The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, January 17, 1890, Image 1

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DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY ---TO Till:- I:v?erest of the Public. ,/. j). STOKE*. Proprietor, 7 /*. CAflKfi F.'i'tor. V )L. J.-XO. 3. OF V * A L !>rHFJ TOH5 Hedge ' o>tut> (,i»UTiiii!CBt. , ' ■ • ri< * '-iurt. lion, R M. iloberis. ii.-ilo .i-ner.d. if on. jomEu S' > 11 . J. i * or. IIon.T. J. Ray. ' r- nt, live. lion. John 1'' . I b * ■ . i fidinary. M, L. Burch. <‘w , urierior Court, J. Oalwin Rawiii.s. Ml: . iff. E.T. Rasi’ius. ^app ('< anty r i'r<, -urer. J. Jf. r j.,x Collector,,!. D. Taylor. Tax Receiver,- 4a . K. (didders ■, v x • . , H. J. Thompson'. Coroner, JJ. M. Gidilens. - Kt .ittinu (imcriimrut. eI | .7 l ' ‘ v P - - , I . lner. . HA tiJJJ KKFOKT. Cotton Market. Good middling, fife. Middling, ‘.He. date3,(»50. 'j 1 ', , !o Y * . t uociiivc. ()■•]■: mex-hants are paying the following prices for country pro due : < ’lih-kens—25c. to ooc. IkA-.s—25c. pound. Jc. '] *!'•“ allow—<c. —dry dint, per | ■ if mi-, amt (hoccrirs. Our merchants quote tlie fol¬ lowing price on dry goods and g.x.coru s. it:. ; |:; ;!1 — i 0(1 pounds, Butler—20 to 25 cents. ( 1 orn—per bu.. 70 c. Butter— best gilt edge, 25c. to . 30c. (tot fee— 20 c. . 11 -—per bbl.. S.i.OO to #5.7a j lams—Ft.W’Mo \ Vc. Huy'—$1.25 per 100 pounds. Lar 1—71c. to 10c. Mf ;d—70 to 75 cents (Lit —-V) cents. Pota*!i—5 to 10 per ball. Bugar —'.) to 10 cents. V \ • ■' —•’> to ! cents. J r* ;i—3 to 5 cent s. JJiiK— ,-l.tiO per barrel. )il —20 cents. • .. saburgs—10 to 13 els. p. yd Sheetings—<> 1 per yd. Checks—5 cl s. I )or vd. H1!:MF LOCALS. ‘•Eve played thunder"! Onion set at Kerri.tun & llerr man’s. Ere. h Feed at Ilerrman vA Henman's. I Ah’. D. T. Douglitry was here on I Tue juiv. A few bak ot cotton continue to roll into on" market. Air. J. I). Scott, of Macon. :s the! : • tl Hote1 ’ ii* . t, to b-tv heavy wool I . ■ , Co, hem on Sunday o.lcinooiil„H. Tom Lovall is a papa now, a fine boy has just arrived at his j house. Air. Jacob Alc('arlhur, of Alt. j Vernon, was in the city on Mon day last. At : J. Al. Wynn, of Cochran is on a v isit to her sister. Airs. T. R. L< >y all. In intuiting language will be quickly recognized by a guilty person. l'r Y 11 Al organ, of Cochran, visin',! Erntimm profesmually on •" Air. ( has. Donaldson, ,, ol f Aobe vi’lo. paid this city a business trip cm Monday. AV- AV. Thomas says it takes two beeves a day to supply bis customers. Air. Moore - dw, ing, m tin ^ rear « the Court house i> nearing completion. lion. Tom Eason was in East man this week, the guest of Hoi el do Lietch. .1 a Edwards, of Lake But lor Ehi.. is tlm guests of the family of Hr. S. A. Fos r. MLs I" la G mn of Athens, was thc gmst of Air*. J. I>. Kmg a day or two this week. AY. B. AYhitwoilli. of New Or U ns, wa* a gw st o! the l plamf* Hotel • n bimday last. Col. B. Al. i ■ •• IV. of AfeRae. w auiog- ilis'tl at tlse Hotel de Li *tch o:v Aloib'.ay last. The band organ end monkey man. struck u*or Aloi. lay. raid the small 1" y had a pi. i.i . Mr. Jas. 1 a Ham ;r. of liawki: s ville. i* on a ! Vv days viv to his aster, Mrs. AY. F. Harrell. V r /_ Col . Airs. T. D. Loyal . was up IT :r. Jcsupon AVednesday la. t. Air. (Jreene Afer h son. of nille, was in th s city on AVcdias day lietch. last the guests oi the de rpr m m c f. Tx M v* JL fl y H a ._a 0 Muti may be taught all tha' , ;i. contain^ yet lie ki ows noth ing until hi* 'roncepBons born f nil. Rev. IL lb L. Harris, returmY u Friday last, from a few week; visit to Greefisboro, Washington and Athens. (Join. < . D. Loud and W. L. C.ark, of Mt; Vernon, were auto¬ graph; d at tHe Hotel dcLieteh on Monday last. Hon. Walter B. Hill, of Macon, was" anting the distinquished £U« sis of the Uplands Hotel on Monuiy hi*t. Mr. Lb IL Oliver, representing Smith & Gordan, Macon, was a guests of the Uplands Hotel on Monday last. Messrs. W. R. Bowen and J. J. WiiitfieW, of If-" kinsvwae in t Ire city on Sunday last, the guest 1 1 -J- ' ] C ttel U .Ty, * W. It. Ba ' - ber , and E. II. MeKae. ol McKae. were tlie guests of (he Hotel Up- j land.