The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, February 07, 1890, Image 1

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DEV0 T ED EXCLUSIVELY -TO Til Interest of the Public. J. J). N TOKKProprietor. T. P. CARSES. Julitor. YOB. 2.-XO. i Y L DiKECTOJBY : -;e County Government. JK-Af- Sun trior Court, Hon. D. Al. Ko jiieral, lion. Torn Eu son. S' : 'or. Iion.T. J. Ilay. pn-sentative, lion. John U. DeLa-y. (!, ... .ary. M. I.. Burch. < Jerk Superior Court, J (’ tlvvin B • 3: -. Sheriff'. J. T. Bawlins. County Treasurer, J. M. feapp. "i . ; ( ohector, D. Taylor. ' 'fax Receiver, Jt.s. R. Giddens. Surveyor, E. J. Thompson. ! Coroner, II. M. Giddens. I j nia.'iii Government. E. A. Smith. Aide;man, J. D. Herrman, AV. I!. Daniels, AV F. Harrell and J \Y. Dm < b< , (,’onn ib K. B. .Milner. Martha], A. Af. SkeltTm. . iAiSKLT KKPOItT. Cot-1 on Market. ( o > I middling, 10|c. A’i-l-lling, 10c. 'J ot! rc •<i j it: to (hit <• 3,800. Country Produce. Gnr merchants are paying the lolinwm a' prices tor country pio duce: ('dickens—25c. to 35c. j, !ildes—-dry ^ 1)r flint, per pound, 4c. Tallow—7c. Dry t-'o ms aud Groceries. Our merchant (j note the fol-1 lowing prices on dry goods and gr - Ties. Bulk sides—0. ; Cr.-':i—100, pounds, $1.10. Butter—20 to 25 cents. (lorn—per bn., 70c. j Balter—best gilt, edge, 25c. to 30 • ('offer—20c. Flo ;r—per bid.. $5.00 to $5.7;>. Hams—13.4c. to 14c. Hay—$1.25 ]ier 100 pounds. iv:r.]—74c. to 10c. Meal—70 to 75 cents (tat s—50 cent s. Potash—5 to 10 per ball. Sugar—9 to 10 cents. Nui! —3 to -! cents, j ro.i—3 to 5 cents. Jan;—,;4.00 per iiairel. K. Oil—20 cents. ' (! naburgs— 10 to 13 ets. p. yd.. Sheetings—per yd. ('hecks—5 ids. per yd. "’ HlCcia- LOCALS. ■ Early gardens are looking tine. ' A!. Avynne. visited the Central city on Tuesday. Ai r. G. D. Baldwin, of Savannah, was in Eastman on Thursday. Air. NY. \Y, Ashburn is spending a few days at Seville tliis week. Several parties in Eastman have - j been suffering with tlie “grippe. ,. Elder AV. A. Sewell will preach tXr tl ....... .......................... 1.1. lian Arthur, are visiting friends at 1 In/.lchurst. AD-. Herrman left for Scotland on Tuesdav to visit her daughter, i Airs. S. Harris, of that place. Be- RE L Seotli'nd'on llarrD preached to tlie >• ople of Snndav * j last, retnrning Mondav morning. Air. D. T. Daughtry has moved liis family to Cordele. AVc regret to loose this estimable family from our county. The citv council is doing some much needed work in the way of drainage and putting troughs at public wells. Aliss Alosei’ine Taylor, of near Macon, is in charge of the school at tlie n sideneo of Airs. A.N. Row¬ ed near Eastman. Airs. .J. F. Fielder with her fain ily, have moved to Kastman and are occupying Airs. Wilcox's resi donee on Second avenue. Ale-srs. L. Al. Curry and A. AL ('aider, of Cliauneey, was up on AYodm -day. Aleck is beginning to look like a married man. Air. II. P. Russell, of Atlanta, a brotli,r of J. W. Russell, the live stockman, of Franklin. Ky.. was in this city on Wednesday last. Airs. Alanard, nee Aliss Alary Mallory, of Barnesyille. well known to the people of Eastman. is visiting the family of Kev.E. J. Burch. The balance of the cross ties, which have been on the streets for about a year, have been taken away, and the place actually looks new. Since ebristmas. Air. J. A\ • Rus sell has sold nearly . hundred , , one bend ci mules in Has; man. Other stock men have also sold several ear loads. The Bible reading at the Aletli odist church on last Sunday even in-prove to be very interesiing. such services are very benehciai to members Air. and Airs. D. H. Newton, cf Holyoke, Mass., arrived \ 0 m JL : ! A ' : Wk fli - i 33 JL _i_ ui JSL-a. I V -A __^ 9 man on Monday last, and are tin let of the Uplands. They will I ,-Lin dn here until Spring. Ti. i coming election to decide whether or not liquor shall be sold in Do.I county promises to be a VL-ry quiet one, as little interest, so far, lias been manifested. Mr. Hamilton Clarke, president of the Alliance warehouse Joint company, is agent for the Central City Guano Co., and all parties desiring to purchase goods of them, will call on him. Mr. J. AY. Russell lias