The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, November 16, 1899, Image 1

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VOL. 27. ♦ 4444444444440444❖44444444 | PERSONAL ITEMS.!] ♦ 4 J 4444444440444044444444444 Mr. W. W. Ashburn is again in the city. Mr. F. B. 'Stubbs, of Cox. was in the city Friday. Col. John Stubbs, of Dublin, passed through Eastman Sunday last. Mr. Tom Curry, of McRae, was in the city one day last week. Mr. A. T. Bowers, of Empire, paid us a pleasant call Monday. Editor Wade Shepherd, of the Cochran Tribune, was aphasaat visitor to our office Monday. Mr. John Griffin, of Scotland, spent Friday and Saturday with Ins mother at this place. James Bishop, Jr., attended Montgomery Superior court this week. Hon. Make McRae, of Macon, visited his daughters, Mrs. Wynne and Mrs Meadows here this week. Mr. Milton Sapp, of Juliette. Ga., spent a few da.vs of this week with his parents here. We are glad to state that Mr. w. N. Leitcli is out again after hav¬ ing been confined to his room for some time. Miss Anna Ragland, of McRae, spent Sunday and Monday here with her sister, Miss Mol lie Rag¬ land. Miss -Mia Clements who is in at¬ tendance at the Eastman Insti¬ tute spent, Saturday and Sunday with home folks at Alamo. Mrs. W. Win go and children turned Monday from a visit to Mrs. Wingo’s mother at Hunts ville Ata. Sol.-Gen. John F. DeLacy, Hon. D. M. Roberts and Col. J. E. Wooten are in attendance at Mont¬ gomery Superior court this week. Miss Lena Evans, who is attend¬ ing the Eastman Institute, visited her parents, Rev. and Mrs. G.W . Evans, near town Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. John F. DeLacy has re¬ turned to the city after a prolong¬ sick ed visit to the bedside of a sister. Mrs. DeLacy’s friends are glad to have her with them again. Messrs. J. M. Arthur and John Harrell went down to McRae Tuesday to do some work for con¬ tractor W. T. Collins. Both of these gentlemen are verv efficient in their line. Mr. Joseph Williams went down to Temperance Monday to attend the funeral of his step-mother, Mrs. W. J. Williams, who died on Sunday after a lengthy illness. We extend our sincere sympathies to the sorrowing family. Mr. L. M. Ci’rrv is now drum¬ ming for J. R. Bowdry and Cudahy Packing Co., of Macon Ga., with t fi rritf>rv over a part of the G. A: A. and Southern railways. Mr. Curry is a clever, whole-souled gentleman, and we are glad to learn that he is doing a fluunsh ing business. "Mrs. E. H. Bacon returned from Atlanta Friday, accompanied has by her son. Mr. Ed Bacon, who been quite sick tor some time, and lmr daughter, Mrs. A. R. Colcord Ed came home to spend a week recuperating, after which lie will return with his sister to Atlanta and resume liis studies in the tec - nological school. We trust that . he may soon regain his # normal health and strength. The Dublin enards, , a m.l.tarj company of Dnbliu, have b.en. mitted to the State Malitia. Ed itor H. M. Stanley of the Conner is captain of the organizati . It is thought that the new com pa ny will be put into a battalion to be formed of the organizations and S»n- in Kastman, Hawkinsville dersville, and assigned reorgamted. toon. >r the regiments lately —Savannah News, THE TIMES-JOURN AL Eastman Times Kstablisi a- I $7 2 Dodge Countyjournal. tSit DEATH OF DR. J. M. MeGEE. I He Passed Away S5 Mi = 9 , ■ Dr. .T. M McGee, whose serious I illness has been chronicled from time to time in these columns, on Friday morning at 7 o’clock at the home of his father in-law, Mr. L. M. Peacock, Sr., in tlvs city A little over a year ago Dr. Mc¬ Gee moved to Savannah, at which place he opened up a dental office. While there he was taken with a severe attack of grip, and was very ill for some time. As soon as he was able to make the trip he went to Lumber City, at which place his brother, Dr. \Y. A. Mc Cfee, was practicing at that time. There he was again compelled to take his bed and it was some time before he was able to be moved to Eastman. He