The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, September 20, 1889, Image 4

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OUli AG ENTS The. following agents are authorized toivi.'hv -uWriptioi.-.advertising orders for all kinds of printing, and iv reive and receipt for money on account Of tilU Ti.MKS-JOLJt.NM.. Our rates and best terms will be given by them: It. S. l'ci.i.i'.ii, E. T. V. & G. Railway office, JohnsonvHIc, Ga. ,1. [,. IToi:i ov, office Tippens & II<d ton, Baxley, Ga. .1.11. WiTiiK.'u.v.Trox, office A. .J. Thompson & Go.,Cochran, Ga. .1. M.Dook with Matt Cook), Lum¬ ber Citr. t .1. \V. Sr, C'i.aik, Kentucky. Jt. O, Buis row, Lumber < ity. J. c. Mo.vnioMiaiY, < huiinccy. Da. J. M. MlXkkl, McRae. Ga. Jill) NY. SFI’TEM UF,It 20. The Farmers and the l ure on Gotten. There is a good deal of discus¬ sion about the tare on cotton—but the farmers are beginning to un¬ derstand it and tire making it mighty plain to the rest of the world. The Liverpool Cotton exchange, by a resolution more or less arbi irary, has been taking twenty-six pounds off the weight of every bale of cotton received in Liver j)ool. Part of t his weight seated tics, which, of course, could not be spun; part represented bag¬ ging, which could not be spun; eigiit or ten pounds was estimated as tlie average amount of soiled or stained cotton to each bale. This has been allowed for years. •lute bagging ranges front a pound and a half to tWb pounds per yard. Much of the cotton is bagged in pound and a half jute, but the tare is charged on till as if it were bagged in two pound jute. Cot¬ ton bagging weighs only three fourths of a pound to the yard, and, t herforc, in a little bagged with cotton bagging, and weigh¬ ing a fixed amount, there is about eight pounds more clean cotton than in a bale bagged with jute. Liverpool lots steadily refused to allow for this extra eight pound* fit’ clean cotton, but, insits on taking off tare precisely as if the cotton was baled in jute weig hs two ])f>umii_Lo—the * Yard, instemf TTmTT cotton bagging that weighs three fourths of a pound to the yard. Clearly every bale of cotton packed in cotton bagging yields to tho spinner eight pounds more of spindle cotton than a bale packed in jute but Liverpool won’t allow it. i iy the action of the convention of cotton exchanges and farmers in New Orleans the American cot¬ ton exchanges have agreed that after the iirst of October they will make a difference of eight pounds a bale for every bale of cotton bagged with cotton bagging. That is clear justice and nothing more. The farmer puts eight pounds more of good cotton in a bale bag¬ ged in cotton bagging than he does in a bale bagged in jute. The spinner gets this extra eight pounds good cotton, and it is noth ing but honest and right that he should pay for it. But there lias been submission to Liverpool, and Liverpool's cupidity or dishonesty has awed the American farmer and the American merchant. At last the right course has been taken. The American farm¬ er and the American merchant have taken out of the hands the Liverpool exchange the right to dock each bale of cotton purely arbitrary amount. They declared in New Orleans that in buying from the fanner a bale of cotton packed in cotton bagging thov will pay him for the eight pounds more good cotton the bale contains than it would contain if s, jute. ih..v will hold this cotton until Liver ]>ool gives them justice—or lltev will insist on Liverpool buying their cotton at net weights. which al’r ;..l, IS (he fairest wav tobiij* *nd to sell. »'<■ prcul.