The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, December 06, 1889, Image 4

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3t 'm m § Iks 3 SI K 1 ISsei Ssa mm I II §s» alW | « | I lr*i fe i«« 1 % Jj® EisrB : '5£| r- We;* 1 W* .#% a b^ss i gj p fe®Ui t n i 2 &ziU x : p i»s^ X'L S® DC TT FAIL TO SEE OUR STOCK OF CLOTHIMl, BOOTS. SHOES AND HATS. WE CARRY A A ICE LINE OF LAMES’ TRDIMED AND ' OTBBDfED HATS. 9 1 ik s Jt*arcrams © i n or the N ext T 1 iiinriv 3 -c .f. ■ r Days & CL# 10,000 YARDS CHECKS @ 4j CENTS PER YARD, 50,000 YARDS CALICOS @ 33 TO 7 CENTS PER YARD. 50,000 YARDS SHEETING 1 YARD WIDE @ Of CENTS PER YARD. LADIES AND GENTS HOSE FROM 4 TO 50 CENTS PER PAIR. Salutatory. In doffing our sombrero to the jiubli • as editor of the Times Joi n - ,b, it is in order to let the peopV know the future policy of the p i per. W< will use every effort in our power to give to our readers all 1he r, ws of this section, making the p iper one of best in Southeast Geor i A\ r e shall ever wield our goose quill in the interest of progress, pence, education, elevation, devcl opinc at and political purity. Rorkeil in the cradle of Democ¬ racy, reared around a Democratic hear; ’,-tow, we will be loyal to the Democratic party as long as we li. e; an 1 promise our readers more political news than has over appeared in these columns. Wi-hing our many readers a * nierr,. Christmas and a happy, pros] 1 -rons New Year, ! remain, very ; ■ peel fully. T. F. Carnes, Editor. Take This, Ye Brute ! It is with reluctance that we com! -vend to lower our dignity for a period by currying onanews papi r controversy wilii such a de¬ praved, immoral thniy as the ed itor’of the Pulaski Recorder is, hut ho has displayed himself as a large for abuse by commenting in si ha bitter strain, which he says "was written by us in a spirit of j Jon the news about the minefes and indictments of Dodge Superior Court being stolen, leav mg the impression on tiie minds of the few readers of that insigniti cant sheet that Dodge county was a little hell. Me misquoted the comment in that paper, which he declares a “falsehood,” but to show our read CVS that.the comment in the Re corder was not only more bitter than what we quoted the editor as saying, but a reflection on every citizen of Dodge county, whether good or bad, we reproduce the statement as it appeared in the Tim: : Journal of Dec. Gth. M e said: “During Hie month of Oc¬ tober, 1S89, the editor of the Pu laski Recorder declared tliat Dodge comity was and is politi¬ cal!,, and morally so rotten (we do i o not mean decayed) a Ghi nest wall should be built around her and she be sunk, and where the great county was once, the noblest portion of our State, there should be 'hole in the ground.' “ a The following is the article to will .li we referred as it appeared in the Recorder on Oct. 30: “And now the news comes that the minutes of Dodge County Su¬ perior Court, together with all of the indictments, have been stolen or have mysteriously disappeared. “It is now in order, as about the best thing that can be done, for the legislature to abolish Dodge county and build a wall around her so high that it eonnot be scaled, so deep that it cannot be tunneled and so thick that it can not be penetrated, and leave her citizens to tight out their destiny alone, without courts, law or soei ty. M'o would not be sur¬ prised any line morning to learn that the whole county had been stolen and nothing left but a hole in the ground. M e advise our good friend. Judge Roberts, to move up here, for fear they will steal and spirit him away some liiglx." As we said in the outset, we did not desire a controversy, hut as he implied iu his first article that the wheie , , people , of , Dodge . county , were possessed Wit* with tho tne snirit spmt Ot of Satan, “and her citizens should .AJUL Othier CSs-oocls; IParopos.