The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, June 22, 1899, Image 1

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VOL. 27. Commencement Exercises. Splendid Programs Were Rendered in the Presence of Large and Appreciative Audiences. The commencement exercises of the Eastman Institute closed on Sunday morning last with a masterly discourse by Rabbi David M irx. of Atlanta, Ga., who was attentively listened to by a large and ‘ apprecia i\ ( • e We publish below the programs rendered on Thursday and b n- . day nights, each feature of which was well rendered. All the acted well their respective part-s, and we would be glad to mention each one separately, but this is impossible. The recitations of Pearl Cameron, ’ Bessie Peacock, ’ Maude Fisher, ’ Willie Belle Fielder, Cora Page and Sarah Armstrong deserve especial mention for excellency of rendition, while among the boys Masters Dudley Smith, Rudolph Clements and Roy 'Calhoun did exceedingly well. The were very pretty and constituted a prominent feature of the programs. The slitting by Miss Margaret Oatman Dew composed a most part of the programs, and her splendid voice found hearty tion m the hearts of all wiho heard her. Tie medal offered in the music department by the teacher, Miss Georgia Foster, was won by Miss Carrie Belle Edwards, the little*daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Edwards. The medal was livered by Col. J. Bishop with a few very appropriate remarks. The auditorium was filled to overflowing each night, and all exercises were both interesting and entertaining. Following are programs as rendered on Thursday and Friday evenings: THURSDAY, JUNE 16 , 8, P. M. Prayer, - Rev J. T. Ryder, Words of Welcome, - - - Sarah ' Song.—Merry Spring Time, Classes, Bermunition.—How I Speak a Piece, Carson Page.. Recitation.—Her First Party, Lillian Recitation.—Nathan Sale, - - Lowther Piano Duette, - Bvnlie Daniel, Com Recitation.—The Old Man in the Palace Car, Jessie . Lee Recitation.—Uncle Nate's Funeral, Hattie Piano Trio, (Carrie Belle Edwards, Gera Page, Lilian Reclamation.—The New South, Clayton Yta al Duette, - Basket of Byndie Daniel, Carrie Belle Ed wards. Pi? ‘Ration.—Mr. Brown Has His HairCut, . Cor* Declamation .—Wounded to Death, Dudley Piano Solo, - — - - Miss Maggie Brew Ti:e Shower Song, - Girls of Fifth Recitation.—Daisy's (Faith, v Sarali Anatstrong. V«cal Solo. — - Robert Foi (L©-“ Miss Margaret Oat ma n Etew. Piiauo Duette, - - Jfaggie Brew tou, Willh Recitation.—Naughty Zel 1, Willie Belle Piano Solo, Carrie Belle fte ■ i t a t i o n.—Our Ra i L*oa d, Nannie Piano Solo, - Cora Ret itation.—Mary, Queen of Scots, Pearl Piano Solo, --- Maggie Brew Rtseitation.—Perdita, Bessie Caine Drill, - - • J'^aDAY, JUNE 16 , 8, P. M. Prayer, - - - Rev. J. C. Chorus.—0, Happy Day, Recitation.—The Loving Young Girl, Sarah Ellen Declamation.—A Bov" 1 * Grievance, Rudolph Recitation.—The Littb- Angel, Kstinw Page. Dude Drill, Boys of 1st, I2nd atuLSrd Grades. MUSIO. DeeluEuatiou.— A Little Boy’ss Troubles, Ror Ca'lbvnm Recitation.—Night Winds, Erna Outerlxr.urg. Song.—Ducky Jim, Carrel! Harris. Recitation. ITow a Japanese Mother Talks to Iv-r Child, Nellie Edwards. Song.—Child Life on the Farm, 1st, 2nd .and 3rd Recitation.—Teddy O’Rourke, Maude Grades' Song.—ffanv the Crow Missed It, - 4th, 5th And 6th Lmbrella Drill, - Girls , of ... 1st, 2naand , 3rd , (iradesi. , IT cii at ion.—Haunt ed by' a Song, Bessie TvdTJSIC. Physieal Culture Drill, - - Girls of 5th and 6th Grades, ( horns.—Jusr Let the Band Play Diuje, - School. 'b-xic Drill, 7th, 8th and 9th Grades. haracter Song, Hoooey, You’re the Warmest Gal in Town. TJie Last Will. Louise Fisher. ^ocal Solo.—La Primavera, Torrey, Mi. M T ,, 0a,,.,,, Dew. History and Prophecy of the Ninth Grade, - Miss Mary Brewton. ( horus. —March, Men of Harlech, - - - School, D( livery of*,Medal. - Mr. J. Bishop, Jr. The Fall term of School will open on September. -Hr. Jno. A. Harrell, Jr., m vefl into his new residence near Hie court house. Do you hke Fresh New ;": im the evaporator. If so Call on ' H. Clements. He keppg kind that is as fresh as when first uiude. TIMES-JOURNAL Eastman Times Estahlished 1S72 Dodge County iournal, 1SS3 lor lest \ a ues in i, an , 8 what Bargains are Ifeingottered by W. H, Clements. A white man by the name of Thomas was broughtHo*this place from Macon one day last week and placed in jail here upon the charge of bigamy'. EASTMAN, GA., JUNE 22, 