The Hartwell sun. (Hartwell, GA.) 1879-current, October 22, 1879, Image 4

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A Cure for Hlauder. Tbo following homolv, but instruc tive lesson is by St. Philip Neri: A lady presented herself to him one day, •accusing herself of being given to slan tier. “Do you frequently fall into this fault?” inquired the saint. “ Yes fa ther, very often,” replied the penitent. •• My dear child,” said the saint, “ your fault is great, but mercy is still greater. For your penance, do as follows: Go to the nearest market, purchase a chick en just killed and well covered with feathers; you will then walk a certain distance, plucking the bird as you go •along; your walk finished, you will re turn to mo.” Great was the astonishment of thela *dy on receiving so strange a penance; but, silencing all human reasoning, she repliod: “I will obey, father; ! will •obey.” Accordingly, she repaired to the market, bought the fowl, and set out on her journey, plucking it as she wcut along, as sho had been ordered. In a short time she returned anxious to tell of her exactness in accomplishing her penance, and desirous to receive an ‘explanation of one so singular. “Ah !" said the saint “ you have been faithful •to the first part of my orders ; now do ’the second part and you will be cured. Retrace your steps, pass through all the places you have already traversed, and gather up, one by one, all the leathers you have scattered.” “ But, father,” ex claimed the poor woman, “ that is impos sible, I cast the feathers carelessly on every side; the wind carried them in every direction. How can I now recov er them?” ‘‘Well, my child,” replied 1 the saint, “so it is with your words of slander. Like the leathers, which the wind has scattered, they have been wafted in many directions; call them back if you can. Go,and sin no more.” History does not tell if the lady was converted, but it is probable. It required a saint to give the lesson ; one would be a fool not to profit by it. Diamond Cut Diamoud. One of those sharp and sarcastic lawyers, who take unspeakable pride in twisting a witness into a labyrinth "of difllculties, had occasion to cross examine a gentleman of some little prominence. Tho sharp lawyer managed, after skillful manurvering, so as to confuse the witness that tho only answer he -could obtain to his question was, “ I don’t recollect.” When tho law3 r er had this answer re i turned to him a score or so of times, his patience gave out. “ Tell, me, Mr. ,” lie exclaimed, “do you remember anything ?” “ I do,” was the response. “ Can you carry your memory back for twenty years, and tell ino a single incident that- happened then ?” “ Yes, I think I can,” returned the witness, who had regainod some com -1 posure. “Ah 1” exclaimed the lawyer, glee fully rubbing his hands in orthodox le gal fashion, “ now, that is consoling. Come, now, sir; what is this instance which you remember so well ?” “ Well, sir, I remember that twenty years ago, when you were to be admit ted to the bar, your father came to me to borrow thirty dollars, to buy you a suit, that you might make a respectable appearance ; and I have a distinct re collection that your father never paid that thirty dollars back to me.” Confusion changed hands at this point in the proceedings, and the law yer dismissed the witness without any . more ado. VAMlew Era for the Cotton Industry. fTho Louisville Courier-Journal ex - pands over anew era about to open {o the cotton growing iutcrest through two late inventions—one for picking, the other for ginning and spinning cotton — .as it is brought in from the field. These will dispense with living pickers and ginuers, and balers, and with Imgging and ties. The thread they produce— from a long fibre unimpaired by the sharp teeth of the gin saw, undried by sun exposure, nnmacerated by pressing and compressing, nud saturated with • the vegetable oil from the seed —wc are . assured will be incomparably smaller . nud stronger than factory yarn, either English or American, mut must super cede the latter. The increased facilities for gathering