~tiox 2 .cft. 2 J. 3 r Qlies&ip. We Carry a Full Line of Groceries Furniture and Hardware. A Specialty in 1 runks and Valises. Caii and See Our Goods and Prices. Ci^T ii a M 65 BSU iV £ if tsa bs left to fight out their destiny alone, without courts, law or so ciety,’ - we do so in order to defend the integrity of our people from the vile and slanderous tongue the editor of the Recorder, who implied in his first article that there was but one good citizens in Dodge county and that one was Judge Roberts. The only way we can account for snch vowps is that he had just recov¬ ered from an attack of delirium tremens, and in order to reli we his distorted imagination lie paced his cell like a hibernating brute, and thought of his recent visit to Eastman (we doubt very much ii he remembers it ) and penned the lines to which we have referred. In his last article the jack a - . in his allompl to back out of his first assertion brays a note of great love for Hie people of Dodge county. lie says: “We never have said there arc no good peo pie in Dodge county; on the other hand we believe a very large ma¬ jority of them are good, law-abid ing people,and we sympathize with Ihem, because, from what we car. learn, they are afflicted with a few fanatics who stir up more strife and do thecoinity more harm than the alleged violatorsol the law. Wo reiterate the statement! made by us that he has “publish-1 ‘ od , a M.1 ... , on I.od,n count, and , citizens,’’ by implying that there is but one good citizen in Dodge. Dodge county is not “af dieted with a few fanatics, who stir up strife,” ami the “little fel lows who shot off their mouths," at the meeting were men of com age with characters unimpeacha hie. Among those who spoke at the meeting were Dr. II. Fisher, Prof. Ii. J. Strozier, Rev. E. Burch, ,, , Cols. r , , W.B. ,, r ,, Coffee ... and , Jus. r Bishops, Jr., and many others, who never shrink from what they be lieve a duty, and who are-ever the friends of peace. lhe ohJ .... thtnff sent . several , copies • of the last weeks of Ids infant newspaper, containing an editorial in reply to a complimentary no tic© of him and his paper, in which he insinuated that mu- citizens did not Jt.iv.-. the courage to at,,,pros: lawlessness, to this place lo be dis tnlmted .. , , among those who , d.d V1 not . favor the public meeting, but said * article, we understand, did not meet „.oo! ruth onnmmi approval. In said article he denounces rnt as bars and says Ave are incapable of writing an editorial. It is our desire that this controversy cearc, as every lime we refer to him. or write his name the lead in our pencil jiutrifies. Me ’would not do him justice if we were to coil elude without conplimeiiting him on being an idiotic fool, a liar, a whinning, whelpisli coward, * a stie.iv, , a ,. 