The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, December 13, 1889, Image 4

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-— —-g~. H £ C go* ■ A Y>> % if! n s K rN ■% {Si SB DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING, BOOTS. SHOES AND HATS. WE CARRY A 5 ICE LINE OP LAMES’ TRIMMED AND UXT>!IH«ED HATS. I mhrxy •<3 « ’Sj i .«•*. ^ uays 10,000 YARDS CHECKS @ 4| CENTS PER YARD, 50,000 AWARDS CALICOS @ 3< TO 7 CENTS PER YARD, 50,000 YARDS SHEETING 1 YARD WIDE @ Gf CENTS PER YARD, LADIES AND GENTS HOSE FROM 4 TO 50 CENTS PER PAIR. OUR AWFUL FIGHTER. A Ti m story of Why He joined Cs and Why lie Left La. It having become noised about that wo were going to make a horseback trip through a pot tion of the cattle country, various tndi vidu. .-made application* ror situations. Wc ueed I only n cook and n man to take charge of tt * *agi'&ge t but the applicants kept coin¬ ing, t. ml tho clay before we left a chap ap year» 1 1 who introduced himself as Awful Lav. “L «oL-a-hero. fellers, r he be^an In a busi net* wi ly, “1 want to be counted in on this. Jtide I. it's a slight on me that you hadn’t nppl •! for my services. You'd hove i>eeti in npu V pwkie to have gone Without the un V, allied to explain wlmt , peculiar ,, valu« . 11 his h rvj.-s ml^ht have to us he uttered a long lii^ile cf surprlG-■? and replie*!: you ire iiuuKvnts, nnrl no mistake! Wb< ing J do your lighting for you 1 " - g , A 'ii-‘ 1 liana were at poaco wo didn’t ex poet any trouble*. “< you don tl mess me, but what dear, goo<; lit l ie boys! InjuiiBi Notxsiy said la jum It's the white men you’ve got to look out ‘. 'i" You’ro going among the tuiTest lot In tl.e whole world. They are right on the fight ::!i day and uli night. Any 0110 of the gang run turn himself loose and hammer Itaii. ix out of the whole live of you iu ten tniui ies. ” IT wanted to go along to do our fighting. Ho ' :id f urnish his own mule and make the trip r a dollar a day and his keep. When *t»ke : if he had any recommends Iso put on an inju ii air anti answered: :i i you never heard of Awful Davis! Nov 1 -heard of the man who lu.s fit lifty-six ti ;h .ml come out on top every time! Fur r t"in ! that you want a certificate of character lror a feb. r who lights, standing, kneeling, or I. big on his back I 1 his makes me weary I” Vt talked it over and finally engaged him, and lien informed of the tact ho replied: "Very wall, geulicmen. From this mo juoi t you are iu my keeping. Just pint out the Uuss you want pulverized uud I’ll do tho biifiitt^ss. I shttu't put airy limit 011 you. I’m to tight day or night and to lick six men 11 day If you could bring atiout three or four a cir-.y for tho next week 1 should fee) obliged, ua r. liver is a lectio torpid and I vvaut cx evci •>." D .ring the first day’s’ l ido v.e mot but foxv jhx>; Iu. Une of those was an old Indian, lama Oi t ie left leg, uud Awful Davis halted the par y and observed: •Mi'lit!., did 1 bear any of you tull me to lick ibi-s copper reptile?” None of us had told himso. “i lug your pardon, gouts. I want you to unit stand that I’m alius on band. I’d like to i, . iluwu and hammer him for.tlie benefit I a^pi^dcu^dwo whiu U ™wLtLigfor Mip. '. a cowboy rode up. Tho greet lag v.-.