The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, September 13, 1889, Image 4

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OUKAGENTS The following agents are authorized to receive subscription-.advert! sing and orders for all kinds of printing, and re¬ ceive and receipt for money on account of the Timks-J uvksm.. Our lowest rates and best terms will be given by them: It, S. Ft'M.un, K. T. V. it <i. Railway office, Johnsonviile, Ga. .T. f,. llomo.v, office Tippetis & Hol¬ ton, Baxley, Ga. .1. If. IVii iiKiiiNuiox, office A. ■(. Thompson it Co., Cochran, G:i. ,J. M. Cook >\ itli Matt (took ,¬ ber City. < Or,. ,r. W. Si . < i. am:, Kentucky. 15.0. Bats row, I.uniber < 'ity. l)n. .1. ('. MoNicojii itv, Clmuneey. I)a. ,i. M. Mc.\m:i., McRae. Ca. KIDAY, SKI-TKMBKK 13. Letter From Angii*-ta. Anu sTA, Sept . 11.— Did you ever visit Southeast Georgia? Those conversant with the history of Georgia know that Savannah was its first capital, and that tlie State was lirst settled along the river hearing the same name as the, then, chief city. It was in t his section that Gen. Oglethope had the forests felled and estab¬ lished lasting English colonies. I have just completed a thor i tOgh canvass of the territory ly¬ ing between Savannah and Au¬ gusta, and the Savannah andOgee chce rivers. It is an interesting place to visit. Heroes of the rev¬ olution lived here. Indians lirst retreated from Southeast Georgia and limited among the vine clad lulls further west, while our fore¬ fathers imported slaves to culti¬ vate the broad, sandy wilderness of pines, and thus sowed the seeds which afterwards developed into the most destructive civil war ever waged. Between the war of indepen¬ dence and the war between the States, thousands of acres on and west of the Savannah river were cleared and cultivated in rice, corn, cotton, etc. The landlords lived in commodious old-style mansions, back of which, in a straight row, stood the small cabins in which the laborers lived. A 11 were happy. The darkeys had no ro¬ spoutabilities, no cares, and from farm to farm live woods rang with 1 heir cheerful plaulaiion songs and liailoos. These were good times, but alas! they must soon end. The singing of the slaves was changed into comment about “Mass Abo” and “maneypation.” The jar of murderous cannons which drove the Yankees Fort Sumter was a token of darker '‘The , once fond hearted mothers and wives of Southeast Georgia prepared traveling suits for husbands and boys, and with quiv ering lips and cheeks well bathed in hot tears, iihpressetl kisses upon their clioecks. and! lien sat down and , wept , paSs>K.natelv , i Us ,t they disappeared. ts\v Such are the inei den Hi. lt first cheeked .lie pro " ■Te-s of the section I have Y just worked. , . \\ ... all „ know , w bat , , fol ■ e lowed , , and , with what results. The beautiful groves which served as parks around the res ideuces of ’(50. show signs of aban¬ donment and neglect; the dwell¬ ings once surrounded Lv profu¬ sions of sweet scented verdure and occupied by happy families are new the roosting place of the owl and the bat. The landlords are gone. Some fell in battle; some returned to find their farms devastated and stock stolen bv the Northern * saints who wished to preserve the Union: some were forced to seek refuge^tmong the stock raisers z 5 ;:::;: r rule which follow the lrauchise • to be jealous of. Rte slaves are Mill! ... . N<d free . . acre. ............ |..... pie in the enjoyment of all the luxury , their , . liberty promised, but slaves st H; slaves living in the miserable ... Iiuts ami , digging same in the fields. The otilv lib ertv they enjoy is to go fishing for cattish at night and mortgage. i This Space is Reserved for SOL IlERRMAN A B110., who are daily receiving good* from New York. See next Issue. their crops (o their former pro vjders in order to jj;et bread—jut bread to live on. When their well tried feet conies in contact with briars and thorns, the latter suffers most from the acquain lance. This applies to them as a class; some, of course, save up money enough during the year to buy a pint of whisky Christmas and get drunk, then he has the liberty of working on the public roads in Richmond county with a bracelet around his ankle. Sad state of affairs. Augusta expects to handle more cotton this vear than ever before, ' llie Sibley , nulls ... , oeie arc puli mg m a loom to make cotton bagging and the farmers are urged to hold their cotton back until the work of arrangements is completed and then sell to the mill. The capac¬ ity of the mill will be 90,000 yards a week. Sibley mills can I (ill orders for cotton bagging after the 15tli ins!. The campaign for Gongre; ss opened in this district Saturday. Aug. 31, with a Watson barbecue at Thomson. lion. Thos. E. Mat son, of that town, is opposing the present incumbent, Barnes, and the probability is there will be a change of Congressman from the Augusta district. Lincoln county will give a Watson barbecue next Friday. Hurrah for Watson! II. S. T. tiKOtDOA'S (ilJICAT FAIR Will <>]M>ii at Centra! City Park tit 51 aeon, October liRd. Its success is now assured. "The entries already made for county and individual displays of field crops, etc., will make a cent show of Georgia The following large cash prizes are offered in this department: T) conn tie.: inalino' the largest amt best display of prcxiuets '$,,290.00 To the county niakmg the see oml be.-t iii-pia.\ a- abme■_. . ,ui.m he't I'iispl-iV”. a'wve” making' ' " 300 00 To the. individual the largest and best display of products grow" 01 produced by bun or her, or under his T °Vl r ‘ ivn j„. kink ifbove. ';,j•; * seeoiid best display as 230.00 17 , 0 . 00" individual •"taking the fourth best display as abo\e. 100.00 Sjieeial premiums in addition to utar premium list: I'm' the l*c.~t bu-lul of sweet pota .$ffff ).00 p-,,,- ii lt , u^-t bu-iiel of corn in tlie car............................ ff.l.OO For the best bushel of held peas . 25.00 J 'nr the best bushel of ground peas 25.00 For the best ff dozen stalks sugar earn*.... . . . 25.00 For the best seuppernoug wine,not less Mum one gallon........ . 25.00 For the best grape wine, not less than one gallon................ 