The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, July 06, 1899, Image 1

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THE TIMES-JOURNAL vol. 27- Local and Personal. Interesting Items About Your Friends and Aquain tances.—Matters in General. Mr. Branch Poer, of Empire, was here Tuesday. The Fourth was exceedingly quiet in Eastman. Justice I. H. Hall, of Rhine, was in the city Monday. Dr. Y. H. Morgan, of Cochran, was m Eastman Monday. Mr. J no. Griffin, of Scotland was iii the city Wednesday. Mr. Albert Curry visited his brother at Helena this week. Mr. Frank Ethridge, of Hawk insville, was in the city Monday. Mr. Hector Cameron of Macon, vi [sited his parents here Sunday Mi-. Alike D. Burch, of Cox, vis¬ ited relatives in our city Sun¬ day. Col. Means, of Hawkinsville attended the county court here on Monday. Mr. T. D. Fletcher, of Temper mice attended county court here . Alonday. Mr. J. Tom Aliller attended the 4th of July celebration at Lumber City Tuesday. Air. Nathan Cameron, of Cor dele, spent Friday and Saturday last with his parents here. Mrs. Park Harper returned home Tuesday from a visit of several days to her parents ii\ Atlanta. Aliss. Josie Burdick, of Macon, is visiting Air. and Airs. J.A. Harrell, Jr. She arrived Tuesday. Messrs. T. P. Willcox and B. H Harrell, of Central Point, were risitors to our town Alonday last. Judge Herrman tried a large number of cases at the quarterly session of county court here Mon day. Col. J. H. Tipton, a lawyer of Sylvania, was in this city J Alonday on professional ness. Little Aliss Pearl Clements, has befen visiting her sister, Mrs S. J. Stubbs, returned to her at Alamo Monday. Mr. George Powell, who been quite sick for the past weeks, some better at this we are glad to state. Air. Jno. W. Coffee, of and Jude Nat. Nicholson of ker, attended Judge court here Monday. Airs. E. H. Bacon is this week in Atlanta with daughter. Airs. A. R. Coleord. She went up Sunday night. Afrs. Annie Lee and Aliss Erma Sheldon, left for Lumber City, where they spend some time with relatives. Aliss Lizzie Leitcli entertained few of her friends in a most ant manner in the parlors of Hotel DeLeitcti on Friday last. Air. AL L. Burch and wne and Col. C. \V. Griffin and mother spending several days with and relatives at Arthur in rens county. Alisses Alariou and Alattie ans, who have been spending time with their sister. Airs. R. P. Gentry, Th returned to their home om as vi 11 e AI on d a y. Rev. AY. F. Strickland will liver sermons at the church m this place on next day at 11, a. m, and at invited. 5, p. The public is cordially Mr. Park Harper aiul Howard Asbbum and Fred erts are this week enjoying I asures of Sr. Simons, they return home Friday or Saturday, A number of our citizens ded the ball game at Cochran day in which brag teams of and Cochran crossed bats. pvon the game by a score of 17to Eastman Times Established 1S72 1 j Dodge County journal, 1SS3 Mr. J. B. Girardeau, of McRae, was in the city Sunday. Mrs. C. T. Latimer is visiting her sister, Mrs. \Y. A. Shank, at Dexter, Ga. Miss Estelle Harvard, of Una dilla, is visiting Mrs. \Y. II. Clem¬ ents, of our town. A goodly number of Eastman s young people attended divine servi¬ ces at Isham Spring Sunday. Air. John Wilcox has a new ad¬ vertisement in this issue. Don’t fail to read what he has to say. Read the new advertisement of Air. C. C. Burch in this issue. He is quoting some very low pri ces. Aliss Clara Latimer left on Thursday last for Fitzgerald. She will spend some time there with friends. Aliss Amie Harrell returned to her home in Cochran Monday, af¬ ter a pleasant visit of two weeks to Aliss Annie Alay Bohannon. Airs. S. II. Lowther left yester¬ day for McRae, where she will spend several days as the guest of Airs. C. B. Parker, at that place. Mrs. S. A. Foster