The times-journal. (Eastman, Ga.) 1888-1974, December 07, 1899, Image 1

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98 r» i HE TIMES-JOURN'AL <0 VOL. 27. i PERSONAL ITEMS.! ♦ ♦ Mr. W. L. Jessup paid Cordele a visit Saturday. Mr. C. C. Burch went up to Ma cou ou business yesterday. lion. I). C. McLennan, of McRae, was m the citv last Friday. Col. D. F. Dovle, of Ailey, at¬ tended court here Tuesday. Hon. Jno. A. Wooten, of Spring Hill, was in the-city this week. Mr. C. C. Burch spent Sunday with his parents in the country. Mr. E J. Peacock, of Macon, was in the city several days this week. Col. W. A. Wooten, of Ml Ver¬ non, attended court here this week. Mr. D. M. Bush made a busi¬ ness trip to points down the road this week Messrs. R. Oberly and T. J. Curry, of McRae, were in the city last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Burch, of Arthur, visited relatives in our city this week. Mr. M. Heimer, of Macon, visi¬ ted his daughter, Mrs. E Merr mau, here this week. Capt. Johnson, of the firm of John Flannery & Co., of Savannah, was in the city last week. Mr „ and , Mrs. ,, Byrd T , , and little daughter, Norma, ol Chester, vis ited friends here Monday. Mrs. S. H. Murphy, of Way cross, is visiting her father, Maj. B. R. Folsom, of our town. Mr. J. C. Nunnally, of Atlanta, is spending several days with his sister, Mrs. J. 0. Hunt, at the mill. Dr. T. J. Key returned Tuesday JkTm from Moultrie His family will i J. the latter part 1 of this The family of Air. J. E. Wooten was visited Thanksgiving day by the father and brother of Airs. Wooten. Miss Lula Murrell, one of our most charming young ladies, is vis¬ iting her .friends, Misses Catherine and Vivian Norris, at Brunswick. Mr*. A. E. Colcord. and noth er, Mr. Ed Bacon, returned to - lanta Friday after spending sever- this al days with their parents m city. Rev. J. T. Ryder left Mouday for Dublin, where he goes to at tend the meeting of the an nual conference of the Methodist church. Miss Susie Martin left for her account of the serio* .line** of her mother. Air. Henrv Bohannon, of Ash burn, spent a day or two of this week with hi3 parents here. We are glad to learn that Henry is do¬ ing well over there. Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Tanner, of Alauchua, Fla., have returned home after a short visit to Mrs. Tanner’s parents, Air. and AIr». Frank Downs, of our town. Mr. J. T. Dent and family have moved to Helena which place will be their future home, Mr. Dent has also transfered his organ and piano business to that place, V e wish him much success in his new home. Miss Mollie Ragland^ who has Teen engaged in Mrs. B. T. Rog¬ ers’ miiiinery business tor sonic time past, left for her home m Newnan Mouday- Miss Ragland made many friends here who re gretted her departure. Air. Jonn Caldwell and family have moved to Dublin, where Mr. Caldwell has engaged in the insur ance business. We regret exceed iuglv to lose them from among us, but heartily commend them to the good people of Dublin. Eastman Times Established 1S7; ( Dodge County journal, iSSj ! AN AYil-MORMOX LKAOl'K. One Organized hv Citizens in Ute it) of Becluve. Beehive, Ga., Not. 17, 90. At the request of some of our best citizens a meeting was held at Mr. Cute Butler’s and an Anti Mormon league was organized for the purpose of teaching our people Mormouism. Rev. B. A. Bacon was elected chairman and Rev. S. A. Sheffield, secretary. The meet¬ ing then adjourned. Next meet¬ ing to be held at Beehive Nov. 21. Nov. 21.—Met at the above ap¬ pointed place at 1:80 o’clock, p. m., with Rev. B. A. Bacon in the chair. On account of some false reports being circulated by the friends of the Mormons, it was de¬ cided to adjourn until Friday, Nov. 24, Nov. 24.