-ro friemllv, and ho got down to have n b .e n itli us. lie was luirdly on fbo ground bofiao ho saw our Awful fighter uud uttered a bit.upbl of disgust. •• '.t hat you got tliar?” he asked, “ lu’sour lighter." Vour lighter! Did you bring him along to ( ;bt anybody or anythingl” “,le hired to us to do our lighting, but bo’s tiw no show yet.” “iVeU, I’ll give him a show I Como out o’ that, you cowardly kyote!” T :o Aivful was skulking belli ml the bag ga; a He rose up at tho command, aud tho txj' boy shouted at him: “.fill Whecson, I know yo and to wo ye one. ~ Av fal ms lie advanced u step ‘*Of course it’s mo* you yaller cur from the bo’ '“m lands!” j • And you want to fight?” *'l want to show these Vro gents that you av* lha biggest liar aud coward in America! Co ie out here!” ‘ Uouts, is it your wish that 1 projuco a fui ml hero?” asked tho Awful as ho turned to us, “shutl 1 bang his foechurs into ono bt< niy mass—kill him deador’n a beef bone V i‘ !i one blow (' N.'o nnsweioil that it was. •'Here—tio ono hand behind mo—tie both lia- N behind mo—tio my feet together, and I’ll ik'k him then!” howieil tho cowboy. • J.m Phillips, you haven’t got two mimts to exist!” solemnly nmiounced tho Awful “I’m coinin’ fur jo liko a dozen cyclones bfi 1 into ono! Look out, now!'’ J.espiton his bauds and stepped back, cs If t ■ get a running start, and next thing wo he< i I was tho thuinpl thumpl of his feet os he .led afar into tho darkness. Soino time .tu; l ag Urn night ho returned for his mule. Ke.t morning we found the following ox ph .mo:, -crawled1 on a piece of paper and Fti. k into a split stick: “Seozed with sudent yii.aess—go d-bl.”—New York Sun. _____ II is Cane tUo Saddest. “This is the seventh time within two hours til: : you have asked me when tho train left feu Iju-.sing,” replied t'ao policeman at tho Th rd street depot to a youug man with a ■at keL “Is K against the tawt” i “No, but it is rather annoying to me.” “We’d, if it annoys you how do you think 5 must feel about it? Tho fare is $ 2 .(it), and 3 A • got to think of some way to get out there or. $ 1 . 50 ."—Detroit Free Press. Aviso anil Olil. , Tie (rejected suitor)—You condescended to Jo upon my suit with favor once. Miss Jk i.L s he—Yes; X was young and foolish then. S i --.vo gained wisdom with ago. tio (savagely)—How very wise you must ■be by this time.—Yankee Blada t A Breathiug Spell. t A sleepy little soul at bedtime found it hr. 1 work to keep awake when she knelt dt. vn to say her prayer. Half w ay through ,h stopped and sighed: "Well, I've got froo tfc • worst of it, mamma.”—New \ork Trib UIIA. A Friendly Critic. 1 rn f , Q ! ■ j »r x, SIN li JN •A £rjf: 11 v >2 ’i \t Si m TV A ' J 1 / / T j fji - j. —1 I —k 1 }■/ Tk . I >- 1 Vv- j \ f Stamp Clerk (at postoSce window)—Y’on’ll 1: s tirst class matter. xn-uuiscript on its seventh trial trip, Ah, All Otlier CaS-oodss Cliea.p. We Carry a Full Line of Groceries Furniture and Hardware. A Specialty in Trunks and Valises. Call and See Our Goods and Prices. P ms u mm 1 % v-i siM^aaa ■ t 23 -c*;j F; Daniel Webster's Winning W«ys. The following story of Daniel Webster, illustrati ve of liis winning personal believed traits, told by a leading local lawyer, is never to have been made public. Years the late Erastus Corning, of this c j tVj ^ a comparatively young man, ma , ic Mr Webster’s acquaintance some w , intimate lv. As a result of the friendship it turned out the former in¬ dorsed Mr. Webster's note for a consider¬ able sum. When the note fell due protests came to the firm and they paid the note. Knowing Mr. Webster's impecuniositv an j no ^ wishing to crowd him. they did , K)t c;lll upo „ 1^,,, for