The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, July 27, 1899, Image 1

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VOL. 27- Or. Rose’s Reply to the Mayor. 4 Short , but Salty Article in Reply to Mayor herr man's Card of Three Weeks Ago. A LIK NAILED. Eastman, Ga., July 24, 1899. Georgia ia, Dodge county.—Clerk’s office, Superior court. I, J. C. Rawlins, clerk of the Superior court in and for said county of the same being a court of record, do certify that John R. Rose registered in this office as a practicing physician under diplo¬ ma granted by the American Med¬ ical College of St. Louis, Mo., da ted May 27th 1877; that said registration was made on the 11th day of Sept., 1893; that said J. R. Rose made affidavit as required bylaw by practicing physicians. I further certify that said J. R. Rose has made affidavit before me that said diploma was destroyed hv fire some years ago and that I have seen the diploma since then issued bv the same college and bearing the endorsement: “Dupli¬ cate, Original Burned;” aud that I have seen a certificate from the dean of said college as a further proof of Dr. Rose’s graduation, aud that he has fulfilled all the requirements as a legal practition¬ er of medicine. Given under my hand officially and the seal of said court affixed the day aud year above written. J. C. Rawlins, -Clerk, S. C. D. C. St. Louis, Mo., July 9th, 1899. Office of American Medical Col¬ lege, St. Louis Mo.—This certifies that Dr. John R. Rose is a gradu¬ ate of the American Medical Col¬ lege of St. Louis Mo., class 1877. E. Younkin, M. I). Dean. I Atlanta, Ga., July 7th, 1899. r Atlanta College of Physicians pud Surgeons.—This certifies that (Dr. J. R. Rose is a graduate of the school of which lam dean, class 18 ( .)6. The name of the school at that, time was “The At¬ lanta Medical College he is a member of the medical assooia Empire Kpworth League. The literary and business meet¬ ing of the Empire Epworth League tl s held at the residence of Mr. land Mrs. J. G. Coleman on the evening of the 21st inst. Devo¬ tional exercises were led by Rev. fe. E. Clements, and the business pneeting was presided over by the president with much dignity. pent [ We out used by the the program third vice recently presi¬ dent ['Down of the state league, entitled on the Hills of T’ang, and It was a success in every respect. pVe ture had two essays and a short book, lec¬ on different parts of the P'hich were very instructive and Intertaining. ‘Fanning The recitation, ■ translated the Grave,” a poem Irell from the Chinese, was [Thompson,*d by Miss Dona and Little Miss Winnie iilianis recited very sweetly “A Jttle Girl’s Lament,” Little iiss Aleen Peer pleased those •resent with several splendid reci at ions. ^ure Perhaps the most pleasant fea of the evening was a Chinese l**a, with a menu of tea, small Jakes, watermelon seed and pea puts, served two ways. We ob f f rved the Chinese custom as tar ; V rac tieable, and many courte w * r e ex : chan g pd Chinese fash Jh , e decorations consisted of l°vv ; draperies, , Japanese W sun no\vers and pot plants, e " ere * lad t° have as °nr ?i,i ... ■Jdren, . 8 of T Macon, * C - DiUnigsJea and Mrs. and J. • V ilkius and daughter, of e ' ?up. Our next meeting will be at the irn e of Mr. and Mrs J. H. Wil i ~<u you get a sample of Dr. Tiche. r r ' Antiseptic? if so, don’t throw ' I too good to be wasted. Try get hurt or have colic. It grouse 1 io its business quick. If not write Wed. Co; New Orleans, for «sample. THE TIMES-JOURNAL. Eastman Times Established iSp / Dodge County journal, 1SN3 j tion of Georgia and is in good standing so far as I have ever heard wherever he is known. He took a high stand in his class at graduation. Respectfully, W. S. Kendrick M. D. Dean. The above explains itself and requires no comment; at the re quest of my friends and bearing in mind Sam Jone’s remarks rela tive to fighting a skunk, I have declined a newspaper war or the gratification of just desire for re venge, feeling