The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, October 11, 1889, Image 4

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%# fb /s B * £9 UERHIwOTl ;.; Bn M3m>' : -N m IS TaS yrsi - ILv s& SM S3 3TJ ULJ ca 4 DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING, BOOTS. SHOES AN'!) HATS. WE CARRY A NILE LINE OF LAMES’ TRIMMED AND FXTBIJIMBB HATS. Special a 13 arcrairiv £ s for tli AO Ok Wqv f 1/ ; TP1H Jk i H T*t Jk *U \t TIp JSJ2EB&:" \r$i Jjjr W*> * . '•- .*£*. -. Lk _A 'k. qjy .a. a 10,000 YARDS CHECKS (<i 4; CENTS PER YARD. 50,000 YARDS CALICOS Qi 31 TO 7 CENTS PER YARD. 50,000 YARDS SHEETING 1 YARD WIDE & 6; CENTS PER YARD, LADIES AND GENTS HOSE FROM 4 TO 50 CENTS PER PAIR. OUR AGENTS The following agents arc authorized to receive-tib-'eription',advertising and orders for all kind.' of printing, and r< ceive and receipt for money on account of the Timks-Joi kxal. Our lowest Tates ami best terms will be given by thera . It. s. itf.t.Ki:. K. T. V. & G. Hail way office, .luhnsbnvillc, Da. J. [,. Horton, office TippcilS & Ilol ton, Baxley, Da. .1. II. WrriimiiNiiToN, office A. j Thompson & Co.,Cochran, Da. J. K. Cook (with Matt Cook), Lum¬ ber C ir • Cot.. -1. W. St. < i. \iu, Kentucky. IS. O. Bin ' row, Lumber City. 1)R. .1. C. MonkiomiiiiV, Chauuccy. On. -J. M. Mi Xkf.j.. Mcllac. Da. KJilD \ V. (TUB LB 11 • FLORIDA FOR THE FAIR. The Land of l*uowe rs Which Co¬ in in bus Troil Crowns Clin ago. And (icnis the Victor's I»ia«lem with Twelve Uoliiuoor Keasons. Man-Otlier Soutliern States in Solid Ai-raj -Subscriptions Now Rolling In. Chicago's twelve btttkesses. At yesterday's Florida rally at the (irand Racilic Mr. -lom-s, the oratcu if the occ" • *°n. thus deYiv erod himst if .a twelve cogent rea sons why the world's fair ought to be bold in Chicago: 1. Because Congress cannot de ny her the request. H comes from the great State of Illinois, that nays more for the filling of their capacious capacious pockets, pockets, for for the the privi X * ‘ iiwiiwii-ipu _ . i, . lege cl cat i \ mg : . o „ < w ■ ■ to the support <d the Anlionn] Government than does New \ork with all the Eastern States Lined. 2. Because site is the I ... r the section of this country that pays 85 pier cent, of 1 he entire amount required for the support of the National Government. ^3,00-),000 .. ......- populalioii *• y oaten -t:,”!' liiu 50 000,000 at the taking ot our , last census. 4 Because she is the center of " ......... ing belt of our countn, the ma-t essential things to feed crowds of people. four to 5. Because she is from six days nearer to every nation under the sun with wnieh we hope to build a commerce of in terclmnge except Europe and Af rica, than New \ ork, and England can reach her shores with 500 ton ships, drawing nine feet of water wtlh her exhibits. 