Georgia citizen advertiser. (Macon, Ga.) 1860-1???, April 01, 1860, Image 4

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MARBLE WORKS! J. B. ART OPE A SOB, Vtm 4. tmrrrs of and Dealers in nMtEH.I A\ I> DOJIESTVC LE MOM XKNTS. IX*MB SPUNKS, MAVTI.KS. rrUMTITRK, SLABS, vVo., artter *f Srtl auii l*liuial> Sl. MA CO -V, OA . BOOTS AND SHOES. AT TIIK !>! OF THE BIG BOOT, Ra 3, Cotton Avenue, oa*i"nwi r A' , Ai: Washington Block, Macon, Ga. WEEKLY a ■ -%■ ik;a*_ ‘'vfftße Sweat -4vU- ami pattern* arrttflfc i — -• -—* woaMinvtte thiee *Uh •i • I in* a • cxl .o i.-,.. , o-.r st..rk. as we arc MMtoaßalNkia’ fcen it / fiirwSiis. ’ MIX X KIKTLAXD. I )LimAC. X vr*tl S*Hinp, Tamlne. Unlnc, Bracket and Or ■amratal Work, •a* * IMilaartntf T.4UWOOD. GRANITE M HALL. OPPOSITE THE LAMES HOUSE. T:*‘ *~aae <:awftU.-- ->ve Hall for the mrcon ■■Ml rflHßiMnarf TkaMcnt Ciludoi TlklnwbiMMnlahhrtl(WMiHrlnlGlM|- ae; huh. aJ ta (to •Mad locitka. its large and * - -• •- .dr liw afattiti* and aoanmo(bdionab ‘w> br-euC T.-hst.: ; * - ait id (run. 1 Y ■ daMniniu < to be Atur.o in in, MMa B. r. 1/KNSE, w It—3o USs of the Rovil Hroc. Oysters (iame, Ac. C. H. FREEMAN, t CO, *jj* OMaaa tm retry style of tb< FSB, FLESrr, AND FOWL, w ;* V. *a.tVHi Y.netm. ■ • f f ’ .-;4'’ t-v everr trail * * s- /IkvCUame, toc’.fr.jmFultoi, ■sMMt, *Patb ewer'■teener. ksm a—<i MgaaM tar isgabrsamlies ol OlMlwtti,! toc_Traa. Cheraftee Geo-gia. and Tenue.- * oJ/Hta alifron their friends and -* * * nnv. l*_tf THE BAT PIANOS HADE. \T s * f*w wa- tint to Ml ifcealr seinfed stock of “ riai la. Me HitoM Stein way Pianos. ThaMHHrtliaetdafttkbftfelnt trim In all *■ - * ‘ ; - aet -i ■ r ~ mwi gad —*■>• b ttw tee ask:-**. awd tssnl Viet a lies, a, Xtma kbMMf. >, s. farr. f UrM (sritaa. Wol • • a.- n ia (f TW) ue < iu..sntctii avw ywaMhr BBC vpt * **• r*.- • ta er>' wro t create an ex sltowi aa aatoft *yrw( cry riU r- ry H r tt* rati” or Ntfkamam -to jo tor rar iia toarkei whU tksv ami - - ‘ . atabt 4w* be agents fur I‘aeß’ W—t etosAltot <ar day and &e the atxL aa one tad . Mtoawto a to “Ma aßrtoa.l” P awes, which were a tow na • Weft. toad which w Ole wants a<.w : •• to hW mjstohb arMeb afi toad acknowledge to bt aw had aa..pda*ie fcaoar aw xar. ■ww as, tua aa a-iB. w. Saneroaraelve*.atknow ►tp ■u to *&?*_ wl* to r*iari ii we ear that we will, e: - -slat • :’.l Ole i.ui-Cec boiisi. who can ft** *•-- x “ *• ’ tr* r fw>-to*,e. in Oo’ ina •’-* i*aAt aradatertaaar H L FChfcfear; hM*.a® aaai to fr gw tew penen abo wil - - ‘ “ *■ - -a a t -cj ;i that b (ruv-rtsrln Voseto ■Wweaaawto at tow Maawi to toe MWr of Generis. *’ *’ * ‘-—■* t t eh ,r.-r friktt oely aslded JNO.C- SCHKIIMK to SOoS. Plantation Brogans. Mtolbt>Mawaaf Jfegis. Sij.eA. we hare *’ to : - lUrt<t. llca'edoaide aoit-d peg and -.. ft- Wavs aiglnulrfblacka-id rut Me toe Itoiiir ya ■ SMtowad raiaatta,ali of w jich we •- w. MIX to KIKTLAXD. PAINTING! •*topC aSwhw rear hi tar yaw han rapdfatT ln m. a—aMa tWatowc b ywadc tkai Lt has fenrJa yetoraoy wy%X%l* feukt. fade of X\w Vatktilr. LOTI \ BURKE KsaiecniTirifiiiTEßS. taper iiaxcers. ac, ICacob, • —o, orgla. to wtoaw - 7w, ; aaiXaaSv Wteadrd to. and G wmAlaadfatoHtoWafa adWaWadt prices, •to a aiartoa Saa BUST L > ■ I. NWEUM6 RNSE FOR SALE. * TV to ■— mm aa£ e.. aseamry eat baildlngs for todkwMU ha Stoatot. toaw'T to aaswja and. c. hodocixs. BOOTS.rti A WoMJL towMlafOtatfVftM iMcurf II iEto h*~-~ wtoah. waked aaf water Band, es itowtoawtalaMhxMkwarf im mm. Jail re ■ IM I ■lili iby KiA je KIKTLAXD PLANTER'S HOTEL, Broad Street, Oolumbua, G-a. I’MK •iiaAn W i brr* bare wiafcra hr* old ’ s - *’ <to k “tow- and the wabttr gwiM-ntllv timt *w toasafaa aa tiUm HtTRI- )W| Bf. j s'MMx Mto he- wMi wtotiarar to cram twin hie . “We-ssef-.-a rryawMii a of k.rfwng the Iwet Ta- i a na-U Nie t-ouafrv ! Mto kkNwt, jaAeemtre j - I * ,s to ” ‘to la aan< thwi aid yite sa!i>far- j afc tea ery yawagt-xta rtaater'e H.XeL. i T. & KILPATRICK. t BOOK BINDING. BLAB* ACCOUNT BOCSS mmta wlir for * Cotarts and Counting Houses, * |p* <itn Mi>k aid Lav Books >i at . .rH —if tiwp MTU) BOBS. Oar. M wd Own St. Ota G. T. BufinJt Son. tIfiIT.\ERSIIIP NOTICE. tk* ri* -Tvif it bare this dajr formed , If *'■ wd oprtn>Tmp. underthe name j OF SOBEBS * LEWIS, MMI kin pOTckawd the entire Stock of Dry Goods & Groceries, or nM L%n ran d.f. < i.vrkk a iu, ‘ mi IM | !■! >■***— NEW GOOIMi; e >—l a ao trnmmm* a* wdi.m.u.d ■III. Ii —~l ll~r ~AM iM+bt jalru r*. SAMI. M. ST HERS, MMt KoTF-utwis. ir.SJ IIJMM MMHtt lhiU< Ira D. F. OAliNwaidlMMH (Bis wlßcatr. w i|. ci .| M - U.M.B.AK.P.L. , Just Received. ||f4 and BTt* M.ANKETS. FLASNRLS j yrCALL AXD SEB-'JS -I st mi T. J. SWA.TSOS. Liin, L.t*rs, NEW Tilt nUH STORE! COTTON AVENUE, Maoon, Goorel*. THE undervlgncd having opened anew Tin and Qenrr 1 Fiirn'.shii'g .Storeon ttiaton Avenue, next door to a Lamp Store, where he expects to keep ail kinds of TIN WARE AND HOUSE FUBNISHING GOOES which he offers to the pul-lie at very low prlcea, aa b* is /atiefted with “Quick Sales & Small Profits ’ I shall be ready at all tin es to fl'l any ‘ler for tin war! tlth, r tri m the‘City or Country, at W HOf.E-'ALE as wel • KKTAIL, CHEAP FOR Oa-ll,as my brother, A.C. An don n. wlio is we 1 kr own a a fin Sniith, will attend to the aiauufacturirig of the House for me. CASH i>ou) for old Rajr, or taken In exchange for Goode. ALL KINDS OF TIN “W ORK done to order promptly, and WARRANTED To Give Satisfaction. I alNo xvisli to Hire a Ciood Tin ‘imitli. A. L. AUDOUIN. oct 15 sw&w—Cm CARPETINGS! Floor Oil Cloths, MATTIN OS, RUGS & MATS! ALAHOE Stork, and a grea. variety of styles of the above goods. Just received, which will be sold at far j lower figures, and give purchasers a selection from the best It./cx ever offered la M/ux.ri. Also, Satin, Delaine, Damask, LACE and MUSLINE Window Curtains. oflNfuiW snADES, QUILT CORKICES and BANDS in great variety. Purchasers will consult their interest by examining my stock before buying. B. F. ROSS. Mwon. uuiv 4b, .468. —I SIXTY SEOROES FDR SALE. r HAVE JUST BFX'ETVFD a lot of likely younp I Nesfroes front Maryland, and offer them at rea sonable price.