received another car load of line stock, which he will li n e on sale at Eastman, (Jmuneey, and McRae to-morrow fSaturday). It will be to the in¬ terest of farmers and turpentine men to cal! and examine them. ZHiss Georgia Taylor, of Macon, returned on Saturday last to take ! charge of her school at Central ' Point. Miss (Georgia is a young . lady of rare accomplishment, and j a great degree of her talent is re ilected in her pupils of last term. The grounds around Ihe beauti¬ ful man-ion of Col. L. A. Hall have just undergone some ijn provenienls, which makes it one of die prettiest places in the whole country. A profusion of shade frees and flowers have recently been set out,and handsome palings encircle the whole place. AYe hope the nine charter mem bed’s of tlie Citizens' Bank of East man, will meet in this place on the | lth inst., the appointed time, and organize, as Eastman is greatly in need of a bank. Come, gent lemen; do not be afraid. The investment will be a good one. Judge i). M. Iloherts Here. Judge D. Al. Roberts, of East man, is presiding in tlie Superior court this week. lie is disquali¬ fied in sevend cases in his own eourl in Laurens county, over which Judge Allen Port will pro side during their bearings.—Amer icus Recorder. The Rev. Geo. i i. Thai or, of Rourben, fail,, -ays: ‘‘Both myself and wife owe our live- to Shiloh's ( on sumption ('tire. Llerrmau <t Herrm-ui, druggist ;s. Agrieiiltnral Kei-iety. The K-tuto Agricultural Kociety will meet in Ilav. kinsville on Tues ,] ;iV nth inst. The good people of that place are prepairing for the occasion, and no member may fear but that he will be royally en tertuiudd. For Representative. I respectfully offer myself as a candidate for representative earnestly sohc_ of Dodge county,anil the of it the support of \oters the county. Any information on ft- S ... - ' ....... -- ------------ A I’amriil Aceulent. While going from town to his in the country, on Saturday evening last, Air. Stephen Daniel in 'Attempting to stop a run-an ay te;nn ' vas t,irmvu Irom lus wagon. f*^ 1 ! „s body and breaking . Ins riglvt collar bone, Dispatdi and News. | T^siclicrs Xo | IPu-iim decided to remain here fortl.e winter, would like a few music pupils. Have had thorough instruction of Prof. At in. Seumaeh er, 179 East 64th street. New York city. Grace L. Stone, Its. Eastman Residence. Now Schedule H. T. Y . & <>. Another change occurred on Sunday last, which are as follows; Xr». 11 south bound 11:20 a.m. “ 13 south bound 12:37 a. in. “ 12 north bound 1:36 p. in. 14 north bound 4:3S a. m. | This schedule went into affect on Sunday last, and we think it will >uit the traveling public much bet ter than the old one. A’baiitt'd 500 Iinmls. Mr. A. J. Graham, of AfcRae, was in tliis city a day or two this week, trying to secure a lot of hands to cut crossties for Tliarin lV Graham, contractors, at Hazle hurst. These two enterprising gen¬ tlemen have a contract to cut a large number of ties for C. Bee wick lY Co., who will construct a tram road 30 miles long. He wants 500 hands at once. Address, Tharry lY Graham, / IJaziehurst, Ga. Notice. 1 have bought the stationery of Peacock and Bros., and have moved the same to the millinary establishment of Airs. Sue Carnes. I will sell pianos, organs, sheet music and school books of every description, and I earnestly solicit the patronage of the public. Re spectfullv, AV. L. Peacock. Jan. 24-t f. Shiloh’s Ciitarrh Remedy—a positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria and cank¬ er-mouth. llerrman L llerrman, drug gi sis. St. Valentine’s Day. Ill tiildition to my stock of sta¬ tionary, I will have on sulonext week a large lot of Comic ami Sen¬ timental valentines, which I will sell cheap. Boys, call and pur¬ chase one of the nice sentimental. lt’s an awful cute and shy way of telling your best girl how much you think of her, AY. L. Peacock. Teaeliers Notice. Teachers desiring to contract witli the county board of educa tion for public schools in this coun ty, will please file their contracts wilh p-drons with the Comity School Commissioner, either in P ers0 » or b >' ina l .. L 1 ° st ol ?" e ad , ‘ .......lySSCon;',-. Disililetl Soldiers. Judge