The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, June 01, 1899, Image 1

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TIMES-JOURNAL VOL. 27. PERSONAL MENTION. The Coming and Going of \onr Rela¬ tives, Friends and Acquaintances. Subscribe for this paper. Mr. J. S. Curry went to Pitts on buisiuess last Monday. Col. M. L. McRae, of McRae, Ga., was iu the city Tuesday. Mr. Olin Pharr, of McRae, is in attendance upon court here. Rev. J. M. Henderson, of ran was in Eastman Saturday. Mr. J. B. Girardeau, of was a visitor to the city Sunday. Dr. C. J. Clark, of Chauncey, was m Eastman on Monday last. Mrs. R. E. Curry, of Helena, is visiting her mother at Central Point. Hon. John A. Wooten, of Hill, was a guest of relatives this week. Mr. Cincy Horne is again the furniture establishment of S. A. Foster. Judge Isadore McCormick, the Chauncey district, was town Monday. Mr. Nathan Cameron, ot dele, was the guest of his here this week. Mr. I. H. Hall,of Younfoer., ed to see us Monday. He splendid crop prospects in neighborhood. Mrs. J. WL Foy, of MLtd'iey, Ga spent several days of the past with her brother, Mr.. Jonah derson, of our town. Miss Janie Cameron will next week in McRae, the guest Miss Bessie Oliver of Heat M 7 e wish her a pleasant wiei tr Mr. Burton Dennis, of the' district, brought some fine peaches to town Monday. easily disposed of tbe<ei?tire lot 25 cents per dozen. Mr. John Carr, formerly Eastman, but now of Helena, been in the city during court, being one of the petit jury to serve at this term. Mr. Max Wall, of Macon, the past week with his parents William’s Mill. Mack is popular here, and his many were pleased to’seelum again. Stenographer Blue, of has been, in attendance upon this week as official that office having been made cant by the death of Col. F. Burch. Misses Marion and Mattie of Thomasviille, Ga., are their sister, Mrs. E. T. These young ladies visited man last } r ear, and made friends here who are delighted their return.. Mr. Hector Cameron, who a responsible position with H. J. Lamar & Sons, of Macon, spent a few days during the past week with hie parents in Eastman. many friends were glad to see looking so well. * Mr. Arnold Hams at feuded , J fish-fry at Scotland a dew ago. and reports a delightful time. He says that the people of land never fail to make it for a* visitor,and that this occasion was no exception.. Col. J. W. Preston, of Macon, is in the city on legal business, Col. Preston is » prominent Jaw yer of marked ability and a affable gentleman He has made quite a favorable impression visit. u[> on our people during his Rev. J. T. Ryder, pastor of the Eastman Methodist church, wd! deliver a sermon at the audito rcim of the South Georgia College* at McRae on next Sunday night, it commen^ement Joiner ^heecc-sion of the annual in^SuHou exercises that of that NlV i.L/a'L. Ida: The fact La:'-',:' a^^ctrolaion is qtti.o wise disappoint his hearers. Eastman Times Established 1873 < Dodge County journal, 1S83 \ THF, CRIMINAL DOCKET. Clu es Disposed of Since Monday >Iorn imr last. The criminal docket was taken up the first thing on Monday morning last, and quite a number of cases have been disposed of. The first case called was that of the state vs. AV ill ML Ison and Cain Stephens, charged with the murder of marshal Ozburn, at Channcey, an account which ap¬ pears in another column. A good deal of interest was manifested in this case, especially among the cokrttM population, and the court house was well filled throughout the trial Green Corny quitted of the charge of n Ina daughter aud Amanda Jones was also acquitted of thechatge of imirdermg Frank H aminou_ Tom Webb was called before the court to answer for the charge of murder. Tom told the judge that the people just found an “old dead nigger” down near Chaun and “up and said he done it, ? J cey, but claimed that he knew nothing about how come that nigger dead, and as the verdict of the jury agreed that Tom was not guilty he was at once