—Met according to pre¬ vious appointment Rev. B. A. Bacon in the chair. After prayer an address was delivered on the history of Mormouism by Elder K. P. Felton, of Nebraska, who is well informed on t lie subject, hav¬ ing resided in Utah for nine months. Adjourned. Bro. Poitou challenged the Mor¬ mon elders for a debate on the merits and demerits of Morinou ism. They failed to turn up at the'appointed time, although they said they would be glad to CllSS it. Resolved, That the founders and leaders of the Mormon or Latter Day Saints church have been ft disgrace to our count) \, l9t ' i; y livn.L' i" adultery in do fiance „ o» the laws of oar Inn,1 and nat ion. 2nd. By alienating the affection of the wife from the husband and making proselytes and concubines %rd? r By 'prffiecting criminals, fostering crime, and electing crmi inals to highest officers m the gift of their state and church. that all . Will further state the best citizens in the community is transact!. heartily in favor of the above S. A. Sheitteld. --------------- Superior Court. The second week of the fall term of the superior court is ap proaching its end, and while its machinery has turned slowly and laborously, like the mills of the gods, it has turned out some meal. The fall term usually has not the interest which attaches u> the I, “lively fTw'peoplo cerrn and com [ ^he were in at endauce ; civil docket was eriLuaT exceedingly business heavy, while the transacted was extremely light. found great The grand jury that a will m any hills of indictment come u p for hearing next Spring term and indications business are.that will a large criminal pre sent itself for adjustment at that jury will appear in the next ut th,s W"' she City Court. ■When Mr. J. Bishop Jr., was appointed Judge of the city court and Air. E. B. Milner Solicitor of the same on the 28th ultimo, thoie was ended one of the warmest po¬ litical contests in the history of the county. It was a short con icn^tn . it tost, but what it lik^d in made up in heated sprinting. The features of tins court are «nch that it is hoped the transac tion of business will be materially , - GX the Direct appeal to supreme court without the delay occasioned by a review or retrial in the superior court is a verv satisfactory feature. Judge Bishop’s capacity for the intelligent dispatch of business is such that litigiously inclined peo¬ ple will be speedily and amply ■ ., , l ^ Milner solicitor will take Vj J as ci re 0 f interests in his hands. ~ It 1S - expected that this court . v jjj operate to the advantage o t he people of the county from a financial standpoint a Lo> ,n! _ t ^20 cts per hun , u rt his office. EASTMAN, GA., DECEMBER 7, 1899. ❖♦♦♦♦♦♦❖♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ COUNTY NEWS, ♦ 1 4* X t ❖ ^ ♦ J ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Items from («od)viiisvllIe. Mr. Xonly, of Ginkmsboro, spent part of last week here, lie was the guest of Mr. C. C. Lash ley. Prof. A. B.ieklins spent Satur¬ day with friends at Chauncey. Mr. Joe Johnson and family, accompanied by Mrs. Sam John¬ son, of Eastman, spent Sunday near here, the guests of Mr. II. J. Day and family. Messrs. Pearse and B. II. Chest¬ nut were in our village Monday inspecting ties for Mr. J. A. Bond. Mr. Chestnut left for Atlanta Monday a. m., at which place lie will accept a position on that di¬ vision and Mr. Pearse will accept his division here. . Messrs. Ben Harrell and Henry through Wiggs, here of Sunday Amoakeag, morning. .passed Mr. T. IT. Hargrove left Tues day for Moultrie where he will ac cept a position, We wish for him abundant success. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Garrett spent Sunday afternoon with friends m Eastman, Mrs. C. C. Lashley and children are spending some time with rela tives at Orphans, Messrs. Smith and J. J. Price, 0 f'Rochester, N. C., are here this \ looking up tobacco farms. , c K Brown paid Ithinoa buailw , s3 vil)it . ■1'ues.lnv. .Minnehaha. From cross Roads, ^ ^ M uice rain and is somewhat cool 1 weather . a "' ”* " U! * U - ( <: nL,‘ ^ N u ' {V 1 ‘ . n M1 ,, ;in() nounds J j'!'