The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, January 24, 1890, Image 1

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DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY --TO Tur¬ Interest of the Pnblic. •/. J). STOKliS. Proprietor. T. P. r A IIP PS. PA! tor. VOL. 2.-XO. I. OKFICIA L DIRECTORY Dodge Comity <;<>v eminent. - X^****"™'' IIOn ‘ D ’ ‘ Solicitor-general, . .. lion, ri tom . ha son. St mil or. ilon.T. J. Ray. Representative, Hon.‘ John F. j) ( ,[ , U . Y Ordinary. M. L. Burch. Clerk Superior Court, J. Cal win Rawlins. Sheriff, J, T. Rawlins. County Treasurer, J. M. Sapp. Tax Collector, J. I). Taylor. lax Receiver, Jas. R. Guldens. Surveyor, E. J. 1 hompson. Coroner, II. M. Guldens. East man Government. Mayor, E. A. Smith. Aid rrnan, J. D. Herrman, AV. B. Daniels, AV F. Harrell and AV. Lee. Clerk Council, E. B. Milner. Marshal, A. M. Skelton. MARKET REPORT. Colton Market. Goo ! middling, Ujc. Total Middling, receipts to date 3,<>50. Country Produce. Our merchants are paying the following prices for country pro¬ duce: < diickens—25c. to 35c. Eggs—25c. Hides—dry flint, per pound, 4c. Tallow—7c. Dry (Ai xis and Groceries. Our merchants quote the fol¬ lowing prices on dry goods and groceries. Bulk sides—G. Butter—20 Bran—100 pounds, $1.10. to 25 cents. ( lorn—per bu., 70c. Butter—best gilt edge, 25c. to ! 30c. Coffee °0c ] ' Fl our per bhl., $5.00 to $ 5 . 75 . Hams—13|c. to 14c. pounds. Hay—$1.25 jier 100 t'i' 1 _ l< U< '' JMeal—<0 i to -- 7a cents (hits—50 cents. Potash—5 to 10 per ball. Sugar—9 to 10 cents. | Nails—3 to 4 cents. i Iron—3 to 5 cents. Lime—$1.00 per barrel. K. Oil—20 cents. Osnaburgs—10 to 13 i ts. p. vd.. Sheetings—OJ per yd. Chocks—5 cts. per yd. lUttEF LOFALS. We want every man AVIio will ami can— Devote, an idle hour— Help to “bust” The bagging trust AVit!i all their strength and power. 1 The Farmers’ alliance, With great defiance, fought it long and brave, And with the aid Of the fanner’s spade AV -’ll dig its little grave. But we wish the man That first began This tnot of disrepute Had to swing By a siring Made of his “cornered” jute. —1. M. AVithvotl. Read wild land advertised for sale in this issue. Mr. John M. Clarke visited his parents in Chauncey on Sunday last. Dr. S. B. Kenedy, of Bullock count v, Avas in Eastman onSatur dav last. ! Quart ilv conference Avas held at the Methodist church on Thursday ! night last. AVc are crowded Avith job work, J but send it in, we Avill get it out ; promptly for you. K. M. MeLenan, of Spring Hill, was tlie gttest of Air. Floyd l’itt in in on Sunday last. The management of the Up¬ lands Hotel will give a grand ball on the 14th of next month. CapL R. AV. Bonner of Ma con nighty ret ommend s L:c am r s ! Lung Restorer for consumption, j Mr. Athert Herrman and moth -1 er, of Lafette Indiana is on a few weeks visit to relatives in East man. Dr. H. Fisher spent a fe^’ days of last week in BrunsAviek and Sa vannah, returning to Eastman on Friday last. r. A\ ill ALtrshall lias tendered his resignation as salesman ior B. 8. I'arris. and is spending a feAv days in Berry Ga. Ike .Superior ^ court of Laurens county convenes next Monday, Judge Fort av i 11 preside in Judge Robe i ts' stead. McArthurs Land office is receiv ing mce coat of , paint, . and , when , a finished it will *dtl much to the all* ready handsome office. ,■ t ol. i Bo. 1 -. 1 , T. V--; A A is liar t ...... A\.l» OACr from Abbeville on Tuesday last. He has many friends in Eastman who are always glad to see him. J. AA*. Lee has purchased the en tire interest of AV. L. Lee, and has open, d up a nice -lock of general. merchandise in tlie same building. **- n HA I v 5f| ■* t \r> i 35 E ■V: JJ 2 r.4 ■ S3 f 1 S f -- 7 ; .. m r. Messrs. J. AV. Lee. John, James j and Vi illis Harrell, visited Macon I Tuesday last. The Social Reading Club will meet this evening at the residence of ... .Mr. w . A\. ... Harrell. ,, ,, . S ' T ’ Ko ” (rs 5s bavin " his store painted.nicely, which adds a great j deal to its appearance. M. H. Edward is sporting a pet. in the shape of a nice ‘dye on his left eye. Mrs. McKinnon has moved into Mr. L. F. Wooten's