The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, August 16, 1889, Image 1

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DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY -r } i a b Ingres? oitb.0 Public. 0 . D. ST./A A'. i . >i. c vi£ STORKS k ( AIJ -KS. liDITOKB AVI> PROiMtlKTO::-*. VOL. R--X0.5N S:ilutator.y. The public will see fr- in the beading this week that we have purchased, and have become e-ht ors and proprietors of the Ten Joint:, a- In assuming the i )i;in Bgemenf, we deem it proper to , a v -n-n* to the mil V J ” A, : rviiHttbM-, per v,.. . >e conducted. 1 * " < vt rbe our aim to keep in mm i 1 !io im :. -:d, eilmvdion, social and moral kdcr-ts of the town of v,, . , ....... .. of Dodge, and 11,0 w.s.m- section ol of „. w }li( hi. . h . fhev the, form a part. On all questions oi Public interest w<- propose to ik b.ddlv our sentiments in to 1 lor the bi - ; t liKci<.sis of ». i-*I>U In politic, we are tie, but the p v -s’ not en : r into the bitter discus <■:, - i;;;i s,„,clii»- e-, . „ i,, II Mill be ' . . . a • tv .„d i( ...i 5 rlique in town or bet " the <• Jun • - will lie open alike to both side, for a fair discussion of nil mailers of interest. We have si, (own. county and section which, i a their promise ior 1 he t utuve,ean jmt lie : !;rp:i-seil in Georgia, and we desire that the paper and the jmelion .houId advance to these columes a full < ! US: 'Oil on all matters teadimv . vithec velomnen! and advance ‘ men A. 1 , ■ „ ....., ' V<<111 . ‘ - ' ■ hourly co-operation in helping us io build up on ? ,! ym basis such a paper as we need and de-ire. Very Resp’t. Storks A C.vkxks. About Hu* ro'c. The general anxiety on Ihissub eon -trains us lo insert IhF . oinnruhcation for the bv-netU of all com 'ineil. in brief wo have -used i'roin Judge a body And adequate to our pi-rp-tses. The half mile track is being put in «..der, ill • lumber for t!:e iencing is being cut, and subscriptions by scdiahle men are coming in "1 a r. lost encouraging rate. We ex -> a ,ft to build one main building. This will be in g;ood style and large ♦ •nough for all indoor exhibits, 'Lies. e;;l tlo shells and stock pens •wiil also be erected to meet the jncreased requirements. \\'e are going to open our ore Tniuvn list to all the counties ! Minding ours. This will, of course, anake a six-county fair, Dodge, Pulaski, Telfair, AYilcox, Montgomery and Laurens. The -v e ry I,. ;t railroad rates will be vuved for articles of exhibition 2'or persons wishing to attend. Tlie Fair will come off in the latter part of October and will last Premium lists very .vimihu' to the one we had last \ ear will be published in iinio. The fair grounds are in the su 7)urbs ol (ho city, just one from Harrell's livery stable. The grounds are to the right of the i'iiad and a short d'ye nee from Mrs. Hamilton's. \ L( is a very considerable under laking ami the time is diorl J enough. This, however, we will iromisc, to you. the citizens ofj Dodge county: Send in the help nad we will see to it. that wo are ready on the opening day. Sub-j : i-rilie youi' money, ami pay if- Hi just as fast as you can. fake a good deal, but the burden will lie light if it D propelv 1.abated. Certainly we will call on vou when we see vou.bnt don't ‘ ' wait lie , .t to seen. , eil(l Us Hie Dii'ii'".' or your subscription; a faithful account ot ifs disburse nent wiil be rendered at the pro i>er tiiiuE Tin - * improvements will he ‘ permanent. What »> done this vear will enable us with a slight mnual 1 expanse , lieu i ;uUa. a a i the grounds in good condition and make this ,iV veartv concourse what ' .1 should be to everybody, , a most enjoyable time. AVe have a special subscription list for the fanners. It has run well so far Mr. llortoii McRanie, who lives in a remote part 1 of the an.l lie , , county run-. says, a p.ow :.nd a half, beads it with twenty tloliars. Mr. • ■ • > . tins m mini; nliatwlv aft“f him with the same figures. Then there a — •• Na\r gentlemen, follow >u:t, . ail over me ct t \ 'v: k Ni: ' ■ you a I air that you will l*e of all vour life. It is for the farm ers mainly that it is gotten up. AA all recognize the fact that the Ordinary* Office Z 1 % A 2> s a s* I m y A j.iVjJ.jjJ % MSI a A I P m a". y QJ 1 H e Is tlie foundation on which we -land, and what comes out of it and is. or is not subsequently ma iiipuh.