The Sun. (Hartwell, GA.) 1876-1879, May 07, 1879, Image 4

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The Limit uf Her ( orrare. A young girl named Susan Johnson, of Unit* l ' town, Kentucky, who is ad dieted to reading novels, dressed herself in Ikv’ clothes, and armed with two revol vers and a dagger, took the packet for Evansville, intending to lend a life that would Ik' a Irrror to the foe. On the boat some deck hands were moving some freight, and a big rat ran out and spudded m the direction of our hero. Jfiss Johnson jumped on a hale of to Itacco and serenmed. They carried her to the ladies’ cabin, where she remained during the rouud trip, and she has now promised her parents to do her share in the kitchen and keep her end up at the sewing niachino. ! LIVER ■I Thit important nrfrin weiph* but about thrre H (pound*. nn-J r!l the Llorxl i:i a living perron La i about three p .Hop , / p& **<.-;• through it t Icctt • ioncc every half hear, to have the bile and loJicr impure id i.iained or f.ltwd from it. I ilo ii tt * n tf'irol p"*- r :iv •of the bowc!*, and Kif the Liver bc;or ica torpid it is net separated from tSeblool, bat earned through the veins to all parts of tn aysten, *nJ in trying to ts jCj/ipe the pores if the < ..u*cs it to turn yellow or n dirty brown color, The (ton* ach c'iic.Y.oJ, and Dvrpepih, Indi nestlon, Cotutipalion, Headache, Ililif jt Jaundice,Chilli, Aidaiial Fever*, Piles, Sick xM Sour St' inach, and general debility follow. Mnaasi l'j Übpatini , ihcprcat vegetabledi*> (if cavery lor torpiduy, cause* the l iver to throw r - o.T fr >m cue to t.vo cur., x* of bile each timr M the blood throu-jli it, s*x long as then: is Knn t*x<r* of Mlc ; a:ul the pffect of even a few dot el upon yellow completion or a brown dirty (lilting sain, will astonish all who try it—thejr being the fm.t symptoms to disappear. The I! cure of all bilious and Liver complaint is nude certain by taking ll'datink in accord ance with directions, llcfttiachc is generally cured in twenty minutes, anc! ro disease th**t arises from the Liver can exist if a Lair trial is given. hOLD AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PILLS BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Price 25 Cts. and SI.OO ILTJN6S P Th* fatality of Consumption or Throat aad ft) Lung Diseases, which rweep ti the grave at D Ica.t onc-ihird cf all d< >th * victims, an .es ki frurn the Opium ( r Morphine treatment, which fu’ • imply stupefies i the work of death gees on. 02 t l wl *' c P ai 1 Opium or Morphine, or any prep sraiioit of Op i .n, Mc.phlr.c cr Prus ]Tj AciJ, can be foun tin tho Cicr s lYotfcx 3 Syklt, w! <h f.r.i cured people who *1 arc living to-day wi.h but ore r* lung. JJh No greater wrong can be done than t> say that 0* Consumption is incur !e. Clods Llower O Cough Svuup vi.l cure it when all other e means hive failed. Als.o, Colds, Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, an 1 j.’