Al. L. Burch, ordinary, hag received the b ] an!l8 for the l)elielid;iries of , ho law , granting allowances> to disabled soldiers, Applicants who were paid in 1888, and a!ra } n j n 1889, will not here quired to furnish any proof by the pj^sicians, their officers or com rades, but must make application in regular form, and furnish the certificate of the Ordinary of the county, showing continued citi zenship. Those interested would do well to call on Judge Burch, make out and forward their appli cations without delay. A n:is;d injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, l’rioe 50 cents at llerrman cY llerrman, drug gists. 11-1.VS9, (ini. New Shoe Shop. Having recently opened a shoe shop in Eastman, xve are prepared to make and repair boots and shoes at reasonable prices, call on us when in need of work. Respect fully, .Johnson iY Wilson. Jan. 24.-4ts. Disolution. Tlie firm of Alumford iY Sauls is |dissolved l>y mutual con sent . Air. A. L. Mumford having p mr j, : ,sed the entire interest of ;q r . p. E. Sauls. This 4th day of i February 1890. v A. L. Mumford, F. E. Kai ls. Feb. 7th-4ts. Notice to .vninuceinan ;:n<l Olli¬ ers. AYe have sold our guano’s ip, un pt on Clarke, president Alliance AYarehouse Joint Stock Go., for Dodge county, any and all parties wishing goods of ‘us to be -bipned to Dodge their countv. will pk ;/>e send in orders through Mr. Glarke, and the san e will be promptly filled. Central City Guano Co. Alacon. Ga. Feb. 7th.-4ts. EASTMAN, GA.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7.1SA0. A Fainful Accident. At Amoskeag on Tuesday alier aoon. the four year old son of -Mr. 'iY. A. Shank, dropped acliop axe on his foot cutting it badly. Dr, Jeff Buchan was called, and stopp ed the blood which was flowing feely. Tlie wound was not a seri ous one. For dvspepsis :ui<l liver complaint you have a printed guarantee on every iiottle of Shiloh'- Vitalize!'. It never fail- (o cure. Hemuan & ilurnunu, druggists. Trespassers Notice. This is to warn all parties both. wiiite and black, from tresspassing lot of land, No. 10J in the 16th of Dodge county. AY. F. P. Mi-lus. | Jan. 2L-4ts. I Fine plush felt hats at 65cfs„ $1.50, at Af;s:s Kfi'ie McRae A Co. For Sale. Finest Lot in town, next to Ho¬ tel De Lietcli. j AY. B. Coffee, Agt. Ordinary's Court Proceedings, Alomlay last was regular ordina py's court day, and the following cases were disposed of. Rebecca A. Laslie, vs. AY. K. Bussey, et al, caveators. Appli¬ cation for years support, appealed to Superior court as by consent. D. AL Roberts, vs J. A. AVooten an( l Annie E. Griffin, administra tor’s on estate of John AY. Griffin, proceedings to have deed execut ed. Order granted to make title hi persiiance of bond for title, L M. Peacock and Florence T. Rozar, administrators on estate of •T. J. Rozar, vs Mary E. Floyd, cav eat or. Application to sell realty, appealed as by consent to Dodge Superior court. AY. A. Butler, vs Annie E. AVhid don and T. J. Buclian, administra¬ tors on estate of AV. B. AY hidden; proceedings to make titles. Order ed that administrators make titles in persuanee of bond for titles. Fine Katins for fancy work, also embroidery silks, at Miss Effie AIoEae A Go. Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve croup whooping cough and bronchitis. Hen-man & Herrmtu), druggists. For Representative. D> the solicitation ol main good G.izcns, I ha\e been indium to > ll, n°un(.t ln .' ht Gi candn a.L fn, representative ot Dodge county at t he election on < ie hrD ? Tuesday in October next. l<ub |\- appreciating (lie confidence of those who have so kndly promised .......