*' .., Intends* tVkill. , smaller * ones ‘ Cane sr„„ltn S „ the order of the day at Mr. .Joseph Graham s. Three families moved into this neighborhood last week, and not a house is left vacant, ,, . . . ^ illness! ‘we’wishfor after^a long her a speedy recovery. Mr. Frank Parkerson found him a well curb in Gum swamp and got nicely sprinkled on his way home. much Mr. work George done Graham ou a place is haying that ho has purchased. I dout think George anticipates “batching’ either. W. I. I). Younker Items. Mr J.P. Watson, of Hawkins vUJf paid m a visit this week. Mrs. , Z. ,, C. Hancock i* and , Iiss . Alice Bozeman visited Mr. o. NI Coody at Glenwood this w.eek. Rev. Tj. . Evans, of Bee 11 *v■ *, spent Friday night with W. J. Douglas on his way to Salem church, where he is pastor. Mr James *H Dempsey has moved to Mr D. Matthews’ place, for eiorlv occupied by Mr. Luther " Miller Mr. S. E. Home is shipping a Fine lot of cotton seed to Macon from F F ^ 0. Hancock paid Empire d business this week. We are having some of the M ; „ mon eiders with us at this time, but as they meet witn but a hmi ted amount of success, we tmnk their visit will oe short. A goodlv number of our people are attending court in Eastman this week. Our farmers are putting in a heavy crop of oats this fall. It is with a sad heart we chron icle the death of Mrs. Martha -Mu. M- th r 'b^Pn almMt MnlM« I.M ao modher^of alKdit uitiVchlldreii, all grown. She was a consistent member of Oaky Grove church and a good neigh Dor, one that will Consolida! I iSNS, i ho greatly missed m this commit nitv It was a sad parting of hus hand and children, She and Mr. Mullis have lived together so long and she always shared his pleas¬ ure as well as liis troubles, and was always ready to assist her fel¬ low being m anything that would contribute to their need or liappi ness, but the Lord’s will must be done and we sympathize with the heart broken husband and child¬ ren and sincerely hope that then loss is her gain. Mr J. E. Scarborough killed a hog Thursday lb months old that weighed 2<»7 pounds. Mr. Gus Warren and Miss Mat tie Mullis, daughter of Mr. Jesse Mullis, were happily united in the bonds of matrimony last Sunday. A Poth K C.utY. Suspended Business. Tuesday evening Judge Smith granted a petition of the creditors G )f Mp j ohn w’illcox, of this city, gaming and appointing a tempo- Mr. mr y receiver in the person ot C. H. Peacock, who is now in charge of the assets of Mr. Will cox. The petition for a permanent ' receiver will be heard in Hawkins villa on the 28th of this month and the friends of Mr. W’illcox sincerely hope that ere that time he will be enabled to straighten ud his affairs and again assume {charge j of his business. He has been for a number of years a citi¬ zen of Eastman and has a large circle of friends, all of whom, as has been alreadv said, sincerely hope he will tide over his financial straits. His assets we learn are sufficient, probably, to meet all indebtednes. MarPllw , of Miss Gertrude Woodard. Miss Gertrude Woodard, of Cof¬ fee, nml Mr. Earnest Fleming, of Brunswick, were married at the residence of'the bride’s father on j Gertrude Wednesday is of charming last week. young Miss lady a , ms fri.-mla h ,. r „ I,,-r much hawm..*..-!)** j j ey Banner. Woodard is well known in , Eastman, she having lived here * ™ mh ? r (,f y«ara, during which time sue was a special fav onto among the young people, | s^,, is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mumford, of our town, and lms j ur „ ( , <.i r( .j r . of friends hen- who j ™»h ... her abundant , , , happiness , in | the married state, $(550 to $1200 a year. We want reliable and energetic mm and women in each state to g“J cl W'j.ts; salary *»•'" "> ?13XJ » T«»i 1 ."" 