-.m i. •• astitutes the wealth of the world. Of all vocations, ■ L -refore. that of the farmer is the mo- 4 important. While it is not j ie alone who attains wealth out of the ground, vet he is by far ..-.'-1 pnxlmvr i„ that way. Whatever plan or system, or evhmka to encourage him or itaie his work is. therefore, a ben efadi(m 0ne of t]u . mo4 en . courting signs of the times is. : hat 1m. Urn farmer, in an organ ized capacity is realizing the fact i-o-bination ‘j ‘ of ' .mil LL ( j N ~ h V Tn|1i , ' . ; t ; event- itR ■ not rash - to sav i ............. ,, ■■ -.■>.- r T j ,„. ,, )M1N . MAX jnf -■ ., * “ ,-j , \ , i.„ „ bnve t” V i,„ j ,q 0 , ,. '■ * » ™ pi-ojile - al ,,l i,H-itel Iliy to . . U1 A ( ,. pf (1 10 ntemh'ms ind the money. They were notcl.arg any gate fees, nor otherwise ]' iiml '(•;,; ... . .i ri . . faith tlieorv that whoever K KAUMKH m:u>s Tine corx T „ v . XN1) citizens in j •> IfIM Aa.iin the of Amoskeag and Eastman are subscribing liber ally to the Fair. Some of them deerve special mention, and in making our annual report all will receive the credit that is duo them, the farming communitv, then, all ov. r the countv. give ns their iu-ariv co-operation, and the Fair wiil he a credit to them and a means of enjoyment and improve¬ ment. the like of which has never transpired before in this favored region. More anon. Harris Eishkr. The S;iik!u> School. The Dodge County Sunday School Association will convene „ n the 4th Sunday in August at Beth' -bom church, nin miles Eastman on the Dublin road, ;i t JO o'clock a. m. It is very de Arable that each school in the county send delegates and a lull re port of the number of scholars on their roll and the average at tendance of scholars and teachers |'o r (he j,ast month. Alior devotional exercises, the ijneslion, "how can wc-' secure a , !U)rt . thorough co-operation of tlie j-.arents and teachers in the Sun day school work in the county” will be discussed. The speakers will be Prof. R. J. Strozier and Rev. R. Ik L. Harris, both of Eastman, after which the j reports from Sunday schools will : fie called for and then an adjonrn ok, nt for dinner until 2 o'clock, The afternoon session will be [oceiipietl Lnd earnestly by volunteer ask the speakers, J we of (lie Sunday school to come pro ; p aro d to take part in the discus Lion. Everyone lias some idea as [that ( 0 whether or not it is desirable the parents generally come „ut and co-operate with the teach ers to make the Sunday school iv-hat it ought to be. Dear friends, rome to the meeting and give passion to your ideas. J. AY. Sheldon, J. A\., President, Vice-President for Bethlehem Dis t riel. The New Discovery. You have hoard your frit-mis ami ! neighbors talking about it. You may yourself bo one of t he many who know j from (u-rs -ii-.1 : ■ i i-ri. iu'i-just liowguo.i a thing it i- If you have trio-.l it. you ; x",v'iVi’seoUi'y"vei- aft.'-i-'liobU K pl&e ! » | in thr lumsi. ir y.>u have nt-ver used uoy thro'r* hmgUrDrti I tronb!,- , M-evnv IrottL-xat one ■ and give ft a fair trial. It is guaranteed Trial bottles every or money refunded. fr.- • at llcrrman ,v llorrman's 'li ng! — ore. D.-.ali ol'Mr.-i M. M. I.nsli. News reached us on hiinuaj s , of the cleatli of Mrs. M. M. Bash, of Hl . :IIS suick. -he died at Wootens Mill, in Telfair countv on Satur day. ^ Mrs. , r iviish ,, , estimable . 1 was ail ] a dv. and her death will send sor row tome ( 0 the hearts mail »>f her manv m '• (YiA-n Ls and relative- all over the country. A Sound 1. ‘gal Opinion. K. Bainbridge. Mini ! ■■■■ Lays tj- At " ll1 ' 1 -■d K’.Vtric Bitters with most happy rt-suii-' , My brother .-dm « v ., v j.