released. Tom -vas defended by Col. WL M. meats, aud he says that “dat law¬ yer Clements sho is do greatest lawyer in dis country.” stood Henry Hightower, who charged with setting fire to East¬ man’s guard house while on the inside, the result of which was that the town’s abode of law¬ breakers was totally destroyed, was also released from custody Henry says his case was l i nol squashed,” and we suppose every¬ body knows what that mean?,. He and Tom both were the re¬ cipients of hearty congratulat ions from their “eullud friends.” and they seemed as happy as wood¬ peckers in a bed of “sawyers.” The jury rendered a verdict not guilty in the case of Jim M ley, charged with simple larceny, and also in the case of Josh M il liams, tried for assault with tent to murder. Charlie Coleman was ci* a misdemeanor, and fined $25. and costs. Red Nance was put on trial M'ednesday morning for the der of M T iil Gertman, which curred in Eastman Christmas last. Red was represented made Judge E. Herrman, who a splendid effort m his behalf, a lot of evidence was introduced on both sides, and Solicitor represented tl» stale s side to the jury but that body did not consider the evidence suf ficient to convict, and a verdict of not guilty was rendered. Red ed much elated over his acquittal and at once secured a bicycle and took in the town. Three bills of indictment had been returned against Mr. .fohn Caldwell, one for embezzlement, one for perjury, aud one for bar cenv after trust. \ ia‘!-.e were taken up yesterday a. un noon, bv Mr. Caldwell was represented Moot .3 ' i ai <L lus.iop, am Cols. Robert t/i and s liner appeared b.rthe prosecution, with Col. M T . Presston, ot Macon, acting as solicitor general, Mr. I>eLr.« r be i,,g disqualified in this caw. Cols. Righop and Wooten filed demur rers to the bills of indictment, and this-feature was argued before the judge, after a good deal of argu inent on both sides. Judge Smith sustained the demurrers and all three kills of indictment-were no• pressed -none ot tne cf^<*-^going o u juiy. The many tri>:ua« or Caldwell heartily congiat uuueT. Turn upon has prompt acquittal, There will be preaching at the Christian church next both morning and evening At night the pastor will preach his fare welt discourse. He is com nulled to resign his work on ac count of failing health. It is his purpose to return to his home at ok g». ah .« oomo a.,d h«r hi. last to be present. EASTMAN, OA., JUNE i, 1899. SENTENCED TO HANG. Slayers of Marshal Ozburn Convict¬ ed of Murder in the First Degree. TO HANG ON THF. 28RD OF .H NE. Will Wilson and lain Stevens to the Penalty ot Their Crime. The case of the stale vs. Mill Wilson and Cain Stephens Henry W illiams, charged with the murder of marshal Ozburn at Chauncey, Ga., on the 81st, January last, was taken up Mon¬ day morning. The state was ably whllJ g , Gen. J. F. ^ the defense was _ .-ted bv Cols. W.M. c , -, tf , c w . Griffin, , n J ^ obtained m a short ti „,; d Insisted ot the fol g „ ll( II. T., T. A. Anthony, J. I). Guldens, Axotn Phillips, J. A. Davis, War¬ ren Harrell, P. A. Reeves, ML D. Peacock, R. N. Buehannon, J. W. Taylor, J. C. M'aliter, J. H. Carr. A number of witnesses were in¬ troduced, most of whom gave dam¬ aging evidence against the defen¬ dants. It seems that on the day the crime was committed the two accused negroes were playing Mims, cards in the house of Georgia who left them there alone and went over to see her sister, who lived in an adjoining house. In about 80 minutes two pistol were heard, and the women ran out in the backyard and sawM’ill fleeing MLlson and Cain Stephens from the Mims house. The alarm and , when . parties . ar was g.ven the shoot rived at the house where mg occurred, marshal Ozburn was found dead, lying with one foot hanging out the door and two tol wounds in his body one ball entering just under his left breast, LX*'Tib f "right" S S nmiw’r C '«"• ™' e °, f ,' "TV "J l.v a .12 cahber; p.rtol and the J! >v a 4 h °Ll,v. „; Ozburn was