* ; pnrehaaers will please favor me* with a call. Also, wish to purchasers good men and women for the WestArn market, for whieh j will trade women and children or pay cash. Office on the corner of Third and Poplar Street, near Harde man & Sparks’ Ware House. W. R. PHILLIPS. Maeon. Dee. 21, ‘59. W liO Spealks AGAINST TITE DRIGGS PIANOP N'OT one of those who have purchased them, or anv disinterested person who knows anything dviut them, but those interested in the manufac ture or sale of other Pianos are working against them for dear life. They know that when these Pl ums are known, they will supercede all others as -tire as the smi shines. Those who purchase these Pianos, and disinterested persons who know what -otctitutes a good Piano, are the proper ones to en |uiro of. and not lie i.ft> astray hy the ridiculous lies told hy the manufacturers ot other Pianos. We have sold six of these Pianos, and any one wishing to know how they are liked, can find out the name* of the purchasers hy railing at the Messrs. A'irgin’s. We invite all who w : isb to buy or hear a fine Piano to call and see them, ja.t 2u ts swtw O. B. RICE. l For Sale. 5 1A A BOXES CANDY, LUu lu lioxesL’ nf Nugar, c lid Barrel* Sugar, * 200 X:*.cks Uoffce, 100 Boxes Tobacco, SO 000 Cigars, ICO Grogs Matches. ffuly J. B. to W A. etBSS. SANFORD’S | LIVER INVIGORATOR, N _ VEIS DEBILITATES. IT iso. mponnded cnttrelv from Gums, and has become an ertafjlisbfd fa. t, a Mandurd Medicine, known and approv by all that have used it,( land is no w resorted to with i conSdenea iu all tiie dig (_ leases for which it is recom- X mended. ; J It has cured thousand. { ‘within the last two years •I who lad liven up all hopes/ ~ ‘of relief, as t lie numerous in-. , tits 1 certificates ii ( r“ !my possession show, and The Cos • must he .e apt r ;ed to the temperament of lie individual taking it,} r ~T ;aidus,din suoli quantities ■ Mto act gently on the bow ? ito <ei s . Let the and elates of y uvj (iiidgment guide you in the , ofthe l,in: II l\.( r3 :YIGUKATOK. an dit will cure Liver t om-; ;n la In ta . lii luiih Al •’ tacka, Chronic Diarrhoea •uiuinrr ('4)mplniiita./ :Dsentt-ry, D ropa y , sour Momach. H Idt-/ trial f ‘ostlveness, l lioi ir, t holern, I h len. ‘Xorhus, ( holera iu fan in m, Flaiitieneo.j ;.l annd ic e , Krinale II \\ enknctoea. aid maj/ Jbe used successfully as an Ordinary Kamil,! Q£ ‘ Medicine. It will curt e s| iv HkADACHK / 111 ?(as thousands can testify.) In twenty minute*, irj E* ;,wn or three Tea r -toonlttlls are lukei < ;at commencement of at sack. ) All vvhu use it an! : ;iving their testimony hi r its favor. ; ) ‘. MIX W.VTf'R IX TIIE MOUTH WITH THE iXYII.OItATDH, AXD toWALLOYV iioTII ‘I'D ULTHKH. Price One Dollar per Bottle. f ALSO SANFORD’S 1. FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLd, COMrOt’KDID FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts and put up in GT,\Sh I C tsts, Air Tixhl. andwili keepiit any Climate. I The Family I'atliar-; -tic Pill is a gentle butac -1 ‘ire Cot hart c wl ich the; t[ r iprietor has ustd in his i ! practice more than tweot) J Df tyea s. The con.ti.ntly incrias-; (lug d.-mand from those , who have long u<l the; “to! IPifXS and the sattgfac uon wi.ich all express it ; a tregird to their use. has in e Jaeed me to place them/ *** t within the reach of all. Theprofess'on wellknowj (that different Cathartics s act on different portions of! (the bowels. ( The FAMILY CA- (TiIAKTIC PILL has. with doe reletence to this, (well established fact, been ‘ compc/uaded from a varie-! :ty of the purest Vegetable ■ Extracts, which act alike! (on every part of the ali mentary canal, and are! (good and sofe inallcaseß where a Cat hartic is , ce-f-1 ted. such as D e raute ineots if the Slmngeli , nr (Wleeuingte, Pains in •toe Hack and Ls.ius.; EC :( osii\< n< ss, Pain and •Orem-** over the .;nh le lio.iy, from sud den coid, which treqiinit : to* ,]y. if neglected, end in a > longcouisc of Fever, low,; ;<>f Appetite, a Creep ing ►enoaiion r f Cold: tover the Imdy. Heat lesonrss 11.-ndnehe. O'; L_ ;wel hi ill the Head, all Inttaiuiunior) liiseas-; ■ ;es. W orms In Children •r kd-iiis. Klienina*; (lism, a great Purifier of the Blood and a->6y dl—j .ease.-to which flesh is heir, oo enmen ns to l .-iititn 1 , •’ n “his adverthemeiit.- Oowe, t to a. < t PRICE SO CEXTS. The Liver Inviscoratnrand Family Calhartir Pills ire retultd by l*rugglitsgenerally, and sold wholesaie by the • trade iu all U-e large towns. • S. T. W. SANDFOTp Mauu&cturerann proprietor, 886 Broadway Is'. Y. , IGU! e,i hr all Druggists, bold alar by ZFILIN A HUNT GSO. PAYIsB, and MtNAKD* CABTLIN\ Macon Jane it- Wanted Immediately, 1 IA Q OD Tinners, 10 Roofers end Job Workmen, can AYr have steady employment nd good wages. None but orkn.en lp. and apoly. W. J. McELKOY. Macon, (ia.. bept. 21. d4w. [Pebble Spectacles, IN Goli ami Steel frames, Gold. Silver, Steel and Common Specks. , A splendid assortment just received, by i ‘ Tv J. -TOUXSTOX A CO. CALL AND SEE The Beautifbl IVORYTYPES *• -. i Wood’d Photographic Gallery, Which ear.ntg b procured etsewhere is Georgia. aloalarge i edle-Uoni f rnoToOKAPHs. I outbaits is On* Pas- , rxi. as A<ji a*wx, AiiiiaoTYres, Daockh- i a lot rts, Ac, as usual. <•<• ? r. L. ’ LIKELY NEGROES. Likely rcgrocs, between the ag g often and twen A tr-lva years old, for sale a- Ue Mart, cointr of 4th and ! ’ , !ar bt reels, Macou Oa. C. F. STUBBS. Ik 0 ?**,— ini. “■to,i : Perfumery. A re:y large assortment of Bazin’s, A A “ - - Low's, “ “ “ Lubin s. Also the moto celebrated Uur oils, Colognes, Extracts j Soap. Ac. For sale by | rs- 30 ZEILIN A HUasT. | I NEW CANDIES. Molis ie- Cream Candy, flavored with Orange flewer i Money 0 mb Candy. Blanched Aluond Nougat. ’ Cocoaout curl Candy. Grouudpea Nougat, at For Sale. ONE of the most desirable residences n the city, where subsetihir now rc .corner of Oak and Second The i/-i contains three quarters of an acre, and is highly 1 X?fr^U.“n C d&’! t ”" OfF “ t ' ApriCOt, ’ ‘ , dwelling contains ten Rooms, Closets in six, and Gas ! a all. Terms of pivment will ha made easy. For partieu enquire of J. IH-Lofiche or “W, S. Brantly. y** l * , If Dot sold before Chrliitoia*, it will be rented to an approv- I ed tenant. [dec. 14—f J Qtu. W. ADAMS. j LONGSTREET, BRADFORD & CO. Ham FACTniIRA OF AND WHOLESALE dealers in ! CTjOTII I TST G, K~ Chambers St., 4 B 9 Hearlc St. j Between Broadway and Chnrch St* NEW YORK. C.T 10XOSTUXKT, 0. f. BBAPIOKD, .*. WtUS, to -tn j. r. oiujatt, ■■■■l IU.IMII Land Agency. THK subscriber, a.