The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, September 14, 1899, Image 1

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VOL. 27. j PERSONAL ITEMS. | Mr. Joe Williams is quite sick with fever. Col. J- Bishop visited McRae on badness yesterday, Air. Charlie Atwill visited Chauncey last M-omday. Col. B. M. Frizzelle, of McRae, •was here on business Tuesday. Mr. Joe Masaheim of Hawldne Tille. is visiting relatives in out city. Mr. DeLamar Turner, of Ches¬ ter, spent Sunday with friends in our town. Mr. Jesee Rogers and John Hurch visited Hawk in.Sevil le on Sunday last. Miss Matt tie Noles is spending this week with relatives and friends at Chauncey. Miss Floyd, of Empire, is spend¬ ing some time in our city under the treatment of Dr. J. D. Herr man. Mr. Hmner Scarborough, of Dublin, *s on an extended visit to his sister, Mrs. F. H. Burch, of our city. Miss Mabel Rogers returned home Tuesday after a weeks visit to her friend, 'Miss MarieIBennette, at Hawkinsville Ga. Miss Gertrude Woodard, who has been spending sometime here with relatives, returned to her home In Pierce county ‘Saturday. Little Miss Rosebud Garrett, of Godwhfisville, spent a few days of this week in the city with her lit \h friend, Miss 'Emmie Lee Har Tell. Little Miss Mary Stone Taylor returned to her home in Macon Saturday, after a pleasant to Little Miss Emmie Lee of our city. Little Miss 'Maggie Lee who has been spending the past week with relatives at Gres ton lias returned to her home near town. Miss Annie Whiddon returned Mondcy from an extended-visit to relatives in Laurens and Johnson counties. Her many friends are delighted to have her at home a Jilin. Rev. W. K. Methvin, of Bender, Ga., visited his son. Air. C. M. Methvin, here this week. He was accompanied -Miss by his -daughter, Julia, w ho will remain here and attend school. Messrs. John F. Mozo, W. L. Jessup, L. L. Stubbs, Mack WaJL and Charlie Armstrong, went to Daniels mill on the river today, and they are well equiped for a eoorl tim« Miss L&ura Harrell, of West nr °ok, and Misses Anna and Lei¬ la Cadwell, of near Eastman, left 011 here Friday last for Athens, Ga., w mal they entered the State Nor¬ school. Misses Janie and Pearl Caneeron w ho have been spending their cation with relatives in Mobile and Opelika, Ala., returned to air borne at this place Saturday -C'-rning 'dr much to the delight of i; many friends.. Mrs. J. A. Smith and Master Dudley, who have been spending ^veral ashmgton weeks with relatives etui m i , i - county, l net Wl;H!'\ hu, ^’ aC< ir Panl r *■ * i - D - aadAifjert Adara3 G Macon, Mii- Florence C. Horn, of Han a o -Mo., has been elected a teaeh- 7“ the the place Eastman of Mrs. Lillian T. O ?'«H, whose resignation was sent i lil seme time ago Mi«s Horn ra s C position 11 the an applicant. for the regular election of teachers, ion. stood an excellent examina •°mmendered being also very highly re- no! i°uht * and she will i°n prove a valuable acquisi- i | to the already splendid corps 1 fc , 8»cli0rs.« ‘ THE TIMES-JOURNAL Eastman Times Established 1S73 1 Dodge County journal, 1SS3 { EASTMAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Attendance 1 b The History of the Schools is Expected. Eastman Ga.,Sept, 12th 1899.— ^ Times-Journal:—The fall of the public schools of East¬ Mill open next. Monday the 18th inst. I sincerely hope there be such an attendance as there never been before. Compe¬ teachers have been employed, curriculum or standard has been raised so that there is not a or college in this section of state where students can ob¬ a bettor all round education fit them for the duties of life, the expense of obtaining such education is practically noth¬ ing. I do not know of another school in Wire Grass Georgia where a good education can be had at such small cost. The people should not lose such an opportu¬ nity. It seems to me it would be almost cmniual tor parents to al¬ low their children to grow up m ignorance in the face of