„ v witii malarial P-v raml jaun ..i KWtrie m • • u. i. Wilcox !. • ^ Her( jw. Ky., a i<u a like te> : S3 . • UmNkn'fU •r : . Hits great remedy V Ul V itlott, :is W« 1! as 1‘iitv all mala r \ a : and for all kklney, liver i i.-Vr ( ,i ,n y n, r-man'- ilrug stoic, Try Lamar's Diarrii t-a Mixture and ymiwiii a ; almost instant relief frem juiu. EASTMAN, GA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 1(5, 1889. A bOOI) MAN GONE TO REST. f)r> c j at j,, u . r j>= es f rom a Deadly Poison Taken in the Dark for Paregoric in His Hoorn at tlie Hotel Lanier in -Wreon. News which caused many sad and sorrowing hearts in Eastman was recieved Tuesday of the death «f Dr. 0. T. Latimer, formerly of thD place, hut recently a practie in S pnysician of Macon. <>« Monday ld « ht shortly past 9 o’clock Dr. Latimer complained to Mr. I. I). Crawford, proprietor of the Hotel Lanier, of a pain in lus stomach and said he was going to bed and bade Mr. Crawford good night. Between 11 and lit o’clock he called over the banister of the second floor to night clerk. Joe IJarlev, to telephone for a physician that he was quite ill. Between 12 and 1 o’clock Dr. Wal ker arrived, and shortly afterward Dr. Ilall came. Dr. Latimer told ihe physicians that about 10 nVioek liis sliunach was 1 a peut Oed, and i„ the dark lie went to a small medicine case i «»' 1 ' vh:it he thou S ht was a bottle of paregoric and took a halt teaspoonful and then laid down with the intention of trying to he J,e S an t0 feel a sensation, mid felt very peculiar. He got up,struck a light examine the bottle and see what medicine he had taken, and was ™>T™e.Ho find it was aconite, He took no medicine to counter act tlie aconite poison, and when the doctors arrived it had sopor meated Ids system that i hey were powerless to aid him effectually, They made liyperdermic injection of stimulants to strengthen him, but they were of no avail, and about 5 o’clock he breathed his last. The remains were escorted to this place by Messers. W. A. Da vis, Charlie Humour and W. Chapman, of the Masonic fraterity, arriving at 12:15 Tuesday evening. and were taken to liis residence in this place, where they remained until Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock, when they W'ere taken (o (he Methodist church. Rev. S. S. Sweet of Macon, conducted H* e services, paying a just tribute to the memory of liis friend and brother, after which his brothers of the Masonic fraternity took charge of the remains and escorted them to Wood Lawn cemetery, where they were interred after the usual impressive ceremony. Dr. Latimer resided in Eastman tor seven years, leaving line b" Macon last March, wheie he " a living at the time of his death. He was a South Carolinean l>.v | birth and was 50 years old. He was well known in tlie Masonic order, being a Knight Templar, and by hi, persistent ami untiring ienergy caused to be erected in this city one of the best lodge rooms in the state. j band A good and Christian, fond parent, a loving he 1ms- well a deserved the friendship and es teem of every one who knew him. Alas! His Father m heaven called him into the Palace of Light, out of this vexatious a.ul toilsome world, where innocence reigns supreme and ,, i „.i. where ii,o the i !-................. golden lights of this life will ever To the grief stricken wife and | children and heartfelt other relatives sympathies. we extend our on THU Ko \ t). You are in Johnson county, among tlie pine-dad bills where the fetters of good society never soil, and where wild beasts roam tlteir native land. You approach a log cabin in (ront of a thirty-acre new ground. ami see a masculine-looking wo man on the half-finished front * "I , , c lining ciiaii. naH * 1 the gate ami ask if the road you are following leads to Regnant, "To wharf’ she asks. To Reg nanh * rv<.?i * *1 ‘ nt nostofiice. wiiei't* ‘ Mr. J. C. Mimbs runs a store, j ou explain. ‘ I don't know nothin' " f^m-ile ‘7,eaita?e renonds Y 0 a mm meat and ask if there i- some one about tlie place who can and will direct you. The old lady now ex hi bits some degree of willingness to fHm i