The Hartwell sun. (Hartwell, GA.) 1879-current, May 21, 1879, Image 3

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THE NEW “SUNNY SOUTH." Kuv Our Club llnU'N. The “ Sunny South ” is now the model weekly of the age. It comes out in an on tirc new dress and new make-up generally and is overflowing with the richest and spiciest matter of the day —Poems, Essays, Stories, News of this Week, \\ it and Hu mor, Letters from all Sections, Notes of Travel. Biographies and Portraits of dis tinguished men and women, Humorous En gravings, Local Matters, and forcible edi torials upon all subjects. Is it possible to make a paper more complete? Get a copy and examine it. It is really an honor to the South and our people arc proud of it, and everyone should take it immediately. The price is only $2.50 a year. i\ c will send the ‘‘Sunny South ” and The Hart well Sun one year for $3.50. The ” Sunny ‘South ” and “ Boys and Girls of the South ’’ will be furnished one year for 83.50, with a large and magnificent picture thrown in. Address this oflicc, or J. H. A W. B. Seals, Atlanta, Ga. A Short Account of tbc nines* and Death of Mr. W. E. McCurrj. The prior history of his case I learned partly from himself and partly from Mr. John G. McCurry. lie was about 38 years of age; weight about 150 pounds; constitution good ; a mechanic and a hard worker; habits temperate; and health good up to about three years ago. when the following symptoms manifested themselves and continued up to his last illness. Short ly after taking food the malady was an nounced by disturbance of gastric diges tion, at lirst mere uneasiness and pain in the epigastrium; then nausea and vom iting or regurgitation, expelling the food previously taken. At other times ho was troubled with an uneasy feeling of weight or tightness with a burning sensation and gnawing pain of the stomach which pro duced a kind of sickening depression and pain, which last symptom was relieved by lying down. These symptoms were con tinued during a period of three years at intervals of from a few to several weeks, in the course of which their uniformity was from time to time varied by fluctua tions of severity. The last attack was on Saturday the 19th of April coming on after eating a hearty dinner of salad. The above enumerated symptoms re-occurred in a more violent form, especially the pain in the stomach. On Sunday the 20th, at night, the bowels acted : action little else but blood. On Monday the 21st took a dose of oil and turpentine, and during the night his bowels acted twice, at each ac tion tho discharge about 3 quarts of pure blood, clotted and dark. Bowels acted without pain. On Tuesday the 22d vomit ed about 3 quarts of blood uneoagulatcd and of scarlet color. I was called to see him immediately after the hemorrhage commenced, and found him quiet, free from suffering and pain except when press ure was made over the stomach, which gave rise to some pain and soreness ; bow els free from pain or soreness, and both were in a state of collapse, being entirely empty and relax from loss of blood. The abdominal aorter could be distinctly felt and seen pulsating its whole length. Pul sations of the heart feeble and quick. Slight fever, tongue dry and coated with a white fur. Thirst considerable. Treatment: He was put upon astringents and anodynes in the form of perchloride of iron and opium to arrest hemorrhage, and allowed very small quantities of water, and all food forbidden except rice water with sweet milk in quantities of a tcaspoonful at a time every few hours. The hemor rhage was arrested, but all food was vom ited, sometimes immediately and at other times several hours later—always in the same state as when taken, undergoing no change in the stomach. From the 22(1 to the 25th there was no hemorrhage, but nausea and vomiting continued, with rapid emaciation. On the 25th hemorrhage rc occurrcd. Passed by the bowels 3 pints of blood same character as the lirst; from the stomach about one pint same as first.