1899. AURESTED FOR RAPE, »ill Thomas is Hound Over to Supe¬ rior Court On. a Serious Charge. Will Thomas, a negro about years of ago. was placed in jail Tuesday afternoon, charged with the crime of rape upon the person of Annie Dawsey, a negro girl be tween 1:2 and 11 years of age. lives in the suburbs of the city, The matter was reported Marshal F;lir about 2:30 o'clock, but Indore he had received the particulars of the crime, Thomas was seen coming into the l was mrk requested near /he that postoffice, he be arrested. and it Mr. Fair, who was near the post office, at once started in thediree tion of Thomas, who when he saw * ' u ‘ °^ cer ) turned around and be tl,« rteehZ »!“!’ an!i c ^ lled on him to ] mlt) but served only to make (he negro in¬ crease his speed, and Mr. fired one shot in the direction of the negro, thinking this would probably cause him to stop. knowing wnat crime he had mitted the officer did not care j ! inflict any wound, and so fore tlie shot was fired at random. But the negro continued to movt i in a hurry, and Mr. Fair not j equal anded to hi a heated pistol foot Hamp race, s to jli-ngton,a fleet-footed negro man, j w red h Q t Kelsey, 00 k up the another chase, colored with f zen, close in behind. Twenty-five or thirty men, on horses ’ ou a !‘ buggies, . m were soon m aU( j dogs were placed upon track of the fugitive. When short distance beyond the man Lumber Co.’s mill the met Hamp Wellington ing with Thomas marching front of him, covered with a tol. Hamp says he < f des erly out-runued him, but had threaten to shoot Thomas he would give under, and as had fired t wo shots at Thomas the chase, there was no reason doubt that some more mightbedoue. The capture place about two and a 3mlf from town, and both negros tired down when met by the of citizens. Thomas was given a trial before Judge Murrell Wednesday morning, and the daoce brought out shewed tl«t ,l, : Jtaner year, tf: Eastman to do some ping. On returning home at claimed that when near the of Mr. H. J. Sapp, the girl dragged into the bushes and a teni]) made to ravish her. It was not claimed at the trial any rape had been committed Thomas denied this, saying the girl willingly cotafccuted, proposed going into the It was proven’ by the amining physician that the girl was not injured in any manner, and that there was lot even a bruise about her persoij. I homas was remand<|I to jail a n8we r before the nlxt term of , . tnfsecuted .Judge E^riermmn Li. Jicrrman prosecuted the case and the defendant v.-as represented by Col E. IL Miluer. Air. (Error (’orretdei! Dr. T. J.. Buchan requests us to place hum in a proper light be fore the public, as we were slight ly in error m our small |)<»x edi torial last week. In said article Dr. Buchan is referred to us hav the J™ Bowen 1, household „ 1,1s ^ was afflicted ^ ehmken pox, the same as the Hamilton ca.--. He informs us Bowen home were of doubtful sic : ness and he was of the that the city' authorities should the necessary' steps to prevent gpread of the disease. He contends that there is a doubt to what the sickness was. We gladly make the correction.: —-— ---— Country produce of all kinds in payment of siibscrip- 1 Con solid at < ' iSSS. Local and Personal. Interesting Items About Your Friends and tances.—Matters in General. Straw Hats at your own price. Call on W. II. Clements. Mr. Columbus Hall, of Younker. was in town Tuesday. Mr. Newton Mullis, of Seville, was in the city Friday last. Mr. Horace Jessup is visiting hi§ parents at Tift-on, Ga. You can go to Macon and re¬ turn on Monday next for 75 cents. Miss Lizzie Brannon, of this place,is now postmistress at Arabi, Ga. A few more shirts left that are going very cheap at W. 11. Cle¬ ments. Mr. Win. Marshall, of Macon, spent Sunday with his parents in Eastman. We are glad to see Mr. C. C. Burch out again after an extend¬ ed illness. Lawn, Muslins, Organdies etc., at a cut price to close out 1 See W. H. Clements. Mr. B. 0. Rogers, of Dublin, was a visitor to our town during the past week. Mr. Oscar Bennett returned Sunday last from an extended visit to Brunswick. Mrs. B. 0. Pharr, of McRae, visited her mother, Mrs. C. T. Lat¬ imer, this week. Mr. Guy Pittman, of Spring Hill, visited friends and relatives here this week. i Mr. W. W. Ashburn, and son, Howard, of Atlanta, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bark Harper. A few watermelons were brought to Kastman Friday last. These j were th0 first see n here