security. After s< , nie 5 vo:U Si ;U1< 1 when it was supposed that lr. Webster’s financial condition improved, . , Mr. , r Corning, ,, at . the .. in- . was stance ot 11is firm, wrote asking **ii. Webster if he could make it convenient to liquidate the claim. The answer was ;l colir teous note from Mr. Webster mak¬ ing excuses tiiat just at present Ire was unable to meet the demand, and ending up by a pressing invitation for Mr. Corn¬ ing to visit him later, when he would probably be able to pay him. or at least to secure the claim satisfactorily. The firm advised Mr. Coming to accept the invitation, which lie did. On his re¬ turn Mr. Corning came home delighted with the pleasures of his visit, and enter¬ tained his partners with glowing ac¬ counts of the great statesman’s hospitali¬ ties ami descriptions of the charming in cidcilts of tho sojourn, in which lie ig nored mention of tlie business object which partly impelled the visit. Finally, a fv- r he had exhausted description of tho v ; b ; t ono 0 f yj r Coming’s friends said: ," lU . ' . f suppose Ml. Mr Webster Webster was was pleased because lie was able to pay the note?" “Pleased to pay tlie note, ’ said Mr. Corning; “lie not only didn’t pay the note, but ho so charmed me tiiat ho got aiu to sign another note for $. 3 , 000 , anti I am tJiankful Jio didn’t ask mo to make it §10,000, for I don’t think I could have resisted his request." Mr. Corning is said to have had a subsequent invita¬ tion to visit Marshfield and to have de dined on the ground that he could not afford so expensive a pleasure.—Albany Journal. HTsalo with Green Pens. There are obvious difficulties in the way of seliing :v whale over tho counter j n a fishmonger’s sliop. Nevertheless, vvo may’ yet see bits of whales being thus Purchased anil carried away. There was 11 1,1 merne England when whale with green peas was considered a deh cacy. History, it is said, repeats itself, and some of us who now strut t lie stage of life may, ero we die, indulge in tlie siiiiio feast. In Barbados, when obtainable, tlie flesh of tlie humpbacked wlialo (Megap tera Americana) is eaten by all classes, being preferred to beef, which is there tough. A South Sea harpooner will tell that, excepting tho delicacy of a draught of tho yellow, creamy milk taken from a freshly speared she whale, j whale iins properly cooked are tho groat ^ of conceivable dainties. - A U UicMMJ. will EU PP>y P ounds ° extract, and a pound of extract makes 100 pints of nourishing soup. Thus it can easily lie seen that ono whale is capable of satisfy ; ing tho hunger of 50,000 persons, if they ; ux . re content to have a meal of whale soup alone. An average whale convert¬ ed into extract would suffice for the daily dinner of a man all through his life, even | if he lived to tho ago of 1 - 10 . As lie would not be likely to accomplish that feat, ! there would bo plenty of wlialo over for ! breakfast and supper, when—as he might bo expected to tire of soup—the cetacean ■ might appear on his table in tho form of cutlets or luincc , or even risoles.-Mcd ical Classics. lit a Now State. | Driving over the prairie yesterday 1 It is no offense to introduce yourself out i lcrc —the people are sociable. 1 stopped him when he got to the end of his row, ■ he'd been in Jlskcd hinl how long _ Dakota. “I ben in Dakoty, lie said, “goin on eight year.” “Where did you come from:” “I was born in Vermont, but I kim here from Wisconsin.” "How much land do you own?” “Jest one square mile.” “How much did you own in Wiscon ' sin?" “Two lots in a buryin’ patch.” j “How much wheat did you raise last year!