27).00 E.n-the b. -t gvm-ral < of .7.0.00 ri.v in all it-various lorms. All articles entered m an xndi vidual display or for special pro mi urns can also be included in the < ou, ^y display. In addition to ihe above s I ,le,u1,a preniiunw. othew i,re offcrcd lor ever - v vari ‘ et v of liebl aild ^nlen crops, - Kver v live, progressive county - in *» the l \ State UU W should 1 help 1 to adver Use his section . by adding some >)»»« to this display. (Her 000 111 cas!l prizes for agricultural exhibits' - i !;e great , advantage . . oi ... adver ' ti»mgtne ... the . tesouices oi county . will be worth many times these l,»nd S „»,.' „ri r 1 welve cavalry troops nave al ready entered for the grand cav airy tilt, which will take place on Thursday and Friday,October 24th ""sAmd ^ j o-,), week. races every day. Great interest will be taken in ottered tor Georgia raised , purses trotters. 5 M VOIDS from pt'rrnnt 4 thio. of Mr. tie re Gerri- It * . i f Mtli-m. <*h:« gg T.e.- v.? '**£ 5i » A imv tie.. .:. A ; C 1 w have and an utter puLli- !'* ; w r t. I o * '!■•«» lud of leu * <tay. ‘ | "*< (SlJ.Ws'dl II. fit Xr . ti. "i S'ffv’T.Ti” “ Midi ia...... VOi in &is bnsines-, reader 'TiDt os a;.d Karo all shoot k (<* - -rs. li. V, > - FA , dollar III.-uni* - : • * - e ** ;U X . . r . ' vyO’: T: V. Vt hmt A\“ 'V 0 oL r ; - »SE,% .'V ' ■ . Sr tXSSJS n.rS&A.L'S’r -. . VffN.TAi’.XS: NL at her V J Wynne’s & MIX'3 *11. • MWO £ VFGJvh? SMmVT I desire to state to the trading public that 1 have just received my fall stock, consisting ol Dry goods. Shoes, Notions, Hats, Han; ware,Groceries. Etc., and I am prepared to show the newest, prcfti est goods ever shown in this section. My prices are the \ery ,. n(1 |he ( ., ia ] itv 0 f 1UV goods the very best. ! have some novelties to j in „ ( , v . Pj-hits, L'enaug, Sicillisins and Suitings for ladies’dresses. R t;il d the following prices and be convinced that 1 am offering gains. 25,000 yds. best checks (ft 5c yd. 25,000 •• Calico 4c. 15,000 " Sheeting (« 7c. 12,000 " Shirting (« be. Full Stock Mens’ Brogans (<> 90c. pair pair. Fine Hutton Shoes for ladies (5 $1.00 per Suspenders from 5c pair up. pair. The latest and prettiest Socks (a 5c. pair. Ladies anywhere. Hose 5c. llankerchiefs to be found Big bargains in Mens’ Wool and Fur Hats. Trunks cheaper than ever known. Full ]inon bosom reinforced shirts for men C« 50 c. worth i5c. Slacks of (’ologne. Toilet Soap and numerous other articles. Nice little bustles (« 10c. every lady wants one. Breeoh Loading SSiof Sans, cheaper than anybody else con offer. (looking Stoves Cheaper that can he had at wholesale. FINE TOBACCO ( <> ff./fr 1 am agent for “RO"^ n£*yB 9 9 Tobacco the best on earth (iuarnntee to soil GliOC I )/ W ' ElilES O 1 > I O U ( C ' H uLAt I T? \ 5)0 0 |] ia t anvbodv else. Come to see me and let me show my nice, now, cheat) goods. Eve got a nice little speech to make, aild it will pay you well to come and hear it. 1 keep lot s of VIG Ml W Vj T' 1 iiliUlH V T \’P Si (i, n | mv competitors don’t have,and 1 am prepared to save money for you on every article you buy. Lospedtt,dy, ^ k m % & i&tLilsccdi^ b' ; g g“ a % & tf A W A* 1% fn Mazlcdiurst Hotel. Mrs. L. 1.. I 01 M*s, I ropi irlross. Rates ,,$ 2 . 00 . Special , 11( , nt s to the commercial trawl. 33-wf — «LkutotQ tv trade Be sure this trade mark appears on all the goods you puri-hase. lyrroxs ( tOLL.U.’S am: SJ.EKVi: Y IN CELT.I i.OlD, vvlilch <an m;\ei rant-or tarnish the eollars or eitlD .. .