The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, January 03, 1890, Image 1

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DEVOTED rXC'.USIVELY --to Tur¬ Meest of the Pnb'fc. T. />. CARNES. Editor. V E, 2.-XO. I, Ol- FILIAL DlRTX'TOIfV iLitig • County Uiivrnmeut. *■ S> ucrior Court, lion. i t. ’ 1. Robert s S-Vilir ilor-g* neral, lion. Tom fca BO' :, S* * a for. Hon T. J. Ray. J! presenti.tjve, Hon. John F. ])<• 1,‘tcy. Oi'Ai ii-y, M. I.. Burch. Clerk Superior Court, J. Oalwin Rawlins. Sheriff. J.T. Rawlins. County Treasurer, J. M. Sapp. 1 Tax (.tolledor, J.. J). Taylor. ■ Tax Receiver, Jas. R. Guldens, Surveyor, E. -J. Thompson. Coroner, 11. M. Giddens. V. ..-lliiiiu («o\ rrnment. Mavor, 0. B. Murrell Alderman, S. Herman, W. B. Dan: ■ : , C. II. Peacock and J. JM. Arl !;ar, Ch-rk Council, K. B. Milner. Mai- Ail, L. F. Wooten. UtK iiT HKPOKT. ! Cotton Karkct. Good middling, St]c. Mi Idling, f»ic. Total receipts to date3,050. Country Fcoilm-e, ().'r moi’chanis are paying the following prices for country pro due >: Gliickeiis— 25c. to Joe. Eggs--2 5c. flint, pound, 4c. Hides—dry per Tallow—7 c. ■ y (iimiis nml Groceries. Our merchants quote the fol lo.vinu prices on dry goods and g • )(■( I'K S. Bulk side?,—G. Br100 pounds, $1.10. Butler—’JO to 25 cents. * loni—per hu., t'Oc. Butter—best gilt edge, 25c. to 80 Coffee—20c. ! idour—pm- bhl., $5.00 to $5.75. j—h'ik. to 14c. llav—$1.25 ]K*r 100 pounds. Lard—70'. to 10c. j Meal—70 to 75 cents < infs—50 cents. I Wash—5 to 10 per 1 nil. iSniui)'—9 to 10 cents. • Nails—.‘5 to •! cents. Iron—8 to 5 cents. Lime—$1.60 per barrel. K. ()i!—20 cents. 1 )sil-« burgs—10 to Bids. p. yd.. (Shedings—ti-j per yd. (Jlu '-ks—5 cls. per yd. - DhiKI’ LOCALS. Mr. Robert AVvnne sojourned in Cochran on Sunday last. Mr. i’>. 1*. Harrell, cf Nameless, spent Christinas in Eastman. Boys, go to work. If you don't SOIL chudy will get left on the Utii. ! Miss Jessie Martin returned to her Inane in Dawson on Saturday MoTDe ! j Mi.!.. M v A. a Mcl’.ir. M.Lae, of cf .. was hi Eastman, on Wednesday l: sl ' F. IV. Armstrong lcH , „ Mr. on Tuesday fora few days visit to Jcsiip.* Mi-- Georgia Patrick was Hie gne-lof Mrs'. W. 11. Ootter, last Prof. Strozier is smiling over “New Years" present. Its a line boy. George EMieredge, of Macon, was s baking hands with tiie boys on Tuesday. Miss Dora Royal, of Fort Valley is on a few davs virit to her sister. Mrs-J. I. Waite. Ployed Pitman is handling the yard stick over the counters of L. M. Peacock now. Miss Pauline Harper, of Black s-hear, spent Christmas week with Miss Clara Latimer. MissesOdio and Mary Clarke, of Chaunev. was the guest of the Misses Clarke last week. Charlie Griffin lias been on a trip to Ibizlelmrst. The boys say Ohm-lie is badly smitten. 3Ir.J.J.Nd»nli« M , ,v, r L.-f ,iiMi»tnni- return el hoiaa.oeks v* to, Ins oh. ," m ' 1,1 "“V Mr. W. N. Russell, of Franklin. Kv, is in the ciiv with a large drove of nudes and horses. Dr. S. \\. Johnson, ol Graham. was in Eastman ou Tuesday, and gave «s a very pleasant calL Mrs. Pritchet .McLeod of Lumber City were the guest of Mrs. R. I). Gentry last week. , Mr. J. 1. Write whose headquar¬ ters has been ; t Wheaton fur some time, was at home bet week. Mrs. Daniel F. McRae, of Lum¬ ber City, is on a few days v sit to her brother. Judge Win. McRae. What is more s 1 :!.an to wake up oil Christmas morning and find your stocking ban dug up empty. Mr. A. J. Mumford is smiling over a nine pound and a half girl, who is a lat ■ visitor at ! is house. Our friend. Jim Williams, is a , ir „v pa-a a ten and a half piiud boy is a late arrival at jioure, r r : riiiiTi f? i* I—I h % % I I ’ f Wk • • a _JL Ji : l. a M P V •/ _JgL_ •—**■ o Mi- Mamie Stokes, of Wav¬ er • is vis* i11 ji ; ir Mi-- Lola Jessup, j White shod at Johnson's, on | Tuesdays and Friday;;. ! H< veral new treet lamps have b< -n pul up, ;tn l on. dark^ prove a gi at benefit to 11 rift ns. If you want to make a frui( < i', don’t forgo; t!»at Armstrong's i- h.