0. Because she clears more ves¬ sels yearly and more tons of freight than does New York or any other American city. 7. Because she has more hotel room for the accomodation of peo pie than lias New York or any other American city. 8. Because site has the largest ami finest auditorium building in America, in which to hold, during the National fair, conventions in which to discuss the advancement of the world's interest. 9. Because she is the most prac¬ tical city in America to demon onstrate American enterprise and industries, as site lies in the heart of the farming lands, the heart of the garden lands, of the dairy farms, and of the poultry producing country. 10. Because she is within a few hours run from the; rent coalfields and t rent iron furna •r>: tlte great slate fields; within a few hours run of every factory known to American industries, whore vi>; ^^Tan^i^les^mst, acju.iint, f!vi- v.itli Ulo !-. -d’iiitio of our country. !>ot!i l«y laud and water, than from a iv ether city in the Union. 11 Because the world today has no city tho age of Chicago that can show anything to compare •With . . Jit , r in . r JlMilatlOn, v in * thrut, | • •, 4 * \ the industry and enterprise of her , nor W It • i tl X lie i snuiu^ur S OI C TlPODc. J 1 ~ her Linkings, the beauty of llieir archiiecture, the splendor of her | QirTH»g»nr» G3-OOC&S OlB.©etTa*. We Carry a Full Line of Groceries Furniture and Hardware. A Specialty in Trunks a id Valices. Cali and See Our Goods and Prices. B? f r a S3 m P m r Fl ir IS ‘L ? m L L%-a< Sasuf- § E ML e 1 A:„ZJ iiSi§!lv§ Sum C3 \ v lake and lake boat.', the area and beauty and elegance of her parks, and the notoriety of her great lire, i in* rapidity ol her lebuildinc is the wonder of the world, and her press, through her cntcrpiiv. reaches the end of the earth, and tti6 \vorl<l wants to see hoi. 12. Because she is now the new eagle of Am-rican principles and commerce. 11,at will. With In r line to the shores of the Gulf, and j bid the war-stricken South come beneath their shadows, so that she j may shield and protect tin in while , they again rebuild their behalf of lhe Tampa Board of Trade, subscribed $1,090 instock.—Ex. SPECIAL NOTICE, The to sell during the Fair the following articles will be ; let to highest bidders on Monday I next at 10 o'clock a. in., at : Eastman Drug Store: Soda Water and Lemonade. Cigars and Tobacco. Confectioneries and Cakes. Restaurant. Stock Feed. Special terms to Fide Shows ami Auctioneers, 1 ; • New Orlliiiiinccs. ('■iexth. Chamber, Oct. 1, 1SS9. 1 ! —Be it imlnim.,1 Ijv the mayor and council '[7“ i of -'tllis'Virdi- Eastman, That on a r t u niUU .c, it slutll be unlawful for any person barrels. or persons to boxes, keep for sale in m Darrels, inns, , ub<. noxes or any i ■ other r\l (wtii vessel Vi .. .■/il whatever, irlmiovor rresh t Itsh 0 f any kind on the street or j wa j| is between Second and Fittli i avenues on Railroad street. Any person violating slutll Hit' be, provisions convie- of this ordinance on tion, punished less by a than fine not $2.50 to ex for ceed if 10, nor each offense. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That no per «<>n shall be permitted to pile avenues, provided tliis ordi mmee shall not apply to any per sn,i who has wood s!ti])])od by rail | : road inr'nissie for liomeconsumption. Any .« "sr exceeding CO n V iction, $50, jninished less by than aline $2.50 not j | for each offense, nor imprisonment or »°t exceeding thirty days. \\ T U. C'OFFKK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, EASTMAN, - - GEORGIA | E HEItlt.M.VX, --j ATTORNEY AT LAW. EASTMAN, - GEORGIA. ■ Ls> s. LaWI'SHCS'S LIVER StiffllllatGr A CUKE FOR BILLIOT'S FEVER, DYSPEPSIA HEADACHE. CMIU.LS AND -I EVER COS n VEX ESS. DVSENTEBV, COLIC. ETC IN Fact. All Billions Diseases EOR SALE BY T. J. BrciiAN, Physician Eastman, and Surgeon. Ga. s'll v u ** ^ William Klme. Harrisburg, ra., writes: “I have never known Tiling to sell like your album. •-1 Laj it. k< diet - g r.^i!?o-’ If rires - J- tl— -l on*, Ban go \ 3tfr-, " ke an s OTdivr for alb am tt aim. st wery h *use Irish. My i Dn'fitisofte nxt : •iuchas3SS£» iVji r a # : i: gle i days work.” ^Others e ant arc di Ichtp .-nave quite to give as irrtl; ex -tracts fr< mi Jhcir Jetl*r» OT»g w ho tikes li”bi • fthi- grabd busines# • i:.-> opfrnn ----rand j Shall we start \v*l ill this 1*K- tues reader? Write t- * and leai n all about it f.-r jt urscif. We " r "f nill si. art yf'U n*a don't di iay me 1 - • head of you in your ■ ui purr of the ci.uutrw Ii you v/iil lx- able to pick . up ffuld fas*. CT'Kead u ' s isr>,e«H> ».«•'* ;.r>- i a he sold lo tue <t tu Koyal C rim son Silk Velvet insides Hands IbiiDk in w«ld. birrs: .-.iv Gnatrst bargata* ever IUi«wb. Ap-ois van! .I UbmllfnH. Utgn >■■....> urrrfixt?. Any cue i tn heoinic i «iitf»(W«r»BT. S* lis iiaetf on sight—little onto ---—.U’ ..H.-’v before knewm. boat I-adtesnutkeasmueh'as pcnfcs »»dt «wy worktr. Agents ars iuakl»»irf.*miBes. men. Yei rati V^j2L^^-TK2aS do as well as any one. Full information and tenu •rrre, , TK“ 4 terms Mi, After yoa ku w t.' to p.m ■ farther, why no harm Is done. C. ALLfcN 4 CO.; AtvwsIAj iUIS* m voioe nerr fi « XIr. Gurri SafeBt. <>hi *. writes *'V. as at work •» i a iarn> {■* ^ sao a n oath -. I now have au ageru vr >r F.. C. All lien * t o e albums am! puhii cations an d ultra make « d*y. t Signed' W. II. GARRISON. J Mather V. Wynnes J SM * 9 ECMIs «ff " • UcV'CEwTMEoVT = = - - = I desire to slate to the trading public that I have just received i ray fall stock, consisting of Dry goods, Shoes, Notions, Hats, Haro ware, Groceries. Etc., and f am prepared to show the newest, pre> o goods ever shown in this section. My prices are the very lowest. ,, n)! „ f .. . ; . (>0vU t | H . Xv . rv i K . st I have some novelties to . Bead i gains. S‘S) ^ Calico^ 8 ^ ^ 15,000 “ Sheeting @ Gbc. 12,000 “ Shirting <3? 