s h the information, rises her feet, spits her snuff through ,?k. a crack i.oor and says, -July Ann, that's my daughter, Hk-N sick now, maby prob'ly she kin tell you. She's bin over that orv\a\. Much sickness whar vou've bin:" "Aery little I"m giv.vl to say. AVill you please see Miss Julia and tell me about “Don't be in a hurry,” she _ .... win - <v half tenderly, -Lum'll here in erbout er hour; lie's bin out 10 Gum Log lots, an'I know he kin tell you.” During the in terview between the mother and daughter you read over the Sun¬ day school lesson, and then listen while the former tells you Mr. Mimbs resides about a mile from there, and the ‘-straitest, forardest road” will carry you to his place 0 f business. You will experience no further trouble once you have found your man. and the next day will dawn upon you in Emanuel county. More from necessity than choice, you spend Sunday m Swamsboro. In the forenoon von help work a bull calf to a gum-wheel cart to break him for the children; go to Sunday-school in the evening with the most brilliant young lawyer in the town and attend prayer meet b.g About at night. Thursday you will take dinner at Stillmore and from there vou will go to Cobbtown. Tattnall IVI,.,. you Imv, s »0 about a mile an your Journaj-. you will see an old man driving a strawberry colored mule with white feet and nose to a newly painted second-hand buggy and two women dressed in some kind of black material walking him. You will suppose their home ] ias been visited by the death an ge l and made desolate by the joss u fa loved one. Your whole heart goes out in sympathy to the crushed mother and mourning daughter as you draw nearer and see them enter the buggy, the older placing her trembling arms around the sorrowing father to comfort him. You try to remem ]>er that death, 1 hough usually re¬ garded as a demon from whose (ouch every living creature recif;\, is really the gate-way to heaven, and perhaps the departed soul was only plucked to fill a vacancy in golden chain that is to bear d H . parents over. “A little s ] )a u lead tItem "’ says (he word of jjj n , w j 10 nia j e US. You will find these unpleasant thoughts and drive around the j,j 001 '„y sceue to forget it. As you 1>ass |j ie heavily burdened the driver will look up into your sa j f ace wistfully and ask if you (o Cobhtown. You re Fn tlie affirmative with all the ravity possibl e and drive on. The gv ief-stricken parent speaks again an( j asks you drive very slow j tl or der that lie way follow and find the way. His voice sounds like you had struck the iron rail ingaround a tomb. You imagine a wayward son of his lias been killed at Cobbtown; be died in his s j n , nn ,i n0 w the fond parents and joving sister go to decorate the place where they laid him. The sense of duty impels you to pro po*,, ( 0 take one of the ladies, and ( j ie y 0un2 . cr j s S( , n |_ You notice ,j lu j. j ier f ace atK \ hands are bronzed from exposure and her feetai . e p arC ,. You ask her name, j . uul s ], e says ajj a ] zy Parish.” Xex( vou i nq „i re where she is | from . ^ liew slle is going and the f her Nisit> she tells vou sh , p from Modoc, Emanuel conn an'aunt ,n,i,m«lowu in Tattnall to ,-; s it 1 au Jlin who ' lives ' down ‘ there ; Before vou reac h Cobbtown vou SillSS n.-r,, H,e f-vmilv cam" from S-i South h j •,-icqr, p ...f ty,is is the !ady * s first tri p ollt 0 f the conntyx « ni .7 , n f „ii v <,ii that her shoe* being new-‘heated” her feet and not expecting the good ‘ tune with which she met. placed them under tlie buiigy s at and , 0 pM t them on when you offered vour much needed assistance. B. S. Bryan county, < la., Aug 13. if your fare is marked with bl< t--h, s, 1 Herr- is wrong withm. dVarlv d 'u— fr vir' To i** uikVixxmE j «i11xj,!any 11j;11 r. M ; v,*>,**> ,* u . r ,,.-; . ,i l( -tar remedy «'.>r itv, luuic troubles, and weak URkmI, %vh*fh, like scrofula. >i»ow> ; t < |,,,. si . ru .,. i M tb.- sy-n-m in biotclu-.