such op¬ portunities. There is absolutely no reason or excuse for not giving to the children of this communi¬ ty the benefits of an education that will enable them to stand their ground with any in the land in the conflicts and struggles of life. We have at our very a school that is second to none in this section and I hope to see it filled to its utmost capacity and even running over so that it will be necessary to enlarge fhe facil¬ ities. Those who avail themselves of it he advantages now offered will occaupy the front seatts in the af¬ fairs of the world, and those who do not will many aiad many a time in future life lodk hack with sore regret upon their lost oppor tu ^ t Ies - he parents of , RaSteaan , should . a not give thei* children any cauge to chicle them in for j mv i ng neglected to place vvhere they will not have to be hewers of wood and drawers water for t ne cnildre:.: of parents, Such will be the case their educational into-rests negiected. in the A word conclusion as to boys. At the Institute last term the attendance of girls was in excess of the attendance of boys. Why was this so? I be¬ lieve in educating the (girls, but 1 certainly do not believe in neg¬ lecting tlie education of the boys, Up®n them, soouer or k>ter, must chiefly devolve the care.and sup¬ port of families and the mainte nance and preservation of the government, It is impossible therefore, to over estimate the im¬ portance of preparing them for these duties. Every boy an East mau who is old enough -ought, bv all .. means to , , be in • . , and on j I t 'they, as well as the gi - WJ pu iele ' ’ Jas. Bishop, Jr., President Eastman Board ot Edu cation. toft on Receipts. Following is the number of bales <ff cotton received at the different warehouses up to W edaes day evening at I o’clock: B. L Harrell, tod; Peacock & Carr, off 1 .'; Warehouse, 379; ,.r vj, Farmers Good Harrell, ‘082. Total , 1 < 14. Middling Messrs. Max Wall and C. G. Horn are now engaged in inanufac turing what is known as photographs. These photo r aphs are burned on white china p'-ates and a glass placed over the iet ure the rim of the plate ing a very pretty frame, It is there is no chance for the pic ‘ ' dou bt J do a lucrative busi S8 They i U visit a number * f other ,V towns . ' L m t u; , -, ipt ; on . - - • Mr. Jno, W. Coffee, of near died very suddenly Wednes afternoon. He was a promt man of his section and his is sincerely regretted by a number of frieuds. He yours of Bgo* '*\N, OA., SEPTEMBER 14. i»99- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ I LOCAL MENTION. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ Miss Carrie and Mr. Jim Sapp are quite sick with fever. Rev. R. D. Gentry is conduct¬ ing a protracted meeting at God winsville this week. Mr. E. II. Lucas and family are now boarding with Mrs. Brown at the Gentry hotel. Little Jno. B. Harrell is still quite sick with fever. We trust soon to see him out again. Miss Carrie Burch, and brother, Henry, have returned from a two weeks visit to relatives at Dub¬ lin, School opens at the Eastman Institute on Monday next. Buy your school books from Jno. Wil¬ cox. Mr. Wesley Rogers, of our town, has accepted the contract of put¬ ting up the mill of Mr. Geo. Pow¬ ell, near Dexter. Hon. W. F. Harrell, who has been suffering with a carbuncle on his neck, is able to be at his place of business again. We are glad to announce Miss Marv Joe Reid who has been suffering for some time with ma¬ larial fever, is much improved. The business of Mr Tige man was closed last week by or¬ der of the town council, he failed to pay the necessary license fee. Miss Mittie Harrell, who has been very sick with fever, is now able to be up again, much to the delight of her many friends. Jno. Wilcox was appointed the Board of education to sell the ,<)o1 , hooka , this . . 