5|c. 90c. pair Full Stock Mens’Brogans (5 ♦M»P«r P *. Socks (g 5c. pair, Ladas Dose 5c. pair. '1 he latest and prettiest Iiankerchiefs to be found anywhere. Big bargains in Mens' Wool and Fur Hats. Trunks cheaper than ever known. Fu 1 ! Viuen bosom reinforced sliirts for men ("' 50c. worth 75c. S acksof Cologne, Toilet Soap and numerous other articles. Ni, e little bustles @ 10c. every lady wants one. Srescli 75 still! Slot Sins, cheaper than anybody else can offer. CookiEg Stoves Cheaper that can be had at wholesale. F! X11 'll EW i XG TOBACt ’() <S30c. 1b. 1 tun agent for >' ......i 31 5 5 C i i k • Tobacco 1 lie best oirl Guarantee to sell GROGERIES CHEARER that anybody else. Conic to see me and let me show my/lice, iudv. cheap goods. I've got a nice little speech to make, ant! it will pa\ vou well to come aud hear it. 1 keen lots of _ T . . .. . RICE TtiINGS that my competitors don’t have,and I am prepare 1 to save money for you on every article you buy. Respectfully, SI£.f EEn WYNNE. -r» r«stXK zzzm nsrtvh '-r r. May* • Mmrst Hole:. Mrs. E. L. POI NDS, Proprietress. Rates piy day, $2.tK). Special indtice menu to tlic commercial travel. 35-wf .tt trade Be sure this trade mark appears on the goods vou HXEE'.T BCTTOXF'- AXI) Vy IX DELIA’ LOID. which can in ver rattle or tarnish the collars >>r cutis, collar buttmfk for 5 ets. Steeve buttons in many v::i'i<*ties and color-. :rom 2.te. to 50e. per pair. All goods wart anted strong durable. ' c -end to any address free of postage. Address. DF.OKDK CLEMENT w CO., 33 E. 22 rt.. X. Y. City. 1 EADS, NEEL&C0. 'Z LEADING f LGTH’ERS, |ji 557 Cherry St., AIaioX, Da. M'Tsasss r?x~r /- eg t.+az my 24-Gin IXtHIAK HOUSE. COCURAF, GA. My house is now open m the public. It has been thoroughly ov rhac.led and renovated. t ......ers hag ;: gc ban¬ lied free of charge, and ample ace,un nodat ions for >ti p aying saraj les. G - 1 ’ I."-. l eLM 1 ' :um. ''' : C Sept. 15, ’SS. ly fri Or. J. Me Buchan & Son PHYSlClaHS ua QRliGQiSTS, EASTMAN, DA., Offer their pt ofesshmai services t< the >eop!e of this iiiimcdiatv and surroi nd ia «4 cuc.uties. One or the other can be found :it their offices at any time. AH uttemled* de'* ^ promptly d r v>itc«; h.- or Faii ; ; - nt ;i stance ffgj-All r. li.VJi chr-niie ami private speci; «•?, ity. r of waR or female, a No charge for “on'iii1 1 ilo.i. It In e-t ■ r. send stanen for In:mediate reply. coasultatloas and letters prixate. A gooil sitpj'ly of drug- are kept eon -lantly on hand, includiiig all «*t lUl' remedies. 7-5-1 y RRU5V!MEaS’ COLyfj?^. \V. IE REEVES, repre-nititig John sou & Harris. M holesule Drocer-. Macon, Da. T jfHXDEllSON, representing S. It. Jaijiics & Tinsley, Wholesale Droccrs, Maloti, Georgia. J. E. MALLORY, of Smith & Mal¬ lory. Wholesale Grocer, and Provis¬ ion Merchants, Maeon. Georgia. j_ SHELLEY, lYpr.-eid t tx M Feist wholesale & Co, Fancy Savannah. pe»rgtv. Cigar. Grocers. 