The Hartwell sun. (Hartwell, GA.) 1879-current, September 17, 1879, Image 3

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L J. 4 J. S. HOPKINS,' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BALTIMORE, m Wm. H. Dhows. TpQrp A "DT TCJTTTnA J E. Morrison. A. K. Brown. iiiO 1 JLilO rlxliU lOOU. W. 8. I’owru.. W. H. BEOWffif &. BRO. IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, 25 S. SHARP STREET, BALTIMORE. Orders bn mail have prompt attention from the Jinn personally. iw Robertson, Taylor (£ Cos. (SCCCESSOBS TO GEO. TV. WILLIAMS & CO.) COTTON FACTORS, WHOLESALE GROCERS A ND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 t .1 HAIM: STREET, CHARLESTON, S. V., Will give all business their most careful attention. Consignments solicited. THOS. in, CLARKE <£ CO., -A.tlan.ta, G-a.„ HARDWARE DEALERS & WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR Kontncky Cane Mills, Oliver ChilM Plows, MACNEALE & URBANS FIRE-PROOF SAFES, Dexter Corn Shellers and Straw Cutters, asr Orders Solicited. 105 3, F. AVERY & SONS, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Avery Farm Wagons, Courtlancl Platform Wagons, Three-Spring Wagons, One and Two-Horse Drays, Pulliam Farm Wagon, Bolster Spring. 1 1 tt: N'-"- , v{.V>s±?\ -w,*’' ’ •„? ' ■' ’- - 'T* r Avery’s Sulky and Gang Plow, Avery’s 2-Horse Cultivator, > Avery’s Improved Georgia Stock, Avery’s Plows and Points. ssr Send for Catalogue. , M B. F. AVERY & SONS. E. B. BENSON & CO., Hartwell, BENSON & CO., Bowersville, Agents for the above, and will sell at Factory prices. W. G. ASHIiE Y, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN WHITE PINE DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY K,I,OCHS, HINGES, ULIXU HINGES. SCREWS, And all other kinds of BUILDERS' HAEDIVARE at the very LOWEST CASH PRICES. No. 33 South Broad street, - - ATLANTA, GA. TWELVE LIGHT WINDOWS AND BLINDS. ri.AIX KAIL SASH, t'BIMEI) 4 GLAZED. | OUTSIDE BLIXDB, ROLLING SCATS' Windows ft j ° Blinds Size of Glass. Size of Window. Trice Wind 's Size of Pair. Price of Pair. ," " g x lo 2- 4x3-10 $ 80 2- 4x3-11J 8 95 is-Light 10x12 2-10x4- G 115 2-10x4- 7j 115 A , gin stock 10x14 2-10xo- 2 13j 2-10x.i- 3J 130 , reduced 10x16 2-10x5x14) 165 2-10*5-114 140 : fLSy 10x18 2-10x6-6 18.. I 2-10x6- 7\ 160 . ’ J 10x20 2-10x7- 2 210 f 2-10x7- 3J 180 j Lah ' u • White Pine Poors, 4-Panels, Moulded on Stiles and Kails, 0. G. Raised Panels. ONE INCH DOORS. | 1 3-16 INCH DOORS. | 1 3-8 INCH DOORS. Sixe. Price. Size. Price. Size. Price. 2- ox - 0 ... St 00 2- ox - 0 $1 25 2- 6x6- 6 81 45 2 4x6- 4 1 05 2- 4x6- 4 1 40 2- Bx - 8 1 60 2_ 6x6- 6 1 10 2- 6x6- 6 1 40 2-10x6-10 1 75 2_ Bx - 8 1 25 2- Bx - 8 1 55 2-10x6- G 1 75 2 10x6- 6 1 45 2-10x6- 6 1 70 3- ox - 6 1 95 2*10x6-10 1 45 2-10x6-10 1 70 2- 0 to 3-ox7-0 1 95 ox - 6 1 50 3- ox - 6 1 85 2- 0 to 3-ox7-G 2 15 £.i)*7- 0-.’. 1 50 3- ox - 0 1 85 9- oto 3 oxß-0 225 PTB Raised Moulded 4-panel front Doors i> 1016-1(1 to OxS Square and Circular Top Panels, 40 ss*s. AH orders promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed. 164 COTTON (JIN BEAD! FOR BUSINESS. We Gin for the 20th. f ' <n Mr** 1 !! K WH Vun't he Gm. and will'see that every customer is well treated, and has plenty 0t h E?eo * We Gin for the 20th. E. B. BENSON & CO. HEALTH ailflils PLEASURES OR DISEASE WITH ITS AdONIKS: ( HOOSi: UKTWKHN.TI!KSI. HOLLOWAY’S PILLS Nervous Disorders. What is more fearful than n breaking down of the nervous system f To Do excitable or nervous in a small degree is most