The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, November 29, 1889, Image 4

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€ ||pa IfeglHg Ifl « g§| ESS if,-" A A I? JV* * .Em 41s 5g . : St^il 811 % 4^Jgg y Eg i 1 II^e ^ lii DON’T FAIL TO SEE OCR STOCK OF CLOTHING, BOOTS. SHOES AND HATS. WE CARRY A MCE LINE OF LADIES’ TRIMMER AND OTRIHMBD HATS. Soeeial Bar ' W!?" Thihrtv Da^v rams tor the ,”v ■ % ext 7Q O, 10,000 YARDS CHECKS @ 4f CENTS PER YARD, 50,000 YARDS CALICOS @ 3- TO 7 CENTS PER YARD, 50,000 YARDS SHEETING 1 YARD WIDE @ Of CENTS PER YARD. LADIES AND GENTS HOSE FROM 4 TO 50 CENTS PER PAIR. Til . NATION’S POPULATION. — Viiuolj Varying Estimates of Next r- Fount It Will probably Be ««,Ok. 0,000. Frotn t’.r ( levelund Leader W, :i;viv; 1 \ f)V * 15_There has be deal of figuring . n a great ana estimating (ic.sing, rmght t.v—what the coining cen sus wi.l show the population o! this country to be. Hingulany enoug.i, tlinvo ia -i difference nf than 12,000,000 in . tliese more es timnt'- ' The lowest 1 have seen 1S - hU ,, h)S,K , ..... ‘"‘ ,l t ,i t! '. t j • ,i : j j nearly 75,000,000. n - " '■ rnauif si!y, much too large. The most ( .refill figures put it about 05,OO: 000 or fill,000,000, and tins is pro iblynol fur fmm the truth, I'jg ••••••« are generally 'exaspera ting to (he reader, but let us keep our l< mper while we contemplate just a few. taken from a compen diutn of the last (tenth) census, whirl lies before me. Our first cen si , in 1790, showed a popula¬ tion—I will only give round num bers—of 4,000,000. We had then but few more people than there are now within the state of Ohio. The i icrcanc during the success ive di .vnnial periods, us shown by comp lina' the total of each census with I .hat of tlic proceeding one> was: Second census, 1,400,000; third 1,900,000; fourth 2,400,000; fifth 3,200,000; sixth 4,200,000; saver :ii, 0,200,000; eighth, ',200,0 00; n uth, 7,100,000; tenth, 11,000. 000. Th ■ total as shown by the tenth census in 1880, was 50,155,7 85. Th iv is a singular uniformity in 1h > ratio of increase which va¬ ries lut lii tie in each ten years from )0 percent. The only mark¬ ed e; --option is the decade from 1860 to 1870, when the increase was nearly 1,000,000 less than from 1S50 to I860. T'iiis was due to tl; ■ waste of war, which cost di¬ rectly the lives 700,000 men, be¬ sides which it gave a check to the natural increase and also to foreign immigration. According to regu¬ lar ] rogresion t he total population in If 70 should have been about 40,509,000, whereas it was but 38, 658,371. The reason given is suf¬ ficient to account for this reduced rate of increase. Between 1870 and 1886 wo caught the old step agai the increase being in excess of 5 ■ per cent. Sin.ce 1880 the conditions have not been material¬ ly changed, and it will be safe to asgtt na that the census of 1890 will show an increase of 30 per cent , or 15,000,000, which will give 35,000,090 aGhe total within our! rders—not iueludingjAlaska. tv 8 8:50,000 WITH LEAD. A 8 ntn Fo Train Hold uj> in In¬ dian Territory. . F UT Worth, Tex., Non. 2G.— ] Sixt en mounted and heavily arm ed men boarded a south bounl San i Fe passenger train last night at I'ei win station in the Chicka¬ saw Nation. Indian Territory, and eut the engine, mail and express can loose from the coaches. They then van the train two miles and threw the fireman off the locomo¬ tive. Two miles further on the engineer was t hrown off and, after running four miles further, the steam was turned off and the loco¬ motive killed. Till- EXPRESS CAB B1DI.LED KITH BULLETS. 