^ If■ I»;H upon me. lam opposed to local prohibition for several reasons. First, I believe it is detrimental to town, county and public educa tion. Second, I believe all laws should be equal and uniform rel alive to liquor. Third, 1 believe it has caused violation of the law , that would not have been other-j wise, clearly wiiicli demonstrated I believe in lias this been | ty. 1 desire to say that I will de fine my position on any question ; when called upon to do so, either privately or publicly. Respectfully, II. J. Sait. Jan. 17-tf. “Harkinct.'tck,” a lasting and fragrant perfume. ITiee 25'ttml 50 ets., at ller nuuii «.t llerrman, druggists. Tresspassers Notice. From tliis date all parties, both white and colored are warned not. to hunt on lots of land, district Xos. 147 and 14Y in the 16th op Dodge county. AY. F. r. Ah LEES. Straw hats worth 35cts., for 25. at Alls- Effie AIcRae <k Co. New Firm Cotton Factors. The well known firm of Woods & Co., cotton factors of Savannah, | las been dissolved bv mutual con sent. This was one of the oldest and most reliable cotton firms of that place, having been established in 1866. Air Clayton R. Woods, of said firtn. has formed a copartner sliiji with Air. Chas. B. Alalone. and Air. John K. Garnett, of Gar nett Stubbs A Go. which firm's time expired by limitation. 1 hey are all old cotton men. and wiiI make one of the strongest firms in the state. The name of the new firm is Woods, Garnett A Go and we wish for them a liberal patronage which they well de - ene - __ Why will you cough when Shiloh's : Cure will wive immediate relief. ‘‘rice I 10 ets., fillets., and #1. at Herrman A UiTiman, druggists. Death of Mr. Lbyd Smith. Mr. Lloyd Smith died from the effects of an r.reideat at his res in this place. (he 4tli at 7.30 o'clock. The acci- 1 dent was caused, as ■ tated in a re cent issue of this paper, by jump ingoff a train while in motion, lie ' having fell on his side, seriously injuring his hip, v.Inch pioducel peritonitis, a disease from which few recover. He was 60 years of age aim , was m easy circumstances , at the time of his death. Ho was » ;itive Georgian, and had lived <» this county ever since it was es fablished. He leaves a wife and daughter and a host of friends throughout this county to mourn his untimely end. His remains were consigned to the grave in Rawlins district, about ten miles from this place. lion, Are you made dizziness, by ind.gcs constipaiion, skin? Siiilbh’s li.-s Vitalizer ef aj) petite, is positive yellow llerrman & Ilerr a cure, inan, druggists. Call and see vandvke point hint at Aliss Effie AIcRae iY Go. Stray Male. One sorrel mare mule 15 or 16 years old. been loose in tins vicin ity ior about three weeks, is in bad condition. Die proper on ner can get her at mv place by calling for same and paying for this tisetnent and other cost .s. It not called for in two weeks she lie strayed, and sold to highest bidder, AY. B. Kait. Th( . tr „ I)iition ^n. iong. lingering am t isiitifni sickness to rohust health Uwed ‘ 'erafh tIV: in tlie memory and the agency ’id!* 1^1: , h at V much is'heard in praise of „se of the Great Alternative and Tunic', kidney,. liver or -tonne!,, of long -hurt standing yon will surely find re j lief Uy use of Electric Bitter-. Sold i 50 e;-u an 1 $1 per bottle at lierrraan - I Uerrman's drug store. Ciiaumey Dots. Ca.icmEY, Jan. 29th.—The Tlx ; as cow boys took our town in, yes i terdav, the weather was a lit jcompaniment to the wild boys from the west, A negro was shot here last night. p j s thought be will die. Mrs _ Doicretia Wrigjlt was bu ,.j e j ] iere J as p Sunday. We fvm p;tt]lize with the bere avcd family. j Mr. ,, 0. W. ... Busli was m Macon p Ml James I arrot and wne, , vis lte ‘ 1,h ‘ b P lacc j Mr. Cooper and family have 1 moved to Noraiandale. Airs. Gerganus. with her little son and daughter, of north Caro lina, are visiting Mrs. V. T. Leu of this place, AVe missed the Times-Journal ii,st veek ? ho P e we ' vil1 » et il this week, 4 Air. D. T. Boughtry will move his family to Oordele this week, their many friends will regret tliis very much. They will he missed in our Sabbath school and church and every where else. Our loss is Oordele's gain. There was a very enjoyable masquerade party given at the home of Air. and Mrs. Geo. Bus sey last week. Some of the char¬ acters were very comical. The "Big Baby” took the cake though. Ego. Steins From Itliinc. Rhine, Ga., Feb. 3d.—The burn¬ ing of Messrs. Dowdy lY Robuck's mill on Tuesday night last, is about the only thing that happen¬ ed since my last letter to you. Their losses were small, about $1,000 in all, the lire was discover¬ ed in time to save the machinery. The citizen meeting to stop the sale of whisky by blind tigers in tliis place, is about the only .