-” ) “Air you buyin’ wheat?” “No, but I’d liko to know, if you don’t mind telling.” “ ’Tain't no secret. I raised a crap of 2,600 bushels.” “What'll you sell your farm for?” “Air you buyin’ property?” “No, but" “O, I got my price. Anybody who pays me $ 15,000 dow n kin hev my farm.” “How much money did you have when you came here?" “1 lied my things to set up housekeep } n ’ with and $50 in money which I bor r ; e j I didn’t sell my lots in the buryin’ groun’.”—Cor. New York Tribune. John Keeiys Power. lima Blavatsky makes a startling j statement in tlie second volume of her 1 tlieosophical book, the “Secret Doctrine,” upon which she is now working. John j Keelv, she says, is in possession of the wonderful occult force which the adepts have, and his motor i3 that and nothing more. Tlie force is in Keely and Mu insep . ^KrJly ... w^'aUowed'm , . ^ t'hls ' awful power, as the adepts use it, he could blow Philadelphia to pieces by lifting ' his band; but the guardians of the force i watch him closely and see tiiat he does not use it for harm. Wayne Mac Yeagh. who is Keely’s counsel in his suits with the motor stockholders, was pliist. In concluding his letter of thanks,' know that Hamlet wa3 right, and that todav tlian vou or I will ever know.”-— 1 St. L ouis G lobe-Democrat- i rum Fremont, Nebraska. I have biu! crofula uni* 1 it marie iny II Vi a biD uer*. I was mis ■'’ able, s ck, we k. sleepless, imu ? ur» happy; des'ring L nit t »e fj'iou t Qie w-*’ • i seemed 1.0 have been iii'o ten to me on l -|! s earth wouklhastc s loan er*t'. I ,i ’ed iloe.i. • s ircat.iieet ami ntia.ieipc. and favel, tort none </.' the. o (’til tint’ good, for Ibe sc.i-.ilu g ulna ‘V git-,, worse. povs'eian. who I i.avrled far to see, aud .o whom I paid s -'0 j. ve up *e ease ;m hopeless a. .-er li* ee w eeks of i .-a neat, a >d as omer ptom ine.U p:>• siebii’s tre d l*rrd to eo’eit, but were equally ui’sui eessfel. I then gave up riM other ruediei es, and ook •ml" .swift’s Speo'tie (s. s. «.) Four b ittles of that medicine cured me, and for tiie pa tt four years 1 have had as e: - CeJ'ent beai.h aud j nr:] as i'ee , rom J'se.i-e as any bo y living, Words a e i uu'eora <* 0 c; pres - mv g a.Lode aud favoi'i.lbe opiuioion of Swift’s t pcc'iie (S. s. s.) The above is a 1 exti act from a letter wti,ien under date of July 1 U. 18 .?«> bv M F. Vj. Nelson, a pio niuent a id wealthy citizen of, Nebraska. Cm;,: Got iv.-ic Swift’s Specific (s. s. s.) pitted irvlk tle bo” o 11 l! i . . iYo*» wbieh lit* l :ni iitf'c cci 1 long Cine. I liad it'd »diV sicians and gieat quantities of o her merici-u's wiiiiout avail A few bottles ol «. s. h. did t’tc wo.'k, ne is now en¬ joying the lie -. < f health aud has not bad any s vn;p„onis of the disease for a year. IV. A. Ci. U 'iox. Addie, X. C. B.i'wev' Lung .Restorer. Georgia,— Dodge County. Will he sold before the court bouse door of said county during the legal hou Ol li v . i st 1 U n ■ nunrv ! ‘-90. o' of hind num¬ ber 252 in the i5th district oi j ;(<><• ( OHII V, tn'ci'kiM, lipoi. 0 'i <5 f» tw-n^ijwr oiiso, Oi»’.