1 guaranteed and paid weekly: no ex . )(! ,. K . nce rotjuired, we instruct you Local Representatives watit ( , d also Send stamp for full par ticu 1 urs. Address, The Bell Com p any) Dept. A, Philadelphia, Pa. j A First-class Restaurant. j I have opened the old a first S. T. class R res taurant at »gers stand and caw s?rve my custo niers with nice meals at all hours. J Wl [ ! appreciate your patronage, Meals and Lodging 2o cts each. Very truly, Jesse Rooiuih. $(i. a Week To Start. wau ^ intelligent ladies, or g , ut i omen , to accept permanent p 0g i t j 0U j u . own town; salary to j start $6 a week, guaranteed and i commission. Many make from to $>34. a week. You can de vote ail or vour snare time. Send stamp for lull particulars. D^pt dress, The Bell Company, C., Philadelphia, Pa. : u ar presses. Call at the Hardware «tore of to*turiFcTut*f^jri 15 to 20 bales p <j r hour, and you caa buy it for $50.00. NO. 52. ! LOCAL MENTION. ! 1 X ♦ ♦ 4 <* t ♦ English paint Mops leaks. 'S'•*— it do. Watch out for the Racket Store “ad" next week. Col. E. D. Graham, of McRae, was m the city yesterday. Mr. Finest Edwards will visit, relatives in Florida next week. Mr. W. T. Womhln. of Rhine, paid us a pleasant visit today. Mr. T. L. Lynn, of Rhine, had his name placed on our list this week. Our sporting fraternity turned out in full Thanksgiving dav and flagged many birds. Mr. N .1. Niolml«on and father, of Younker, gave us a pleasant, call Wednesday Mrs. (1 B. Bush has returned from a visit- to friends ami re)a lives at RochelP. We are glad to see I)r. T. J. Buchan out again after a serious illness of several days. Mi .s Gemma Clark, of Cliauti cey, is spending the week with her brother, 1 >r. Jno. Jh (’lark. Rev. J. W. Smith, of Cochran, preached an interesting sermon at the Rapt 1st church Sunday night. Reid <fc Arthur's new saw mill arrived today and will be put up at once about 1 miles from town. ^ p Wooten happened to Cie misfortune of having his foot HI)rnine d hunting the other day. Captain Luther A. Alexander, a prominent citizen mi 11 coun¬ ty. was m the city for a few hours this week. Messrs. M. M. Burch and Need ham Shelfield, of Rhine, are among t hose wlm have subscribed to The Timos-Jounml this week. ! will hereafter keep a few tmach ors Bibles, and n few <>t her religi ous books on hand. Pricos low. Fan order any hook you want. J. (’. Brewton, Eastman, < «u. Mr. and Mrs. \V. T. Hargrove arc n-ccjving the congratulations of their friends upon the birth of a fine little girl, which occurred Saturday morning. Probably wo will be aide t 11 chronicle the marriage of one of East man’s most popular young men m a week or two. Don’t all guess t he same fellow. A number of new cit izens have moved into Dodge from various part s f»f t he state during the past month. We have plenty of room and a hourly welcome for these and many more. Rev. \V. F. Strickland will preach at the Bresbyterian church here next Suimy morning at II o’clock and in the afternoon at <5 o’clock. The public is cordially invited. Mr. D. W. Uodolpli and family, of near town, will move lo Pike county in a few days, where ho will make his future home. We regret to lose them fr -m our coun¬ ty. The case of Ben W. Smith, wh was charged with stealing Mr. Samuel Graham, was tried vesterday and resulted in Smith’s acquittal. Mr. 1. O. Bright was also acquitted of the charge of illegally sidling whiskey. Young sycamores are being put oll ^’ 0 y OU r citizens as shade trees, -f|,i s commendable and in a few yearn our town will present a dif feront view. Good paint and shade trees constitute a large per cent age of beauty to a town. I have just recieved a first-claS!i phot«graph outfit and will guar small price, three lor p^torat^a 25 ct3. E. Bohannon, same old stand.