The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, August 31, 1899, Image 1

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THE TIMES-JOURNA L VOL. 27. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ OPR^ONAi } L^unm^iiu ITEMS. ♦ ^^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^) r1 G eo Bright, of McRae, was m town Tuesday. Mr W. \V. Ashburnof Atlanta a rnved in the city yesterday. Miss Florence Conner, of Ailey, Ga-, is visiting Mrs. Jno. Wall. Mr,O. A. Gentry, of McRae, spent Sunday in the city with rel¬ atives. Mr. Clinton Fletcher, of Helena, spent a day or two of this week iu our-city. Misses EtheJ and Mabel Wynne returned Monday from a visit to relatives at Cochran. Shenff J- C. Rogers and Clerk J. 0 . Rawlins visited Fitzgerald on business this week. Messrs. Charlie Winkler aud Max Newman took in the excursion to Savannah this week. Mrs. W. F. Strickland and baby returned Friday from an extended visit to friends at LaGrange. Hon. J.. F. DeLacv left yesterday afternoon on a professional visit to Dublin. He will return home Saturday. J)r. J. R. Sewell, of Erastus Ga., Franklin county has been prospecting in our towui for the past week with a view to locating here. Mr. A. B. Moore is building a set of new lots and stables for the Eastman Lumber Co., out at the end of their road fifteen mileg from town.. Mr and Mrs. J. B. Cameron and little daughter. Birdie,return «4 Sunday night from Indian Bpring where they spent last week in pleasure and recreation. Dr. S. A. Foster returned Mon day night from a three days’ visit to his wife and daughter at Deca tur, Ga., at which place Mrs. Fos ter is spending several weeks. Mr. L. Moore, better known as Dry Kiln Moore, and wife of Cor dele, are guests of the Hotel De Leitch. Their many friends here will be delighted to see them. Mr. W. N. Leiteh and son, Mr. Arthur Leiteh, returned Monday night from an extended visit to Hot Springs, Ark., and other fa mens health resorts,. Mr. Leiteh is much improved m health. Mrs. W. R. Hall and children are spending this week at Indian Spring, Mr. Hall accompanied them to that place Sunday night aud returned Monday. We trust their stay will prove both benefi cial and pleasant. Mr. Charles W. Phelps, an old time printer and newspaper man, assisted us in the mechanical de partment a portion of the week, as we were ru«died by a change of location as well as job work. Mr. Lawrence King is spending some time with his father, Mr. J. 1 ). King, of our town. Air. King has recently moved his Bottling works from Baxley, Ga., to Chip ley, Fla., and is now conducting ins business at that place. Prof. R. J. Strozier and two little boys, Cosby and Ruble, visi ted Eastman and Amoskeag the past week. Prof. Strozier is pres ident of the South Georgia Col lege and is one of the finest educa tors 111 Georgia " ‘ ’ Messrs. J. S. Ciwry and \\. r M Page left Tuesday morning fur Lnadilla, at which place Mr. Page will engage in the sewing machine business, he having accepted the cuine agency of the Singer Sewing M wish Company abundant for Dooly county. in e him success his new field of labor. Miss Jimmie Pipkin and little sister, Miss Pearl, have returned to their home at Birmingham, Ala., after a pleasant visit of sev eral we.eks to relatives in this They were the guests of the fain ilies of Hon. J. W. Bohannon and Air. John Harrell. Eastman Times Established 1S72 / Dodge County iocrxal, 1SS3 i Mr. G. G. Montford, of Butler, the efficient cotton buyer, "'ho spent last season in our town, 9 again here, making a bid for Dodge county’s cotton crop. Mr. Jon f s ’ cottoa buyer of Macon ’ is also Here. Mr. Jno. A. Harrell, Jr., has accepted a position in the mercan tile establishment of Mr. W. H. Clements. Mr..Harrell » asplen did salesman and a most excellent gentleman, and his friends and customers will receive honest treatment at his hands. Mrs. B. L. Harrell left Satur day for Lyons, to which place she was summoned Abb by her brother, Rev. Harris, to attend the wif„iL°Lrhn, bedside of his 1 little i;;'m.. bov b0 ii” Hilton Hli: roll returned Tuesday and reports the badv better. The following Eastman boys visited . Cochran on Friday last and remained over till Saturday: Cliff Whiddon, Will Branom, Ho mer Harrison, Mike Burch, ’ Herr man „ „ miner Jamw 1 CmTy,CltLT- pi,_ tnce M hidden, Hamilton Sapp, Will Skelton, ’ Broadus Brewtou , T j r> u Misses Gertrude nnd Barnie Woodard, of 1 ierce county, are visiting Eastman their old home, greatly to the delight ot their ma nytilends nv friends here, here The the former t im 1 is i. ^ r«.