11 . a, On, o\t .. net , scoundrel, without honor, without xhamv. a Uadpari who t.keg advantage of distance to vituper ate men, a cowardly libeller and slanderer, and is endowed with a nature lower than the lowest an j . The poor coward has retreated from the Bunker Hill of pure bravery and fortified himself be hind a dung hill on tiie low, ob noxious mar.-h of falsehood, and there in his own shame mired to hfe knees in infanlv , ho cr i es out liar to all decent people. Me there Jea\e him uriiOss tiie goo*. people 1 r of Cochran will put 1 a lial ter on thaass and fasten him in the manger, where his brays can not .disturb tjus peaceful world. Empire. Em; ire. Dec. 17.—The general manager, after an absence of ten ..p, y , Alabama, returned home yesterday. G. il. MLtiler, iormerly of Emi pire, but now with the E T. Y. A 0, Ry., in Macon was here Mon day. Mr. T. L Daily lm,- been sid, - tracked with fever, but is alright again. O :r clever neighber. Peyton Ethridge, is grinding cane and singing to his new baby—a girl. Mr. ,S. R. Ciay, ilu- artesian well man is here, and as soon as hjg machinery arrives will com mencelo smte, . dig or , bore a well, , .11 Mrs T vler i’os'or of GriHin tiie guest of (lie Ii-iteldc Foster. IVitl Lewis, colored, met with a serious accident on Sat unlav on the E. & 1). Road near Yonkers. He was riding in the caboose of the log train when a log sixty feet long fell off the car in front, the front i ml striking the ground and the log was forced through the caboose, striking Lewis all over at once. Ex-Coroxer. **• A Great Admirer os' the Tnagle City <>r Southeast Georgia. One of the most pleasant com¬ mercial travelers that we have ever had the pleasure of was Mr. i>. II. Hale. ThF ux-niIo¬ nian hails from the old North Car olma Elate ;:na represents the , firm of Guggenheiim-r & Hersh man, wholesale halters. Baltimore. Mr. Hale i.-i a mun of ex-; •lisit 0 physique, a nook* and haiKc-orne countenance, and bv honest deal ^ (he merchants of the Southland. In conversation, a pounded the following von’ ((nesti; n: •Dir. Hide, can account for the ignorance .n the Nonh v • i ol ,• Va: habits and disposition of the col omI race Soll(h . “Yes, sir,he replied; “although ieared in the South, I have lived and traveled a great deal in tne Nortli, and there is no necessity such J pretended ignorance, as ^ thousan(ls of „,. r0l . s Nort]li an(1 lhc !e llave a chance to study their habits and customs. They understand (heir nniure, but will not own it, as they are prejudiced against, the Anglo S;ixon ra(V of [he iSon(lu - .. Df) the xviliies consider the negroes their equals socially m any parts of the North: “Yes; in some sections of Penn G'ivania and Ohio they associate g Iia anie * uc 0 ° f l animosity anun01l '> between neiueen tlie lJie two sections: ' “ 1 he fire-earing, bitter burning newspapers of the North, but, voung man, watch with keen in of „„ ch , u „,„e folnre day the storm of passion which blows from the fiery altar, such sparks of hate, will be ca,med by a conservative people. and the Anglo Msou race of the mind, ' '"'F soul A ,ll ana ‘“, body.” t• “ In speaking of tiie climate of the different States the "entleman avowed that the climate of South Georgia was the best he was ® ver in * and ^P e «a!Iy that of Eastman. He said that was a lovely place, and that he ‘ ;n{en( | e q t 0 nrake it j.p. j lome in H.e n ear future. q’i !P election for bonds to build a new court house for Dooly county resulted in a good majority ,or JOn(!s - ' >enna. tne county seat, favored