the crop furnished by the •mechanical cotton-picker removes the grand obstacle to an indefinite increase. With the mechanical appliances, which the Courier-Journal is confident have Been secured, “the Northern States,” it says, “ should they desire, may re move the great bulk of the negro popu lation without serious prejudice to an in • definite expansion of the cotton indus itry ; aud cotton shipped in the form of thread will have double the market val .ue of the raw lint” TO CONTRACTORS. SKAL.KD proposal* for guttering tho Jail in Hart Wl*ll, Hart County, Ga., will bo received by the nndoraigm and until 12 o'clock M., Saturday, Novtun Usr let, 1879. Each bid to be eadoraod " Bid for Guttering Jail 4n Hart County, Ga., with the uamo of bidder. •The materialh iu be tin, uch a* are commonly um‘d /or guttering bourn**. Tin uaed U bo 10x14 in one round gutter at each •corner of Jail, with a neat head to oat h one with •date 1879. The bidder to fui nUb all materlala and complete /he work In a Meat, eubauiulial and workmanlike wnanner. Xhe Jail i* 32 feet long and about 20 foot high. *T'beUndk>wiiy caatwoa tno light to itaieive or rt'jcct nil bid*. The work to be loiopleu and by the l*t of JVsoembor. 1879, Plan and Mori 11 rat ion a ore to be oecn at the Ordi fiari ’s ofik'cMß fLarXwtdJ, Ga. Tbe money iv© be jot id when the work i* completed and receivett. IL'bi* October let, 1879. F. C. STEP HEN SON J 64 Ordinary Hart County, Ga Fresh Parched Ground Peas, at Jim Webb'B. SB TATK OF GKOROIA—HART COUNTY, Court of Ordinary for County purpose*. Kp trio her Itlli. 1*79. Ordered by the Court, thet Jennie L. Johnnon, Tox f'ollertorln nnd for Hurt County, <•., for I lie veer 1H79, bed ho l hereby euthorired end minired to collect 144 per oent- on the general State lax for IH7II lor County purponea i and 14J per rent, for Jury fund ; and 141 per cent, for Indigent poor fund, it being 15 oent* on the hundred dollar's worth of tumble property for the year 1579. A true extract from the iuumt<- this .September 4th 1079. 164 F. C. BTKPHKNBON. Ordinary. EXBCUTOM' HACK. Will be wild before the eourtbotißO door In the town of Hartwell in Hart eounty, during the legal hour* of nale, on the flint Ttieaday In Novembor next, the following trai l of lend lying and being in aaid lielng the tract of land whereon Judge Mieajoh Carter, deeeaned, lived at the time of hia death. Said land ia hooudad on the emit by the Ha vaanali River, on the north liy M. Job neon, and on tlm aouth by litnda belonging to Catherine Park* and other*, and on the weat by lamia lielongiiig to A. Sander* ami others; aaid tract of land rontaiu* one tliounanil acre*, more or lea*. There ia on aaid tract of land one hundred acrea of good river taittom laud. Said tract of land baa on If good ordinary improve menta. and i* in a high a late of cultivation. Term* of aale: twenty-live hundred dollara rath, the ro maiuiler on twelve inontha' credit with note and *e curlty at ten per cent, internet from date of note. Any perooa tlial wlahea a good home, will do well to go and liaik at said tract of land for hinmelf. Said tract of laud i* wild aa the property of Mluyah Car ter. doeeaaed, for the purpose of paying the dehla of wild eatulc, and for diatrihution anong the heira. Any peraon wialiing to liny can apply to the Kxecu tora of aaiil catatn, a* tiiey are empowered by Uie will to aell aaiil land privately. Sept 16th, 1H79. JAR M.CAKTKR, J. H. BKEI.TON, I Executor*. MARKTHESE FACTS! The TESTIMONY of the WHOLE WORLD. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Bad Legs. Bad Breasts, Sores and Ulcers. A Li. rleHcription of gores are remedial b.v tb<' proper ami diligent u*e of tlilm prtUKralinp. X# attempt to niw bad leg* by 1 watering tlir edges of tlm mound together la a folly , for ahatild the akin unite, a l*>ggy diseased condition remains under math to break out with tenfold fury in a few daya. The only rational and Miiceefwftil treatment, aa indi rated by nature, Uto rt-dttoe the In(1 animation in and alumt tfi® wound and to Huoti* the neighboring part* by rubbing in plenty of tho Ointment, m salt m fbro e<i Into moat. This will cause the malignant humors to bo draiuod oft’ from the hard, swollen, and discol ored part* round about the wound, sore, or ulcer, and w hen then* humors aro removed, tbo wounds 1 honiM lvoa will soon heal; warm broad and water (poultice* applied over the affected part*, after the (Hutment haa Ix-en wrll rubbod In, wfll Mootho and ■SfIM tin mum- and areally aaairtt tho cure. There is a description of ulcer, aoro and swellim?, which need not be named here, attendant upon the IWliei of youth, aud for which this Ointment in urgently rncbmuiondod aa a sovereign remedy. In curing such poisonous sores it never falla to restore the sys tom to a healthy state if the Ptlta be taken according to the prinlod in sanctions. Diphtheria, Ulcerated Sore Throat Scar let and other Fevers. Any of the above diseases may he din'd by well nibbing the Ointment three times a day into the client, throat, and neck of the patient ; ft. will main penetrate and give immediate relief. Medicine taken !>y the mouth uuiHt onerate upou tbo whole system ere it* tnflueuoc can o fait In apy leeal part, lien ws the Ointment will do Its work at obok Whoever trim the unsneiit in the shove manner for the dis eases named, or any similar disorders affecting the cheat and throat, will iirv! themselves relieved as by a ehnrm. All miffereri from them' complaint* should envelop the threat at bedtime iu a large bread and water poultice, atter the Ointment lias been well rubbed in ; it will greatly assist the onre of the throat and cheat. To allay the fever and lessen the inflammation, eight or ten Pills should be taken night and morning. The Ointment w ill produo© per sp l ration, tli* grand essctifiu} in nil ©niea ot'it wr* sore throatrt, or w here there might be an oppression of tho chest, either ftittn asthma Or Mbit causes. Piles, Fistulas, Strictures. The nlove class of complaints will be removed by nightly fomenting the parts with warm water, and then by most effectually rubbing in the Ointment. Persons suffering trom these direfill com plaints should lose not a moment in arresting their progress, li should lw understood that it is not atiTTicient mote ly to smear the Ointment ou the ath'ctod parts, hut it must bo well rubbed in for a considerable time two or three times a day, that it may be takeu into the system, whence it will remove any bidden sura or wpiijidas ©fleet daji.v as though patjwhio |r> the wye. I her*' again bread and water after tluirub hing in of the Ointment, w ill do grelit wesidoo. This is the only sure treatment for females, cases of Tan oer in the stomach, or where there may be a general Waring down. Sores and Ulcers. Blotches, hh aluo swellings, cs in, with certainty, radically cured if the Ointment Ikj used freely, and Pills taken night ami morning, an recoin mom led In the printed instructions. When treated in any other way they only dry up ip out' plane to break out in another; wnereaa ttjplOintment-wilt remove the humor from the system, arid leave the JVftflcm a vig orous ami hoaltliy being. It will require timo with the n*o of tho to (usiuo a lasting cure. Dropsical wellines, Paralysis and Stiff Joints. Although the above complaint* differ widely In their origin and nature, yet they all require local treatment. Many of tho* worst ease* of such dis eases w ill yield iu a comparatively abort space of tirAe when thin Ointment in diligently rubbed into the part a affected, even after every other means have failed. In all aerioua maladies the Pills aliould bo taken aoooiding to tho printed directions accom panying each box. ' f, - lioth the Ointment and I'ills should be used in the following cases : Bad Legs, Chapped I lands, Glandular Swell Bad breasts, Coma (Soft), hijja, Horns, CainriN, Lumbago, Bunion*, Contracted and Pilu*, Bite of Mosqui- Stiff Joints, RhemnatUm, toes And Sand- Blephantiaaia, Scalds, Filed, Fistulas, Sore Nipple*, Chilblains, Gout, ijorp Throats, Skin Disease*, Scurvy, Son* ft ends, rumors, V leers, Wound*, C’AI ! TION ! None are genuine unless tho sijrna* ure of J. HaydoCk, aa agent for the United Stated, surrounds