residence oppo site Maj. Armstrong place, j) r Fishers new drug store is nearly completed, and is a real handsome building. Mrs. E. J. Burch, who has been very ill for the past several weeks, we are glad to learn is convales- Rev. AV. C. Lovett and his fain ilv arrived yesterday and Avill oc cupy Mrs. McKinnon’s in the rear of the Methodist church, The Times-Journal office corner, is outing 15 on airs, we have a nice bran new street lamp, just put up, “Rah v for our part of town. , . .Jr. r N. v A. . McMullen, , r .. who , is pervisor on t he Bruns a ick divi sum ol lie L. t A . & G. i ai mad has moved Ins family near Last Mr. Steve Lavv, of Cincinnati, and Mr. Geo. Rogers, [of Altanta, two expert manipulators of brush, are doing some levelv paint ing on McArthur’s office. Alessrs. LeAvis and AVill Peacock have closed out their stock of merchandise, and Lewis is hand ling the yard stick for C. H. Pea cock <k Co. A gross of matches caught on lire in a car of merchandise here on moiulay, and with a little time would have caused a pretty heaA'y loss for the railroad. Mr. Lewis Curry, wife and ter, Miss Ruth Curry and Mr. Hor ton Harrell, of Chauncey, were in Eastman on Monday last, the guest of the Hotel de Li etch. Mr. Loyd Smith happened to a very painful accident by jumping from a northbound freight train while in motion Wednesday even¬ ing, seriously injuring the hip joint. A car load of cows, hogs and chickens bound for Brunswick, was unloaded here yesterday for the pufpose of getting up two or three cows that aa'Cvo down, one verv line COAV Avas found to be • dead. Gapt. J. E. Mallory will move his wife to this city next March, and make Eastman his headquar¬ ters. We Avould be glad to ha an him and his excellent Avife to re side with us, as we know the cap¬ tain would add a great deal to the life of lhe city. Mrs. J. II- Newell and daughter, of Boston, arrived in Eastman last week and will spend the balance of the Avinter here. They are stop ping With Mrs. T. M. stone at the Eastman mansion. Miss Mamie Stokes, a bright and ; T !fc ’*b v y°un,g lam of AVaAtross, wll ° has b f eu on a several da vs - ™ 5t alld f riends in ] tins place, left lor her 1 home on , .Alonday. Afr. Eli Aluliis and several other j enterprising farmers from Pulaski { countv, Avere in Eastman on Tues day tor the purpose of litctr fertilizers tor this season. Alessrs. Hams A Mitchell, of our county, belie\’e strongSy in .Macon's future. They havebeea investing in real estate thereon a pretty lively scale for some time, Mr. Harris, of Harris & Mitch e jj^ v as in Eastman on Monday , ast> Mr. Harris is one of county's most enterprising citi zens. lie thinks Eastman has a bright future, and it is possible that Ave may he able to claim him as a citizen of our toAvn before very long, Air. A. Bennett, of AVaycross. the gentlemanly salesman of M. p’ ers ( xk Co., was in Eastman on Tuesday, an 1 said to a report e r that Eastman has tlie best hotel on the , road . m . the Lplands, T , , and , that wnen the drummer boys find it out. that a number of them will make it their headquarters oa Sundays. 3L’. J. T c 8. Hannon T , and , family. . - who have been residents of WKmihk East manfor , he past twelve j c f; on AVednesdav fox Camilla ' Ga., , AA here 1 he , Will locate for some time. Mr. Hannon has been a * the head of the “Domestic" sew ing machine businessWith hea l quarters here. He reports having sold about $39,000 worth of m* chines through this section in the past tAA’elve months. EASTMAN, GA.. FRIDAY. JANUARY 21. 1S90. Miller Murderers. Johnson and Butts, the two Mil i ler murders, that were found gull tv at the recent term of Houston court, will hang on February 13tli next. >rant t\ an 1 - .utni " i com ' 0n 1 l0 "' ( t,n ' I, “ l '■*' rought , Iron Range new. 11 e to taem at sa-tman. A nasal injector free with each bottle . > at iieirtnan & iierrinan, drug gists. ]i-if>- 89, 6m. Died. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. I T. D. Loyall died on Thursday, the I " 16th inst suffering a day or tAvo Avith croup. On Friday last at about one j o’clock, Fairbie, the seven year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T M Ben nett died at their residence in East man She had suffered tAventy one I days with typhoid fever. She wa hurried near Middleground church 1 ‘ j ten miles north of Eastman. The ! beriev'ed parents ha\ r e our nathv I • • _ Shiloh , e catarrh Bcmedy-a positive er month. Herrman & - New Appointment. Mr. Clyde Bostick has been ap 00,n ^ ed soliciting agent loi the Georgia. Southern and Florida ! raiIroad ' Vlth headquarters at At lanta Ga. N«‘w Schedule. The southbound passenger train, which has been arriving at East man at 5:14 p. in , has been chang ed and now comes at 12:14 at night. No change in other passen ger trains. For Sale. ... _ , ’ , , Il0 TT ^ Ue ’ R ' c 7 A<rt p Brantley, the stove man, knows what to do with an old sto\ T e. New Shoe Shop. Haying Ir recently opened a shoe simp in Eastman, we are prepared when in need of Avork. ] us Respectfully, Johnson & Wit, son. Jan. 24.-4ts. For , ly8pepgin aml liver complaint yon have a printed guarantee on every of Shiloh’s A italizer. It never tails to cure. Herrman w Ilumnsn, druggists. Notice. I have bought the stationery of Peacock and Bros., and Lave moved t he same to the m dlinary establishment of Mrs. Site Carnes. I Avill sell pianos, organs, sheet music and school books of every description, and I earnestly solicit the patronage of the public. Re¬ spectfully, AV. L. Peaoock. Jan. 24-tf. The ^ stove ----_ making all men are old s toves new in Eas tman. Trespassers Notice. This is to warn all parties both, white and black, from tresspassing , m ]of of ]anJ> Xo . 109 in the 16th district of Dodge county. AV. F. V. Mi llis. Jan. 24—-Its. E asta, ax, G^'jnn. 2. 1890 ^ , mdersigned !ra ,T ng this lay p , irc i iase d t he half interest of ‘ A\ of ,j. 7 , Lee in the firm J, AV. Lee & Co., consisting of a stock of general merchandise and a ,so all notes and accounts due J. W. Lee & Co., and Ave — undersigned agree to assume all that'are now outstana ing agtiinst said firm of J. A\ r . Lee A- Co. Johii AV. Taylor, E. B. Milner. The Rev. II. Thayer, of I tut., suvs: "Botti ltivsifit itttil wift* owt our lives to Shiloh’s Consumption Curv. Herrman & iierrinan, druggists. Teachers Notice. Having decided to remain here for the vffnter, would like a music pup J Us. Have had thorough instruction of Prof. AATn. Scumach ]?) Kast Wth stree{ . New y > Grace ..... L Stone. ‘ ~ 4ts. Eastman Residence. Dissolution. _ . . , . , ’ e na tins day by motnad t-aements having purena»e«i the entire interest of T F. Rober son ln ... t of J. fe. , Clem , ie business Pnts * Co ’ He assuming all habil Be- of said lain, •J. S. Clements, 4t. T. F. Roberson. ____ rein ve < ure w ill immediately Herman*a '£2,' 'druggists. HORSES FOR EVERYBODY. ■O Two Car Loads at Auction in Mc¬ ; Rae, Saturday, Jan. 2.>th. Two car loads of superior horses and mares, will be sold in McRae on Saturday, Jan. 25th, coromenc ing at 10 o'clock promptly. They are an extra good lot, aged from 3 to 6 years, and including various colors, shapes and sizes, large or sn] all, broken and unbroken—any thing you want from a saddle pom j to a working-horse or brood-mare., Go and make your own selection.; This is the lar S est number ever of I ^ ered at auc< i° u in this country, and beauties there certainly the should number, berj some among market. All Avill be sold Avitliout reserve for cash. The sale will : take place regardless of Aveather. j Everybody invited. Kesolittious of Regret. The committee appointed by the : Social Reading Club on Friday eA ening, J ail. 3d, to draft resolutions of regret on the departure of their i president, Miss Fannie Harris,! from Eastman, reported evening,' the fol- j lowing on } ast Friday which were unanimouslv adopted:! : The members of t he Social Bead ing club of Eastman, Ga„ learn with regret the intended depar ture of Miss Fannie Harris, their president, and have appointed the undersigned a committee to pre pare resolutions expressive of their appreciation of her talents and re gret at her removal from this com munity. AVe beg leave to say that no young lady identified with our town and social institutions con