i on Is, while Cordele fought hard against them. This will settle the court house Hon for that county for several * VMK9 ‘ Hp.t.t _; ‘ ’____ * For Sale. Dwelling house and one acre of land. Good neighborhood and good well of water. MLvlt. A Dkxsox, tf Exist mail, Ga. Unckten’s Arnica Salve. Thk Bkst Salve in tac world for briii-es, sores, ukers. salt rbeum, fever, sores, teller, cbappol hands, chilblains, corn*, and all-kin crop tious. ami positively cures Piles, or uo pav reqmrcil. Ii is guaranteed to give pe^fcci satisfaction, 25ets. or box. money For refund- sale by cl. Price per all druggists. novIOjf Geor< j i a—D odge couni y. At the January term next of Dodge court of ordinary applications will he made to sell all the real estate belonging to estate of J. J. Rozar, deceased. 1 ►< e. 2. 18S9. L. M. pEAcei’K, Adm'r. Ei.oiihXCE, L. Rozar, Adnirx. J. J. Rozar. deceased. Oiil'X; .WEo-T.tOUOR HABIT—In all the .’iTorhi t'u rc isbcl <> ;<■ care. Si;-. It: 'll {billies: Earcttlc. It can be givmi ia a cap of tea or cm i'.-e wirliont the knowledge speedy of tbc person taking it, effecting a am! perma¬ nent cave, whether tl'<> patient is a wree':. mod¬ erate. thinker or an aicAhulle Tiioasamls of di unktu- is have g-.mi enifi! wbo tiave taken the Os.j tea Sj.j ciile in their coffee wi bout their knowl edge, £ amlto-day believe they qtutdrmk lir . !: tw wilt. iianoftil “ii f vcsv.Us from its attnilmstration. (.•nri*< gmn-.mteed. tor ciren'al¬ and full T.-articiiIars. Address in eon tiden-ec, Gor.Pi-.x Hvr.civu: Co., 185 Raee street, Cineiuuatti, O, TV i!) you suffer with ilysp-epsia and liver i-ompliiint. SJiilob.s Cure is lb remedy for you. The Dulpit and tin- Singe. Rw. F. M. Sluyir. iiustcr t’nitc ! Bn tiu-ca cliarcb. Blue Mound. Kan.. says: “I feel if my duty to tell wluit wonders Dr. King’s Now Discovery lias d -110 for me. My lungs were badly dis¬ eased, and my parishioners thought 1 took i could live only a few weeks. five bottles of l>r. King’s New Discov ,., and am sound and well, gaining 20 lbs. Flint- in weight. Love’s Funny A Love, manager Doll. , n’l : i -i!, a ihoraiieh trial and 'convincing evi lienee, lam confident Dr. King’s Nov Dlseavei’v for consumption, L'G;if> Viu nil, and cures when everything <1 ■ iails, Till! greatest kindness I can do j.)v many fliausaacl fricuilq is to urge Di'.t.i to try i(.’ i-'v.-o '.rim LotlU--- W H'-rrmaii &■ Henman’s I drug store, IF :i!: -'' K - g - V;i '- !,!1( ! ■'-° ■■ OKiCmi —Dodge < ‘minty. Will 1,, *« MM, the eo.trt hot,* door of sa i*i county during t ,e legal of sale on the first uesday in the 15th district of Dodge* County, Georgia, upon which is situated the dwelling house, out houses, gm-house and ., n(] • turpentine still 0 j C . u. Harrell’s;containing 202* Jnore (!r less, excejit acres off the east corner of said ;ot; a:so, lot ol qand i.un.bei *.3g [) 0( ig 0; an d number 224 in the 14th district of said county of Dodge, each containing 202.V acres, more or less, together with aU the houses, out-houses, edifices, bud sl ‘jn-ivijege^ ^ "‘esJemeuts, rights’, members belonging, .and nppurtenan- levied ces, thereunto upon, and to be soid as (nepvop erty of B. IE Ham-11, under anu uLed Dom^lirSmSo^Tom'c of l)od«e conn tv in favor of Baldwin p |l .d 1 fi un ’' ".'W 'L a Vcc ?.'" . lU •/ r 1 l 1 ., 11c j ' v 11 ’ ' ]; q. XUwuss. •* ' Also, at the same time and corner ei , r) ,, aciv ^ 0 f i ai!