confident that the cowa'rdly assassin of character, the author of the slanderous lie, published in the Times-Journal some time ago who has for years been trying to stab me in the dark from behind the backs of relatives and friends, will get his just re¬ ward sooner or later even without help from me. I only wish to add that the American Medical College of St. Louis Mo., belongs to that class of high grade colleges that reduire four years of study before they will even grant a diploma, and that that “so-called” Medi ca 1 College of Atlanta, that gave me “the only legal right” I have to practice after “only three months study” is with but one or two exceptions the strongest med ical college in the south, and cer tainly the strongest Medical College in the state, having for its professors such men as Kendrick, Todd, Westmoreland, Calhoun, Hardon and others equally eminent. < I have been brought before the bar of public opinion as defendant to a malicious and charge and I am satisfied to let my case rest there, knowing that the decision of this court, is always just and according to evidence. Incidentally I wish to state that, as yet, I have seen no sign of smallpox in Dodge county. Very respectfully, Jno. It. Rose. Rev. Hamilton Kelly, Col. W. M. Clement’s efficient stenogra¬ pher and type-writer claims to be one of the directors of the new railroad. He directs the envel¬ opes. Mr. Thomas P. Bond, of Savan¬ nah, spent a day or two of week with his mother in Eastman. Tom has many friends here are glad to know he is doing well iu the Forest city. A game of base ball will played on the Eastman diamond this afternoon at 3 o’clock between the Eastman and Abbeville teams. Let all go out and see the boys play ball. They will interest you. Mrs. S. B. Stubbs returned ^ Horn . . to her . pareuts a visit a Alamo She was accompanied | ier sister, Miss Ada Clements, he f sistor-in-law, Mrs. J. M ^ who Wll] s P end da > TS here, Mr. J. H. Martin, of near Mc Rae, is now holding a responsible Lum position with the Eastman ber Co. Mr. Martin is a splendid gentleman and will no doubt give his employers perfect satisfaction. The General Annual meeting of ^^ Ebeuezer Primative Baptist Agsociation wiU be held at Pleas a]jt Hm church> Friday, Satur d alld Sunday next. This church is Sltu ate five miles north of Eastman qn the Eastman and Bethel clmrch road. The Eastman base-ball team was to have played Cochran on Friday, but the Cochran boys asked for a postponement until Tuesday. Monday our boys re ceived a message requesting them not to 8” J uesda T statl!i 7 ^ th " reason that some ot^ the Locnian club were sick. The Cochran hoys should wait until after the J sick • u Thu,. I hey Millie ill ho game to get , , v absolutely excusable then. EASTMAN, GA., JULY 27, 1899. A SENSATION AT WESTBROOK. Elijah Coleman Deserted his Family and Eloped With Mr*. Tindall. Somewhat of a sensation has been caused at Westbrook, Laurens county, by the simultaneous dis appearance of Elijah Coleman and a woman of ill repute by the name of Tindall. Coleman has for some time past been manager of Mr. Duggat. 's turpentine business at Westbrook and also filled the posi¬ tion of woods-rider. It is said that during the course of his du ties in the woods he often visited the home of Mrs. Tindall, who lived about three miles from West brook, and that their criminal in timacy had become the common talk of the neighborhood, It seems that Mr. Duggan be came disgusted with Coleman’s actions, and a few days ago suc ceeded in getting him out of the business. On Monday of last week Coleman left for parts unknown, and likewise Mrs. Tindall, each leaving their respective families behind. It is said' that Coleman left a wife and eight children m needy circumstances, whereas Mrs. Tindall ridded herself of a hus¬ band and seven children. Coleman was born and raised in Laurens county and until recently it is said that he bore a good repu tation. His wife is highly esteem ed by her neighbors and she lias the sympathy