was brought here about the latter part of Jan¬ uary, and since that time has been able to leave his room only a few times. The attack or grip was followed by what is known as gal loping consumption, and his reia lives and friends realized some¬ time ago that it would be iip,po° sible for him to ever recover. Tbe funeral services were con¬ ducted by Rev. J. T. Ryder in a very impressive manner at the Methodist church Saturday morn¬ ing at 10 o’clock, after winch the bodv was laid to rest in Wood lawn cemetery. Dr. McGee was reared near Cleve¬ land, Ga., White county, at which place his father and mother and one brother now reside. One oth¬ er brother, Dr. W. A. McGee, is engaged in the practice of dentis¬ try at McRae and other places in this section, and was with hiiu during a part of his ll ness am for three weeks previous to hxs death. After having graduated in dentistry, Dr. McGee moved to this place about three years ago, and although a perfect stranger to our people, by bis becoming conduct and pleasing manners, he soon made many friends among us. Soon after coming here he uni ted himself with the Methodist church, of which he made a sistent member. About two years ago he was married to Miss ( iil tord Peacock, one of Eaitman’s most excellent young women, who with two little children, are left without husband and father. We extend deepest sympathies to the bereaved ones. lf*ad the new adv. of W- H. Clements in this issue. Too many people perform their work after the style of machines. Mr. Raifoivi VanLandingham is making syrup this week and he favored us with a sample which was very fine. Mr. R. L. Pruitt also brought us a bottle of very fine syrup. No better quality of syrup"can be produced anywhere than in Dodge county and both of these gentlemen know how to make it. John Robinson had a big crowd to "see his show to-day: with the ticket half grown boy was there a ? h ,? keep baby UK -g w asthore to k nC r a iid the editor was with a nose for news. Its a " don't give editors pity thpv a a the red lemonade free pass to bet stand, but may be he will do ter next time. Marshal Fair, whileouhisu*ual round Friday night, noticed t he back door of the building occupied by Mr. Jesse Rogers as a resturant and small grocery, standing wide open, and upon! investigation K(lge r;8 hor* on the ; us j<ie of the builamg devouring ■ x (l ^j eg an ff every other thing ^ (J ^ eatab summoned l e nature home Mr Ko<ypr9 ha( j been ^ — a fternoon on account Or ^ sic r m tho iQ charge family of and the bus- had left h ^ forgot close the '' k “" ^ting d the horsa had no “ c entrance. r o u b ,u EASTMAN, GA., NOVEMBER 16, 40444444444444444444444444 ^ ^ £ I LUvAL a i iYlCiN it r\TTin\T 1 1UIY i ! o 4 4 t 4 44444444404444444444444444 A little girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sapp on Monday. Prof. Hurst filled the pulpit at the Baptist church again Sunday morning. The show comes off to-day and the ehildren are happy. Some of the old folks are also smiling. The military company is pro¬ gressing nieelv and ere long we will have one of the most up-to date companies in the state. We are sorry to say that Mr. F. M. Steward dropped a piece of timber on his foot last week, in¬ flicting a painful wound. Dr. T. J. Key is off for a few days to Moultrie. Dr. Key de¬ sires it understood that lie is still a resident of Kastman. Judge A. C. Pate and Captain John IT. Martin, of Hawkinsville, passed through the city Sunday enroute to Montgomery Superior court. Dr. W. A. McGee returned to his business at McRae and other points Monday, al ter having spent the past three weeks hero at the bedside of his brother. Mrs. M. L. Burch, after a pleas¬ ant ctay in the city, guest of the family of Col. W. S. Itamsey, left on Saturday last, for her home in Eastman.