-e prepared to make location* of LtotodU aU of the Narth-weatern State*—lowa j ■mnesota, Wisconsin and the Territories of Nebraiita 1 and Kansu, ano solicit consignments of funds or war. rant., for *m. apply to JNO H I aprlf4-tf ATTENTION MECHANICS. Entbutv Irow Work*, J Macon, December 17th. 1559. j A No. 1, PATTEN MAKER. AND FOUR GOOD .Machinists, accustomed to .Steam Ecgine work, can find steady employment by immediate applica tion to the understgued. General laborers also wanted. .1. N. k G. D. FINDLAY. Scrviving Partners of the late Firm R. FIND LAY * SONS. Telegraph Copy one month. Deo. 17, 1659. t,ROVER S BAKERS Celebrated Sewing Machines. Price from §55 to §l3O 00. If isa# longer a question, which is the best Sewing Ma dam, bn wnete c;m I g--.l at.rcver * Baaer Mud iuo. It ban 1-ir.g since been given up lhatth-!y are the only Sewing machine made that is adapt*d to alt kinds of family Se* iDg aid at the same time are so simple iu construction that a lei year “id child, or any servant of common reuse can under stand and work them lth perfect s iccess. bervantxit.strutt ed free of charge, it sent to the store. Office on Cotton Av. nue opfswite the store of Qeoree W. Price, and between Ka-s A Sw.ari.on a>.d the Baptist Book Store. 1 als/Jiavea new Shu tie machine, THE EUREKA, making *he same ditch on both sides—the he-l machine of the kind made. Pall at and see or send for circulars. Persons tn th countrv can have a compt t,nt person rent out with the machine to instruct in its u-e, on the trav. ling expenses of the person being paid by the purchaser. nov 18 6m M.. K. ROGERS, Agent. NEW FIRM. carrying on the business in all its branches. We shailalwayt ke.p Phaetons’ Carriages, Buggies and Horses, to hire on as goodterms as anybody. We also have the most ample ac commodations for Drove Stock. We wonld eay to the public that we have taken the 6/Mnto our mouth in earnest, and can always be found without hor net* on re tdy to serve you : we intend hv keeping a straight tongue, putting together, and by b ‘telling d'non clou to bus lness. to succeed or break afrace. We shall never tircfellowe inbitchin- opforyou so long as you come up lo the licking and settle Now if you ant unto vug-on,ln roct-a-u.-ayand not ‘ovtulky. in fai t If you,don't want us to check up too cloec.put your shoulder to the wheel, give us a sharr. and if you anil a .ingle fiact of ingratitude you ma> hotter us. Ver> re-pectfully, A1 >KKHOLD A JEIFEBS. Opposite the Passenger Depot amlncau rown's Hotel. apr 29—ts. JUST RECEIVED Landreth's New Crot) ! Turnip Seed of 1858. WHITE ILAT DUTCH TURNIP SEED. RED TOP “ “ “ I RUTA BAGA TURNIP SEED. LARGE GLOBE TURNIP SEED. LARGE NORFOLK TURNIP SEED, Kentucky Blue Grass Seed. RESCUE GRASS SEED. IxTTC33m\ri3 SHE 33. T orsVeat GEO PAYAIE’B Drug and Chemical Store Macon., July 80,1858.—ts A. M. Bininger & Cos (Establiflied 1778,) SOLE IMPORTERS, No. 338 Broadway, N. Y. This DELICIOUS TONIC, especially designed for the use of tho Medical Profession and the Family, possesses those intrinsic medicinal pr®> parties (Tonic and Diuretic) which belong to an Old and PURE GIN. The business of manufacturing spurious gins, and offering them as beverages, under the titles, “Aromatic,” —“Cordial,”— ‘* Medicated,” etc., has become so com ion, that the public are justly suspicious of nearly everything that is offered under similar forms, and the trade has thus been brought into disrepute. It has remained for our house (established in 1118) to supply the pressing popular need, and to inaugurate a new era iu the history of the Trade. We trust that our established reputation—found ed upon eighty years of experience abundantly vindicates our claim to public j I confidence. W. B. A comparison of “ Bininger'* Old London Dock Ohi” ■with other* bearing similar names, will establish its ’ superiority, and make other Caution unnecessary. Put up in Quart Bottles, in Cases of | one and two dozen each, and sold through out the icorld by Druggists , Grocers, &c. 1 Druggists and Dealers Supplied with Wines and Brandies, I Direct from United States Warehouses. For salo’in Macon, by feubers <te Lewi* ’ Cherry Street, and all prominent Druggist*, Grocers, &c. oct 12 STATIONERS WAREHOUSE, No. 75, John Street, N. Y. W. BtC. K. HERRICK. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN “ 1 FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STATIONERY 1 \\T E arc now prepared to offer to the trade, from all part j Ts of the coun'ry, a full ai.d complete afeortment of a J goods in our line oompiisir.g tLe neweat and nnalt'e irab 1 ! ttock of STATIONS n Y ! n the country. We rtfpe< tfully request of huyersan inapec | ion of our stock. Our new ILLUSTRATED TRADE CATALOGUE, W Mali on application. fill ll'.llilitlK We now offer the remainder of our WINTER DRESS GOODS, t greatly REDUCED PRICES. I:’ you wish a HANDSOME DRESS for a little money, call on HT. S. FKIDDEY & CO. dee SI i National Police Gazette. THIS Great Journal of Crime and Criminals is in Us 19th Year, and is widely circulated throughout the country— It contains all the Great Trials, Criminal Cases, and appiop.-i ----ate Editorials oa the same, together with information on Uri minal Mutters, not to be found in any oUier newspaper. IF Subscriptions, Si pur Annum.; 61 for Six Mouths, to b remitted by Subscribers, (who should write their names and the town, county and State where they reside plainly,) To R. AsSJEYMOUR, Bditor ft Proprietor ot the Nation: l Police Oasette, anr34d—tl N w York Dr. 11. JAMES discovered while in the Eats . Indies, a certain cure for Consumption, Asthma j Bronchitis, Coughs. Colds, ana General Debilits ‘ The remedy was discovered by him when his I only child, a daughter, was given up to die. Hiy child was cured and is now alive and well. Desirou. I of benefitting his fellow mortals.he will send to those ! who wish it, the recipe containing-full directions ■ | for malting ami successfully using this remedy, § free, on receipt of their names with stamp for § return postage. Address, / I O. P. BROWN ft O 32 ft 34 John St. / | dec 23 dm w* / GEORGE PAYNE. WHOLESALE to HEY AIL * Druggit&State Licensed Apothecary C#r. Silherry St. aid Cetteo 1 reuse, Macon, Oa., TB happy to inform his friend., patrons and the public JL generally, that his Stock is now fall and complete, which oomprises every article that should be found in a First Glass DRUB AND CHEMICAL STORE. Weekly arrivals of the Savannah Bteaacet* e-vahics him to replenish his Stock Wxbxlv, with Fresh and Choice Goods which are bought with great Attention to a\ ard •id as LOW as at any Drug Establishment in eltoorgia Physicians’ Prescriptions Compounded at ail hoarswith curs and neatness. Hi* stock consists iir part of the following articles: Drugs, Chemicals & Medicines, Dyes,Paints, Oils and Colors, Glassware, Syringes Modern Styles, great variety, Window Glass, Patty, Artist’s Tools, Meehan leal, Artificial and Natural Leeches, Presh Heps and all other Herbs, Surgical Instru ments and Medicine Chests, Family Soaps, Pin 3 starch to Gelatines, Fine Cas tor Oil for Family use, Winss to Lienors for Medieal use only, Perfumery, Pomades and Toilet Articles, Gold acA Silver Leaf, Gold and Tin-foil and Artificial Teeth, Hair, Tooth ai.Vl Nail Brushes, White Wash, Paint, Cloth and Flesh Brashes. TBIPOLI, a great article for cleaning Metal to Glass Grass and Garden Seed, and ail the patent Nostrums ofthe day. apr4—ly Bliss’ Dispeptic Kerned?. Bins’ uygpeptic Remedy Bibs’ Dyspeptic Kernely lili,’ Dyspeptic Remedy U.tss’ Dyspeptic Remedy Bliss’ Dyspeptic Remedy Bils.’ Dyspeptic Remedy 15iIsm’ Dyspeptic Remedy IHiss’ Dyspeptic Remedy Bliss’ Dyspeptic Remedy illiss’ Dyspeptic Remedy lias the Largest Sate Has t!>e Largest Sale Has t*c Largest Sale Has tike Largest Sale Has the longest Sale Has the Largest Sale Has tike Largest Sale Has the Largest Sale Has the Largest Sale Has the Largest Satie Os any Medicine in the World. Os any Medicine tn the World. Os any Medicine In the World. Os any Medicine in the World. Os any Medicine In the World. Os cny Medicine In the World. Os any Medicine In the World. Os any Medicine In the World. Os any Medicine In the World. Ot any Medicine in the World. 100,000 Packages 100,000 Package* 100,000 Packages tot),000 Packages 1 100,000 Packages 100,000 Packages 100,000 Packages I.K/,000 Packages 100.000 Packages 100,000 Packages Bald In Georgia and South Carolina Sold In Georgia and South Carolina Sold In Georgia and South Carolina i Sold In Georgia anil South Carolina Sold In Georgia and South Carolina Sold In Georgiu and South Carolina Sold In Georgia and South Carolina Sold In Georgia and South Carolina Sold In cieorglu and South Carolina Sold In Georgia and South Carolina In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months, lit Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Montits. In Fourteen Month*. It Is Warranted to Cure It is Warranted to Cure It is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It Is Win ranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It is Warranted to Cure It is Warranted to Cure lt is Warranted to Cure lt is Warranted to Cure If Directions arc Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Directions a.e Followed, If Directions ure Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, It Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, It Directions ure Followed, Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dj speps]a Any Case of Dyspepsia Any C.<se of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Liver Disease, Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice. General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility', Palpitation, ‘ Palpitation, Pal pllatlon, Palpitation, Palpi tatlon, Palpi tat ion, I Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Dlarrlnen, Chronic Dlnrrhtea, Chronic Diarrhoea/ Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Dlarrhoeu, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarriiuea, Chronic Diarrh-oeu, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, . Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depress,,ii Spirit*, Depressed Spirit*, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Los* of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appe! He, Loss of Appetite. Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Pain In Side and Back, Pain In Side and Back, Pain tn Side anti It <ek, Pain tn Hide and Uni k, Pain iu bide and Buck, Puin In Slile and Back, Pain in Side and Bark, Pain in Side ami Baek, Puin in Side and Bncbj Pain In Side and Back, ft Is Especially Adapter! to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It is Especially Adapted to It Is EspccinlJy Adapted to lt Is Especially Adapted to It Is Espc< tally Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to Female Complaint*; Female Complaints; Female Complaints; Female Complaints; Female Complaint ; Female Complaints; Female Complaints; Female Complaint* ; Female Com plaints; Female Complaints; It Produces Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotundity of Form lt Produces Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotundity of Form It Produces Rntim Aly of Form It Produces Rotundity of Form lt Produces Rotundity ofFsnn In Females of a Thin and Spare Habit, fu Females of a Thin and Spare Habit. In Females of a Thin and Spare Habit. In Femalew of a Tliin and Spare Habit. In Females of a Thin and Spare Habit. Iu Females of a Thin and Spare Habit. In Females ot a Tliln and Spare Habit. In Females of a Thin and Spare HnblJ In Females of a Thin uud Spare Habit In Females of a Thin and Spare Ila Mt. Send a Postage Stamp to the Proprietors tor their Pamphlet on “Diseases of Stom ach and Bowels.” W. W. BLISS At Cos., Proprietor*, 303 Broadway, New York. For Sale in Macon, by ZEILTN A HUNT. Liverpool & London LIFE * FIRE XNHRANCE Office 56, Wall Street , JVorit (7i/y. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, £2,000,000 or $10,000,000. Paid up Capital, Surplua and Reserved Funds, FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS: SBOO,OOO Invested in this Country DIRECTORS IN NEW TORE : JAMES BROWN, Chairman. FRANCIS C iTTEN'. Deputy Chairman. , GEORGE BARCLAY, Esq. EUGENE DUfILH, Ecq7 JOSEPH OILLARD, Jr, Esq. ! JOSEPH FOWLER. Esq, ALEXANDER HAMILTON. Jr., Esq. ED. F. SANDERSON, Esq. j WM. S. WETMOKE Esq. EDWARD M. ARCHIBALD, Esq. Pre-ident Secretary, ALFRED PELL. Esq. Counsel of the Board. A. HAMILTON, Jr , Esq. AYERS. WINGFIELD A CO., Agents, Who will take Fire Risks. v'dy. I Macon, May 11th.