of the entire corn munity in her trouble, We are informed that Mrs. Tin dall has left her husband on pre vious occasions and that her rep utation is extremely bad, that of her husband being pretty much on a parity with hers. No attempt has ffeen made to apprehend the runaway couple. A Pleasant Day at Chester. Our senior visited Chester on Monday last and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Hancock, This voting couple have but re¬ cently cast their lot with the good people of Chester, where Mr. Han¬ cock is doing a thriving mercan¬ tile business. Mr. and Mrs. Han¬ cock are delightful entertainers and the writer will long remember the few hours spent in their hap¬ py home. Mr. DeLamar Turner, the genial depot agent at that place, who was temporarily domi¬ ciled with this family, interested us with some of his experiences as a wild goose hunter and his esca¬ pades as a soldier. Our old friend, Mr. John Williams, and others, also contributed to the days enjpyment. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Byrd were off on a visit to Vidalia, hence we were deprived the pleasure of seeing them. We hope however, ere long to again visit this pleasant village. A Chicken Thief. Mrs. Julia A. Smith, of our ci ty, had rather an exciting experi ence at her home on Monday night last. Soon after retiring, she heard some noise at her chick en house and arming herself with her gun, she hastened to the scene ot the trouble. Hie moon was gning crmsiderable light, though not shining brightly, ow ing to tha clouds, but she could no cause for the commotion among her feathered tribe. She returned to her room but soon thereafter, the noise began again and again taking make’ her gun she pro ceeded to a second search for, as she supposed, some chicken thief. Failing to discover any thing, she lighted a match and greatly to her surprise she beheld a huge ’possum only a few paces from her. demurely crouched in a corner. She immediately raised her gun, and the minced meat ot that ’possum onlv remained show how accurately she had ta ken aim. Moral.-It might lie far safer for a chicken thief visit some men’s chicken houses, than the chicken houses of some widows we might mention. Miss Annie May Bohannon has been spending some time with friends at Cochran, has returned to her home at this place. She reports a most pleasant visit. Consolidatcil Local and Persona / Items. Interesting Paragraphs About Your Friends and Ac¬ quaintances. Local happenings, etc. Mr. Howard Whiddon paid Kae a visit Saturday, Mr. Toombs Jackson, of spent Sunday with his parents Eastman. One of the large mules owned Mr. Steadman, of near Cox, last week. A railroad president now sides in Eastman, “Who’d thunk it?” Judge Jno. W. Bohannon down to Chauncey on official iness Tuesday. Misses Fay and Maud Peacock, of Cordele, are visiting Mrs. Park Harper, of our city. Two negro women, of Darktown engaged in a “cussin” and ing match Saturday night. Rev. J. T. Ryder attended the district conference which con¬ vened at Cochran Tuesday. Miss Rebecca Williams, of perance, is visiting her sister, W. T. Hargrove, of this place. Mr. W. C. Faireloth, a ous farmer of near our office a call on last day evening. Mr. J. .T. Mumford.of our town returned last week from an ded visit, to his son, Mr. Mumford, at Moultrie (»a., The barbershop recently ducted by Harrell & with Will Fayne, colored, us ber, has suspended business. Rev. D. F. Miles, of was in our city a short while day. He was enroute to t he trict conference at Cochran. Mr. W. E. Ilixoti of City,the efficient supervisor of division of the Southern was with Eastman friends day. Mr. W. E. Lucas has rooms from Mrs. J. C. Carr, the Baptist church, and he his family are now keeping at that place. Rev. Guyton Fisher and of Statesboro, are visiting Fisher’s mother at this Their many friends here were to see them again. The Eastman base-ball has organized for its summer paign, Abbeville, Dublin, and Cochran will be tackled challenges are