- Treatment : Was put upon acetate of lead and opium and fluid extract of ergot to arrest the hemorrhage; blister applied over the stomach; subnitrate of bismuth and pepsine was administered to quiet the irritable stomach and stimulate digestion. Brandy in small quantities administered to support the flagging vital powers, and as the digestion by the stomach was entirely destroyed I sought to support the system by injecting into the bowels one quart of essence of beef or sweet milk three times per day. Alimentary substances were vomited. Brandy was retained, encmers retained and digested. From the 25th emaciation and exhaustion of the nervous system progressed rapidly, the symptoms assuming a typhoid character. Never com plaining of anything, except from the ef fects of something taken into stomach or from pressure made over the stomach ; and finally the nervous system became exhaust ed and fallen into a low grade of delirium, and died from starvation on the 14th of May. Mine and Dr. Page’s diagnosis of this case was gastric ulcer, and on post-mortem examination, assisted by Drs. Eberhart, Webb and Johnson, we found the stomach containing about two ounces of dark liquid. The muscular coat of the stomach was very thin, and the mucous membrane of the cardiac orifice of the stomach ex tending upward from a half to three-fourths of an inch an ulcer extending through the mucous membrane. Nearly all of the mu cous membrane of the stomach was de stroyed by gellatinous or pulltatious soft ening (gastro-malaxia). The contrast was very striking between the mucous mem brane of this case and one in healthy or na'.ural state—it being naturally thick, its surface smooth, soft and velvety, a portion of which had no more consistancy than the white of eggs, and was easily scraped off with the back of a knife. I scraped a por tion off which exposed to view the blood vessels in the cellular coat of the stomach. All of the other organs of the body as far as could be seen were in a perfectly healthy condition. A. J. Mathews, M. D. Dear Bell :—Our commencement ex ercises are over. 1 have received my di ploma, and am now ready to enter with zest into the pleasures of gay society. At tired becomingly in a pure white robe, such as an angel might love to wear, I took a prominent part in the musical exercises in the evening. Although I had contracted a severe cold a few days before, 1 was enabled by the use of Coussens’ Honey of Tar, the best remedy in the world for coughs, colds, and all diseases of the throat and lungs, to sing so well that I completely enraptured a large audience. Tell Uncle John that the use of that invaluable compound, Coussens’ Honey of Tar, will cure his cough. It is only 50 cents a bottle, and can be bought at E. B. Benson & Co’s Drug Store. Yours in baste, Annie. Men’s, Boys’ Ladies' and Misses’ Shoes just received and cheaper than ever at E. B. Benson & Co’s. Nun Uhjm. Communication of “ Suggs ” will appear next week. Capt. Craft lias commenced rebuilding his dwelling house. This section lias been visited by copious rains during the past week. Fresh Ground Pearl Grits and Best Rice at E. B. Benson A Co.’s We are glad to state that Mr. Satterfield has about recovered from his recent illness. We learn that Mr. J. H. Winters, of this county, has four cases of measles in his family. The examination at the High School will come otF next Friday. A large attendance is expected. Drs, Mathews A Page have a beautiful colored show glass bottle in their drug storo window. Shell Road Chewing Tobacco just re ceived from Howard, Wood A Cos., at E. B. Benson & Co.’s. Since the railroad to Hartwell lias been assured, our merchants look as well satis fied as frogs on a log. W. 11. Stephenson and Hon. F. B. Hodges have as fine lields of wheat as can be found in this section. Some of of our farmers are fearful that so much rain as has fallen in the past few days may give wheat the rust. We arc requested to announce that there will be a debate upon the “No Fence” law at Cedar Creek Church on next Satur day. Dr. Mathews gave us some of his nice, fresh Jersey cider Saturday. He is a whole souled gentleman from his hat to his boots, which latter are half-soled. Sec to it that your child meets with no neglect; when sick, use for tho diseases of babyhood Dr. Bull’s Baby Syrup—it never disappoints. Price 25 cents. Mr. F. S. Roberts says cows never have white ears, and that he will pay twenty five dollars to any person who will show him one that has two white