-, that Liverpool will give way and ,|,a, tlie'pofsight ]J.>iuitl> extr/i for COttOll Dd^glll^ * 1 1 Ot* lirnle Of course Bi ho jute trust vill ti* lit it hut with tile Ameri can exenanges pledged to sustain the American farmer and Ameri¬ can product, and to protect them from injustice, \ve have no fears fortiie result. The gentlemen in New Orleans both the farmers and merchants, deserve the thanks of the country for their manly and resolute action. Cotton men generally through¬ out the Southern States announce that they will make the allowance that has been agreed upon by the exchanges in New Orleans. This is a very important announcement and we have no doubt will be fol lowed by hundreds of others, and that by the time the first of Octo¬ ber arrives every farmer in every market can get pay for the extra eight pounds of good cotton that is contained in a bale that is bag ged with cotton bagging. The Constitution will certainly do its utmost to bring about this just and legitimate result.—The Con stitution, 14th. inst. A MOSKEAG. Amoskeag, Ga.. Sept. 20. Mr. and Mrs. W. Willingham, of Macon, were the guests of Mrs. E. H. Bacon last week, Mrs. Willingham and children will re main for a short visit here, Mr. W. Wollihin, of Macon, was the guest of Mr.T. Colcord last week, Mrs. Frank Armstrong is visit¬ ing friends in Blackshear. Frank has our sympathy. Miss Mina Mattson is visiting her sister. Mrs. J. N. 0. Marshall, who ha-'xeeently returned home. 1 dull and is An osketig is quite a blank to some of our boys now that the girls are returning to re¬ sume their school dttfiys. Misses Tilloti and SaRie Bacon returned to Forsyth Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. ColcorH, ac companied by -Miss Lulu and Rkp pard, left Monday for Forsyth’ Miss Lulu will return to college, Mrs. Colcord and lleppanl will remain away several weeks for UepparcVs health, he having just recovered from a serious attack of fever. Rev. Mr. Burch, of Eastman, is conducting services af Amoskettg J-I;t!l AvTiich are well attended and will he productive of much good os there are so many who are un¬ able to attend services in East man who will appreciate these services. Lucille. The continued use of mercury mixt¬ ures poisons the systems causes the bones to decay, and brings on mercurial rheumatism. The use of S. s. S. forces impurities from the blood, give u good appetite and digestion, and builds up the whole human frame. Send to Swift Specific Company, Drawer 3, At¬ lanta, Ga., for Treaties of Blood Dis taises. Lawrence’s LIVER Stimulator A CURE FOR BILLIOl’S FEVER, DYSPEI’SIA HEADACHE. CHILLS AND FEVER COSTIVENESS, DYSENTERY, COLIC. ETC IN Fact. All Biliious Diseases FOR SALE BY T. J. BrcHAN, Physician Eastman, and Surgeon. Ga. s?p 18.D r <1 Man! 0 £> Day <J ** d .AY";::':' r i • r tve slart" V()i^ in Yhis iiu-iness'. teeder • Write ti-as and learn *U«bo«tit forp-wd ' N ............ j . . ; « ‘ 2 toirr kuvwn Goat I^ofis assail every worker. Ag^uts are LTLaLs: Lan? 3 r ''iL^^'te-.'-'tr^*.'; . ’“'iSSX'S’SilSr F-n.';iriTi‘L^iL-k/aiJ , ivr-. v .5*'' ‘‘a^* v.‘.u'L: U- *rC S VOICE S52SS v. .... - ’AY at » v rk •» * i«nn f t a ,1, " nth n ; I now have an agency r I I Ailen & Co * ait*« nuts and publi ggfOgc HQ c;ions (Signed) at u d vllen n w. iake H. § G.*t;Klst>S. » day-’ . This Space is Reserved for SOL HERRMAN A BRO.. who are daily receiving goods from New York. See next Issue. Mather w ? o VYNNEs SI 9 JICIVIIj .lalVV^ I desire to state to the trading public that 1 have just received my fall stock, consisting of Dry goods. Shoes, Notions, Hats, Hard ware. Groceries, Etc., and 1 am prepared to show the newest, pretti est goods ever shown in this section. My prices are the very lowest, and the quality of my goods tlie very best. I have some novelties to -how in ftew Prints, i’enaug, Sicilians convinced and Suitings that I for ladies’dresses, offering bar Read the following prices and be am j 25,000 ‘ yds. best checks ( 2 5c yd. 25,000 " Calico 4c. 15,000 u Sheeting (5 7c. 12,000 “ Shirting (« Gc. Full Stock Mens’ Brogans 0 90c. pair pair. Fine Button Shoes for ladies (« tfl.00 per Suspenders from 5c pair Ilose up. pair. The latest and prettiest Socks (« 5c. pair. Ladies 5e. j Hankerchiefs to be found anywhere. Big bargains in Mims’ Wool and Fur Hats. Trunks cheaper than ever known. Full linen bosom reinforced shirts for men (« 50c. worth 75c. Stacks of Cologne, Toilet Soap and numerous other articles. Nice little bustles (» 10c. every lady wants one. Breech Loading Shot 5ms, j cheaper than anybody else can offer < Cooking Stoves Cheaper I ! that can be had at wholesale. FINE TOBACCO (« 25c. lb. I am agent for 6 IfOTJES) , ... — ..... - ii » i - fc m !..--i'flj b j IN (luarantee t iTsc ! GROCERIES CIIEAPE 1 fi" that anybody else. Gome to see me and lot me show mjr nice, new. cheap goods. I've got a nice little speech to make, and it will pay . wel1 and hear it. 1 keep lots of vofl to come - ■\ r '| / i IA rp f l y \ r £ i ^ aN i_C I L A. 4-g-r*---------- (Itat my competitors don’t have,and I am prep: ‘d to save m mey for you on every article you buy. Respet tfully, Ha/lulmrst Hotel. Mrs. E. L. POI NDS, Proprietress. Rates fie- day, $2.00. Special induce¬ ments to the commercial travel. 35-wf TRADE AY ^U-ulgiD CZARK. Be sure this trade mark appears on all thi* gooils von BI’TTOXS c 40LL.4RS AND SLEEVE IN < FLLl’LoiD. whteli'ean never rattle or tarnish tile collars or cuffs. 3 collar buttons for 5 et~. Sleeve buttons in many varieties ami colors, from 25e. to 50c. per pair. All goods warranted strong ami durable. We send to any address free of postage. Address, GEORGE CLEMENT .v GO., 33 E. 22 St., X. Y. City. 8 EADS, NEEL & GO. SJ CLOTHIERS, f LEADING 8 557 Cherry St., Macon. Ga. niy2i-i.m INGRAM HOUSE, COCHRAN. GA. My house is now open to the public. ! it iias l>ceii thoroughly overhauled and : renovated. Dm milters' baggage imn | died free of charge, displaying and samples. ample accom- Good : modations for fare, comfortable rooms and free oimii bu-. .T. A. INGRAM, l’rop’r. Sept. 15. 