and daugh¬ ter, Aliss Georgia, are visiting Airs. \Y. M. Morrison at Decatur, Ga. They will be away for several weeks. Aliss Nettie Griffin left Sunday night for Elijay, Ga., where she will spend two months with friends. We wish for her a most pleasant visit. A game of baseball was played on tin- East Cun n diam on d Sutur day afternoon between the teams of Eastman and (joss-loads, Eastman won the game, Alisses Janie and Pearl Camer on, two of Eastman s populai girls, left Ifiday for Opelika,A a , where they will remain unti. September visiting relatives. Air. AY. H. i, of Maureen, was m Saturday. H soutn-bomul „ left on the tram oi Cordeh ~ ’ ’ at which place ne will spend some time with relatives. Alisses Emma and Ida Grin stead, who have been some time here, the guests of Alisses Viena and Dora Burch, turned to their home in Dublin Alonday 7 . Airs. E. E. Hicks and children, Aliss Carrie Jane and Master Guy, after a visit of a few days to rela¬ tives and friends in Eastman, turned to their home in Dublin on luesday. Airs. Anna Horn, of ALn-on, has been spending some time with the family of Col. E. B. Alilner, left Saturday last for Full ward Springs, Ga., whew she will spend sometime. Col. E. D. Graham, a attorney of AIcRae, attended tv court in Eastman Alonday. Col. Graham has l>cen prominent- with ly mentioned in connection the Judgeship of the Oconee cir cuit. Air. R. B. Carnes, one of our efficient policemen, left Saturday night for a visit of two weeks to relatives in Florida. Air. L. AI. Peacock, Jr., is using the badge and club during Air. Carnes’ ab¬ sence. Giles Harvey, colored,^ who re¬ sides about 3 miles from Eastman, was convicted of carrying sentenced ed weapons and to $25 and costs or serve Ujnonths in 11 he cl, aing, mg, in the county here Monday. ThMoorP House, which has ^re conducted tile by Mr. A. B. for some ** is vacant, Mr. Moore np its management on Saturaay last. 2 u* »» s | residing with Air- McKinnon | the Methodist church. EASTMAN, GA., JULY 6 , 1899. Miss Olga McDuffie, of McRae, who lias been spending some time with friends at Empire' is now vis¬ iting the family of Mr. Matthew Clark, of our town. She will re¬ turn to her home at McRae Situr day. Mr. Henry Gentry and wife, and their daughter. Miss Cornelia, of Rhine, were in Eastman on Satur day last. Miss Cornelia left on the north-bound train for Atlanta, where she will remain with rein tives until this Fall. At a meeting of the board of ed¬ ucation Tuesday all the previous teacherH of tiu . Eastman Institute were re-elected except the princi¬ pal and music teacher. These two places will be tilled some time within the next week. Air. Raifoid Yunlandmgham is now night operator at the tele phone exchange.. Raiford is a pleasant accommodating young man, and we believe will fill this position with eminent satisfac¬ tion to all parties concerned. Avery and Ab Millian. of Atlan¬ ta, Ga., dealers in engines, boil¬ ers, saw mills, etc., are bidding for the patronage of the people of tins section through our columns. When you need anything in their line correspond with them. Mr. Jackson has been do¬ ing some splendid work in clea i i “ ing up our streets during the past few weeks. Mr. Jackson is an en¬ ergetic, industrious gentleman, and (ills his position with credit to himself and the town. The School building has been ’provided by the board of edu cation with a new bell. The bell is a fine piece of work and does full justice tothe bell maker’s art. The patrons of the school and the pupils are proud of the addition, Sol. Gen. J. F. DeLacy went up to Vljaptfi Aloudjy, w here In* join¬ ed Governor Candler and members of his staff on a visit to the Governor’s home at Gains viHe, Ga. They took in the 4th, of July celebratoin at Gainesville. Air. and Mrs. \Y. J. Radcliffe,of Fitzgerald, are