'l'oi.aceO', and Liquors, htyidquai teis. Eastman. Ga. ^ (jl’8 HIll^CHM AX. representing A. Gillian & Co. wliide>;i!e gi'oreis. Macnti, (ia. Speelatties—Fancv groceries; the celebrated ( 5‘ tra City llettr; our Mamie tol-aeco. General agent tor the Metropolitan Tabacco and cigars. SOT, IF. ROTIICilILl>, with No k Co.. Wholesale Dry Doods and tion-. Savannah, Da. Xotv York office, 34 Thomas Street. March. 14, 0 ms>. fri D. B. LANIER, withGlauhi r& I saaes U'hol saE' Dealers in Drain and Mea’s. Brnnswiek. Da. Mareh 14, (! ino. fri W.T. BATEMAN, with W. B. < 'ur¬ Han A tv,mi ic Boots and Si: I'S, M • " . . ■ March 14. mo. fri 1 - T. ADAMS, with Rogers & Ad am-, nsanufai'tnrcr' of Candles and Crackers. Ai-o dealers in 1 t uts and Eta nits. n.i h29 Cm II. DOLD.MAN. witli H. Myers & Bros.. Tobacco and < igars, Savaimab Da. myltMim IV. C. HARVARD, with Hany A.hens cc Co., Whulrsjih* Grocer.-. 47»5 Thin.! street, Macon. Ga. Visits the i:ier chants aloiur the line of the Kast Ten *c, Virginia and Geoi^i.! vailrrad once a week. in v 31 fi-mo _ JL'O. L. Tl’IlNKH. rcpiesriitinir Geo. S. .*»»;!»•< «.v Co.. \V hoicsnle rocers avd ( ommisslon Merchnut Macon. 'gi. T!«e o\ test most rrlhii lc t taM.she< 1 . in l AlC jmi 7-*hno l. : . j t-: * Racdia? te&de. I Flit wsiit •v'fHYN's iitON lO FTERS. Jt ?*» u.k.. '••ire- Inulgt. Ucii, 4 ‘JaU L^iuiisnraa. U. 50.000 YARDS si; V.'ING ; YARD WIDE « 5] CENTS PER YARD. PINS, T , () PAPERS FOR 5 CENTS. DRESS BUTTONS FROM 21 TO 25 CENTS PER DOZEN, LATEST ACHIEVEMENT CELLULOID COLLARS, CUFFS ? AND BOSOMS. > jgJ -« i . p> ^1 ' ^ 1/ : : ^p, XU' ______ “S” l collars, cuffs and bosoms, .cich ha -N#'NV 1 i, x 1 mW# ■*., ' • ! - cvcv been reached in this line of water proof goods. We have examined their latest improvements, and tested then; by every means at our command. U'e are convinced that they have never been excelled, and we are ready to give them lieartie.-t indors tneut. They are pliaMe, most durable oeseinble of any linen goods on the market, and more perfectly than any waterproof imita tion. Some strangers who it. ve Lit?. acquaintaneo With thesegootU are under tho impression that celluloid is an ex plosive material. This is anauHirely erroneous idea. We can he!.- celluloid upon the hottest itrgand 1.-:::: < r, <:i«i ii. will melt, but never ignite, 'i he linen interlining makes it much stronger than any other goods in this lii, •. We shall he glad to have any and all of our former patrons try these y .oils and write us their opinion of t■; :nt‘. A full assortment of fvmtbf I yollar Buttons at 5 cents each by mail, post paid ; and Cuff Buttons fi ,:■> 25 cents to $2 per pair by mail, 'll; buttons arc durable and never tar: : :: tho col - lars and cliffs. Celluloid Collars and caffs cost no more than linen—look better and wear £3r.rfc»: longer. They never wilt from perspir 'SSsii tuml in all the leading styie.s tor both I'.ViVeiT.'Viinply w’ipc''them off - 'with’sl'.ap an( [ cater. Tiny save cost in a week’s wear. Try them. , K. -p this for rcterenee. Celluloid Collars and Cuffs are as economical and