trihuted as much for the success of every enterprise as did our worthy friend, and that in leaving us site takes Avitli her the best wishes of every individual who has been favored with her acquain j tance, and she leaves behind her a memory that is fragrant with g00( } deeds, and will be cherished for all time. Resohed, That Ave tender Miss Harris our sincere thanks for the )a]ented an(l dignilied man ner in wWch ghe ided over 0 «r club ££ “ “ “ its flourishing popularity is large¬ ly due to her energies and her lo\ e for the good, the true, and the beautiful. Theo II. Howards. John F. DeLacy, Alice E. Burch. Eastman, Ga., Jan. 10th ’90. A Remarkable Cure. 51rs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, Ill. makes the statement that sh ■. caught eolti, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told tier she was a hopeless victim oft..... sumption amt that no medicine could ! cure her. ller druggist suggested consumption Dr. Kings New Discovery for delight : I 1 she bought a bottle and to her dosedlierself beuelitted from the lir-t I font]. She continued its use and after taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now does her own housework and is as well as site ever was.—Free trial bottles of this great Discovery at Herrman & Herrman-i drugstore, large bottles 50c. aud $1.00. 0ftlI and exam ine a AVilcox & VA hite organ, which Ave are offer ing for sale cheap. Miss M. V. Coffee & Go. .•uKiHS?ei.nm«SS , te relief S,, ’’r!ee 10 cts.. 50 ets., and $1, at Herrman & Herrman, druggists. For Representative. By the solicitation of many good citizens, I have been induced to Announce myself a candidate for representative of Douge county at the ensueing election on the first A' ednesday in Octo ter next, ul ! v appreciating the confidence of . those avIio have so knuiv promised me their support. If elected. I will endeavor to the best of my ability, to discharge the duties incumbent upon me. I am opposed to local prohibition for several reasons, i First, I believe it is detrimental town, countv and public educa * uon. Second, I , believe . all laws 1 . ■ s jj OU ] d j je equal and uniform rel j ative to liquor. Third, 1 believe it has caused violation of the law that would not have been other wise, Avhich 1 believe has been clearly demonstrated in this coun ty. I desire to say that l will de fine my position on any question j when called upon to do so, either or ntihliplr p< l • Respectfully, u. H d.OAiv. r c, P t> Jan. l<-tt. _ , A[ ,,,, tion. cm^tipation. dizzin.e-s. loss ef ap petal*, yellow -kill I Shiloh’s A itabzer is » positive cure. Ilerrmau & Herr a,a,druggists. For Sale or Kent. Small cottage Avith twelve acres of land, half nine from Court ; housa. For further information. apply to Smith & Clements. Bodge was represented by & Bishop, of Eastman, and Hill A Harris, oi Alacon. and * be defendants variously bv E. A. Smith, Milton Irizzelle, Eason & Swain, L. A. Hall, Claike & Nor man and Griner A A\ ade. lhe following is a list and dis position of the cases: Norman AV. Dodge against Cal¬ vin Brown and D. II. Maloy; in¬ junction granted. Norman A\ r Dodge against AVi 1 . leer, McDuffie & Co., Columbus Watson and Catherine AVatson; agreement between parties that defendants be allowed to work the timber upon giving bond with good security to pay Mr. Dodge such^damages as he may recover on the trial. Norman AV. Dodge against John Williams, T. J. Williams and AVm. AV. AVilliants; injunction granted. John C. Pitts against J. C. Forsyth and Doc Holliday; dis missed by plaintiff’s counsel. Norman AV. Dodge against Hugh Morrison and Frank Morrison; cop tinued with a A-iew of settlement. Norman AV. Dodge against II. A. McMillan; continued to Jan¬ uary 23, 1890. Norman AV. Dodge against Frank Morrison; Avithdrawn by plaintiff. Norman A\ r Dodge against Co¬ . lumbus AVhite, AAL T. Bridges and Charles Bridges; injunction grant¬ ed and receiver appointed. Norman AV. Dodge against AVm. Gilder and Freeman Gilder; in junction granted and receiver ap • , a ’ Norman AV . Dodge against (iCO. Pope and Andrew Bridges; injunc¬ tion granted and receiver ap pointed. Norman