The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, September 28, 1899, Image 1

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THE TIMES-JOURN VOL. 27. ▼ '* ' f? | PERSONAL ITEMS. ^ | + Mr. Milton Jesup made a trip to Macon Saturday. Mr. C. C. Burch went up to Macon on business Tuesday. Mr. Henry Herrman visited Scotland on business Tuesday. Mr. J. T. McLean, of McRae, was here Tuesday and Wednes day. y[ r W\ J. Nicholson, of . irpr paid ps a ploasmit/ call Mon day. Mr. Homer Rogers has accepted a position in the store of Mr. J. D. Page. Mr. Oscar Bohannon is now be¬ hind the counters of U. Anderson & Son. Mr.-1. R. Bennett, of Jopup. S p -at » few ‘lays of this week m our city. Mrs. B. 0. Pharr, of McRae, visited her mother in Eastman this week. Sheriff J. G- Rogers went to Fitzgerald on business Tuesday. He will return to-day. Mr. Milton Sapp, of Juliette, spent Monday and Tuesday with his parents in Eastman. Prof. W. F. Peacock, of Dublin, spent a few days o f the past week with relatives m the city. Miss Ruth Curry, of Chauncey, is spending some time with her brother, Mr. L. M. Curry, of our town. Mr. John Griffin, of Scotland, spent a day or two of last week with his mother and brother at this place. Mrs. B. T. Burch and two of her children have been right sick for several days but are improving at this writing. Mrs. J. S. Gurry and little son, Walter, are spending a while with her sister, Mrs. E. C. Baynard, in Birmingham, Ala. Mr. Joe Manheim returned to his home in Hawkinsville Thurs¬ day, after a visit of several days to relatives in ’Eastman. .Miss Nettie Burch is spending some time with her friend, Mrs. Lucius Roebuck, nee Miss Lola Jessup, at Richwood, Ga. .Miss ... May Bingham, ot r>. Brim swick Ga.. who^has been spending several dayfi with Mrs. L. ul. Cur ry. returned to her home yestm l dy - Mrs. W. 8. VatiLandingham has been confined to her bed for sevei al days with rheumatism, We trust that she may soon be up iigiiin. Messrs. Eddie Bacon, Talford Fisher and Lewis McRae have re¬ turned to Atlanta to resume their studies in the technological school. Mr. Toombs Jackson, of Hele¬ na, spent Sundavwith his parents in our city. Toombs is now a studeut of the South Georgia Col lege. Mr. Dixie Mozo, of Crawford. Fla., spent the past week with his step-mother at the mill. He was summoned home on account of the serious illness of his <-T Mrs. A. B. Way, the vocal mu sic and elocution teacher of the Eastman Institute,,arrived Satu day and assumed charge of her du- 110*4 Monday morning, She is al- 80 getting up a class in stenogra¬ phy. Rev. W. F. Strickland, wife and baby will leave Friday for Dublin, at which place on Sunday morn¬ ing the baby will be baptized aim dedicated to the Lord according to the customs of the Presbyterian church. He is a bright, handsome little • fellow about four or five months old, and we trust that as he grows to maturity he may nev *r depart from the way in which he is so early being trained. Eastman Times Established iS-a ) Dodgk County jouknai, iSiq} ACCIDENT RESULTED IN DEATH. *r.Wink Mozo. Whose Serious Ill. juries Were Chronicled In our Last Issue Died Saturday Night. Mr. \\ ink Mozo, who was so se¬ riously injured on Saturday, the 10th inst., while coupling cars on the Eastman Lumber Go’s tram road, an account of which was given in our last issue, died on Saturday night last at 11:25 o’clock, just one week and a few hours after the tenable accident occurred. All deaths by accident are pe culiarly sad and this one was no pxcpption Ibout to tlio tuIp ' Mr AI 070 was 17 years of age, just merging into manhood life* and two weeks ago was full of and vi gor, apparently with the promise of manyyears to come, aud being of a jovial pleasant disposition, was doubtless jollier than any of his companions. He had never professed religion. Mdwajt. member of any church, bat before hta"r ami we trust that the omnipotent God of Mercy heard and answered his humble prayers. The funeral services were con ducted at the Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 3:110 o’clock bv Revs. J. C. Brewton and J. T Ryder, both -if whom delivered short, but earnest and appealing talks over the bier of the dead von n<t man Rev W. A. Moreau led the nravor which was an ear nest, anneal' to Hod for merev unon Die nntimhe livhm v lio too would soon mss wVw o- 1 -ave The church ei-nwded to overflowiiH- with the friends and relatives of the younc man who had come to oav the dead* last tribute of respect to the Messrs Cox Wall, Oscar and Ed Bohannon, Will Whiddon, John Burch and Edgar Rogers acted as pall bearers. After the funeral somces were over the body was laid to rest in Wood lawn cemetery by the side ot ibis father, who preceded, him 'about ten months ago. Mr. Amos Johnson went to Cordele Monday to attend the funeral of his grandmother, Mrs. Mary E. Edwards, whose death curred at that place Sunday noon at 4 o’clock. Mrs. Edwards visited her daughter. Mrs. at this place, some time ago, and was then in quite feeble health. The Epworth held League the anniversa- Methodist ry will be at (J j lurc j 1 OI1 Sunday evening next. The.league members will partic j pate q^the song exercises and |, ( V j ,p Ryder will deliver a special sermon on the league and its work. Every one is cordially invited to attend. Misses Mary and Ella Calhoun, who went to Athens a few weeks ago to attend the Normal school, returned home Tuesday on account of the severe illness ot . . alv ■ Mrs. Calhoun went up J 7t con Monday and came do w n l lU - 111 Tuesday morning. Miss Calhoun is is still still ouite quite sicr., out w< rus that her sickness wiL not •» o. lotg duration. We paid Mr. Wesley Rogers, < )f near town, a visit one afternoon last week, and were hospitably en¬ tertained for a short while i.^ aim and his pleasant wife. Mr. ra '3 showed us his corn iield.-> and his ’nog crop, wi h are xcept ion ally tine; wild.' 11 tS pr pec to op li les are lit. lives ; lo, entirely a >;ue. med a ; the expre= •on go' ? aud to he surroum led with an auce. We are always pba ?d to have < lad “ s vi3iS " ur W ‘ IiC 'i ,>Ut ‘"li that none ot them who do so feel slighted if they are a not mvj ted into the parlor. This adjunct to our establishment went with away it long, long ago, carrying a fire poker and our best uef printing office towel, which had ’ j learned to take steps. It is impossible and to recover this stray property, we hope that the lades and" will un¬ derstand the situation look wi t h an eye of chanty upon circumstances. EASTMAN, GA., SEPTEMBER 28, 1899. | ^ $ LOCAL MENTION, J t £ Mr. J. D. Page is quite sick this week Mr. J C. Hunt, oi Williams mill is very sick with malarial ^ ever - Little Bennie Harrell, Jr., is quite sick with fever. We trust that he may soon recover. , Annie Maude,UielittledauRhter, 0 f Mr and Mrs W F Harrell fever! i s confined to her bed with *ev. M A. Morgan the newly !l PP ()lu ted presiding^lder, prpaeh ed two excellent sermons at the Methodist church bunday. Mr. James Curry is now tend ing to Mr. John Bohannon’s fruit stand. Jim is a good hoy and will treat his customers right. Mastor Hill Carry ', has .bant recoveml f ,,„„ , s|)el , )f sick „ c8 ,, aml g agmn at h,s poetofd„,y M " 4 g l ly i during mf. ! f his sickness. .',', 1 'l,!,, ,, ' Judge Herrman requests us to announce that onaccount of other business the county court will not ! he held on the first Monday in Oct I oiier.bufc that the regularOctoher j session will be held on the 2nd Monday “ instead. Mr. Harry Ilirsch . is at his •. ! now old l )ost ’ "' nh tho Herrman Phar :nacy Co - Harry is a clever young ! inan a,1(i il!l9 1:iany friends here I Nvll ° fir< ’ glad to S,M * llim resuipe I hl8 former P° 81tl0n ‘ 1 ' FOR SALE.