- on Monday last. Mr. J- J. McAllister, a merchant i:i the upper edge of this county, vaiid the Timks—. lorivKAi, a pleas ant call on Monday last. Levi nd car loads of guano have just been received at tlie ware¬ houses, and the programe thereof beginning to be lively. 1} . Al« ldaclilii. of Savannah, representing tlie Savannah Groce¬ ry < o., were among the merchants (li city on Monday last. Mr-. J. J. Anslev, who has been a few days visit to her sister, j Mrs. J. F. DeLacy, left for .Mil on Saturday last. Mr. Walter Hartman, the live market man, has purchased a trim i steed, and Avill now* deliverl promptly to his many cus- j Mrs. Dr. T. F. Roberson, who been vis.ting relatives and in Appling and Tattnall ••unities the past few days, re- j limed <m Mondu last. 1 Low about a guano factory for Kastman. We should have one, that at an early date- .Some¬ near a thousand tons will sold litre this season. Air. O. K. < ollar, of Temperance, Judge John McRae, of Mont¬ county, were up 011 Wed lay night last at the election oflicers for Ivanhoe < liapter R. A • ' m Among the , many names auto- , we.,,1,,.1 a. I lie ty,l;,nd B Hotel «„ Monilav 11el. were Iloa. Norman w. Dodge, Col. A.N. Sexton. ip V, Eorsvth and Mr Jas M, . tur . . J L re, , r f ;! . 'VT : ' , at Arhhura, . , and his whole delimit. esiierienemi; at present. ; ’ y,* tryjng to perfect an ar e a re ran .> ( .ment by which we will be able to furnish every subscriber who pays $ 1.50 in advance for the Times-Journal with a copy of the life and death of Jt fferson Davis. AVe trust our new city fathers will take some steps immediately ! tijwardshaving the crossings clear- j e l on our Alain street. It is a com tiling fora freight train to ! •non stand an hour on the most public streets. ^ Call attention to (he adver-. iisement in another column of W, B. Hartman, the City Market man. J & meat mfir i ie t. always ] _ . with {he choicest mea ts. He sold live beeves by 10 ocnoek on g. llur j ay l a *t. Alls - Alollie Joiner, a pretty and accomplished young lady of Hawk j,,<vl!!e. who has been the quest c f Lizzie Ashlrarnat the Up lands Hotel for several days re turned home on A\ ednesday last mU ch to the regret of the East manssoaetj. Miss Fine McRae, of Spring ^ _ u;u, has bought a third interest in the millinery business of Miss \[ p. Coffee & Co., and the bust , K . g< will hereafter be conducted under the firm name of Aiiss Eilie McRae eY Co. Rov y j Kurch was called last ekto Ffirsyth .-to perform the , prominent- young - ha e, owing to to hi- train being delayed they were married before he arrive 1. ML* Fannie Harris will leave to day for AYashington, Ga., where she goes to take the position as ag sistant in the female seminary at that place. AUss Fannie is a line instructress and we commend her to the good people of her future e. me. AVe 1 egret very much to 1 lose her from our town. EASTMAN, GA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1S90. (Quantities of pardon seed is lie ing put in the ground now, it w prossible we will have some col; weather yet, but eed is cheap, and it pays to lake chances oi n'-tntinc again. Make plenty oi \ -p* 1 ddes. they come in handy. Tlie Spring term of 1 !;o Last man academy opened on Monday last, the 