-r to lThdBohiumon t ™ 8 W ‘ th M ‘ S " “snei rionannon. A Personal Letter. Have you read or heard of the immense stock of goods down at \V. H. Clements’ big store on the corner. If you have not seen that store since Mr. Clements returned from the greatest market of Arner ica, New York, you have missed seeing the best selected stock of merchandise of every description you ever saw in a town the size ot Eastman. Mr. Clements says New York is full of bargains of all kinds and that he bought his big store full. So, now, he is happy and you will be just as happy as he if you will visit his store and buy some of the many bargains he is selling. Mr. Clements assures the trad ing public that they can not val¬ get as much goods of the same ue elsewhere as he will give for the same money. You, of course, have not forgotten that Mr. Clem¬ ents bought out the shoe store last year, and is keeping the largest and best line of shoes to be found anywhere in this section of Geor¬ gia. He says that he still has on hand a few shoes that were in the (shoe store) stock that he is sell¬ ing at actual first cost, Can you miss getting some of the bargains? All Mr. Clements asks of any fair minded iftm is to call and inspect I” 9 big stock of Drygoods No tions, bruits, »,nits, mt 1 . ens i Boys1; Hats for units and I A adie8 ’ df .*'V s ’ V' ' lllfJ1 b j Handkerchiefs, Neckwear. v Ho¬ j siery, etc. Groceries, cotton seed meal and hul ] g) haV) | )ran . 0 ats an< } corn. The nicest canned syr U p y OU eV er ate, just as fresh as j wheD fl rst made. tell We of have all not the g p acG you good things Mr. Clements ^ has for you. I will advise you to go and see for yourself. He buys cotton and will pay you a good price for all you bring him. **** Death , ;——-~—~ of Mrs. Alice Chase A J lce Chase, wife of Mr. j j W. H. Chase, died very suddenly at her home near Chester on Mon ; d ay, supposedly from heart dis ea8e _ She was stricken while J ; h us band was away from home and dlR( j before he could return. The J burial took place Tuesday morning p) 0 ’ c i 0ck . Kj Mrs. Chase was a daughter of r g atn q Nicholson, and had been married twice, her first 1 baud being Mr. J. J. Rogers, a brother of Mrs. C. W. Rawlins, of : our town, who died a few' year^ <»go. She was 3 < years of age aiui leaves a husband and six children to mourn the loss of vile and mother. We extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family, EASTMAN, GA., AUGUST 31, 1899. LOCAL MEN r\TTiAM iUlN. ♦ 1 ♦ t ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Mrs. E. Hill is suffering this ! week from an attack of malarial fever. fT ai- yr rtr “Tk _ T with fete ‘ , ic his ' ve trust for her „ sneedv ivcoverv . . Bring . me your cotton and get highest-market price. B. L. Har n 'IL proprietor Eastman Cotton Yard ‘ Mr. J. M. Jackson keeps a sup ply °f D'esh watermelons 011 ice. When you want a cool and lucious melon call on him. Every hale „f cotton y ou brin, to the Eastman Cotton Yard will receivemy Harreii, personal attention. B. proprietor. Miss Lula Murrell entertained a number of her friends at a social entertainment, Tuesdav evening 7 ]) luMty "3 refreshment>ver ICUKSUIIIKIIW were serveu »erved and all present enjoyed an evening ot rare pleasure. j-M. .. Jackson T . will be glad , to have your standing orders for ice. He is always prepared to acconi modate you in this line. ^ Taylor the t e nhotograoher pnot „rapn r, ■ calls .. vour attention to the fact - t j iat w jjj ()e jn Kastman onlv f-aymitcdfimc.mHlmvi^yiiu >^ dolifl. '"Three" photograph! w< f or 25 cents Dr. J. M. McGee, who was mov¬ ed to this place from McRae about two weeks ago on account of his illness, is still confinedtohis bed. He now has the constant atten¬ tion of Ins wife, and we trust that, he will soon begin to improve. There will be a game of ball played on the diamond at this place this afternoon beginning at J o’clock between the 3 rd nine of Cochran and the 3 rd nine of East¬ man. bets all go out and watch the boys play ball. Mr. James Harrison has accept¬ ed a position with the Electrical Engineering Co., of Charlotte,and will leave tomorrow for Rock Hill S. C., where he goes to install a 400 horse power light plant for the above company.