The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, September 07, 1899, Image 1

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k . uLd H in I C-H o (—H rrd V- •*! ..... VOL. 27. **♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ X ♦ PFRSONAL . ITEMS. X ♦ ♦ $♦❖♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ** Col. J. Bishop went to , \ r . lenna on business Tuesday. Mr. Nathan Cameron spent Sunday with his parents here. Mr. W. H. Cotter made a flying trip to McRae Friday on busi ness. Col. David C. McLennan, of Mc attended , 1 . here Kae, county court Monday. Messrs R. H. Kelly and C. G. Horn paid Rhine a business visit Tuesday. Mr. J. T. Dent spent several ] ; vs of this week in Atlanta on b "“' sness Mrs. W R. „ Hall „ ,, and , children .... returned Saturday from their stay at Indian Spring/ Mr. , Bob ,, , Paul ,, , has , returned , .e an extended visit to relatives in North Georgia. Mr. Jno. Caldwell and wife are spending several days with rel¬ atives in Dublin. Mr. S. J. Stubbs went up to At¬ lanta Saturday night and spent Sunday in that city. Mr. Escholl Graham, Esq., of McRae, Ga., spent a portion of Tuesday in the city. Hon. Jno. A. Wooten, of Spring Hill, spent a day or two of this week with relatives here. Mr. B. \Y. Burch, of Helena, visited his brother, Mr. M. L. Burch,at this place Monday. Mrs. Willie Wood and little son Lowther, of near Eastman, visited friends in Cochran last week. Little Misses Cora and Esther Page have jeturnod from an Wrights- extea ded visit to relatives at ville Mr. John W. Clements, of A la mo spent a few days of the past week with his daugnter, Mrs, S. Stubbs. Kincheu, ot _ „ . Miss Sallie *-c.o - land, sjient a few-daysot last week with her sister, Mrs. W . H. ( ‘ em cuts. Mr. and Mrs. D. Y\ - '* (*av< j i turned Wednesday from an ex tended visit to relatives in Laurens county. Mrs. A. L. Mnmford and dren.of Albany,Ga..are visiting the family of Mr. J. J. Mumford, our town. Miss Lois Little,of Jessup, spent zz part of the past week with r. isters, Mrs. B. T. Rogers and Miss Nina Little. Mrs. Preston Clements and lit¬ tle son, of Scotland, returned home Tuesday from an extended visit to Mr. and Mrs. A\ . H. ents. Miss Irene Edwards, who has been spending some tune with friends and relatives in our town, returned to her home at Butler Fla., Tuesday. Victoria Tf Ale MclXr Yrthurand son DmvmS seveml days of this week with H M r - vre (wimr’B nine’ b-otbe- Rev J . . 1 , this I ‘ • Mrs. W. T. Hargrove is ing this week with her r ipt and 3Irs. J. W. Williams, at Temperance. Mr. Hargrove went down with her Sunday and turned Monday } Mr. B. D. Woodard, of county.spent He Sunday accompanied in by his returned Monday, little daughter. Barney, nas , been spending several da _ T s here with friends. Mr. WVvman Strotlif-r, of »y,i. spending a few dnvs with uncle Dr will E H Racon of tow,, Ho leave sometime this week for Columbus, and will make hia future home with an cle who resides there He is a -on of Mrs W JV Strother sad death occurred lastspring trom meningetis Eastman Times Established iSp j Dodge County journal, 1 SS 3 | Capt, .T. B. Mitchell, and neph ew, Mr. V. 0. Mitchell, of Hawk 'nsville, spent a day or two of last week with Capt, Mitchell’s daugh ter, Mrs. W. B. Daniel, of our town. Next Sunday „ , .... Rev. Strickiand’s morning is W. F. regular ap pointment at the Presbyterian church. His subject will be the “Millennium.” Every one is cor dially invited, Miss Etna Peacock left ihis week for McDonough, where she goes to teach a class in music this year, Mi ss Peacock is a very fine musi ciau and her selection was a wise one. Miss Mollie Knowles,of this city, is now the efficient book-keeper and cotton weigher of Mr. W. F. Harrell, at Harrell’s warehouse. Miss Knowles fills the position with much credit. Mrs. B. J. Brown, of Toomsboro, Ga., a practical hotel lady has taken charge b of the boarding house nd hotel of Mr R D Gentry, ftnd p r0 p OBe s to run an up-to-date place. We welcome Mrs. Brown to our town, Miss Rebecca Williams left Sun¬ day for Missler, at which place she will teach a fall term of school. Miss Williams is a splendid young woman, and her services as teach¬ er will no doubt prove entirely Satisfactory. Mr. Sammie VanLandingham left today for Scotland, where be has accepted a position as clerk in the store of his uncle Mr. J. L. Kemp. Sammie is a bright boy an( j we wish him much success in iff*, new position. Mrs. C. G. Brown is off o.i a ^bree week’s visit to friends and Natives at Stockbridge, Atlanta, other points. She will also spend awhile at Indian Spriug be iore iraUirniu#. We w ioi a pleasant stay. Mr. AT. Wynne, one of the foremost merchants of this section, left Monday for New A. ork City, "'here he will purchase at. im¬ mense stock of Fall and Winter goods. Mr. Wynne always has b>a.rg;a.ins, and he proposes to offer eater va ] ues ( 0 pj s customers fall than ever before, Rev. Wo J, Foy spent a flay or 0 f tins we<*k with his brother in .i aw M r. Jonah Anderson, at this place. Mr. Foy is represent¬ ing a splendid Methodist magazine secured a number of sub¬ scribers here. Miss Marie Bennett, of Hawk¬ insville, spent a few days of the past week here, the guest of her triend, Miss Mabel Rogers. She returned home Tuesday, accom panied by Miss Rogers and Miss Lois Little, who will spend several days at her home. Rev. Abb Harris, Har hv. of l.vonr. Mr. ris sistei, Mis. L. L. Hair 11. o this place. Mr Harris Wl1 H turn to Lyons the latter part. this week, but his wife will remain here some time. We aregla< to ous on^Hno” Illness was report a n t columns ast J veek ’ lS 1 ‘ prOTed,nheaH Mrs. Jno. W. Clements, vrho has been spending some time Mrs. at ll 1 he l^me of her daughter. s. J. Stubbs, of our city, returned to her home at Alamo Tuesday. She was accompanied bv her little grand-son, Sydney Stubbs, Jr.. who will remain with her until Mrs. Stubbs returns from ! where she is spending some time under the treatment of Dr. Holmes. Piddle Speaking. We are requested , to , announce and that jTou. C. H. Jordan ( , rs w jj] address the people of Dodge comity in Eastman tomor row Sept, the Mb. Mr. Jo-dan is abroad in the land doing good ser vices for his state in promoting our farming interest. We hope to have Hon. Pope Brown u. also, and we promise the people who attend a good time. The ladies are especially invited to attend. EASTMAN, GA., SEPTEMBER 7* >899. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ l LOCAL . ^ _ . _ MENTION, ,, ♦ t X X Y <►<*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦❖<> T It rumored , that matrimonial , • , . . is excitement in this city has not yet run its course, Messrs. Frank Burch and S un uel Currie, of Arther,were in East man Monday last. Master Jno. Harrell, little son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Harrell, is quite sick with fever. “ ftud Mrg H M IIanooek and Mr. DeLamar Turner, all of Chester, visited Eastman friends the past week, M.« Mary Joe T He.d > • , • still .-u .s se . ,Uhl ™ > 1 1 m:1,iri " ' " “ earuently trust that she may soon he restored to health. A . n „ m | ipp n f vmmer > kl nennle I en joyed an evening of rare pleasure at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Dent, on Friday evening last. Ihere are several , cases of , mala- , rialfever in this city ding country, t here is some cause for this and it should be removed. Sheriff Rogers’s sales for this month occurred promptly day morning. Thev were not as lively as is usually the case. Only a few sales occurred Hon. W F. Harrell is suffering with a carbuncle on the back of his neck this week. It is a paii - ful disease and we trust that it has already done its worst. Masters Fred and Austin Wynne captured a fine o’possum in their father’s barn Wednesday morning. The said varmint was makingh is usual depredations upon what he could find of an eatable nature. rpj lft ‘ Times Journal j iob office i ltts t ho contrac fe r printing Insti- 1,000 ( »iitalogues for the Kastman tute. These catalogues will be out in a few days, and will be an attrac tive representative of this splendid school _____,. SALE.