A\ r Dodge against A\ T . . L. Powell, I. J. Branch and Geo. Towns; continued to Jan. 23, 1890. Norman AV. Dodge againt AVm. Gilder and Freeman Gilder, at¬ tachment for violating restraining order; AVm. Gilder discharged and Freeman Gilder fined $25. A a PP oi « ted ^ < he several cases, as mentioned, tor the purpose of taking charge of timber that had been cut by the defendants on the lands involved. “ILicktnelaek,” a last ing and fragrant perfume. Price 25J;intl 5fi ct ., at ilcr rmaa& Herrman,druggists. A Bank for Eastman. The charter members of the Citizens Bank of Eastman will hold a meeting at Hon. AValter T. McArthur s office on 1 uesday, the 28th inst. The charter members are as follows: A*. A\. Ashburn. AV. 1. McArthur, J. J. Colcoid. I). C. Bacon, A. T. AViggs, C. D. Par ker, Daniel Bullard, W. N. Lietcb sud J. 1 . DeLa< \ . All All z-itizens citizens who av no ia. fa\’or or tite t ne es tablishing of a bank m Eastman invited to attend and parfic ipate m the meeting, Hon. D. C. Bacon am. o tiers not residents o has pace .iasv promised to attend for the put¬ pose of organ izing on that day, Happy Hooscrs. wm. T. Simmons, postmaster of ville. Ind., writes: “Electric Bitters has done more for me than ali other medicines eombined, for that bad fed ing arising from kidney and liver troub j„ h n Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same place, -av-: -Find Electric SKSkSileuiSn " j. w. Gardner, hardware m?r.-hant, same town, Civ- : LleCtri- Bitters is ju-t the thing for a man wiio is all run down and don’t eare whether he live or dies; he found new strength, good appetite and felt just like he had a new h-i-e on life. Only 50c. a bottle at Herrman & Hen-mah's drug store. S litoli'- A italizer i< what you need for const!pal ion, loss of appetite, dizziness, j and all symptoms of dyspepsia. Drive 10 aud 75 cents per bottle. INJUNCTIONS GRAFTED In Equity Cases to Enjoin the Cutting: of Timber on Air. Emigre's Lands. On the 13th and 14th of Jan uarv a considerable number of equity cases came on to be heard Judge Roberts at chambers in Eastman, the same being suits brought by Norman W. Dodge against various citizens of Dodge, TeUair. Laurens and Montgomery counties, to enjoin the cutting ot timber and trespasses upon lands j n these counties claimed by Mr. ^odge. These eases are important on account of the large interests in volved, the title under which Mr. claims these lands c'over ......« .... and three hundred thousand acres 0 f land, that cost Mr. Dodge sev eral hundred thousand dollars. The cases disposed of Avere de¬ cided by Judge Roberts in Mr. R°dg e s favor, and it is believed that, these decisions were right un,er tbe ev 1(lei " ' e ' and that t! ‘f y wl]1 S° iar towards i quieting the titles to lands in this section, and towards reassuring confidence m . business and in the investment of ital - (o see his wife and children. He leaves a wife and three children. He was affable and big hearted and leaves many friends behind to mourn his untimely end. His re¬ mains were consigned to the grave in the cemetery at Cochran yes¬ terday afternoon. Attention, Mi Hit ary! Each and every member of t lie military company just organized is especially requested to be pre¬ sent on every Monday, AVednes day and Thursday evenings at 7:30 o’clock. These are regular drill nights and every member must at¬ tend in order to make the organi¬ zation a success. Tresspassers Notice. From this date all parties, both white and colored are warned not to hunt on lots of land, Nos. 147 and 148. in the 16th district of Dodge county, AV. F. P. Murjjs. ' ! f jyyn ail oil T - * "* 2500 Pairs Ladies Hose, 5c. per pair. IROil iwWU Bozen fancy bordered Han kerchiefs (a 15c per dozen. 5000 Pair Button Shoes, for La¬ dies Cuj $1 25c, worth $1 50. 8000 Dozen Cedar Pencils @ 5c. per dozen. 