distressing, for where can a remedy be found ’ Therein out*: —drill* lint little wine, beer or spirits, tip tar better, none ; take no coffee—weak tea being preferable; u*t :11 the frr*h air you can; take three or four Pills every night; rat plenty of militia, avoiding tin* urn* tit slops,- am! if tilt h * golden rules an* followed, you will In* happy in miutl and at rung in body, and forgot you have uny m n w. Mothers and Daughters. If there is tint* thing tiuirt* than another tor which thost* Pills nrt* so famous, it is their purifying prop erties. espechUlv tlu*ir power of cleuusing the blood from all impurities, ami removing dangerous and suspended secretions. Universally adopted as the om* remt'dy for female complaints, they never fail, nevt*r weaken the system, and always bring I abt n! is required. Sick Headaches and Want of Appetite. These feelings which mi sadden us. most frequent ly arise from annoyance* or trouble, from obstructed jH*rapiration, or from eating and drinking what is unlit for us, thus disordering tin* liver and stomach. These organs must be regulated if you wish to be well. The Pills, if taken according to the printed Instructions, will quickly restore a healthy action to liotli liver aud stomach, whence follow', as a | natural eoiiseuuence, a good appetite ami a clear bead. In tlie Last and West Indies scarcely any other medicine is ever used for these disorders. How to be Strong. Never let the bowels bo either routined or unduly acted upon. It may appear singular that Hollow ay s Pills should be recommended for a run upon the bowels, many persons supposing that they would in crease relaxation This is a great mistake, however: for those Pills will immediately "correct the liver and stop every kind of bowel complaint. In warm cli mates thousands of lives have been saved bv the use of this medicine, which in all cases gives tone and \ igor to the whole organic system, however deranged —health and strength following as a matter of course. The appetite, too, is wonderfully increased bv the use of these Pills, combined in the use of solid in preference to fluid diet. Animal food is better than broths and stews. By removing acrid, fernieutod, or other impure humors from the liver, stomach, or blood, the cause of dysentry, diarchies, ami other bowel complaints is expelled. The result is. that the disturbance is arrested, and the action of the bowels becomes regular. Nothing will stop the relaxation of the bowels so quickly as this line correcting medi cine. Disorders of the Kidneys. lii all diseases affecting these organs, whether they secrete too much or too little water: or whet her they be afflicted with stone or gravel, or with aches and pains settled in the loins over ♦lie regions of the kid neys, these Tills should be taken according to the printed directions, and the Ointment should be well rubbed into the small of the back at bedtime. This treatment will give almost immediate relief when all means have failed. For Stomachs out of Order. No medicine will so effectually improve the tone of the stomach as these Pills: they remove all acidity, occasioned either by intemperance or improper diet, i They reach the liver and reduce it to a healthy ac tion; they are wonderfully efficacious in cases of spasm—in fact they never fail in curing all disorders of the liver and stomach. Holloway's Vills arc the Best known remedy in the World for the following diseases : Ague, Consumption, Intiammation, Sore Throat, Asthma, Debility, Jaundice, Stone