ones. It frequently happens that severe pain is very greatly relieved by thorough purga tion. Use Dr. Bull’s Baltimore Pills for this purpose, Price 25 cents. T. E. Vickery’s house is fast nearing completion, and will be one of the most handsome in town. Rowland Temples, contractor is doing some of the best work. A citizen of this county is putting into practice the stock law. He lias no fence around his crop, but says he is going to trust to Providence to keep the cattle out. It is reported that after the two big conventions lately held in Atlanta were over, good whisky was powerful “ scace.” Of course the doctors drank—not the min isters. Mcßride A Cos., Atlanta, offer no C. C. Teas as baits, but put every article square ly on its own merit, and sell to prompt, cash-paying merchants staple fast selling goods at rock bottom prices. Mr. Frank Roberts received some new Irish potato seeds through the Agricultural Society from Washington, which he plant ed on the 19tii of March, and on the 12th inst. he got a mess of potatoes as large as hen eggs. I have two new buggies that I will sell dirt cheap for cash, or on time to men who pay their debts. 1 will sell in the next thirty days at a bargain. I intend to sell. i42 Jno. M. Pressnel. The Hebrew Leader, published in New York'City, is an elegantly printed, large, eight-page paper, of which every Free mason and Hebrew should bo proud. We consider it one of the most interesting, en tertaining and useful papers among our ex changes. We learn they'had a considerable blow out in McCurry’s District Friday last. Considerable damage done to fencing, and the new Baptist Church was blown over in a leaning position, but the energetic cit izens had commenced repairing the dam age at last account. .Sec notice of A. M. Holland elsewhere. He is a progressive man and keeps up with the demands of the times. He has put'up across the Savannah at Brown's Ferry a wire rope, and can cross travelers at any time, regardless of high winds or waters. The stock law is fiercely discussed in this county, and some parties on both sides are allowing their passion to get the better of their judgement. This should not be so. Let every man enjoy and express his opinion; and when the time comes cast his vote, and abide the decision of the ma jority gracefully. Henry Ward Beecher lectured in Atlanta on last Thursday.—Blue Ridge Echo. This reminds us of a glowing description of a party that was to have come off on the night of the publication of a Carolina pa per. which did not come off at all. Moral —never count chickens before they are batched. An abundance of nice, white shad, just from the water, were brought to Hartwell last week and sold at 30 to 40 cents, ac cording to size. They aro being caught daily at the traps on the Savannah and are more plentiful than they have been for the last twenty years. There must have been a dam leak in the dam obstructions about Augusta. We have received an invitation from the Euphemian Literary Society of Erskine College, Due West, S. C., beautifully print ed in green ink, to attend their semi-annu al celebration, Friday, June 27th. Junior orator, J. W. Miller, Ala.; senior orator, J. 11. Johnson, S. C.; medal orator. Rev. J. O’Lowry, Ala.; Anniversary orator, Rev. Moses I). Ilogc, D. D., Ya. Communicated. Editors Sun : There are some of the richest men in this county who do not give in their property at one-fourth its value. We hope the next Grand Jury will look into this matter. It is a shame that poor men who only have a cabin on their land should pay as much per acre as some who have far better land, and improve ments worth thousands of dollars. Tax Payer. Lively and Intorestinjr Time in Athens. The three days racing, rifle matches, glass ball trap shooting, target contest by Athens Guards, address of Gen. Toombs, Ac., under the management of Northeast Georgia Fair and Stock Association at Athens Fair Grounds, on the 29th, 30th, and 31st of this month, will doubtless draw a great number of people. An ex cursion train will run from Gainesville to Athens during this occasion. B;4 in the World. Fowler’s Fly Fans, Seth Thomas’ Clocks, Rogers & Son’s Cutlery, Mcßride’s Spoons, Forks and Castors, Dixon’s Polish, Miller’s Blacking. Champion lee