13th, with uO scholars. This is a good beginning, but we hope that it will have a better ending. It deserves the patro¬ nage of every parent in the eoun ty. Depot IJili-ni-d. The Dej¥>t at Scotland, together with a largo lot of goods, cotton, i urpentine, Rosin etc., w as burned on Frida.v niglit hist. Tliat hacking cough can be a, quick ly eureiLby Shiloh’s <’ure. " e guar it Call and examine a Wilcox & White oi’-an, which we are offer ing for sale cheap. .Mis* M. B. Coffee A Co. Wreck on 'l he i ). T. > . & G. Saturday last seems to have been a bad day for wrecks on the R. r l'. V. ix G. railroad, besides the at McRae and Scotland, they one at West Lake, at which, is reported, two men were killed. J. S. Clements will keep always fresh lot of Emits, Vegetables, Groceries etc. Will you ^uner wi;h Uys|)<psia;iial ily'for yi'ii. 1 ' ' For .Salt* or Kent. Small cottage with twelve acres land, half mif'e from Court Kor furthfr information. PPU *° Smith A Clements. Terrible Wind. A tornado at Clinton, Ky., on night last, killed eleven people and demolished wounded about good AHy j more, it a per ( j on of the town. The storm raged I several other places in the j blowing down houses etc. 1 or Sale. Finest Lot tn town, next to Ho¬ l)e Lietch. W.. B. Cox’i'ee, Agt,. A New Saw mill. Mr. L. T. Harrell carried out to place on Tuesday last, a nice and boiler which he Avill for sawing lumber, and in the ; , in season, * gin *, cotton. Even* en - »' .. k "> d , . ls » M , *, l> <« . ‘ he _ Catarrh curd, health and sweet breath | 1) - v Shl v* 1 s Fp.x’lT'inr ftep ieiJy Pruc50free , - Bun Away. ' xi ' Irom hiring ij t-preAeni boy, Jes any one my aie. who left me on Dee. 27th. He ............... voare old. will, |n ,„g oiro[Ili ; , rft j „. ish (o of | lim m «self imlii I ' he gets older. ! -It. Cl" i.RN* Ron Kits. Bloom. ! Cotton | Air. Pope Alullis brought to this ottice on Monday last. Iavo Avell matured cotton bolls and a full ! grown bloom which he plucked. irom a stalic in his patch. It • er-, iainl.v has been many years since ; we have experienced a winter that j equal this. Go to J S. Clements, at the Post office building for fresh Gro cer ies.etc. I>eatli of :m Old Citizen. On AVednesday, January 8th, yjy Arthur Williariis, one of the oMest citizens in this section died at his home 15 miles north of East man. He was 77 years old. and was an'industrious, hard working man. He leaves three or four children to mourn his loss, Dissoluf i'll’.. AYe have this day by mutual consent dissolved copartnership, j_ j' <g. Clements having purchased t ie ent j re interest of T. F. Rober ^ in t h e business of J. S. Clem pntg & Co 1Ie a? . um ;ng all liahil ties of *aiil firm. J. S. Clemests, 4t. T. F. Ro!;eb*"X. For lame bar’s. *ide or chc*t, use ShllcA’sPorona Plaster. Price 25ceats. rJZ ' 5 ' white and colored are warned not to hunt on lots of land, No*. 147 and 14*. in the 16th district of Dovlge county. AV. F. B. AH-lli*. ____. I have purchased the interest of Dr T. F. Robinson, and will con tinue Hie business at tlie same stand. I respectfully solicit the patronage of the public, Fresh groceries are a spec holy with me. t J. tj. OX-ljiexts. . Not ice. Eastman, Ga., Jan. J. 1890.— We the undersigned Slaving this lay purchased the half interest of J. AV. Leo in the firm oi J. AV. Lee A Co., consisting of a stock of general niercliandise and ilso al! notes and accounts due J. W. Lee & Co., and we the undersigned agree to assume all liabilities that are now outstand¬ ing against said firm of .1. V\. Lee A Co. Join; W. Taylor, K. B. Milker, Shiloh’s Cough ami consumption cure*; is-old by us unci -guarantee. It cures consumption. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES. - 0 - Fifty lieail tothe highest hiderin Mcltue, Saturday Jan. 2.">. A grand auction sale of superb « r Western horses will be held in McRae on Saturday, Jan, 25, com mencing at 10 o’clock. The stock are all well-bred, from 3 to to'10% 6 years okl and wei'di from 700 pounds. Most of them are well broken to service in any capacity. All .ill be S „1J without reserve to the highest bidders for cash. An exhibition of skillful horseman-j ship and lariat throwing mav be soen SaYYit-s at the s-ih> <«iven by one of come. Teachers Notice. Having decided to remain here the winter, would like a few pupils. Have had thorough ot Urol. AV m. Scumach- 179 East (Mth street, Kew York Grace L. - Sti.sTe, Is. Eastman Residence. Fire ill Macon. On Tuesday at 12 20 o'clock, fire oul in the large cotton ware of Willis V. Price on Forth Macon, Ga. Some six or eight I bales were burned which fully covered with insurance, Price thinks that not a single i of .his will lose a dollar, i truck wheel striking a match on I floor was the cause of the lire. | .............. Rythe s 1 have been induced to myself a candidate for j of Dodge county at! ensueing election on the first I Wednesday in October next. Kul i ly appreciating the kndly confidence promisod of j tliose tviio have so , me their support. ML If eU*ctedJ will , '» >e be.t . of . my al..l.ty, , to discharge ll.e duties .noam iea u P on “®* J ojiposed to local, prohibition for several reasons.! First, I believe it is detrimental to town, county and public educa u„n. Sec.m-l, i behevc nU lavvs should be equal and umlorm tel ative to liquor. Third, 1 believe it .............. ..... law that would........... bee.....her wise, which I believe lias been dearly demonstrated in tlnscoun ty. I desire to say that I will de fine my position on any question when called upon to do so, either . 1 )r j va ( e ] ‘ v 0; . publicly 1 r n il. J. Sapp. j an . i7_tf. Eastman Academy. qhe Spring term of this Inslitu tion will begin Monday, Jan. 13th. and continue (24 'week*,, six months. The tuition, $7.20 for the entire term, is all payable at the j opening of the term. The patrons will pay this amount to Judge A!, j L. Burch, treasurer, of the Board of Trustees. He will given receipt, which the pupils will present to the Brincipal. in order to secttie admission to the school. With this low rate of tuition, and with ] the promise to discharge faithful ly all the duties of tlie school room. A\ e, earnestly solicit the continued patronage of the town and county. By application to the principal, pupils can secure board in good families for flO per month. The school will be graued this term as last. j Bupils prepared for an advanced , class in college. The present principal has had charge ol the school for nearly six years. R. J. STW ZIER, : “*• ^ i aid. Teacher* Take Notice, Each teacher of piivuc school? , in Dodge county, holding unpaid claims1'or ly'UD hereby request ed to file a Teacher’s Report with the (..omit;. School ( otninissioner immediately, that theiremims may be passed upon and aujusted By order of County Board of Education. J. Bishop. Sr.. i Co. S. Comr. D. C. A GREAT FEAST. MA-U>y<( HRKTHUEN ROY¬ ALLY ENTERT AINI'D Uy Hie Masonic Lodge of Luni Imt City—Manager Brinson ami < ;.(it. Arm -1 rong I>o liglit the Visil.