-. eruption- and pimples. rerfection Uattained in Dr. saguV Ct,srrh Increase of Taxe Mr. J.R. Giddens, our efficient Tax Receiver furnisht >S 11- with the tax returns of 18S9, wliieh is a great increase over the year 1SS8. We give the following: j .. Increase, On August the 20lli the State Alliance meets in Macon. I here are2,030 sub--Alliances in the State with a membership of a ^° lI 100.000. __ The calico trust is the When will this business stop. THAT ItAltitEt lE. Th<1 Alliancemcii of This County Cii ve a Big Barbecue In Honor of tlie Completion of Tlreir Cot¬ ton Warehouse at This dace, Which Was a Grand Success. Tuesday morning at an early hour the people from all parts of the county began to come in this place from every direction, some in bnggies, some in wagons, some in ox carts, some riding a mule or a home mm some ualkmg, . tod justice to the oig baibecii^spiead, given by the several Fanners Alh ances n his county in then house m honor of its comp e . the weather was tair, and the gallants with their best girls were compelled, before Old Sol had rose high up m the heavens, to hoist umbrellas and parasols as they strolled along the streets. A lar S e "umber of the people assembled in the court house at 10 o’clock to listen to the ad dresses delivered by Revs. John 1. llofiei', yml I". A. Jessup, whiyh 'y™ very appropr.ate to tlioocca lliese gentlemen, as u.sual, held the close attention ot au ‘-hence Ji. H. Fis.ier, puMilent of the County Fair Assertion, delivered an address in regard to the Fair to ^ ie<( ‘ 311 J,lls (l( .^ 110X * ( to)ti, urged the eo-operation ex ei.v <>\ .d < Wm nm in.i.ving i t-Tand success I he 1 i.,ihs-, val^i lend its an m ma knigi a - ^ 1,0 n 1 and as it i> 4 .ho uglit . path to mil ballon, After the addresses at the court house the crowd repaired to the warehouse and at I o’clock joined in the sumptuous feast. The long tables fairly groaned under the weight of the delicious viands. Besides a large number of barbe¬ cued beeves, hogs and muttons, there were chickens, cakes, pies pickets ami, in fact, everything that tends to satify the appetite of :,u °P I< urean ' After dinner was watermelons ana peaclit .‘S were served in abundance. Ice water and lemonade were plenti ful and were greatly enjoyed r la all, as the large hall was gr n< * * K i ' “ su “ ocatm S- 11 ivas a day never lo ic <>r«H U u 1,y ^'Ppeop.eol Eastman, and we hope tha our iarmer Incu s "" 1 11 again. lioj touh 111,1 1* l,lM •" 1,01h ""no¬ Citizens’ .Heeling, Messrs. Editors: On last Fri¬ day night a meeting of citizens was held at the court bouse in (lie interest of tlie Eastman Arad¬ 0I)1 y In order that those who were not present may fully understand tho C “ U f, ’ r 1,10 ^ 1 wiU give the substance ol a, discussion at t,,e G'ustees, me( * 1,n g at ”ie academy on luesdai pieccding, "'aich led tiDlie meeting on ’ii j'Ufif- G' 1 quisJon o^^iai ing 1146 sc 1001 Uas be ^ n a f tuted for f me 1 > me P ast M { , ie rus ‘ <'-es meeting it was ; I'eso ve. o S^de tae advanced piipiis, ma < "W b"n t.a-.-es u ma ,.. pi antl "lien a pupn has completed the bill course, ai\e him a ceitifieate statin " a 1 ? 11 'this ' fact. The ' object ' J of tiie school will , , be to thoroug.dy “^ ^........ ** « P re l jare them toi an ad\ aneed cln s«imy Hrst class coHegc. Ini 01l0r * :0 ena " c '' ie teachers to. devote their whole time and at le,ltum f h " 1 'V” A U ' ther resolvcd , 0 endeavor to ad, ;i" financial measures as that end ot each ,uo ' ltll k II WaS deCid ' ed that $1,609 for the year would pay the principal and two first class assistants. A\ ilh two tants the principal . . , could devote ! j,i s tjme exclusively to the four I i n o- the primary department, <?■ the i , .ie y ih am r{ i <. 1 • ... v,, mha better graded f 7 1 i d i i p» ad ' 1 ' 1*5 been uivuled into - t tom rates fio. * . }() >.>5 « nt j *•]() per year. The • i_ ' ijhfm-ill trustees have reduce • to ■ one rate, $12 per year, but with «hi- additional provision; that the tuit ion h • paid in advance, name ly, $L80 at the opening of the fall term and $-.20 at the opening of tlie spring turn. This plan will red tuition neany ^ one half :ee for most erf the patrons, and re du*eit very much for all. A Qf m pupilg wr , uld raist , $l.