-.-iilquurn rs for citrons, cur rants, raisins, etc. .Mr. Geo. Freeney has accepted a position with the City Market, and will look after the meat busi ness for that firm. Misses Alba Clements, and An¬ nie Puri Toy. of Monticello, were in (lie city last week the guests of Mrs. VV. M. Clements. The District Stewa-ts of this, the Ka-tman District meet at Lumber City on Friday before the first Sunday in Fehuarv next. Prof. II- J. Sirozier ' school at the Kastman academy, will open on Monday January loth. A ful¬ ler nolice will be given next week. Air. K. M. Carnes has accepted a position in the turpentine firm of C. I). Woodard & Co., and has moved with his family out to the still. On Christmas day, Rev. K. J. Burch was ju^csented with a nice silver butter dish and cake stand by several of bis friends in East¬ man. Air. E. J. Peacock attended the celebration of , ht. John . Day ot s St. < )nier comimindery Knight Templars in Alacon on Friday night last. A < I > a*. -i 1 . wii „. hoi , at . te nding the Female Seminary at■ LaGrange, has been spending the Fhristm as holidays with herniotli c-r in tliis plc 4 <*e. * Our livery stable men have just 1 purchased several new horses.! l are fixing up for the spring | first * lass teams < an be had dither place. Aliss (.’Lira Latimor sent to tins o.'iice on Monday a limb with four or live apples, vdiicii was the se¬ cu mi growth of a t ree in their gar loa. Iloivis this for climate. Air. AVilli tin Slater left 011 Tucs¬ day i'or a few days visit to his old ^'me. < retu ‘" h " wiil °I H 11 “I 1 business in (he biiiidmg , now by JJr. Fisher. Aliss Ilattie Davis, the lovely and accomplished daughter of Air. AY. A. Davis, one of Maeon’s most prominent citizens, was the guest of Airs. J. 1L Cadger last week. T»° -mil >m.v Erva.nvan » think, have all enjoyed Hie holi huwelv. AVe dont think we ^ ^ so much powder burnt, nor heard as many toy tin ha , ,KOn ( '‘ J - M * {v ^° "0' ^ 1 ; a W ‘° 1!t ^ 1 , , hL m' jp’Edward i and is duly installed in his new position. Dr Fisher is building for his own use a nice Drug store on the corner below Folsoms harness shop. He will move his drug bus mess some time during January to his new place. Mr. A. M. Skelton is on his old i I beat again and is keeping the boys strait. Lon’s has served as mar shal of Eastman before, and it looks perfectly natural to see him with the club again. Mr. Bewick, of C. Bewick & Co., of Jolmsonviile was here on Mon day last. Mr. Bewick is quite a young man, but is at the head ot one of the largest saw mill firm on the E. T. V. A: G. rad road. Prof. Ii. J. Strozier was hisfath-! called | last week to the bedside of ^port^d -asb«ingv«v lm , re „ehed u, i ■ s ^ y „ Ui6 father is dead, tv, 111 pathize with him in his afflie- j lion. ij-rt'v \Y-v c / ten 1 ’ who has ‘‘ been I . mars.iul ot l-.astman ku te p*ui year, has remgm . t*. ;! .-.-ep. a pn-i Hon wxUi C. 1>. ^ oodard o ui ‘ ^ 1 * " turpentine bus mess . Our belter...... presiding , elder. Rev. M C. . Lovett was Jiere last week, and if lie can get a residence will move his family Io Eastman. 1* e would gladly welcome this excelent fain ilv. and trust that he will succeed in finding a suitable place. Messrs. E. J. and O. H. Peacock have purchased timber at Leslie, twelve miles east of Americus. on the S. A. M. Road, and will in-a few days erect a turpentine distil ery at ihat point. Mr S. S. Kemp will superintend the business f or them. EASTMAN", GA., ERIE A A r * < v jr AX - FAR Y 3. 