-irs With Sweet Music. In obedience to an invitation extended by the Masonic Lodge of Lumber City to Eastman Lodge to assist it in conferring the Master Masons degree, several brothers this city on Friday last. Among them were J. T. Colcord, | D. W: Weaver. Mai. C. R. Ann J. , I>. ., Stokes, , J. , ht AV. lioirers. ,> il. Buchanan and ,... Wash , Harrell, T1 part ioined , by several , v was at McRae and Scotland. We arrived at Lumber City i 9 tv dock p. m ;;id ikuio;; repaired to the lodge. Hu will compare favorably with | | in tlie State. It has recently furnished with * he neatest j choicest fomituro of the moot designs. A large crowd was present and ; resident members extended courtesy possible to the vis **^ conferred in an impressive , by Worthy Master J. T. of Eastman Lodge, as i s ted by other brothers. All well to pleased enjoy the with occasion, the work, and j The work was concluded about o’clock, when all present re "■ <l»l hostc-lry, the McLeod lfo where a great feast had been by Lumber City lodge the enteriainment of the guests, j The genial and ever polite man- i Mr. IL J. Brinson, conducted banquet in the grandest style, j lanterns were hanging profusion all over the building, over the first entrance was tin “Welcome,’’ in large, letters. The frescoed walls] the large banquet hall and the I line of tables were beautiful-1 cefully .^/;;^’ ilecorajetl J. J j n varii ,, I flowers Iiiiiles of every hue Tlie were well tilled delicious viands, and present enjoyed the - , , , , . “ at 'X K 01< i ’*' *~ j ] i ' 11!a< 1 ” ! . 1 " ' ’ ' ' ‘ | U Armstomg, May . DanifiL ; . ^ and others, which were re , vi(h , h(J , U sl cll „ lu . Alter the banquet , , was ovet were made concerning j “‘ _ ” 7'"^jV'" j,',, ''7; ' - - “ _ e on S . ................... tat each a war Old It......lowt’l fag when the courteous and jolly. brettarn ot l.uniber Cily enter lam vtsilois. Nol a soul s.ept. Not a man deserted the ranks of revelry. They are not of that type of manhood that deserts the and hunts the couch of j rest - Sire and son alike combined ; and royally entertained the vis¬ itors. Manager Brinson, one of best the pianist in this section, as sisted by Capt. Armstrong, a fine banjoist, entertained the crowd at intervals with splendid music. The presence of several good ladies added much to the enjoy ment ol the occasion. Lumber City is one of the most progressive towns on tins line o! road, and with her whole-souled, enterprising business men, we be speak for her a prominent future, every sweet ius its hitter, as t p e 0 id saying goes. The pas sen jrgr train arrived at Lumber City about sunrise, and the party hoarded it and were comfortably seated, discussing the events of the night, and were about a halt rnile from Scotland when there wag a jr r eat crash and a jar. which stood several passenger* on their jjeads in the aisle and between the seats. Upon investigation it was f oun< j t ! Jat an engine running a ( j the rate of 50 or 60 miles an hour j !a j struck our engine, shattering! it to pieces and teles oping the 1 j . t] ie hi ate engineer, prevented a terrible wreck, and, no doubt. saved many nia.iv lives mts. it It was was a a most tm t remarkable wreck. There was not a limb broken and but a few re ceivtd bruises. The engineer stood at his post and had the oreath knocked out of him, but j ie was at work in a short time preparing to clear the wreck. The fireman, a negro, jumped and struck a log, but soon recov " eret p • The mail agent had the closes; call of all. Ilad he not been stand ingin the door of his car and ! juipped, he would have nr. ioubt ed!y been killed; as the tender of the engin 1-tirst througu. shatter , ing the entire ••ar. The party was entertained by the Scotland boys Saturday. The Kastman boys returned liome late Saturday eve overjoyed by their trip. thfTTi \M>s uoTFl I - Opened t<> Entertain the Public : — Ilv Management. The doors-of the Uplands Hotel thrown open on the first of Ins month for the aceonnnodn - • ot ,• the public generally, ami - , will ... remain open the \eai , „ ' . It is under the management of J. IL Barrett, a gentlemen bev • vt tl business ioi seveial 5 oar.