111 county, Ho can supply your demands m thl8 llLie - We learn that a large pile lumber belonging to Mr. Yauncey, and also about 500 els of fence belonging to Mr. J. Coffee were destroyed by fire on Tuesday afternoon last. Mr I). A. Sheffield resigned position at Herruiaii’s on the 1st of this month, and now engaged in the commission and life insurance business. Mr. Sheffield is a hustler, and we dict for him abundant success. Marshals Fair and Carnes ted Sol Nance and another called ‘Poor Joe’ on Sunday ternoon for attempting to into a colored woman’s house urday night. They were Monday morning upon the ment of a $'2.50 fine. Mr. R. . L Pruitt who lives three miles above town, us on Saturday a stalk of gar cane measuring « feet and inches in length, and having joints. It was the finest we seen this year. Every parent t m this section . should read the articles m this sue in regard to the Eastman stitute. This is one of the schools in bouth Georgia and of exceptional adtantages. If shlmld receive a splendid patron age from all over this section. The Maureen Minstrel Compa nywill give an entertainment at the opera house in Eastman on Tuesday night next, and those vrho desire to spend an evening of interest and fun should by all means attend. The boys will give you a program full of spice variety that will highly tain. General admission, 2o cts, Children, 15 cts. fi Mr. Willie Brauom, of near Eastman, picked 309 last pounds of c°Uon on Friday and Mr. Benme the’same Lord picked 305 pounds day. They rested one hour at dinner. The cotton was picked on the place of Mr. E. Pruitt, and he certifies to the weights. The boys are adout 16 or 17 years of age, and their re at cotton picking would be mighty hard to beat. Consolidated 1SS8. Mr. W. M. Howard and wife, Scriven county, visited Mrs. How¬ ard’s father, Mr. 8. H. Lowther, and Mr. Howard’s brother, Mr. D. A. Howard, of our town last week. On Sunday the 3rd inst ., at Mc Neel's Chappel Baptist church, near Longview, this county, Mr. N. Harris Buchannon was ordain¬ ed as a minister of the gospel, by Revs. J. C Carr and O. Clark. Don’t fail to read the new Ads. in this issue. Jno. Wilcox, M. Wynne and C. C. Burch are call¬ ing your special attention to the man y bargains that are to be had at their store. Rev. \V r .K. Mumford, of the Industrial home at Macon, Ga., delivered a splendid Sunday sermon at the Baptist church night in the interest of his ilisti tution. He received about for the benefit of his institution. Misses Sarah and Mildred \\ il liugham, of Albany, are visiting th<> family of Dr. E. H. Bacon. Their little brother, Witvbow, who lives with Dr. Bacon and family, is quite sick with fever, and they came m response to a telegram announcing his illness. Little llortense, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Curry, died on Tuesday morning at 5 o’clock, alter a ling, img ill ness ot several weeks caused *\ teething. The devoted have our sincerost sympathy in their deep sorrow. Mr. W. II. Thompson, of Ttigl wood, was in town Monday and informed us he killed a snake in his lot last week which possesod 7 rattles and a button. A negro on his place said, however, t hat one was killed in Telfair ty which possesed 5 rattles and 7 buttons. It is supposed that snake had on a vest. Rev. J. L. D. Hillyer, ot Atlan¬ ta, will preach at the Methodist church on the 20th inst., and it is hoped that a large Mr. will be present to hear him. Hillyer is making a tour of state in the interest of tion, and his discourse will be doubt both interesting and ficial. Rev. M. A. Morgan has been ap¬ pointed presiding elder of this district, to till the vacancy caused by the death of Rev. II. Stubbs. Mr. Morgan is a prominent minis¬ ter in the South Georgia Confer¬ ence, and has been this year sta¬ tioned at Brunswick. He will no doubt fill the position with honor to ihe church. Mr A. 11. Harrell, wh > resides about 12 miles from Eastman, was in our town Tuesday, accom pamed by his two daughters, and *' hza ’ Springs, Ga., at which ? la ™ th * tw ? « irls m the state deaf and dumb asy lum. These two young ladies were deaf and dumb from their birth, and they were placed in the institute at Cave Springs in order that they might receive the proper education. - - - ■ Frsw OUWens. Mrg . D q- j, ykf!S ai „j ch ,1d, are quite sirk with malarial Mrs. D. T. Giddens is also quite sick. All are improving at this writing. ?