1890. Mr. John Peacock, of Savannah, the gentlemanly and wholesouled son of Mr. L’eter Peacock, was the guest of our city on Sunday last. * Perhaps one of the most vigi an * sheriffs in all the States is sheriff I. J. Fountain, of Wilkin son county. Few offenders of the ; ia*. ever escapes punishment by Unking up Ineir abode m other parts of the State, lie came up from Brunswick last Saturday with an offender, whom he had ar¬ rested in that city, ami was met by his deputy at tins place with a prisoner whom he had caused to be arrested. A Cotton Warehouse For Scot¬ land. We learn that the Farmers Al¬ liance of Scotland and vicinity con¬ template erecting a large Iron cot ton warehouse at an early date. Mr. W. M. Clements has four thousand plants of green and rib¬ bon cane which he proposes to sell at a low rate. tf Ti'i sspassers Notice. From r this date all parties, .. both . ; white and colored are warned not i to hunt on lots of land, A os. 147 and 148. in the 16th district oi Dodge county. | W. F. I’. Alrtus. ( roup, whooping cough ond hrorehi tis iniinediateiy relieved l«y Soiloh’-s Cure. I i K rill.M A N - A It IlRItMAN. Kastman, Ga. >1 r. Crisps Illness. AV T e notice from our exchanges that Mr. Crisp our congressman, is confined to his bed. It says the Congie.wninii is the ob jeet of much solicitude, as he is ' cted in a few days, to lead thn democrats in committee, and the floor j n the of the contented election cases. For Cliristmas holiday goods E. Freeman, nine miles eafi of Eastman, keeps the best tf Attention Veterans. Those citizens of the county of Dodge who served in the army and navy of .he Confederate States, are requested to meet at the court house on Saturday, Jan¬ uary 4th, 1800. at 10 o clock a. m. to organize a Confederate Veter¬ ans Association. Apples, oranges, nuts, raisins’ candies, currents, jellies, citron, fireworks in any quantity at J. S. Clements & Co.'s. Shiloh’s Cough and consumption cure is sold by us on a guarantee, It cures consumpt ion. »* E* 1 -™ News reached us yesterday morning, of the failure of TJ.omp son <fc Doster, who has been runn j n g a business at Lumber City and McArthur, Ga. The liabilities are claimed ,0 be about $20,000, assets not known. A meeting of the creditors has been called for Jan U "V Uih. at Lumber City, Shilon's Yitiilieer is what you need for constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness, and all symptoms of dyspepsia. Brice 10 7 ’> >”' 1 ' l,ottl “' For Sale. \Ye have six fine head of mules. two woods ponies, one line buggy horse, one buggy and good set of harness, one four horse turpentine wagon 24 inch axels, with harness complete. The above property is offered for sale cheap for cash,.and can be seen at the lot of M. L. Burch half mile below Eastman. F. J Dudley A Co. _ ----- _ For fresh groceries go to J. S. Clements & Co.'s at the postoffice building. Ttnuiievs Notice. I will open a music class on Jan- 6th at Eastman and Chaun- j cey, and solicit the patronage of friend.. 1 have been liberally kd patronked for the past t wo years. tvnuld respectfully ask the eon- j ti,,nance of the same ; \ er\ Kespecttnllj, AV, L. Peacock. For lame back, side or chest,, us*• gtiiioli's 1‘orouH Plaster. Friee 25 cents. Eastman No . 2 79, F. A. M., held their annual election for officers to serve the ensuing vear on Friday night Dec. 20th xvb ich resulted in but very few cban ^ s . 'pj, e following named officers i w jjj serve: J. T. Colcord. W M: d \v. Weaver. S. W: S. Herman, j ,| ja jj ea ‘ „ Sctretarv W N. Leetch. Treasuren K M . Arm strong. S. 1); J. \Y. Rogers. J. D: M . J. Buelianon. S. Stewart; T. J. Buchan. J. St a wart; W. II. Johnson, Tyler. The above named officers were duly installed and entered upon tie duties of their respective Jives. Th* ^•x.ini Reading v ia 1 ). The following is the programme of the club to-night: Place of meeting. Eastman Mansion. Headers. Miss Ida Ashhnm. Tiieo K'hvards, Miss Pauline liar per, < ol. Bishop and Miss Lola Jessup. Committee on music, Misses