->()0 of the amount desired, w i 1 j < .i 1 added to $250 or $300 from t j le p U pij c f un j an j small amount pr j vate subscription, would make the services of three teach er-. No doubt some who have no children of their own will mani fest sufficient interest in the de . velopment of the town and school to pay for one, two or three sehol arsliips. The meeting on Friday night was called by the trustees in order to obtain an expression from the cilizens concerning tlie proposed change. The meeting organized by electing L. Id. Tea cock chairman and K, J. Strozier secretary. The proposed met with an almost unanimous en dorsement from all present. Many enthusiastic addresses were made. Among the number of speakers were Judge Roberts, Drs. Bacon, Fisher, Revs. P. A. Jessup, E. J Burch, James Bishop, Jr., and others. The trustees will proba bly appoint a committee to can vass the town and community dur ; mg the present week. Let ;d rally at this most important of all times in the history of the school. and make it one of the very best in Georgia. The fall session will open Monday, August do If ul! j will do their duty we will not on \ [get reach all ol tlie 11,le rrl.ool, |;u].il. bat ptlm, dravr ea,' at ronage and citizens nom a U lance. R. J. Strozikr, Principal. Hit IKK LOCALS. Of ail pci-suits by man invented, The farmer is the best contented, liis profits good, liis calling high, And on liis labors, all rely. Col. B. B. Cheney visited Macon | Friday. N(jw is thc lime t0 sow turnips, f.,11 h-.-ms etc Dodge Superior court convenes | j ou Monday, August 26. ftp. E. Everett has been on the yick j is j for (i ie past few days, Col. Walter B. Hill, of Macon, was in Eastman on Monday last. Mrs. R. J. Strozier and children are on a visit to Green county. Guess who that young man was who found a big doll in bis bed. Dr. T. D. Walker, from Coch¬ ran, attended the barbecue. We noticed on our streets ’1 ties day Mr. G. B. Darker, of Long view. j ; s. our slierilf, has ||«uil it is one S^Kvi ^^Tie prohibitionists h, wmpomest. Rev. E. J. Burch left last Mon for u few days visit to rela¬ tives in Atlanta. Now is the time to sow turnips, pull fodder, cut hay and think about the Fair this fall. Miss Josie Cowser, of Scotland, visited Eastman, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. II. Johnson, There will be services at tlie Christian church on each second Sunday by Elder \ DY. Dorris, Cotton will be rolling in town j n a f C \ V days and the merchants w-ill begin to feel lively again, With the exception of a little* rust or scald in cotton the pros pect for this section is very good. Mullis lost a fine mule one last, week, it being kicked - " )V one of his horses. m Mm. Saiah Sarah Edwards .Mwauis oj of Tattnal i, l ttna! conn v,aun <> \e * c ■' - • wards, arrived on Friday morning. Miss Mmme 1 ittman, cluuin , a ;„g y »u„ s My f™, S pri« II- 1. is visiting Miss Ablue Clements this week. Miss Ahhie Clements returned Monday from an extended visit to ''Natives and inernls at Hill and Scotland. ...... r o «n.-l I). the funeral of Dr. - <'. T. T. 1 Latimer * Wednesday. Mrs. J. T. Wall and children. wholiavebeen spending some time j - county. . with relatives iii wiggs returned home AYMnesday. Mil. IV. N. Lielch and two cliil <l ren Arthur and Lizzie, who has bee „„ l r„„. »,„.»