-oiiar button- mr .. ets• »* ^iVn^AU wam.^i -trong and durable. We send to any iddtv- free of postage. Adi.ress uKORGtf cLLM LN1 N.Y.Citv. a i.o., -mv 22 St 4 £ ^ !?^, jS&LtLl vn/f tX f. HA l O. I 421 kj LEAIHXG CLOTBIEilS, g <'•>< < ""r ry Macon', Ga. | ——---— mi ham: house, COCHRAN. GA. Mv house i* now open to the public. i t j,;,. i^i, thoroughly overhauled uml renovated, Drummers’ baggage han tll.'d free of charge, and ami l • accom¬ modation.- F>r displayin'; samj)lt‘s. < hkn! fare, comfortabk* rttoins and tree oinni- i bus. ,1. A. INGRAM. Frop'r. Sept. 15. ^ ly fri Dr. J. M. Buchan & Son PHYSICIANS A:uJ *un DRUGGISTS. KASTMAN, GA.. One or the Other can ue lit thclT OfttCC-S at ItllY -ill pr-mptlv att.-n.led. .*.«>• «.r night. ' e vWN by special . , ir. f. g(F“Allehi 1 pro - ■■ or ■ V ' >euil _ r, stamn for immediate reply, eonwltathms and letters private. 4 4*,| on hand, ineluding all «f tlie remedies. 7-o-iy DRUh?!P/SERS’ COLUW5N. \\ r . li. RLKVKS, repre-; iiting .iotui soii & Han is. M’iioie-ali! Uiikviv, Maeon, < • a. ~ n . IIEXDFRSON. repre-cming P. R. Jaijues tv I’insley, \Vh«desal (i ewers. Ma?on. t ioori i. .1. K. MALLORY, of Small & Mal¬ lory. Wholesale < 1 rovers and i’rovis ion Merchants. Mic<>n, Georgia, — ,p |>. sHKLLKY, ;.r.-«-nto.g M Feist A Co, Savannaii, Ci’meia wholesale i'am-v i. ; -.,,-ers. Cigars . ..... .... lln d Li.pmrs, tu-a,I,gar¬ <; " Grs tHRSfUMAN, rep leMiitii.g A. cibian & Co , wholesale If-hv. grm-ers. •' I : sneei-.'ti.- ~.....‘ •• gro. cries; tim , celebrated Certral City Hoar; our Mamie tola.-co. W'"-al agent mr U.e W ”' SOL II. ROTIH ’ll! LI), with Frank aS: Go.. V.’InJe^;i!e Dry *• m R and Xo lioii'. Savannah. Ga. X'. v, Yoik ollioc, 34 Thomas Stivet. M arch. 11,0 mo. fri I). I*. LA XI MR. witli(ilauht ; tV 1-aat s Wholesale I>e:tlers in Grain and Meats. Briinsw irk, (ia. Maivh i4. I! mo. fri - tv. T. BATEMAN, with tv. B. ( ar¬ il art ff, i ii.. Wholesale Boots and Shoe-, Macon, • ;t. M iieli U. fl mo. fri It. T. ADAMS, with Rogers amli> Ad¬ ams, aiauufa.-tuiTi's i f < - and Crackers. Also dealers in Fmts and Peanuts. n.eh29 6m H. GOLDM A NX with H. M vers A I*ro>., .... I ohaeco ami ... ( ^savannah . . Ga. . i^ars, mvlO-flni W. C. H ARVARD, with Ham Allan > & Co., Wholesale GrntaT". 4ff»7> Tiiiid street. Mn on. (;.i. \ t-i:- rim mer chants ;;bmg the line of tilt* Tht-; 1 ei; n»—<■■■. Virginia and Ge**rgia railroad oiK*t* :i Week. mv 31 6-mo . L. TCBXER, repre^nting Geo. S. Jop.i •« iV ( W]i .ie>;l!t* Grivel’* arnlf M Ga. ’I - liable— • 3 ju;i 7- Di * Needing a tonic, nr i m li.’d i: 1 1 *5 .t want buil liaj • !.te.J* _ i Ucu, tiifd LiaeUiiivtso. All ksej'it. . LATEST ACHIEVEMENT CELLULOID COLLARS, CUFFS, AND UOSt IMS. jp 'fe -SC-: The Celluloid .......any ■m.iidomly ;-^tb ; B they have aitomed the lngh ? collars, cuffs and bosoms, which lias . V- V‘- ->• ify %feX * Jgg# *; cyr v Leun reacLftl in this lino of water¬ proof <;oot!s. We luivi* t-xiiininotl tl.oir latest im-provoments, ami tested them by every means at our command. We are convinced that they have never oin-'be'mlei "'nt!’ They'are pliable, most .h, ruble .. 