—The subscription book and entire outfit of the j Poulan News and Immigrant, published at Poulan, Ga. Will go ; at a bargiu Apply to Mrs. Mary ! E. Burch, Eastman, Ga. * We loam Mr. Ed Burch, of ; uear t own> w ho recently enlisted j u t |ie p. g. army, has been |condition, j c [ liirg ed on aud account that of he his will physical return to Eastman in a few days. His many friends will be glad to see | him back. The services of night man at the artesian well have been dis | cont inued, but the pump will he until 10 o’clock by the reflo¬ far clay man. It is hoped this arrangement will furnish pbmtv of water to supply tlm t <m n. Miss Nettie Burch, of East man, passed through Cordele Jenroute for a visit to relatives at ] Eastman, Hichwood.—Dr. passed T. through J. Key,* ■ j day enroute to Moultrie.—Rev. R. j ID. Gentry, of Eastman, passed through yesterday enroute to ,amore.—Cordele Call, Sept. 22. j vVq are requerf ted to announce j j thafc tlj0 e i ect j <)n 0 f two aldermen whioh was to have taken place on , October 3rd, to fill the vacancies caused hv the resignations of al {] ^. mon q n p eaC oek and W. 8. Waite,will vv , vlJi not 1IW , be held on .... account 0 (- ^j ie that tin- resignations oL TthdV.x those gentlemen have been j NV wn. Master Wright Darnel, while .handling a small pistol Tuesday • cc on taliy discharged 1 t lw ing tbroug.'i ni> j * )I ».**r, nu u •" br; a Lhc H'oain is <d. but not dai ‘ r u j I tl { no • In Mr. W. T. Howard, of Rhinf j lest ■) r JjU in Jjaper money sumo | p,Sy ia Eastman Friday, sup ne« A . F. Harrell’s ■varen or Harrell & Lowery s store. The money consisted of a $20.00 bill aud si $5.00 bill, one corner having been torn off of t In $5.00 bill. Mr. Howard had brought a bale of cotton to town md the $25.00 is what he received for it. The loss falls very heavily m him, and v.e trust that he may succeed in recovering the which he offers a re- Consol: luted iSSS* A HOLD W’lHJLARY. , j Theives Entered Dr. Ro#*“’s Drug Store On Sunday p. in. Last. Some time on Sunday afternoon ! llist tlliev< ‘ g entered the drug store I of Dr. J. R. Hose and stole tnere I from a box of cigars and about ^(*,50 m money from t he cash reg ister< T |, e entrance was effected between the bars of the hack wiu dow and this established the fact that the the thelt was committed by a very small hoy, although it » .» thought that an elder person in9t, gnted the crinn . J i uu*s, a small n T'lJro n< j?ro m 00 i> Un 'IZ \\u to he an ail-round rogue, but there was at first no clue as to the m stigator of the deed. It was found, after a little inquiry, that pretty ^ oni * iad freely been in spending the negto change shops, and this gave further evidence of his guilt. In tin' meantime . no. j ^ \‘ {;! “[ ‘frJS^th” chS'” Jhanfftar j ''.rn,i«l. „ „ m h „ „, ls pretty so °" af, " r wl,,ch tlicyming 1 '"TO “ S "Iso cai>tur« d. At first neither would confess anything. but upon close questioning loin confessed that John had squeezed hliu * mn, - h 9° w,,ul T b ? M ‘If waited on the outside tor the hooty - of the money was recovered ami a part ot die ci K a ™- criminals carried . . The . . . two wore before Judge Herrman Monday m0 rning, and John Adams was ro turn(ld to t i„, c h a ingang for t welve mou ths. Tom Pinos, on account of his youthful age, was released. This however, is the fourth or fifth time Tom has been caught steal ing, and unless he mends his ways something will have to he done with him pretty soon. -— - The two weeks old baby of Mr. and Mrs S. T. Rogers died j M ednes< have ay morning, sympathy. m •><.>! ea\ei parents our J. M. Jackson’s ice wagon will hereafter make only one trip per day over the town. All parties heretofore receiving ice twice a day will have to lay in their full supply on t ho morning t rip. Dr. and Mrs. J. I). Herrman left Sunday for New York to at tend the Dewey reception in that city. They will return home in about two weeks. \Vo trust, that their trip will be a most pleasant one. Mr. W. B. Daniels loft. Mon day with his wife and baby boy for points in North Georgia. The j jpboy has been quite sick for HOm< , time and the change in cli I man*, it is hoped,will greatly lien efit him. Miss Mollie Ragland, an expert milliner and lmt trimmer of At¬ lanta, lias* accepted u position B. in the