(l in ^md le . ;a i of lot number H, two acres in southwest corner of lot number 13 in the 15th district oi Dodge county, Georgia, together with 1 , 0 ,,-rr. ,mi!,li„g ; number krfrf'io? « land 14 in the 15th dis trict of Dodge comity with houses. property if J. 31. V.-„„:lar,] uadm and hy virtue of an exec,t Gjon issued from the Superior court of Dodge county in favor of George S. Jones against said J. M. Woodard. This December 5, iSS9. J. T* Rawlins S heriff D. 0. Notice. Mill be sold before tiie court house door in the town of East ing property to wit: One thirty-Jive-horse-power f^nJo^'^picklt fq 1 polnuS'’ machine; oim ( Klu f 0 oUiaorti-e ; t ,,| on ;f! id sold as the prop erty,of fa J. issued I. Waite from upder Dodge a inert Su gage fi perior court m fa\or of L. ,.i. I ea cock vs. J. I. YYaite. Proporty in li-fa. inis Decern ber 5.1889. J. T. Rawi.ixs Sheriff D. C. Also, x one acre of n land d with house thereon in the north cor¬ ner of lot number 91 in lee 16th district of Dodge county, levied ou and sold as the properly °f Richard Brown under a Justice court ti-fa in favor of II. J. Sapp Richard Brown. Levy made and returned to me by ML J. D. Skelton, constable. Tins, Decern j )er - i ssq J. T. Rawhss. Sheriff D. C. 50,000 YARDS SHIRTING I YARD WIDE (<? 5, CENTS I’ER YARD, TINS, TWO PAPERS FOR.5 CENTS, DRESS BUTTONS FROM 2, TO 25 CENTS PER DOZEN, Painful Boils. About three years ago 1 was troubled ,i itli poison in my blood, very irrita ;i;i£ and puirifcl toils breaking:out all oyer !!)'• body. For two year# ! -utter •<1 with them, trying all sorts of ram a .i.■ s. am! doctor's prescriptions -.vithou; ivail. Becoming disgusted witli dot ors, and medirli.'e- i ha.I used up lo hi.- time, I voU«lu«U*.{ to try S. X. S. ind the result fur beyond my expects .ion-. A few bottles left me *.n better mall!) iha.i i had been since i h’bflmot!. 1 Ooiisider S. s. tbh only medicine will tlioi'ugldy purify poisoned blood. T. K. il a' i F!j:i.j>. Horse toys, Ky. A N s! Tonic. 1 have used KvrsftV Sj ecine (S. S. S. ,vith ge;> ! rt suits. As a tonic, it is in¬ valuable; as a blood pmitier it ; • relia¬ ble. Kev. .1. II. .! i si’:;;; o' . tVinston, N. C. Keep It s.s n Fiunily M: biciue. Mr. .1. .!. lira iley, writes fr< -•oil C.t., ureter date of September -•» ••Swift’s Specillc (S. S. S.) inis ; fp fly nsRiS ;-v my fnDiiiv NY ilii the ••c ■{ ID*!!It. 45 . A ea bottle* entirely relieved i::y sister oi 1 ! were c:a : '- i f -vCi.ia. My ’c i!V in:; . frcijueally foum! tier blood |;urlKetl and her hc.iKU liupruvcd by S. S. 8. I laid also a scrofulous a Section that has been in: iirely cu'«! l).v inking a few bottles ofSwit't’s Spcciiic (s. S. S.) Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free. Swift 8muse Co., Drawer 3 , Atlanta, Ga. p||f| | j |j |j f’j | g | | g | TinmuT flUlUlj k -j II. J. BRINSON, IsZLA-JETiNGKEilR, s: , e i OF THE LUMBER CITY, - GA. Marc’! 