*Ir. J. B. Giddens attended the association at Oak Grove on Sat urday and Sunday last, a large number of delegates {lf . sed th rough here enroute to y ie association. A number of st0 pped over here and spent ^ Jn ^, K The Giddens and , T> Le-niv-base , ■ . ball teams will cross bats at the Ocmulgee diamond next .Saturday p. m., the 1.8th inst. Let a crowd turn out and give the boys a cheer. There will be singing at the home of Mr. R. Peacock on Sun day next. Dummv. NO. 43. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«*+++*+«* COUNTY NEWS. :: Items From Godwiiisville. Miss Mae Bonds left. Friday morning last for quite an exteti sive visit to friends and relatives in Gwinett county. We wish for her quite a pleasant visit. Mr. Charlie Atw ill, of Eastman, was in our village Monday last,. Call again Charlie we are always glad to see you. Miss Lillian Harrell ami Mr. Mathyas Burch, of Isham Spring, attended church here Sunday. Mr. Charlie Wish art, of Dado City, Fla., is the guest of his rel¬ atives and many friends at this place. Mr. Ada Wrve, of Empire, is the guest of Mr. Walter Harrell this week. Mr. Love Rogers, of near Kast¬ man, was the guest of his grand¬ father, Mr. G. B. Rogers, last Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Bond is quite ill this week with billions fever. Wo h* pe for her a speedy recovery. Mr. G. B. Rogers has been quite ill several weeks with chills and fever. We are glad to see him out. again. Little Miss Rosebud Garrett, is spending this week wit li her friend, Miss Emmie Lee Harrell, at Kast man. Mr. P. S. Hargrove has been suffering from an ale-ess on bin foot. We are glad to state he in some In-t ter. Messrs. J. W. Wall and John Mozo, of Eastman, passed through here Sunday afternoon. Judge E. llerrmtiii and family, of Eastman, were the guests of M rs. Wnvig Sunday. Quite a number of people, of Poplar Spring, attended church here last Sunday. The Methodist are carrying on an interesting protracted meeting here conducted by Rev. R. D. Gentry, of Eastman. Mr.Gentry is being assisted by Revs. R. II. Kelly, of Eastman, E. E. Clem¬ ents, of Empire, and Rev. Mr. Hines, of Helena. All are cor dially invited to attend. Mjnnkhaha. . From ftaalitis. Mr. Henry Howell, of Danville, is visiting relatives at, this nlace. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tripp, of Younker, visited us Sunday. There was no preaching at Beth¬ el Sunday last owing 1o the illness of the pastor, Rev. E. W. Evans. Mrs. 8. G. Howell is very sick, m fact, at this writing she i.s at the point of death. We hope for her a speedy recovery. Sickness continues to a consid¬ erable extent. There was very near a negro kiIljIlg at M r . C. M. Rozar’s gin nerv u few days ago. in which one (Ie3COndunt of } I)Uru knock*! anothor une of tlie dupk y in < | K! head with a crowbar,knocking j nm gflI1Sf ,; ' ( . s8 f,, r ,mjte a wliile illflictin(? a vorv U gi * v and paint‘,.1 wound wn the h( . ad 0 f the negro no ^ Mrs. Sarah Landiford is visi t ig her son, Mr. J. J. Landiford a C+ <Chester. Indications are pointing favora¬ ble for a matrimonial wave to strike our town pretty soon. . Mr. Editor, I see some of your n-spondenl- speak in lavor <>f democratic primaries. I will say byalliri'-ans lh * candidate i--f- who have is primaru-. afraid of f ^ -i’T. ll ceuai/ ' "’ • °t worthy of heir ? n 1 support,and ^ wW M man’s country and why should no t the white man govern and con troll the same, a Jl the wav from district Bailiff to the president <>f the United States. I am willing to treat, the colored matt right and respect him as he respects him -elf. I am m favor of democralic primaries first, last and for ail times. Judsoa.