- houses, Jiin-iiousc \t ures. fii'i.l 1 nr pen line >-t ii) H H HanvitV coniainimr 202 ‘ us . - .PAiv I ;;. OI L or 02 lv« lC r oxcart 1 1 • ]’< S (it liiC F*i!si COllK'l Ol Ot? also, l°t °f .land number 23 ft nlbc i >i li di -l 1 fi I <>. s M. < <'h a e Dodge; find nUlll00f — 1 HI I iio id. !i ;l ! riel ‘d s id county Ol i ) 0 Qg 0 . each Containing 2024 'with acres, 11101'f or h ss . ,ogether all ihc |, ouse ^ out-ilOUSes, e dAum^bii ll l-~' ^ s tal)U <. yards ; ^ 1 rights, . , int'llloCM> find i (*cs, tncreunlo levied upon, and to lie sold as 1 2 prop of i*>. 11. lifirrell, uniitridid .y 'virtue of a nioitgage execution jj sue( j from t he Superior court of ' corM V Ml " favor of 1 ’akhvill : j ,, >. j,, .. n ( ‘ ” 1 ’ , ‘VopCTtV ^ . . out in li fa poiFile*. 1 lliS L)cCGIlll)6r -i » 1 S8d. J. T. RaWLISS, J, SlK-rlfr n. 0 . A i at the same time and place e'gl ores of land in southeast corner of lot number 14, and two acres in southwest corner of lot number 13 in the loth district oi Dodge county, Georgia, (ogethei with houses, out-houses, buildings and improvements thereon; and 1901; acres, more or less, of lot ol land number 14 in the 15th dis¬ trict of Dodge county with houses, out-houses and all improvements thereon, levied upon and to be sold as tlie property of J. M. \Y oodard under and by virtue of an Superior execu¬ tion issued from the court of Dodge comity in favor ol George 8. Jones against said J. M. Woodard. This December 5, iSS9. J. T- Rawlins Sheriff D. 0. Notice. Will Ro sold before the court house door in tlie town of East¬ man, Georgia, on the first Tues¬ day in January, lSH0;the lo low¬ ing properly to wit: < )ne thirty-live-horse-power Pipe-tools, Boiler, one picket set pointer, one Johnson ore Gould foot-mortise machine; lev ied on and sold as the prop erty of -J- I. Waite tinder a mort •iaiie ii fa issued from Dodge M. Pea¬ Su¬ perior court in favor of L. cock vs. J. I. Waite. Proporty Decem¬ described in fi-fa. This ber 5, IS?'!). J. T. Rawlins Sheriff D. C. Also, one acre of land with house thereon in the north cor¬ ner of lot number 01 in tee 16th district of Dodge county, levied on and sold as the property of Richard Crown under a Justice court fi-fa in favor of H. J. Sapp vs. Richard Brown. Levy and returned to me by W. J. I). Skelton, constable. This, Decern | jer 5 ’ i J. T. Rawlins. Sheriff D. C. Georgia— Dodge county: H e fere the court house door in man on the first Tuesday in Jan uary next ill be rented to the highest bidder, the home place or farm near tlie town of Eastman belonging to estate of J. J. Rozar. -eased, and upon wh? ’ll J. J. [iozar died. Terms made known at time of renting. Dec- 4. 1»9. L. M. Peacock, Adm'r. Florence L. Rozar. Admrx. J. J. Kozak, deceased. croup whooping cough and bronchitis. licaman A Ucrrmau, driuggists. Georgia —Dodge county. At the January term next of Dodge court Of ordinal",’applications will te made to sell all the real c.-iate belonglllg , . to . estate , , of , J. , J. . xtozar. deceased. Dec. 2 , 1 SVJ. Ft.ohKxcl 1 M PfACOCK \dm"r L. Pozah. Admrx. J. J. IvOZAR, d *e.lsC(i. niiiit" ]! no, : t; in l!i}VOi t.rut ; L ><•< : L:ir <b:e, r“ Dr. Haines’ idea ilia. it witiiou. can Ik- given in r. ].