iiiVffSiiig George Clement & Co., 88 Last jL 1 ior, '> :it t, “‘ in -~ Dents’ Collars, 25c, fi for $1.00-$2.25 do/ Cuffs, 50c, 0 for 2.75—1.75 doz ..allies’ Collars, 15c, (> for 84—1.00 doz “■ Cuffs, 30c, 0 for 1.75—3.00 do/. Small Bosoms, 50c. Large Kemit Bosoms, 75c. Order, Check by Postal or Stamps. Address GEO. CLEMENT k CO., 33 Bit it 23d St. ,New York City, my 2-1 -dm mm MyiiiiUll iMm liulliii ]_-| # J , BRINSON, A. JSJMMGOU JEL- 1 OF TSIB DimmER^. LUMBER CITY ■ GA. March 14. 1 yr tn m After ten years exetedre rate, can rev; be obtaiuc-i o f fill Dr.c-'giHts ai.rl DpcI-.m-h in J f di but CURK8 S-IVKSi Biiionsniv s «r»45 Dys, -iDiiie. CUIiE I»a strictly Y'p^fcDibJe \>u. x ’ ;ur:>iion unit vn’J - Malaria, end aV A ).vlahial troubU ?. ; Dr. S. H. of Boston, Ivy $sys : i “Have practiced medicine 15 year*, and find 5iO Cfqual to IfcuBiNE asa Liver Uesnlator.^ Dr. W. of A. Hsubijcc Dakar, of Mddison, Fla., feys : <f A bottle is worth more than § 5.00 worth of Quinine in any family Acting’ on the Liver in a different way fr^m any other medicine; if is a positive cure!". Chronic peculiar Constipation composition and i.« cheaper than Fi?’-s I IL« is snth, that wc pnar'.utee to core any case of Chills and Fcve- j or Bilious Fever with one bctlK It costs but «5 cents and each bottle con- | tracs over 4 t :e' rage do.-es, making the cost ie-s than two ceu uts a»df»e. Would you ask for cheaper medicine ? It is not a cure-all. But vrdl cure any jLfvor* l»*2ioiss cs* Slata. rial Complain:. Ms Hufactcred by “X s Jal g Ia.''??; loino Co.r (Successors lo Wui Coudell.) i--t. Louis, *»ic. Puckh a*' Arnica Suite. The Best Salve in the world f< r rut-, hrni'f -, sores, i.Ucr-, salt rlu-iiv.*. fever, tetter, , chapped , , hani!~, , , sores, skin ,-liilblains. corn-, ami all cmp ti.and p sitlvclv cure* Pile*, or no Day require-! 1. D is guarn dml t- pit ' perfect satisfaction, or money rcfund il. Price 2 ,* cts. [ier • \. f • f sfi '■ E) druggists. norlOif Yob Eantsot Atfc.rd At this Mttison of ihi year to he v> :th'mt • a g.i, j.l l': : ile 111:. f, i.e-ael ib .I'tarfle: a ‘ l,m;-e. :i-Of. III;:.-, •' inllainmiition < f the .-tumacii and are xeciMitigly boitle n of .**ttm iefi. t .* ; once. Beg i: Diaiumc:.' B.U.- ■■ wt’luo mere A' oil til el" ' of tl K':; I til. :t ’■ i ther medicine on <■; rth. *Ye gi::.: h i it. UeLKSIAX & IlEWiMAN, Druggi'U. 17' X i 1MILY (iEOOEMES AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH ■AT Mr xk'gl fi? liim&'ik' M:, 3 i* - (0) EVERYTHING To EAT THAT CAN BE HAD, KlU.tSH.OOOI, AND PURE. NONE NEED GO HUNGRY OR DRY. BREAD ’ 7 TO EAT, f ICE TO COOL AND COFFEE, 1EA, C OUOA A t D ( ., Itnmi uOCOLAlE .