1 lien the robbers began an at¬ tack on the express car gu; ’.’it and messenger fired twenty slio;.-'. but finallv gave in after robbers had literally riddled the car. The money stolen is bet ween $20,900 and $.‘10,000 and came print ipallv from Chicago. United Stf.U's marshals are in pursuit of the robbers. ’ V.FXTV SHOTS AT THE ROBBERS. A dispatch from Gainsville, To in regard to the train rob l>er . savs that I red brasher, the ^ guardof the train, fired more then twenty shots at t he robbeis. and that one of the gang is be lie'ed to have been fatally woun n.l ■or, got about 00.000. The p t - angers and mail were not mo¬ les’M. A.11 O'^ItiLOir GroodLe ^ropoi'tionally Cls.ea,p. We Carry a Full Line of Groceries Furniture and Hardware. A Specialty in Trun ks and Valises. Cali and See Our Goods and Prices. s 1 1 A '?! 11 -A5-TW ■ I 1 1 li I ru r W I E Hi £ mm'% 2*5 Some Karr Coins. «'• '* of Corey, showed , us some old coins a tew days since. Among others, he has an American dollar of 1795. On one side of tliis dollar is the head of the Goddess ot liberty, , with the word “liberty’' inscribed above, and fifteen stars regularly arrangedj NV itli the date 1795. On tJie rever8 e side is the eagle of lib or ( v _ lit .emblem of American In ' dependence—encircled , , - , , , by a wreath ...” and the words ‘“United ... • ,,.-i,i n 1(1,0 m '' a 03 ,llv ■ wl - e of t! , ‘ IS C0l » ls not combated like the dollar of the present day, but, perfectly smooth and contain in" this legand‘“one hundred cents orone dollar.'” Mr. Whitehurst prizes it very highly, it having bee(1 jn’ circulation during the presidential administration of Washington, and says that al lhongh ,] 10 premium on it is fifteen dollars he would not take double the amount for it.—Pulaski Ilecor dor. A Shooting Affray. At the turpentine distillrry of (!. B. Parker & Oo. in the lower edge of tiiis county, on Thursday lust, James Turner shot and pain fully wounded R. II.Twigg. Tur ner. Twigg and two other white men, all in tiie em ploy of C. B. Parker, have had trouble among! tliemselves for some time and on the morning of (he shooting we i are informed by Twigg that as he i was standing talking to several othes Turner approached and after cursing him drew a 44 erlibre der ringer and fired. The bail struck Twigg on the left side just above the heart coming out near the ter of the breast. Twigg was in town Tuesday to see a physician and seemed to care very little about his wound. Twigg and Tur¬ ner are both from North Carolina. No arrests have yet been made— Dublin Gazette. A Useful I!oy. Here is a bright example for some of our Pulaski county boys. Now boys, try your hand, and im ilate him: Little Homer, son of Mr. and Mrs, Sid Williams of Thomas ville, has cultivated seventeen acres—fifteen in corn and two in truck patches—this year- The corn will yield fifteen bushels per acre, and the crops of cane okra, groupdeas and potatoes are line. The two last named crops will fat¬ ten enough meat for the family of eight, His father alone with the hoe lias aided him. This ought to put to shame idle young men who are waiting for clerkships while their people support them.