8. ly fri Dr. J. M. Buchan & Son physicians uo Dims. EASTMAN. GA.. Offer their prof. - -rvlees to the people Ot’ llUIIHMliiltu UiH! 'Urrouml ing counties. One or th other can he foilllt! Ul tllUlT OtlU i. 1 ? .lll\ lillH. -\il calls promptly attended, dav or 1’atienU at a distance vmted hy special eiUher of tuab or feinsle, a Mjcaialty. \J| 1 ‘Ofl! i llltati«>H> .111(1 lulU’l' private. A stochI supply Of «ini£> are k»*jn eon stailtly hand, including all <*f the new remedies. LATEST ACHIEVEMENT cell run i) OOLLAIiS, CUFFS, AND BOSOMS. i The Celluloid Company confidently assert improvement that they have in attained their waterproof the high’ est collars, culls and bosoms, which lias y |fej. f ever been reached in this line of water¬ proof goods. We have examined their latest improvements, and tested them by every means at our command, We are convinced that, they have never been excelled, and we are ready to give them our heartiest indorsement. They are pliable, most durable of any goods on (lie market, and resemble linen more perfectly titan any waterproof imita¬ tion. Home strangers who have little acquaintance with these celluloid goods are under the impression that is an ex¬ plosive material. This is an entirely erroneous idea. We can hold celluloid upon the hottest argand burner, and it will melt, but never ignite. The linen interlining makes it much stronger than any other goods in this line. We shall he glad to have, any and all of our i former patrons try these goods and | write us their opinion of the same. A full assortment of Celluloid Collar Buttons at 5 cents eaeli hy mail, post lGid; and Gulf Buttons from 25 cents | to $1 per pair by mail, i liese buttons art* dtirabie and never tarnish the col !ars and ends. Celluloid Collars and cuffs cost no more than linen—look better and wear longer. They never wilt from perspir¬ ation, are always white, clean and fresh : require no laundrving—are niannfae tured in all the leading styles for both ladies and gents, girls and boys. When soiled, simply wipe them off with soap and water. They save their cost in a week’s wear. Try them. Keep this for reference. Celluloid Collars and Cuffs are as economical and | desirable as represented. Can al\va v> TTTTtntrriliG-Tirffi, nvl'rrf dressing George GJenient & Go., 33 Fust 22il street, Xew York, at the following prices. Gents’ 25c, G for $1.00-42.25 doz Collars, Gulls, 50c, <> for 2.75—1.75 do/ Ladies’ < ’ollars, 15c, 0 for 84—1.1)0 doz “ Gull's, 3Ce, fi for 1.75—3.00 doz Small Bosoms, 5t)e. I.urge Bosoms, 75c. Remit by Postal Order, Cheek or Stamps. Address GEO. CLEMENT ,k CO., 33 Fast 23d St. ,Xew York City. my24-6m DriUr^A’SEurts’ column. UEF.YKS. representing .Tolui son X Harris. Wholesale Grocers, Macon, Ga. T. II. HENDERSON, representing S. R. .laqties & Tinsley, W Grocers, Ma :on, Georgia. J. E. MALLORY, of Small & Mai lorv. Wholesale Grocers and l’rovis ioti Merchants, Macon, Georgia. J. 1’. SHELLEY, representing M I-’erst X Go, Savannah, Georgia wholesale Fancy Grocers. Cigars Tobaccos, ami I.iqtiois, headquar¬ ters. Eastman, Ga. Gt’S JlIRSCHMAN. representing A. Gibian iY r Go., wholoale grttccis. Macon, Ga. Specialties-—I' Ce aiic) tra! Liiocei ius; tlic celebrated CilV Hour; our Mamie lotareo. (ieneral agent tor the Metropolitan 'J ubaeeo amt cigars. SOL If. ROTIK IHLD, with Frank A Go., NVholrsiilc Dry Good- ami No¬ tions, Savannah, Ga. Xew York office, 34 Tliomas Street. Match, 14. C mo. fri 1). B. LANIER, with Glauber i!fc Isaacs Wholesale Dealers in Grain and Meats, Bran wiek, Ga. March 14. <i mo. fri W. T. BATEMAN, with W. B. Car Ilart A Go., Wholesale Boots and Shoes. Macon, G;i. March 14. 0 mo. fri R. T. ADAMS, with Rogers & Ad¬ ams, manufacturers of Gandies and Crackers. Also dealers in Frnrs ami IVanuts. ii.cli2!i dm II. GOLDMAN, with II. Myers Bro.-.. Tobaeeo and Cigars, savannah Ga. mylU-O’m _ \V. C. HARVARD, with 11am Adams ^ Co.. Grouurs. !-"?"> i iiiid street. Maeon, Ga. Visits the mer uh:iuLa> along the line of the K:i>t IVu nu>si*e, Virginhi and Ge«»riria r:ulr«*a<l once a week. mv ;il (l-ino .ino. l.. I’CltN Kit. ivpr.-, :,ni .2 Geo. The oldest SSSS. reliable %5S; and most .............. g.,,,. juu 7-.n:o Seeding" & tCCl-\ Of -'ll Ki' II t hut Want buiMiC" rnow ynVhdv Mrrrrps Itis i.Ieasur.t to take, eiirfe Malaria. Inuigr-c. non.ud ah***»*,*. . Mpifpn mbiiisUJJ liullfi) MM II. J. BRINSON, ZMZiAiNr^YGJ-IEUR,. ISOMK OF THE DRTIHIIDKN. LUMBER CITY, GA. March 11.1 yr tit ni j| R faMRvnrs 14 \ 1 obtained After of ten ub years rirugsrist*» exc:sie!ve and Pc pale, can i.< now Mctii- be | .gits ; but"’cu kks' ‘"s. 5vk H ' ‘iiss»iVA Biliousa»«I toy prcpaniGou and will Wise, Malarial tronblcs. i | Dr. S. II. of Legion, Kv pays : “Have practiced medicine IS years, nnd find no equal to IIerbivk as a Liver UegnliiUir/' ; Dr. VV. A. Herbsne liakcr, of Madison. Fia., says ; “A bottle of is worth more than $5.00 worth of Quinine fn any family Acting on the Liver in a different’wav from any other medicine; it is a positive care for Chronic Constipation and i< cheaper than Pills. its peculiar composition is each, that, we g-narauiee to cure any case cf Chills and Fever or Ililiona Fever with one bottle. It costs but 75 cents and each bottle con¬ tains over 40 average d‘*ses, makimr the co.t j less than two rents a dose. Would you ask tor cheaper medicine ? It is not a cure-itl!. But will cure nnv S.ivtr, I?ili(it3S or Kaia. rial Complaint. Manufactured by TIio S^orloino Co , (£-uCCc:sors to Wui. Con del !.) St. houis, 52o. iiurld a’s A; :i; :-a Halve. Tm: Best Sai.vf in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, i.-bors. salt rlieum, fever, sores, tetter, chapped hand chilblains. ami all-kin or", p thm-. ami p '.v !v cun s File-, or n<> pay required. D i- guaiantceil lo give p-rfee: sai -fa.- io , or mom y refund oil. ] riuu Y) t>. per hex. J ■ r .