—1 he HciipOon . .. FOR sii book and entire outfit of the Poulan News and Jinmigiant, published at Poulan, Ga. \\ ill go atabargiu. Apply to Mrs. Mary E. Burch, Eastman, Ga. G. W. Taylor the photographer, calls your attention to the tact that lie will be in Eastman only for a month longer,and invites y< u to call at, once and have your work done. Three photographs for 25 cents. In our last issue we stated that Mr. W. H Cotter was offering chances at $50.00 in gold to all parties who paid thier guano notes before October 15th. The date should have been October 1st in¬ stead of t he 15th. F0 R SAi.E-bet of land Xo. 2 3H in the Uth district of Dojllf. adjoining lauds of ilrs. Barrens and ot tiers, on C-ypre.-s crwk Two horse farm cleaml . thereon. Cheap for cash Apply to D. M. Bush, Eastman, ra. Mi*** Morv and Kiln Cnlhnnn, r!itTord Harrison and Sarah Tav bt b.Vlf'ft J,:,,,, Sunday night for Athens, .,. .v. v -it! 1 under Capt. S. I). Nor mal gchoo i j iradwell These are all bright ladies, and we wish for a ino st pleasant and pfofita e tenn ftt C(R j 'y farmer, . ^amp-on i.\e- - '.'j,out'-even ll * ironi u il io^ t } v "' u • ^ _ '.. ‘ ^ ' '‘ helms a Inood n'v, he raised thirty three hogs,all born r , within eleven months rh ^ R three farrows of these pigs, 12,11.10. If any one can beat this T, Ha we would * uu,u be s glad to hear from 1,im . * A pleasant entertainment was given at the home of Sir. ami Mrs. H. T. Roger- on Monday «ve„mg last complimentary to Mi-s I/>i« Tattle, of Jessup, and-lies Marie Bennett, of Hawkrjisvtlle. A large crowd was t.« . and every one spent the timr 1.1 J m „, t enjovahle manner. Ta-ty refreshments were served tn the most approved style. Consoli.i ited iSSS. Mr. .1. I. Rogers brought us on Tuesday morning one of the finest stalks of cane we have yet seen this season. It had 11 well ma fared joints, and measured five feet and two inches. This cane was grown by Mr. J. If. Dykes on Mr. Roger’s place. Mr. Dykes has fully an acre of this kind of cane, and has a splendid crop of other products, The little four months-old Iiabv of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Eair died on Monday night last. Mal-Nutri tion was the cause of its death. Dr. Jno. B. Clark attended the little surt’erer and administered every possible moans of relief. Th remains were carried to Cochran Ga., Tuesday for interrment. The bereaved parents have our sincere sympathy. A Happy Marriage. On Sunday morning last at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Adams, about six miles from Samlersville, Mr. J. Hal Roberts, of this place, and Mjss Anmp c> A(lilIlls wero hapm , uitt , d 1U marriage, Rev. Mr. p ark of Sandersv. 1 le, officiating, Tho marriaKf . was a V t ry quiet affair, only the immediate mem hers of the family being present, except Mr. Hector Cameron, who accompanied the groom from Ma¬ con. Mr. Roberts is the oldest son of Judge D. M. Roberts, and is one ot our foremost young busi¬ ness men, holding a responsible ; position with the Merchants & Farmer’s Bank, a1 tins place, and is greatly admired by a large mini |j er (> f friends for hi- honest aeterand noble disposition. ill Mrs. Roberts is well known Kastman, having spent a w hile at this pluce with her aunt, Mrs. Julia A. Smith, and is a most excellent young woman who pos sesses many teminiiu- graces, and who has the 1 rioiidshi}) uml host wishes of an extended circle hot h here and at her previous home, Mr. and Mrs. Robeits ai<‘ bonrdmg with Judge Roberts and family for the present. yV'e extend hearty congratula | lonS) and wish for them an alnm ( t arR share of the pleasures of life, A Personal better. Have you read or heard of the immense stock of goods down at W. H. Clements’ big store on the corner. If you have not seen that store since Mr. Clements returned from the greatest market of Amor ica, New Yohk, you have missed seeing the best selected stock of merchandise of every description you ever saw in a town the size of Eastman. Mr Clemont, «aye New York i. lullol bargamH ol all kiiids