-. is polite, genial and pleasant, possesses the happy faculty entertaining all guests, lmv great eoover„,ti.„,al .......... ictel is run, in every particu in a thoroughly systematic The servants are all neat and 11 ! In compliance to an invitation dined with the manager on last and found every in perfect order. The bill consisting of soup, four of meats, breads, vegetables, | meats, composing twenty di.hos. =11 of which were excellent, u hat pleased u was the excellent wgy in dish the had food flavor was of prepared. richness; | a it which by superior showed that cook, it was j a The commercial men could not a better place to spend Sun Hum Eastman. The Upland* more conveniences than any hotel on the road, 1 "f 11 ? 11 * 1 iH Ul , >‘ e “ ° ,ul:, v i:{st ’ ? n " 0,0 loi ‘°'' in f * Kn.i.l, J *' v • Ul,™ L ‘- e > ^ . K. I)r. Harrell .l I) jl™- and i ’ 1 fully - execute '■ "> HP® the duties *!" I m upon them. ■.' t.r . S] 11 ml Tr.zzt*’ v;i c..Y : M- n _ 1 3 Mlolvi ic05 are calc „ ; •»» the people of this county. j 100 ; 0 00 yds. white Homespun at \ 3,000 fail yds.ynrd wid Best stock Bn ... ’ ■ q ow j woman Shoes at fe- fogoOc. .-air. , Ft’ne k .................. ' tmder Shirt, IWpit. Fme tmder vest for ladies at !, Ijm of pins needles for for 5e. 5e. o ,pers of 3 handkerchiefs for 10c. Cedar water buckets nt 25c. Blow Stocks at $1 00. 7 sell the best baen. band on e ^xx'-;-y-witer< Blow lines at 127c pair. 12 lbs. white sugar for $1 00. 25 lbs. rice for -fl 00. Corn, meal, hay. bran, salt and cheaper 1han anybody, re¬ of price. smoking tobacco 1 lb. of 25c. and a nice present Avith Fine pound. chewing tobacco at 30c. I defy the world to show as good for 35c. Fine cooking stoves with a wag of tinware, pots, stove low -s and other implements, r than other Can Bay Them. Plates, cups and saucer*, kniue*. and tinware. So cheap that buy them just for fun. km Still Al: j The Seel r: - ■ -• ! 5 . If you want clothing, shoe*, hats. or anything else, and at the price, you no! come!" ' ' A n § 3 SAft aim L .- - v" ' ? •vsa j ... I dont propose as some merchant: 0 ’ <0 ‘ ! j as anyoody else, but I other; guar to sell lower than any merchant. Respectfully, Tf.r W J > 7TT *--***.> SC f *• 1 is Will si j i sis? ip f *• ' • a 1 * ! B. S. Now is the lime to plant i and I've s il tlie ne.w seeds etc. you may need, al tic*. best prices on top side the earth. * Sau *-,.. M «ua d, c . *•*. AMOSKILUi ITEMS. Ay >skk \g. (be, Jan. 15.—Mr. J. {'. Colcord, D. AY. AVeaver, J. AY. R >ger$, W. H rrell and Mr. Bach -naan went to Lumber City Fii -i.b meeting _ y •> ; Men : .. - and enjoy;! ■ hospitalities of the brethren* A tine time was report od, and all enjox • d the nice ban ,pnt provide d . r the occasion, The only drawback was the de by an accident on the rail road which prevented them from returning home until late Satur ;iv evening. Mr. Bewick, a prominent mill from Joluisouville visited Atnoskeag Tuesday. .Ur. A. (alder, of Cliauncey, • in town hundav. • Atnoskeag always attractive, . but it does . . .' , ,. a ' v ‘ Y ‘ 1 j,, 01 ‘° Ur { . M , Oofcord returned to las. w ea, , t o resume her , at Monroe com ae. will graduate in June. She great l,ron,i„e of exeellem. lll£ study of ait, tliowmg so m work executed in um m a m 'stylo bearing the mark d gemn-amt a t me s\ mp.ith\ ane air. , 1 . L. ( - cord 1ms returned Atlanta, where lu is making progress in the school of tech Miss Mina Manson has charge of school here, and wo feel as that under her management v , ill jirosjier. .. ...... ... Mend, „f Hire m Harri- lie re regret her depart d all unite in wishing her 1 au I , 1 . 