.l diseases of the throat and lungs. Read the testimonials of the lion. Alexander 11. Stephens, Cov. Smith Ed and Ex-Gov l'.rown if Ca , I Ton. Geo. Pcn body, as will as those cf other remarkable cu-cs iour booh, free to r’l at tire drug stores. and be convinced that it you wirh to \ j cured you can bely the Clou* Fi.owra H Coi'.ii Svr.rp. Take no Troches or Lozenges for bore Throat, when you can g* t Clock w Ft.owrtt Svkip at same price. For sale by (all Druggists. iPrice 25 Cts. and SI.OO jVBiiOOD Crave ml d-s are made Sn the treatment of all diseases dial aiLc fri i i poison ii the b <>od. H'V 1 ' 1 one case of fccrofula, Syphilis, Whits O! Swelling, Ulcerous Tores and S’.in Disease, in a thousand, is treated without the use of filer* curv i some form. Mercuryrots the bones, l^c di icar.fS it produces aie worse than Many oilier kind ofl 100 1 cr si in disease can be. Du. Ih uhthtonV. ! ti: : inc.ia cr Qt CliN** l>r:LiG!ir is the o ly medicine upon which n hops of recovery fa m Scrofula, Syphilis and |a) M rcurial di.sta:.cs ii all stages,can oc icxsoa ably founded, and that will cure Cancer. will be paid by the proprietors if Mercury, or rny ingredient r.ot purtiy vegeta blc and harmless can be found ui it. <* Tiice by all Drugrisis f i.oo* ! Geoiiif Flowkr ( >ut.n Fran* r.nd Mu rTf* !.*s Hbpatui* poh i nit ].Tv*it li r ta t by all Drugfp't* hr ej cant and £i.oo lotiLs. A. F. ISSIiZLL !; CO., rr:-.rl#i% PHILADELPHIA. PA. _ • M'U. GEARING A £IX2 F22 C/F22LF2 & PME LIST. L. J. GAETEELL, ATTORNEY - AT - LA W, ATI.A >T %.£<■ A IJRACTICES in the Totted States Ctrco t ami District Courts at Atlanta, aud the Supreme and Superior Courts of the state. 162 a BURNHAMS AWSMSL fZ-ae'ZHi WARRANTED BEST AND CHEAPEST. Price* rrtluccd* Dn w />hlti free. ! MILLIE SUPPLIES. Work*: I tium. l.aiifNKlcr <•.. P 166 OUiit : U 4 H. lien wr Hi., York.Ta Greatest Bargains.vK*7?£ during thin m*nth over k non • in the V. S. We are DETERMIXKDto iniiiiitnin our |m wition * Jfwi'U fcAPfcST and most RKLIAIIU Ho*** in the World, and will, to Hiepoee >f our Present stock ©/ 500 > I \\ and SECOND HAM) INSTRU MENTS of HE ST maker* includ<a WATERS. it SU ONI XG BUS, place them within reach of t.reni Family in the land by ojft rinp them at FACTORY PH 1C K*. fill fully ear ranted. We have been in the 6- trine** nearly Thirty Years and cannot be I n<ter- MUlil on fret da** Instrument*, t-y any home in America. Take advantage of thi* CHEAT OFFER, iru!-*:/i 4 fi>r (‘ntnlrfur at otter. HOP A ('IS WATERS *+ nn f. 40 i'Hwi inti \nr York. *'■ USE THIS BRAND. BEST IN THE WORLD. And heUsr than aiF Saleratus. One tcaspnoiifnl uf this Soda used with sour milk equals Four teaspoonfuls of the best Haking Powder, saving Twenty Times its cost. See package for valu able information. tf the tenspoonful is too large and does not produce good results at first, use less afterward*. 131 A GREAT OFFER rR FEBRUARY I %V* Mill 'lnl ine TISIK IION I II of I4H> 411144 % .VS. lint Must second Iki ml /jirnt 'lt** wafer* Intituling If ATE US' at lower ptin'N for ash. or Insinliiiiviils. tfinn ever he fort) off.-mb SPLENDID ORGANS 9 :i-5 mvi of rcedr* W6.T, \ hi-Im w itfi Sub Hass and Coupler HKO. Uh U **), I h*‘{ M-fO. not uaeil a year. 7 OcfHTt dll roa**wio<l Plaimih AISO. 7 1 11 do KUO, wuirnnteil for (i yenrn. AGENTS W ANTED. II lnstruU‘<l CatalogtieN Mailed. A lllu rnl (lls eon ii t to ri iu.'liei-R MiuUtern, Ghtircliea. Schools Lodges, etv. SHEET MUSIC t Half lrler. HOILU i: WATERS a SONS, Manufac turers and Dealers, 40 East l-ltli Street, N( r. Y(>: k. J OHN~I*. HHANNON, - ATTOIIS EY-A T-LA If’, KLHERTOX. GEORGIA, Prartiuea In the Countiom of