<if enp of tea or cof¬ fer the i : !i-.. |Jin jl ikiiigit, rll'i i'liug a vpl-eily and perma ;"j;t cure, wiiei'ier !’:e put'ent i- a med I'.iie drill';.";- nr an - i n'..die wrerl;. I’iieasands of .'ra'-', :ir '- e-:;*e been need who hare fu'-e u the f.’olden S: cilic 111 tlieir cofi’ec without their knowl¬ edge, and tlicirowu to-day beli- ve they quit drink ii g of free will. No harmful etlect results from its administration. Cures gii:'.':;ntei'd. Send tor circukir and full partietrliirst. .Viidrcss in coti tidence, Goi.m.x S-PKctric Co., 1 S"> llace Street, Ciiieiunatli, O. Will von suller with dyspepsia and liver complaint. Shiloh,s Cure is the remedy for you. Hie Pulpit and tlie Stage. Rev. F. M. Sbroiit, pastor l'nite .1 Brethren ebiircli, Blue Mom d. Kan.. says: “I feel it my diiiv to 1 1 i bar wonders Dr. King’s New Discovery dis- lias dime for me. Mv lungs were badly eased, and my parishioners thought ! could live only n few weeks. I live bottles of Dr. King’s New cry aid am sound and well, gaining 2 d lbs. in weight. I.c-ve’s Funny Arthrr Love, t; roager Folks CO bination, ,(*.<: “Afti'i DN’itiiNr;! v;:'. r is ;5 evi x..„ niscovury L>b c*OD>:iiDp!ioj), b‘ iits ’oil) Ol, anti when (‘VBrvihi , 'g (*].-■ M ' < I t an my nmny IJioiismiil U-iemU i< to Uigt* th • :»to try it/ Fm* ti-inl bollix a: IfcrnilH cV' I Ii'lTiHilli s (il'Ug Stci't*. Regular, sizes 50 e. ami M . 00 . sbilon's Vitaliecr is wiial you need o ^oiisVip: uion, loss of a p j,; ■ t ip-, '.ii /.zim -uid ail si iuploms of dvspjpsia i’r 1 c 1 « ««<> ^ V™ M ' K. WOOTEN, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, EASTMAN - - GEORGIA. Office at Court House. rr f y v' j i SOLICITED. o'RjTdjut?,^ TRADE 3 - iTTT< AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH AT ^ -4 13 a w ( 0 ) EVERYTHING TO EAT THAT CAN BE HAD, FRESH, GOOD AND PURE. NONE NEED GO HUNGRY OR DRY. BREAD TO EAT. ICE TO COOL AND COFFEE, TEA, COCOA AND CHOCOLATE TO DRINK. VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS AND FRUITS TO PLEASE THE MOST FASTIDIOUS PALATE. CAN GOODS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. CANDIES, FANCY AND PLAIN. THE SWEETEST OF THE SWEET AND LEMONS TO SOUR. COME ONE COME ALL AND REPLENISH YOUR LARDERS AT THIS SHORT CALL. RESPECTFULLY. ■raB E ft mm ■ s 5WJ f a s *Si Mt-rxrrfli-.f-S gmucuRiaiW MM - I 50.000 YARDS SHIRTING YARD WIDE t« 5J CENTS l’ER YARD, PINS, TWO PAPERS FOR 5 CENTS, DRESS BUTTONS FROM 2 A- TO 25 CENTS PER DOZEN, Painful Boils. About three years ago 1 was troubled with poi.on in my blood, very irrita¬ H"tr ami painful boils Breaking out all over v.jff, mv body. for two years 1 sutier than, trying all sorts of ramc dies, aud Becoming doctor's prescriptions disgusted withdoe- without avail. IX/t s? s° jcul the result iar beyond my expecta- in tioas. A few bottles left me better health than 1 had been since ehiUlhooii. s., ; .u o„ !y medium will tlmrughly purify poisoned blood. T. K. Mayfim-d, Horse Cove, Ky. A Valuable Tonic. i Irave used Swsft’s Spceiiie (ff. S. S.) 5 s' rod results. As a t*mie, it is in ZC: ..m e; as a blood purifier it is reiia Kev. . 1 . ii. Jeffeusox. Winston. N. (’. Keep It as a Family Nledicim*. Mr. <1. J. Bradley, writes from Harri- . ■dii i;a„ under date of September 22 , iss, “Swift’s Specific family (S. s. with s.) has the been freely used by my 1 best and happiest results. A half doz- j en bottles entirely cf relieved Mv r .y wife sister lias of j j a severe rase hov frequently health improved found her by blood S. S. purified S. 1 and had j i'uhms all'ct tion that has been ' s .t< eulir lv cur* d <>v taking a f 'w bottles 0 f Swift’s Specific (S. S. S.) Treatise on blood and skin _ diseases mailed free, Swift Specific Co., Drawer J, Atlanta, <bt. _ 1 w Jfl ill m\ 1 Mi j-I xi.. * »J j . HllINSON, MA1VAGEB. HOilffl S’’ OF THE B5SOSMERS. LI MBER CITY, GA. March 11 , i yr tu SALESMEN WANTEi) ip cani';i-- for the xalfo; 5 . ■rv Stuck! ftfi ailv employnic r. g'.i.