and Gravel, Dropsy, Bilious compai'ts. Liver Complaints, Secondary Dysentery, Jllotches on the Symptoms, Erysipelas, Skin, Lumbago, Tie-douloureaux, Fevers of all kinds, Piles. Tumors, Dowel complaints. Khrumatism, Ulcers, Fits, • Detention of Worms all kinds, Colics, Urine, Gout. Headache, Constipation of Scrofula or Indigestion, the Dowels. King's Evil. Weakness from any cause. CAUTION ! None are genuine, unless the signa Hire of .1. Haypock, as agent for the United States, :m>",V:..,y' 'or'TZtlSi counterfeiting the medicines or vending the same j knowing them to be spurious. % Sold at the Manufactory of Professor Hollo j wav Cos., New York, and by all respectable Drug gists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the civil ized world, in boxes at iio cents, CZ cents, and £t each. There is considerable saving in taking the larger sizes. N. IV—Directions for the guidance of patients in | every disorder are affixed to each box. 194 l OLD AND RELIABLE, i £Du. Sanford’s Liver Invioorator' Jis a Standard Family Remedy for Jdiseaaes of tlie Liver, Stomach juud Bowels.—lt is Purely —lt never || . —lt is |fji B R vi£| j H P °"" iSftttwF rPw e< >S-' 3 ;i Bill if i \ Vf*® 6! \ I V V if l k] UP |i8 mfp LiV( ' r $ t\° |j M \i I f&>" Invjgorator § p ff&jStJp* ~,s used *Hi & u * n >y practice J jggjkj f, p and by the public, <Ka\j more than 35 years,; jsfljo* with unprecedented results.; SEND FOR CIRCULAR. e"? r w cr.vjresn pj n 1 fio - -roadway,! (">' Ii Si i UnUf ill. LG, t. EVV YORK CITY •J A.YY I,lt I (a.isr Wl I.L I EI.L YCM lis lifa’ITATIO.V. ~ ii iiwiif mm IMHllt|J|}l j [|l rao? bitters!^ j [A Medicine, not a Drink,) I CONTAINS ] hops, nccur, mandrake, dandelion, Band tub PTjbkst and Rest Medical Qt;ai.itMl of all other Bitters. CXJUIE ■ AJI Diseases of the Stomach, Dowels, Blood, Liver, 8 Kidneys, and Urinary Organs, NcrvousnoM, Sleep* Hlessness and especially Female Complaints, SIOOO IN GOLD. [jwm t*. paid for a case t hey will not cure or help, or ■for anything impure or injurious found in them. B Ask y ir dr.:~gfc t f r Hop Bitters and try them Bbefore you slocp. Take no other* Bhcp Cough Cure is the sweetest, safest and beet, r Ark Children. UTho Hot* Tad for Stomach, Liver and Kidney is tape- H r lor to aB others. Cures by absorption. Ask druggist. 1 |o.L C. i tan absolute and irrefd.-diblo cure for dronk- B opnesx, uae of opium, tobacco and narcotics: 159 YELLOW FEVER BLACK VOMIT. It is too soon to foi get the of this terrible disease, which will no doubt return iti a more inalig mint and virulent form in the fall months of 1879. M lit It 11.1,‘S HMMTIU:. a Kenn*dy dis covered in Southern Nubia and used with such won dertul results in .South America where the most ag gravated cases of ft ver are tomid. causes from one to two ounces of bib* to be altered or strained from the blood :o*h time it pusses through the Liver, as lonu as an excess of bile exists. By its wonderful act mil on tin Liver and Stomach the IIKPATINK not only prevents to a certainty any kind of Fever and llhick Vomit, but also cures Headache, Consti pation of the Bowels, 1 dyspepsia and Malarial ills eases. No one need fear Yellow Fever who will expel the Ms la rial Poison :md excess of bile from the blood by using Mf.nUlll.l. S II HP ATI N F. which is sold by all lhuggis.s in vj'icenl and #IOO bottles, or will be sent by express by the Proprietors. A. I,‘ iJF.URKLL A CO., Pliilft., l‘u. Dr. Pemberton’s Stillingia or Quaen’s Delight. * The reports of woudei ful curesof Rheumatism. Scrofula, Sail Khciiin, Syphilis, Cancer, Ulcers and Sores, that fume from all parts of the country, are not only remarkable but so miraculous as to lie doubted was it not for the abundance of proof. HEM ARK ABLE CURE of SCROFULA, &• CASH OF COL. J. C. BRANSON. Kingston. G.