Klheit. Hart. MstlUa* •ml Ki ankliu, and in the Supreme Court elaew hen* when employed. fcl A. K. CHILDS. K. NICKERSON. V. U. WINN. CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO, No- 15 Franklin House Building, Athens, Ga., Wholesale and Retail Dealer* in HARDWxVRE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, HORSE ANI) MULE SHOES, HORSESHOE NAILS. Load*. Oils, GlaH and Varnish, Ilarnrxa Leather, MILE UR IV WAGONS, COTTON. MANILLA AND JUTE ROPE, Carriage and Saddlery Hardware. Felloe*. Hub*. Spoken, Buggy Wheel*. Axle*. Spring*, etc.. Rubber and Leather limiting, Mill Saw*. Mill Finding*. Anvil*. Bellow*. Vice*, Hollow Ware, etc. Manufacturer*’ agent* for the nale of FA IR BANK’S ’ STANDARD SC A L ES, Cider Mill*. Syrup Mill* and Evaporator*, Watt Plow*, Farmer* Friend Plow. rump*. Circular Saws, WIN SHIPS’ SAWYER'S & MASSEYS CELEBRATED COTTON GINS; A 100 Agant. for HALLS FIRE AXD BVRGLAII FICOOF SAFES. Uf' Any article in our line not in .tuck, will bo ordered wlieu desired, with the leaHt pos.iblo delay. 104 - -!l mnl Kunmlno onr Mtnck mill Prlee*. tr>s 'X'iie Wagon on \\ r HEELS IS MANUFACTURED BY Fisa &ms, & €q* •wis. M E MAKE EVERY VARIETY OF 'FARM, FREIGHT, i SPUING WAGOSS And by confining ourselves strictly to one class of work ; by employing none but the Best of ■\X7"orlorsncin-, Using nothing but First-Class Improved Machinery and the Very Best of Selected Timber, And by a THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE of the business, we have justly earned the rep utation of making “THE BEST WAGON ON WHEELS." We gtvo the follow inf warranty with each We Hereby Wnrrnnt the FISH BltOS. WAGON No to be well made tu every particular aud uf good material, uni that the >f the name is *utth tent fur all work with fair usage. Should any breakage occur within one year fttmi thin date by reason of defective material or workmanship, repairs for the maiuc will he fiiriiiafonl at place of sale, free of charge, or the price of said repair*, a* per agent s pric lint will he paid in cash b> the purchaser producing a sample of the broken or defective parts as evidence jffiArEi. 5 FISH BROS, -fe CO. ItnriHr. Wl. )n. lot. IH7S. (.Iso. C. Uioois*. I Kiuiwiii* Milt yon. w. .olicit (nitron.;)' from ovrrv •onion of th United Slate. Hrnd ter Prlfi'n ami Tt-riu. ami for copy of our AGKICULTU KA L PAI’KU to 101-1-12 FISH BROS. & CO., Baciiw, Vic. MO 9BE* Mcinm & CQ* TM PORTS KS iXI) JOBBERS OK DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. BOOTS. SHOES AND HATS, 4r. Ihyslnr sud Pr.Tnr St. ATLANTA, 01. 143 WE ADVERTISE WHAT WE SELL AND SELL WHAT WE ADVERTISE! THE 1 1I>-T CMK If fib don’t believe it, ask JOHN B. BENSON, a. k. chilis & co„ 154 A THENS, (JA. J. MYERS. S. MAHCVS MYERS & MARCCS't JOI EERS IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, BOOTS, SHOES, IIATS & CLOTHING. r pilE L NDEIiSIGNED respectfully informs the merchants of Hart and surrounding JL Counties, that their Fall Stock is now complete, and in prices and assortment is unequalled by any that has ever been brought to this market. A special feature of our business is the establishment of a WHOLESALE SHOE & HAT HOUSE, entirely distinct from onr Dry Goods, Notions and other departments. In our new Store will he found the largest and best selected stock of Shoes and