1 * coy g„,.,L on the market, anil rosentl*!;- linen more perfectly than any waterproof 1 he impression tintl celluloid i> an ex¬ plosive material. This is an entirely ; erroneous idea. We can hold celluloid upon the hottest, unhand burner, and it will interlininji melt, but never ignite. The linen than makes it much stronger any ether «■<»**<!s in this line. \\C shall be giuil to have any anu all of our former patrons try these gooits am! write us their opinion of Celluloid tire same. A full assortment of Collar Buttons at 5 cei;' each by mail, p< .-t paid; and C’ntf Buttons from ff.) cents to .fl per pair by mail. These buttons are durable and never tarnish the coi iars and eufVs. C.-clluloid Collars and ends cost no more than linen—look better and wear aUmi'.'aVe id wavs white, eFaji'amlVresh: ladies anil simply gents, girls them amlboys. with Wtiei, wipe mr smu> amt water. They save their vest ill a " ^ i piiF f.FrSi,. < vllnloid , - 0 ,| ar am | < ul fs are as economical ami d.-.-irahle a- represented. Can ahvavs obtain the same five of postage, bv dressing George ('banent k A < hu. follo 33 East '*M treet ’ Ne " ’ l01 ' > at tla * " llls s <>«ts’collars, ?5e,C for $L00-$ff.ff ? «h* Ladies ( (Mbus, 17>e' C for .. (•,,«■ 30e, 0 for 1 . 73 - 3.00 doz Small Bosoms, 50e. Large Bosoms, 77,,-. ilcinit by F - Order, Clicck or Stamps. Address GKO. CLEM EXT k ( <)., 33 K:ist 23.1 St. .New York city. my24-6m Mol jiff % | non H gG unnnjT N 2 s H ? I UUjjJJ U kJ iL y I iilJ ii. j. maxsox, TvTA.JSr-A.(3-3±]E/. nowm OF TXX mZfMME'RS. ■ LUMBER CITY, March t I. I yr tit 1 s P Bill I ** | M After tea v '.Ar.q c-n< i:?ive f=a’o, can now 4*c obtaiot s i • - - - but criiK-s i.z*- i'ji conrxsASA'f, MiiiOimo - 1 ‘able and will Is a stri :: r a prepasa ion CUKF Malalm and r.4 AJalied:, trouble?. • Pr. practiced S. i 1. ’• Boston, Kj Yd fir.4 says : * f Havc re <. . 45 years, bo eaual to Hkhbivf. h - a Liver liemil iter.” Dr. VV. A. Baker, ui M idisotJj FI.**., pars : “ \ oi Heroin e is w« rth Uiau §5.00 worth of Quinine Liver in in any different family ” Acting on the ■VI a way from any other medicine; is a sftive cure for Chronic Constipation and i - cheaper titan Pills. • . guarantee to cure any ca - of (.'hills and Fever or iUEcns Fever with on? bottle. it co<ts but 75 cents and each hot tie con tains over 4 ! > aver-i /•* doses, making: tlic cost Jess than two rents a dose. y./ac-k ! for cheaper medicine ? It is not a ccre-all. TL t will cum any l iver, Biiiocs or -Haifa pin! Comply lot. yi- a in- i- d by 'vCii-o 'Hcr .bi xa c- Oo , (c-.-. -or- • j VT.'ii v M. 5-onis, — v. ... l’ueklt i.'- Arnica Salt e. The Rest Salve in the world for ent*', lirni*e**. sores. i;!i ns, >alt i heiini. ,l * J'* !iiij))!c<l ham!-. . cot n ami I! ! ' 1 -kill IT!!!) lions, ami p- si lively < i;ia Pile-, or im pay require!. It i- gi.matilced togivi :«-t .= • « -a!'-:'a ••!<.!'. nr mon-y reium! ••<!. Price 25fts. j.erbox. F-ir sate in ail dniggisl liovlO.f Toil i'anuot Afford .\t tlit> sfsbon of the year to o without | 4» ! rff it »i4* «;i;i;■ i ■ i;i t • e, a.< cramf>55, * dic.diarrlio-a and all the se n: *1 and I« c5 exceedingly if i:ot tied to :;t on One Ixo*tie <4 :»KO11' i ; i A !. ;I A 1 . A ’> A J.~ \ 11! - • * !!»• . .al in cb-.