4000 Bozen Slate Pencils, @ 5c. Q£»£»£| Quires Note Paper, @ 21c. Ju p er quire. ryqrpo IO U Papers Pins, @ 2c. per a p ;l p er . fjQC 1 ^ Papers of Needles, @ 2c. per paper. FINE CHEWING TO¬ BACCO at 30c lb. fn'Sk (»iU*dCH Choice Seed Potatoes. POINT LACE, The finest patent fiour on earth, Soval Owl Flour Snow Jl lake Flour, TT I § 1 /l , . u jj .... I _ f a „ , I . . JJ AiilJ 1 ^ s UajL xLtisjJi t 1 £ p j r \ c ] — -"5 j Water Ground Meal. j she om . ■ , FEES sMk *-v H, S>Jf U r AN CORN, SALT FULL LINE Farming Impli ments. Carpenters tools Ac. HAND SAAA 8 («» 50c. worth $1. German Millet Hay, «»««« ^ ev <' r tM «“ 1 u '' s ’ M.v prices . on the above are , low er than anv other MI'RCUANl can offer Come to see me, and save money. I keep everything you want, j naff fp. C’RUSHED TO DEATH. N. A. MeMullan Kiiled Near Brunswick. Mr. N. A. MeMullan, supervisor of the Brunswick division of the E. T. V. A G. road, who recently moved his family from Jesup to near Eastman, was the victim of a fatal accident which occurred 18 miles from Brunswick this morn ing. Mr. MeMullan "Wednesday construction train No. 3, which was backing toward Just as the train turned the curve near the eighteenth mile post engineer saw a pole car a short distance ahead, and he reversed the engine and bleAv for brakes. Supervisor MeMullan Avas on the foremost end of the first car, Avhich was a flat car, and the brakes j were applied so suddenly as to throw him on the track The ! wheels passed over him, crushing ins right knee and leg and leit | foot and ankle. Hewas taken up,; put in a berth of the conductor's car and carried to Brunswick. The best medical skill was sum ntoned mnnpfl and mi! an -ill medical medical skill sum coum could devise was done to l'elieve the ferer, but all efforts proved futile. lie lingered until 7 o'clock and | breathed his last. All during the (lav aay lie lie piayea Tin veil that mat lie lie mi"ht migiu li ha V f for hoarding house keepers lookout for him. A man who will ilatlv refuse to pay for board when asked to do so by a young lady ot sixteen is . not to be , trusted very much. The La Grippe has made its up pearance here, Messrs. Llawkins and Dawson have been the suffer or s’ Mr. J. M. Campbell lias been quite sick for a week with the jaunders, hut we are glad to say is improving and Avill lie able to re¬ sume work in a few days. Mrs. Bryant has moved from here down to Brunswick, we are sorry to lose any of our citizens and especially one of the favorites with the young gentlemen. Farmers have commenced work in earnest for this years crops and the present high price of cotton is going to c;tuse them to plant large¬ ly of the lleaey staple. AV. 1. J. ' Croup, whooping cough and bronchi¬ tis immediately relieved by Shiloh’s Cure. IfKRItM.VX <£r IIkukmax, Eastman, Ga. SCROFULA FROM CHILD HOOD. After Being Treated by Eminent I’lty sieiuiis he is Cured by 8. N. S. The following is an extract taken from a letter received from 51 r. T. A. Sizemore, ; f I’iedmoiit, S. ( and writ¬ ten under date of November 0, to,S8: “! am now- twenty-eight years old and from the time t was seven years of age until 1885, I suffered with a severe ease of scrofula. During Unit time I took every known remedy, but to no purpose My tattler took me to North Carolina, where I was put under the treatment of an eminent physician. The medicines given me lead only a temporary effect, for shortly after my return Hie scrofula broke out in a more malignant form and 1 was worse Aft’ titan ever before. “In 1835 I discontinued taking till other medicines and commenced taking Swift’s Specific (S. it S. S.) I took a num¬ ber of bottles and cured me. I have been free from scrofula from that time until now.” Attacked by IUieniuntism. I have been selling Swift s Specific remarkable fya-’fi? that it lias effected, cures One in particular, rheumatism. was a person The who was attacked with ease was so had that he was helpless fora longtime. He took hundreds of dollar worth of otlier medicines, without re- 1 eeiving and" any benefit, tie was at length ing happy few bottles permanently of Swift cure Specific I after 11 (S. - I s/k) a s AV. T Si! A X E. Druggist. Solomon < itv, Kansas. 'Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. CATARRH, Catarrhal Deafness—Hay Fever. A Xr.W HOME TUEATMKN r Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or they are due in to living ttie presence inendoameof of living parasites tlte the nose and eustaehian tubes.