-r i:i. [ GOOD PA Y for slice -s nl ui 'ii. An ply at oncii stating -i■. .M.-nliiui tliisl papiT. A BAHAMA XiniSfiltV UdJIl’A N i ! 11 nut villi', Ala. Di'C itF Fur dvppcysia and livin' complaint yon have a printed Vitalizin'. guarmtee on It every hot tie of Shiloh’s never fails to cur'. iL-rniian & Ilerrmun, druggists. © UXfci .0 .0. OO Im V °0° pi v e hrn - . k - JP fe ( J, 1 'It-eMiOj/ei/f "Sole mmu/ Proprietors Tintfe' ftUo-k. RegCsterett'. **** wr ’' ’f' O topaccos Ln f . rr p. c r s^eelol^OcEcwi ceatv AfR GMaiasor nc.f\rct. Mather IT VYNMES 5 ■v j . SPECIAL cl*YtVOrtVCEsMEJVT I .U’sire to state fo the tr.'ulii]": public that I have jast received my fall stock, consisting of Dry goods, Shoes, Notions, Hats, It am ware. Groceries, Etc., and I am prepared to show the newest, prt th est goods ever shown in this section. My prices are the very iowist. : ' nd the d.iialiiy of my goods (he very best. I have some novel, ies It nt new i Tints, i enang, .rciliians ana ■••tiiliiigs ior 1 auics art ■ sc.-. the following prices and be convinced that 1 am ottering bat gams. 25,000 yds. ttesl chocks (<> 5c yd. 25,000 “ (,'alico 4c. 15.000 “ Sheet ing @ : 'c. 12,000 “ Sliirling G 5|c. Full Stock Mens' Brogans (u 90c. pair pair. Fine Button Shoe s for ladies % ii-1.00 per Suspenders from 5c pair tip. Socks at 5c. pair. Ladies Ilose 5c. pair. The latest and prettiest Handkerchiefs to be found anywhere. Big bargains in Mens' Wool and Fur Hats. Trunks cheaper titan ever known. Full linen 1 osom reinforced shirts for men €< 50c. worth 75c. Stacks of Cologne, Toilet Soap and numerous otlier articles. Nice little bustles («• 10c. every lady wants one. Bmsi hmi iu eIiiIS 9 eho ijtcr than imybmly else can of!‘ Cooking Stoves Cheaper that can he h;.d at wholesale. FJNKJt HEWING TOBACCO D30c. Ib. I ani agent for € fc :£g.C,l>''STSLs lodfiCCO t *10 .. htnl . Oil etli’iit ., Guarantee to soil GIyOCEIvIES c Jjil \ PITT? 1 IjU that anybody el so. Conic to see lillle me Kpeech an<l let me make, show r.iy nice, new, cheap goods. I've got a nice to and ii will you well to come and hear it. J keep lots of NICE THINGS t my com pel i tors don't have,and I an j> • 'pared to save money for you on every article you buy. Respectfully, i:...... ST ¥ ' W H. Johnson . 5 ■ 31 AXL’i’A ( TL'ID;ii OK ALL KINDS OK MOULDINGS. BRACKETS, TURNED WORK SC HOWL SAWING AND MANTLE PIECES. eifiSj 1 H O' fl-M S’ratvEj 1 i 1 m& r Mil iS CCUCn ST^NTSTTLIT OUST JE£Jh-2<rjJ- AY3STTD r-. ■?, 1 1 1 Orel vO at Short nolice. Respect fully. % ¥ T. y. It 0 P : v?- ^Fsaasc^ P ft -liWT’s iS ■> V’ ¥f n | a si £.ii B gq Sf f? S -- 7 *. T7T5 3 a JRKIS" Si 8 IS 8 S ■ ; % - .A 1 Ftzi ri ialxpM rt-xa %*A a - rt y y. -r m- J.S5 o 1 V'JzSg? 4 - a n j for J. p. STEVENS & BRO. in the on him and trcl a watch on tiiirtv eight week's time al W HOLE SALE PRICES. NO IIVMBU Cj z , . "Can the world know a man haa a thing of it."—V unless he advertises the possession anuekbilt. : !S > m a ! w. r - i' 1 9 rjEt NO CASH REQUIRED Until you have tested and approved. Our freight both style, ways price if instrument quality. fails Ours to the please risk, in either only or yours to give fair and lull test, and buy if fully pleased. 