accepted. Prof. W. N. Hurst, the elected principal of the Institute w hw-e this wwk mg arrauKements to more to OVM1 111 1 ' ‘ Mr. John James Harrell family and the family of Mr. P. Harrell left yesterday for diau Spring. V e wish for them pleasant stay. Eastman is having plenty ra i n now , but only a few 0 f the city, we learn that) | ltt je rain lias fallen, at this Wednesday noou. Miss Blanche Powell, of Eastman, who has been on an tended visit to relatives and friends at Macon and Cochran, turned home M odnesday. Xhe entertainment whlch j mve hewn given at t 1 m- audito rium on the night, of the 27tli ingt ? dedicatory to the new bell which has recently been installed jn the institute, has been post poued for a few days, ‘ Mr. V . H. Clements one of leading merchants lett for Atlanta, where he will attend the meeting of the Southern Mer Association. From ta he will go to New York at which place he says he will pur the finest stock of Fail and Winter merchandise ever brought to Eastman. 11“ was accompanied by Mr. R. L. Kinchen, a promi merchant.of Scotland. NO. 35- Master Homer Harrison is spend¬ ing a few days with relatives at Cochran. Cols. DeLacy, Chnnents, Milner and Wooten returned yesterday from Laurens Superior court. Cols. W. M. Clements and E. B. Milner went to Ilawkmsville on professional business Tuesday. Mr. M. Wynne attended the meet¬ ing of the Southern Merchant’s association in Atlanta this week. Miss Sarah K. Davis, an attrac¬ tive young lady of Atlanta, is vis¬ iting Mrs. W. M. Clements, of our town. Miss Clifford Harrison, who has been teaching in Montgomery county this year, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hargrove spent a part of last week with Mrs. Hargrove’s parents at Temperance Ga. Faith-cure Waller was in this place Friday hist. We do not know whether he was visiting or on business. Mrs. Jno. Buchan and daughter, Miss Fannie, of McRae, visited the family of Dr. Jeff Buchan hero this week. Mrs. W. II. .Johnson of our city and Mr W. J. Harrell and family of Chauncey are spending a few days at Cumberland. * Judge 1). M. Roberts, Solicitor J F. DeLacy, Cols. J. E. Wooten and J. Bishop attended Dublin court this week. Miss Grace Paul, of Eastman, arrived in the city yesterday and is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Gordon Jones.—Cordele Hornet. Mr. S. T. Rogers is preparing to open up a meat market and grocery store on the corner formely occu¬ pied by Harrell <fc Lowery’s barber simp. Mr. Herrman Harris and little brothel, Carrol, and sister, Miss Minnie, returned Friday from a three week’s visit to relatives at Sandersville. Mr. Wink Mozo, who has for the past several months been liv¬ ing with his uncle in Texas, lias returned to bis home at William’s mill. Mr. Lovick Clements and Miss Victoria Browning, of Town.,were united in marriage one day lust week Mr. Clements i yt a nephew of Mr. W. II. C , of our town. Mr . ch4g . Winkler has added er „ hi , a lr«,tly up to-date shop, and is now prepared to serve his friends and customers a little more promptly. Call m and get yourself “slicked up.” Th{J niont hly social and business meeting of the Eastman Kpworth League will lie held at the resi¬ deuce of Col. and Mrs. W.M. Clements on Frida v eveing next, A most pleasant evening is nntiei p tt ted. Remember the services at the Baptist church this (Thursday) evening at 8 ' o’clock, which will j conducted by Rev. Morgan Drown of the primitive Baptist H><tvcb. All are invit-d " ll '* Owing to the absence of the pastor, Rev. J. C. Urewton, who will be in attendance upon the Missionary Rally at Macedonia 1 church, there will hw no preach : ing at the Baptist church here ! next Sunday Me are authorized . to announce that Rev. Morgan Brown, of I y Ga., will preach at the Bap tist church, in this city to-night (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. Mr. Brown is a prominent minister of the Primative Baptist church and his sermon will no doubt be inter eating. All are cordially invited to heui him.