- -llaw kinsville News. I,Talking of typograyhical errors, the Burlington, Yt.. •* Free Press does not remember of seeing a more horrible specimen of this class of blunders than one which appeared in a Massachusetts paper not long ago. At the close of an extended and highly eulogistic no¬ tice of a deceased lawyer the re¬ porter wished to say that ‘Mho body was taken to Hull for inter¬ ment, where reposed the remains of other members of the family.” By mistake the let ter “e” was sub¬ stituted torthe “u” in Hull,chang ing the sense of the sentence to such a degree that no extra copies of that issue of the paper were or¬ dered by the family of the dead alwver. A Uonsolnlation. News has just reached us of consolidation of the News Dispatch of Hawkinsville. 1x '° F^P erb have been for time the best weekly papers the State, and now that they been consolidated, we predict ^ ie Ne\\>-.>i?pau i a future clear and bright as a sunbeam. DKINKNESS— LIQUOR HABIT—In al! the World there is lint one cure, Hr. Haines’ Golden Specific. fee It without ean l>e given in a cup of the tea oreof the knowledge of person taking i-ure. it, effecting whether a speed v and perma the a mod eratd? drinker or an alcoholic wreck, Thousands of drunkards have been «;£-{,^ireoftw'wui^mtheir kn^I «Ige. and to-day believe they quit t^E tsz-szssvr ' co ’’ ** Pulaski Superior Court. The criminal docket will be ... fcen up this, Wednesday morning. J ucge Roberts jias been the civil docket for eight days and -«nu has mm disposed m. poseu of u. more iimn business than has been disposed of in cour t j n the same length of time for many years. .Judge Roberts j 8 winning laurels on the bench as an nble clear headed, and fearless i u <D ” e wlio deposes j ■ of business rapidly and to the complete sal is- 1 >■ ,,n i»,,i, .i.: r>. ,.i ,. ' ‘ ’ 1 ’ ' ‘ • - Thauksjrivmtr Services. Interesting t.ianksgiving set - vices were held at the Methodist church vosterdnv. A large crowd was in attendance. For Sale. One hay mare and road cart. ^ ill sell cheap for cash. ( ’ a!1 01; me a( m J' store in Laurens county, Ebeeman. Mrs. J. D. Peacock, of Eastman, is visiting the family of Mr. Al¬ bert Peacock.—Pulaski Recorder. Every business bouse in East man was closed from 10 a. m., to 1 p. in., on Thursday, At the annual meeting of the East Tennessee, Virginia, and Georgia railroad held at Knoxville the following directors wereelec ted: John IT. Inman, Samuel Thomas, Charles McGhee, Oa! vin S. Brice, John G. Moore, Thomas N. Logan, Edward J. San ford, W. S. Chisholm, JohnGreen ougb, \\ in. L. Bull, George Cop pell, John H. Ha!!, Evan U. IIow ell, George S. Scott and George J. Gould, No other busin 'Midk transacted. PILLED. ‘GaffilOIEOS ORDERS ECCENr'SE.X -DL1J? AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH ■AT (O) EVERYTHING TO EAT THAT CAN BE HAD. FRE8II, AND PURE. NONE NEED GO HUNGRY OR DRY. • BREAD TO EAT, ICE TO COOL AND COFFEE, TEA, COCOA AND CHOCOLATE TO DRINK. VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS AND TO PLEASE THE MOST FASTIDIOUS PALATE. CAN TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. CANDIES. FANCY AND PLAIN, THE SWEETEST OF THE SWEET AND LEMONS TO SOUR. COME ONE COME ALL AND REPLENISH YOUR LARDERS AT THIS SHORT CALL. RESPECTFULLY. KvA-’’ II 6 1 m M ii m uu 5 - >.' : s H a i iffipPl FTF fit ITFiTR rY^==F=pn filing : b 'l SSrCk£«^^B Scrofula iu Children. J^*KJSS 5*ZfT, Mr-.ltnth Berkley, amort charitable ^^^1-Vv th" ^SCih^eareri on head of my litEiegrandcliiid.then 0,1 *-V eigiue, n months oi.i Shortly af : t -r breaking out It spread rapidly the all over her body. The scabs slightest on touch, sores peal Utc make the ermosphere of the room siek •uingand unlK-arable. Thediaca*.* next ^ tr^lit. Kudnont physb iia ‘' fr»«« die -urroumikig country were consulted, but could oo nothing to relieve tlu; little onnocent, and gave it as their opinion, impossible uimt the rase was '■>>■ -i-,- and to save the •;nid“- .