-- • ! lit - - no! .1 gi r ■*} IHCliildO'- ‘*1! i-.U'th. »• L*rU.C2'• I ' AT BOTTOM PRiCES FOR CASH ■AT c 'si * (O) EVERYTHING TO EAT THAT CAN BE 1IA1), FRES1J,COOJ> AND IT RE. NONE NEED GO HUNGRY UR DRY. BREAD TO EAT, ICE TO COOL AN1) COFFEE, TEA. COCt )A AN 1) CTKX’< »LATE r J'«) 1 >RiNK. VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS AND Fill'ITS ID 1 Er.Asi. , IIILMOSI U AM! WTUTIOCS idol r> !* AEA1E. W \TF CAN << ' \ HOODS cnnD'A TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. CANDIES, FANCY AND PLAIN, THE SWEETEST OF THE SWEET AND LEMONS TO SOUR. COME ONE COME ALL AND REPLENISH YOl’R LARDERS AT THIS SHORT CALL. RESPECTFULLY. fl a A: 8 s 11 If / 1 urn JMstmk p ' il m aly ill Ug ” ~ ^ F| 0 » tUS || Wi to ffi MG f % M fl f| M ill W M $ I fl ¥l fclg O fa? PS Is | || | 2 Big |« B p S f| f | fa 8 81 ! | f 3 B 8 | J 8 M ANUFAl TI BF.BS OF- ANDY i BACKERS & i JDEli j j ’ j and Wholesale Dealers in Fancy llroeeries, Tobaeeo, Cigars, Snuff', Pipes, otc Our Candies and Crackers cannot be excelled for their purity, Tlie ('hiillen.o-er Cider still leads. We also liave Feaeh and Fear A iders, Kasplierry .Jnlip, (irain* Cider, Orange Citler, (iin^er Ale—in Kt‘«rs. Hall* attention. H:irr«-i> and Iiarrels anti Dottles. All orders will have prompt and careful Goods neatly packed aiul satisfaction guaranteed. Send us a trial order. BONE I, CHAPPELL, STORE—403 Popular St.; FACTORY—45d, 158, 400, 442, 40! Foiirili S'.vci, J nut! ! 4-3m MACON*. CA. •-5 w if ~~ '¥ & | * ** f i I fl M v!*.® A f 5 a v-mmiS n -MANT1’'A< ll'RGR OF ALL KfXDSOK- — MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, TURNED WORK, se ROW I. SA WING 1 OJ> MAXTLE PIECES mm IP i %B ff | | P P mm \ & m !’ A ^ f f | $ ii m B id COTNTSTatVTSTTTjY OTST I*T-(VTTX9- TVInTTD >5v. JL JzL. Fill AAA Offlm A vl'wl. •V ^ at Short not ice. Respectfully. III § T a n v p n a ¥| MV M 7 lL • s SsJSH , 8 5 %g e 1 1 W. A. REDDIM4. W. *• BALDWIN. REDDING & BALDWIN CSHo’fcSa.a.ngr CLaoL cl. IfatSo Wiiisiiij* «N 's Old Stand, ivei j) a full supply of ilie best :it the low.-t prices. Dive n- a call. SG3 Second Street, P/Iacon, Ca. :pt.).;, ISS UiSl&E iJf :i 13.1 ili & T&LMN, 3 ? UnOVBMZS. — 45 s AND 400 SECOND STREET, -MACON. GEORGIA, Dealers in Flour, Huy. Corn. < hits. Bran, Meat, 'tobacco, Cigars. Cigarettes, and full line of Case Goods. Remember the cheap freight rates from Macon and save your orders for oar traveling salesman, <'apt. U- M. Latimer. mr-T COMPLETE OUTFIT T ERRY MANUFACTURING C NAS HVI LLE S s f€-f?iil09i£ s #1 r Ij i mc Mo #o* e. i! it 'll Ml) a ! > AND DAVII.I.F. BAII ROAD COMI'AW. < '4»iulensod Schedule in eftect Septcm Iht 30, 1 sss. Trains nm by the 7.5th Mrri,l::in Time. South Borxn Xo5S No.*() X not X o52 Daily Daily Daily Daily hi:\ V K, am am pm pm Alexandria. Wasliinyirm. S 30 11 2 1 r> 30 ii oO . . S 50 1! 17 5 50 11 20 l>m am Manassas...... 1 ) 50 12 10 7 00 12 05 Harreii June. 10 is 1 os 7 50 12 10 Oranyv....... 11 .'IS 2 2! 0 05 1 50 pm Charlottesville. Iff IS ;! Ill 1(1 30 :! (Ml A l:l:iv K Lynchburg Franklin .tune..... ... ;i oo r> r. t no ff. iiff. 7 ff-'i .... (I !f> Danville..... .... 8 30 .... 7 Iff. am pm Asheville...... .... 7 ffS .... i ;;i Hot Springs .... biff. . . o m Atlanta....... .... 11 00 . . 