not examined v im by 1 physician, however and the were not in evidence to whether or not this was the ease. It was brought out that Ozburn was out on that day serv iug street siiminoneH and it supposed that he went to the ’Mwr a summons winch I * 1 ,* a 1 vflL^v'jnUV^nd wHkhiff in * 1 ‘ 7 pq*«l.»vinff ” u u ’ n * rn lE jL,, cards “^iSdJd ,■ l;.' l , am , it , vas „ me time be (h o u ld b e ]oea ted. ' ^f , offered bv the cover u or thmr arrest and conviction, _ ... . i,,r .ho ot 1,u ‘ A.' iff i? ()1 ^citi/mis r Prg a nd ' ' * ! , £ ph-mneev’s Ini <,r |' J ]nc< • SSt a 1 p‘ .. . . : ' r. !, , . . j tinV '^Till Hi' Flori.iu. IbH-rs. and captuIod bv Sheriff ^ d ^. mod doing the shooting, ^ Will Wilson did it, uM ^ sh(jriff tbat Wi i, on j d f ound at Dasher station ' L<)Wndps C(jUll) v Gil . ghi * w: Rogers carried Caia St ? ' V W,' C V Hdosta and placed hi 5 jH.qH"-siat imi He then wont to He 'Hid'" j.nd arrested Will ,|* Vj, * who * that lie did not ' i p f .| i00 f ; n ” (f j Xf-itlu-V nd that Cain Ste of them a a temeiit during the trial. one would have probably convicted the other. Able speech es were made by council on both g|( i eg _ but y ie evidence against ne g ro< »i- was so strong that ^ etood convicted in the minds a j mos t every one present be fore the jury retired to make up a verdict. Th c j.ury remained ont about in minin' -, u ana \ -' - - c of guilty without any datious was brought ni. The accused negroes remained perfectly calm and quiet during the whole trial, aud evidenced very little interest in the proceed their .unau. 0 » a.....- Consolidate, sss. tiling in connection with the trial Both negroes were sentenced by Judge Smith on Tuesday to l" 1 hung by th<> neck until they are dead on Friday, June 28rd, said hanging to be private. Au Exciting riin-ic. On yesterday morning about 10 o’clock Mr. ML E. Scruggs discov¬ ered Tom Pines, a little negro boy, candy from the show case. Tom discovered Mr. Scruggs look¬ ing at him about the same tune, and with his hands full of the candy made a dash tor more con¬ genial quarters, with Mr. Sortings in hot pursuit. Both went run¬ ning down behind the store at a 2:40 gait, and Mr. Serugg’s coat-tail playing in the win:!. Toni was captured after having eclipsed tlu- county’s running rec¬ ord for about. 150 yards, ami was taken back to the scene of his crime 1 Mr. ML T. Fair, one of our ef¬ ficient marshals, was sent for in a hurry, and he came the same way, but failed to eclipse the of Mr. Scruggs and little Tom. The small criminal was turned over to the officer and placed in the guard house. It. is not yet known what disposition will lie made of hi@ case. But ho will probably be given a genteel thrashing and then released. A Happy Marriage. To-day at high noon, at the res idonce ot Mr. and Mrs. 1. II. Ed wards, of our town, the ce.ebra tion of a most happy marriage occurred. The contracting par ties were Miss Susie Campbell, of thl h and Dr. G. W. King, <)f Chalybeate Springs, '.J Ga. Revs. j r ^, R v dor and C Brewtou conduct / !(i the marriage ceremo . No cards W ere issued, and only thp rplat ,; ve8 a)ld a few intimate 1,i " 1 ' d8 of the brido "■ i,n " 8S “' 1 th <> . .....II i.s-i.tcrof Mm. T. H. Edwards, ftud is a most ox eelI ,, lt y , mllg wom „„, who is ,„»■ versally beloved by her acquam Dr . Kiu g is a prominent »jf eutlomanoflii8towi nd , a f , ived crcditab i 6 success in ^ ‘ fossi()n Th left , m the Xor th , )0und train at 2:42 o’clock f<>r ion8 /{ intH of interest. W] , j yisit before going GhaI ieato Springs, ' which {)lftCB wi ,‘, h , their future home, exlH,ld congratulations and <r ust that their pathway may be accompanied by happiness and An ‘ Un'eV^Ts.-eac. ■ An , unusual , spectacle . it- .. wasv. in th f ho « se afternoon wlieu Ira I owell, who ha<{ i)<ieu «‘>Dvicted of burglary, was fenced to serve five years penitentiary, and the offi cera started to remove him to jail. Ira was evidently not in the best. of spirits, neither was lie feeling as pleasant as a negro m a water weion patch wlmt and in ordei t" •, xn\ f be court m he'• oii.