Cream Freezers and Water Coolers, all tried and proven to be the best made in tho world, supplied to the trade by Mcßride & Cos., Atlanta, Ga., s'rict'y at manufacturer’s prices. Roil Creek Wavelet*. Farmers well up with their work. Wheat and oats looking line. Edgar Glenn caught a niue-pouud blue fish recently. The new Methodist Church near Fair play, S. C., will bo dedicated the third sabbath in June next. We learn that Schaefer says he expects to scoop in two-thirds of Hart County next fall. Are the peoplo going to raise cotton and starve, or ruise grain and live ? The boys organized a debating society at Harmony Church recently, but we think it expired, as we hear no talk of it now. i tarried, by M. G. O’Barr, at his resi dence, Sunday 11th inst., Mr. John Mc- Craincy and Miss Alice Brown, all of Hart. Here’s to you and your beautiful bride, John. Cornelius Cleveland caught a live-pound blue cat fish recently. W. E. Avery killed a coach-whip snake the other day 5 feet 3 inches long. We know a young man in this section who> has lived within nine miles of Hart well for five years, anil has never visited this beautiful little village hut twice ; but lie is a constant reader of The Sun. “ How’s craps ?” “ Oh, tolerable good —especially my cotton.’’ “How’s your corn and small grain?” “ Oh, well, I ain’t bothered with any such stuff as that this year.” Starvation. Asa Madden and Lee Ayers caught up wards of three hundred lisli seining recent ly, from the size of a grub worm to a bee martin. John Glenn has a field of corn half knee high. More Anon. Why Submit to the Discomfort ami humiliation entailed by a local disease of the skin, when Glenn’s Sulphur Soap will rid you of it with certainty and de spatch? It is a remedy which never fails to relieve cutaneous disease, and, as a means of banishing defects of tho complex ion, it is equally reliable. The benefits arising from the use of Sulphur Baths, in cases of skin disease, and of rheumatism and gout, are well known, but the cost is too heavy to be incurred by many persons who would otherwise take advantage of them. Glenn’s Sulphur Soap answer# the same purpose, and is both unexpensive | and convenient. No one need stir abroad in search of a sulphur bath who lias this | admirable means of providing one in doors. It is incomparably the best deodorizer and 'disinfectant of clothing and bed linen in use, and prevents diseases of an obnoxious nature caused by contact. Sores, ulcers, bruises, scalds, cuts and sprains arc promptly remedied by it; and its cleanly, healing and soothing properties constitute it a far more desirable remedy for scorbu tic ailments than ointments of any descrip tion. since such greasy compounds soil the clothing, often aggravate, and very rarely indeed do any permanent good. Sold by Druggists. Price 23c per cake. 1 Box (3 cakes) 75c., sent Wy mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. C. N. CuiTTENTON, Prop’r, 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. Hill's llaiu and Whisker Dye, Black or Brown, 50c. 143. I.owcrsville Items. Since my last, several changes have taken place in Bowersville, and many new comers have determined to make thisplaeo their future home. Among the latest sensation was the grand excursion from this place and West Bowersville to Toccoa and the Falls. The excursion was headed by that Railroad King, Hon. Wm. F. Bowers, who, as all your readers know, never fails to make a success of anything he puts his hand to. It was enjoyed by every participant, in cluding ye local, who pronounces it splen did, Just here I will say something of the officials of the E. A. L. 11. R. Captain Cook, the polite and prepossessing conduc is every inch a gentleman and gives univer sal attention to the wants of passengers. Col. “ Lenore,” in whose hands the gov ernment of the United Statos has placed her most sacred and valuable business, lias reposed in him such confidence as she rare ly places in man. A more urbane route agent than your “ big uncle Baz Lenore” cannot he found. Uncle Jimmie Wilson, engineer and boss machinist, has no supe rior, 1 venture, in the .State. Jennings, the fireman, is every inch a gentleman. Little Johnny Jones, the baggage smasher, is a splendid boy, and says the ladies can