0 ill Min pm Chattanooga.. . 5 30 . . . . 0-17) .... am pm Memphis...... ff. 30 . .. 0 10 .... pm mu New Orleans 7 00 7 ff)ff> 7 ffd 7 ffit Louisville......... .... 7 B> (’iimiunnti........ xoiiTU norxn N'.>7.<> No7.3 \offi7 \o.V, Unity Daily Daily Daily 1.KAVJ5. am pm am pm Danville...... 10 09 10 30 I'ranklin .! mu’. 1! 30 1! 30 pm am Lynchburg. iiai-hitlcsville. . . . Iff la iff ff.ffi i ffffi 3 00 l ff 7,ff> 3 ir, d 40 5 37) Orange,..... •j 20 i no 7 -in o :>o Warren .1 iniet. ii 10 5 Iff !) lff> 7 7)0 Manass-as .... (i 10 ."> 10 II 30 S ffo Alexandria 7 00 t) 37) 10 IS 9 lit A Kill V K H r as!,iic.vl<)li. 7 37) 7 00 II 13 9 10 Baltimore..... S 50 8 30*12 40 11 23 am am Pldiadtdjdiia . .1 00 10 !7 -5 20 G 'i0 j.m f5 00 0 20 New York .... (! 20 1 20 *0 50 .... MAXASSAS liKAXril. Last» a fit. I tally exa'pt Sinulay. 5)x'd. am pm M\M. pm '■) 15 Washinuioii ff 30 am aro 00 0 20 Alexandria ff 301 v2 47) 2 40 8 15 Manmo-a- art Ollai I 37> am pm 7 35 (> 03 Front Koval (> 20 12 20 0 50 5 45 Ui\ ci iGii W 53 12 50 Iv5 40 5 J) Slra>!mr“- an 05 2 00 ... V- VKFKXTOX _^Trains \o<. 50 ami 51, -j r.Saml 51) conneet dailv to from Warrcnton. FKA \ K FI X DlVi-iOX—D; ily. cx rept Smn'ay. I.t*avc Fraili\iIn Fork) Junction Mount 7:50 a. m., arrive 10:45 a. m.; h ave (•'ranklin .hmclio! 7 :•’() a. m ., arrive Fo< ky -Mount 10:30 !’■ m - LLK—Trains leave Or CORDON'.-; V i :*u“'g for Gordon* vi!l<* ! 1 :40 a . m., 2 :30 p. m., ::iid 5):20 p. m. daily, and Ihdurniny:, 8 a. in. dailv, (*\i*i*pt Sunday. 5*avc Gordon'villi- for Dran^a* (> 50 a in. l :ffff) p. m.. nl 3 :.!•'• p. m. ihiily. uml j0:40:i. in. dally except Sunday, SLEEPING GAR SKKYlci:. On trains X 50 and 51 Fuliman Ibillct Sleeper- hftwfun New Vark iiml a* oiil^oR’.cry, via !)»:• vil!**. On train Xos. 52 and 53 Fnllimm IbiflVt Sh’cpcr* httWfRii '.Va hSnyton Xcw Orh'aii> and Washington and Augusta, via Danville. (hi trains Xos. 51 and 55 Pullman lecpers bntworu Washington and f.ouisvillc, and Oharloth* viiio and < in rinnali. On trains Xos. 51 and 5!) Pullman I*il lit * t SleejM*iS between Wa-lllnylon and Memphi s via FvneSibnvr. On trains Xos. 58 ami 5 i Pullman Ihlilcl Sleepers ! . l\\Celt W.i hiu/lon :nd New Orleans, \ ia ! .y nrh i i: i **«.;■ and Kennesaw Route. ('. M. RORFM, D. F. A., Alexamlria, Va. .)AS. L. TAA’LOt:, C. 1*. A.. Washington, D. I'. SOT.. HAAS T. M. Itifbinoml \ a. LOANS NEGOTIATED —on— Fdfifis ana Town property 1 IN BIBB 01 : ADJOIN'INC C< it N'TI KS KLLIOTT l-NTI-: .‘C CO., 13 - S. ininl St.. Mjieoti, I el. Apply to < . K. A If MSTROXO, 7-]2-ss-Iv Fiistman, Oa., Money to Laan ( \ X iiGpi oveJ farm* ainl tt*wn j»r«»j» x / i-v'.y in Dtolg" ; i m 1 artjoini:;;: < gi:«i ties, at legal interest.. VliaSd, < . K. ARM Eastmi’.n, Ga., Nov. 29. Jss.- If T7IOK i. in:N'T. \ii eight-ioom 4 '<»( — t.ige in Fa-nn.iu. T 1 an f.tvor tjie. Apply to IV. B. < OFT EE. lulylOtf WOOB. WCOB. Leave your orders fop stove wood at i} rnc furniture store of f o - t( r cV Harris and \ hey will have prompt at¬ E. H. BACON inivfftf For Stile or Kent. The Dwelling ilou • of Mr*. >fliar— next *4» the i -hi 'id - of J. F. v. I' M for sale or nut tip ri-"p itii'-rbD white jtt lor Kjiply I>lL.4( Jn Bishoi*. j.-7-tf y tX Wiat ward. Daily Sunday. exc’pt