—ts | -• “ ~~ / ; 336,000 SWEDES, T> KOOK Bars of Swedes Iron. assorted from 1 \f IV tJOOtI to II Inches wide of ourimporla'ion, I In store, and for sale by CAItH ART A CURD. ! dec. 81—ts ! K| h BUSHELS DRIED APPLES forsale by I •JVF C.H. FREEMAN A CO. | march) 18—ts Cotton Avenue. Peru Wine. j I invite the beet judges of Wine to the al>ove, which can , not ‘e surpsissed in fiuvur and polity. Sherrv Brandy. Harmonla br..nd. I Port Wine, of a very superior quality. Clarets, Chrteaula Rose, Mouton,Poii;lilac, etc. : panuincs, of very flue branus, at HENRY HORNE'S. I aMBusaeBBMHaM^M Notice. WE have a number of accounts made ‘n ISoSod ourbooks bookp, which will be certainly suecHt not paid by the l*t of .lanuarv. We intend to she wno favors. City papers copy. IIAKDKMAN & GKIFFIa. Negroes for Sale. AN EG RO woman and four children, are offered lor sale on reasonable terms for cash. Woman 27 years old, a good eook, washer-woman and house servant Children’* nges fromSveaiH down to 1 vr sold for no fault. Apply at this office. ts. aromathTvalley WHISKEY, For Medicinal Use, HAS now taken that postt'on In the world’seatlmatlon, which jmtifies its proprietor *t, clam ng for it A SUPERroKITY UNRIVALLED, Produced, as it is, bv a process known only to the Manufac turer, and extracted t'nm thecnnicest grain, which grows no where but in a t'.vorcd locally in the Valiev 01 the Mononga heia, and containing no par icle of deUteilousadmixture • it hasacquireda repunui.m for per'ict purity and intrins'cex cel.c ce. Dated solely upon its inherent merit, which the Pio prieiordoes not intend, s long as he controls the mauufac tiire, shall ever be foifcited. or iu any manner allowed to im peach the correctness of the learned and Distinguished Chemists whose certificates we publish berew ith. IT has heretofore refiaineil from making public by adver tisement, the Extraordinary Medicinal Properties which this article is known to possess; and thissilence on his part has been induced bv a sein-ltive dread that the sliglKekl suspicion should cunm hU nanie vzitu advertising umoyri* clsm and the nauseous). igo n of Quack-nostril in (Jlrcuiars. but, t< r some time past, the proprietor has been in to:.slant receipt of un >ol cited testimonials fire m all parts of tlie Coun try. emanating from Physicians of the hi hest reputation. and testimonials which speak with such emphatic aLd un quaL led approval of the unit vailed quaJities of the Aromatic Valley Whiskey as a Medicinal Agent n all cases in which arU u riai siimu'ation has become requi site—ln order to restore, r pairor assist the functions and en eigies of nature—that he and joms it his duty, even at ihe haz ard oi which he has spoken, to make known to the wt rid. m the meet public manner possible, these extract'dmry and iu va'ualile properties of this article of his manufacture. It is not his purpose to recite in oetail, a li>t ol those dis eases of the human system which huve been km wn to be must fav, rably affected by the use of this stimulant. 7 hey are lariicularly described in the various tettiiuonials spoken of, which are open at all times to the inspeciiou of our friends but which we do not feel at liberty, without special permis sion of tlie distinguished persons who have sent them toes to par ide in the public newspapers. Sufliceii to say, that the diseases alluded to comprises all such as are incident to Tropical Latitudes, to a change of Climate 01- Diet, or to ary othercause which disarranges or impairs the oper ant functions of the human system ; induciLg languor lassi tude and depression, and the multitudinous ills flowing fiom this source. In aii suck cases the Aromatic Valley Whiskey Acts as a Restorative, assisting the uatural organs, by a stimulant which, both In character an degree, seems to oe in all tbirgs moot admirably fitted to reinvigorate, and to 1 all back that tone and force of acdou iu the vita) organs, so resent al to nbyeical health. to this extent that the proprietor knows Linioelf to be named in claiming for his manufacture, liygenic properties and virtues which cannot be over-stated, nor over-vauicd its uuiveisai use by The Medical Profession Is most urgently recommended. Already has It found its way into the pinicipal puf'hc anj private hospitais In the country, and whenever it ouieuced.ltfcnhwith be eomesa requisite. I have analyzed a sample of “Day* Aromatic Vllev Whis key, and hud it to be a pure article, of tine flavor, au'd with out any deleterious admixture. JAs.K. PHILTON, M. D., New York. State Assatbe's On-rcx, 32 Somerset St ,> Tir TT „ Boston, April 171 ti. 1868. i M v. H. Paly. New York :—lhave made a chemical anal yst of your Aromatic Nalley Wfiiskev, and liud it t pure, me flavored Rye Whiskey, containing no ir jurious matter of anyutnu and 1 would recommend it as suitable lor medicinal and public purposes. CUAS. T. JACKSON, State Assay er, Wr. H. Daly : —Your Aromatic Va lev Whiskey Is re ceived und alter catelul examination. 1 And it Entirely free from adulterating ingredients, so trequenlly need. JAS. J. MAI’ES, Analy.ical Chemi*,t, N. Y. • ar ‘'Consumers can depend upon getting a pure article whan they buy the \ alley W hiskey. as it is sold by the bottle and case only. ‘ WM. ii. DALY, IS South willium Street, NewYork _ , , Sole l'ropiietor- For sale In Macon by GREER* F ALEMAN. nov 23—nov & fob Osnaburgs, Yarns. &c. OA bams Asnaburga tJU 20 Bales Yarns, 15 and Milledgeville Sheetings. 10 Bales % sheetings, 5 Bales Stripes, U2suiti e by A BES, WINGFIELD 4 CO. ; — 7 Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, ! OAA Sacks Rio Coflee j 4*\r\J bo Sacks Java and Lag. Coffee, 12C bbis Keflned Sugar, . 25 “ Crushed and Powdered, ho “ hds New Ar'euns Sugar, SO hbls New Orleans Syrup, 10 Ids New Crop Molasses, 6 0 bushel. Seed Oafs, TO Com Meal, CxsksShoniders, 10 ‘* Slits, I 800 Sacks For. Forsale by I ten, g—ts AYRES. WINGFIELD 4 00. PH AS just returned “from New York with a beaut fui and well selected Fall and Winter-deck. PARISIAN HATS 01 every variety ; LEGHORN aid fine STR A W BONNETS ; FRENCH KhOWRRv ; FANCY and OSTRICH i FEATHERS ; Ileal Dress.* ; Bridal wreaths and Veils; Net and Grec ! an Caps; Ornaments for the Hair; Shell rnd orn.tne til Tuck Combs; Real Lace Coiffeurs and Veils; beautiful Lace setts and French EMBROID ER 1 ( Misses Leghorn, P urh and , Beaver Hats; Bovs Hats and Caps; 1 reisTrltnm'ngs ; Ze ! phyrY.rns for Knitting and Enibroid -i v ; NuheasOpera I Caps and Mar’posa’s Wigs; Bands, Bndds and Grecian 1 Curls; Fur Cl. ass; and Cuffs. Also, a fine assort ! ment of FANCY ARTICLES too tidlo-s to mention, j Please cal lat and examine frr yourselves before purchasing i j Thankful f 1- past favors and solicits a continuance of the | same. All orders promptly atti n'ed to. rtept. 24 ts ‘isxoH s.HOHanj On (be Euroiiean Fian, CITY OF NEW YORK. Single Dooms 50 Cents per Day. City Hall Square, corner cf Frakfort Street, (Opposite City Hall.) m Meals, as (hey may lie ordered in the spacious Refee 1 tors'. There is a Barter's Shop and Bath Rooms attached to the Hotel, N. B. —Bcwart of Runners anil Hatkmeu. I who say we are lull. R. FRENCH, Proprietor. August 9, 1859. Imported Genuine Havana Segars From 50 to 100 Dollars per IhoiPaud. Cabanas Brevas, vert tine, W Md re, L-i-sct b.-rfa. Postil io, Alldon, ’ Tiilipvu, etc. llnvite the best Judges for a) rial of these Sr gars. - For sale at HEN RY ll< iRNE’S Porter and Ale. OA Casks Jeffers’Jug Ale, 10 Casks best London Porter, us<receiveJ, GREER k FEE EMAN Eugene Clignott Champaigne Acktnrwledged to be very superior by good iudges. 