each box of Pilla and Ointment. A hand some reward will bo given to any party or parties counterfeiting tin* medicines or vending the sumo knowing them to be spurious. % Sold at the Manufactory of Profeasor Hollo way A Cos., New York, anti fry all respectable Drug, gist* and Dealers in Medicine throughout tho civil. Ued w orld, in pot* at 25 couta, f>2 cents, and #1 each . nr There is conshleruble saving in taking tho larger sizes. N. B —Dilectionm for the gnidanco of patients in every disorder arc affixed to each pot. rThe Pmitst and Brat Medicine frer mad]N tlve iux>pertirs of all other Bitters inakw* the gnat- LM ReiruUr, aud Lite una Health A^entonMrtk Wo dlwiwe or 111 health can iHvwtbly loner evict whom Hop Bitters arc used, so varied and |Hwfec are their operation*. Thrj piir p lire and viper to the apM nj •- To all who** emplojrtncnts cause Irretrularltv of the howls or urinary oreans, or who rcvjnltv an Appctter,Tonlii.and nnld Stimulant,Hop Hitters are invaluable w Ithsut Interlentlap, vour feeliiurs or symptom, are. wh.t tUo diseasc or aihuent Ts, use Hop Hitters- Don t wilt until you are siek, but If yon onlv feel bad or miserable, use tho Hittmat once. It may sure your life. It has sßretUm • lred*. , 7 SMOwlUlwpaltl foraes v wiU sot cure or m*l|\ Do not duffer nijt* let j >ur 1 riondibuxAmc but usn and arpe them to use Hop Bittars. lirmrmber. lion Bit tsrs Is uo rile, drumrrd. drunk en nostrum, but the Purest and Best MMicfne ever mnde, the Friend and Hope,” and no person or family should be without them. Ciet seme this day. Qum Hop Coooh Com* ta the sweetest safest and best. Ask Children nie nor Psß for Btomneh. Urer sod Kidney Is rise to allot he ra Cunw by absorption. Ask druinrist. IX L C Is an ahsolnfeand Irresistible cure for drunk eanesa, urn of opium, tobarvo and uareotius! kSoldbydmwfcb. lkpß Mt e Jp JOHN P. SHANNON, A TTORNET-A T-LA IT, HLBERTON, GEORGIA, PnotioM it the CountieK of Elbert. Hart, Madison and Franklin, and iu tlio Supreme Cour t elaewhew when employed. 81 ('I F.ORGIA—HAKT COUNTY. JT Thomas U. Sanders has applied for exemption of personalty, and I will past upon the same at I*4 M. on the 29th dav of October, 1879, at rnv office. This October ‘2d, 1879. F. C. STETHENSON, Ordinary. J. B. E. SLOAN. JAS. M. SEIGNIOUS. SLOAN k SEIGNIOUS, Cm Ft! iis ill Ciinl Ciiissli Hus, BRO WN’S WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. Liberal advances made on Cotton. Consignments solicited. 194 L H. k J. S. HOPKINS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BALTIMORE, MD. JVWSE*- ESTABLISHED 1850. IK W. H. BROWN <£ BRO. IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, 25 S. SHARP STREET, BALTIMORE. Orders by mail have prompt attention from the firm personally . 165 _ THOS. IKE. CLARKE & GO., O-a... HARDWARE DEALERS * WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR Mtncky Cane li, Oliver CbiM Plows, MACNEALE & URBANS FIRE-PROOF SAFES, Dexter Corn Shelters and Straw Cutters. teir Orders Solicited. 165 B. F. AVERY & SONS, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Avery Farm Wagons, Courtland Platform Wagons, Three-Spring Wagons, One and Two-Horse Drays, Pulliam Farm Wagon, Bolster Spring, Avery’s Sulky and Gang Plow, Avery’s 2-Horse Cultivator, ****> Avery’s Improved Georgia Stock, Avery’s Plows and Points. Send for Catalogue. . B. F. AVERY & SONS. E. B. BENSON & CO., Hartwell. BENSON dt CO.. Bowersville, Agents for the above, and will sell at Factory prices. W. Cr. ASHLEY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN. WHITE PINE DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY IMMUtjI.OiKS, lIIXUE*. It 1.1 S' It HI\.IN. ftCREWS, Anil all other kinds of BUILDERS’ HARDWARE at tho very LOWEST CASH PRICES. No. 33 South Broad street, - - ATLANTA, GA. TWELVE LIG HT WINDOWS AND BLINDS. VI.AIN RAII.BABII, PKIMKD a GLAXBII. OUTSIDE BUNDS, KOLUNG SEATS 4-I.iglit Windows 4 Blind* Sir.e of Glims. Siae of Window. Price Wind’w SizeofTair. Price of Pair. 8-Light “ “ 15-Light “ “ Bxlo 2- 4x3-10 $ 80 2- Ix 3-111 $ 93 18-Light 11 10x12 2-10x4- 6 1 15 2-10x4- 71 115 .. , . 