receiving tip; con¬ gratulations of their friends upon i 1 "' r '‘ c0 "' then' " 1T home. ' vnl ” f "'""if'? Mre Had chile w r as formerly Miss Annie Burton, and is well known in Eastman. Rev. Louie B. Warren, of Macon, delivered an interest,,.,; sermon at the Bantist church here .Sunday evening last. Mr. Warren la a neph ew of Sir. E. H. Bar,......f town, and i was c!,apla i i n , ot , e il. the ■> •>_,) <1 to,, incline,, i,i,,,g ‘ . " American war. Air. F. P. Cotter, of AIcRae, spent Friday and Saturday last with his brother, Mr. W. H. Cot ter. at this place. Air. # is rapidly leavshis town mid that before long a street j ]nR w ill be established between AIcRae and Helena. „ • -• * M ( .RaVon profession business. \Ye learn that will permanently locate at that place in the near future. doctor is a splendid gentleman and an up-to-date dentist, and we wish him much success in his new home. Alessrs. I .--vis Ab-Rae Fiaher.ivho and Talfonl ,avH hem, in attendance at the technological school in Atlanta, are now at home to spend vaca tion. These are all bright ambi tious young men, iind we an* glad to learn that they have progre.-nec nicely in their studies Alaster AYillie Parkerson, who jj veg w j t *i his mother about six m jj e8 f rom Eastman, paid 0 jfi C e a visit on Saturday last, wili j e enjr.ys tbedistinetioa ofW Dodge county. H old, and pulls down the scales ^ 100 pounds, tU, being a s t while ago. He is a young felioW, and I u.ri f ; to" 5 become a great 8 big man Consolidatei. iSSS. Mayor Herrman’s Card. Spicy Reply to the Articles Recently Published by Doctor’s Rose and Clark. Times-Jouunal: Inasmuch as I deplore a newspaper forced controversy, • fbid myself to answer pub- two scurrilous articles that were lished m your issue two weeks ag« by Rose and ( lark, two sell opta¬ ionnted M. D.'s of this city, who have vainly attempted to defend their diagnosis in the cases of smallpox that have recently ap¬ peared in our mid’st; and also 1 i ) hold up before the people at large that the action of the town coun¬ cil of Eastman,—ot which 1 have the honor to be the head,—was wrong. I want to say in the be ginning that I was absent when said articles were published, and 1 now desire that the same iiberal itv extended to them bi> granted me; which I know you will do, as fairness demands it. In the first of the outbreak of this disease the council did not, as may truthfully be said, take the necessary precaution against the spread of the plague that should have been done, owing to the difference of opinion that pre¬ vailed among some of onr great diagnosticians, We, tlie council, brushed aside all of their opinions, and sent a message to the mayor of Savannah <o send I he best ex¬ pert that was in the city, without naming any one. Dr. Jarrell came in response to the telegram. This copartnership of M. DCs got upon their hind legs, and, from their long experi once (.’), attempted through the newspapers, to repudiate hrs diag nosis. They claim for themselves that they are so well equipped, on account of their • famihararity, without a single witness to sustain : them. f now propose to deal j with J.R. Rose, AI. I)., first . He claims to have passed through Europe, two epidemics in 1H70-7 ol 1. small* Ac- j pox in cording to his reputed age, which he has made 'public, tie was the same M. I)., at. >ight years old as he is now. This must have been a dream that came over his slum¬ bers while he was at Seville, <>r Central Point, where this dreadful disease was a plague to the whole country. 