80 Baskets, quarts and pints, direot Importation, . worsa'eat HENRY HORNES.’ BSMAS fIASSSMXS. 0 . O. Sr\kks. | HARDEMAN & SPARKS? ifli WAREHOUSE&S COMMISSION 1 MERCHANTS WlLoeontinue to give prompt attention at their FtRE PROOF WARE HOUSE. I on the corner of Sd and Poplar Streets, to all bnslnaes committed to their charge. With their thanks for past favors, and a renewed pledge of faKhfclness to all the interests of their friends , and customers,they hope to receive their full share he pubHc patronage. Liberal advances made on Cotton and otharprodu when required. Family Btores,alao Bagging,Eope. At, furnished at the lowest market rates. Macon, Aug t—ts SANCHEX’ SPECIFIC < THAT GREAT RUfSCT THAT GREAT KKMKDY THAT GREAT KkMJODV THAT GREAT REMEoY THAT GREAT REMEDY THAT GKBAT REMEDY THAT GREAT REMEDY SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIMC SANCHEZ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC THR ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY roSITI\K CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFuRB THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEUPLB 1 FOR GONORRHfEA A GLEET. FOR GONORKIKKA A GIJCET. FOR CONOR HIKE A A GLEET. FOR GONORRIKEA A GLEET FOR GONORRHOEA A GLEET. FOR CONOR RUGA A GLEET FOR GONORRHOCA A GLEET. SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL saves a big doctor’s bill SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCIOR’B BILL BAV‘S A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL EAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SATES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY TnKEN IS EASILY TAKEN is easily taken 11AS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAB TASTE HAS NO BAl) TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFF FAT A CURE MILL EiFtCT A CI’RE WIU. EFFECT A CIP.K WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CUKE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WUH LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE Willi LESS TROUBLE MORF. SPEEDILY MOKE SPEEDILY .MORE SPEEDILY MOKE M'i.EMI.Y MORE SPEEDILY MOKE SPEEDILY , MORE WEED 11. Y AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AM) PERMANENTLY AND PFJtMANKNTLY AND PEItMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN PEMKDY ! THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN hF.MEDT : THAN ANY KNOWN REMFUY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY test one package TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACK ACE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONFI PACKAGE Every Druggist and Country Merchant should keep a supply of this valuable Remedy, nut only from the prof its that accrue from its sales, but as an set ot philan thropy towards suffering humanity. It wlt be mad’ | to the especial and pecuniary Interest of all Druggist! to purchase by W. W. BLISS & CO., PROPRIETORS, 36 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. For Bale In Macon, by JACOBS CORDIAL 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Planters Take Notice Planters Take Notice Planters Take Notice Jacob's ( ordial Jacob’s Cordial Jacob’s Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Itemedv %/ And Positive Rcmedv J Before The People Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, And Flux. And Flux. And Flux. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Sale in Macon, by ZEILIN & IITJNT. j Gallery of Art. Triangular Bock. FINE Pictures in any of the various styles can al ways be obtained at the above BSSL BL* WL*s BRITr Pu?li was awarded the premium at the late Geor gia State Fair, for the bc-st Pliotogmphs, and he caa , furnish thee* popular Picture*, either plain or eol i ored. arid from the smallest to the largest size, at price* from $3 00 per doz. to S2OO 00 a piece. ! Ambrotypes in tipe eases at price* exceedingly low. 50 Gross Ainlirotype cases, and 106 Gold Gift . frames on hand, and must be sold with fine Picture*. Call and get your picture* and von will save from 25 : to 60 percent, and still get the besLpictures made in Owelly. J. A. PUGH. Nov 5, IB6o.—tf. • BOOTS & SHOES fli MEN*’, Boys and Youth’s fine Calf and Kip Pew- 1 Wta sedlkKjti; Mens’stout Kip Hunting and Mud; Bool* ! Gents lasting Oaiter.s, Monterey, Opera and Ties, and flue Oalf , Brogans; Gents, Boys, and Youth* Patent and Enamelled ! Brogans; Men’s, Boys, and Youths’ California Kip Brogans . Llargeassortment. [oct—tf] MIX ft KIRTLAND. ILLWMtNATED SHQW OARIiS TltOßFraming, handsomely printed, onlv at 1 r ANDREWS’JOB OF*ICS, ‘ lUtston Haft ; LATEST SEWS BY THE I ATLANTIC TUN. rpomiwhomit may concern, thL U to notify thi public ISAACS lx at borne agiJn, and begs toaxsma .* patrons that hixSa Imo U not a tuii.g of a day. Citizen a-.J the traveling public will and their establishment open, not for the Season only but aU Seasons of the year, and those calling on na, will at all houra And our larder sup plied with all the delicacies that the New York and other market will afford, in the way of eatables and something good to drink, and six days out ot seven, more than can be found in any house In town. E. ISAACS & BRO\ Under Ralston’s Hall, Chßrry St. Hi. Bill ol Fare will even’ day, Be just the thing for little pay ; . • And those, who at their place may eat. Will And in it aii things complete— And going once, they then will know. That ISAACS, is the PLACE to go. We shall be happy to set our friends, ensuring them that 1 • will be our unremitting care to please in every ieipect, as we l Hatter ourselves, we have done till now. ! It may te generally known that we have, to meet the wish es of the Medical faculty, imported by oursalvee, a very supe rior quality of Pale Brandy, fine old Poit, Sherry and Made ria, possessing all the Medicinal qualities, SO much dusireu ov them. ; Look at this Bill of Fare and choose fer yourself: OYSTERS, From New York, Savannah and Brunswick In the shell or by ™ W ’ PWe< L or in any way yo n want Shrimps and Crabs. WildJ aroe of evary variety, a Venison and Beef Stet as, ’ 1 Mutton Chopsauo Veal Cutlets, Gjßjata H “ n ‘ Mid Eggs, Devil Ham and Deviled Teiaplas, . stl ~ i Sfts mountain oysters, TURTLE SOUP, W ood-Cock Grouse, . _ . Mountain Geese, Squirrels, Wild Ducks, Fish, and every thing that an epicure wants, can always be had when in season. Confectionaries & Fruit ISAACS, also keeps constantly on i hand a good assortment of Confectionaries, ORANGES, APPLES, BANANAS, PINE APPLES, Various descriptions of NUTS, all of which can be purchased at low prices for <1 VkH. Be THAI A, SI'KRJI, A EATS FOOT and all other OX3L.S m i For sals by Lsept *>] ZKILIN *HI NT. i ■ ■ SPICES. W *"UST ARD, Cloves, Nut megs. Pepper, Ac . which article ItK we have been extremely culfnlto velvet by pergonal in ! si ection ; the purest, freshest and cleanest, that can be ob I tained which we shall always keep on band. hi pt 22. 