‘•a c* i»v all druggists. no v 10 jf Yoa Giinnot .Iftord At this s. .isnii of the year to lie without a tr©o<l rebabie diarth'iai 1 sih-ain in tlu liiiiee, a- cramp-. cidie.'liarrhfe.-i and all iiitlammationof the st.>m:n!i and botvi l are exeeedingiy <‘:!llg*T;ills if not uttemied to :'«t om e. Olle Is’: h- of’ Durkacea Bai.saji will do more "OOd ill C;|'‘ • of ibis kind than any othur mudiciiu* Oil eart»». We guaran fee it. JIl.liKilAN »!' 11 FI. !.M a N, Drugg.sts. j FAMILY GROCERIES AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH AT W* W. I®*8 (0) EVERYTHING TO EAT THAT CAN BE HAD, FRESH,GOOD AND IT RE. NONE NEED GO HUNGRY OR DRY. BREAD TO EAT, ICE TO COOL AND COFFEE, TEA, COCt)A AN I > CHOCOLATE TO I)RIN K. VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS AND TO PLEASE THE MOST FASTIDIOUS PALATE. CAN TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. CANDIES, FANCY AND PLAIN, THE SWEETEST OF THE SWEET AND LEMONS TO SOUR. COME ONE COME ALL AND REPLENISH YOUR LARDERS AT THIS SHORT CALL. RESPECTFULLY. a r-s.: Ki ■,S:j a .AMS i MM t BBSS L? ‘14 m jr p i a y K u yM fir -A]AXUFACTURERS OF- c ANDY, I BACKER* ) i 1UER nnd Wliol<*>;i]t‘ T >*‘.il;*r - in K:in»*y (2rot'enos Tobacco, Ci^nis, SnulV, ripus, Our < itiitlic.'i and Crackers cannot be excelled for their purity. The Challenger Cider still leads. We also have Peach and Pear Raspberry Jti 1 ip, Crape Cider, Orange Cider, (linger Alt 1 —in Kegs. Half and Parrels and Pottles. All orders will have prompt and careful Goods neatly packed and satisfaction guaranteed. Send us a trial order, BONE s CHAPPELij STORK—403 Popular St.: FA< TORY—150, 153, 100, 102,40! Fourth Street, J line 1 l-3n> MACON’, GA. _ "OTT • Jrii. J onnson, . -MAXl FAt TI RFU OF ALL KIN!is OF— MOl'LDINGK B1LVGKET8, TURNED WORK, SC’ROWL SAWING AN!) MANTLE PIECES. A mm -j*»a .«> F 7 Si 7$' THmU A mn 1 M k ■i [R KB : a c a Si m y COltTST AITTLY OIST HAUD. A.1 nTJD ;an Orders at Short notice. Respectfully. 7? G33 ti •• M All m AH' 11. 0 (IvlmDvll. , W. A. REDDING. W. ’• BALDWIN. REDDING & BALDWIN, _. $ Q AVinsitii) & Callaway’s Old Stiinil, Keep a full supply of the t»est at the lowest prices. Give us a call. 3GB Second Street, Macon, Ca. sept, i.t- iSSS. i v 0AESTMF11I & TII.LMI, VYHfPgjEStfL,II GROCERS. — 45S AND 400 SECOND STREET, MACON. GEORGIA. Dealers in Flour, Hay, Corn, O.its, Bran, Meat, Tobacco, Cigars. Cigarettes, an<l full line of Case Goods. Remember the cheap freight rales from Macon and save your orders for our traveling salesman, (.'apt. C. M. Latimer. % MANUfA gTyRIKn r» ^AS HVHIeS^?] M 9 i CfiiilGSSt «#lr lAne Monte, RICHMOND AM) 1)AV 11.1.K R A1L ROA 11 COMI'ANA . Condensed Set)<*<!ul• ■ in effect Septem¬ ber 30, 1888. Gains ran by tin* 75th Meridian Time. Son u Hound Xc5S Xo50 Xo5J Xo52 Daily Daily Daily Daily v K. am am pm pm Washington 8 :>'0 I! 24 5 HO I! 00 Alexandria. . 8 .‘>0 1! -17 5 50 11 20 Manassas...... pill am -- 50 i f Nt-r. 00 12 05 Warren June . c IS 08 50 12 40 Orange........ It US 21 05 1 50 {♦111 < harlottcsville. Yi 4$ :> iO (0 ;*<> ,‘J (JO AlllllVK Franklin Lynchburg.. June..... ;! 00 5 7 15 1 00 5 05 25 0 -15 Danville..... ... s .'!•;) .... 7 45 am pm Asheville. . . .... 