-(reel talk. No good have resulted yet. Messrs. Ivohitzsch lY Co., look pleasing in their new quarters. | | qq ie y are tine business men, WO are glad to welcome such worthy citizens. Lafayett Robitzsch lias received Ids commission as postmaster at Rhine. No mail line lias been es¬ tablished as yet. The propose route is from Copeland to Rhine, as line Sam road has no contract, i further than Abbeville, goingT east. The health of our town is ex cee ,]i ng ]y g 00 d, one or two cases 0 j; grippe reiiorted ,nothing ' seri ();is rfhe * y ” folks are enjoying 1 ' ^ Sam road Board ,,ie trai, » at Rhine for Cope W ^ rea le,l.TI,o,.„„ : telo,.i s ™,y J'" 11 " 111 l 1 .’, 111 ® [° M 1,1 tanu. an . f. 1 *' 4 ' llls 1 II!K ‘ < ’ 1 ( ' 1 ‘ ,UI ' G.e distance being only two miles. j Our town is visited every day by drummers from Savannah, Ma con and Americas. Plenty of line looking girls, also hoys Ministers and J. P's., are complaining of not having any cake to eat. Girls are willing, but | he boys cannot face the music. Ba/.ax, " B ,. iv< . I)o(s Bkeujvk, Ga.. Feb. 3rd.—As our news gatherer has been absent for a few days, we are some what at a Iqss for news. There is some sickness in this j vijciniiy. Airs. Philips, who has been very ill for some time,is still qitite sick. AYe learn that one of Air. Guilin Southerlands children was fatally burned on Thursday last. The church building at Aliddle ground will soon be ready for use. as the work is being pushed vig orouly by Rev. S. A. Sheffield, who is the contractor. This church will be a credit to the people oi that neighborhood. There is a great deal of confu OJ1 existing between the saw mill l]0ll ail( j (j ie farmers of thi s sec j (>IJ about timber. It seems that ] 1:U -q ( 0 determine who the ] j, ( j belongs to. AYould it not be w'ke to draw straws for if. and let q a t settle the niatteri As the laws stem not to have much influence 11tv.;:nl settling it. If every one was Ike myself the tiling would soon erne right, as I know just that Inch belongs to me. It maybe Ms because 1 do not own but lit fie, but that little I enjoy, as it i ^ver cloudy in my liome, for the of light einmalmg irom lov in " hearts ’ makes us al! ha PPN at home. Zip. Shiloh’s Vitalizer is whatyon need for constipation, lo>- of apjK'tite. dizzim and all symptom^ of dyspep-i:i 10 and 75 cents ].er bottle, llerruiaii it llerrman, druggist. Letter From 3It. Vernon. Mr. Km. k- Your c--smopoii • tan paper should have some from this, our booming town. advent of the S. A. A M. ‘lias brought us life, and action, and no section of wire grass Georgia has a better dation for a prosperous n-T i.i-op.e aiullhe exi-ossivc sponsiveness of its soil to make it produce plentifully and bounti ftilly. On Sundays as the track the railroad is free from workman and trains, many of our good peo pie jump hand cars to go to church, of course at Morrison's , across the river. I wonder what a Sabbath’s journey is on a rail¬ road where you “pole” the car yourself? Does it depend on who ‘ vour girt . , is: . , Our _ station, ... it ... is said, will be some distance from town. 1 presume it will as the mam wheel , of the S. A. tv M. rail road, viz: the Amencus Invest- T ment Company, would rather build new towns of their own than improve or build up old ones. ,,,, Ihere is . to . ,, them more money m . sucli a course, but as we have the grand old Oconee at our back, we don’t care much. AYe can do the fancv on the railroad and down to business on the river. The heavens have smiled on us this winter; we have early vogeta bles and flowers galore, and our various improvements in the way of new houses, saw mills, churches. schools, etc., have net in any way been delayed in construction by any sort of bad weather. In politics wo are happy, hav¬ ing a free choice of candidates out of many offering for any and all positions. As you know we have a healthy and vigorous alliance, and it, with the prohis, will make it lively for any one not in sym¬ pathy with them. Come and see us. BOX’EV. 1 ’cave used Brewer’s Lung Restorer in my family with it Die happiest results, and pronounce ihe be -1 cough niedi e'ne in the wo dd. My wife had a cough four year' and found no relief until she used lire we •’.