0 - S , )< . n * 1 y an( i happiness in her , | ( , ( .]j n ^. sirro j| ia j s j ie ,. lil|( j ;)S 1IJ;inv |- r i(>nd there as leaves behind. Lfcii.e. M t. Cavmi! Dots. Mr. Editor. Again 1 take pen hand to give your readers the from this place. The post office department would yeeeive flic name Barnes, as in our dots, for our new but we learn the name now up is likely to be received, is Dexter. Mrs. Anna Smith has been quite but is convalesing. The county alliance has just its January session, which held with the Alt. Carmel alliance, there was a good tendance, and the visiting ic "‘ !s ,u “‘ »•«»««»«• eared for by our good sis ’ who furnished a bountiful , ™ meeting resulted we has dawned upon us, we de the (art. I.tit weleoa ........ march until the homes of people are made happy. Tours Truly. 4. 5. 7. Items From Rhine. 1; nix... Ga., J an. 15.1 S90.-—As 1 a few items would be of So your many readers oi thriving little villedge, Rhine, 15 miles soul It of East¬ on S. A. A M. il. IL, only n or so old and growing rap Wo have two saw mills, one store manufactory, five all doing u very good bus¬ and anticipate a heavy trade fall. AVe are liking in school*;, there none in our vicinity. 'vVe have only one melhodist service only onceamonth. Health of the place exceedingly Candy jerking as some call it, to be the order pf the day the lad and las*ies. Farmers are jireparing 1 he lands planting crops. The weather continues very and dry. and if it continues we will soon have (I.irden peas the vine are full of blooms and peas. AY!k> can beat it. I will dose, will let you hear me again -0011 :i anything of should turn up. Yours truly. I JkBojux, AVe call •ev.h.n to Lie an in tin’s issue of Air. J. S.-pp asa candidate for Rep *enUitive of Dodge county, we will not declare Our . liuo^ in o* any will call the attention of the to the fact that Mr. • i < jit.* comdy six years and made tin faithfully discharging every incumbent upon him. He also served as chairman Of the board ol education . ioi ° l!Iil .v a oi years. . CIRCULATES in the Counties of Doilge, 1'nlask Limrens. Johnson, Montgomery, Tel fair, IViieox, Wayne and Irwin, and has subscribers from Mrlne to Texas. s;:m) roi: samplk copy. . Application Cor incorporalioli. Statu of kforgia—D oilge county. I •' t!ic Superior Court of county : Hie p< t non of Hamilton Clark, D. M. Bncliaiv, .Mm T. Graham, L. T, llar •• g n. tv. Taylor, M. A. Lancaster, J Coleman, li- A. Manvll, i>. !.. Pearce, I.. Burch, J. W. A. C. A. Thomp • M. ( oi., n . H. u im>. c. ,t. yh‘1’. KlU i;„^r?‘w. tUliJ'Tli! Taylor, u, F. Bun u, j, w, Culbrctli, A.N. Powell, \v. . 1 . i>. skclton, .las, " • *' lo v 'b " • C- Harrell, I. X. Parker* - sen, < . A. lU*iulor*on, T. M. Rogers, Ibii'crt Pein-.•••k, W. II. (’olonuui, W.C. Cnienuin, W. H. Howard, AV. K. I.ow ety,d. U. Jones, R. \v. ( adwell, John " • Gliders u . li. Bn, iimuiim, s. i.. S:m,lf„,-d, J. VV. Ro*ar, W. F. Swearin gain Joe Bryan, AV. B. Guldens, Mrs. B.’f.lIum'll,.i.w.siHddon,.I.B.Cof- * U-c, .U>hn .la-. llan-«ll. s. . i. .lours, J. .1. Harrell. F.aneis Harrell, AV. 11. Brawn, I.ovet Brown, 1 '. T. Parkcrson. 1>. K. AYilllams, .). w. Jones, .John Han"uMTvt^n Peaeoek, W. T. MeDaniel, s.c. Nicholson. AV. .1 lvfoe, <•. a. Rozur, j. 1 ;. Thompson, C. !•’. Yearly. M. A. wurty, Jr.. A. c. Phillips, " . 0 .Fair doth, Mrs. m. . 1 . Mali. J.( . I liompsou, 1|.T. «;»". *»*.*. £ »*£ ingain> M> C- Thonipaou j t . L .Cole |n , in _ A . 1 . ('oicinan, J. T. Roger*. C. )i, Biillanl.c. T 'Viggins, s. B. Bmit well. k. l.. li.-irgroves, " fight llanvll, , HarrcH, N. Rawlins, >1 a Yearly, b. ^ ,.. ir , <v . 1 . f Wynne, 1 ». M. Raw lias. K. It. Swcaringnln, J. f. Floyd, a. L. Jian-is, iv. ,M . Ragim -, J. R. I’opo, J, H ti!-. ” , . g L "p I 'lVi-ai'i-im p'^v' i, v . 