Stone, Hall and Foster. Shiloh’s Rough ami Consumption Rare i* Consumption. sold hy r.s on aguaianwe. tuuvs Hrgnlar electing of the County Board <*f Education. There will be a meeting of the Board of Educational this place on Tuesday, the Till inst. .Vs business of importance will be on band it is absolutely necessary that the entire board attend. J. Bishop, Sr. County School Com. I). C. Notice. F \sT 5 i \x G\ lined Jan LTin* 0 DdO We the under this dav S mi’-clvvsed the “e half interest of fmn of J. W. Lee A Co., consisting of a stock of general - merchandise and! ™ Recounts due tit J ' we l,ab,!,ties that , are now outstand- , . , mg against said firm of J. \i . Lee (o - Join. VV. 1 ay lob, E. B. Milner. r«r Sale. Dwelling house and one acre of land. Good neighborhood good well of water. Wall A Denson, tf Eastman, Ga. d,. it, \ 110 fl,e,* Firm. Mr. J. AV. Lee, of the firm of J. W. Lee & Co, has sold his inter in that business to Mr J. AV. Taylor. The firm name will be Taylor A Milner We wish* for them much success Onr stock is new, and we pro¬ pose to sei) as cheap as anyone for i he cash. Come and see us. • J. S. Clements A Co. Tiie New Discovery. You have heard your frlends and neighbor.-* talking about it. Von may yourself be one of the many who know from personal experience just Low good a tloior I* G its If vou have tried it, you ;llT Ojlf Ol fii .i J ■■ / the wonderful thing abont it is when once given a after holds place Xevv Discovery If ever have a used in the house. yon never it and sd'otild be atltieted with a cougli. eold or an v, lung or eiiest trouble, seeure a bottle at once and give it, a fair trial. It is guaranteed Trial bottles < very lime, or money refunded. free at Jlerrman & llerrinaii’s drug store. Our line of fruits, confections, etc. will always be found fresh and nice. Call and see us at the I lost office building. . J. 8. Clements & Co. Will you siifftw with dyspepsia 011(1 liver c'omjilaint. Shiloli.s Cure is the remedy for yoil. I g*>ld, were not all that cheered the heart. At 7 o’clock the teachers and scholars of the Sun¬ day-school began to file in by groups into the Church of Christ. and their gaze met the loveliest Christmasf,ree ever seen .n city. The tree was a lovely specie of cedar, and every limb was weiglit ed X numerous and handsome ^emedmvh^t from J “ c> ut.i hmbMiowc-d *o, d .i <■ jii) »«ngi»g °n every presents oil to great advantage. The fres.-oed wuhs were fully and gracefuby decorated with evergreen and cedar. J he decorations were arranged , by , , fail- hands of Misses Estelle and Fannie Hall. Nora AATiiddon and Mrs. C. B. Murrell, assisted by Editor Carnes. Every scholar received a pres out. and a sm le of happiness as they filed out of the homeward bound. THE FANTASTIC PARADE. On the afternoon of Christmas Day about fifty horseback riders attired in uninue costumes through the r headed by Capt. A„„ Slr „„ s . aj. Oen. Tlionia, bringing up the rear, they also went to Amoskeag and reined up in front of the residence of that worthy gentleman, Mr. J. T. cord, who presented each with a fine Ilavanna cigar. THE BAPTISTS’ GREAT FEAST. On the evening of tiie 25th j halls of the Uplands laughter Hotel of were the j ringing with the merry Sunday-scholars of the Bap j tist church. Their good parents had pro pared and treated them to a great feast in celebration of the birth of their blessed Savior, and this fact caused them to lie more light Uearted and gay than ewr In the large dining hall long lines of tables, filled with the deli cat -i es ot the season, greeted the eye> all< i as S00 n as supper was announced all af.d repaired to the dining hall and blessings had . !;een pronounced for such a boun teous feast apatites. thev proceeded to satiate their . J l lhe ro lickimr tots repaired . to the different T . halls ,. and , a!1, used theiusehes in d.derent ways. It ... of enjoyment. was an occasion ami ,ve record .t as one ol the l ,rom "' e,,t f “ ll,re8 50 SiKSATSTS Nasal injector price cents. free. Caeklcn’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for ent-. bruises, -ore*, ulcers, salt rheua;. . ^ and‘a^n lions, and posfiiveiv cures Piles or ,k [’eiVect 1 -^ J" & lon.