< Lung J’e "UtTelv. torer, one bot¬ tle of whiih cured he ai.lf; V !•'. OVVLX, Thoma ton, Ga. f byplh III m mt if P ! 23SIBES?$iJ 3 F . - a U1 « *. w ■ ill mmmm Ws«3J wmam mmm ■■ mm '• _ Ladles *__ ftpftft Pairs Hose, @ 5c. per pair. Fine buggy whips @ 10c. ^ Pair Button Shoes, for la¬ dies di $1 25c, worth $4 50. Dozen Cedar Pencils (a) 5c. per dozen. Dozen Slate Pencils* G 5c. per dozen. ^89 Sauh-e . .. ,, ““°' '/0/y .. ‘ lllr 0 per ’’ ^ " Ct { ’ t , c 1 ^ ^14 P\'/I r* ta ° BAtGUatoGC :D. Fl’OSli (G‘nleil Seeds. Choice Seed Potatoes, fxv»aa«*.*u»v5 u fi a m H l i' r u ill 1 § IrMi I The f! RGSt patent fiOLlF Qp_ gsfth. HU di il H 1?^ i Mm i - . vs v I m ^ Snow Ulake Flour, M MM pM Vmm up ■pMMI " •’ ,V. WM m 1 , 11 n -“J t- m m U2M mi [*tr«cjrMB£wrwj Water Ground Meal, eppn p/unss ’k'S'1TbTD (fe 1-4 % S“ ■; j i || | “’ a cu is* v HAY, BRAN. tUnilt e ,>ALi 1 C y • FULL LINE Farming , l ,l,u ( , Jl! ' "’ ' ‘d ' u HAND SAWS @ 50c. worth $!. nan... A f V Q 1 T I J * the finest feed ever known for ( , mv ^ Aly prices on ,i .he abo.c r are i .ow e ‘ an > other AIEKCHAM °T everytll-Hg ....... , -'.nV"money. ’klep vou want. Ilf i i 7 cnri i li i i ill! i i : 11 E '•M'M.VN TIMES K»M’>!i-he4 »«-• >) 1-oasoadaU‘d Pec, in;., county journal. iSs'S. Items From Amoskeug’, Amosk: ■ . Fe\ t! .— Mrs. F. J. DmlLy is on a vi.-it a> friends in Forsyth. Au\ J. T. Coicord visited Karan | „ah last week, since bis return, has boon quite ill and confined to his Led with the iniiin .-;:a, hut we are glad to state is eonvalesant and i „r pmon, here or,. «[ir«ta(! from the prevailing deseasc, but no so rious cases as yet. Mr. J. AY. ors is one of the sufferers, and he riiinks it is about the toughest thing j j ] ie has had to tackle yet. A line mule was killed in the 1 woods stable last week, by getting j caught on (lie feed box in the night and was strangled. Mr AY. K. Brooks, of the Amer . „ ... r ; man Saw Co., , , irenton, N.J., was ,, h 'f"A-°V , A"' U" ,, '' ° ; 1S ‘ We< k ' ^r. Brooks is tne nmmtor oi many popular A and valuable pa- 1 tents, and was here - to put 1 mono . of hlS ^ st PJ tents ( 1U . , | i v ‘ V . 1 " 111 s ‘ l!l ' 1 U1 ' ! ', »ow in use for rapidity and ease , m cutting lumber. " ue aim cathei lies a tine ei- f Uvl 011 .‘-Aroens. , egitalueaml How , er gardens are growing as in early : ‘ s P rin A lovel v roses and all spring - tlowers are blooming sweetly, and j fruit trees also are blooming. at ten For (ncorpovulien* j M'.-.ri: OF G.-:ok«ia—D odg- count''. ’I'., '.he Superior Court of said county: i he petition uf Hamilton Clark. i>. M, Buchan, JohnT. Graham. I.. T. llar rcli, J oil u W. Taylor, M.A. Lancaster, U.A. Harrell, L. T.. llnn-h, tv. a. FGonian, l). c. I’cam*, a. a. Tiiomp soo > w - M. €oley, W. H - \Viso, c. J. Ta,;. «■,!;. r.lWh. J. ,v. , A. X. Powell, IV. ,i. in Skelton, Jn. -’loy.:, w. tn Uanv’.l, I. x. 1’mker A’' ....... ‘ ° :U “''“''AA','’ <X ‘ ' ' " U ' ui:,n ' ' ' ’ ' Coleman, AV. li. Howard, 'V. K. Low¬ ery. .T. It. Jd-iiN. li. AV. Cadwell, John AV . Flanders \V. II. Buchannoti, S. Sai' I lord. .1. AV. Rozar, \\ F. Swearin . giiin doc Bryan, W. B. Giddens. Mrs. B. T. Harrell, J. IV. Sheldon, J. 15.Gof¬ fer, John das. Harrell. S. T, Jones, ,1. Burrell, I rands liamdi, w , ll. Ill-own, Lovet 11mv. n, F . T. l’avkerson, IE I.. \\ illiams, J. VV. Jones, John ATiucy. A. B. Hanvll. .1. B. Weeks, v. ... MeiCiaey. it.... Hurt. Jerry Bow ell u . !>. Foacock, W . T. McDaniel, s,g. A v ;.. 1 no.-ou, . ,, ,, \,. d , I t A. , I'.uzar, „ - . ,i. H. Thonm-on, 6. c. F. Yearn-, w.V. M.A. Yearty, dr.; a. Phillip., Fair G<*iti, Mrs. M. J. Hall, J.e. Thompson, B. T. Moore, c. M. ltozar, s. J. Bruce, K. O. Blaew, A. \V. Dean, J.B.swoaf M. c. Thompson, G.K. L. GoU> V T (v!( , T- u ogl .,.«. c . ,j_ i; u H;,r.;.<'. Ilargrovi-', T u iggin-, s. n. Bout well, I.. L. U right Harrell, A J Law, M. n MetJainev, w B I’wkcr -on, w . l. Coleman, J. \\. Thompson, J. F. Harrell, X. Rawlins, M A Yearly, A!. Ycai ly. J. F U ynnc, I >. M . Raw lius. K. !!. Swcnringniii, .1. ('. Floyd, A. !.. Harris, W. M. Ragans, .1. R. I’opc, .i. A. Brown John 31. Clark, C. B. Roznr, j.loscpli Guldens, !