-h - ered the matter lm resolved upon s ' mi< Y iun E r (X,rr|ll " ; utni-uii . feo when the offic-rs commanded Ira to march he refused to budge a P e S» aJld wh en UI ‘g ftd a iiU le to °^“ . r,,d resis do so ’ be strenous tance » precipitating a lively scuf-. dc hi which a number of officers atld citizens took part, and in "b‘ cil G ’ a f? ot bin bead punched a j 1imo or 1w "- He was soon landed safely behind thf- bar.-. ' Mr. B. Hamilton Clark, of Chauncey, a brother of Dr. J. B. Clark, of our town, will graduate 14th.! from Emory College on June Hamp is a bright young man, and was awarded a speaker's We place on his class standing. do not v < *t know wliat profession he will < . tl t# j r. J f, ev - " a »l! 1 \ L ' : ' V7/ V 7, I ui . the audit on am <u Lie ..emth ; College «. -eRae on ( \\ ed uesday evening. June ah. A rate of one fare will be given NO. LOCAL COMMENT. Interesttmr Items Chronicled in 'hr « and Spicy Paragrpahs. We are glad to see our esteemed friend, Mr. C. (’. Burch, out again after several days’ illness. A number of Ohauneey citizens attended the trial of Will Wilsoa and Cain Stephens Monday. Superior court adjourned late yorterday afternoon, but the grand jury isstill in session and proba¬ bly- will be lintil Friday. TheP. F. M. Society of Kast¬ man, have recently had made some very pretty badges, which its members and friends are now wearing Half fare over the rail-roads— Reserved seats, 7b ets. General ad¬ mission 50 ets. Rev. Sam June’s lecture at McRae, Ga., June 7th, Go and hear him. For a delicious refreshing drink, something cooling healing and drawing, you should try one of Win. Coopers milk shakes. He knows how to make them. ‘‘Play ball” has not been beard ifr Eastman this season. (Jet to¬ gether boys, and organize a dash¬ ing team. We have the material, and all wo need is a little concert 0 f action. Mr Bascom Mashburn, of Americus, visited relatives in Eastman Sunday. Bascom is a creditable' Jevor boy-, and is attaining a measure of success in . • " i. nq :, ' ips „ Mr. Ed , Bohannon , s fruit stand is doing a flourishing business, Kd is polite and accommodating to his customers, and we trust that, abundant success may con tinue to crown lus efforts. Utj. W. S. Vantodm«l,»m. of 5Ld""U”n'Xv 7,s of J,. ,„vl.v Ummy »' ,. v „ r SI UY „ xl ',.,ul tJianks for an elegant dish of 8amn . ° l j r fellow-townsman, ..... M Mr. n I) M. Bush, has one of Hu prettiest gardens we have seen tins season 1 18 c » b, ’ n «° P !auts yoro wived thmugh f m snow, and he .snow '»« luxury* of nice welf headed cabbage. A petition is being numerously s |g lu . d j n Kastman for the estab jj s ])ment of a' military company. »■*'*> ......»P. ijH~» ' " tnwl of 0m the ‘ tlm organizers of tlm movement may be eminently successful. Thp 1 )l( . '»<>} hor ' l ° rse 'bolonVmir or longing to to .-i Mr r. Allie Peacock, i of ilhine,and which was driven to t lus place by Mr. Peacock Monday, died af Mr. W. R. Daniels’ staides here i uesday morning. Colic is said lojiuve been the cause of his death. Mi ss Florio Dean and Mr. Gus cj )nr ,.| UV ell, of Abbeville, were nn j b , d j Jt niarriage on thursday |; , d Mi , H D( . an is a 8 j,ter of \{ rH , j. \\\ Ree, of our town, and j H a mOHt f .j mrmin g young lady, We wlsh them muc h happiness. Rev. \Y. F. Strickland and wife are entertaining a bright twelve a half pound boy, who made arrival on Tuesday morning, Wo extend hearty congratulation* nd trust t hat the young gentle man may grow to be a good and man. Eastman seems to be in earnest building that railroad to the The town that dons wait for outside in and build it up, but goes and use* its own resources lur as possible, is the one that there.—Ilawkinsville Dts aud News. Tie* two horses usral by Mr. .J in drawing his beef wag ran away on Friday afternoon and one of th-horses was > ?ral of the >» f \ t s hind leg. 1 >ad! v lacer 2 ! and led:' r & up other i •