-ye-iglit. it "as thru deeided , (it0 0ll p,.- m0 r<' than it year .'laW-iie has lx-en ^is healthy as auy vhild in th ■ lad.” Fumd Ills Little Boy. My little boy iuul iinimrlties of the Monti that w.-rc of a scrofulous nature. which icsultcii in the breaking out of m abm** on the hip. I gave him Swift’s SpeoiiH-fS. s. s.) It purified Ills blood mO restored his health. As a blood pn litter it certainly has no equal. X. <’.'3 Felix Sixk, Salem, Tronti-w* on t.t'ii,it and skin diseases nailed free. Swift Sfucific Co., Drawer o’, Atlanta, Oa, Will you suffer with dyspepsia is and the liver complaint. Shiloh,s Cure remedy for you. ShilonV Yitalieeri- what you need for •oustiptitioa, loss of appetite, dizziness, uid all symptoms of dyspopsia. Price 10 and 7.) cents per bottle. mm il 1 II. J. BIUNSOX, TvA ./v AT G- TU IB • HOME OF THE ,-J.LBEK CITY, G A . Miuvl 1 n.i Vivift «i'i u ***< ssi».i*etJ /pajoi ‘ eaojowdo.UA’ oiuc ’ *.'-v -1/ 1 c* - - ' J A • ’• ^ ) y.-,. 57"s ■ i ! ■ 0.1 ; tl iM i’.lVi-A.A., 5 o 0. to U'-Al-,:.: , - O0J5 BSSh o° ft-* i-Jii&m&JtZ: V Hu jQ) I OF A'T UQt Ca: fOR-S, ITT..05^3: TOBAC AT S COS CEJsCV A^D C SUMIUEETSO C1CAR S. 50,000 YARDS SHIRTING f YARD WIDE @ 5: CENTS PER YARD, PINS, TWO PAPERS FOR 5 CEXIS. DRESS BUTTONS FROM 24 TO 25 CENTS PER DOZEN, ^VLather Wynne f s SPECIAL o l*\\h r O I desire to state to the trading public that 1 have just received my fall stock, consisting of Drv goods, Shoes, Notions, Hats, Hard ’• v « re ’ Series, Etc., and I atn prepared to show the newest, pretti est goods ever shown in this section. i\Iy prices are the very novelties lowest, and the quality of my goods the very best. 1 have some to show in new Prints, Penang, Sicillians and Scitings for Read the following prices ami he convinced that l am offering bzv ‘'Ik do,000 ArtA yds. , , best , checks , i. ft n- ~ yd. 1 oc 25,000 “ Calico 4c, 15.000 “ Sheeting & <Uc. I--.,' 1 •) non “ Sliii lim>-fo f, C 5 ’■ r 4 ^ Tull Stock • Mens , . Brogans @ 90c. pair Fine Button Shoes for ladies (« $1.00 per pair. Suspenders from 5c pair up. Socks at 5c. pair. Ladies Hose 5c. pair. The latest and prettiest i landkerchiefs to be found anywhere. Big bargains in Mens’ Wool and Fur Hats. Trunks Full cheaper bosom than ever known. linen reinforced shirts for men @ 50c. worth 75c. Stacks of Cologne, Toilet Soap and numerous oilier articles. Nice little bustles @ 10c. every lady wants one. reeem 1 f adisg Shot iiHllS, ^3 cheaper than anybody else can offer. ooldna i ’ Stoves OieaDer 5 r that can be bad at whole sale. FINEji HEWING TOBACCO 6)30c. ft. 1 am agent for Tobacco the best on earth Guarantee to sell GROCE 111 ES CIIEA PER that anybody else. Come to see me and let me shoe my nice, new. '-‘heap goods. Eve got tv nice little speech to make, and it will pay you well to come and hear it. i keep lots ot NICE THINGS that my competitors don’t have,and I am prepared to save money you on every article you buy. Respectfully, MATHER WYNNE. WY $A ¥T . iQl a j ■MANFFACTFREK OF ALL KINDS OF MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, TURNED WORK, SCROWL SAWING AND MANTLE PIECES. era ^ c. sii Hat b 'A. W' ^ W a A ,--A ; 2L ■» COHSTATITLiY OUST SCA-JSTID- JVYTJD at Short notice. Respectfully. T ■ m H I y -.iv . : n n Mi aii l : .I II - TL llLik) I vita s e - — i— — i r<S Be sm * uvs i (y «-f< r CLUB A for J. P. FTEYENS & BRO. in.the riss/^Gla. Businesso Call on him and get a watch on thirfv-eight wee!. - time at WHOLE sale prices. NO IIUMBU yj ' . LATEST ACHIEVEMENT C E L L U L () I D COLLARS, CUFFS, AND BOSOMS. <cr. si - " / i | The CelluloM Compauv rmithbmilv aitamoU ,ho high; cellars, cuffs amt basom.