aud that he bought his big store full. So, now, Ik* is happy and you will be just as happy as he if you will * > '.K"'"’" M tin. trad j, ” R) jj c t j iat they can not get much of tin* same val M h( . wilJ iy<5 fwr |)h . ^ course, have not forgotten that Mr. rut. out tin. «ho- »U,r,- In-t year, and is keeping the largest and best line of sho-s to he found ' ii has on hand a few shoes that were in the (shoe store, stock that Ik- i- sell ing at actual first cost, Canyon miss getting some of the hi A. 11 Mr. Clements asks of any fair oiinded man is to call and inspect ],j g big stock of Drygoods, tions. Fruits, Suits, both Men’ and Boys’; Hats for Gents and * Linen, Lad| Xebk Tah |e Handkerchiefs, wear, 1 In¬ siery, . etc. i’ !roceries, col ton seed meal and hulls, hay, bran, oats and corn. The nice-t canned ^vr up you'ever ate, just as fresh as when first made. We have not the space to toll you of nil the „ d thn^s Mr. < has for 1 wall advise you to go and for yourself. He I, ttys cotton will pay yon a good price for yon firing ! ■ —— Country produce of all subsenp-1 kind, tn payment of NO. 42. J J ♦ COUNTY NEWS. 1 From Han tins. Crops of all kinds 'vill fall con¬ siderably short this year, and 1 fear that short crops and low pri¬ ces will leave the farmers in pret¬ ty bad shape, but let us strive to make our meat and bread. There is a good deal ot sickness in our locality, and tin* “Faith” doctors and medical doctors art* kept busy visiting the sick, The administering of some, and most especially the former, is of no avail. Messrs. Fuqua and Kelly, the famous cross tit* men, have aband¬ oned cutting pine ties, and have moved up on the Ocmulgee river, near Hawkinsville, and are at present engaged in cutting oak tieH. They have secured t lie ser¬ vice's of Mr. A. L. Harris, of this place, to supervise the work, and he now comes home only once a week. He reports a hot time in the river swamp, which lie says is infested with red bugs, ticks, yel¬ low jackets, rattlesnakes, etc. JuDSOX. Maurerii Mention. Cotton picking is the order of the day. 'The local showers we are now receiving are very much appreeiu ted. Mr. D. A. Burch visited East m;in '* “ :i y - Mr. Idas Jessup spent last Sun day at Montrose, Miss Carrie and Master Henry Burch, of Eastman, spent last Wednesday night here m route ii. Dublin, where they will spend about two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Graham, ol Moutroso <U s | )(j nt hist W odnogriav Mrs. hero the guests of Mr. and A. M. Jessup. Mr. and Mrs. Gra¬ ham are old acquaintances and we were glad to see them again. The meeting at Middleground closed on Tuesday of last week. 'The membership was increased t hree. We are glad to state that Mr. O-car Griffon is able to be out again. I and u. lonnker Items, Mr. Dodge Moore visited our vicinity this week buying cotton, Mr. J. P. Watson visited us week. Mr. Willie Young and wife, . K alin;n s, visited Younker, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hancock. Ml .. j. F „„ n made n trip Koel.olle, reUin,ing this ‘’ J; Lufus ,, .. . oik - and , Mi>,s ,|lu 11 BP marrmilattlKi !)<•»( Il hue a K ai,i , ieiM rnunity and clniumd for his own one among the best of women our vicinity, Mrs. Alice She died very sudden last She had started t ve learn | n.nt Inni Rot „ ... Mr. Nicholsons, her hrotner, and was ' stricken down and lived but an Chaise the vicinity h lost neighbor, the hus<. aU a, a nind >!< voted wife, and the children, of which there are ix. a loving teu Have our sympat by. We are shipping a good d*-al of cotton from here to Hawkinsville and Dublin, The enlargement of the store at tin- plac<* js in progress and will soon beeoinpleti-d. Then Mr. Watson will keep everything that the farming cla.-- ol people need. Mr. Pat b Rawlins lias opened up a lemonade, ice, cider and so¬ da water store, and is prepared to furnish the people with cool re* A' 11 " 1 ' drjufc , Wo are informed that Mrs. Lu n» Caves, who Ur - in the vtctm " ! and ^eaws bav< s a .. brnlrn Im-lai d. t«o ami a host of founds to her loss, Aeoth E Cary.