7 28 ... I ill Hot Atlanta....... Springs. . . .... t) 15 ... <; m .... 11 00 ... o 10 am pm < Tiattanoo^a. . 5 «»0 .... 5 -15 am pm Memphis...... 5 30 .... 5 45 .. pm am Xew Orleans. . 7 55 < ,>•> i 2!) 4 20 Louisville......... .... 7 10 . ... < 'iueinnati......... Mil: i n ltoi XI) Xo50 Xo5.'t ,Vo57 Xo55 Daily Daily Daily Daily I.K.M K. am pm am pm Danville...... 10 00 10 30 ........ Franklin J line. II 30 ii 30 ........ — mu Lynchburg.... li.irlottesv ille. TI 10 i2 5 I 25 3 00 i ( 71 55 ;; 05 it to 5 35 | Grange,..... — 20 4 00 7 -10 (> 30 Warren Juuct. 10 5 12 t) 15 7 50 Miinassiiis..... _ 10 5 10 !) 50 8 20 Alexandria.... 1- 00 0 35 !0 48 9 15 ARRIVE Washington. . 7 35 1 - 00 11 13 0 to Baltimore.. . 8 50 V. 30*12 -It) II 25 am Hill j Philadelphia 3 2 73 17 *3 20 3 (id i 15 00 (1 20 .Yen York . 0 g I 20 *tj 50 MANASSAS BRAXrll. i Eastward. I laily exe'pt Sunday. Mx’d. am pm M:v’d. pm 0 15 Waslilnglon Alexandria 2 30 am 15 are 00 0 20 2 301v2 .1 -40 8 15 .Manniissas m l 00m l 35 _ pm i - ;r> <> -3 Front Uoyal l! 30 12 20 -j: :>o 5 f. Riverton 0 ft 12 50 !- 40 f> i Nlra.-burg :ir7 05 2 00 IV A It It F XTOX—Trains Nos. 50, 51, 51, 55, 5s and 50 connect daily to ami from Marrcnlon. FRANK!.IX DIVISION’—Dtily, ex¬ cept Sunday. Leave Rocky Mount 7:5t)a. in., arrive Franklin Junction 10:45a. in.; leave Franklin Junctior 7 :50 a. m ., arrive Kooky Mount 10:30 p. m. GORDOXH V rLLK—Trains leavc «)r ange for inid JOirylpi^yRIe J.Uiil# .-ttt.r's p. in., 0:20 p. in. daily, and Returning, 8 a. m. daily, Gordonsville except Sunday. leave for Orange 0 50 a in, 1 :35 p. in., ami 3:35 p. in. daily, ami 10 :10 a. in. daily except Sunday. SI.FFRl XG CAR SFRVK’K. On t mins- N os. 50 nnd 51 I’ulluuiu Buffet Sleepers lieDveen New York anti Moidgoinery, \ia Danville. On trains Nos. 52 am! 53 Pullman Buffet Sleepers Between Washington and Xew Orleans and Vt a-hiiigtOli and Augusta, via i lanville. On trains Nos. 54 and 55 Pullman leepers hut wugii Washington and Louisville, and < harlottesvilk- and < iu einnat*. On trains Nos. 51 and 51) 1‘iillmau Buffet Sleepers between Washington and Memphis, via Lynchburg. On trains Nos. 58 and ”>'■) Pullman Buffet Sleepers between via Lynchburg Washington and and Xew Orleans, Kenncsaw Route. r. M. BORl M, I). P. A., AIcxnndriu, Va. .IAS. !.. TAYLOR, <i. P. A.. Washington, I). G. SOL. HAAS T. M. Richmond Va. L p 0ANS NEGOTIATED —on— h\m and Town propeity i IX BIBB OB ADJOINING ml STIES ELLIOTT ESTES X CO., 138 Second St., Macon, Ga. Apply to G. R. ARMSTRONG, 7 - 12 -: 8-1 v Eastman, Ga., Money to Laan / \ X improv< <l farm. :utd town prop \ / ertv in I »<>■!■_ • ::nt 1 iidjoiliing <*oun ■■ m ;■ g.-d inti i" t, ( . K. AUMSTKONO, Ka lman, Ga., Xov. 2-L 1888. tf -A Y7U fR REN'l • Aii eighth om tage in Ka>tm.iU. Ten ns fitvoi able. Apple to jillvBitr W. B. (’OFF K F. WOOD. WOOD Leave your orders fY)]* k!«>Y(‘ {it tllU furniture 1 st( ro of Fos¬ ter S: Harris and tliuy will have nronmt i at * ten!ion. E- h. BACON julyglf For Kale or Rent. The Dwelling Ifon.-e <>f Mrs. Mng Ti, the res’denee of J. F. rent to For "L- , V dIi.a. v&b,s„o,-. West ward, Daily Sunday. exe’pt