1 1, 1 yr tu WAXTEO to pariv»F> for th<‘ >nlu ol X ' . spry •-■■topk ! Si w:l ly employ m on t gutir.itilct.v!. GOOI) l’AY for siicct- - til ill •:>. ply at oir’C stating ;igi‘. .Mt"i!ittsi I:i . Iiapcr. Ar.AU.uiA Xc;;s::i:v CoJU-anv. Huntvillc. jV In. I).' - iAF For ilyspeysia and liver cninplainl: you bottle have a printed Viiali/It guarantee on every of Shiloh' - in-vi r fails to cure. Herman A Herman, druggists. shihm's Vitalicer is wliat you need for cousiipation, loss of apiietito, dizziuoss, and all symptoms of dysp.oisi.v. i’rh-o 10 and 75 cunts per bottle. Ik WOOTEN, attord^y:at law, EASTMAN - - GEORGIA. Office at Court House. Deohui a—D odge county: Be . man on the iirst Tuesday in Jar uarv next will be rented to the hi F! iest hkld ^' \ he ho ™f. ] ,!acc , belonging to estate of J. J. Iloztir. deceased, aim upon miiiiIi J. Rozar died. r lerms made known at time of renting. Dec.4, ISDN L. 31. Pi-.acock, Adm r. Ei.orkxck L. Rozar. Adnirx. J. J. Kozak, deceased. Shiloti's Cure will immediately relieve croup whooping congii ami broiiehUis. Hernnan & iIciTin:ui. driuggists. - TITT H 0 ^T! ’ 0 H H R ® TITTfl H h lllOl.UUiUUi.lW j j T f 1 . Having lately fitted up an Ele¬ gant Photograpli Gallery. I am now prepared to r Fake Pliofograoils on as reasonable terms as can be j j u fll) „ 0 f |j ie cities. All work Util mil j | Call and give me a trial. ;| mropos i te miss-Jorp-sai. office. (Si m | , 1 f ffi Pllff i I > For Sale. One bay mare and road cart. Will sell cheap for cash. Gallon me at piv store in Laurens county, IF .J. Freeman. A nasal injector free with eacli Isstb of Shilob'.s Catarrh 15-meilv. 1‘ric ■ 5U cent- at Herriaan «x Hernnan. ilrug gists. ll-15-’cb, Cm. r r ! _I f E E E \ n : L Ft fi Rt H G H f" 0 V H p: W F! l f; 0 0 ; a fi H w R fl <1 M Pi C H ii) D b FAMILY ^SOCEEIIS AT B OTTO Id PRICES FOG CASH a r A VD- >, 7 A V r y : - - . . (O) EVERYTHING TO EAT THAT CAN EE HAD, AND IN RE. NONE NEED GO HUNGRY OR DRY. BREAD TO FAT, ICE TO COOL AND COFFEE, TEA. COCOA AND OilOCO! Vi'.: TOD. ,NV. VEGETABLES OF ALL KIXDS AND 1’BUTTS TO PLEASE TIIE MOST FASTi DtOUS PALATE. GAN GOODS TOO NUMEROUS TO MEN HON. GANDIES, FA.'v i AND PLAIN, THE SWEETEST OF THE SWEET AND LEMONS TO SOUR. GOME ONE GOME ALL AND REPLENISH YOUR LARDERS AT THIS SHORT' ALL. RESi'Et i FULLY. m ms r NpCSt'FlAhW [fi pt ,<*.? ag p;n /;•-? i 'U a V A m i fit 3 if EAT w -r. MANF i’A< OF AU. KINl)n OF- MOULDINGS. BILK ’ ivL i is, TURNED MORN St ROMM. SAWING Ail a 11 Mil ji/ir .4 -vFrn'' X.’ E Li., ii ; ■ EE.. ? M uJ >4 j A ? pnii 6 raprSiST I PpT H » mM ii i m Ol 1 "A li tkulM’8 S? CONST AHTLY OFT SIAAOTIO. kYlT.TD F © M T1 "3 KydLil tT% III li W 3 H Ft C&rZV WA at Short notice. Ilesjiect fully. JJJ l I iAOUCAli 1 \ fi m A m IS k | y AkkcLhJ i r-^-EEEi 9 A A j v VEJxS v ,v 4 feat ’ * y °^ b*> Ft ?? wt. r:e H ffxi In? I ¥ it zzi. I xz 1 z..-. 3 iVrJi - -C ,, yyi? C^Llj B M t , v K. v <3 2 z F m ■ x for J. I’. STEVENS A BID. in the o ItL is. EUZcOl v \ r.-E ^ Call on him and get a watch on thirl v eight week's time at WHOLE- . , FALK BRICES. NO HUMBUG. EE. .df - ' J f F-surd " V .....TtK- ■ ‘ E : iLS ' - -■syg 1 -\ ■ N ;-j. -T b ■ • . , ;' - GDIS y-gSS-j I-:',. - \ 1 ^jfe.. wavetfj'QgZaiaec/ - p Z5 / &!c Proprietors ? : f| 0 Errr,E • fragt' Marte Jr y; ate red-. ,v«aj ur* H > b IN 1 r '0 5 0 API L_1 ~ 'ci 3 n h] i , H 5 y 5 Et G 5 5 U q 0 5 W •5 tii Oi HOW? “Can tha wo mu now a mar, F a a £Oo<5 thin!' unless he advertises the ^os&sssico of it."—-V anoukuv;. 1 - NO C&SU REQUIRED Until you have tested and approved. Our freight both ways if instrument fails to please in either style, price and or quality. (>urs the risk, yours only lo give lair full tcbi, and buy if fully pleased. 40,009 Southern Homes Stippli.