>. J. Graham, 1’. AV. ! hylic, J. M. i»ces, J. M. Alatlicws, tv. *.< owly. Levi iHnm, \\. .1. I’liiiiips, l! ' "• "iiiiams, .1. r. Rills, I). A. IYacovk. R. Vann, G. \V. Fowi'll, .1. \\ . Xoles, Jobii X ixnu, ( dins. lllim>11| s . n iirl ow, \v. g. Phillips, .j. If. Hull, tv, S. [.ancastcr, R. G. I.yric, i; - Lancaster, W. li. Hughs, d'. \v. ' V,’' *'• X. Jones, R. .1. Jones, David Xoles, Mrs. Maitie Cullirctli, tV. it. Ruilleld, Mr-. I>. tV. W illiams. \V. A. Vann, S. J. Smith, I’hil Rohannoii, I). II. Fountain, H. C. Coleman, J. IV. i’h'tl lips, John Clements, W. I!. Ragan, re¬ spectfully .showeth that they desire for ttiemselves and for such other persons as may he iiereal'ter nssociated with them, to bo incorporated under the. name and style of Hodge County Aili anee Joint, Stock ('oinpany ; that the, object of their association and tlie par¬ ticular business they propose to carry on is a general warehouse and merchan¬ dising business; also a cotton compress¬ ing and general fruit canning business, and to these ends to own, Imy. sell, lease, operate and maintain warehouses, lores, storehouses, goods, wares and merchandise, cotton compresses, fruit canning apparatus and appliances, ve¬ hicles, machinery, live stock and all articles and things necessary to the suc¬ cessful management of said business; that the amount of capital to be em¬ ployed by them in said business actu¬ ally paid in is Kigliteen hundred ($l,ft00) Dollars, and they desire the privilege of increasing the capital stock of said company from time to time to such sums not exceeding Three Hundred Thousand Dollars (.$500,000) as they by tb ir board of directors or otherwise may from time to time deter¬ mine; that the place of doing business of said corporation will lie Dodge county, Georgia, with their principal office in the town of Kastman in said county and State; that they desire to he incorporated as aforesaid for the term of twenty years with privilege of re¬ newing at the expiration of said time, with power to purchase, own, lease or rent land, stores, storehouses, ware¬ houses, cotton compresses, fruit can¬ ning apparatus and appliances, ease¬ ment-, machinery and till other real and personal property and rights and to sell, mortgage, subject or convey the same or an\ part thereof with tlie appurte¬ nances and to reinvest, at pleasure, to make by-laws for their use not incon¬ sistent with the laws of the land; to have and to use a corporate seal, to bor¬ row money and issue obligations or bonds therefor; to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded in said corpo¬ rate name, to enter into contracts ami generally to enjoy and exercise alt other coi'poAate powers and privileges incident to private corporations for bus¬ iness purposes as prescribed by the laws of said State. Wherefore your petitioners pray that they and their associates mav be incor¬ porat'd for the purposes, for the term and with the powers and privileges aforesaid, and petitioners will ever pray, etc. B. Jt t'.u.iioi'v, Solicitor for Petitioner. Georgia —Dodge Gc.unty. Clerk’s office Superior Court. 1 certify that the foregoing i- a true extract from the minute- of Dodge Superior Court. This January 7, 1890. J. Calvin Rawlins, Clerk 8. C. D, C. Jan. 10.—5; ! Tlu- Fttij»i( ;iii«i tlx* St litre. Rev. F. M. Slnout, pastor United | Brctlir*-!! cfntrcii, Blue Mound, Kan., p. .j ,., v duty to tell v.hat , l , v ;, tl( p.t's Dr. King' • New Diwoverv ImS (oT1 . ni _ j. r ], m ,^ W( rel-adly di» jand mv jiarishtoncrs few thought I 11 vt . oniv a weeks, i took ; ,j ve |„,ttles of Dr. King’s New Di-eov ,. rv a „.j ;u ,i -mmd and well, gaining 26 |„ u .,.;<r|,t Arthur Love, manager ’writes: Love’s Funny Fo!k . ,. 0! , l} , ina ,i„ 11> “After thorough trial confident and convincing King evi l - j !llu Dr. s New Di«x>verv for eon-uiiipUoi), heals’em Rs. ;uli , ,. v , rv thir.g < t ' a Th<-greatest kind: IC.-K can t lo my many thousand friend- is to urge them to try it.’ - Free trial hottlex at Herrman & Iterrmau’s drug store. Uegnlar sixes 50c. and $1.00. < 'atarrh cured, health and sweet breath -.