-. which la - : - V ' j V';”. ’-w"" ! eve been reached in this line of water proof goods. We have examined tin !i latest improvements, and tested them by every menus at oilr command. Wi are convinced that they have never them been excelled, and we are ready to give our heartiest iudoi-iment. They nr. pliable, most durable i f any goods Oli the market, and resemble linen mci\ perfectly than any waterproof unit _ lion. Some strangers who have lit’, r* acquaintance with these goods are mulct die impre- ion that celluloid is an ex¬ plosive material. This is an entirely 1 erroneous idea. We can held eelluloh ftpon the hottest argaml ! iinier, linen j will melt, but never ignite. The 1 interlining ni.ikes it i:n;eli slronsrer Him , any .,:h- • i.:- iu i- li . -he | !«■ glad ><i h ive am and all of in 'ovi.wr patrons try i e rtrile lliil us Ih.-n :.-pi:::on 1 f iff A iL'.'Dl'tllHTi I <t < C’HuL'.’d ^ oil a 1 o .‘fil \n r pair by mail. tarnish Titv^o. hutum col arc dura bio and ucv.t the las'- anil cults. Celluloid Collars and cuffs cost no more than linen—look better and wear longer. They never wilt from perspir¬ ation, are always white, clean and fmsli: require no laundry tug—are. manufac¬ tured in all the leading i-lyh-- for ' -Hi ladies and gents..girl mn i hoys, w nen ’ They have 1 th-ir in'a week's wear. Try them. Keep this for reference. Celluloid Collars and Cuffs are as economical and desirable as represented. free Can always obtain the same, of postage, by ad¬ dressing George Clement it Co., ,’W East •fid street, New York, at the following prices. 2’e,C for ?1.00-42.27. do* Gents’ Collars, Cud’s, VO'S, li for 2.75—4.75 doz ..allies’ Collars,! 5c, 0 for 84—1.00 doz “ (’ufi’s, 30c, 0 for 1.75—3.00 do/. Small Bosoms, Bosonts, 50c. Large 73c. ltemit by Postal Order, Check tK Stamps. Address GUO. < LEM ENT A f’ 0 „ 33 East 23d St. .New York City. my24-6m State of Geoiwia —Dodge County. T. To all whom it may concern: J Huclian having in proper fo#n ap plied to me for permanent letters of administration as eo-adminis I iratoj on the estate of 5\ r . B. NVhid don, late of said county dec’d. | This is to cite all and singular the heirs, next of kin and creditors of j said 4V. at B. Wniddon office the to be first and Mon i pear my on day in December, 1889, at 19 o’clock a. m., and show cause, ii any they can, why permanent let j ters of administration should not: be granted to s‘iid'J . J. Buchan on saifl ^ ‘ ^ r iiiddon’s estate. Witness m\ hand tiod j cial signature. J In tne 2:. 1 day oi October.! ’9. u,,,,,,.. i '- ■ y -y p, „„„ 1 v ’ 4t UlGBiaiy I*, , c, OfFII _ i. Ol OltDlXAKV ,, . Dodge CorNTV, Georgia. E. Upon Latimer the ap ! plication of Nancy ap praisers having and assign been appointed said Nancy to ■ ! set E. Latimer, apart widow; to and Clara O.. j IT. William Latimer; E., James minor H., children and ofC. ■ T. Latimer late of sai<^ j dec’d. in property or money a ruf ficiency from the estate of said C. |T. Latimer for their support and ■ maintenance for the space | twelve months from the date ot ministration, and -aid appraisers ■ having made and fi d in this oilice a‘schedule of the property or statement of the amount of money set apart by them under their hands and seals, this is to cite all persons c< incensed to show cause before me at my office in the court house at 10 o’clock a. m.,the first aIichael L. Bcbth, < hdinarv D. C. Card. K. W. Bonner of Macen highly rceomuK !s Brewer’- Bung liestorer m:- min The Lest n-e.tiei.i- you eat! give '' ; eld id in ease oi crou;. i - Brewer", Lung 1 Kestorer. “Can the world know a man has a good thing of it.”