—Winston Eve¬ ning Journal. The Eastman Lumber Co’s., tram engine ran over a cow while going through .Mr. Hiram Sapp’s place Monday, as a consequence of whicn two cars were derailed, being thrown over into the field. The damage was soon repaired however, and the engine was bring¬ ing in its regular loads Tuesday. An effort is at present being made among the members of the Methodist church here to secure the necessary funds for thorough¬ ly repairing the church building and we are glad to note that the movement is meeting with very favorable success. It is to be hop¬ ed that all the necessary repairs will be completed before the win¬ ter months arrive. Mr. A. P. Harrell, of Amoskeag, happened to the paiuful tune, on last Monday, of sticking one corner of his chop-ax in his knee> or nit j ier j U8t below the i knee-cap,while splitting a piece of hickor „ Dr. T. J. Buchan stitch ,.d and dressed the wound audit is hoped ^ that Mr. Harrell will suf I fer grea t inconvenience from : the accident . j Rogers, j Sheriff J. C. and son, Jesse, assisted by Marshals Fair and Carnes raided a den of negro gamblers on Sunday afternoon m the branch just above the old academy. There were nine of these miscreants safely lodged in jail, but they were all released on Monday morning for want of suffi cient evidence to convict, before Judge Herrman of the county court. It is to be hoped that these officials will not in the least relax then eicugies in not- only suppressing this crime among the negroe.-?, but, ai-o among any otmu class that may be guilty of the same or similar crimes Consolidated iSSS* 1 have rented the Eastman cot ton yard for this season and will weigh and stun- your cotton for 25 cents per bale. B. I,. Harrell, proprietor. The ranks of our correspondents are becoming rather thin. Brace up, kind friends, and send us the news. Wp are trying to let the know cvoryll.inR that is h n '’ pf ...... * uui ,lwd you1 ' n8 ‘ sistance. . We learn that Miss Margaret Oat man Dew, who was tendered the position as teacher of vocal music in the Eastman Institute for the ensuing year, has resigned l ‘iat position. Mrs. B. J. Brown,of Toombsboro, Ga., has rented the commodious t... .tnrr ho». of K. .Ml........ aud ' Vl11 °P en a hrst class board J' 1g 5 ° U8e on the 10 th of Sept. ^ Brown a liberal patronage A||y: M who'desire to J loin the shoo, 1 " • 1 S“ l " , b mentioned , m one o f our recent, issues, will please call nnd register their names with Mr. J. 1 B. i> King ivincnt at the the jewelry iewelrv store. store Every lady should know howto handle, ffre-arms and tins is a splendid opportunity to learn. Mr. J. W. Tripp brought to our office on Saturday last the finest J‘ llk , ot . hUgar-uihe f have hav< seen 8 we \\< sun this season. It measured six feet *&£?£ variety and Mr. Tripp says he lias about one acre 111 cane and it is 111 1 o Bicycles Civen Away: 1 am offering one new high grade bi*y cle in every comity in Georgia for a little pleasant work. No one has taken up the work in Dodge county nor m the adjoining coun¬ ties. Any boy or girl, lady or gentleman, can easily do the work. Write at once. J. E Smith, Mon ticello, Fla. Harrv Harrell, an aged colored man who resided out near the riv¬ er, about 12 miles from Eastman, dropped dead on last Frida '. Harry was an old-time slavery ne¬ gro and belonged to Mr. Wm. Har¬ rell, deceased, in slavery days. Appoplexy is said to have produced his death. Mr. D. M. Bush has had one of Sikes’ Red Ripper hay presses out on the farm this week packing oat straw hay. Mr. Bush says he nor any of the men employed by him had ever operated one before, but that they easily packed 15 bales per hour. Call at his store and see sample bale of hay. We had occasion this week to visit the Eastman ginnery and grist mill while it was running in full blast,which is a regular thing at present, and we venture the as¬ sertion that there is not a more up-to-date establishment in South Georgia. All a man has to do there, is to drive his wagon under a suction pipe, which readily car¬ ries the cotton into the gin, and then