1 . \r. Deis. . 1 . M. Mathews, AV. s,(*<.<nly, Levi Dunu, \V. . 1 , Phillips, G, tv. < iillmnli, 1). W. Williams, J. c, iJ-GM'i s. Barlow, iv. «. Phillips, J. II, ll ill, W, s. I.aiiciwlci-, li. G. Lytle, ii. <). I imcnster, 'A'. II. Hughs, T. A\ . Hodge. S. B.Oooily. A\', S. Burch, B. \ . Jones, R, M . Jones, DnviO Nolcs, Mi s. Al ilttie <'ulhreth, AAX R, Rnillehl, Mrs. 1). AV. Williams, AY. A. Vann, S. J. Smith, I’liil Bolmnnoh, 1). H, Fountail), 11. ('. < oh inaii, .1. AV. I’liil lips, John <’lcv.H*uts, AV. It. Kagan, re 'poctfully showeth that. tliey dcsiii* for tqcmsclvcs and for such other persons as may be hereafter a-soeiated with thmn, to t»- incorporated under the and style of lloilge County Alli aiici; Joint Stock Company; that the object of their association and the pur icuiar business they propose to carry on is n. general warehouse and merchan¬ dising business; also a cotton compress¬ ing and general fruit canning business, and to these ends to own, buy, sell, lease, operate and maintain warehouses, stores, storehouses, goods, wares and merchandise, cotton compresses, fruit canning apparatus and appliances, ve¬ hicles. machinery, live stock amt all articles and things necessary to the suc¬ cessful management of said business; that the amount of capital to he em plpyed by them in said business uctu Ily paid in is eighteen hundred ($1,800) Dollars, and they desire the privilege of increasinsr tin* capital stock of said company from time to time to such sujns not exceeding Three Hundred Thousand i )<>IJ;i.*s ($:!(«),ooo) as they by their hoard of directors or oiler s i • may from time to time deter¬ mine; that the place of doing business of said corporation will be Douge comity, Georgia, with their principal oftice in the town of Kastman in said county itntl State: tlmi they itcsirc to lie. •incorporated a- aforesaid for the term of twenty years with privilege of re¬ newing at the exj»iration of said time, with power to purchase, own, lease or rent land, stores, storehouse*, ware¬ houses, cotton compresses, fruit ciui ning api».'iratus aud ajndianees*, ease¬ ments, machinery and all other real and personal properly and rights and to sell, mortgage, subject or convey the same or any part thereof with the appurte¬ nances and to reinvest at pleasure, to make by-laws for their use not incon¬ sistent with tlie laws of the laud; to have and to use a corporate seal, to bor¬ row money and issue obligations or bond* therefor; to sue and be sued, to j)lt‘:iil :onl be impleaih'tl in ,-aitl corpo rate name, to enter into contracts ami generally t 11 joy autl exercise alt other corporate powers anti privileges incident to private corporations for bas¬ inet* piirpoe* a.* pre*uribed by the law- of *aid State. Wherefore your petitioner* pray that they an<! their a --fs iates mav be incor¬ porated for the purpo.-es, for the term aud with tin* power* and privilege* aforesaid, and petitioner* will ever pray, •(<■. li. R C’AI.HOtJK, Solieitti;- for Petitioner. G.-okoia—D odge f'ounty. (Berk’* ofliee Superior Court. I certify that tlie foregoing is a true extract from tlie minute* of Dodge .Superior Court. Tl.i* January 7, 18!K). J. f’AI.VJX Ravvi.ixs, Clerk s. c. D, Jill). 10-—L*. Cliapter Kicctiou, At the last regular convocation of Ivanhoe Chapter, No. 0, which was on Tuesday night last, the fol lowing officers were elected to j serve the ensuing year: j J. T. Colcord, II. B. D. AV. Weaver, K. J. D. Ilerrman. S. AV. A. Shank. C. If. T. J. Buchan, B. S. J. J. Deane, R. A. C. J. S. Drafiin, M 3d vale. . J. AV. Taylor, Al 2d vale. AY. II. Cotter, M 1st vale. B. D. AVoodard, 'Treasurer. S. Ilerrman; Secretary. t AY. II. Johnson, Sentjml. 1