69, ts ZEILLN 4 HUNT, i . Macon, G OF 1859 ! A’OJT RECEIVING | A Magniflcmt Stock, and trill be sold at Price* to Defy Competition, at ItAIHM’S i ,^,l^ mam FRENCH and American An e. Foi sale by sept b<> ZEILIN ft HFNT. Gold Pens Warranted IN Gotd. Silver and ffavl holders. An elegant as sortment just ODernl and lor sale by K. J. JOHNSON A CO. N >v. 5. 1859—ts PIANOS! OF’ Elegantly tnrved Rosewood, and allthe plain varieties just received, and lor sale on the l est terms, by e. j. Johnston * co. IJff” )!d Pi I'tjn In exchange. apr 7—stwtj GARDEN SEEDS. KENTUCKY’ Blue Grass, LUCERNE, ONION SETTS 4e., 4c , fre-h an.l for sale b 7 ZEILIN ft HUN T. Jan. 27—ts UKiNrnir’s Extract Jamaica Ginger. A CERTAIN, safe and effectusl remedy fbr Dysentery, Diarrhoea or Jiroscnes-, Cholera Morbus, Sirmitiei Complaint, Cho ic. Griilng Pains, Sour St< m ich. hick and Nervons He idache. pain or sickness of the stomach, wind in the ftomscb and bowels, h steiics, c-amps, nervous tremors and twitching*, sea .sickness, taint ings, melancholy and low ness gfap.rSts, fretting and crying ot infinite, ands. r all b-w ----el affections and nervous diseases. Made from the Jamaica- Ginger Root, In a superior manner, and being composed of Ginger, und that alone carries conviction at once tothe mind of an Intelligent people, as to its effleaev in all the diseases aboveenumerate 1. It is no Patent or becret remedy, beii g much u-ed and highly recommended by the Medial Faculty Prepared by ZEILIN & HUNT, I'ruggi-ts, ’’rice 60 cents a bottle. Mac-in Oa luly 7 Carpeting and Oil Cloth* I?A ROLLS < ’arpetlngs ot every style and qualities, of T U l” pestry, Velvet and Br-.ssels. Three plv. Ingrain and Superfine Rugs r and Mats. Floor Oilcloths ofall widths from H , id to!tabl* orHalls and Din 1 nz Roc,ms. Cocoa and India Matting. In the above goods we can sho w he largest and best asm ment In the City. House keeper re requested to ex: mined tcick before making their Fall urchate. B’ F. I( 1 F S < (i. Horse for Sale. hßQbd fnmilv, Tstigy or Rockn rMjjlri way horse con now l>o bought at jiri (tf ■.SWI vato sale, for one tliircl less than his i gfl on 60 clays time, if desired to animal will hie warranted sound and sold only for want ofttse. Appiv to this office. Feb. 17 L. F. W, AM>RF.\VS. WANTED FOUR first class Tailors—Steady tmt loyment srd high eri price paid. WM. k, ARNOLD, oct 12 swAwtf Rubber Shoes* VLATUtE assortment of event's and T \o v s RuMxjrs. Also, Ladies Slipper and San dal Rubber Shoes of Ooodyear’s celebrated patent. Ju n\\ peand for low by MIX & KiK'l LAND. SAVE FREIGHT AND COMMISSI CNS Carhart ft Curd. jiL SOLE agens for SCALES. A FULL Assor:ment of Platform and Counter Pcalf snow in Ho re and for s*le at ther pries. NO FREIGHT ’ I)D£D. Order* ta'xfn for Ruiiroad Ware-li'uee and other j Sculee. We will see them properly put up. ma>lI ts. SPIRIT GAS For the NEW FLUID GAS LAMP. ALSO Burning Fluid and CAMPHINE.j For sale by ZEILIN & HUNT. C. 11. FRKEMM & CO., Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga., Offer, ia usual, at their Old Stand, a Choice As sortment Os i I'AniLY OF every description and of the bt*t quality, fresh and goed, being constantly in receipt of new supplies from i the Northern Markets, , ‘tuiisrs, Spices, WlrteFish, 1 citrons Herrings Coffee, Green Fruits, in cans, Hants ’ leas Condiment* I .aril, ■ Sweetmeat*. Panes. Flour,, Rutter, Raisin*. Mackerel, l'ork. And otherartie’e* too nutnen.u* to mention, comprising the whoit range of Famiiy Grocery- supplies. jsBUBJBMm-saHi* We particuiarly invite the a’tentP-n of dealer* and others to our large and complete stock of audtes, iijanuiactund by I ourselve*, of tlie very I fat material*, and aarrant. and to retain j their liardiices and liiil’iancy, whi.e the imported Canutes ’ soon lose both and become wortuless. We offer unrivalled mlucements to purchasers, w Cakes, Ornamented A Plain Os every variety, and made oi choice material*. Famillet and part it* supplied at tlie shorteat notice and on the most reasonable ter mo. Oysters, Crabs, Shrimps, Fresh Fish, in their Season. ODR OYSTER SALOON, Will be open for the reception of visitors, where we shall keep constantly on band duringthe Fail and 1 ABtv%v Winter, I're.xli Ov*ters and Fffl Pish, native and Imported. of the est qualities, and respectfully Invite or ders, which shall ne faithfully filled. oct2— ts lE* SOOT l WM! MACON, GEORGIA. Hasr-r* We are now opetung a Urge and well j: seiee’ed Mock of ltoot-i and Ehoes, WEE iu the Sto C ou Second Street, l:< rt t. JBKUH RK Mrs. Dessau’s, and nearly opposite Ma aM—LlvTi 1 ‘nU, tine avd Mechanics'Bank Agencies.— m H"ck haring been putchared by j one of our firm dikect > hom thk Eastern MAHcrAOTi'Rkss i roa Cash, Wt can offer great inducements triffhose who wish j to buy fur Cash. We prefer small profits in ICash, rlitber than large ones on lime, where the go <d and solvent customers pay the loos os 1 Goodi sold tothe doubtful ones. AYe ihall keep constantly on hand a gen eral Stock for LADIES. Misses', McuV, llß'v Youths’, Boys’and Cal dren’s ‘ e.r, and/W j also a large st< ck for Negroes. We invite all who wish to purchsre to call a, and see us, I and we will convince th~m that we cax axo will sxi.l as , LOW AS amt fiocax is TILE State. Our work ia guaranteed, and where It fails to give muUfaction, we repair free ol ohsrge. We respectfully solicit a liberal share ofmibile patronage. BEARDEN * GAINES. REPAIRING. We have employed experienced workmen, and are pre pared to Repair all kinds of v>tk In our line with neatucs t anddespdeh. Match 4fi.’#•—tl | Ayer’s Sarsaparili) A compound remedy, in whik ’ bored to produce the W t that can oe made. It is a con flltcr*.- of Para Sarsaparilla, so comS™ 1 aubataneea of still greater alteraA Wll “ *5 U> afford an effective antidotef,! r , Sareapanlia reputed to cure. It u , dI N that such a remedy is wantnri u 1 suffer from Strumous 1 which will accomplish their cure n ,hit % of immense service to this large s?