bust le around to the platform to get the bale as it rolls out of the press, and it is all done before you could Hkm a cat, so to speak. A bushel of fine meal is delivered in like manner if you have provided the miller with the necessary amount of corn. 7*---- .. Mr M K howen narrowly , e- caped with Ins life on Saturday af ?, e rn ?? n Ja ? fc a ! tJ ‘? s \ oa ra 8a ' v * . hl8 brother, S. D. r bowmu , on the Ocmulgee river W hile engaged at his work Ins foot be came entangled in some way.with the shafting and then his but fortunately he caught hold of a post with both arms and held to it with a death-like grip until ev ery particle of* clothing was torn from his body, His presence ot mind in holding on to the post was the only thing that saved him from a horrible death. His arms were painfully bruised and other alight injuries to portions of his limbs but fortunately he was not seriously injured. Mr. Bcnven is me of Dodge county’s best citi¬ zens and he has thw hearty coii y ratulat ions of his many friends m his narrow escape. NO. 41. : COUNTY NEWS. : ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦+++++++4 I « Dempsey Dots. Mrs. Dodd and two daughters, Miss Elsie and Mrs. Rosa Bennett, ’ ot Macon, are the guests of Mrs. Garner Mercer this week. Mr. David Guldens and sister, Miss AI lie, spent Saturday and Sunday with their sister, Mrs. \Y. H. I’ruitt, of this place. Mrs. Mary Pruitt returned homo last 1 hursdav, after spending sev era 1 weeks with relatives and friends in Laurens and Wilkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lord, of this place, are visiting relatives in Wilkinson this week. Miss Geneva Anthony is visit¬ ing relatives in Worth. Mr. Ken Sawyers left, for his home at Ochwalkee last Monday. Mrs. Oma Woodward and child¬ ren, after spending two months with relatives, returned to her home at Fargo last Thursday. Mrs James Buchan left last Thursday for Fargo, her future home. Mr. Jack Woodard returned to Ochwaikee last Saturday. Mrs. Ben Fordham, of near Givsstoi , is visiting relatives in Laurens this week. Mr. Hugh Bailey, of Adrian, is at his father’s, at this place, very sick with malarial fever. Mr. Mingie Bailey’s three child¬ ren that have been very sick with fever, we are glad to say, uremuch better. Mrs. J. T. Nicholson, who was very sick two or three days last week, we are glad to say, is much better. Mr. T. J. Mumford, of Greston, is suffering from a carbuncle. 5 . 5 .— 14 , IHaurcfii Mention. We are now having some fall weather, whiaji is very much ap¬ preciated after so much sultry weather we have had recently. Messrs. Ben Jessup and Joe Payne, of Montrose, spent last, Sunday here with the former’s pa¬ rents. Miss Vienna Burch, one of East man’s most attractive young la¬ dies, spent last Saturday and Sun¬ day here, the guest of her uncle, Mr. 1 ). A. Burch. Mr. Ed J. Fausett, of Younker, attended church at Middh-ground last Sunday. Come again, Mr. Ed. when you can stay longer. Mr. C. C. Burch, with Miss Lil¬ lie Powell, ot Eastman, attended services at Middleground Sunday, taking dinnerat Mr. I). A. Burch’s and ret urning Sunday afternoon. Mr. Owen Proctor, witli his charming sister, Miss Beatrice, of Bluewater, are visiting at. this place, the guests of Mr. A. M. Jessup’s family. The efficient pastor, lh-v. J. T. , a . . , , * mi T a8818 ^ , e< W J- A. Clark, I ! H carrying on a protracted meet ,,,t? " '* ' - 8 here. It is hoped tllat nnirh g,,od will be aecom P ,f ‘ f L vviin-h w" are sure of, un¬ " r zeu,ous wor kers as these. J.V, , ™ ^membered that R ev. Uark aviated in the protracted meeting lu re a month ago, and , much good was the result of his »>any eloquent s-nnons, for which t he people ought to feel very grate fui mdeed j Mrs. W. B. Jessup and children ! «p«nt last week at Kewanee. with her si-tor. Mrs. Jane pope. Mrs. Robt. Wilcox, of McRae. and jg vi.-iting her parents, Mr. Mrs. D. A Burch, at this place, Mr. John Burch, of Eastman attended divine services at Middle ' grouud, Sunday, Come again. .John, We arc- more than glad 1 see you. Miss Nettie Burch, a very char ming young lady, ot Eastman, is visiting relatives and friend« at j tl 1 r place. Miss Nettie was our i z. ;i<*nt teacher here last year, is a score of friends who are more than glad to l u. r. 1 I and u. f*