Hats we have ever had. and we feel satisfied that it will be to the interest of purchasers to inspect our stock before buying elsewhere. MYERS & MARCUS, ■A 2hs A sss nnavn ntkkft. ai gvsta. uf.orcua PL( >WB ! FLOWS! TIT E have just received a double dose of AVERY'S best Plows and Stocks. We M call particular attention to our DOUBLE PLOWS, which wc sell at just half the price asked for other double plow-stocks. If it is cheap Plows vou want, this is the place to get them. E. B. BENSON & CO., Hartwell, Ga. BENSON & CO., Bowersvillc, Ga. Fo a valuable invention. JS?J fldßf" THE WORLD RENOWNED WILSON SEWING MACHINE in workmanship is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and as elegantly finished as a first-class Piano. It received the highest awards at the Vienna and Centennial Expo sitions. £7 SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than other machines. Its capacity is unlimited. There are more WILSON MACHINES sold in the United States than the combined sales of ail the others. The WILSON MENDING ATTACHMENT for doing all kinds of repairing, WITHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with each machine. w? i WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. 827 A 829 Broadway, New York; New Orieans, La.; Cor. State & Madison Sts., Chicago, Ills.; and San Francisco, Cal. For Sa 7 e by all First-Class Dealers . J. C. & J. CARTER, iai u n i mi r ’ GROCERS, • IV II U LLUHLL 65 East Alabama Street, Atlanta, 6a • 142 ORDERS SOLICITED . Pianos, organs G-ra-rLcL INTRDUCTION SALES ! ONE THOUSAND SUPERB INSTRUMENTS From the Best . Makers TO HE KOM AT MANUFACTUERS RATES Special Announcement. Tenof the I,ratlins Mnnnfoclnrer* of the IT.l T . S., have given ns Exclusive coutrol of their instruments in the South, tul authorized tie to place f,,r Introduction anti Adveitisciiu nt. OXE THOU SAXO of their best iustrumeuts in Kcprcscotative Routlicrr 11 nu-clioltis at FACTORY IVUOLESALE RATES. 'II is Grand Introduction Sale Commenced Nov. I. and will continue until all ar# dol!. Don't miM tisf rhancc. It is tho only H&leof th Lina ev*r yet attempted in Am erica. See tlxe Prices I T ANARUS, v . rr\ /-a 7 Oct. tine Koscwoood, 111 i \ / 11 1 Carved l.eja. Catalogue \J I \ X I IVlric .5.-.10. 5112.1. 7i / 1 I I 1, AOrt. line Kosevtoodcarv ! \ i 1 \ / k yei Catalogue A a A A t V / tli|o 7 U Octavo Square Grand Superb Catalogue Price, *I.OOO. 9250. AC W 0 Stops. Handsome Walnut A vn v r • J&O 4 Case. Catalogue Price #-570. Uig O. II 0 I*l St<qs. Klegant Walnut Tio # ICatfc. Catalogue Prkw. #J4O. \/X g cLIIo SO/J ! 1 Stops. Superb Mirror i Tl O o\?Case. Catalogue Price, 1-175 v/l ClilO All ffUAroutoed iustrumeuts. Maker’s nmno on each. I Dm>m Trlnl. if wanted, we ]a j j the freight if no sale. A trial rosts nothing if instiu* j tnrut don't suit. Don’t hesitate to order. Mason i I HairOrpi Bei VI asoll A Hamlin Jj. Church and Tailor Or gafltt gaits. Best and Cheap est. Now Style* in ele* 9 1, Stupa, ouiy * B °' Pcdonbet 6l Pelton - Organs, t> Stops, only, saion a .w• $65 10 Stops, with h*** lhll riiimm. only |IOO. MamaManoßaiiuumMMitmJLUlJXLL'eaV liW IMdBM Chickoring. Knab, Weber, Hallst, & Tavis. Mathushek, Haines. Dixie. Pease, Southern Gem and Tavorite Pianos, U included in this sale. A dean I sweep. No reserve. All new Instruments of latest stj-lcs. Sond for Intiwlnction Sale circular, giving prices nd lull information. Ih/i ono TA A T f° r * lO a Riano or $4 on llVIr Utl / /I/¥/ - nn organ, wc will deliver freight paid to any R. It. point in the South. LURBSN & BATES, SAVANNAH - GA. Wholesale Piano and Organ Dealer*. I£7-148 ty- READER! BEFORE BI’I’ING A PIANO ohQKGIIM Wv .spapt-r with mueh vitlmible informntion I’rrc. Mu Si uuitv. *125. 