*** afflicted fellow-citizens. How raJ i ,jf % compound will do it has been •’ t unent on many of the worst c w£ V ’*> of the following complaints • *° fci^ Scrofula and Scaomors Eruptions and Eruttive Pimples, Blotches, Tumors h ’ ll ‘*a Scald Head, Syphilis am, i FRCTIOXB, MSRCURIAL DISEASE fb. -U bamiia or Tic Douloureux i'h*„ T ' X ‘- PEPSI A AND INDIOESTIOX, ‘ ‘ or St. Anthony's Fire, and class of complaints arising from the Blood. This compound will be, found a er* motet of health, when taken in *he f ° Ul humoT? fef blood at that season of the year it,. ly expulsion of them many ranklhJ I are mpped m the bud. Multitude, ! the aid of this remedy, spare themsriJ* the endurance of foul eruptions an,! ,!? sores, through which the system will 1 * rid itself of corruptions, if not vm*J- 5 thrs through the natural channel, of ‘ by an alterative medicine. Cleans vitiated blood whenever vou find its nn ‘ bursting through the skiu in tr , ’ or sores; cleanse it when von find structed and sluggish in the vein, • c u‘ whenever it is foul, and vour fMi .V | ’ ‘ you when. Even where no parti, is felt, people enjoy better health •*. longer, for cleansing the blood. K. - ‘ blood healthy, and all is well; but '• ‘ pabulum of life disordered, there car lasting health. Jvxmer or l ate r J, must go WTong and the great life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves run v reputation, of accomplishing th.-e ends,"* E the world has been egregiouslv a n d(., ‘ preparations of it, partly bcum-e ,] . r alone has not all the virtue that is c i. ‘ for it, but more because many pr.ii pretending to be concentrated extra.!, • < ! contain but little of the virtue of Swss- - or any thing else. During late years the public havr . led by large bottles, pretending to p 0! ‘ of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar vl of these have been frauds upon the , they not only contain little, if ar.v, ,<■ rilla, but often no ct.rativc piopertM ** - er. Hence, bitter and painful dis.] has followed the use of the various. t\tr •, / Sarsaparilla w hich flood the market, w -1 name itself is justly despised, and la. synonymous with imposition and ckwt. . we call this compound Sarsaparilla, uid. , to supply such a remedy a, shall res name from the load of obloquy whi.! upon it. And we think we hare p , believing it has virtues w hich art irr,* m. by the ordinary run of the diseases it i,.. ed to cure. In order to secure their c eradication from the system, thermo be judiciously taken according to dim':, the bottle. F3EPARED BY DR. J. C. A1 L K & (0, LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle t Sit Buttlniuß Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself such a renown for the every variety of Throat and Lung Cmv.p’a it is entirely unnecessary for us to i. evidence of its virtues, wherever it hat U< i ployed. As it has long been in cn:.-: .’ throughout this section, we need tint do a assure the people its quality is kept up tr it ever has been, and that it may be nji do for their relief all it has ever been found 1. 1 Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, FOR THE CURE OF Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspe}>si, In< Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysiplas, II i Piles, Pheumatism, Eruptions and Sim b. Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tsiter, Tun i Salt Phcum, Worms, Gout, Mure Dinner Pill, and for Purtfyinf the fl They are sugar-coaled, so that th< !..< -• *i five can take them pleasantly, and tli.y > best aperient in the world for all the puq family physic. Price 25 cents per Box; Five boxei for SU : ! Great numbers of Clergymen, Physician?Atm ] men, and eminent personages, have hli | names to certify the unparalleled use full. •• ’ j remedies, but our space here will not |en;..i and j insertion of them. The Agents below nats | nish gratis our American Almanac in * are given; with also full des. rip’.ions of ‘• complaints, and the treatment that dc-.-:* lowed for their cure. 1 Do not be put olf bv unprincipled r other preparations they make more fj 1 • Demand Ayer’s, and take no odors. I want the best aid there is for them, auJ tic;- ■ have it. , . All our Remedies are for sale by Sold byE. L. Btrohecker & t .. 7. Hunt. Macon, and byalldruggi-t*. erv in Medicine everywhere. Haviland,Chichester A I’o , Aur->’ wholesale agents. PIANO FORTES! XX. GALE ts CO. TAKE plcaunrc In , Inri'iM n. ot Ar'l<i*. * m:i I eontrallc, to ta el NO FuhTK. ju-t li, j J U J ]■■■■<■■ . injdesire fora.' * ■* 1 ~*> L’ I*• proscli Gie Gn<na in volt me of Son:... ■••• rlms.svi Id t* e ut'Bdnly ot trun ei t directed o:tr ettrtfdo* t-itt ‘ Uemd-ration. Ooi t.i'l I* tv warded st & • •>* will,out fear of coirpvtitlon. OT our piano, ax- irr tiled - ‘ ‘ , wh. tb< r ordered from usdiri ci, < r >• Sv “ 4 tlir uchout tteiuviry : srd t ,o.iut< : ‘ patrouaije winch we liavv >nvdfi.r I - A. 11. GALE *-_ Jnnesowljr laT Emt lAA *• v A. McQUEEN, MACON, GA MANI FAUTURER ol Wre.h’ ir • dvsoilptu n, and for all |u-** Plain 8i Ornariicn*^ | From ‘he iicfctest scroll Iron sptninr j iltt’laf nr variety <t r ,irC ®* N ’ ! tr. hi* suited. * ,k i, Beingeutirtly of V'ronfht r n w j qn* !*Ti<jijel, tor lWly tb- v c**'?"* ‘ * i when. All kindo of Fancy Iron ‘ lieulur attention j a‘d to n.akir.z hit ***** ... Geometrical Stair Baili* I lints, lints! I tw •* CASES Os Hat-, aii Mod, *i H> ; i•> M. rclia-.'* pu cl.a* i. fc -6} IK- 1 “ . , j. * K ! J ily 14 —ts. lj - * . . * ! ry Jotir. 4 MeM* 3 ecrn'i OV2i TflcT** New Goods. H FRESH CONFECriOW!-- J Henry 1 lorn* M HiS Intelv returno.! fiom the In Mors now, aid * reciv cn .?riVi^.’ *’ SiOC't ofUoti'edionari. walid P’andly • _ . nvit-j* ths at;ei.t.oa of lie . e* country. Thankful f .r the-wcndlnz'’ MVre, -f I 111* I aft nli.e jrvarw. i n.nwt i*"|vd L ‘ J* ! ■ of 1 he fa-lie. ; ioa.iiirct> al all r r n to n v tn’ror.-io mo.i ‘hv.rrwr- j FILS, T.4RTS 4W If- Wlrvl rvsi.l la . Gfow-te-rr r -• |H Cu-lu’d.,. IthU.tih I if- 1 e.oti 1 a * |** T r 1 l^B vno ufl-v I’ec‘. Ta.U Ap|J; TANARUS” ‘ j? A .I*l lew o’ all *:>!•-. I’ I 1 , irtr* *>■” F,n.l inirwirluxD.asvrt*. R■!*•* ~ i *°' ,Uck ' 3 “'rfgyfv ■>*• k~ m Preserves. > f-vRKSn and of nsdoulitid X'd BB 1 ne lot of SMul.-h rrt<|H rn ‘K LF.< _ri and H BEST G .-HEN BUTTJU. Ml EN<;LI-I! DIAM C?,rav X i GflWLffti’ f REAM (TirES*. W ffttV YORK STATE i.HtE'E. „ p, '* G.nrtantlr on hand G Hi i Bridal Cakes I WATCH WOF.K, I are prepared to W ‘•* K ‘’ H ♦ > at abort notice and \ , •> 1 S TE for on# year. 1,. j. FISK’S MEIALIC SUfiiAl C*> !> I OOS* WOOD, Mahogany, Walcat. I.^ ■sTjsr-.H cri and Newell. n mm ! uiv _t ff IB