}>! iscroseopic research, however, has proved this to he a fact, and the result of this discovery is that a simple remedy has beenfor mutated whereby catarrh. catarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanent ly cured in from one tothree simple ap plications, mail • at home by t.h • patient once ii two we-'.-. X. B.—This treatment is not a ’stuff or :”•> ■intraent; twith have been discard ed by reputable ] hy-ici;.:, - iiijuriou,. A tup'.let •'Xpmnnng t nts new t real - it free on iv II. t ei'stamp to ; j\ poslam. Ly A. lUsox iv Son. 337 and lW-> West King Street, Toronto, < tana la.—< Ihristiax Advocate. Sufferers from < atan-bal troubb - -hould arefti’lv read the above. 1TBLLSHEKS SUPPLY CO Exchange Box, St. Lou:-, Mo. Merit Wins, Wc desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King’-New Discovery Life for Coesiirnp u . j, v . King'- New rfii-. Bm-u ten - Arnica S live and Elf-etri Bitter-. and iiave never bandied remedies tha; sell as well, or that have given such un iversal satisfaction. AVc do m,i he-i talc to guarantee them every time, arul wc* stand ready to refund the puivha <;* price, !f satisfactory results do not fol¬ low their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on druggists. their merits. Herrman «x Iierrinan, i»oiai h eov vr y s joi'kxa'l ' 0! “ 0li ' lalcd Dt ' c - ,57S - Items From 'Wheaton. Wiieatox. (a., Jan. 20th.—Mr. W. S. llawkins visited Miledge ville last week on business, and brought back with him sixteen hands to uork at (he saw and ! plaining mills. Mrs. Dawson, of Savannah, spent ] several days here last week, we hope she may decide to make this her home in the near future, Mr. John IL Crosby has return ed, and resumed his old position as inspector. John is a good boy we are all glad to have him return. Rev. Mr. Steathy preached a very interesting sermon here yes¬ terday, he also left an appoint ment for next month, AVe look „p 0n this as the beginning of bet ter things for Wheaton, AVe can q^slool and day^chool" iifop eration “ man calling . himself . G. , C. Hander, and who claimed to be a sawyer, advertisement came herein of Mr. answer llawkins to j an i 01 a ha 'vyer, but. lie proved not . be * be 1111111 wanted, so he left but lie ' refused to pay his board ! bilJ » a,ld therefore lie must be classed as a Jcad beat, and as he spokes °1 going . „ tuitliei up the load , 00 Y 01 " 01 v ^ nii^.it )e \u* Harris. AV. M. Ragans, J. R. Pope, J. Bru "' n •L>i | n W. riark, c. B. Ro/.ir, G,d,,en8 - D ' J ' QrHh “ m - *’• Lytle, J. M. I>ees, J. Af. Mathews, AV. s . foody, Levi Dunn, tv. j. Phillips, G. AV. ( ulbretli, D. AV. AVilliumg, j. v. 1>ltfs > A. I’eaooek, it. Amin, (i. \v. 1 o " 0, k-L AA. Noli», John Xixmi,< has. llaiTcll, S. Barlow, AV. <;. Phillips, J. H. Hall, AV. S. Lancaster, R. G. Lytle, R. O. Lancaster, AV. It. Hughs, T. AV, Hodge, S. B. Goody, AV. S. Burch, It. X. Jones, R, M. Jones, David Notes, * Mrs. Mattie Culbreth, AV. It. Raitleld, Mrs. 1>. AV. Williams, AA'. A. Yuan, S. ■I. Smith, I’hil Bohannon, D. 11. Fountain, H. ('olcman, J. AA'. Phil¬ lips, John Clements, AV. R. Ragan, re¬ spectfully showeth that they desire for ti[entselvesand for such other persons as tnay l>e hereafter associated with them, to he incorporated tinder the name and style of Dodge County Alli¬ ance Joint Stock Company; that the object of their association and the par¬ ticular business they propose to carri¬ on is a general warehouse and merchan¬ dising business; also a cotton compress¬ ing and general fruit canning business, and to these ends to own, buy, sell, lease, operate and maintain warehouses, stores, storehou vs, goods, wares and merchandise, cotton compresses, fruit canning apparatus and appliances, ve¬ hicles, machinery, live stock and all articles and things necessary to the suc¬ cessful management of said business; that the amount of capital to be em¬ ployed by them in said business actu¬ ally paid in is Eighteen hundred ($1,800) Dollars, and they desire the privilege of increasinir the capital stock of said company from time to time to such sums not