— unless Vanubkiult. he advertises the possession r.-' m 8 siX IF HfTp UW 1 ? i 2 WUiM [|i [(WdTI m CASH REQUIRED Until you have tested and approved. Our freight both ways if instrument fails to please in cither style, price tr quality. Ours the risk, yours pleased* only i i . i! lost, and buy if fully 40,000 4 Southern Homes Supplied first by us introduced since 1870011 this TEST TRIAL PLAN, in the South by us. Fair¬ est method of sale possible, ami a benefit 10 those at a distance who cannot visit our warc-rooma ALL RISK SAVED By this trial plan, and purchasers absolutely as¬ sured perfect instruments at the very lowest possible cost. that Selling only the best instru¬ ments made, will stand the most severe and CO I n trial prehen and si ve let tests, them we do not solely fear to send them out on stand on their merits. All wc ask is the privilege of shipping on ap¬ proval. No suit, no pay. Our freights if we fail* EASY TO BUY From us by correspondence. No matter whether you live either ten or a thousand miles from us. perfect. We ship Prices to all Southern in plain States. Our system is On* price only. No print and alike to all. more, no less. Largo Discounts from makers prices. tition paid. niet^, Easy installments. Complete outfits 1 very free. inducement Alt ffrlgl^ that any fair dealing house can offer. ... Writ© for . ....... Valuable Information. . -■>. Cataloglios, C.rculara, Special Fall OfTer3-IS39. Copy of now Paper-"Sharps and Flats’’ A 1 a irapp Address (ISBEN a BATES, “ SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, SAVANNAH, CA. MY SON “Deal with the men who advertise. You will never lose by it.”—13 ew. Yravkus» Write U & 11. S, M, H, about it. .1 TT'Olt HK.Vf.—An eight-room < ot tnge in Kastman. Terms favor¬ able. Apply to inlylDif iv. li. corn: k. S-'or Hale or Kent . j ridge, The I>v. -iling the Louse residence of Mrs. of J. Mug- F. next to DeLaey, i’<‘-{Kiii-si is offered I>1*- white for .-ale or rent For to any person. particulars, j«-7-tf apply liKi.Arv to Bishop. SMBS, NEEL&CO. ? .. 'ISO ( LOTIHF.ItH, 557 Chi 8t., Macox, Ga. | v;c-: ■ rrSffiSSxi'A- TRSA'3 mi Si-i'r.H | [ ~ h .’ HoteL | -' irs * i:. p“ *• L. day, $2.00. S, Special ProarJelre.sN. induce ■■ im!at to th ,: commercial travel. 85 -wf FdigJEtuffOiD y.V; toads: ■ elk ' j i’e sui-etl.: ;i, i r.-.dc oU- mark appefir.- on all < ><e: t : r< ■: ; f U ii:; a Mi stf. ! . - ! : irrTTOXK 1X C‘.LI/t’1,0112, which can never rattle or tarnish the collars or cufft. 3 j eoilar but *u.- for 5 efs. Stei*ve buttons j in many varieties rimI colors, from 27>e. to 5 ; her pair. AH goods warranted : nddre’'s durable. We send to ;u»y fi-.* of postage. Address, i GKOKGK GUKMKNT • St- ’ ' • < ' ,ty * i TST B. COFFEE, w • ATTORNEY AT LAW, j ■ EASTMAN. - - GEORGIA. TJ'. HEIJBMAX, i ~ ATTORNSY AT LAW. EASTMAN, - GEORGIA. S. T. ROGERS is prepared to sell them as cheap as can be bought. lie has given tlii building a thorough over hauling, and h tin tin ec nd floor a firs'. restaurant.; nd is prepared to feed and sleep the public at large in a first -class man Meals, --j cts.; lodging 25 c's. ★ i-V ft WRITE US wherever you live, and v.-e v will ship you a ® ne ntstrument on ij Days’ Test Trial in your own home.