—Dublin Courier. An interesting article from Rev. M. Sikes was unavoidably ciowcled out this week. It will appear in our next issue. Judge Bishop is adding a new coat () f p a j n tto his new purchase, ihe Eastnuu , Mansion, in addition 1o thorou „ h overhauling he is & ■ » . * ^ lhf , ho use and premises. who meteoric . Those want to see showers will have to rise early, From two to four o’clock is the time they are scheduled to arrive The citv court bill is expected to pasg {his week or the early par) () f next. The court will prob ab ]y become operative about Jan uar y ]<)00. The court h juse is receiving a new coat of paint which adds much to its exterior beauty. Judge Bo¬ hannon is determined to keep things in good shape around him. Nothing in the world adds more to the beauty of a town than well painted houses, Eastman could improve her appearance consider¬ ably by a liberal use of paint. Mrs. C. G. Brown x, gave us a sweet potato yesterday which weigh pounds, and measured 10 inches in length and lOj inches around. It was of the Barbados variety, and was raised by Mr. J. D. Nash, of near Chauncey. southbound passenger Sun ® ’j \fter it left Eastman, had on thre > candidates for the of this circuit and two f or solicitor-general, Superior all enroute to Montgomery court. Tho boyg down there are doubt Mr. K. P. Cottar, of McRae, while out hunting one day this week happened to quite A peculiar accident, but fortunately was not seriously injured Mr. Cotter j Was, he thought, Hulett. yelping who up a also line j gobler. Mr. was out hunting, thought the rainy thing and fired his gun in the di- ; rection c f the sound, several of t j ie shot striking Mr. Cotter. j Glenn, one of the most ' in Georgia, 1 ‘ . ] 1G tel porters • , dden i n Eastman one day ^ . George .| was one of the n{ r0 „ s tUc write r “ e ^nod “ many times he wn, • rou"h . , . ^ behind a J ^ ^ y t , ; j t w j ien George was - , before the judgment bar of (*<xi h» S were found “ fau!tg he niav a * K , hVv all is well with - Courier 1»» soul.-Uu r)nblm an Uouner. . Con; '.idated iSSS, Mistaken Identity. Sheriff t niwlord, of Butts conn* tv, came to Kastman Saturday and had Sheriff Rogers to arrest Henry Hightower, who works at Peacock & Carr’s warehouse think¬ ing he was a negro wanted in his county for murder. Henry was placed in jail Saturday night and remained until Sunday afternoon. A negro from Jackson arrived Sunday morning to identify Hen¬ ry, but he was not certain that Henry was the right man,alt hough remarkable resemblance. Sheriff Crawford, however, decided to car¬ ry him to Jackson and brought him down to the depot Sunday p. m. for that purpose. After a good deal of parleying and a clever speech from Henry, who claimed never to have seen Butts county. The sheriff concluded that ho had the wrong man, and jusi before the train came released him. As a matter of course the crowd had a good laugh on the sheriff and his negro identifier, and some of the peoph present tried to get up a fight between Henry mid the ne¬ gro who came to identify him, but this failed entirely, and as the train pulled out Sheriff Crawford gave the people a broad smile and waved a cheerful good-bye, »! though he carried no prisoner. The negro wanted is Andrew High¬ tower, who killed another negro in Butts county about H years ago. Sheriff Crawford scorns to be a clever, whole-souled fellow, and we trust he will iiave better luck next time he pays our section a visit. Henry Hightower was still at the ware house yesterday, and says he expects to stay there right on. A Kicking Horse Injures A Lady. . * ndf . Inst the . W morning at re¬ . ah , nee ot Mr. J. K Hobbs, near P< arly, his daughter, Mrs. Hind Bostick, had n narrow escape frorti death. A pair of ponies lmd been hitched up for a drive and as soon they had gone a few yards one of them commenced kicking and hit Mrs. Bostick, breaking a bone in her wrist. The horses did not r in. but kicked themselves loose and ruined the harness.