« , h •, , vd ..e U UH * V and Mrs. J II. Heally. of been spend sometime at the Hotel IJe- 1 t 1 Send in your subscriptions to tlie Times-Joi kxau AVe jiromisi to give you a good paper with all the news. The editors of this paper would like to have every subscriber , -ii drop in and give us the happenings f hfc(ection Theo Edwards and John ,, Bo- p hanon says that for big hearted boys and pretty girl-go to ,l " kinsville. Mr. J. N. AValker. of Macon, is in town prospecting with the view of moving here and engaging in business. AA e would gladly v come Mr. AV alker and his L<mil\ to our town. Circulates in iho Counties of budge, I'ohiskl, Laurens, Johnson, Mmi!; mery, Tet Lir, Wilcox, Wayne and Irwin, and lias subscribers from Mr Inc in Texas. SEND FOlt SAMI’LE COPY. T. ,\SJ MAX 11 MRS I -tthiishcii i S-< ) DOOGI- COUNTY Jmc UN AT. i -V., t soli dated Dec. iX>. This office is under many obli Rations to Mr. B. T. Burch for a bushel of as line peaches as we have ever seen. Advertise in the Times Joi rxal. Y\'e expect in a few weeks to put it in the homes of nearly every family in this and adjoining conn tics. One of Lewis Holmes boys, 16 vo;irs () p;, was biueu on YYednes day by a large rattlesnake, and up to this writing his life is dispaired of. Gat fish oil, or indeed any other kind of fish oil is said to be a sov¬ ereign remedy fora burn. ’Try it. But don't burn yourself just to get to try it. For health Eastman cannot be excelled. For the last four or live weeks there has only been one or two eases of sickness, and those were infants. The boys propose at an early date to reorganize the band, and with a little encouragement think they will be ready to furnish mu¬ sic for the Fair this fall. Miss Lizzie Ashburn, a lovely and accomplished young lady of Eastman is visiting Miss Mattie Joiner in this place.—Hawkins ville News. Dodge county is fast building up in the way of schools. There are several places that have just started on (his line and are meet mg with success. Rev. P. A. Jesup, of Eastman, was in McRae on Monday last. Pro. Jesup will always iiml a warm welcome at the hands of the Me Rae people.—McRae Enterprise. R. S. Johnson and family have just returned from an extended trip) to Stone Mountains, his old home, and reports crops as being tine and an abundant supply of fruit. Mrs. M. 11. Edwards and little daughter left last Thursday for Elkton. Ky., where they will visit's. Mr. Edwards accompnn ied them as far as Macon. Miss Lizzie Cooper and two brothers, of Dooly county, who has been on a visit of two weeks to relatives here, returned home 0,1 Friday last. Maj. C. R. Armstrong, Messrs. 11. A. Harrell and S. 1). Eason left on Monday last to be in at tendance at the Agricultural Convention which meets this week at Cedar town, Ga. Mrs. L. 1). Johnson and daugli ter, of Burke county, who have been visiting Eastman, the guests of Mrs. it. J. Strozier, left last week for Salt Springs. Messrs. AV. A. Davis, Chas. E. Damour, AV. B. Chapman and Revs. J. AV. Broke and S.S. Sweat of Macon attended the obsequies of l)r. C. T. Latimer AVednesday Rich Bush was m town on Fri¬ day last. Rich is a model busi¬ ness man, and from all appear¬ ances we think bo contemplates securing for himself a .new part nor. , J , , •> „ 1 eacoek . v.d.t , hei *' us ' ' children, who has been on a visit ot - severa! ww ks to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. AY. IV. Ashburn, re tuineulast . . i . 'Cuesdav luesiiay to io her ntr home noim at Seville, Ga. n,„, Marrelll,,,, i„S reeved a pair of Spanish Marino sheep from Burnesville dollars, lie which cost to him iin | tliirlv proposes lm stock by a cm sbet tl|ese aiyl common stock. TJie Dodge County Fair Associa ti on is beginning to get things in sliaiii again, and with proper en¬ couragement from the people gen¬ erally, the prospects are that we will have a fair which will be a credit to our county, 1 The Alliance at Sib bee, W ixcox j ' V,1,U1 mruieny uu cu k ; “ in Atlanta on April the 4th. Aitei ! burving him they fired ten guns (jv ; r|ijs ^ representing , !ie c<)tton S(ate9 . Our first bale ot cotton was m on Monday last, made and marketed by Mr. J. C. Rogers. one of our most thriving and proa iierous farmers, It weighed 540 pounds', was Ias-ed middling and was sold to S. Herrin an A Bro. a Rev. E. II. McRehee, Presiding Elder 0/the , t Brun-wiok „ District, ^ h() , (1 the third <>uarterly mceting at t!ie Methodist church on Friday nig it. lie will al - 1 1 till the Methodist pulpit nex? .Sabbath morning and night. Mr. MeGehee is a gifted preacher, and 11 who come may expect to j-p-ipy rewarded. 