9135 and upward*. New drgHUM. s(ls to 8140. lie sure to write ino before buying elsewhere. Hewn re of Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, N-J 1 (iF.XTS WAMTE3) For tlio Tle*t mul Fa* feet- Selling Pictorial Hooks ami Bibles. Prices reduced 33 per cent. National Pi iiuhhtng Cos., Pbila., Pa. UiT/XTS XV A XTlin for Smith's Bible Dictionary u " h Skw aj *'"PICTORIAL BIBLES, Price* reduced.Circular* fret. A. J. llohiimi A Cos., Philadelphia, Pa. 142 i® mnr I'nrsoiiN Piirpidte l r alls makr Now Kich Blood, and will completely chance the blood in the entire system in three months. Aliy person who will take 1 pill each from 1 to I*2 weeks may le r© stored to sound health, if such a thinir be iMtssihle. Scut by mail for e letter stamps. 1. fc>. JOIK.VSOX A' 4 0., Ban y or, Me. BEKSON’S capcike - j POROUS PLASTER, ' There is no doubt almut the great su periority of tiiis article over common porous plasters and other external remedies, such as lini ments. electrical appliances. &<*. Ask physicians in your own locality about it It is wonderful. TO INVENTORS AMI MECHANICS t PATENTS and how to obtain them. Pamphlet of 60 pages free, upon receipt of Stamps for postage. Address— Gilmore. Smith & Cos.. Solicitors of Patents. Box i>P, Washington, D. C. Ib a room hly, 100- page hemp Bonk of the cream of the World s Literature. S.ngle copy, 20c.. or per year. An Oil (*hromo (ltx'JO inches) ot‘ " Yoaemit j Valley,” price, $3: Black Sheep.” a $1.50 book, in paper binding; "Christian Oakley's Mistake.” ail book, in paper binding, and a sample copy of “Wood * Household Magazine”—all post-paid, for only 30 oenta In money, or in one-cent postage stamp 4. Asrcntu wanted. Most liberal terms, hot nothing wnt tre*. Address S. S. Wood, Tribune Building, Nuw York City. Atlanta a charlotte atr line r r CHANGE OF SCIIEDFLE. On and after December Eighth DOUBLE DAI LY TEA INS w ill be run on the Road as follow* : GOING EAST—NIGHT MAIL AND I*ABbENGF’t TRAIN. Arrive at Toccoa 7 10 p m Lv :ipn lAT I*ABf*RXGER TRAIN. Arrive at Toccoa 10 ' 7 a m L*“T le 18 a m OOINO WFST~.Mr.HT MAIL AND FA MEN OK TSAIN. Arrive at Toccoa 8 27*m Leave e 28 a a lAY PASSENGER TRAIN. A t rive at Toccoa G 03 p m Leave w 04 p si GOING FAST—-LOCAL FREIGHT ACCOMMODATE N TRAIN. AiTive at Toccoa 1 52 p a Leave 2 30pm THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN. Arrive at Toccoa 5 53pm Leave 6 05pm GOING WEST—LOCAL FREIGHT ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Arrive at Toccoa 8 17 a ra Leave 9 15am THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN. Arrive at Toccoa 4 24 am Leave 4 37am Close connection at Atlanta for all points Weat, aud at Charlotte for allpoiutH East. (L T. LORE ACRE. General Manager. W J. HOUSTON. G. 1\ A T. Agt. ELBERTON AIR-LINE SCHEDULE. Trains leave Rowersville for Klberton 12.46 p. -Up Leave BowsraviilF for Toccoa 6.13 a. xn