\ . September 15, 1871. ( i it NTS : For sixteen years l have been a great suf ferer from Scrofula in its most distressing forms. I have been routined to my room and bed for fifteen years with scrofulous ulcerations. The most ap proved remedies for such eases had been used, and the most eminent physicians consulted, without an# decided lienetit. Thus prostrated, distressed, de sponding, was advised by Dr. Ayer of Floyd county, (~ to commence the use of yonr Compound Fx tract Stillin ia Language is as iusiitlicicnt to de scribe the relief I obtained from tin* use of the St-11- lingiaasit is to eonvoy an ml.opiate idea of the in tensity of n. > suMering before using your medicine; Mttiheicnl to say, I abandoned all other remedies aud eontinued the use of your Extract of Stillingia, un til 1 can sa\ truly. "1 am cured of all pain, of all disease, with nothing to obstruct the active pursuit of my profession. More than eight months liave elapsed sin • this remarkable cure, without any re turn of tile disease. For the truth of the above statement, I refer to any gentleman in Bartow County, ta.. and to the members of the bar of Cherokee Circuit, who are acquainted with me. I shall ever remain, w’lth tin* deepest gratitude. Your obedient servant, ,J. C. BRANSON, Att’y at Law . A MEiv A< JLE. AYkst Point, (.a,, Sept. 1(1. 1870. GF.XTrt; My daughter was taken on the goth day of June. IBfid, with what was supposed to be Acute Rheumatism, and was treated for the. same with no success. In March, following, pieces of hone began to work out of the right arm, and continued to ap pear till the bone from the elbow to the shoulder joint came out. .Many pieces of bone came out of the right foot and leg. The case was then pronounc ed one of White Swelling. After having been con fined about six years to her bed, and the case con sidered hopeless, 1 was induced to try Dr. Penibei ton's Compound Fxtract of Stillingia, and was so well satisfied with its eth-rts that 1 have continued the use of it until the present. My daughter was confined to her bed about six years before she sat up or even turned over without help. She now sits up all day, and sews most of her time—lias walked across tin* room. Her general health is now’good, and l believe she will, as her limbs gain srivuth, walk well. I attribute her re covery, with the blessing of God, to the use of your invaluable medicine. \V. B. BLANTON. West Point. <Ja., Sept. 1(1. 1870. Gr.N'is : The above certificate of Mr. W. B. Blan ton we know and certify as being true. The thing I is so ; hundreds of the most respected citizens certi fy to it. As much reference can be given as may be required. Yours truly, CRAWFORD Sc WAMCHIJ, Druggists. HON. 11. D. WILLIAMS. ■ hr. Pcfidieilou's Miliiugiit is pre pared bv A. L. MLItIIFLL A CO.. Philadelphia. Pa. Sold by all Druggists in SI.OO bottles, or sent by express. Agents wanted to canvass everywhere. Send for Book—“ Curious Story”—free to all. Medicines sent to poor | people, payable in install ments. use mss mm. 99 25-100 CHEMICALLY PURE. BEST IN THE WORLD. And lieltßr tlian any Saleratus. One teaspoon fill of this Soda used with sour milk equals Four teaspoonfuls of the best Baking Powder, saving Twenty Times its cost. See package for valu able information. If the teaspoonful is too large and docs not produce good results at first, use less afterwards. 