„ VTanp 1(1 MvL\K. ; irnnr,r luOrhl ABLKs « m no Of /\ii ALLRiOiX^ i r i ruvne :\Ai) ax’ y Hi rni'Tiv l I I ° ICO NUMEROl S it) MEN 1 ION. ( AN DI r.. w -, 1 AN( \ AND PLAIN, THE SWEETEST OF THE SWEET AND LEMONS TO SOUR. COME ONE COME ALL AND REPLENISH \OUII LARDERS • ATTinSSHOKTCALL. IiESPECTFl-LLV. m iff ii I r ' h Kiiii? -"'N &■ f: nil H' i r I 11 i Lv 1 i b fe y e .. a s s t., £3 § s ■*«*— cid rt.X &A „ 0 ai m 11 k i m m fi ft n a | |c b ft }J | |»| p; B ha a V$m Jfp g t,w fa y & rj r~9 m s fj P f | g g S |r pW'i | fi r ’ H H ; i Sr fj H g Cj1 h [jy ysiiii - rgts ^ ’££ ;Vg ftM \y4SK y m Mmia MAXl'F.UTl KLIlS OF-- E i i ,AXDY, € UAOivEKS, |Jii)KR and Wholesale Dealers in Fancy Droeer;; o Tobareo.T'iv,.';s, F-iiufT, Pipes, etc Our < 'andies and Crackers cannot be cxe.-ll>’d for their purity, The Challenger Cider still leads. AVc also have Peach and Pear Ciders, Raspberry Tulip, Drape Cider, Orange < Tier, Dinger Ale.— in Kegs. Half Bata • •if* and Barrels and Bottles, All orders will have prompt and careful attention, Doods neatly packed and satisfaction guaranteed. Hi ml u< a trial order, V>(VV^ ^ B V_j/ i, l i ?. 6 ■ AjsLJL f-T 4 ^. FPTF.f jL. .ii, J3LJJlJjLJ J. ^ 9 s'! ......... <>!*:•.— ini Popular s .: !• A' i’oi? t 150, 458, -tfiO, 402, 4C4 Fourth Street, J»nc D-3ia .M yi'i,*'. - t \ ' " 1 \#U j>N «. r xr-^ ygf \f/ ,;:o'';T;XXX J-x Ww/' H ^ . * D --M.vxr FADTFRMR I ' ALL KINDS OF. MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, TURNED WORK, St ToV.'L SAW ISO i Ol) MAKTLE PIECES. h Mlilh \ ^ j eg id M ppf s ;i Li: iShiP »■; r,; c LV [ii DfiLLLJ S COU7STA1TTLY GIT I-±JLl<TJD. YWJWJD Fill OF Cl ® S at Short notice. Respect fully. IF XV. M h a \\ icmmm UAL ^lliiil5Hll 8 ... '» A. BEDIM XD, \V. >' BAT.DM'IX. . REDDING & BALDWIN, ■o Winsliip & Callaway’s Old Stand, Keep a full supply of the 1 est at the lowest prices. Give ii- a call. £63 Second Street, Llacon, Ca. ; Tjf mplj& GZmC^RN. 4.7-8 AND •do MECuNJ "i'NKi.T. mac’on, Georgia lb ‘ Dealers it; I i(*ur, lit . ' 11 ft. - Cigars. Cigarettes, and full lino of < use Goot:-. Remember the clieap freight rate fr a:; Mtseon and save your orders for our tr/;v< ’nur s :loo■:*i us. i :: A. <'. M. Latimer. ■ ■ . rr y i' T’n!/?: rfK n*rVfiTD -iV’&jS V ■-S-- •3*1 ‘7 "c Vr - is? 1 A « .Piv , * «f _ii_L_ •' : ‘1 UA.n v; ' : i __. JPie-?mo»j£ c H'r il 5 iSf* J> o is9 i\ !M< ilAION I» A .YD DA VI LEE «A I L Ji().\ I) COMPANY. Condensed Schedule in effect Septem¬ ber an, lSSs. Trains ran l>y the 7 •'«:!l Meridian Time. Sov ni Dors i> Xo.-.s NY >50 Xo51 Xo.Vi Daily Daily Daily Daily' m >.v am am pm pm Washington .. 8 M0 1! 24 5 lit) 11 UO Alexandria.. . . S 50 11 17 5 50 11 20 pm am Hanas'r.s...... 0 50 12 10 7 00 is 05 Warren June. 10 IS 1 OS 7 50 12 10 Orange......11 33 2 2! !) 05 1 50 pm Cl,a,'lotte.sviile. 12 48 10 10 30 .'! 00 ahhivi: r.y Franklin ncbtmrg . . . 3 00 5 23 15 1 00 5 05 i .June..... 7 .... 0 45 I Danville..... S 30 *.... 7 45 am ]un A-D-," I 31 S ,, * lui nuiooga... ■> -to .... •> i.> .... Memphis..... 7jo . a"!.-, am .... Xew an- 755 " 7 55 7 20 7 211 i.ouisviiic. ... .. .. 7 It) Cincinnati. NCR !I li(U'Nl) X (,50 Xo53 Xo57 X o55 Daily Daily Daily Daily u: ■■ \ am pm am pm Danville...... 10 09 to ;;•> ........ i'raiikUu June. 11 i>U tl iii) ........ pm mb.) !,n id !ii»!ir • i j m i'j i on ( iiHrioucsvine. 2 : :i Oo <; to 5 :tr> ()nmye, 1 ::<) I (mi 7 10 o :H) ® A Wamm .lunct. 5 10 •* \ ~ 0 15 Mituas -sMs..... (MO .'i 10 ii 50 8 LA) Aloikandrin. . 7 00 0 35 10 -18 0 15 a inn v id Washington.. lMiithnorc..... . 7 35 7 ('■' i 1 13 9 13 _ :• •:> !S : ■ 12 to 11 25 am am Philadelphia . . 3 00 10 17 : 3 20 3 00 pm +5 no o 20 Xf.v York . 0 20 1 20 Ml 50 .... MANASSAS Bli A Mil. Kast.ward. | B’estward. Daily cxc’pt | | ! tally i xc’pt. Sunday. Sunday. Mx'd, HIM pm Mx’d. i> Hi 00 0 i) 20 45 Wa'hlngimi Alexandria 2 2 30 301 v2 (HU 45 ur» 2 40 8 15 Maunassas ai l ciiarf 35 i Front, ]!!ll 20' Royal 0 30 12 (i 50 5 45 Live! ton 0 43 12 50 | lv5 10 5 20 StFiishiiill 7 05 2 00 „ f \VAllKKNTON—’Trains Xos. 50, 51, j | 51, - 5.i, 5s anil 59 connect daily h> ami i from VVarrenttm. -FBAXiiLIX 1)1 Yl'dOX— Ih llv, cx I i <*}i! Kii.’iday. 1. arc Koci.y Mount 7:5Ua. m.. arrive Iranktin .1 unction 110:45a. m.; leave Franklin JuneUm | 7 :30 a. in ., arrive Rocky .Mount 10:30; !>•'«•!, (.(){!])<).> .. S ............ v ITtLh--irate lea t c Os ■ - i angc for < lordonsvine TT WVn rflfT, 2 :80 daily, ;i. m., and 9:20 p. Sunday. m. daily, and Returning:, 8 a. in,, j except | leave Dordoiisvillc for Orange fi 51)a n I :35 p. hi., daily and 3:35 p. Sunday. m. i.latly, at it . 10:40 a. in. except S1,L K I'i X >'; CAR ■■/.R VICK. On trains N’n-. 50 aud 51 l'lillmni Buffet Sleeper.;, hctwcci) Xev. York ami Montgoiucvy, via Danville. On trait:.- \ ■ -. 52 and 53 I*nllimin Bm'ict Sdeepers hid mi "ii Washington and-New Orleans Dativilie. and Wa-hiagtou and Attgnslti, via On trains Nos. 51 and 55 Pullman j F/misville, k ep, *rs betv. and ccn IVaslii/igtou and 'Iii ('lutrlotlesville and < | ciunati. On train) Xos. 54 and 59 Pullman Bullet Slee pel’s hi’twis i Wasliingtou inuJ Memphis, via Lynchburg. On trail:' \e-u 58 and 59 Pullman Btiffi’l Slee’M’rs l*i t v,. * n Wa diiiigtini and New Orleans, \ ia l.ynehburg and Kennesaw Route. C. 31. BORt M, D. P. A., A he e.iidria, N’a. JAS. L. TAYLOR, ashinglon, D. P. A.. U 1). < SOI,. IIA AS T. M. Richmond Va. . LOANS NEGOTIATED —on— Farms and Town property. IX BIBP.oi: ADJOIN IXD <<»' gvi'l Rs ELLIOTT ESTES A Ci),, 138 H ’eniid St., <4;*. A pply to r. it. ARMSTRONG, 7-12-88-1v Ea-tman, Da., Money to La an ■( improved farn - and town prop I y cm iii Dodge ami adjoiningI’ditii] t: at leg :! 1!. t * ■ i, - -1, I l . R. ARM -FROND Eastman, Ga., Nov. 29, 1888. tf KICK ID NT.—.\n eight-room cot i tsge in Eastnioi. Tri'in* favor able. - Apply to iidvRtti W. It. COFFEE. ■P. • • Leave your orders f 0i s (- OV e wood at the r . n HHure store of Fos¬ ter & Harris and thf*y will have prompt at¬ tention. e. h. BACON. july2tf F.*r Sale <>r IIe:it. Trveliinfc I loti or Mr*. Mug •lire, Ti ex rc"’Hence of J. 1L L;d v. i *4 i.tV r ] tV.r sale or rent :o . For ii ieiiiars, r.pplv t* Bienor. j-Ltf DeLav r <x