'I’llis is 1 hr first history Oils people, or any other people, have D heard T it caul I’? on what. I', o't? 1 h< - ' ''»ve to be good authority, that, while thi. dtetingurehod expert resided at t he places above men f,„ m anv "tl,iso,"any recognized school of medicine othereountry. The only right he has now to practice medicine is that given by a so-call j medical college in Atlanta, i vvhich granted the same after a '■> | months course. “'Medical Sri j how often thou art im , p 0get j U p (m l,y men who know you ! not—not even a litth* bit! I make ! this statement, not in a spirit of mulioe, but m answer to the al leged superior claim of knowledge ™ medical sconce which he Hon. D. M. Roberts, of town, attended the Jth ol celebration at Fitzgerald l uesday, j and read the declaration of inde pendence tor the occasion. The >» » f«« d ™*'*T “» 11 U «“»"* »<* the p r , declarat,on “'! d h? no donbt V*,^ rpres.-iitod of tie* colony cititeaa town m a I most impressive manner. Messrs. Lucas and Lumpkin, recently moved to our town and took charge of the electric i light and telephone systems, seem to be giving our people perfect satisfaction in the discharge of their duties. Their Bahts are al hoara and fee^w me hat nervo gog*. ^ ^ -- tnnMe They have made many among onr pi >ple, and trust 1 that they have found in Eastman ; a pleasant home. NO. 32. to himself. Now as to facts the outbreak of this dis¬ This same linn of Rose and made a bid to the council, to vaccinate all the color¬ people in the town for 50 cts. I want to ask the patient this question; Would any physician.who t bought thing of his opinion, for such small consideration, vaccinate a of people, contrary to his opinion? Why not give in a case where qui¬ is demanded? Answer, boys, you can. Dr. Clark, whom I will now up, did hid 25cts; and I sup¬ from the firm’s intimab re¬ underbid the town’s phy¬ and made it that priee, 1 suppose the linn agr-ed He. the said Clark, adv;.I of I he a ldermen, Mr. C. Jf. in the presents of t he to burn all tin* houses this disease existed; which was laughed at, on account his diagnosis, and for the fur¬ reason that he had stated to of onr prominent citizens, a that he could’nl tel) tin* disease was, and claimed opinion whatever. 1 do not. to defend my brother, .1. 1 >. Iferrman, in his opinion w hat this disease was, nor did council; nor does he ....... any for the reputulion that he in this county, in which In* lived nearly all of Ins life, and which he has been a practicing for tile past eighteen It is a strange fact that, when of these Doctors was critically he called m my brother—not Siamese twin—to restore him health, 11e was I lien as wise he is now. This same <hark. 1 rustingjy, 1 understood), framed tin* at upon my administration, sta to m-- t hul his Hininosi- t win not been through the mill was necessary for a doctor go, and, therefore, only pos¬ a theory of medicine, gath¬ from the text books, and not understand or compre¬ the nature of any disease. I have written this in ie> spirit anger, but simply to expose i he fraud that these Siam¬ twins want to foist upon an unsuspecting public, and be bene fitted thereby—their sole object being, to tear down and not to Query: Can these long experi physicians show any town city that has ever quarant iie-d chickenpox, which thy this disease was, and which they advised? Query to Dr. Clark: Wlr* did vaccinate yourself aqd charge town council for it? Respectfully, E. Hkkuma.v. ALivir. At the military meeting at tin* house on Friday evening the following temporary ofli were elected; Dr. J. B. Clark, captain; Air. C. C Burch, 1st Ih'iilenunt, nndCnl. C. W. Griffln, arc all Ijeuf....,,. up-to-dat- These iu military gent! omen i r and will at once take t f. q>s fully complete the organizu tion. Let our- people give them all the encouragement po.--:bl'-. Dr. \V. L. Jerkins, the eye-, far, nose and throat -peeialist who has been in our town for some turn . has d remain here awhile longer, : d will be ti JjLlVt , -• desiri it.-, t *rviC‘-i <* once. II-has «f d „p »f , uallv treat tin ■<* and f hroat. M. Jac >nr Tenui:. i v.