131 LITTLE SPEEDY i CORN SPELLER! IT IS HIGHLY ENDORSED I!y Gen. Frank Cheat •' J. ham. Gen. I larding; Gen Hickman, Col. Overton \t%| and many others of the VAX largest farmers of Tcn , nesseo, and is the most § perfect!v made CORN Is"*''''- trmk SHELLER ever tnanuu / * factured. A boy ten V.) ‘'■ii'l'.Ma years old can shell from [(; ten to twelve bushels r ' f.VySKT an hour. It nubs either ; ■ ’ end of the car, and \ d}'!, shells seed corn perfect ly , ugs¥7* I.V- It is convenient. Z*'- cheap and durable. It takes off every grain, will shell any size corn from “ pop ” corn to the largest ear. For .riale by E. IT. BENSON & CO. a BURNHAMS ■ A.wmm, fZMgtm WARRANT EO BEST AND CHEAPEST. >■ I'rices reduc cl. / U orkN : < lirlsl iniiri. l.iinc.iHter To.. I* IGii Odin*: 2:i H. Ilonvcr SI., York, I*a Atlanta Medical College The Twenty Second Annual Cun rue of Lectured will commence October 15th, 1879, and clone March 4th. 18e0. Faculty f. G. W’eatmoreland. W. F. Went* morcland. W. A. Love. V.* if. Taliaferro, Jno. Thud. Johnson. A. \V\ Calhoun J 11. Logan, J. T. Bank*; Demount• atm*. J. W. William*. Thin well e*tablihed College afford* opportunity for thorough medical elucation. It in in affiliation with, and it* ticket* and diplo ma* recognized by, every leading medical college in the country- Requirement* for graduation hs heretofore. Send for Announcement, giving full information. .TXO THAI) JOHNSON M D. Dean. 154 AT! ATTA. Ga J. IZARD MIDDLETON. JOHN W. WILLIAMS. J. I. iiUDLETSN & GO., COMWSii MERCHANTS, NO. 7 SOUTH ST., BALTIMORE. FINDLAY, ROBERTS (ca (Successors to Ward Broth**!*, Established, ISI IMPORT ERS IIA.RDWA I ? K, CUTLERY, GUNS, &c. f i> 9, South Calvert st., Baltimore. Fit A VALUABLE INVENTION. THE WORLD RENOWNED WILSON SEWING MACHINE in workmanship is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and as elegantly finished as a first-class Piano. It received the highest awards at the Vienna and Centennial Expo sitions. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than other machines. Its capacity is unlimited. There are more WILSON MACHINES sold in the United States than the combined sales of all the others. The WILSON MENDSNC ATTACHMENT for doing all kinds of repairing, WITHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with each machine. Si WILSON SEWINC MACHINE CO. 327 & 829 Broadway, New York; New Orleans, La.; Cor. State & Madison Sts., Chicago, Bits.; and San Francisco, Cal. For Sale by all First - Class Dealers, ATHENS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS, -Ajmsirs, a-A.. GENERAL FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. Pattern Work, Smithing and Repairing. Having r iMrrr.nvs. ji.m i-ati nr.i* ntov ,\x iibas# (AMI.MA. Mill, A\ l> .I N (JliAlilNU, MI.MXU tM> .AM 1,1, M.t< IIIXKICY Also, lnamifiu’tiiro anil liuvo on Imnd haw aiii,i.m, srtaii aim.i.n. iioitsi: i-owiats Tiiitr.KiiiaiN, FAX aju.i.n. 4 OI.TS < i:i,l.lll!(TED COTTOX l iri -'M.H, •)(. For cireuUrM, jniceu, Ac., addn ns R. NICKERSON, Agent and Supt. Orders left wiUi M. B. BFXSON &’GO. will have prompt fttteiilh.n. B 1 XilE ID.ik.lSrXjSl^ COTTON QIN COMPANY, XPraAt-sTille, imk AUK M.\I.T'ACTI KING THK “ Daniel Pratt Cotton Gin,” 1 Will, Revolving IlcailK. onil all adjiistalilo Si i-.t Boanl. v, I.i. !> arollnpmv- :::oii!h jiatontnl !