—Dublin Curier. |A Murderer Captured. Sheriff J. C. Rogers and Mr. Arthur Vancy on Tuesday morn¬ ing arrested Will Mattox,colored, ab >ut Smiles from Homerville, in Clinch county. Maddox is wanted in Butts county for the murder of another negro on the 10th day of October. He passed through Eastman about ten days ago and was followed to Clinch county whf , re hf , wa8 arrested. He Will brought to Eastman Tue-day af -, rn(jon> an <j Mr. Yancy carried | 1 j m jj u ft k county Wednesday, Maddox crime must have been a very serious one,as the governor lm(l offered $150 reward for his nr rest and conviction. Murderers had better not pass Eastman if they have any regard for their safety, for our sheriff has a very keen eye open for such fellows. A negro ------THTHT man at McRae c Satin * jjfjtjfabout*!loloo* claim- ! ylnff for a ny. The negro ed j je buying goods for h:s boss man alK i detained the merchants untl i a f ter J2 o'clock fixing up his j purc hase8. Finally he was told tfmt be mu8 t settle up and that store must beclosed. He then gai(i bright. and grabbing up his arin8 f u u t dashed out into the darkness and escaped. It m thought the negro’s intentions were to stay in the store until all . except one man left it, then to ! murder him and to rob the build i„g. ! -----—— Mr; and Mrs. K. S. Burton, of Cordf le are visiting relatives and. friends here. The strong-minded woman is al- , ways first to sneer at another wo man for doing things she does her self, NO. Cn • j 4444444444044444444444444♦ ! COUNTY NEWS. i : 4 4 44444044444444444444444444 Aehord Iletns. Miss Sue Daughtry has been quite sick, but is improving. Mr. A. G. Weaver, of Dublin, is spending some time here. Mr. Weaver contemplates locating here and in that event will be quite an acouisitiou to our citizenship. Miss Eva Rawls, of Suffolk Va., is here on an extensive visit to the Misses Daughtry. Mrs. V. A. Met unity,of Norwood, ’s spending several weeks with her son, R. K. McGenty. Mr. B. Doughtry. of Virginia, is visiting relatives here. We un¬ derstand he will remain here some time. Smiling C. MeEuehm, of Hele¬ na, was here Sunday. We are al¬ ways glad t<> see Inin. Mr. W. H. Howell returned Saturday from an extensive trip through South ‘Georgia and Flori¬ da in quest of a turpentine loca¬ tion. He will leave again in a few days. Mr. Willie Sanders, of Spring hill, spent several days of this week with his sister, Mrs. N. I*. Gignilliatte. Mr. Tom Greyham, of Wenona, was here Saturday and Sunday. Bro. Hines, of Helena, preached Ins farewell sermon here Sunday. He has done a noble work here and we regret very much to part with such a good faithful pastor. The service was largely attended. I 5 certainly t lie oinks walked a great- all 4 4 her,” if the way from Baxley to see lmr. ‘•fie” started homeward Sunday p. Ml. Lkon. Items from (joriwiiisville. Mr. Ernnnif Ward, of Rhine, spent Tiitirsdi here with his -inter, Mrs. C. . Lash ley. Mrs, D. L. Martin, and children returned 1o their hotii ;> at Tilton Saturday. Mr. Carl Wishart left Wednes¬ day for his home at Dade city, Fla. Mrs. Bradford Lashiey, ot Or¬ phans, spent last week here, the guest ot 1 i< r 8011, Mr. 0. C. Lashiey, Mrs. W. I). Hargrove and chil¬ dren left Sunday for Moultry, where they will make their future homo. Mr. J. T. Dent, of Eastman, was in our village Sunday p. m. Mr. John Gridin, of Scotland, pa fcl his many friends a visit here Thursday afternoon. Miss Annie Hargrove of near Parkerson, spent \V odnesday here, the guest o{ her grand-mother, Mrs. Nancy bugi<» • Mr. Henry Wiggs, of Vidalia, 8pen t Sunday aftern oon here the guest of his cousin Mr. Harry Hargrove. Mr. Wilks Dean, of Milan, was .. ..... . he has an ' excellent crop. Mr. J. A. Bond paid Scotland a business trip Monday. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Hargrove atte!J( jed services at Eastman Sunday a. ni. Mr. T. H. Hargrove spent Sun¬ day in Rhine. Minnkhaha. ' * All parties indebted to me will p| ftaS e call and make settlement by Jau. 1st, or their accounts will placed i» the imml,of au attor tiey for collection. John Wilcox. ; For Sale. My Harness establishment with entire stock of goods. Exclusive location, B- It. Tolsom, Eastman Ga