^dr'immey rcfun-l led. Price 25 ~ per box. For sale bi >« dmgw* v nov.tjJ _ Arrested. On Thursday last marshal Skel ton arrested one John Reed, who, it is claimed is a murderer from Irwinton, Ga., and for whose ar rest $150 reward is offered. -—_-_____ j , mv .. m „ ved to tlli , , u0m next door to S. Herman A Bros., and I propose to keep a good stock of fish and oysters. On Fridays I will receive a fine lot of white shad, R. S. Johnson. : ‘-Ha*kuK.r' •’..Di-fingandfraaram * an*l la-t'ni j ,me. Price 23 .m l 5 cvs., at litrrL Hminau, druggists, Resolutions of Respect. Eastman Lodge. No. 270, F. & M. sadly records the death pf esteemed brother J. D. i'Oa cock. Brother P. was born in Nansemond county, Va., March 1, 1860, and moved with his la (her, when quite a boy, to Cock ran, Ga. where he received his academic education. In the year 1880 he removed to Eastman,'Ga. where he engaged in the mercantile business with our esteemed brother W. |V. Ashburn, and subsequently, |ie married his oldest daughter, ESa. year,-. H *-.*f?lSS 1 ,'. d ' e f ’ 0U ^fc ' , he aetne \ engageu m * " faeture oi naval stores, up to f lie time of his death Brother Peacock was much lhv for bis many good traits .of for his kindness of Ha ure f or his self-sacrificing disio s iti on , and for his warm hearhl nevolenee. with I, a A jdeasare to the 0 k „ 0 , v b f rom !lis early el,ill hood, lie was always loved Iv his associates, and was auectio$ j u te in his friendship. Your committee begs leave I . the followin'' “expressive resolution, 1 asinsome manner, i the profound sense of r/r which we feel in the death of beloved Brother. ! Resolved, 1st, That the No futm 270, bers of Eastman Lodge. have learned with deep reg!l*t of the death of brother J. D. it is their wish to expresfhere their appreciation of his puiy cf character. Ofiv ResoR.ou o _nrt, n A That mat a a c of t these resolutions he fuim>: . his bereaved widow, ami that i \ >e spread upon the minutes f this Lodge, and published in theijiEs Journal. J. D. HlremI T. J. But HANi W. X. Li etc ii Commiee. j CHRISTMAS WEEK j ONE OF MERRIMENT IJyTHf: MAGIC CITY. Tne Pyrotechnic Display the Largest Ever Made in East¬ man—Fifty Fantastic It >*! ers in Line—The Social Foain-es of the Week. The Chris .as of 1889 is one of! the past, and for many reasons should be recorded in the great Book of the Past. It was Omega of one the most prosper- 1 ous years known—the vear 1.8891 The people can look back with pride and think of the many bless ings bestowed by a kind Provi-. 1 deuce this vear. The sun rose clear and bright on every morn of ea ch succeeding day of the holidays and the gentle winds were as calm as those of Ualy. ' As the moon waned low in the Cloudless skv on the night of Christmas eve, revellers gave thanks m glad accord by a grand ( pyrotechnic display, the most j brilliant ever seen in East man. , The „„ brilliant , light of the , sky , rockets and roman candles,as they shot, high in the open sky m my nads of colors, the fiery conste la- road reached there and woke it ur> from a lethargic nap. It did spring up so quickly as its sister towns; I'nadilla and Cordele; but but it is ‘‘gillin’ thar all the same.” j recent bond election has givei ; a » el , j,,], e of property in Vienna, and revived things generally thereabout. AVe came direct to Ilawkinsville Monday . Would have spent ml dayg in y ienna? but 0 ur friends purse looked as though a loconjotive had ,iept over it, , didn - t caro {o bave any big bills ,. h (] _ Noticing more or less ( . ott()U at houses and gins. Mon day we interrogated several | about it a ,, a were told that some had not sold any cotton this fall, as they did not owe the proceeds to a merchant. To make alon g story short we reached Eagt nfoot because we didn't bi bj j lrt c i iange( i. *»»!K5SEj at* *T CO T V Ii ilUyjj JL ? ? 