40,000 Southern Homes Supplied first by us introduced since 1870011 the this TEST TRIAL PLAN, in South by us. Fair¬ est method of tale possible, and a great benefit to those at a distance who cannot vis ;i our ware-room* ALL RISK SAVED sured By thin perfect trial plan, and purchasers absolutely as¬ instruments at tlie very lowest possible cost. that Selling will only the the best instru¬ ments made, stand most severe and comprehensive tests, we do not fear tosendthei nout trial and let t them them stand stand solely solely on on their their merits. in All we ask is the privilege of shipping on ap¬ proval, No suit, no pay. Our freights if we fad. EASr TO BUY From us by correspondence. No matter svlieihcr you live either ten or a thousand miles from u*. perfect. Wc ship Prices to all Southern plain print States. and Our system is in alike to all. One price only. No more, no less. Larfjo Discounts from makers prices. All compe¬ tition met. Complete outfits free. AH freight paid. Easy installments. Every inducement that any fair dealing house can offer. Write for Valuable Information." Catalogues, Circulars, Special Fall Offors-1880. Copy of new Paper —“Sharps and Flats”— ALL FREE. AJJr« s SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, SAVANNAH, CA. MY SON ••Deal with the men who advertise. Will never lose by it.”—B iin. Fkankljw, Njt" Write L. & V, M, ll, about it. *441 obtained After of ton nil yefirs f>r.i^<riF exclusive and Dealers ghIo, can in now Medl- be , t-< cine*. It <‘U!{,!•>' Ki ' '-hike notice-hot phniriy helps but CUtiEii s.s " \ *:rt ( o ii'i.AiA r, fiilioiiHHtflfli itt' .1 iu. fun Ktrictlv ve.- ‘titblc pivpArittiou nnd w'll CURE Mai.auia, Win*, and nil Malahiai. troubles. Dr. 8 . U. of HoHton, liy say * : “Tlavo pidcliced medicine 15 yenr.->, «m1 riutl no equal to liiiituiNE u« a J.iv< r ficrtii itor." Dr. W. A. Baker, of M.-mbon. Fla., sny« : “A botflt*. ot IlBRiirXK E wmth more than £f-.00 worth ol Quinine Liver in udiHer-w any fimilly ” from Ao-on fi.'e in way r.ny odd Cot:?t^Hitlon r int’il.cine; and it fa a positive th&n cure for Ch;-iv,. lx cheeper Pill*, IU peculiar componition of ia < hills xiicb, mid that Fever we fn-o“‘titre t Fever > ' lire with any ctixe bottle. or ililioort one It costs but 75 cents and each bottle con tnina than ovt *r 40 aver *n<;e doses, dose. rnfiklnt; Would the cort lcae two cei its a you n*-k for cheaper medicine ? t is not r. cure-nll. But will cure anv P.iver, Ilf 5 inufi os- Mala* rial i'ouipiuiot. Mr.anfftetnrod by rjyjb.o IlCotdbin© Oo., (Snccegsoreto Wm.Coadell.) Hi. /Loti TRADE ~ t yj ci %s tX i e sure thi • trade mark appears on all 1 1 n- goods Mi van piii'i-ha.-e. BUTTONS ( tOLLAKS A MdiKVK J I..' (’LLLl'LOID, whh'hYan never ; -.t!le or tarnish the, collars or cuffs. i ollar liiLtOP ■ for 5 els. Sleeve buttons iu many varieties anil colors, from 25 e. i .VI’-, per tiair. All goods warranted strong and durable. AVe send to a.iy address free of postage. Address, geokgk ' lfmf.n r w < __ K. 22 St. X. Y. f:itr. ~ \T V to'h-KF, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, EASTMAN, ---- GEORGIA. 7A- H KUHNIAN, U ATTORNEY AT LAW. -L. A STM AN, - GEORGIA. * I ROGERS - i S. T. : (• ■ :cntly occupied by S. Herrman <fe I Bro., mid h-' one of the nicest-i -locks (.V goo y-.i: them ever saw, cheap! and»^j 1 s prepared to sell as is can la* bought. He has given i ’ iiis I-.. ; Iding a iiioiough over-, i cond floor a lirst-v! f r t i.urant. hikU m is prepared to dS— t d and sleep the »• e-S a first-class man Meals, l'5 w 25 cts. WRITE US wherever you live, and we will ship you a fine instrument on 15 Days’ Test Trial in your own home. ★ ik *