10x14 2-10x5- 2 1 35 2-10x5- 3.1 1 30 Always in stock 10x16 2 10x5x10 165 2-10x5-111 140 ' at . I,k * rc ” nc ® d lOxlS 2-10x0-6 185 2-10x6- 74 160 j prices, for strictly 10x30 2-10x7- 2 210 [ 2-10x7- 3J 180 ; cash - M Idle Pine Doors, 4-Panels, Moulded on Stiles and Ralls, 0. (. Raised Panels. ONE INCH DOORS. | 1 3-16 INCH DOORS. | 1 3-8 INCH DOORS. hire. Price. Si*e. Fries. Si**. Price. 2- ox - 0 61 00 2- ox - 0 $1 25 2- 6x6- 6 $1 45 2- 4x6- 4 1 05 2- 4x6- 4 1 40 2- Bxfr- 8..... 1 60 2- 6x6- 6 - 1 10 2- ox - 6 1 40 2-10x6-10 1 75 2- Bx - 8 1 23 2 Bx - 8 1 55 2-10x6- 6 1 75 2-10x6- 6 1 45 2-10x6- 6 1 70 3- ox - 6 1 95 2-10x6-10 1 45 2-10x6-10 1 70 2- 0 to 3-Ox7-0... 1 95 a _ ox - 6 1 50 3- ox - 6 1 83 2- 0 to 3-ox7-6 2 15 3_ ox - 0- 1 50 3- ox - 0- 1 85 9- 0 to 8-ox B-0 2 25 OF* Raised Mon Wed 4-jatnel front Poor* 1 Hlxfi-1# to sxß. Square and Circular Top Panels, .from 13.50 to $5.35. All orders promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed, 164 COTTON m READY FOR BUSINESS. We Gin for the 20th, WE have just received our 50 saw Cotton Gin from the factory at Prattrtlle, Ala., and are prepared to do first-das* ginninf. Give ns s trial on one bale, and we are sure you will la* pleased. When cotton ts ginned at our gin, uis not carried off sticking to the seeds. We clean the seed*. Those patronising us may depend upon getting a good sample as to lint, and turnout in weight, llsgiing and Tie* ai our Store AS LOW AS TUB LOWEST. Mr. E. R. WHITE will run the Gin, and will sec that every customer is well treated, and has pleDty of help id loading and unloading. Every fellow gets his own Seed at onr Gin. Promptness and dispatch is our motto. We Gin for the 20th. E, B. BENSON & CO. . . i- . • T ■ -t. •###*#•#*#*****•••••■.'’'■ BENSONS SHS POROUS CAPCINE iMElij PLASTER eoooooeeeoooo * ••*• *• | The only improvement ever made on the common POROUS PLASTER. It contain* greater and more pow erful PAIN-RELIEVING, STRENGTHENING AND CURATIVE PROPERTIES tlnm the common i-ormm M,l*ter, and 1* far .uperior <> liuiinflnta and U>o o o*lled electrieol applicant. I’ititr.s a.% i:\tw. J. IZARD MIDDLETON. JOIIN w - WILLIAMS. J. I. MIDOLETON & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 7 SOUTH ST.. BALTIMORE. Wf yp A VALUABLE INVENim & THE WORLD RENOWNED WILSON SEWING MACHINE In workmanship is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and as elegantly finished as a first-class Piano. It received the highest awards at the Vienna and Centennial Expo sitions. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than other machines* Its capacity is unlimited. There are more WILSON MACHINES sold in the United States than the combined sales of all the others. The WILSON MENOINC ATTACHMENT for doing all kinds of repairing, WITHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with each machine. JSSK.I WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. 827 A 829 Broadway, New York; New Orleans, La.J Cor. State & Madison Sts., Chicago, Ills.; and San Francisco, Cal, - For Sale by all First-Class Healers. IVES & THOMAS, 42 &44 Whitehall Street, - - Atlanta, Ga., LEADING FURNITURE HDUSE IN GEORGIA! LARGEST STOCK IN THE STATE ! PRICES TEN PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN OTHER HOUSES I SITES & THOMAS, 141 42 A 41 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA. 1M S^F^* SRPAKncUL * R9 NCMBEFtou SHVI ADDRESS ! W' White Sewing Machine Co.~ Cleveland, oHio. ; OLD AND RELIABLE, ? JfDit. Sanpobd’s Liver limacmATeiiS £is it Standard Family R-mody tor of the Liver, Stomach ♦and Bowels.—lt is Purely 'ii {Vegetable, — It never fa ii —lt is M* |catharticand •a£jg?d % SmlPsW-f J ill te&mlft k 'j *'* hivigorutoiv been use:;; ?*{li ■;s in im.V practice^ ‘ B kVm h Ey tlio public,} <1 If v* lor niore than 35 years, b with tniju-ecodvr.tod results^ SEND FOR CIFJCULARa |S. TANARUS, W. SANFORD, M. 0., 5 SXTDttIcniSTUII.I.TEI LVOV ITS BKI'I TiTrcv. * tWMWMVWmvtVWV'" . - .