5 The following prices are ealcu luted to bring joy and gladness to fj“ Si'te Ilfme'fp’uu at k “ c ioo',000 v ,j yds.yard wide Sheeting. at < j A * • yd. stock Best full Brogans, at $1 25 de¬ Good woman Shoes at lOc pair. . 1 pair good under Shirts for 50c. Fine under Shirt at ijd 00 pair. ^' ! ' 1C 1 1,K ^ el ' e£lj ^ or ^ :1 ^ 1CS a * * . o papers of pins needles for for 5c. 5c. 2 papers of 3 handkerchiefs for 10c. Cedar water bucket -at 25c. ! 'h,‘ [m] ‘Vhe^beO * b'l-k b ind on ear( recommended by the Far mers Alliance everywhere. Plow lines whitesugar at 12 jc pair. $1 oo. 1211,8. for Cor„?mf.V fi hay, bran, anybody, ,alt and oat j el . luI1 gardless of price. smoking tobacco 1 lb. of nice tor 25c. and a nice present with cwch pound. ?%XiS j 8 anything as good for 35c. Fine cooking stoves with a wag onload of tinware, pots, stove FPf and other implements, low er than other jJtPl'CilcIH IS (tUl -e>l5A gu IndtU. , Ptal pnps a „d saueers.hnhios. forks an. Ui,i»a,e. So cheap that buy them Just for fun. l Am Ml Selling Ail The Seed Oats. If you want clothing, shoos, hat S. \ r "" k y> r ' ■ ^“‘P" ’ ■..... mu t __ Fl ^ ^^ 1 ^ ^ "va ■ ! I dont propose as some merchants do, to duplicate prices or sell , cheap as anybody e!-e. but !ga r antee to sell lower tiian any other me ,-chant. Keipectfuliy, nr iMi CD A • w m u I' CO • i. > I, w* ii 3 I*. S. Now is the time to plant gardens and I've got ab the new reeds etc. you may need, at the best prices on top side the earth. Through The Country. Mf. Editor:—W e left Wednesday proceeding Cliroima went to Gresstou, where found many people** moving to homes : ml j-rc; uing for tin incoming year. Procuring a team we drove to Hvwkinsvble. Here men an* going in almost every ui rection; merchants busy v. itn their books, clerks were busy wrapping packages for Santa Claus to carry to and fro, farmers driving sleek teams, and a pleasant look on their aces - ^ * en mile drive donn the < Kir - er road towards Abbevihe will carry one by many thrifty farms, with cozy houses, beneath' state b v oaks, Inrniug toward A one passes through a spairsely set tied country, for eighteen or t D" miles. Night caused us to stop v, ’hh one ot Dooly s prosperous tanners, Mr. Lupo, who ly in a model Christian, well. an *“ iraer - M e did not a&.x wnothei he planted according to signs of moon or not; but presume that ae makes his farrfi juy by persist worK and good management, Vienna is fifty seven miles Le Macon, on the G. S. ct F. rail road. It is fifteen miles below VaaAm ^ nine above Cordele, jg t] . e onh . town betwe en ]aces . f t was without a ^ abont flfleeu niouths when the above named rail- CIRCULATES in the Counties of Poll ire, Pulask Laurens, Johnson, Montgomery, Tel fair, Vfilcox, May lie an<l Irwin, and lias subscribers fron Jirine io Texas. S!-:XD FOR S IMI LE COPY. K A ■ rM A \ TIMKs Fri.tMiiJwl 1 S 74 .I ouselitlaied I'Ol ., 1 . CM. \ TV JtXTJNAI.. .silt V Pec. iS *. FI N AM J A I, REPORT Of the Piv-s;,'. :it oi' The l)«ilg( ■County Fair Association. si-BscaiPTioxs r.ui) cas:.. Pit. Horton MeCrnuie....... ......$ 29 N Ale Lumber ('o ...... m> - W . A. Morgan........ r> j A. G. Vi’iifauisou..... 10 , If. YVvp‘»e........... 5 00 w Afyv aia vyich* 1 50 j it. X xl'uA*.... r-.-ank Ba fit.... .... r. co .... io oo j )Jg' ’j, ■n.... " " .... 20 10 00 00 . . . . .... loot) | iienj. Foster T. & Bcrcli.......... Harris.......... .... 10 00 ■ .... 10 00 j ! -1>. i ;o v>r............. 10 00 .... ' ........ .... 10 00 .... 2 00 ’i'. m,.-A rthur .... 25 00 j >( , w;sI » eacock ........... i oo j F. U-vl h. Lee................. Bacon............. 10 5 00 <:0 i r ’ >il ..................... ,'! 50 I *1, M. B ii chan...... 10 00 >Ir.-. Cn-uugtls-a................ 10 oo ^ v.Bd-fh e!..,V! ....... J. tv. ..... v.has. Jonts ............ ](M-) B. D VVoodara.......... m o i Godduw .......... 2 ou $330 50 License...... ......$ 43 00 On subscription, S. Herman A Bro............................ 5 00 Hate money, Hair week........ 030 00 Subscription City Council...... looo Subscription DeLacv & Bishop. 5 00 Sale of barrel lime............. 1 50 Total $10,25 00 11 • ’ ism i: in account with tiie dodge COUNTY KA 111 ASSOCIATION. at. Paid for diy ying trees and stumps$ 11 50 Miscellaneous work............. 27 so I>;|V tabor on track a id grounds, 108 2 a J^^od posts ............... 2 1 5a AZ Digging wells .................. moo Bvick work..................... o 70 S:! l1 ........... 13 17 | Insurance...... ’X ' SX „ . . , f rT.!''' , )a ... On hauling bin w. B. Dauicl . 55 00 A,o, I.. .M. IVa.-o.-k...... 11 05 A.vom.i «fR. II. I'cacwk & Co., 530 A "'." n!! , f Htok, ' s & ( ...................... H (Ml Account Woods & Co., printing 7 00 On lumber account J.c, Carr.. 25 00 On account Aiaco 1 Telcgrajih... 5 00 Ou account •!. I*. Stokes, brick and lime...... .... 12 59 On account of Amoskeg Lumber Company................. .... 120 00 On account oi’ A. M . Bowel 1 . .81 65 on account for tmiidi )g agr'cut ti'ral hali...... . . 142 50 Account >f .Julian for brick building. Band stand, night watch and miscellaneous w ork 39 25 $H1I 70 Casli paid for premiums........ 239 00 AcionntofM. Wynne for feed 3 50 Laid on balance of A. \. Powell 7 80 $1082 00 CASH PAID r.Y II. FISHEH, FOIt PREMIUMS DODGE COUNTY FAIR. Julia G. Fisher.......... ......$ 2 00 Mrs. 5V. \V. Harrell...... ....... 1 00 T.IV. Dean.............. ...... 0 00 Ctias. W. Griftiu......... ...... 10 ro j,-_ r wiiiadon .......... ....... i oo s !f j.’t. bowt Colwrd!!”’.!! j, L . r ...... 19 50 Mrs. ...... 1 CO L. if. Bacon............. ...... 9 00 K. 1L Bacon.............. ...... 2 50 w ”> 'wj'i^iVt........... ...... 2 1 00 00 ...... L. T. Iiancll 2 00 ...... l.T. Harrell............ ...... 3 00 Mr ' ; - Marshall........ 4 00 m^ e. j' V iju«Si............. iLiii ............ 3 1 00 00 Mr- k Bmvi!............. ii i CO lt k j ] 00 ; r, oo ’'. ’2 ............... ............ 4 1 00 00 * ............. 1 00 tv ' b. '_ Sapn ' ™ ..... l 00 v rs..i. B s } 2 00 M Bishup , . 0 00 .. . . \v. T. McDaniel.............. 3 00 ............ l! 00 i ........ i 00 , v ,, .. C 00 V’ji-irreB . j ................ 9 00 ; ' ' 5 0) y,-. L ,„. r c G B 0 00 ,r r, Ilmmcn WaS 5 00 ......... 13 00 Calvin Brown 500 Mrs. tv. t. .Jones...... l 00 ...... T.J.Bucha,*.......... ...... (! • *- *■"* ....... 12 00 '; u ET, .ha,,™' “ 2 1 CO OO .......... ........ 10 oo X. F. Lay................. 5 oo E. F. Barrett............... 3 00 div. Maggie Ga-iett........ 1 00 W. tv. Aslibmu...... o oo -Lie E. Booth......... 15 oo Mrs. XL Wynne...... 2 o. Mrs.J. F. OeLa.y.... i Misses Bishop........ 0 00 M. AV. Jones........ 2 50 Horton Mel’aiuv..... 19 00 T. 8. Wiieo:;........ 2 50 M s. Lowerey....... ...... 10* Ja R. Ghldens... ...... 10 '■<. K. <• j- ...... 5 Oo the dodoi; county fair ouoc.vds, ‘, s*t --i,in:i*l*»-n<* Store, on T uesday the ,l!i of January ksso. at n oVi i k a. m. IT. Fisher, Fre.