•euro,!, by Shiloh’ <'atarrh Remedy. Price fin * fit-. Nasal in "( tor Lee, i lierrimiu dc lleiruian, druggist. Croquet parties by the light of the moon or large bon flies are all ! the rage now, and our voung folks 1 S . K , 1U { 0 be enjoying them. Little Kyle Shank dropped a •sharp it severely hatchet but on his foot, seriously cutting not on Tuesday last. ) Mr. Horn lias removed to Sa-1 vannall. Air. II. AYi- e lias moved into the house recently occupied 1 by Air. ' .jj j£ orn i , ( A Scrajiof Pa jicr Sa•;cs Her LitV-. ping It was just but an it ordinary saved" scrap of wrap¬ paper, her life. She was in the last siag—. of consumption, told by physicians that she was incura¬ ble and could live only a short time; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a sample bottle; it helped her, she bought, a large bottle, it helped her more, fast, continued bought another its and grew better use and is now strong healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds. For fuller particulars send stamp Smith. to AV. li. Cole, Druggist, Fort Trial bottle of this wonderful discovery free al llerrman & Herrmiin’s drug store. Petition for (Hinrlor. St atm ok Guoucia :—JdO'lyv County. To the Superior Court, of said county. ’i’tie petition of 1C. It. Bacon, AV. T. Me Arthur, AC. AV. Aslihurn, C. B. Park¬ er, AV. A. .Morgan. R. I). Gentry, B. IL Cheney, J. F. DeLaey, J. Bishop, Jr., and such others as may become associa¬ ted with them. Show that they desire to become In¬ corporated under the name of the I,and and Improvement Company of Last man. That the objects of said company, are to buy, own and sell real estate and per¬ sonal property, to build dwelling houses, store houses, - warehouses and all other kind of buildings edifices and houses, and to make all kind of im¬ provements upon real e. tac, and to do any and all acts ueecs.-ary for the legiti¬ mate execution of tlie object and pur¬ poses of this incorporation, to lend and borrow money l’or tlie purchase and im¬ provement of real estate. That the capital stock of said Compa¬ ny shall be lift}'thousand dollars with the privilege of increasing 'ame to five hundred thou -and dollars, the said stock to be divided into shares of one hun¬ dred dollars each, subscriptions to same to be paid in money or real estate, or its equivalent. The principal otlice, or place of busi¬ ness, to he in Kastman, Dodge county Ga. That they desire to be incorporated for the term of twenty years, with the privilege of renewal, to sue and be sued, to contract and be contract:''’ with, to make by-laws, not inconsistent with the laws of this state, or of the United State; '. AVherefore your petitioners pray that they may be incorporated according to the terms of this petition and the laws of this state. DeLacv & IJ/snop, I’et’rs Att’j K. Filed in office, Jan. 28th 1890. J. C. Kawu.ns, Clerk 8. C. D. ('. A true extract from the minutes of d ct- superior com;, the .i.m.isti, 1890, J. Kav.lixs, ( lerk S. < ■. D. C. Astonished. The world « a*!o»ish« ! it tic- i - tn if* .-uitlon of Jove uiiii admiration tlmt lay d(v|i down in tin h. art- of tin j ...i.thcrn F "(pi for Hviriut* I n ■ - Hon. .Titfcor-on Davis. Tixuigli the raise was long since lost, and they a<* ^ i ■: g -:' -‘ 1 1.: 11 L' 'A • 'I'd" i ' - i ; tilings, theirlov'-forttii-gii,it tna u was th w i the . . nonc ’ ' s ' e * -meciv, yj; , overu iim ;»‘ hand n * speak t'cnionstratioiis eloquently indeed yliown the on every f-enti ;n<nts o. iiiii.iot.H <•: our : "-l I " i ; . tail} II iv, w ill ho giad Of the opjjoi'tu- 1 pitv to g (die t toe ..ieiiioriat \ oitime, and gi\ ijng a - i < .ns car'-■< r me , ‘-World’s Tribirt t to Ills Memory.” Dr. Jones, "the (1 gating clianta.n, po;mlar the au t .or of this great a»o lsv> i ':. Miaie- t 'erov s : i v. on . I'-. ! i".,. I nc «l'nblishers, B. K Johnson 4 Cos. Rich , mono, V a., d - ; • ,o pm 1 " it >** tJ‘-' hands of ever., fami.y th.ougi.out the : land nte them for particular*. i'or Sale ot Kent. i Small cottage with twelve acres of land, half mife from Court lionsa. For further information, apply to i Smith iY Clements. CIRCULATES In the Coanties of Hedge, Pitiask I.sarpns, Johnson, Montgemrry, Tel fair, AViteox, At ay tie and Irwin, and has subscribers from Mrine to Texas. SLM) FOR S.VHPI.E COPY.