* Hart sheriffs sale. Will Ih‘ sold before tho Courthouse door in Hartwell, Hart county, Georgia, on tbe first Tues day in November next, during the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: All that lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being in tbe Comity of Hart, State of Georgia, town of Hartwell, on the north side of Franklin street, bounded on the south by Franklin street, on the west by lot on which W. I. Reid now lives, on the north fry vacant lot of Satterfield & llollaud, and on the east by street leading from W. 11. Satterfield * dwelling across Franklin street to Dr. W. li. I'ageV log house, containing one-half nore. more or lose, and having thereon one good wood shop. Levied upon as the property of J. 11. Skelton, by virtue of a ti. fa. issued from Justice's Court or the 1118th Dis trict G, M. of Hart County, in favor of The Board of Commissioners of the Tow n of Hartwell vs. J. H. Skelton. Property pointed out by defendant. Levy made and returned to mo by J. S. Johnson, L. C., and writteu notice served personally on de fondant and M. I). C. Temples, the tenant in pos session. This September 29th, 1879. J. R. MYERS, Sheriff. Q BURNHAM’S WARRANTED BEST AND CHEAPEST. Prices reduced. Pamphlet free, MILLING SUPPLIES. llork,: 4 tariutiaua. Lsncktler Pn ltiC Office: as S, Beaver Hi., Yorß.Pa JIiUtNIXO \IMS NERIAIA A NEWBTORY By a Lady of Savannah, SaVaiiiiali Weekly News I . Of OCXOBEK 4ili will contain tlio lirnt chapters of a’fetory of thrilling intciest, entitled Anabel’s Secret. BY MBS; J. O. BRANCH. AVe desire not to anticipate the pleasure which tho readers of the Weekly News will derive from tho perusal of this charming story, aud therefore will not s]n i*k of It here further than to say that in tho nuuiageinent of an original and intensely interesting I dot, not less thnu in her powers at desciiptio®, her lifelike delineations of character, and tho pur# m<>ml t.>neof her reflections, tho accomplished au thor £n r |ta assurance that she inherits the genius of her gifted mother. Mrs. Caroline Leo Uentz, wlioso works of fiction huvo been so universally admired and still rank among the most popular Ajnerican hooks of their class * Anabel’s Secret ”is develop ed iu California, of which State the author was at on® time a resident, aud her vivid descriptions of some of the most wonderful scenery of that pic turesque region are among the striking features of thes Lory. The new serial will run through somo eight or ten number.i of tho ’Weekly. Subscribers who desire to have the complete should send iu their sub scriptions at-once. S*fr|ript*fe£d a year, $1 for six months. Money can be sent by Money Order, -Registered Letter or Express, at uni- risk! J. 11. EKTILIj, Savannah, Ga. LITTLE SPEEDY . CORN SHELIER! IT IS HIGHLY ENDORSED By Gen. Frank Cheat- L bam, (Jen. Harding Gen \ Hickman, Col. Overton VtHl and man y others of the largest farmers of Ten- Mi nessee, and is the most perfectly made CORN \ mra SHELLER ever manuu \\ rdffjga. faetured. A boy ten - years old can shell from ten to twelve bushels f] an hour. It nubs either / end of the ear, and St MCWI sh.ellssecdcornperfect vA ly- It is convenient, '*AxMS!O cheap and durable. It takes off every grain, will shell any sisc corn from “ pop ” corn to the largest ear. For Sale by E. B. BENSON A CO. TjT 1 ITflipn A LIMITED NUMBER OF II Mii I Hj | Relive, energetic cnvaers t° llli 1 JjJLlt engage in a pleasant ami proflta. hie business. Good men will find this a rare chance to make money. Such will pleas© answor this advei-tlpcmcnt by letter, enclosing stamp for reply, : stating whut business they have been engaged in, i None but those who mean business need apply. Address, FINLEV, HARVEY A CO., ! 164 Atlanta, Ga. TAX NOTICET” I WILL be at the following precincts at the timo specified, fbr the purpose of collecting S,tate and County taxes for 1879 : Hartwell, 1112th, Tuesday, October 7th. Alford’s, 1119th, Wednesday, October Bth. Heed Creek, 1115th, Thursday, October 9th. Shoal Creek, 1117th, Fridav, October 10th. Halks, lllCth, Saturday, October 11th. Bay*B, 1113th. Monday. October 13th. MeCnrryV 1118th. Tuesday. October 14tli. Smith’s, 1114th, Wednesday, October 15th. Come forward promptly and pay your taxes. J. L. JOHNSON, TANARUS, C. U. C.