-i.fent. X. B.. Of i fiir-c the right to have the a Fair i- reserved. Terms ami COM ‘ KU'.le known at time of leasing- 1 or Sale, Finest Lot in town, next to IIo tel De Lietcn. W, B. CoiTEE. Agt. Cliristmas with its feslivelies, passed without one unpleasant oc euiTence. ami lias been a season of great enjoyment; the exquisite weather, so warm and summer like, (lowers blooming,the air soft, and balmy, sunshine warm and pleasant, rave ai* added gest to the pleasure of the'time, (he de¬ light of the loved ones to be homo again, the joyous greetings, the house garlanded with the wealth of Christmas, loving interchange of gifts, make the joyfullist feast of the year. Ere ilk. For Sale or Kent. / Small cottage with twelve acres of land, half mife from Court housa. For further information, apply to Smjth & Clements. Sliiloh'g Ruro will immediately relieve croup whooping cough and bronchitis, Homnan & ih-rrinaii, ili-iuggist-*. Christinas at Lin wood# Linwood, Dec. 30.—After a storm there is a great calm. < Jl.rist mas has come and gone, and it was enjoyed very much by a ma jority of the people. We had the j nicest time we ever had before in one week. It was a week of sport and fine dinners. The good ladies in this vicinity are noted in the preparation of good dinners. At Linwood church on the night I of the 24tii the good people had a Bow instead of a Cliristmas tree. It was very nice and full of pres ents for the children, all of whom went home with happy hearts. Mr. T. V. Hodge and Miss Yearty were united in wedlock on Sunday last. We wish the young couple much success, Iiappiness and prosperity through life. Gat. They Are Candidates. The following gentlemen have announced , themselves , as candi ; dates for city offices for the ensii ing year: Mayor— E. A. Smith, Aldermen—W. F. Harrell, J. W. Lee. W. B. Daniel and J. D. Ilerr man. A i.a-al injector free with each bottle i of .Shiloh'** Ratarrh JJemedv. Price 50 * cent ■ at Uermiau & Herrman, ilnig gists. 11-15-’89, Out. DOTS i ROM AMOSKHAG. Amoski: va, Jan. 2 1 s:)0.—Pr< f. and Mrs. C. A. Thompson, after enjoying a pleasant visit home, re turned to Forsyth Tuesday. Miss Ellen Carswell, a charm ing young lady from Irwinton, is 'pending sometime with Mrs. J. >S. C. Marsliall. The Fantastirs from Eastman, wire much enjoyed Cliristmas day. They paid their respects to the general manager who treated the company to cigars. The ball given at the Amoskeag ball on the 2C>tIi. was a most en¬ joyable occasion. Through some misunderstanding, only the lead¬ ing violini t of the orchestra eu gaged came, and it was thought that the ball would have to be post noned, but Prof. W. A. Shank, who is always equal to the occasion, moved his piano to the hall, and Prof, th A. Thompson kiiullv con sented to assist, and thereby those "'lio attended were favored with ■ particularly good music. Mr, Os is leader of the orchestra at the Hotel Brunswick, is a master of the violin. The witching strains from his hand accompanied by the skilful touch of Prof, C. A. Thomp son, tilled the hall with glowing melody, charming all with its sweetness. Oli what joy with this Can compare in bliss, As we join the mazy dunce, livery -tepjn tune with cliann of rhyme Such theme doth e’n enhance. A charming musical was given Alomlay evening at the residence of Mrs- E. Ii. Bacon, an evening replete with sincere enjoyment to ^ » f S«"'l *m.»ic, inter persed with graceful recitations and delicious refreshments were served by tiie hostess. The mu sic was a rare treat, the finely cul fured voices showing careful train ing, combined with natural ability and the perfect system of their in si rue tor, I’rof. C. A. Thompson of Forsyth, M. F. G. The Misses Ba¬ con have charming voices, soprano and contralto, clear, pure and me¬ lodious. Mrs. Shank, a peculiar and graceful soprano. Miss Lida Colcord lias a magnificent contra, to voice with a range of nearly 4 octaves, which she lias under per¬ fect control. A select party was given new years eve at the residence of Airs. J. T. Colcord, to watch New year in. A very pleasant time was spent in merry games, but no boy was brave enough to kiss the pretty grils as they fitted under the mis¬ tletoe, but kissed each other in¬ stead.