>v lliem in July ls7:t KHpocinl tttli'iilion is ilix i ioil to iln i, now 1-11 1 ! >!,-i .noi ( omii n*ur. Many of tlien* Gin* ai now in operation in thin Conntv, and Imvo given enlire, tiim. An ordiiiiu v plHiitatJon luiml‘-ail fi*cd these (JiiiM. mid they will turn out more lint in the s.ime time than any "IlnT oiii*. ami h\ t)>•■ 11*0 of Gin bil|iiliililo *ooil Imitnl w liit li nm In- uiijitHleil w liilu I lie Gin i* run nine, tlmyTaii lie madt) to pick tin- *ccd Hindi chenin-i- than .in;, otlnr Gin, hi very Oin xnaruntned to giv, pnrfoct Htl*factlon. .... ~ ... Tlin cxpcricnci' of evorv I’lanlcr who linn nseil I lion kliiiw I Imt the* 1 will not choke, nor can tlio roll be broken liv fwiling il allocdln-r in the eentre or nl the end* of the Cotton liov. I tillers will riUHeil to IIAMIiI. l'lt.Vl 1 GIN < I i.MI'A N \ J*i :il I ville, Ahiliiiinn, will prompt attention or K. It. IIK.X’HOW A '<>.. Atenls, ilm lwell. (Jn. ARM WITH HAMMER, BRAND. * IVES & THOMAS, 42 &44 Whitehall Street, - - Atlanta, Ga., LEADING FURNITURE BOUSE M GEORGIA! LARGEST STOCK IN THE STATE ! BRICES TEN PFR CENT. CHEAPER THAN OTHER HOUSES l XITJS3 ft THOMAS, Hi 42 A ii WMI’IEJIAIX STKF.KT, ATI.AJfTA. 160 1 EXECUTORS SALK. j By virtue of an order from t! Or-linm o Hart County, will be sold before t li* Courthouse door of *aid c.ounty on tin* tir*t 'Tuesday in Oetohei next, all the land* belonging to tin* eatate of John I Horn, deceased, joining lauds ot Miehael Johnson | John Baker, l>. I*on. and otheis. eontainiiig acre*. more or lew*, well improve*!. 75 acres in a high | *tate of cultivation. 5u acre* in ori.-inal forest, re-j niainder in old Held*. Sold for a division. Term* of Sale—one-half duo l)en*mber -5. H,'U , The other half dm; Ilticcmbcr 25, 1- and. Seven pei j cent, intereat from day of sale. Bond given for title*. Tld* Sept<*mhei Jd. Irf7!). MICJIAFL JOHNSON, Executor. L. J. GARTRELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ATLANTA, (• A I>K ACT ILLS in the United Stat. h Circuit and Diatrict Court* at Atlanta, and the Sujueine and Superior Court* of the State. IH2 TO MAKE MONEY Fleaaantly and fast, agent* ahould address FIKLKY, JTARVEY Arn Atlanta, Ga HAUT SHERIFF'S SALE. - Will lit sold before the CourthoiiHe door iu Hartwell. Hart eountv, Georgia, on the first Tue*- day in October next-, during the legal hour* of sale,, the following property, to wit: lour bundl' and aep-H of laud, more or le#a, lying and being in the c<muty of Hart, known a* theplac* w hereiuiOha Brown livid at the time of hi* duath ; also an idand in the Savannah Uivcr containing one hundred aen n. more or lean. All levied on. as the prop* its •!' ()l:n Brown to Hiiti.-ty a ti fa. ft*om Bamko Superior ( ourt returnable u April Term, 1868, in favor of H. 11. Border* v*. M Ivste*. nrtncipal; Oha Urowti and M. Sanders, security. All levied on by W. A. Howard. Sheri If, the itith day of January, 1872. to aatiafy the* ala*ve *tated ti. fa., tliio Septem ber Ist. 1879. Notea having been erved on partiei* iu po.saeasion. * *L K- v, ' * Sheriff. (1 EORGIA—HALT cof'N IT. M Whejva*. W. J W. Skelton and Elia* Vick ♦ IV. Exocuitor* of Noel Skelton, deceaatal, applie* to no-for h ave to sell all the real rotate ot *aid de ccaacd for ditrihnt**n among the legatee* of *aid iji-ri-HHi-il: tliom 'c IhiTflitre to notify (ind cl to all imM'hoiih I'kncHini'il to limv rnuHi'at my ofliev on op 11,0 drat Monday October m xt why auid leave aliould not lie ([ranted. Given under njy hand at, omve. this aeptember Id, 1F79. F. r STEPHEN SON. OnliMry.