'Try liiarrtwa Mixture your dy-pepsia " ill be stopitd. Chauncey was well represented a t ,] u . barliecue on Tuesdav Among those present we noticed* Messrs. L. S. Evans, A. Teaeoek, dr., Hamilton Clark. S. F. Flovd, Calvin Brown. D. T. Doughtry, L. Evans ami wife, Miss Odie Clark, Miss Yancey and a good many others. Mr. J. K. 1’. Mullis, one of our best and thriving farmers comes to the front with two of the linest ap¬ ples we have ever seen. They measure twelve inches in eireum fruenec. They are specimens of of Dodge county's soil. i'lvery body should raise plenty fruit in this section. Pulaski Alliance No. -124 at Co rinth on Wednesday last received a shipment of 2,500 yards of cot ton bagging from the West Point mills. The sum of $.'112.50 was paid for this lot, and ii begins to look like the alliancemen of Pu¬ laski mean business. The jute trust will get a black eye in this portion of Georgia.—Ilawkinsville News. < r<>|> Itc]>nrt. The August crop report of the Department of Agriculture makes the’condition of cotton 89.J, an advance of nearly two points dur¬ ing the month. Improvements is valid in five States: Georgia, 91; Florida, 95; Louisiana, "2; Texas 91; Arkansas,!!;. Rains have been frequent in most States. Mi-. Thomas C. I.iv, proprietor of tli< Leo Hotel, Arkiulelpliia, Ark., .-ays Unit Swift's Spec iiic liu - so strengthened liis wife for tier labors as hostess Unit lie can rccommcnl and emphasize the as¬ sertion that as a tonic for ladies and children S. S. S. has no equal. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the books to receive town tax are now open. All property not given in during the next 80 days will bo double taxed. E. B. Mu.xkr July 30th-30d ('lork < 'ouiicil. ----- 1>. K H luitlcy is a jiromaiciit iium' Ghaut of Huston, ha. lie says lie lias sold DwilVs Spec iiic to many j»*r.sons, and knows of some wonderful ca 'CS or hioocl diseases, and has novel hoard of a failure to run*. Sewral cases of conta¬ gious hlood poison wercMuirefl after all the doctors and other rein.‘dies had failed. •''omeUiiug New in (In- Wu) of I’l-.'miiims. A handsome premium will lie awarded at (lieapproaching Dodge county Fair, to the man or woman, boy or girl who can milk a quart of milk in the shortest space of time. The contestants will he al¬ lowed to choose their own or any other cow, and the contest will oc¬ cur on the first day of the Fair, Monday. J am of tlift opinion S. S. S. should stand :it the lioad of the list of hlood rcn. edies. I iiJTivcd at this conclusion from tin* testimony of scores of persons wlm Iimvp told mo of tho good results from its use. 1 have been /selling it foryears, and it has won a large sale. p A. Grii mtu, M'avllow a r, Ark. I’or Kent, The Store on Railroad Avenue reeenlly occupied hiture by F<<-ter ami Harris as a fur store. Apply to 10. if. J»A(’O.N. aug 10-tf Amoskeai'*, Ga. Ordinance. <'«i;xe "■< 'n-.MiiW!, Augir-i it, issa. — ,!l ' " ‘ ,| ' l|: "iici by itn- M.-iyor ami (tomu-ii of t he town of Kastninn, (bar. ..n amhifi.-r the passage and i»«.i*ll.-a qnntuous or Litoxicatmg liquors H<ffiniU' witli iirovisimi* !v.,y'' m- l |b'* of this ordinance, shall be dollars ,or not .-x orG-diNtUmffi^ction'o, r.v ay >r. All ordinances in conflict/ with this i' hereby repealed, liy order flavor and < ouiicil of JUi-tmau. K. 15. M ii.M R, an* ( lerk. UAM Kl>—An ciH-i'L r * fir man lo rcpiv.-feiit us in Hod*!*- couaty as s;ilcs .tg'-lll. U A.VAMAK Kit <t JIIiOH N. rSJtSJ’S'SS its ---------- ------ .................. the 'ccrcaons of the ImmIv, pirns** rheumatism and h, ami finally " =• «'<»■'» «lb ar<- imliu'i-d. Swift's M(H’i‘ific buiJilK up tlie patient irom the first do amt gives life and vigor to Uu- whole bum. n l'l uim-. M iTS h Y'f 0 m || PYP 11 rj A i. t Ci3 -......■: ■ f\sUr>.Ea^r.rcT g| CHILLS ?sFQ/CR! j % DUMS PfiiUt i\uo IA. j i r;n sir.n nv all diliooist -. ! xrrpjiAir raor.. w: i. &OLG Prop.',., ... If you with pit up phlegm, hacking and cough, are troubled a 1 -e Dr. J. Ii. McLean's Tar Mine I Lung Balm. 22-tl