tins sea son Mr. J. B. Girardeau, . of Ihe lel j fair Enterprise, at McRae, l,s a pleasant call one day this week. Mr. Mack Wall, after a few weeks with home folks this pi ace. returned to Macon Sun flay i, night * ,r Walter Barrutt, of ~ . , ■ cuy. Ws Ho-i D-m&h. Mm. F. II. Borch and three of her children left Monday for Did)- 1 in, where they will spend several days with relatives. A carload of beef cattle was shipped from this place to Mi ledge villo Mouday for the use of the inimites 0 f the asylum at that j ucfJ i Marsha! Lucas, of Chauncey, ! arrested a negro here 1 uosday and [carried answer for him some back of to his ( misdeeds hnuncey in to j dia ^ ^ ! osvn - j Mr. Claude Euba..ks, who has j been spending some time at old home in Franklin, Ky., is 1 ^’“i Ka8tma11 ' iIis n,a ” y friends lierv; were pleased 1 1 at his return. Miss Clyde Clements, of Cedar Park. Ga., visited her uncle. \\ r . H Clem-eiits, at this place the p'ast week. Miss Clyde is a very pleasant attractive young lady, and no doubt made many friends I during her stay here. j deceased, was ad > be f ore Ordinary Bohannon on Sat ur d ;l y J a <t and was carried to the ! our sheriff r ^- , Southern , . rail will sell j !<a way roUild trip tickets to Jlacon and j »>-turn from Eastman on Monday - a G^t, June 26 th, for t ! ■ small l ' ) c,,,1 ts. J fain passes place at 2:45, and tickets to return on any train leav Macon up to and including 8:35 a. m. train Wednesday! | NO. 30. In all probability Eastman will soon have an up-to-date, well equipped military company. Miss Anne Harrell, an attrac¬ tive young lady of Cochran, is vis¬ iting her Cousin, Miss Annie May Bohannon, at t his place. A number of our young people enjoyed a moonlight plands*1 picnic on the verandas of the 1 In¬ tel Tuesday evening. Rev. Hamilton Kelly will preach at the Methodist church hero Sun¬ day next in the absence of the pastor, Rev. .1. T. Ryder. Miss Alice Bengnot, of Mt. Ver¬ non, who has been spending sever¬ al days with her friend, Miss Net¬ tie Griffin, returned home Mon¬ day. Miss Eula Sutton, of Mt. Ver¬ non, attended the commencement exercises of the Eastman Insti¬ tute. She was the guest of Miss Net tie Griffin while here. The prospects for the miilding of the Eastman and Ochmulgee railroad are brighter than fiver. Let every-body stop grumbling and help the town to grow. Mrs. J. T. Ryder and mother in-law, Mrs. surah Ryder, are spending some tune with the let¬ ter's daughter, Mrs. Victoria Mc¬ Arthur, of near Lumber City. Rev. J. T. Ryder will deliver a sermon at the Methodist church in Lumber City next Sunday, it being the occasion of the District meeting of the woman’s Mission¬ ary Society. In oqr last, issue in the account of Dr. A. II. Reid’s death, we sta¬ ted t hat he came here from Macon and was buried there. In this we were mistaken, as tho doctor’s previous home was Eatonton, Ga., and his remains were carried to that place for intorrment. The board of trustees of the Eastman Institute will on Mon¬ day next elect teachers for the en¬ suing year. We understand that a large number of applications have been tiled by gentlemen all over the country, ranging from Maine to Florida. ... .......... 0un „ ia , of M<lcou , *>|i ™-oh» v t: ^ r‘ ""rain" "t b \ tiii ( x is , . ‘ '’1 vv m.. ain ())J rf . trip leave Savannah f q m., Wednesday, June 28. Special cars for white people, Fare for round trip, ' $2.50. 1 „ OHtnUlHt ( 4 “ r ( ' G. Brown has , peon nursing lame , footdur ing the-past a very week. While taking h heavy mattress off of a scaffold to the rear of the post-office, a thick plank fell across his foot, inflicting a most painful wound, We trust soon to see him with h ( >th feet on the ground again. Miss Margaret Oaf man Dew re¬ turned to .Jesup Monday, where she is teaching a flourishing class in vocal music. We understand that she secured a class cf ten po¬ l )iLs hfjre » wilt > prospects of se ver u ‘ more, which she will begin idling some time in Septem¬ ber. The Maureen Minstrel Co. com posed of , a number of the leading young men in the vicinity of Mau the near future. The boys practicing for some time and will no doubt give those who er Mr. D. M. ' Bush shipped from place to Cincinnati *n Friday a carload of canteloupescou- 865 crates. Mr. Bush has acres planted in this me.loi he hopes to realize a hand profit from the product His vines are looking and he will doubtless carloads" be aide ship several more be the season is over.