rest assured that he will not examine their bandboxes for contraband goods on which duties are required to be paid. Bowersville is now the eating saloon on the railroad, and I am satisfied no other place will exert itself to do more than Bowersville to make their guests feel at home. M. M. Johnson has his hotel ready and waiting. W. B. Weaver is ready to w r ait on all that wish a first class meal. Mrs. Weaver, Ido not think, has a superior as a cook in the State. James Peper, our barber, is a good one, and those wishing anything in the tonsorial line will do well to give him a call. Edward Schaefer’s mammoth establish ment continues to grind out provisions, <fec., for the destitute farmers. He has done this country great good. I had the pleasure of meeting the con vict force of the Toccoa News while on the excursion. Found them perfect gentle men, running a splendid paper. May they and their popular journal find plenty of encouragement as long as they shall wave. John O’Brien. Onk Bower Items. A good stand of cotton is gencrlly re ported among our farmers. More shad have been caught in the fish eries this season than for years past. The following is one of tho serious ob jectionable features against the stock law : “ I do not like the stock law. The reason why ?—oh, p'shaw ! I do not like the stock law.” Here it is in favor of it: “ We desire to fence up our stock, All of them will then be in a flock. And all our roguish stock we will keep From intruding ou our neighbors while i they sleep. The following recipe is said to be a cer tain cure for blind staggers, the disease so j prevalent among horses at present: Take an ounce of bluestone and dissolve in a half pint of No. 0, and throw half up one nostril and half up the other in quick suc cession, and a cure is almost certain to bo J effected. D. C. A. ■ | ” Whither are you bound?” said .John Moore, as be stood in the doorway of his establishment, and saw his old Friend Sam Rogers walking slowly past. The latter, with snnkcrrcyes and pallid visage, bear ing evidences of disease, hastened to rcplj, i “I have long suffered all the horrors ana- I ing from an inactive liver, and am going to ! the office of Dr. Slow to seek relief.” “Do no such thing,” said his frind, “ when you ! can buy a bottle of Portaline, or Tabler’s Liver Regulator, for only 50 cents, and be permanently relieved. It will cure Dys pepsia, Heartburn, Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, and all disorders of a torpid liver.” For sale by E. B. Benson <fc Cos. U IIONTN. Not Col. Ingersoll’s “ aristocracy of the air,” but real human ghosts. Ghosts that were once healthy men and women, but are now simply tfio “ ghosts of what they once were.” As we meet them, and in quire the cause of all this change, they re liant the old, old story, " a cold," “neg lected cough.” “catarrh,” “overwork, ’ or “dyspepsia," “liver complaint,” and “ constipation,” with unsuccessful physi cians ami remedies. In offering his Golden Medical Discovery ami Plcusant Purgative Pellets for the euro of the above affections, Dr. Pierce does not reccomtiiend them nsu “sure cure” in all stages. For if the lungs be half wasted away, or there be a cancerous complication, no physician or medicine can cure. The Discovery is. how ever, an unequaled pectoral and blood-pu rifier. It speedily cures tho most aggra vated cough, or cold, and in its early or middle stages, consumption. By correct ing all irregularities of the stomach and liver, it readily cures blotches, pimples, scrofulous ulcers, “ bunches,” or tumors. Hundreds testify that it has restored their health alter eminent physicians had failed. For constipation, use the Pellets. Asa local remedy for catarrh, use Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. Noutliern Muical Journal. The musical contents of the May No. will be especially enjoyable to our sisters and our cousins and our aunts and all who have surrendered to tho Pinafore craze. It is a Pinafore number, and contains the following selections: “When l was a Lad,” song by the Admiral and chorus, “ A Maiden Fair to See,” aria, sung by Ralph ltackstraw, and the airs “ He is an Englishman,” “In Uttering a Reproba tion,” “My Pain and my Distress,” ar ranged for tbc Piano. Eight fair pages, (sheet music size). A fair acccmmt of the presentation of the opera by the Savannah Amateur Assosiation is also given, togeth er with a large amount of most valuable reading matter. Send ten cents for a copy of the May number. Address the publish ers, Ludden A Bates, Savannah, Ga. TUTTS PILLS! INTRODUCED, 1865. a tdWTiveb b the fruitful *ourcu of many diseases, promi nent ainont: which aro DYSPEPSIA, SICK-HEADACHE, COSTIVENESS, DYSENTERY, BIUOUS FEVER, AGUE AND rEVER, JAUNDICE, PILES, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY COM PLAINT, COLIC, ETC. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER, XjObj of Appotito and Nansoa, tho bowola are costive, b.itnometinies alternate with looceneas, Pam in tho Head, accompanied with a Dull sennatiomn the back part, I‘am iu the naht Bide and under tho ahoulder blailo, fullness after eatinK, with tt disin clination to exertion of body crimnd, Irri tability of temper, Low spirits. Loss ol memory, with a feelin* of having neglected some duty, General weariness; Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes. Yellow Skin, Headache generally over tho right ey?, Kent leß uosu at night with fitful droarus, highly colored Urine. IT THESE WARKIHO3 ARE UNHEEDED. SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. rum pills aro os,-socially adapted io such cases, a single dose effects such a change of fooling as to astonish tho sufferer. TUTT’S PILLS aro romprmided from inbKtnQcei ilint nr© free f* on tiny properties tbitt run Injure tliu uimt. drlicnU* organization. They Fwirrli, <I ©a n Me, I*mi Hy, uiml Invigorate the entlri* System. li.v 1 dieting |l© ©• KiiiSH’fl I.ivrr, Miry demise III© lilooil from i>oiMiioiiM humor*, mul Mm* impart It roll li mid \ irulity to Mi© body, cniilng the bowel* Io art nu t until >, nill.out which no one cau fj i well* A Noted Divine says: Dr. TUTT:—Dear Si : For ton yuan J hire been in.irtyr to Dj s;ipsfa, Con*Upati'n find Pile* J.**t •Siri ik your Pill* e.o ncoinoi*n<ld to me ; I fined luuiu ( but. tv Hi little Tnifli>. I urn now n Veil man, It 'Y ’K'fod appo’it\ cliKWition tierfert, regular *to*l, piJWMOn*. nnd I hnvo tffiinsri forty pouuJsoi:d fluf.L. They ary w >rth their Miufbi in (To.*l Kiev. It. 1,. .SIAli'M I V, J, miftville, K/. TUTFS PILLS, Th*ir first effect is to Increase tin* Appetite, mid mm*© the body 1o Talc© o i Plroli, time the fcVfMcui I* no m l'•lied, find I >y their Tonic Ac tion ou the l>igesllv) Organs, Regular biouJ :ire produced. DR, J, F, HAYWOOD, OF NEW YORK, SAYS:- "1 ff di hj S'** exist that ennnot be relieved bf rs florin# tho )jvr f it* function*, and for this purpose no remedy h * cicr boon mvenicd tlitt ho* a-s h.ippy an off wot a* TUTT’S I*l LI its." SOLD EVERYWHERE, PRICE 25 CENTS. CIl!* # .Murray St reef, New York. \~*r Dr.TI.'TTS MANTALof Valuable Infor mation ami I'scfuJ Receipt* *' v.iii be inai.oJ fret on application. TUTT’S HAIR DYE. ( Haiti oit Whimckhs changed to a (; lossy Black by a single application of thin Dye- It im parts Natural Color, acts lunoin'auttonaly, n:id is ;> II irrnldNN as ■ ;ring water. Hold by Druggists, or •mil by txpr**son rmeiptof sl. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. At a Cost of One Cent. Send the reqnent on a postal < anl and wo will forward post free, catalogues of first clas* piano* and organs, with lowest juice* for net cash, or if term* are desired, wo will sell at cash prices and reasonable interest for carrying one-half or two-third© of the amount until Christmas. The undersigned are the largest dealers in Georgia, and pride themmdve* on selling only tirst-cla** instrument* at price* to suit the buyer. l>o not be deceived, but buy such piano* as Chickering, Knabe or Pease, celebrated and acknowledged to be the best, and that bet of all Organs— “ The Kstey ” —at prices: S6O, |75, S9O to SIOO. PHILLIPS & CREW. Non. 8 and 10 Marietta Bt., Atlanta, Ga. A 6REAT* OFFER IN at EXTRAORDINARY I A)W nrir. a for HPLENDID OKI. ANK !;30, *4O; Q Htop* 45, 7do *.V), e do (455 A 300, II do (#OS, 12 do TO, 13 do SHO. 7 Ortave MQUAHK AND UPRIGHT PIANOH 1 2., do *l3O, 71-3 do *l4O, not HMrd HIX Morn In. Warranted 5 years. AGENiTH WANTED. Illustrated fain loguen Mailed. Munir lc. per pae. HORACE WATER* S: SONH, Maanfacturrm nnd Dealers, 40 East 14th., Htreef, Now York. W. G. ASHLEY, WUOLSftAIX AND UKTAIL liKAUUI IN WHITE PINE DOORS., SASH AND BIINDB, WINDOW GLASS. PUTTY, DOOR LOCUS, II IN HEN. BLIND 111 NO EM, *C*EWN, And all other kind* of BUILDERS' HARDWARE t the very LOWEST CASH PRICKS. No. 33 South Broad street, - - ATLANTA, GA. rWKLVE LIGHT WINDOWS AND lU.i.VV - rLxis ii.ui.xAßM, rniußoa uia*i. oi tsiuk ulixim. uoi.uso* A 1 a imud* Sice of CiliUM. Site of Window, l’rlce Wind w Silent Pair. Price of Pair. 8-l.i|i]it " ’’ i .vi.miit Bxlo 2- 4x3-10 8 80 2- 4x3-111 8 m-Light “ 10x12 2-10x4- 8 1 15 2 10x4- 71 \ .. in „ tock 10x14 2-10x5- 3 135 3-10x5- 3} t3O "educed 10x16 2-10x5x10 1 65. 2-10x5-111 140 ?Hcc# for strSE 10x18 2-10x8- 6 1 85. 2-10x6- 71 l CO u ’ * 10x20 2-10x7 ‘J 210 | 2 10x7- | While Pine Boors. 4-Panels, Moulded on Miles and Rails, O. G. Raised Panels. ONE INCH DOORS. | 1 3-10 INCH QOONV. I l 3-8 IM M MOM. Sine. Price. Sire. bin. 2- ox - 0 81 00 2- oxß- 0 8) 25 2- oxß- f. ....,.,..81 45 2- 4x6- 4 1 05 3- 4xf>- 4 1 40 2- Bxo- 8 1 80 2- oxo- 6 1 10 2- Bxo- 0 1 40 2-10*0-10 1 75. 2- Bxo- 8 I 35. 2- Bxo- 8 1 55 2-10x8- 6 1 75, 3- 0 1 45 2-10x6- 0 1 70 3- ox - 6 1 95 2- I 45 3-10x6-10 4 70 2- 0 to 3-ox7 0 1 95 3- oxo- 6 1 50 3- 0x- 0 1 85 2- 0 ti*3-ox7-6„ 2 15 3- ox - 0-_ 1 50 3- ox 7- 0 1 85 9- 0 to 3 Oxh 9 2 36 ; j-,l M. 'Hide, I I pan, I front Doom# 10x6 into ML S.[imr Had l ircular Top V| 1, fnn to 15.33. All orders promptly HI tad and afttlfkoUon pmnuitrrd. 104 JAMES M. GRAY & CO., REGULATORS OF THE LOW PRICE, CASH SYSTEM, Opened their Dry Goods Mart r*' WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 2, 1878. We iadte apecial attention to late arrivals of New and ChoiM SPRING CIOOZMS la Every Department, 700 Yard* DrMN Mood* at 5 rents. Fearful Wreck. 100 dozou Ladies' Loco Tie* At low figures. <,OOO yard* Hunting*—all color*—At 12) cent*. 75 Pieces Black Alpaca from 12| to 40, worth 40 to 75 cents. 125 dozen Towel* at 5 and cent* each. 900 Napkin* at 45 omit* per dozen. 25 Piece* Brown Table I)anu*k at 22 cent* per yard. 1,300 yards Bleaching at I cent* per yard. 1,200 yards 7-h Hfoaching at 5 cent*, worth 7. 1,100 yard* 4-4 Bleaching at GJ cent* north . Unanswerable Arguments iluat no House cun Mutch. Leaders and Specialities at Quotations that no man can offer. Stubborn Facts that will convince you on the subject of Genuine Barga ins. 5,000 paira of Ladies’ White Hose at 5 cents. 1,000 paira of Ladieg* Strip© How© at 8 cent*. 3,000 pair of Men Brown 4 Hoa© at <ll and 8 cent*. 100 dozen Knglish ) if©*© —Full ltegulai—at 22 ccuta per pair. 50 dozou Corset* at 25 cents. 100 dozen Corsets—something good—at 50 cents. 75 dozen Corsets —The Boss Corset of the State—7s cents nun SI. Pins 2 cents per paper, Hair Pin* 1 cent per papm\ Cotton T|© 1 P cr Fiuo Comb* 2 cents, llmistng L'oiiiUm 2 eeiH*. flundkcrchicf 3 cent*. 200 dozen Finished Unlaundml Shirt*, at So cents— waitiuiUhl Linen Front 100 piece* 10-4 Sheet lug at 15 cents, worth 20 eeiits. 5 Bale* Sea Island Sheeting 5 cents worth H to 10 cents. 125 pieces White Lawn at 0 cent*. 75 piece* London Cord at I 1-2 cents per yard. 15 pieces Dauiask Silk at 36 c jjU worth 75. We liny our Goods nit and we know Hal we tan Sliver Opsition, Conmelitien and Mononoly. WE CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OCE SHOE SV DEPARTMENT. We are now receiving our .Spring Stock which ba* be<*n Selected with much care, to meet the wants of this market, and which wo oiler at tiie Lowest Prices. 500 POUNDS ZEPHYRS AT 9 CENTS PEROZ. 50 pieces 42 inch Pillow Case Cotton at 10 cents worth 13 cents. 10,000 yards Merrimack, Harmony—and other brands of Prints at 4 cents. 6,500 yards of American, Pacific, Cretonne, and Chambray Prints at 5J cents. HERE IS OUR BATTLE GROUND, And from these Ramparts we invite and Defy Opposition, Competiton and Monopoly! And we call upon the people to examine Matchless Goods, and Matchless prices, sub mitted to the people, by the manager of JAS. IKL GRAY t£ CO., 148 NO. 4 GRANITE ROW, BROAD STREET, ATHENS, GEORGIA. E. W. MARSHALL. W. H. SNOWDON. E. W. MARSHALL £ CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreicn aid Domestic Dry Goods, Notions aid Clotliai, 9 & 11 Hayne Street, Charleston, S. C.