millinery business of Mrs. T. Rogers for the Fall and Win¬ ter season, She arrived in our city Tuesday. G. W. Taylor, the pner, has only a short while to re main in Eastman. Call and have your pictures made at once. Work in every respect. I small photos, 2> cents, Ollier work at the most reasonable pri CCS. Don’t delay. | The dedicatory services of j Presbyterian church at Dublin j WJ jj beltl on Sunday morning j next at that place. Rev. R. R. White, of first elm: •on, will z 1. liver t e deuicatqry rtnon and ‘C r- (• sermons ea h day dur f in S following we* at the j evening service Sunday R . W.F. j Strickland, of Eastman, the will church, he stalled as pastor of new All who would like t *, att' :ul are most cordially invited. .Millinery Oje a'irg. You are invited to attend my ! Fall and Winter >ening of Pat tern hats, Fine Feathers and oth or articles found in a first class Millmerv Store on 1 lie 2nd firci aud 1th of October. Mil-. F. E. Carnes. NO. 45- l COUNTY 5 ^ .... NEWS. ♦ YOCNKEH ITEMS, William Weston, n Worthy Neirr* Shot at Dexter, Dentil Resulting. Mr. H. M. Hancock and buly, of Chester, visited Mr. Z. C. Han¬ cock and familv last Sunday. Miss Lillie Powell, of Eastman, visited us this week. Mr. D. T. Douglas and family, paid Cochran a visit this week. Mr. \\ . R. Brown went to llawk insville and returned Saturday. Mr. .1. P. Watson, of Hawkins ville, was over hero this week. The fanners are busy gathering the remainder of their cotton. Some have about finished and turned in their stock t > pasture. There was an abundance of cotton shipped from hero this week. There is a great deal of sickness in our community at this time, such as chills and lever. There are but few families that are all well. hast Sunday then' was an .-in¬ cur ion ot the colored people to a hl " mt ‘ otmR nt !) “f or ’, nnd many went trom this place. While ,n Dexter acolored man Horn this place by the name m W.llmni " "* Uw som " way violated the town ordinances, from what we can learn he resisted arrest and went to Spring Haven to take the. t ram t hero ami come home. For fear that trouble might arise in Dexter lie was locked up in ( tie closet. When the train arrived at Dexter a red ling was obtained by several of the partus m Dexter, t he tram was stopped, and not, ‘'tiding him limy burned open the door, peaed a pistol m am shot !»>» through the bowels. He was Dexter until the next, r , t hen allowed to ; j \,» m0 The wound wax tl jj rJ< 'oe but a slight one an t jq- ' Kimberly ; arrived Monday m , rht . U)(1 l)r( nmUlC ed it fatal. Tu.'sday about, twelve o’clock he |,, q ip(t j Weston has lived here sev m rearf?au d worked on Mr. A.SL Warren’s farm for four years. Ile wan always found to he honest,. truthful and humble, and when an < ipportunity occurred where he could lend a helping hand he was always present and made himself useful. As to intelligence he wax far in advance of the average man of his rao His aged parents re¬ lied upon lnm for a support.. He was a great favorite of the chil dren, both white and black, ns he often told them some funny sto ■ rios or gave them somo lit!!*' gift. He will bo greatly missed in our community. C Cauv. A Piitij ('hosier 5! ins. Messrs. II. M. Hancock, W. D. Moore and C. F, Mull is made a j trip to Htivkinsville last week. Mr. C. M. Rog'rs v ent to Dub jj n Saturday, Mr. W. D. Moore is in Savan uah ( j,, s on business. Mr. W. A.Jelks, one of I lawk insville’s wide awake cotton buv j I through ( ;e -ter one I oay 5 Dr. Ta -4 or. l"r. was a on r ci! v one nay 1 *2, f Mr. 11. M. • h trip to | !> made I p ■g-rs i riUHi K tnian dui r | pa \\ * ) i * ■ . -g* u nous illm •ss of Mr. and Mrs. Muu ro - YVillis tm’s baby girl, and hope she will soon be herself again. Mr. and Mrs. If. M. Hancock wont to Dublin one day this veok. Mr. DeLamar Turin r visited friends in Eastman Sunday. iss Susie Turner returned to ne home in Teunille Saturday. M iss Susie is a sweet gin ;r < 1 her Chester friends hope to ha < Kf *r Continued on Page Five.