--1 PLAN, first by us introduced since is>> on this TEST nth by TRIAL Fair in tli ns. tsi mtithdd of sale possible, and a great benefit to those at a distance \i ho cannot s v h our ware-rooms ALL RISK SAVE!) Tly this perfect trial plan, and purchasers absolutely as¬ sured instruments at tin very loweot possible made, cost. that Selling \vilY only the best instru¬ ments stand the most severe and comprehensive trial let tests, we do not fear to send them out on and them stand solely on their merits. Ail we ask is the privilege of shipping on ap¬ proval. No suit, no pay. Our freights if we fail. EASY TO BUY from us by correspondence, No matter whether you live either ten or a thousand miles from us. perfect. we ship Prices to all Southern in States. and Our system is One price only. plain No print alilfc less. to all. Discounts from more, prices. r.o Ail Large makera cunpo tition met. Installments, Complete outfits free. All freight paid. Easy dealing l-.very inducement that any fair liouse can offer. Write for Valuable Information. Catalogues, Circulars, Special Fail Offera-1839. Copy of new Paper —“Sharps and Fiats”— ALL FREE. Addr« s 1 mm & bates, “ SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, SAVANNAH, CA. MY SOiM •‘Deal with the men who advertise. You will never lose by it.”—D en. Franklin. /!«- Write L. & li, S, N, H, al/out it. *4 % A> iiUil r it nil vea-’t* Hr:".•.>hr•» :d DclUti rale, cap Sri now ,!< be : of * 1 .h cines, it ri r i;!'A'-Gi':f >' • - «< • t• >»’y iwtoa liUt (.•:HKf* l,V<- SftT, JBIliOUSlU' ‘7. if* will Li a K.'IcUy vp-ye: y Hon ftnci CVitE bl ALALIA. : A ; ALA,-.!/ 7. t/.d:i)lf*g. Dr. 8, H, Wi hc, of }}<mton, K y Faya : “Ilflvtt orncGccfl m*’ri : ci 'ii a equi,S to 11 EItI.1 Y E IVi A l Dr. W. A. !*. r, of Mntil on. Ff.ys tMu t “A ho!*’ of n. itDiNK its v-’o-rth C-.-.OO w.uth o' Qyhitiio in ntty fnBt'.ly ” A'"" ':-:' }hr JJver hi a diiU'imtn v.iv from fir.: r>. i 4 in< I'icine; h in n ?’ >iU5vs cart* for * M GHiatiou compcpitlon nud U cheaper H Fti<h, t!.:*:• tliPJ i PIIIh, lit' pccuii «r v/o frnrffrnu”: to cure ft • of < hiiX and Fever or iiiHnub Fever v* lioffje it co t ty.: 1 . 75 ct nil enen COTl tafn:- over 4'J t! vc, t ^ the cost tew than two cans a dose W Oil hi yoo /ifk for cheaper n:. lichte ? J , is not a cure-nil, But Will cure tiriv Live «% IDlidUM <»r .Haiti* rial C<*tu^D*.Hist. 1 .uiiiHftnred by ■2?3ao '.Z Xo^l^ixao Co 9 f - y • s?o rn tv Wjxj.Cop 'ell.) at, v V ■tnAoe f c . j Be sure tiffs trgtle mark appears on all the goods Mi you sI.EKVK purchase. BUTTONS ( t OMARS A v,hleli V> IN ' Fl.t.t'MU!), ean n-ver rattb-or tarnish tiie collars or euffs. 3 lei ■- !<tr 5 rt,. Si --. c Imtu-ms j | in many j;er varied pair, All ;• u>S fsoody goJou from minted 2*>r. to \v:i j s;rong at'ui; and free <farable, of postace. Wc Addrexs, fictu I to any i GUOl'.GK ( [.CM F.NT <•: CO., K..-J ■!. X. Y. City. Ii. COM EE, I t o ATTORNEY AT LAW, EASTMAN - GEORGIA. i;. iG-.Kit.MAX, £ J ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ef -THAN. - GEORGIA. S. T. ROGERS iias purchased tne building re¬ c fitly occupied by F. lie rrmnn & Bro.. i.iid has on.” of tiie nicest stocks of good you ever saw. and is prepared to sell llamas has cheap given as can be bought. thorough :e this building a the second over ’g- . air! has * a floor a first das- restaurant, and , is putffV prepared to feed and first-class sleep the at large in a man tier. MeaL. m cts.: lo Iging 25 cts.i it ^ / 4 WRITE US wherever you live, and we will ship you a fir.e instrument on 15 Bays’ Test Trial in your own home. i< i V 5 V