ment of oif'enders of said town by confinement in the jail of the county, or in the guard house of the town, or to work upon (he streets of the town and for other purposes. 7. An act to incorporate the Bank of Eastman, and for other pur¬ poses. t\,r A. MORGAN, Real Estate Agent, EASTMAN GEORGIA. Valuable farming lands and hand¬ some home sites near anil adjacent to Eastman, for sale at rare bargains. Ad¬ dress or call on IV. A. Morgan, 7-5-ly fri Eastman, Ga. J. C. & J. w. SHELDON, Contractors, EASTMAN. GEORGIA Plans, specifications wooden and buildings. estimates Tirnisiied for brick or Correspondence solicited and promptly answered. Address Box 50. Eastman, Georgia. fri julv 5-ly Old people suffer much from disorders of the urinary organs and are always gratified at the wonderful effect of Dr. J. H. Mc¬ Lean's Liver and Kidnev Balm in banishing their troubles. # 1.00 per bottle. 22 tf I lloligious Appointments. Rev. P. M. Council, a prominent! colored divine of the Baptist church, will preach at Uodwinsville every sec on 1 Sundav and at McRae cverv fourth Suudav in each month during this year, ‘ • tip oc t. i , PIiO*i ESS I ON A L CARDS. D 1{. J. I). HERRMAN, Practitioner of Medicine and Surgery, EASTMAN, GEORGIA. Office at City Drug Store of Herrman & Jlorrman. Residence cor. 1st Ave. and County Road Street. 7-5-ly tues II ARRIS FISHER, M. I)., Physician, Snrgeon and Acconchenr. Office at Eastman Drug Store, next door to post office. Residence, corner Fifth avenue and Church street. Eastman, Ga., Jan. 11, 1SS9, ly tues JAS. K. MOOD, M- D. Physiciasi and Surgeon. Office in basement rear of Masonic Lodge, formerly occupied by side Dr. C. T. j, a timer. Residence south of Court House Square. to dec 10 D K. AY. L. SMITH, Dentist, IIA WKTXSVJLLE, - GEORGIA. Office in Pulaski House. 12-1-88-ly tues J^cLACY & BISHOP, Attorneys at Law, EASTMAN, GEORGIA. Will practice in all the courts of the State. Attention given to Convey¬ ancing, Examination of Titles to Land, Furnishing Abstracts of Title, Execu¬ tors, Trustees, Partnerships,Collections, Contracts, Criminal Law and all other branches of practice. Office at Court House. 2-l-ly tues ili TA LIAS HERRMANN, Attorney at Law, EASTMAN, GEORGIA. Will practice in the different counties of the Oconee and Southwestern Cir euits. 7-5-1y tues E. A. SMITH, Attorney at Law, EASTMAN, GEORGIA. Office over store of E. J. Peacock & Co. 7-5 ly tues W. I.. CLARKE. nOBT. 11. NORMAN. LARK & NORMAN, Attorneys at Law, MT. VERNON, GA., will practice in all State and Federal Courts. nov. 29, ’88-ly G. W. ETHRIDGE & CO. DEALERS IN Fine Whiskies, Wines, Etc., 410 POBLAR St., MACON, GA. We make a specialty of the JUG TRADE /fSaf“A!l orders by mail receive prompt attention. marl2-lytu Eastman Barber Shop. \c T \r \ x ' r» ' First-class in all Anointments AY. F FAIN, Barber. Snuerior facilities, best workmanship and good company always found in our sliop. Jan. 11 ’89 T. H. Davis, LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES. Now Supply of Stock. Hacks, Etc. LUMHER CITY, GA. Alarcli 14, 6 mo. tu J. L. SHEA, MERCHANT TAILOR, MACON, GEORGIA. aprl-ly Flour ! Flour! Silver King, Mallory’s Pride, Hati-v Joe, Red Rose, The best brands. Sold by Pendleton Bros, at the lowest cash prices. t^OL MASON. FASHIONABLE RARRER. Fourth Avenue near Postoffice. Eastman, Ga. First Class in Every Respect. Ticket, 10 shaves, $1.00. Single sliave, 15c. Mar. 22 0-mo fri For Sale or Kent. The Dwelling House of Mrs. Mug ridge. next to the residence of J. F. Dei.aey, is offered for sale or rent to any responsible white person. For particulars, apply Dkj.act to Bishop. je.-tf A —--;-—---rv-r Any of extreme Bowel disorders case maybe prevented by using Lamars Diarrhoea Mixture in time. Rovai. Owi.. White Satin, Central City. Blue Ribbon.