exceeding Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,01X1) as they by their hoard of directors or otherwise may from time to time deter¬ mine; that the place of doing business Of sail corporation will lie Dodge county, Georgia, with their principal office in tiie town of Eastman in said eonnty and State; that they desire incorporated as aforesaid for the term of twenty years with privilege of re¬ newing at the expiration of said time, with power to purchase, ow n, lease or rent land, stores, storehouses, ware houses, cotton compresses, fruit can¬ ning apparatus and appliances, ease¬ ments, machinery and till other real and personal property and rights and toseli, mortgage, subject or convey the same names,md ■*« “tv** toiimvtst at ............. pleasure, to make by-laws for their use not ineou -isteut with the law- of the land: to , ‘‘“'earnl voijjorate „ , seal, , tobor- , , 1-0 ' v money and issue obligations or bonds therefor; to sue and be sued, to p!,.„d and be impleaded in said eoriiu rate . , to enter , into . . and name, eontrarts generally to enjoy and exercise all other corporate powers and privileges incident to private corporations for bus¬ iness purposes as prescribed by the laws of said State. Wherefore your petitioners pray that they and their associates may be incor¬ porated for the purposes, for the term and with the powers and privileges aforesaid, and l.etitioiiers will ever pray, etc. B. Jl Calhoun, Solicitor for I’etitioner. Ckokou—D odge < omit y. Clerk’s office Superior Court. 1 certify that the foregoing is a true extract from the minutes of Dodge .Superior Court. This January 7, 1 S W. J. Calvin Hawlixk, ( i'-rk S. C. IJ C, ) Jan. if).—5ts. A Sa fc Invest,neat. | Ison wliieii i- gum .•uiteed to bring you salisfaeJory le-ults, or in east; of I failure a r turn of ptirebaae price. On ; this sate druggist plan you can buy from our ad¬ vert i- d a bottle of Dr. King’s *~|t Ne Discovery for Consumption, is guaranteed to bring relief in every ■ a-<\ when used for any affection of the Throat, i,tings or Cheat, such as t'onsiiniption. Inflammation of Lungs, Brop hitis. Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and I r: always be depended upon. 'Trial bottle free at Herrman & IJerrntan’s Drugstore. Lumber is AdvaEcian. V* Saw S/tiils, S'coam Engines, Shingle Mills, Hay Presses, Ete. If you want a tirst-Clas* SA W MILL, j send f^r Catalogue to A. B, Farquh&r Co.? (Ltd., York, Fa, CIRCULATES in the Counties of Bodge, l'ulask Laurens, Johnson, Montgomery, Tel fair, Wilcox, Bayne and Irwin, and has subscribers from Mi lne to Texas. SEND FOR SAMPLE CODY. Application For Incorporation. Stack or Georgia-— Dodge county. To the Superior Court f ! ! " I1, x - . l^'V.’Vlur lv ii, j 0 im W. Taylor, M. A. Lancaster, I*. A. Harrell, L. L. Burch, AV. A. 1 'olcman, D. u. Pearce, A. Tbomp j on, W. M. Coley, AV. It. Wise, C. .1. 'one-, J. B. IVright, Culjon Rogers, Mrs. Eliza Rogers, AV . M. liozur, J. 1>. Taylor, It, F. Ihii-eh, .1. AV. Ciilhreth, A. N. Powell, IV. .1. 1). Skelton, Jus. " . Floyd, W. 1*. Harrell, 1. X, V’avker •son, C. A. Henderson, T. M. Rogers, Elbert Peacock, \V. II. Coleman, AV.C. Coleman, IV. II. Howard, IV. K. Low cry, J. R. Jones, R. IV. Cadwell, John Flanders AV. If. Buchnnnon, S. I.. Sandtord, J. \\ . Rozar, \Y . F. Swearin gain Joe Bryan, AV. B. Guldens, Mrs. B. T. Harrell, J. AV. Sheldon, J. B. Cof¬ fee, John Jas. Harrell, S. T. Jones, J. J. Harrell, Francis Harrell, AV, H. Brown,Lovet Brown, F.T. l’arkerson, D, K. AA illiams, J, AA’. Jones, Jotm 'l'S hin “v'.k.'ii."Y i.Y'Y'iL'Y w. D. Peacock, av. t. McDa.ikl, s. c. Nicholson, W. J Defoe. C. A. flrasur, u .Thompson, C. F. Yearly, SI. A. Yearty, Jr., A. o. Phillips, AV.c.Fair ••Joti. n *• , Moou Mrs. “> M ( J M .Hall. J. u. S Thompson, ’’'- Unu ' e ■ • - > E.o. Black, A. av. Dean, .J. B. Swear ingaill) yq q Thompson,G.K.L. Cole mall) \ p. Coleman, J. T. Rogers, V. n. Bullard,c. T Wiggimi, s. R. Bout wel.l L. L ila.-grove.. U'rigln Harrell, v •’ , - :l " > 51 • 11 Meltainey, A\ B larker son,AV. 1. Coleman, J. IV. Thompson. ( Harrell, N. Rawlins, At a Yearty, Yearty, J. F Wynne, I). M. Rawlins. Sweartngain, J. c. A. L.